HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-11-26, Page 1R'he ' Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 'NO. 6120 -63rd YEAR With Which _ is Incorporated TheClinton New Era ecorThe New Era Est. 1867' CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 19E12 Gifts Choose Glis Here PENAND. PENCIL SETS ,•-, WRIST WATCHES -Many sty- wants a Waterman' les by popular reliable' menu- Even Santa factures. RINGS, BRACELETS, LOCKETS, NECKLETS, BROOCHES WFteHAVE A WIDE VARIETY IN ALL JEWELLERY CUPS AND SAUCERS, TEA- POTS, •LUNCH SETS, SER- VICE PLATES - All are fine English goods. HOLLOW -WARE Our stock of Rogers silverware gives you the opportunity for a splendid choice.• H. HELLYA,R CHB1STMASfi1FT SUPREME Wool Filled Satin Comforters Two-tone Reversible, and Edged with Contrasting 'Silk Cord. A Number of Shades from which to make a choice. And Priced so Reasonably at only $7.50. Umbrellas and Hand Bags Our -Christmas ,Sleek is here and Selling Rapidly. To Avoid disappointment, buy Early. R. .4 IRWIN RED CROSS NOTES Canada's first Victoria Cross Winn - err in this war, Lt. Col. Merritt, taken prisoner at Dieppe, al a recent com- munication to his wife, stressed the need for parcels of food and clothing and advised her to get in touch with the Red Gross for particulars, A steady stream of letters of apprecia- tion for prisoners of war parcels con- tinues to pour into Red Cross Head- quarters and Branches, manyo f them from parents and other relatives of the prisoners of war. "We mothers of soldiers who are prisoners appre- ciate, 'and are told in every letter from our sons, how much they appreciate the work the Canadian Red Cross does for them," writes Mrs. C. C. Harrow of New Zealand. "I never appreciated the Red Cross until.I was captured and now I realize they can't be too highly praised", wrote Corporal John Elliott to his mother Mrs. M. Elliott, Huron St., Toronto: ' Sgt. Pilot Nugent of Lindsay,` whose plane took fire and exploded over Germany has asked his mother to give $2.06 of his moneyeach month to the Red Cross because he says it is their main joy and it, is 'not too' much when you know how much work the Red Cross is doing. Another prison- er writes, "We over here think the Red Cross is doing well, better than a good many people know. We over over here, think they are pretty mar- vellous; not forgetting of course, the people who suliscltillle to the Red Cross." • Donations, St, Joseph's Church $25.00 Pupils of Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and S of Clinton Public Sehool, through sale of Christmas Cards, $20.00. THE'IHOME PAPER Mailing List =Uolrected The News-Recor+iis ' mailing lists were corrected upas Saturday, Nov- ember 21st,, Shoul;iyiany .subscriber's date '.be overlooked .i`ithey are asked to'eomrnunicate ate' ce. with this of- fice. r Christmas Gifts Our Stock of Watches, Jewellery and other Gift Lines is Most Complete. In Fact We Believe it is the Best We have Ever Had. We urge you to shop now so 'that we will be able to give you the best service possible There are dozens, of lovely new watches to choose from in most of the leading makes Also see our fine selection of rings -Signets, Birth. stones, Emblems, Cameos, Onyx, Pearl & Diamonds? New Metal Compacts in GreatVariety from $1.00 up. We have the new perfected Wooden Compacts as well from $1.00 to $3,25 The Comptone Plastique ue in several gem -like colors at $4.50 Each jewellery including J new costume j Large stock of beads in all colors and lengths, pins and brooches, etc Silver trays, casseroles, tea services, cream and sugars as well as all the newest patterns in Rogers and Community Flatware. Complete in Tarnish Proof Chests Inspect our grand new stock of Lockets, Dresser Sets, p Crystal,Book Ends, Carving Sets Etc. Everthin for the men in uniform from Identity Y g Bracelets, and Ronson Lighters to Razor Blades. Every Article in attractive Gift Box W. N. COUNTER Counters for Finer: Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County Request Chang ;s in 8u' i smeller 'iv cats n Wat perm attt�i cPhi� ativ°e, .� Persons t tlrn; t alio t s h a. orem xpani the noert Supp be the Board. ' ness Status Villages and towns are numbered' among 200 localities, in Western Ontario,Whose merchants have; made apply to' the Region- al office of the Yme Prices and Trade Board for ission to change their business st '' W. Harald M lips, prices and supply represent said the great- est number of applications had some from those desiringchange in busi- ness location. P negotiating for new business a time the order went into effect account for a making a li= e' e number o largo b . f g PP cation. Applications f inencement, ac- quisition or a on of business may be made atregional office. Information co ing the details which must besupplied with the ap- plication may Obtained at ' each local office of Wartime Prices and Trade Boar V LITTLE LOCALS Don't forget the salvage collection. on Saturday beginning at 9 a.m. •Thetax collector/ Mr.-Noiman:Ken- nedi' .is• in 'the" wit clerk's office every day for the purpose of collec- ting taxes. On Monday, Sandra McKnight cele- brated her fifth birthday. 'She enter- tained some of her girl friends, and along with them she was pleased to have her father Lieutenant J. L. Mc- Knight, recently returned from over- seas,` V New Train Service on Week Ends News of an accelerated week end train service between Goderieh and London, made ;by the Canadian Na- tional Railways, was especially good news to the general public, and par- ticularly to thousands of airmen sta- tioned at Huron County air stations. The new 50 mile limit for buses snarled traffic up so much this past week end that some airmen did not reach their destinations uhtil early Monday morning. Many were •op the highway between Stratford and Gode- rich, London and Clinton, hitch -hik- ing and walking. Many reached their stations cold and hungry, hours over- due. The New Week End Train Schedule Saturdays Only: Leaves London at 8.15 a.m. arrives in Clinton at 10.45 a.m.; leaves at 10,50 a.m, for Gode- rich and arrives there at 11.15 a.m. Saturdays Only:. Leaves Goderieh at 1.00 p.m. for'. Clinton arrives here at 1.25 p.m. leaves for London at 1.30 p.m. and arrives there at 4 p.m. This train to London makes connections at 5.40 p.m. for Chatham, Wind- sor, and Detroit; and at 4.20 p. m. makes connections for Woodstock, Brantford, Hamilton, Tor• onto and points . beyond. and at 6.00 p.m. makes connections for Strathroy and Sarnia. Sundays Only except Dec. 27 and Jan. 3; Passengers arriving in Lon- don at 9.14 p.m.' from Toronto, Ham' ilton, Brantford and Woodstock, leave at 9.40 p. m. for Clinton, .arriving here at 11.5'0 p.m., leaves Clinton at 11.55 p.m. and arrives in Goderieh at 12.20 a.m. Passengers ar- riving in London at 6.20 p.m. from Sarnia and Strathroy can make- con- nections with' the 9.40 train; also -pas - sen pas- sengers arrivingi London at. 7:20 g n p.m. from Detroit, Windsor and Chat- ham. • • Sundays Only except Dec. 27 and. Jan. 3: leaves Toronto at 10.30 p.m. arrives in Clinton at 2.30 a.m.-and ar- i' vet in Goderieh at 2.50 a,in. Engagement Announced Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Johnston; of Auburn wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary Mar- jorie, to Mr. Raymond Norman Per- due of London, formerly of'Gode rich township, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Perdue. AMONG TFIE :CHURCHES Presbyterian Church The W.A. will m `et on Wednesday December 2nd, at three o'clock in the church. A picnic lunch will be served. St, Paul's Churcj of England Thursday, Tonight' 7.30 -Service of Intercession, Sunday 11.00 a.m. Matnii, Guest speaker, Rev. A. H. O Neil, a former rec- tor and now Prindipal of Huron Ool lege, London 2.30 p.rn. Sunday. Ichool. T:00 p.m Eleene4illi sermon: "Ships mean Victory" The Navy Week for Canada, Monday, November 30th. St. Andrews Day. 9.30 a,m. The annual Dominion W, A. Corporate Communion. -Will mem bers please bring in their envelopes to the treasurer as soon as possible. 8. pan. A.Y.P.A. Ladies' Guild will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Decem- ber 1st. at three o'clock in Owen Hall. Conservative Representa- tives to Winnipeg Meeting Every constituency in -Western On- tario will be fully represented at the National convention of the Conserva- tive Party at Winnipeg on December 9, 10 and 11. More than 100 citizens of Western Ontario will be in the group and almost without exception, the delegates will travel by train. The list of delegates include from Huron North: H. J.' A. MacEiwan, Goderieh; Mrs. Lewis G. Cardiff, Brussels; John Hanna, Wingham; ex - officio, Lewis G. Cardiff, M. P., Brus- sels; alternates, George Kerr, Wing- 1111411; in -herr; John Sitter Clinton; Lewis Ruddy, Auburn. From Huron Pertli: Dr. R. Hobbs. Taylor, Dashwood; Peter Eisenbach, Grand Bend; Mrs. Nelson W. Trewar- tha, Clinton; alternates, Jas. W. Mor- ley, Exeter; George McKee, Seaforth; Mrs. Robert Townsend, Londesboro. V Women's Institute FIFTY YEARS AGO Stent Control Clinton. Presbyterian church is A copy of "The Rent. Control in Can - I making a` departure from *old cus- ada" may be secured by anyone from tom, by introducing a fine $1,300 Mayor. McMurray, at the town clerk's Warren pipe organ, on condition that Ioffice, who has just received,a quan it be placed without cost to the church tity of them. They contain questions. and answers, renewal of leases, ter- mination of leases and maximum ren- tals. The purchase price has been raised by voluntary subscription. V Hostesses at Recratio Hall Below is a list of ladies of the Red Cross to go to the Recreation Hall. Will these ladies please be re- v Received Injuries in Fall What might have proved to be a serious aceident occurred Sunday sponsible for their evenings and if noon, as Mrs. Melvin Crich was coin- unable to go kindly find a substitute. ing down the outside steps at Ontario ' Please cut this list out and hang Street United Church, her heel caught in a convenient place. causing her to fall, as a result she THURSDAY NOV. 26: Mrs. Thomp- son; Mrs. Geo. Knights. SUNDAY, NOV. 29: Mr's. Radford; Mrs. Ford. THURSDAY, DEC. 3: Mrs. Fingland Mrs. Zapfe. V. Sponsors Play The play "Damsels in Distress" put on in Clinton town hall last Friday evening by the Londesboro United Church choir and which was under the auspices of the Clinton branch of the Women's Institute was a splendid suc- cess, and the, hall was filled to cap- city. • Mayor' A. 3, McMurray addressed a few words of welcome to the audience and Jack Cook and Cpl. Bill Conron sang between the acts, their accom- panists being Miss Lois Draper and Mrs. Brooks, The proceeds, which hinounted to sixty-eight dollars ' will go to war work. The cast was entertained at the home of Miss L. Brigham after the play. Baptist Church Clinton Have You Seen the Pictures ? ? Do you like bright singing ? ? Again at the seven o'clock wor- ship service, colored lantern slides will illustrate and emphasize one of the greatest statements ever made by man. Conte and Bring a Friend With You. The Sunday School meets at eleven o'clock on Sunday morning. Wesley Willis United Church Sunday Nov. 29 is Christian Educa- tion Sunday for our church. Sunday School Anniversary will be observed at morning worship. The Rev. R. Gor- don IIazlewood of Walton, Convener of the Christian, Education Commit- tee of Huron Presbytery will be the guest speaker. Evening worship will be in the form of a Young People's Anniversary. Rev. Stewart' Crysdale, field secretary of the. Young People's Forward Movementwill be in the pul- pit. Mr. Ciysdale will also be address- ing gatherings of young people from the central part of Huron Presby- tery at 8 on Wednesday. and Thurs- day, December 2nd in Ontario St. Church and Dec. 8rd in Wesley -Willis. The regular meeting of the W. A, will be held on Thursday; December 3rd, at three p.m, and will be follow- ed by a Christmas Party Supper to which all are invited. V MILITARY NEWS Lieut. Colonel F. G. Thompson, of the London Military' Hospital spent last week end in town with Mrs. Thompson and children. A. C., 2 M. J. Mutch, of S.F.T.S. Exeter spent the week end with Mrs. Mutch. e L.A.C. Ivan Jervis of the. R.C,A.F. of the striking committee, formed of at Guelph spent the week end with Wilmot Macke and himself, which his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Jer- had been charged with the nomina- vis of Holmesville., tion of committees to function in an Sapper Bob Campbell of the R.C.A. educational and advisory capacity in. has been transferred from Terrace, B.C., to Petewawa, and spent last week end at his home in town. L.A.C. Reg Cudmore of the R.C.A. their proven experience on the class F. at Trentonwas a week end visitor I es of produee coupled with their nam- es. The report was adopted unani mously. The committees are as fol - spent last week end at his home in lows, the first named in each case town. being the chairman. Private John Butler has ; returned For beef production, Wesley Joynt,. to Barriefield Camp after spending Lucknow, J. Armstrong, Londesboro; his furlough with Councillor and Mrs. J. Butler. has been confined to the house ever - since, nursing a badly sprained foot, as well a several bodily bruises, but thankful there were no bones broken. Mrs, G. Henderson and daughter,' Miss Wanetta of the London Road. kindly. drove Mrs. Orich home. V COMMITTEES NAMED The following are the committees • named for the coming year at the an- nual meeting of the Huron County- Federation ountyFederation of Agriculture, held in Clinton town hall last Wednesday. The president called on the secre- tary, W. J. Dale, to read the report production . of specific lines of farm produce. The president, pointed out that men were selected in line with at his home in town. Pte. Arthur Aiken of the Scots Fusiliers • at Niagara -on -the -Lake Major F. G. Thompson Promoted to Lt. Colonel. Major Frederick G. Thompson has been appointed to the command of London Military Hospital in the rank of acting lieutenant -colonel, it was announced last Thursday at No. 1 Military District Headquarters. Ile succeeds Lieutenant-Colonel J. Cameion Wilson; who is now officer in charge of surgery at No. 10 Cana- dian Hospital, R.C.A.M.C. stationed at Stratford. Colonel Thompson served in the ranks/ in the last war, and was gradu- ated from the University of Western Ontario, Medical Sehool in 1924. He practised in Clinton until entering the R.C.A.M.C. in 1939. Early in 1940 Col. Thompson went overseas' as second in command of the llth Fieri Ambulance, Guelph, re- turning to Canada after two years of overseas service. He has been a mem- ber of the medical staff at London Military Hospital since that time. V Installation of Officers Ontario Street United Church 11.00 .a.m. "The _church -Like A' mighty Army." • Near Noon -Sunday School, 2.00 p.m. Turner's Church, Tucker - smith . Twsp. 7.00 p.rn. Evangelical Songs-- Spe- cial Topic for' • Evening: "Whole- hearted Service-' This One Thing I Wednesday 8.00 p.m. -Young Peo- ple's Unions (Presbytery of Huron) Thursday -Sunday School elections. The W. A. will be held on Wednes- day afternoon, Dec. 2nd at 3 o'clock. The ladies of the London Road- and Euron Road will serve. Many Huron Officials Likely to Seek Office Again There is' very little .election activity In Huron County municipalities. At last week's county council meeting none of the twenty nine reeves and. deputy reeves announced their retire- ment and members were urging one another to again stand for office so that there would be few changes in county council thus assuring a contin- uity of policy, particularly with re- spect to the war. So far Reeves Raymond. Redmond of East Wawanosh, and Alex M'cDon- ald of Ashfield, have announced them- selves as candidates for the 1943 wardenship. In Colborne Township it looks like a.three-cornered fight with the pre- sent reeve, William Thom, being op- posed by Alex Watson and James Fea-. gan, two of his council, An unusual situation has cropped up in BIyth, where war duties, have removed two of the four councillors from town and a bare quorum have - been carrying on. W. H. Morritt, present reeve, will again seek office. V Clinton Men in It.G.A.11'I.0 H. Walper, Parkhill; for hog produc- tion, W. J. Turnbull, Brussels; W. L.. Whyte, Seaforth; John Armstrong,. Zurich; for poultry production, J. 111. Scott, Seaforth; Viotor Roy, Londes- boro; H. Johns, Woodham; dairy' pro- ducts; Elgin Rowcliffe, Hensall;E, B. Goudie, Seaforth; Hugh Hill, Gode- rich; cash crops, W. Ellerington, Ex- eter; W. Alexander, Hensall; P. Eis- enbach, Grand Bend. For the election officers the pre- sident vacated the chair after request- ing that his name be not put in nom- ination for another year of office - Wilmot Haacke was elected chairman for the election. Nominations in- cluded the names of W. L. Whyte„ and Mr. Morgan. The latter again pro- tested, but the mover and seconder refused to withdraw their nomina.- tion and a ballot was taken resulting - in Mr. Morgan's being re-elected te, office. Mr. Whyte was re-elected vice- president by ballot vote, i V Council Re -Hires Constable at Special Meeting A special meeting of council was held in the Commit Chamber Mon- day evening at eight o'clock to consid- er onsider tendtirs' for the snow plowing of the Town streets and to receive ap- plications for the position of Day Constable: In a picture ref the full staff of All members were present, the No. 10 Canadian General Hospital R. mayor presiding. C.A.M.C., stationed at Stratford and Sealed , tenders were read . and it which appeared in last Thursday's was moved by Councillor Walker, se- Stratford Beacon. Herald, were rev- corded by Councillor Butler, that eral familiar faces; Captain John. II. council agreeto give the contract for Beattie, former Clinton doctor; Quer- I snow, plowing of the streets for the ter Master Sergeant George Knights, season 1942,-43 to George M. Lavin, lie formerly on •the staff of the News- agreeing to sign contract as that' of Record and whose wife and small son the winter of 1941-42. Carried. still reside in Clinton; Private Alfred I Applications for Day Constable: Crozier, operator at the Roxy Theatre were read;. in Clinton and who married Miss . It was moved by Councillor Nedigar Dorothy Bartliff. also residing le seconded by Councillor Elliott,, that Clinton; Private Henry Sloman, a council re-engage Mr. David Elliott,.' faithful employee at the C.N.R., ex- as Day Constable to complete this press office for over twenty years. Re year. Carrie& started to work when he quit school, Mr. Elliott had been day constable with the late John Cuninghame: and here until two weeks ago, when : lir: has continued with his son Gordon submitted his resignation to council' Cuninghame,• until joining the army on account, of a disagreement con-. this year. Pte. Sloman, was also a coining payment for special sesvic tireless worker in St. Paul's Anglican es, His resignation had been accepted with the understanding that he re- main on duty pending the appoint- ment of a successor. In the interval he• had been advised to put in his appli- cation forn a d he was' the successful applicant. The day' constable has numerous duties to per-, form in addition to regular policinga.. such as street work supervision, care of municipal buildings, and so forth/. The D.D.G.M., Bro. John Pinder of Goderieh, accompanied` by the D. D.G.M, Grand Marshall ,Bio, • John McMillen of Goderieh; paid an offic- ial visit to Clinton Lodge 'I.O,O.F; on Tuesday night. After the 'regular busi- ness of the lodge the District De- puty took the chair and installed the officers for the coming year. The work was done in the regular digni- fied manner, but owing to the short- age of gas and tires the full team was unable to come down. After the work of the evening Was finished lunch was served and an enjoyable social hour spent. The officers elected for 1943 were: N.G., Bro. George Beattie; V. G., Bro. Norman Kennedy; Res. Slee„ Bro. H. W. Gould; Fin. Sec. Bro. E. L. Mitten; . Treas., Bro. J.' L. Heard; War., Bro. W. L. Johnson; Con., Bro. Frank Bowden; Chaplin, Bro. A. E. Runrball; R.S.N.G., Biro. J. A. Sutter, L.S.b.G,. Bro. James Livermore;; R. S V.G., Bro. Dr. H. Garrett; L.S.V.G., Bro. J. H. Kerr; R.S.S., Bro. G. E, Hall; L. S. S., Bro. Fred. Mutch, I. G. Bea. W. T. Hawkins; 0. G. Bro. J. E. Cook. church, Mrs. Sloman resides in town; and Private William (Izzy) Powell, who resided in town with his, aunt, Miss S. Watkins, and who was a mem- Hoc- key a Der of Clinton's, famousJuvenile n ire Ho key Team, Ontario champions. V Marriage broadens it man '-- and also makes him short.