HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-11-12, Page 8PAGE 8` E CLINTON. NEWS -RECORD 1` OV. 12, 1942 ONE USED. WILTON RUG, Size 9'x10/2' in good condition at $10.00 DAMASKCOVER. ONE USED LAXER FELT MATTRESS', HEAVYI .,. In side four foot six inches by 6 feet. CLEAN AND SANITARY. PRICE; $4,00 I FUNERAL DIRECTOR_AMBULANCE -FURNITTJRE— GEORGE B. BEATTIE The hila.ck.a Cast Furnace INSURES HEALTH —. COMFORT SATISFACTION CANADA'S LEAD'ING FURNACE One Used Cook Stove $15.00 One Used Cook Stove $20.00 SHEET IRON HEATERS IN 4 SIZES RANGING r FROM $4.50 to $7.50 SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS CLINTON,ANT, PHONE 147w.. What kind`of a Canada are Yon going to live in aft'er'the' war? The answer deserves your serious meditation and action. You are now. in enjoyment of your home, your church, your cov- eted freedom, your life, your RIGHTS: a' You will freely concede that 'respon- sibilities cannot be :;separated from rights. We now relish these rights in Canada to an extent not surpassed by any ..country in the world, Is it not our obligation, our trust'to main- tain these rights and blessings. Noth- ing Matters Nowa' But Victory, to do it, thousands have deoided it is woith fighting for and dying for. We .oth- er thousands at home must decide that our Canada is worth lending for or investing for at a reasonable rate of interest. Note the double action of. you dollar in a Victory Bond, it helps win the war and is a profitable invest- ment.- Make nvest- inent.Make available, victory tools with as many ,dollars as our fighting men spend hours h using them. Wlio can design a shrunken Canada and con- ceive ourselves as slaves under a bru- tal Hitler, the need for your dollars is great, the cause so good. Let us fin- ish the job, its a task for all to share in. The only way to bring our nien home victorious and re -instate you and your methods' of life as it has been and should be is to lend your money to buy planes, ships, guns and tanks, to establish a solid wall of dollar de- fense. You speak and think of in- icreas'ed taxation, but revise your thinking and compare what you at times judge hardship with the miser- able conditions that would follow our defeat. Nothing Matters Now But Victory — Buy the Bonds that will Bolster the Boys. Mens Winter Overcoats ! Big Warm Stylish Coats in All the Seasons Latest Models are now on our racks and you will be surprised at the remarkably Moderate price at which these coats are being offered. These are not normal times in the Clothing Trade and many lines are not being delivered and no doubt repeat orders will be hard to get, so "BE WISE", look up your last year's coat and if you feel it should be replaced, to you we say "BUY EARLY". COATS PRICED FROM $18.00 to $30.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Buy While Stocks are Complete — It will not cost you any more and you can get the size you want in the weight you wear. STANFIELD'S'. ALL WOOL — We carry a full line in these famous garments in the Blue, Red or' Gold Label qualities. Also a complete 'showing of the finer lines of Combinations made by Stanfield, Pen- man or Tiger Brand and at price from $1.50 up. VERY SPECIAL—Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers— Wool (reinforced with a little cotton) and Specially priced at $1.35 a gar'nt Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adant Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Mea Agents Tip Top Tailors. Stove Pipes, Glass and Paints When in Need of Stove or Furance Pipes Give us a Call. WE MAKE OUR OWN Glass of All Kinds at Best Prices MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS, USE THE BEST HARDWARE and • /11s IIawkins,, Pho44 PLUMBING HULLETT TOWNSHIP ipart in the hunt that a few hundred deer may have to be imported to give On Wednesday afternoon last the everyone a billet for his' bullet. Lafalot Club met at the' home of Mrs. I ' Some confusion, has been caused by Henry Leichman, with all members the error of a daily paper in stating present. The meeting opened, by sing- :that the hunting area in North Huron ing "0 Canada" followed by the Lord's j will be that part of the county lying prayer in unison. The business part north of the townships of Goderich, was then dealt with, and it was' de- I Hullett,. McKillop. The area correctly eided to buy flannelette and dress ma- described is the portion of county of terial,to be made up for little girls. Huron lying north of the' south boun- The W. D. Fair Co Each lady to make a star block for a quilt to be put together and quilted at the next meeting. It was also de- cided to put the quilt up for sale. Articles sent into the Red Shield were two quilts two pair stockings and four pair pyjamas. A ten cent .tea was served by the hostess and the meeting closed) by singing "God Save the 'King." The next meeting is to be held, at the home of Mas. Humphrey Snell on December 2nd. Deer Hunting In Huron The announcement of open season for deer in North Huron, as well.as in some adjacent counties, has created great interest among the nimrod.s of the town and district, and so 'many have expressed an intention of taking dories of the townships of God- erich, Hullett and' McKillop—which means that the three townships named are included in the area in which it will be lawful to hunt deer. The open season . will be frons .M onday, Nov. 16th, to Saturday;"lajNov. 21st, both days inclusive. MS'. Potted Mums in Bud and Bloom also cut Mame in a good assert- ntent'of colors. Now on Sale, ENGLISH DAFFODIL BULBS STILL AVAILABLE 10 CENTS EACH Bittersweet for Winter Boquets' 25 cents a Bunch LOVE BIRDS FOR SALE CUT: FLOWERS Roses Carnations and Mums Often the Cheapest—Always the BMt —V HURON ROAD The Happy War Workers Club held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Ar- nold Jamieson on Thursday Novem- ber 5th. The meeting opened by sing- ing `Onward Christian Soldiers" The Club Creed weather' repeated in un- ison. The •President read the 16th Psalm. The "Lord's Prayer was then repeated. The minutes of the .last meeting Were read and adopted. Mrs. Collins favoured' with an instrument - log Hamm tl;lgblllll�jlllli II ILII III ILII II,.,. F. R. CUNINGHAME :,1ember of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal .care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. • Phones .176 ;and 31 , Sale and Afternoon Tea The Women's Association of ,, the Presbyterian Churehwill' hold, a white elephant sale and afternoon tea on Thursday, November 19th In the church basement, commen- cing at 3 o'clock. •r MENU: Chicken Salad, Tomato Jelly, Brown and White, Bread, Cookies and Tea. : 17-2 Mrs. Ed. Johnston was a visitor in Toronto over the week end. Miss Beatrice Greene of Munr6 spent the week end with Mrs. F.G. Thomp son . Mrs. D. Cook of Toronto has. been visiting relatives in town during the past week. Sgt. and Mrs. Ken B. Ball of Ham- ilton are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall Mrs. (Dr,) Addison and two children of Sudbury visited her parents Mx. Mrs. Hugh Cameron. Miss Elizabeth Middleton of Goderich township was the week end guest of Miss Mildred Beard. Mrs. James Bartley of Guelph is, spen- ding a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard. FALL SPECIALS Three Act Play •"DAMSELS IN DISTRESS" under the auspices of the' Women'sy Institute, Clinton, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20th at 8' p.m. in TOWN jIALL, CLINTON "Damsels in Distress" is a hilarious comedy and is being put on by the Londesboro United, Church. PROCEEDS FOR WAR WORK Admission 35 Adults Children 15c 18-2 1-2 lb Pure Gold Cocoa 15c 5 lb bag Wheat Berries 25c 1 lb New Cheese s 30c 5 large Seedless Grapefruit 25c 1 pkg Tillson's Quick Oats 17c 3 pkg Doctor Ballards Dog Food 25c 2 tins Van Camps Kidney Beans 25c 1 pkg. 25 qt. Wheat Nuggets 35c 1 pkg Prairie Nuts with Bowl 25c 1 pkg Wheat Puffs with tumbler 390 1 Can Libby's Condensed milk ....10c 3 pkg Huron Toilet Tissue 11 qt Basket Spy Apples 1 pk 15 lb Potatoes Miss Marion Gibbings of Dundas spent the week end at the home of her parents Mr .and Mrs. B. J. Gib- bings. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Tyndall of Lon- desboro and Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. • and Mrs. Raymond Townsend. Mr. Alfred Torrance of Toronto spent the week end with his mother and sister. Mrs. Torrance and Miss' M. ' Torrance returned to the city with him on Tuesday, where they will spend the winter. Ms. Filsinger of Kitchener, Mrs. Ev- erett of Toronto, L.A.C. R. Filsing- er and L.A.C. N. Everett of No. 31 R.A.F. School, and. Mr,' Ford of Crumlin and Mr. Thos Slbaddick of Hensall were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaddick. Mr. Fred Match and family attended the Memorial Services in Exeter on Sunday. Corporal James Ross, Pipe Major of the Air Force Pipe Band of Exeter piped "The Lament" in. memory of the late Flt. Sgt. Char- les. Mutch. A. C. 2 W. J. Mutch of the Air Force Pipe Band also attended the services. al. A letter was read, sent to the Club by Mrs. Charles Glew, who donated a box containing -2 baby's sweaters, 2 bonnets, 2 pair booties,; and 2 seek- ers. Which were all hand knit. A motion was carried to write and }thank }li rs. Griew. There were 3 girls dresses, 2 pairs socks, 1 quilt turned in at the meeting. The collec- tion amounted to $2.50. There was an attendance of fifteen members and three visitors. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Dale. on December :3rd. The meeting closed by singing God Save King. 10c 35c 35c W. L. JOHNSON GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. • PHONE 286 "I regret I ever married you," "So you ;should! You did some nice girl out of a jolly good husband." Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR November, 12, 13, 14 Crisco, 1 lb. Carton 23c Kellogg's Corn Flakes Large 12 oz Package 2 for 21c The Toggery Shoppe Operated by G. EDIGHOFFER & SON ' MISSES' Aylmer Vegetables or Tomato Soup 10 oz. tins 2 for 17c Royal York Cheese, %2 lb pkg 21c Old Dutch Cleanser Tin 10c Pure Amber Honey, 1 lb carton 21c Hawes Floor Wax 1 lb tin 45c Blue Boy Coffee, 1 lb 39c Kraft •Dinner, Package 19c irturrers, Package 10c Long Grain, No. 1 Rice 2 lbs 25c Aylmer Pumpkin, Large tin 13c Chipso, Large Package 25c Mazdalight bulbs, 25, 40, 60 watts 15e Oranges Med size doz. 39c Lemons, large size 3 for 10c Grapefruit, 4 for 25c i. R.TKflMPSON Delivery Caretaker Wanted Wanted—A caretaker for the Clin- ton Public School. Duties to com- mence December firgt, 1942. Applica- tions received till November 16th. Apply to. John Hartley, Sec.-Treas. Clinton. -17-2 There are only, three transcontin- ental rail Pines on the North American continent. All three are , located in Canada and two are operated by the Canadian National System. Z AND YOUNG MEN'S " FANCY; TWEED . OVERCOATS AND COATS SPECIAL 'VALUES NOVEMBFR•'13 'AND; .14th COUNTRY KIST PEAS Tin �.. CAMPBELL'S TOMATO -- JUICE, 48 oz. Tin ......23c C 1113'1) &'''MITT COCOA 1 LB Tin 15c FALCON HALVES PEACHES, 2 tins 29c Flour, Red & White Pastry 7's 27c; and 24'S 79c Bag SMARTS' CUT KELLOGG'S ALL ATEHr Beets Tin 1Oc Bran, pkg , .. 23c ,6tiLL'CLD CASHEW Real Mannish Numbers, The two go Well together. Both at the same price See These Companion Coats at $24.50 Each GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE — LET NEWTEX DO IT The Toggery Shoppe Phone 324 B. Streets in charge: ECONOMY .G. PKG 20c Nuts, '4 ozs, 20c RE CLEANED Currants, ib 15c SHELLED Walnuts 4 oz s19 xLAUD,LP 14,1111). Cherries, Ib 49'c CANADA'S FINEST E )µx ALONG LASTING—ECONOMICAL' TOILEi'SOAP ... 2 Cakes 11c GARDEN FRESH FANCY CALIFORNIA Grapes 2 lbs ? 5 r TEXAS JUICY Oranges doz 39c JUICY CALIFORNIA Lemons- 3 - 10C FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Washed CARROTS 3 lbs 10c Waxed TURNIPS 2 lbs 5c CHOICE HEARTS OF Celery 2 for 29c TEXAS SEEDLESS Z4rapefruit 5 -.25 CHOICE SWEET Potatoes 31b .25 MUSHR,OON.S — TOMATOES — CAULIFLOWER — LETTUCE — —PARSNIPS — CABBAGE — ONIONS — APPLES — PEARS— C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON BALL & .ZAPFIE Old Reliable Dealers in a General Line of HARDWARE and FURNITURE Prompt Attention to Ambulance Calls Modern and Efficient Embalmers and Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 . — Phone 103 November 12th to 14th MAPS LEAF Giant size 69c pkg Large size 20c pkg. Gold Medal Pudding Pwds, 5 pk 25c Jif Soap Flakes pkg 24c Dy amalt Chocolate Prink 6 oz tin 19c Tillson's Quick cooking oats lg pk 15c Cowan's Cocoa 1 lb tin 25e Morning Cheer Coffee lb 45c Purity Flour, 7 Ib bag 27c Ivory Soap, large bar 10e Dreadnaught Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 25c Polly Prim sweet green peas 2 tin 27c Forest City Baking Powder tin 21c Regular Price 25c a tin Baby Foods, 3 tins 25c Van Camps' Tomatoes 2 tins 25c Tomahawk Peas, 2 tins 23c Sardines, 'at 7c, 10c, 13c, and 15c a tin Minute Tapioca, 2 pkg for 25c Campbells Tomato Soup, 2 tins 19c Aylmer, Vegetable soup, 2 tins 19c . Tomato Juice, 20 oz tins 2 for 19c Tomato Juice, 48 oz. tin 25c Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkg 21c Ivory Snow, pkg 25c Jergens Toilet Soap, 4 bars 19c FRESH VEGETABLES & FRUITS IN OUR MEAT COUNTER FRESH SAUSAGE, 25c LB FRESH WIENERS, 27c LB DUTCH LOAF, 29c LB MACARONI & CHEESE Lf 29c LB HAM & TONGUE Loaf. 45c LB Pickled Back Bacon • 45c LB I44ufs 7ovulah; lac lb • Orval Lobb, PIAONE 46, Grocer THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. 1 T