HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-10-29, Page 8PAGE 8 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD: TI URS., OCT. 29, I942:,. 1 1 � CALL - -- ATTIE S FOR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE' FUNERAL DIRECTOR—AMBULANCE .—FURNITURE— PHONE 184w GEORGE B. BEATTIE •i . i Which Shall It Be .. Victoryor Defeat? The cost of victory is blood . . . sweat . . . tears ..:' and treasure! • But the cost of defeat is EVERYTHING .. from EVERYONE! Shall it be Victory or Defeat? • Every Canadian must give his answer — in terms of putting every dollar he can possibly spare into the new Victory Bonds. The money you invest in Victory Bonds will come back to you with interest. But defeat would cost you everything you own . your savings, your home, perhaps your very life. Nothing Matters Now But Victory BUY THE NEW VICTORY BONDS Space Donated By SUTTER re PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON. ONT. Mens Winter Overcoats ! Big Warm 'Stylish Coats in 'All the Seasons Latest Models are now on our racks and you will be surprised at the remarkably Moderate price at which these coats are being offered. These are not normal times in the Clothing Trade and many lines are not being delivered and no doubt repeat orders will be hard to get, so "BE WISE", look up your last year's coat and if you feel it should be replaced, to you we say "BUY EARLY". COATS PRICED FROM $18.00 to 530.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Buy While Stocks are Complete—It•wi11 not cost, you any more and you an get the size you want in the weight you wear. STANFIELD'S ALL WOOL — We carry a full line in these famous garments in the Blue, Red or Gold Label qualities. Also a complete ;showing of the finer lines of Combinations made by Stanfield, Pen- man or Tiger Brand and at price from" 51.50 up. VERY SPECIAL—Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers— Wool (reinforced with a little cotton) and Specially priced at $1.35 a gar'nt Plumsteel Bros. Arr.w• Shirts — Adam Hata — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men' Agents Tip Top Tailors. NOW FOIE OUR QUIZ .CONTEST:. It's not "Take it or Leave it," its". LEND IT at` a reasonable interest rate to secure your liberty. Which. will you prepare for 'Slavery. or Freedom? Its' not "Double or, Nothing" its some- thing and its a momentous something requiring serious action. What else matters except VICTORY. It' not Trensure Trail' unless you:, help to make the road bed'possible and auuy secure.' Now for the question are you all ready? Fibre it is, Was the Editor true or false when he had the following; printed' in his paper. Stove Pipes, Glass and Paints When in Need ;of Stove or Furance' Pipes Give us a Call. WE MAKE OUR OWN Glass of All Kinds at Best Prices MARTIN SENOIJR PAINTS, USE THE BEST,- T. EST•. ^ T. Hawkins, HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 In The Letter Boz From 'A28668, Gnr. J. E. McDon- - ald, A. Wing, No. 3 C'aru, Canadian Army Overseas. The following letter, received from Gnr. Dick McDonald, overseas, ,was written •to the Red Shield Women's Auxiliary, thanking them for parcels received. •• Dear Friends. '. Just a line to let you know that 1 • received the parcel that you sent to 1 me andwas: certainly_ glad to get it because everything, came in, so handy. There are four of us, gunners, in the same hut, and they remembered the last time you sent me a parcel, We always divide with one another. The canned meat was quite a change' from mutton; we can't get peanuts, and the chocolate is very hard to get which made everything in the package ex- tra special. - I am sending the s'in home in this letter to let you see I got it alright. I thank you very much for sending it to 'me,I certainly appreciated it, The last slip 1 had I sent to my sis- ,ter so she•coul'd see what to put„in h;r parcels to her son., , This is all the news I can tell you,, arid thanks again for the parcel. Yours Sincerely; Dick. 1 yiARN, A Mrs. M. Reid, is spending a few days. in Goderich, with her sister Mrs. Barnwell. wMr. Joseph Foster has purchased of Mr. J. Smith Jr. 50 acres adjacent to his little farm. This property was formerly owned by Mr. Harnwell. Mrs. Geo. McLinchey is at present the guest of Mrs. Hart. Pte Harvey Parsons of London is on a weeks leave and is spending ,some time with his grandfather Mr. Coultice. Rev.. E. C. Jennings of London gave a very interesting address Sun- day, evening. He 'dwelt on the world at large and urged on the people to attend church as the need of church going was great. In spite of the fact special services were held in the Un- ited Church there was a fair congre- gation id St. John's church.. The "service in St. Johns Church will be held at 11 p.m. and will con- tinue at this hour until' further no- tice. Mrs. George Connell, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Connell and baby spent Sun- day: with Mrs. George "Sturdy, ` and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sturdy of Au- bure, EDITORIAIL "No Canadian deserves Victory who is unwilling to give to Vic- tory the same full measure of his means and labour whiSh..he, will be FORCED to give to the enemy in defeat." A 25c War Stamp will be_awarded to the first adult showing it to be false. Ips everything fine with us? Or is it time to realize the Germans are marching where. they will? They will reach here unless we win this formid- able war. Our larger cities are thoughtfully anxious. The best in `planes, and ships and guns and many of them are urgently needed. It takes mbney to produce them and men to operate them. Our Canadian youth have praiseworthily responded to the call to protect you, your church, your home,' your money and surely it is ourpart to supply the money to the limit of our ownership. This and next week gives yen the conven- ient way onven-ientway of doing it by the purchase of a Victory Bond and by the doing of it help to defend your country, your home, your liberty. For a cause that needs assistance and a wrongthat needs more resistance, for the future in the distance. BUY BUY BUY a VICTORY BOND. Buy Bonds to escape from more in- dividual taxation. The war now cost Canada 54822.00 a minute, It is wis- dom to support the war effort every possible way. May the time never come when it can be said of us—too little—to late to defeat the greatest influence of evil the world has ever known. 'Buy British Bay English Dafrfodila for Winter and' Spring Bloom. • 10B EACH Limited Number.: of flulips all. Named. Varieties for Outdoor Planting CUT FLOWERS Mums, Roses and Carnations BUY VICTORY BONDS and Help Win the War. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists . Tel. Del Aa. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders.. Phones 176 and 31 MB W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapeet—Always the Best 1 eII Miss, A. Bartliff left this week for a visit in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fitzsimmons spent a few days 'in Toronto last week. Miss Greta Taylor of London spent the week end at her home in town, Miss Jean Colquhoun of Toronto spent the week end in town with her parents. Miss Margaret Morrison of Toronto spent the week end with friends in town and vicinity. Miss. Lettie Pearce of Brussels spent the week end in town, the guest of Miss Lillian Elliott. Miss Hellyar of Bowmanville has been the guest of her brother, Mr. W. H. Hellyar and family. Miss Donelda Adams and Miss Mar- jorie Henderson spent the week end in Goderich at the latter's home. Miss Evelyn Chessel of Mitchell spent the week end with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ham- er Andrews. Mrs. E. Ward returned home from Toronto where she had been visit- ing her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Quaife. Mrs. Franx:•'McIawan and Mrs. Robert Draper spent a few days in Ottawa this week with their husbands, Leading Firemen MCEwan and Draper. Mr. A. H. Wait, of Highland Park, Mich:, Mrs. H. G. Swift of Bryan, Ohio, and Mrs -I5arrlt fTilltnore of -Detrdit, have' been t1ie'guests"o`y , Mr. and Mrs. E. Ward the past week. Mr. J. B. Philbin of the Royal Bank staff at Iroquois Falls was trans- ferred to Gliphon branch this week to take the position of teller, as the present teller, Kenneth Colquhoun has been accepted in the R.C.A.F. The following were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shanahan while in town for the funeral of the late Mrs J. J. McCaughey: Mr Lenus Mahon, Mr. Frank McCaughey, Mrs Thomas Burns, of Toronto, and Mrs. I. A. Mahon of Winnipeg, and Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn, of Detroit. �--V BRL CEFIELD Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Cornish, Mr. W. Mclieth spent a couple of days in Tor- onto. We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs, Geo. Swan in the death of her father, Mr. E. Wilson, of Toronto. , Mr. and Mrs. lAllvin Smith and daughter of Bluevale were recent vis- itors with Mr. -and Mrs. H. Berry; Mr. ,and Mrs W. A. Wright and lean of Seaforth spent Sunday with lir. and Mrs. Ross Scott. • We wish' to extend sincere gym - FALL SPECIALS Friday 'evening. `There' vele six tab- les owing to the •lack, of lady -Play- ers. players. Geo. Mann and Henry Glew took their part and each scored a prize,, one for 'highest and one for most lone hands, the men's prizes went to Theo Dale and Colin McNeil, and the lowest scores went to Mrs. Henry` Glew and Johnny Mann. The tickets that had been sold on a quilt were raffled and the lucky number went to Harold Dale, of Seaforth. Proceeds from the quilt amounted to $28.00, The supper proceeds 'amounted to $5.50. All money to be used for war work. The evening was .brought to a close by singing the "National An- them!' 1.2 lb Pure Gold Cocoa 15c 5 lb bag Wheat Berries 25c 1 ib New Cheese 30c 4 large Seedless Grapefruit 25e 1 pkg Tillson's Quick Oats 17c 3 pkg Doctor Bollards Dog Food 25c 2 tins Van Camps Kidney Beans 25c 1 pkg 25 qt Wheat Nuggets 39c 1 pkg Prairie Nuts with Bowl . - 25c 1 pkg Wheat Puffs with tumbler 39c 1 Can Libby's Condensed milk ....10c 3 pkg Huron Toilet Tissue 10c 2 l bag Eatmore Cooking Bran 13c W. L. JOHNSON GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. PHONE 286 Superior Stores PRONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR .;October, 29;`30, 31,,.' Carnation Milk lge tin 9c Recd Bird Matches, 3 boxes ... 25c Oatmeal, Fine or Coarse lb 5c Dr. Jackson's Meal pkg 29c Aylmer Pumpkin, 16 oz 2 tins ..T7c Saniflush tin 29c P. & G. Soap, 2 bars 11c Kirk's Castile Soap 2 bars llc Niblets Corn, 2 tins 27c Golden Bantam Corn, 20 oz 2 tins 29c White Beans, lb 5c Macaroni or Spaghetti lb 5c Rice No. 1 2 lbs 25c Princess Flakes, giant pkg 25c Lux Toilet Soap 3 bars 19c Super. Suds, Lge pkg. 22e Super .Suds .giant i;lig 43c NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT VICTORY BUY A VICTORY BOND i. fl. THOMPSON pathy to the:'. family of the late Frank Skelton. Anyone wishing fall bulbs from the Horticultural Society please have your orders in by Nov. 7th. Mr. and Mrs._Geo. Swan Mr. and Mrs. E. Sehilbe and Mr. D. Seanat- tended the funeral of the late Chas Wilson in Toronto this week. Miss Grace 'Dalrymple of Hensall spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Jas. O'Brien spent a few day§ in London. V --- . HULLETT TOWNSHIP The Lafalot Club had a most en- joyable and profitable progressive,eu- chre and pot luck supper at the home of Mr. and >,Mrs. Geo. ''Mann on KEEP THIS' DATE OPEN• Annual Fowl Supper of St. Joseph's Church, Clinton MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th Supper Bingo Dance 15-2 The Toggery Shoppe Operated by G. EDIGHOFFER & SON YOURS FOR THE DURATION BEAUTIFUL FULL SKIN SILVER FOX FURRED COATS Luxurious Coats in fine Woollens. -- Beautifully Tailored, Warmly inter- lined with Chamois and Exquisitely lined — Gleaming SILVER FOX bump collar, the very suggestion of winter. time comfort. Black Only. Sizes 14 to 42 WORTH 579.00 Special This Week and Next $66.50 The Toggery Shoppe Phone 324 B. Streets in charge. WORK, SAVE, LEND',-BUY—VICTORY BONDS L/ FOODSIIIGH UItilTY LOW IN P ICE, SPECIAL VALUES FOR QCTOBER 30th and 31st TILLSON'S QUICK ROLLED OATS 3 lb pk 17c 'CHAMPION DEHYD. DOG FOOD', package 10c TASTE CHOICE CUTTINGS ASPARAGUS tin 19C COUNTRY KIST PEAS, tin 1 1277' ,GROUND FRESH THE MODERN WAY Golden Glow Ib 39c Quality lb. 45c FREE — CUT OUT WITH DR. JACKSON'S Meal, Package 32c LIBBY'S PORK AND LG PKG 20c Beans tin 10c CANADA'S FINEST ALONG LASTING—SCCWOMKAL TOar, SOAP 2 CAKES .11c CLARK'S TOMATO Soup 2 tins 15c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES JUICY CALIFORNIA WAXED CHOICE HEARTS OF Oranges doz 34r TURNIPS NO. 1 SWEET 2 LBS 5c Potatoes 31b 25C p,WASHED Celery 2 for 29c '1'Ji12 S'I NNIBLELN7b'Myj Grapefruit 4 -.25 CALIVOKN.IA L1cGE CARROTS FANCY RED • Lemons 3 - 11c 3' LBS 10c Grapes 2 lb 35c SPINACH — LETTUCE CABBAGE — TOMATOES CAULIFLOWER — MUSHROOMS—RADISHES — CRANBERRIES. C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON 1 Help .the Defenders of Your Country on the land, on the sea, and in the air. WORK, SAVE AND LEND BUY VICTORY BONDS TO THE LIMIT "NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT VICTORY" Space Donated By BALL & ZAPFE Keep Warm and Dry BY WEARING OUR CLOTHING AND, FOOTWEAR UNDERWEAR — Combinations, ;Brand Penman's preferred Designed by the noted Penman and made of moot. and cotton with button front, ribbed cuffs, and flat locked seams, dark natural shade; Sizes 36 to 44 Price $2.89, Same Qualty in single garment $1.69 Line Penman's No. 71 similar to the preferred brand but of lighter weight Combinations, per garment $2.15 Single per garment $1.25 Line No. 71 for boys in combinations only. Price per garment $1.39 Men's Wool Mackinaw Shirts for warmth and service made in colorful check patterns and coat style, will give good service. Price $L98 Men's and Boy's Mackinaws in fancy ,wdor with full zipper front and ad- justable side straps. Men's sizes 36 to 44. Price $4.59. Boy's sizes price $3.25 Men's Lined Smocks with Button, Fronts. Sizes 36 to 44. Price $2.75 Men's Sweaters for knock -about wear made of Wool Yarns and finish- ed with V -Neck two side pockets and button front, Colors, Blue or Brown Heather, sizes 36: to 44. Price $2.25 Men's Work Mackinaw made of wool cloth in Brown or Blue colorsa clear- ing line at special price of 52.49 Men's Work Socks a large assortment to choose from. Prices .35..5065, .89 Men's and Boys' Work Pants and Ov-, eralls also Dress pants, thisis a good time to secure your requirements. Yarn for your socks made by New- ton Mills, it is washed and shrunk, 3 ply. In colors medium grey or brown, heather, Price per lb. $1.59 Work Gloves, Cotton line .20, 23, .49 Work Gloves Leather with Cuff and one finger a - $L25 Work Groves Leather with Cuff and Fingers $1.45 Work Mitts Leather Pullovers $1.25 Work Mitts with Horse Hide Front 14�Iule Skin back 85c Clifford Lobb, k Son PHONE 44, THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY.