HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-11-05, Page 7UES.: NOV. 5, 1942 .TIIE HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS 'THE' LINTON NEIVS-ItECORI) CARE OF CHILDREN r000000000tor000moro PAGE 7 , • HEALTH TEA THIS MODEST CORNER IS DEDICATED TO THE POETS - Here They Will Sing You Their Songs --Sometimes Gay, Sometimes Sad—But Always Helpftd and Inspiring THE CUNNING JAP Oh cunning Jape you sneaking rat, .I'm sure y,ou don't know what your at. For if you did you would behave, And net try China to enslave. jou have joined hands with Hitler too, ' Both will be whipped when the war is through. You pick a quarrel with Uncle Sam, irou'll find him tough while in a jam. With Jack Canuek and old John Bull, ;You'll find your belly more than full. And those Australians really full of fun, Their forces do make you Sap run. The Fighters from South America too - Will have, your hide before all's through. You surely are a measily crowd, And use your lying tongues aloud. Your Captured flag not up to much, Roosevelt would not it even touch. • ..Sam's flying fortresses with pilots' bold, Will in the end knock you Japs cold. Then you may take your idol god, And bury him deep beneath the sod. —W. C. Scott v. RECONSECRATION God: For this Canada of ours, This dearest land, so greatly blest, -Take all I have, and all I ani, And use me, as Thou deemest best. No path too hard to keep my feet, .No sacrifice can be too great; 'To this great cauSe—a ransomed world— Myself, anew, I consecrate, .Por all the soldiers of our •King Who serve at home or overseas, A fail, with heartfelt gratitude And fervent prayer,- upon, rny knees. To all the young and valiant hearts Who go to meet Death in the skies, A dedicate, in -memory, My never -failing saerifice. "To sailors on the mighty deep, %Who guard, our shores and keep us free, 'I, thankfully this pledge renew With all my heart's sincerity. ...a And pray, 0 God, for those who fall, The strong, the brave, the glorious, That, though their mortal bodiesdie, Their souls may live victorious. For blessings of our unscarred earth, For freedom here,. from shore to shore. For harvest and the gifts of home I thank Thee, Lord, for evermore. I pray for rest for weary ones, For stricken ones, release from pain, -For those who serve away from home The joy of loving arms again. That right may triumph over wrong, That Nazi tyranny may cease, That in Thine own good, time, 0 Lord, Shall come' the day of lasting Peace. —.Dorothy Dumbrille THE HEART HAS- LITTLE ROOM The heart has little room For many things,, But space ,p there to hold A nem that sings, A memory sweet and clear Of lovely springs, A bit of laughter, and the joy That kindness brings. The heart has little room, The wise may say, Its limits are the dawn And dusk orday, But love San fill the room With treasure gay That neither time or tears' Can take away! 4 Arthur Wallace Peach • v THE DUCKS The ducks come out of the marigolds Quacking cheerfully, And waggle along The privet -bordered ,walk. They have no time to look at cowslips Along the way; not a moment Even for the foxgloves. ' And when they've waddled past The whitewashed fence And crossed the field, They glide Out on the pond With unexpected grace. Philip Rosseter Give A Helping Hand ,e4VANNAOOMOtho.M.s.../..••••••".11./.. Recently we have pas..ed the anni- versary of Trafalgar that notable dr on which the greatest of l3ritish naval Victories was won. Down through the years since then have come the word of Horatio Nelson. England expects that every man this day will do His duty-. During that battle Nelson one of the greatest ot' , the world's army leaders laid• down his life for Ids country. Following the death of Christ and just prior*, to His ascension our Lord • gathered His diciples together and gave them the message. "Go ye into • all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, and lo, I DM with you alway." In order to follow that command we must lead others to Christ and in that 'sway give them the, assurance of a happier life to follow. The shepherds who gave the thought to that beautiful twenty- third psalm did not drive the sheep into the fold, • but 'they led them Can we entertain the thought that we have ever been able to lead any one to Christ. Be careful least we be- come boastful ofsuchan achieve- ment. A missionary in visiting a patient used es ber thine of conver- sation the thought that she had been the means of leading many to Christ citing incident after ihcident, Would it not be better if we just carried, on the work of the Lord, under His guidance and to the best of our abil- ity and allow- Him to keep the re- cord of those whom we have hilfuen- ceci for good. ^ We at times. find it hard to ap- proach a man or woman sunk in sin, we must be tactful or we will lose, An elderly lady dedided she would visit a prison. It was in the fall of the year. Looking around she asked the gardener to pick all the flowers that were left. He gave her every thing but one beautiful. white rose which he said she should keep for herself. However when she went to the prison. she took the rose with her. After making rounds of the wards she asked if she had seen, all the in-. mates. She was told there was one other woman, but her language was such that they thought it best that she should not see her. Eventually she was taken to her. She was greet- ed with such a volley of curses that she shuddered. Notknowing what to say she handed her the white rose. Immediately the poor degraded wo- man burst into tears. This follower of the world and the ambassador of Christ had many heart to heart talks after that with the result the poor soul became a follower of the meek and lowly Jesus. The white rose had awakened memories of a God fearing mother. It was a little offering, but in the hands of a ChristianId carried the Lord's message. There are many big brothers and big sisters to -day who are doing a wonderful work. To see some of the undertakings of that band of noble men and women the Salvation Army, it is only necessary to go into one of our court rooms. So often when a magistrate offers a prisoner bis or he freedom if some one will take the responsibility for them a represent- ative of the Salvation Army will step forward and offer their protection. That army this year is celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of it's work in Canada. The prayer of the Christ- ian world is that they may have many more mears of service. The outside world knows very little of the work being done by these humble followers of the Lord. in stoma gas aaatg amp sittetut pop the world to -day who need steady- ing. They. have not sinned without suffering. Many- a time they would hae been glad to leave it all be- hind, but the tempter is too much for them. Do not always condemn the sinner, search until you find pity for them in your hearts and then act on that pity. DO not stand off to one side afraid to touch them. Jesus tou- ched people sunk in sin. Why should we stand back, Many a soul has been won to Christ ly the touch of a,hand We will be held accountable for those people if we do not do our part. A bautiful story is told of Jesus on His return to Heaven following His earthly ministry. An, angle asked Him what He had done toward the redemption of the world. Jesus an- swered. "I have trained sink diciples' and preached.. the gospel of love." - The angles replied. If that should fail what then? "The answer of Jesus was. "I have no other plan". The gospel -instead of going east has gone west, weliave been taught that YOUR Estate is Different from *very other. Mani lems are Involved --- family and finandcd conditions, requirements and objectives are different. No one person could be expected to effectively deal vet* tbd moat' duties required of an executor. The Sterling Trusts Corporation brings to these problems the Combined experience of a staff fully qualified to administer your estate',,promptiy and efficiently. Name as your Executor THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION. 372 BAY 5T., TORONTO . . EstABL,ISNO 1911 love and it is for us to pass it on. At we work with people and pray for them let us remember this. "Though deep in mire wring not your hands and weep God lends His arm to all who say 9 cane. No shame faced outcast ever sank so deep But he may rise and be again a man." Remember that under the rough en- terior of the most vile sianers we will find the image of God and he or she may be won back. - Do not let this day pass without passing on the message of the love of God to some one who knows Him not as his Saviour. One may be almost persuaded and yet be lost. Point out Lord, "Ere His" anger burns least He epart and ne'er, return. "This matter is too salmis to. be triffied with. We inay be the ambassador sent by Christ. All we have to do is, after prayer to go to such a one God will give us the message we will have no reason to say "I did not know what to say." It is love which binds the sinner to Christ and if we give ourselves to him then that love will not let us go. More love, 0 Christ To Thee More love to Thee, Hear Thou the prayer 11 make OnJ bended knee This all my prayer shall be More love f1 Christ to Thee • More love to Thee. to these that they must admit the If we are a. child of God then He 6 will protect us. The story is toldj of a British subject in a Spanish sneaking town who was arrested and condem- rned to be shot for partaking in some riot. The British C,onsul protested but without . avail and the man was brought out to face the firing line. As they were waiting, the British Consul rushed up and threw the union Jack around him. Standing there beside the prisoner he said "Fire if if you dare." The rifles wbre low- ered and the man handed' over to the justice of Britain. A wonderful les- son to- be learned 11T111 that is that when prisoners are apparently doom- ed that blood of Christ will save Are you willing to be the one who will carry that message. TINY NORTHERN ONTARIO , HAMLET DOES' RE1VIARIC- • ABLE " WAR, JOH • Typical of the ,manner in which Boy Scouts of rural Canada are doing their "share in the 'war effort is the record/ Vf the Scouts of the little Northern Ontario community of Web. igoon, They have collected nearly 301 tons of serap metal; 2 foils of ruh., ber and a ton of rags. Every boy is a War Saver and the Troop itself has invested $20 in War Savings Certificates. It has also raised more than $20 for the bombed out Boy Scouts of Britain. It has the unique distinction of being one of the Very few Boy Scout Troops in Canada sponsored by a Women's Institute. ! WEAR YOUR COMMANDO DA00E5 ts .ymbol rectkolleg that you have bought the ROW Victory Sends. The Safest Way to Invest Your Money VICTORY BONDS REPAY gvempetta Vett When you buy Victory Bonds you are laying up for yourself the best of alt investments, for back of each one is your country's solemn promise that every dollar you invest in Victory Bonds will be repaid to you in full, plus a fair rate of interest. You can borrow, against them, and they are readily saleable when you , need the cash. And that solemn promise of repayment in full is backed by' Al the vast resources of the Dominion of Canada. When the war is over, you will want to buy all the things we must deny ourselves now. Then, your Victory Bonds will give you the money to buy all these — and your purchases will provide new employment for our boys when they come home again. What's your share of the savings job? Well, the average Canadian would have to lend to Canada to meet Canada's need $1 in every $5 of income left after taxes and compulsory "NOTHING MATTERS 1 • savings have been collected. But the average may not fit your case. Your own circumstan, ces are distinctly your own: You may be able to do better both out of your current income and out of your accumulated savings in the hank—or you may not be able to reach the average. Your share of voluntary savings is every dollar you can possibly spare. HOW TO BUY Give your order to the Victory Loan salesman who calls on you. Or place it hi the hands.of any branch of any bank, or give it to any trust company. Or send it to your local Victory Loan Headquarters; Or you can authorize your employer to start a regular payroll save ings plain for you. Bonds may be bought in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and larger. Salesman, bank, trust company -or your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be glad to give you, every assistance in making out your order form. NOW BUT VICTORY!" Notional War Finance Committee •