HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-10-29, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
-With Which.
Incorporated The Clinton New Era
NO.. 6116 -63rd : YEAR
The New Era Est. 1867.
Many Lines of Merchandise now on Display Have Been Withdrawn
By the Manufacturer for the Duration.
Scarcity of Skilled Workmen."
Slow and uncertain delivery of
Shortage of raw material.
Imports drastically curtailed.
Engraving 'Signet Rings, Cuff
Links, etc., $equires more time
Choose and mail now!
Farseeing the difficultyof obtaining merchandise, Heklyar's.Jewellery
completed their buying months ago ... NOW practically all "of the
many varieties of. gifts are on -display. We are proud,to offer an, as- ,
sortment of gift pieces unexcelled in this district.`•
A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Selection' For Later Delivery ,
Cotton Print Dresses
We were fortunate enough
to secure a traveller's set of sam-
ples, every one different. Stripes
and Floral Designs in Sizes up. to
Don't delay xn making your
There is no substitute for a
Priced at $1.75 and $2.19
Right Now
is the best time to select those most important Christ-
mas Gifts and have us put them away for you. Pay
for them any way you wish between now and when;
you take delivery of them for Christmas.
We have a verylarge stock of beautiful new watches
including all the latest styles in dozens of lovely mo-
dels for both Ladies and Gentlemen.
Remember yo`ii haven't seen the best until you
see our display. Come in and inspect them leisurely,
Now is also a good time to consider Rings of all;
;kinds. See our Onyx, birthstone and signet rings
in smart new designs.
A Complete new stock of Bluebird Diamond and
Wedding Rings also available.
Inspect our large stock of Lockets, Bracelets, Mill -
tory Jewellery, Costume Jewellery, Pearls, Silver-
ware and Cornflower Crystal.
Many Fine Gifts for Men -in Uniform such as Shav-
ers, Ronson lighters, Metal mirrors, Billfolds, Writ-
ing Cases, Utility and Fitted Cases,' Brushes, Razor
Blades, Cigarettes, Identtity Neckchains‘and Brace=
lets, Photo Folders, Pouches, Pipes, Travel Clocks,
Watch Straps and Bracelets, Parker Pen and Pencil'
Sets, Etc,
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Clinton Has Raised; 69.60 of its Quota
$82,000 Raised by :Wednesday. Brussels has 117
a u
and'. gullet 1per er cent.
Every dollar drives the dagger deep
er. Huron County Victory Loan of-
ficials are confident that the county.
quota of $1,900,000 'will be oversub-
scribed. The sales in eaeh-municipal-
ity are' mounting bat more people will
have to buy bonds if we are to give
an effective answer to Hitler, Musso-
lini -and Hirohito. The canvassers -are
working long hours and already.stor•
ies of real sacrifices by many pur-
chasers are being made known. Two
striking examples are the response
of the R.A.F. and R.C:A.F. men and
officers at Clinton, Centralia, Gode-
rich and Port Albert and isa ex-mer-
chantnow employed chant marine aned at p Y
The boys in blue axe serving the
Empire by their serivces but they
are also subscribing thousands of dol-
lars in Victory Bonds to help, fin-
ance the Canadian war effort.
Isn't this an inspiration to the civ-
ilian? Are these men not setting a
worthwhile example to all of our citi-
zens? . The Clinton Royal Airforce
Station has already. raised $14,000
and the canvass is not complete, The
Centralia R.C.A.F. • station has, raised
over $25,000 to date. Sky Harbour at
Goderich and the Port Albert R.A.F.
Station are doingia fine job: It is now
up to all .of us in Huron Countx to
show the boys in rue that we are wil-
ling to rally to tlae .country's call for
more anon'ey by buying bonds.' to the
The time is shirt. Huron's war Ce -
cord 1914-1918 and so far in this war
must be maintained. It is now up to
every individual to come forward and
invest his or her surplus money in
Victory Bonds.
Another story that should be made
known comes from Goderich. The Do-
minion Road Machinery Co. took on
some new men recently on war pro-
duction. One of these men formerly
served on a merghant ship. His boat
was torpedoed oh the Atlantic and
he landed on one. of the islands of
the British West Indies, He lost all
his clothing, money and possessfvns•
The only clothe: he had were the
ones he was wearing. After a long
period of time, )re arrived back in
at Goderich. •
When the Victory loan' canvasser
came around, you can iina:gine the
reception,he received, However the
story of this man's family was told.
His motheir bought Victory bonds dur-
ing the last war and found them
mighty handy during the depression;
His brother is in the army serving
with distinction; so to make a long
story short, this man bought a $50.00
Victory Bond on the installment plan.
Was this not a sacrifice? This man
had suffered already as a result of
the war, but when the call came for
money to help finance our war effort
he responded nobly. Surely ex
pies of this, man and the wholeheart-
ed response of the R.A.F. and R.C.A.
F. men at Huron Air Stations should
spur us on in our campaign to over-
subscribe the County quota of $1,900,-
Christmas is drawing near. . The
giving of gifts Is an old custom. How
about buying Victory. Bonds for
Christmas presents this year?
Canada, pennilesd and secured work l -BUY VICTORY BONDS.
The Clinton Red Cross Society will
meet on Monday Nov. 2nd at three
o'clock in the Council Chamber.
Parcels Arrive at Hong Kong
Thousands of tons of parcels for
British war prisoners have arrived at
Hong Kong. They inelud'ed, 24,000 food
parcels for the Canadian prisoners
eaptured there last December. . Be-
sides the food the Canadian Society
sent drugs, cigarettes, dehydrated
vegetables and fruit juices for the
fanadians. Supplies were shipped
from New York, on the Swedish ex-
change ship Gripsbolme, and transfer-
red to a Japanese vessel at Portu-
guese Bast Africa. Another shipnient
for the Canadian prisoners at Hong
Kong will soon leave New York.
V --
$crap Metal Collection
There is a concerted drive on at the
present time to raise money for the
Third Victory Loan. It isgratifying
to know that this campaign is meeting
with success. This money is very ne-
cessary to keep our Armed Forces
The necessity to have all scrap
Iron and Steel collected is just as
vital as the collecting' of money, for,
without this material, the necessary
war machinery cannot be manufactur-
anufactured. The Steel Controller, realizing
that tons of scrap area lying: around
throughout the entire Dominion, past-
ed an order makingit an offence to
retain more than 500 lbs.
The Wardens of each County have
been named as representatives of the
Steel Controller and he in turn has
delegated tl)e:Reeves as his represent-
atives in each Municipality. A cam-
paign for the collection of Scrap Iran
and Steel will be started on Novem-
ber 1st and must be removed from the
premises of every person '.by Decem-
ber 15th.
Presbyterian Church
The Woman's . Assoieation will
meet in the Sunday School on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 5th; .at three o'clock in
the afternoon.
Ontario Street United Church
11 a,m. opic',"They Sent Forth
Near Neon
2.00 pan.— Turner's church ser-
7,00 pan,—An Illustrated sermon.
Slide: "God's Light and Word"
Singing in reference to "His Holy
Monday: Young People's Union 8.
Wednesday: Midweek Prayer and
Praise service:
The W. A. will be held on Wednes•
day November 4th at 3 'o'clock. The
Ladies of the. Base Line and 16th of
Goderich Township to serve,
The person having Scrap Iron and
Steel has the privilege of disposing
of it in whatever manner he sees fit,
either by sale or donating it to: some
War Service organization but in any
event he must not retain more than
500 lbs. The Warden and his Com-
mittees have the power to enforce this
law. The need for scrap is'urgent and
it is the intention of. the Controller
to have it collected.
Each Municipality will be organiz-
ed.for the, collection of salvage under
the Reeve and his Council', and it is,
the duty 'of every citizen to .00 -oper-
ate to the fullest 'extent. Citizens are
requested' to contact the Reeve or a
member of his council for details' of
their particular campaign.
The County of Huron has an envi.•
able name in patriotic endeavor and
they will ,rise to the occasionin this
matter as 1» other campaigns.
Baptist Church
Come to Sunday School at eleven
o'clock on Sunday morning. There
are classes for all ages and a pro-
gram that will be both interesting
and helpful.
Every ono is invited to attend the
worship service beginning at seven
with a bright song -service.
Special Anniversary service to be
held, morning and evening on Sunday
November the eight.
You wilI' receive a welcome at the
weekly young people's meeting on
Monday evening beginning at eight
o'clock. Wilmer Philips of the Radio
School will have eharge of the meet-
ing next Monday evening.
St, Paul's Church of England
Thursday tonight 7,80 service of
Intercession led by Rev, G. G. Bur-
11.00 a.m. Holy Communion _,
• 2.30 p.m.--- We Begin our Sunday
Sthooi in the afternoon beginning
today. •
7.00 On. Evening Prayer.
Coining.,, event— Youth :and family
Day, Sunday November 8th, Special
Preacher for the Day Rev. P. H.
Streeter of Blyth.
M8nday November 2 -•-- A,Y.P.A.
Hallowe'en Social.
Regular monthly meeting of, Lad-
ies' Guild Tuesday November srd, in
Owen Memorial Hall at 8 'p.m.
Fall Rally of" Bible CIass
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
man's Association will be held Thurs-
day, November 5th, in the church at
the usual hour.
The ''Covenant" : Adult •Bible Class
held its fall rally social on Wednes-
day evening the 21st, at the home
of `Mrs. G. E," Saville.
About six thirty, twenty four sat
down to,a splendid supper arranged
by the social committee, with Mrs.
J. McKinley convenor, 'Sacred' songs
Minister's Daughter to Get
Diploma at Western
For the first time in the history of
the University of Western Ontario
music diplomas of the Western Ontar-
io Qonservatory of Music will be pre-
sented to candidates at the autumn
convocation of the University of Wes-
tern Ontario on Friday.
Miss. Madeleine' Lane teacher in the
Goderich High School, and only dau-
ghter of Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Lane,
Minister of Clinton' Presbyterian
ehurhe, will receive :a Licentiate of
Western Conservatory of Muse dip-
loma, and six Associate of Western
Conservatory of Music diplomas • will
be presented.
The Saturday Evening Post of Oct. I
ober 24th, carried. an article, "1 Fly,
for Vengeance" byLt. Clarence E.
i collaboration
Dickinson, USN n
with Boyden Spark es. In the article !
he writes of a pilot named Halsey,
who was one of the squadron which
bombed, Wake Island. Pilot Halsey
carried out a dangerous operation saf-
ely. The news about Pilot Halsey will
be of interest to people as
his wife is the former Catherine Mc-
Taggart, 'daughter f Mrs, M. D. Mc-
Taggart, of Olinton, Mrs. Halsey is
visiting her mother at present.
Engagement Announced
Mi. and Mrs. W. Seotchmer Bayfield
wish to announce the engagement of
their second- daughter, Irene Daisy
to Mr, Joseph- Fergus Wild, son of
Mrs: Agnes Wild and the late Val-
entine Wild of Bayfield. The marringe
,c• ill take place, in November.
On ' Thanksgiving Sunday ' three
children were baptised in Ontario
Street United Church: Janet Louise,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tyn-
dall; Donna Anne, daughter of Mr.
and .Mrs. Huron Murch; and; Wilbert
Glenn, son of Mr, and Mrs. John C,
Mr. William Cochrane informs ns
that he picked enough ripe red rasp;
berries for supper last Friday even-
ing. This is the second crop: this year.
The regular meeting of the Auxil-
iary of the Ladies Legion will be held
in the hall on Monday evening, Nov-
ember 2nd. All members' are request-
ed to attend.
Misses Kathleen McGill and Dor-
othy Corless were in Moncrief last
Sunday where they assisted in the
Anniversaryservices of the United
s e
Church, both horning and evening,
by rendering vocal duets. They were
accompanied on the organ by L.A.C.
Whitney Dalrymple of the R. A. F.
School, Clinton.
The Clinton Ladies Rifle Olnb are
now re-organizkng for the winter
term and new members are especially
invited. The club meets every Friday
evening at 7.80 on the rifle range
behind Epps' Sport Shop.
Holstein Breeders to
Free Hallowe'en Party
This is your invitation, boys and
girls, and young folks and parents
to attends this party on. Saturday ev-
ening in the town hall, Clinton. Doors
open at 6,45 o'clock. Program* to con-
tinue until, 9.00 o'clock. Comedy
films educational features and other.
As you know, boys and girls, this
year sugar' is rationed' and we must
sacrifice the usual amount of candy,
so this party is given to do away'
with the house to house canvass that
we have invited other years. So ,we
promise you all a good time at this
party. Everyone come , in masquer-
ade if you wish, and have lots of fun.
We are wondering if the boys and
girls would like to bring with them
the price of a chocolate bar, or an ice
cream cone and we would send this to
a fund to be used to give some treat
or comfort to the children "overseas,
whose homes have been bombed and
where they have lost all their play-
things. •
This invitation is also extended to
folks who are in town from the coun-
Sponsored by the Mayor and Town
Council of Clinton.
Mold" Annual Meeting
'The anneal meeting of the Huron
Holstein breeders Club has been ar-
ranged for Thursday evening, Nov-
ember 5th in the Agricultural Board
Room, Clinton, at 8 o'clock. The pro-
gram: will consist, of the following:
George Clemens, Secretary of the
Canadian Holstein Friesian Associa-
tion, Brantford, will speak on "Arti-
ficial Insemination."
Byron Jenvey, Ingersoll, Field man
for the Holstein Association in Wes-
tern Ontario, will speak on "The
Marketing of Holstein cattle and their
Moving Pictures, on Canadian Hol-
stein farms from Prince Edward Is-
land to British Columbia. Prize win-
ning animals' at the 1941 major shows.
and Mount Victoria sale.
Theofficers are most desirous of
having::a apkendid turnout for this
meeting. It has been arranged for the
time of year whenthe maximum nuns-
ber can attend without inconvenience.
Would you make a special effort to
'come- yourself and, bring along any
others interested in dairy cattle, par-
1ticularly., Holsteins.
Don't forget the date, place and
time. '•
Ontario Street Young
People's Union
On Monday evening; October 26th,
the Young People's Union .and execu-
tive of the Sunday School of Ontario
Street United Church held a Hal-
lowe'en pasty and a shower for Miss
Edna Ford, untiring member of the
Union and Sunday School teacher.
Miss Margaret Rowell presided and
the meeting was opened by quiet
music, The openingbymn.,was 347 and
the scripture was read by Ross Tre-
wartha, followed by Mr. Hawke lead-
ing in prayer. Hymn: 109 was then
sung. The president, of the Y.P. U.
spoke a few words, and then called
on Mr. Burton who led in a sing -song.
Miss Marylin Potter then drew
forth huge aeroplane filled with
gifts for the bride-to-be, presenta-
tions were read by Marie Connell and
Mr. Chas Elliott. After the opening
of the gifts, Miss Ford gave a suitable
speech, after which a few words to
Edna were delivered by various peo-
ple representing the different bran-
ches of the church, all of which Miss
Ford was an active member. Refresh-
ments were served and the` meeting
adjourned with "God Save the King".
Women's Institute
1 The Women's Institute met last Fri-
day afternoon with a. good attend-
anee including four new 'members.
IMrs. Adams the president was in
charge of the meeting, with Mrs. B.
C. Hearn at the piano. •
It was decided that conveners of
'hostesses will bring kindling for start-
ing fire each month. Finance conven-
er Mrs. C. Sturdy reported having
sent gift boxes to members' sons and
husbands overseas and also reported
a successful dance and the purchase
of a new stove for the kitchen. It was
left with the finance committee to
send gifts to members' sons and hus-
bands serving in Canada.
1 The program consisted of vocal
solo by Mrs. W. A. Oakes, with Mrs.
Agnew as pianist; a reading by Mrs.
R. B. Holmes, a, piano solo by Mrs.
W. E. Perdue, and an address on
"Agriculture" by Mrs. W. L. Whyte,
of Constance.
s A hearty vote of thanks was ten-
dered in response to a motion by Mrs.
P. Manning and Mrs. Hearn. It was
decided that meeting will commenee
at 2.80 p.m. during the winter months.
Centre Section Convention
The sectional Convention of the
Centre Section of Huron, Presbyter-
ial was held in the Brucefield, Unit-
ed Church, recently" with a large at-
Mrs. E. Toll, vice president presid-
ed. The morning session was opened
by singing Holy Holy, -Holy and God
Save The King, followed by prayer
and hymn 377,. Lord of Light.
The worship, service with the thence
"A' lesson on church going"- from
Matt, 18 was conducted by Mrs. Nel-
son Keyes, Mrs. Jas. Allen Egmond-
ville with prayer by Mrs. Elgin Mc-
Kinley, Zurich.
Al very gracious welcome was ex-
tended to the visitors by Mrs. Atkin-
son, of Brucefield, and responded to
by Mrs. Roy Lawson Seafor'th.
The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were approved as, read, Mrs. Fred
Reid, Varna was appointed secretary
for the day.
A resolution and Courtesy' CaSn-
mittee was then appointed as fol-
lows: Mrs. J. P. Manning, Mrs, Ax-
chibald and Mrs. Addison; Finance
committee, Miss Maud Wiltse, Ciro-
otn, Mrs. Clifford Britton and Mrs.
, Brock, Nominating Committee: Mrs.
Roy Lawson, Mrs, Margaret Cuthill,
was appointed delegate to - the branch
meeting. . ,
(continued on page 6)
Under a recent order of the Steel Controller
SC -16, it is now an offence to retain more than 500
pounds of scrap. Iron or Steep
I . have been named the repro sentative of the.
Steel Controller for the County of Huronand have
delegated the Reeve of each Municipality as my rep-
resentat'iv'e in their respective Municipalities. These
men and their committees are able to advise as to the
disposition of your scrap.
I bespeak for these, men the hearty co -operations
of every ratepayer in the County so that every par-
ticle of scrap metal may be collected without the -ex-
ercise of drastic measures.,
Warden, County of Huron
r- ,