HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-11-19, Page 8PAGE 8 sposimmisiorr The Thirty to thirty-five '&taps in Funeral Arrangements. are Promptly" and Carefully Attended to by Personal Service. BEATTIE'S FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 184W AMBULANCE 1 We Have a Y ,r ; , Sheet Iron' Black , Call and Heaters, and One Used Shipment of Cook Stoves See them. •Stove Boards, Pipes Elbows. Galvanized. All 'Sizes Cook Stove. $15.00 SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. 1 Mens Winter Overcoats ! Big Warm Stylish Coats in All the Seasons Latest Models are now on our racks and you will be surprised at the remarkably Moderate price at which these coats are being offered. These are not normal times in the Clothing Trade and many lines are not being delivered and no doubt repeat orders will be hard to get, so "BE WISE", look up your last•year's coat and if you feel it should be. replaced, to you we say "BUY EARLY". COATS PRICED FROM $18.00 to $30.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Buy While Stocks are Complete — It will not cost you any more and you can get the size you want in the weight you wear. STANFIELD'S ALL WOOL — We carry a full line in these famous garments in the Blue, Red or Gold Label qualities. Also a complete showing of the finer lines of Combinations made by Stanfield, Pen- man or Tiger Brand and at price from $1.50 up. VERY SPECIAL—Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers— Wool (reinforced with a little cotton) and Specially priced at $1.35 a gar'nt Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents" Tip Top Tailors. Stove Pipes, Glass and Paints When in Need of Stove or •Furance Pipes Give us a Call. WE MAKE OUR OWN- Glass of All Kinds at Best Prices MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS, USE, THE BEST. HARDWARE and • PLUMBING ' • •�� 9 . Phone 244 Wesley -Willis W.M.S. A well attended meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society was held Thursday evening, Nov. 12, at the home of Miss Brigham, with Mrs. Hearn at the piano and Mrs. Chow- en presiding. The meeting was opened with pray- er by the president ,and Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Potter participated in •the Worship service. Mrs. Pickard; conven- or of the Community Friendship Com- mittee, reported seventeen calls made. Assisting in the program which was in charge of Miss Brigham's group Were Mrs, Epps, who gave a reading entitled "A strike in the Church." Mrs NEWS-RECOI The letter -writing days are here and; here is an attractive box of station ery—a quire of paper and 26 envel- opes for 25e that all your friends will be glad to get. The paper has an easy;, to -write -on surface and is the fash- ionable shape. "Keep ldhem smilin' with letters. and Greeting Cards." "I sent a letter to Santa" (to watch, over Daddy for me) This song prom- ises to be an outstanding Christmas song, of the present season, "When You're a Long Long Way from Home'', is an'old -timer' that is being suc- cessfully revived. Just place in comparison Your Earn- ings, Your Savings, Your Money ag- ainst the sacrifice made by others, ev- en to. death. Buy War Savings Stamps an'd' help destroy this horrible menace to civilization. Its a self service to yourself and your future. It's said; that 360,000 people have a brithday every day, • then thousands get married, and many other events andanniversaries to celebrate, We. have cards to match many events that reflect genial remembrance friendship and good fellowship, reviving fond memories that live and recur when- ever and wherever the passing of time brings them to memory in an endless cycle. Uncommon Christmas Carols 36 of them, suitable for church services, selected, arranged and edited by a dis- tinguished choir leader. Remember, you don't just buy War Savings Stamps, you merely lend some of your money to your government and your stamps are a receipt for the amount of your loan. Your Iending is still far, far less than are they who are jof4ering, AND GIVING their very liver fighting for you. Oakes who contributed two much apt- preciated vocal solos accompanied by Mrs. Agnew and Mrs. Sutter a violin selection accompanied by Miss Eileen Sutter. Two chapters of the Study Book were reviewed the first by Mrs. Chowen and the second by Miss Brig- ham. At the close of the meeting re- freshments were served by the host- ess and a social half hour enjoyed. The Canadian army overseas is be- ing trained 'commando -type tactics in preparation for more lightning as- saults on enemy -held territory, and for the day when it will be in the spearhead of invasion forces. Tie W. D. Pair Go Often the Cheapest—AIwors the host fl11,11i'tu.° runnigiiu�lllli�lll l��u.�iiii Miss Pearl Elliott of London spent the week end at her home in town. Miss Betty Brandon of Goderich was a week end visitor at her home in town. Mr. Ninian Heardof Stratford spent the week end with friend's• in Clin- ton and Bayfield. Mr. G. Gilchrist and Miss M, Gilchrist have left for Saginaw Mich., where , they will spend the winter.. Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Bartliff visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stevens of Cala- bogie. Mrs. Morley Trench of Toronto re- turned home after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns. Miss Harriet Courtice has just re- turned from a visit with her broth- er Mr. Dean Courtiee and family in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs, Alec Whitfield of Lon- don spent the week end with the latter's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. MeMurray spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. McMurray Guelph during the Past week. Miss Ella Lediard of Owen Sound is visiting Miss Harriet Courtiee. Miss Lediard returned from Japan on the Gripsholm in August. Mrs. A. Downer, Miss Elsie Bryan and Miss Drusilia Shaw of Harris - ton arriston. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A, j. McMurray. Mrs. Randal Pepper has returned to Warren after a. two week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson. v Ont. home Economists Re- gister for War Emergency Another forward step in thb prepar- ation for war emergencies in Canada is indicated in the announcement that each province is to set up its own regi§try of home economists. Prepara- tion of a complete list of those who have had training in this important field Will begin in Ontario immed- iately mmediately . That better health for Canadians is closely allied with increased pro- duction in war industry, with a reduc- tion in the number of rejections for the armedforces api with ,a higher standard of efficiency and morale 'in 1' Potted 14Iums in Bud and Bloom also cut MUMS.in a good assort- ment of colors Now on Sale. ENGIASII DAFFODIL BULBS STILL. AVAILABLE 10 CENTS EACH Bittersweet for' Winter 'Boquets, 25 cents a Bunch, LOVE BIRDS FOR SALE CUT FLOWERS (Roses Carnations and Mums F R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel: Del AL Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 WINTER SPECIALS 1 Box Thrift Soap Flakes 35c 1 Pkg. Super Suds 22c 2 Pkg Assorted Puddings 15e 1 lb cheese 29c 1 ib assorted Cookies 23c 1-2 Ib Sun/Wheat Cakes 16e 1 Bag Wheat Berries = 25e 1 lb Morning Cheer Coffee 43c 11 qt basket Apples 35e 25c 6 cakes Toilet Soap 1 cake Lelys Hardwater Soap .... 5c 5 String Broom 39c 1 pkg Tillson's Fine Rolled Oats 17c Service Light, bulbs, -25, 40, 60 w 15c • W. L. JOHNSON GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 1I1—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR November, 19, 20,,,21 Oxydol, Large Pkg .. , 23c Kellogg's All Bran, pkg 21c Palmolive Soap, 3 Bars 19e Muffets, 2 pkgs 19e Jewel Shortening, 1 lb 19c Sunlight Soap, 3 Bars 19c Cox Gelatine, pkg I9c Carnation Milk, 2 ige tins 19c Tomato Juice, 20 oz, 2 tins , 19c Choice Pumpkin, 16 oz. 2 tins 190 Kraft Diener, Pkg 19c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 tine ..19c White Berths, 4 ibs 19c Tiger Catsup, 26 oz. btl. 19c Classic Cleanser, 4 tins 19c Borax, 2 pkgs 19e Puffed Rice, 2 pkgs 19c Clothes Pins, 6 doz. Champion Dehydrated Dog food, 2 pkgs ,....7..... 19e Red Shield' The weekly, meeting" of the R. S. W. A. was held on Tuesday afternoon in the Salvation Army Hall. There were 26 members and 1 visitor pre- sent. Articles brought in included 5 pair :socks 1 scarf, 5 quilt blocks. Collection amount to $2.51. The la- dies quilted 4 ; quilts. Newt Tuesday November 24th the meeting will be in the Salvation Army Hall', with 4 more quilts to be quilted. All members please come as early as' possible; 19c L RITHMYIPSQN civilian ranks, has been established beyond question. Women trained in the special • field of home economics must •assume leadership in boosting the country's "Fight for Victory." Whether or not they are now em- ployed or free for employment, all trained home economists living. in On- tario are urged to send their names to Miss Ruth Dean, The Ontario repre- sentative epre- nta se tave'of the Canadian Home Econ- omics Association, 79 Burnhamthorpe Road., Islington, Ontario. The name of the school or college at which the home economist trained and any other re-' levent information may be forwarded with the name; and address. Three Act Play "DAMSELS IN DISTRESS" under the auspices of the Women's Institute, Clinton, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20th at 8 p.m. in TOWN HALL, CLINTON "Damsels in Distress" is a hilarious comedy and is being prut on by the Londesboro United Church. PROCEEDS FOR WAR WORK Admission 35 Adults Children 15c 18-2 The Toggery Shoppe Operated by G. EDIGHOFFER & SON MEN'S - GENUINE PONY HORSE HIDE JACKETS ZIPPER FRONT, ZIPPER POCKETS and FANCY 'minium), ALL SIZES $12.95 and $13.95 LADIES' FULL FASHIONED Silk Stockings NEW FALL SHADES —SUB - STANDARDS Reg. $1.00 Quality Pair 79c The Toggery Shoppe Phone 324 B. Streets in'charge. THURS., NOV. 19, 1942' SPECIAL VALUES FOR ?TILLSON'S QUICK' ROLLED OATS Lg Pkg 15c ICED AND W HITE'CHQICE TOMATOES, 2 tins .25 NOVEMBER 20th & 21st RED-'ANJ) WHI'rlii CHICKEN HAD 1E, tin 25c OLD DUTCH—"--- CLEANSER, 2 tins 21 SHELLED WALNUTS 4 oz, 19c YOUR CHOICE 19c lb. GLACE» SLICED PINEAPPLE Ring Each 7c MIS. SEEDLESS RAISINS , 2 lbs. 25c GLACED'RED CHERRI S l/2 LB 25c CUT MIXED AUS. RECLEANED' PEEL CURRANTS LB 30c LB. 15c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE'S JUICY TEXAS Oranges, doz _10 CHOICE HEARTS OF Celery 2 for 21C JUICY CALIFORNIA Lemons 3 for .10 Washed CARROTS 3 lbs 10c WASHED PARSNIPS LB 5c TEXAS SEEDLESS Grapefruit 5-.25 -CAPE, CO» _. Cranberries .29 --CURLYFRESH' Spinach 2 lbs ,19 — MUSHROOMS — TOMATOES — LETTUCE — SQUASH - - SWEET POTATOES — CABBAGE — APPLES - GRAPES — C. M: SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods , CLINTON BALL & ZAPFE Old Reliable Dealers in a General Line of HARDWARE and FURNITURE Prompt Attention to Ambulance Calls Modern and Efficient Embalmers and Funeral' Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 — Phone 103 November l9th to 21 st Giant size. 69c pkg Large size 20c pkg. Gold Medal Pudding Pwds, 5 pk 25c Jif Soap Flakes pkg 24c SOy amalt Chocolate Drink 6 az tin 19c Tillson's Quick cooking oats Ig pk 15c Cowan's Cocoa 11b tin 25c Morning Cheer Coffee lb 45c 27c 10c Purity Flour, 7 Ib bag Ivory Soap, large bar Dreadnaught Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 25c Polly Prim sweet green peas 2 tin 27c Forest City Baking Powder tin 21c Regular Price 25c a tin Baby Foods, 3 tins 25c Van Camps' Tomatoes 2 tins 25c Tomahawk Peas, 2 tins 23c Sardines, 'A 7c, 10c, 13c, and 15c a tin Minute Tapioca, 2 pkg for 25c Campbells Tomato Soup, 2 tins 19c Aylmer, Vegetable soup, 2 tins 19e Tomato Juice, 20 oz tins 2 for 19c Tomato Juice, 48 oz. tin 25c Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkg 21c Ivory Snow, pkg 25c Jergens Toilet Soap, 4 bars ' 19c FRESH VEGETABLES & FRUITS IN OUR MEAT COUNTER FRESH SAUSAGE, 25c LB FRESH WIENERS, 27c LB DUTCH LOAF, 29c LB MACARONI & CHEESE Lf 29c LB HAM .& TONGUE Loaf: 45c LB Pickled Back Bacon • 45c LB 18c lb Orval Lobb, Grocer PRONE 40, THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY.