HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-10-22, Page 8THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TRURS, OCT. 22,1942 Invest in VICTORY: Victory Bonds are the best investment you can make Space Donated By BEATTIE'S Which Shall It Be . Victory or Defea The cost of victory is blood . . sweat . . . tears .,.. and treasure! But the cost of defeat is EVERYTHING ... from EVERYONE! Shall it be Victory or Defeat? Every Canadian must give his answer — in: terms of putting every dollar he can possibly spare into the new Victory Bonds. The money you invest ht Victory Rands will come back to you with interest. But defeat would cost you everything you own . . your savings, your home, perhaps your very life. Nothing Matters Now But Victor, BUY THE NEW 'VICTORY BONDS Space Donated By SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWIRE. PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PEONS 147w. CW TON, ONE NOW FOR, 'OUR QUIZ OONTEIST.. It's not "Take it ' or Leave it," its LEND IT gat a reasonableinterest rate to secure your liberty. Which will you prepare for Slavery or' Freed'oin? Its not "Double or Nothing" ite some- thing and its a momentous something requiring serious action. ' What else matters except VICTORY. It's not Treassire Trail •unless• you help to ,Hake the road be pos'sble:ancl tuliy secure. Now forthe question.are you all ready? Here it is; Was the Editor true er false when he had the following printed in his paper. FIGHTING DOLLARS NOW BUILDING DOLLARS THEN THE dollars you send to war NOW—by buying, Victory Bonds—Will return to you when Victory is won, to help build a future for you and for Canada. It's a small price to ask for Victory—this fore- going of pleasures and comforts for a time so that your dollars may be made available for war. Self-denial is not to be compared to the sacrifices of those who are doing the fighting and dying. And when victory is won, your dollars LOANED to Canada will be yours to use as you wish—to build the kind of home, the kind of future, you now dream about. Victory Bonds are the best INVESTMENT you can make. They are guaranteed by the full resources of the Dominion of Canada. They yield a fair rate of; interest. They are readily saleable when you need the cash. Nothing Matters Now But Victory Buy the New VICTORY BONDS Space. Donated By Plumsteel Bros. Stove Pipes, Glass and Paints When in Need of Stove or Furance Pipes Give us a Call. WE MADE OUR OWN Glass of All Kinds at Best Prices MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS, USE THE BEST T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 11issonary (Speaks at Presby- terian Thankoffering Meet Miss Ada Adams, returned mission- ary from Formosa and kindergarten specialist ,was thespecial speakerat the Presbyterian church joint thank- , offering meeting of the W.M.S., Girl's Club and Mission. Band last Thursday evening. Mrs. B. F. Andrew had 'charge of the meeting and after the Bible reading by Mrs. Fox and pray- er by Miss Shaw, introduced the guest ipeaker, Mise Adams. She gave . a splendid talk on her labours in Formosa and told of the Kindergarten work they had started, with the kindergarten being turned over to Christian workers when they were forced to leave. Miss Adams told ;of the work of other missioneries in the colleges, schools,' hospitals and church and compared their customs With our customs. Through the kinder- garten work Miss Adams gained an insight into their homes and beeame Very :fond,many: ,of . the _families, ,,, t and, hopes that afte'i'the present `struggle is osier, wilt`I be able to re- turn to her work among the Form- osians. Miss • Adams praised' the work of the W.M.S. and feels quite sure that the Christian church in the Or- ient will advance in these perilous times. Mrs, Andrew voiced the apprecia- tion of the speaker's address and all others assisting. Mrs. J. Wilson and Mrs. J. Snider sang a duet. The thankoffering was taken by Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Wilson with Mrs. Andrew offering the dedica- tory prayer. The singing of a hymn and the national anthem closed the meeting: Y.M.C.A. Supervisor Leaving Clinton Mr. A. L. Diehl, director of Y.M.C. A. activities at No. 31 R.A.F. School Clinton is leaving this week and will be succeeded b y a Mr. Hendershot. Mr. ]3ieh1's duties will take him over- seas in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Diehl have resided in ,town for over a year and have .become. very popular citizens. Their mala, friends will regret their departure. • EDITORIAAL "No Canadian deserves Victory who is unwilling . to give to Vic- tory the same full measure of his means and labour which he will he FORCED to give to the enemy in defeat." A 21c War Stampwill be awarded, to the first adult showing it to be false.. Ic everything fine with us? Or is it time to realize the Germans are mlarehing where they will? They will reach here unless we 'win this formid- able war. Our larger Cities • are thoughtfully anxious. The best in planes, and ships and guns and many of them are urgently needed. It takes money to produce them and men to operate them. Our Canadian youth have praiseworthily responded to the call to protect you, your church, your home, Your money and surely it is our part to supply the money to the limit of our ownership. This and next week gives yon the conven- ient way of doing it by the purchase of a Victory Bond and by the doing of it help to defend your country, your home, your liberty. For a cause that needs assistance and a wrong that needs more resistance, for the future in the distance. BUY BUY BUY a VICTORY BOND. Buy Bonds to escape from more in- dividual taxation. The war now cost Canada $4822.00 a minute. It is wis- dom to support the war effort every possible way. May the time never come when it can be said of us too little—to late to defeat the greatest influence of evil the world has ever known. • The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Bast 11 59)4 DSIII Ir, , wPllllll1 IIID • I . Mr. Fred Rut -Abell of Montreal visited his mother, Mrs Clara Rumbail, this week. . Mr. and Mks, John Mulholland and Jacqueline spent the week end at Crystal Beach and Fort Erie. Mr. Oliver H. Rands spent last Thurs- day and Friday in Huntsville on business.. Miss Geraldine Denomne left on Tues- day for Alberta for an extended, visit. Mr, Lew Trouse of Woodstock has returned home after spending last week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Fred Livermore. Miss Margaret Sperling left on Mon- day for San Diego, Calif. ,where she will be married to Victor Kinnaird of the United States Navy. Mrs. Massey, Mr. Fred Massey, Miss Nellie Perdae and Mr: and •Mrs. Frank Mercer all of St. Marys were Sunday visitors with 1Wrs, G. Et Saville. . Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame, in company with her son, F.ILt. Cuninghame, motored to Toronto and visited re- latives and friends over the week end. Mrs. Arthur Thompson of Reserve, Nova SACotia, was a visitor with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry 'Ihompson, last week before going to Nobel, Ont., where before her marriage was forelady of one de- partment of the Chemistry Labora- tories, and where` she will resume her work. THE HOPE OF THE WORLD And is it just an idle dream that war may cease to be? Must powers of evil always seem to prey upon the free? Oh let us stand together now, and all united strive • To hold the torch of freedom high, and ,keep our faith alive. T. D. A. Cockerell OCTOBER Thes is the sundown of the year. Its setting throws across the world An amber light. And. clouds., of maples on the hills • Are crimson with 'the last few rays Before year's night. Dorothy Marie Davis', Nothing Matters Now But VICTORY ! Buy The New Victory Bonds Space Donated By F. R. CUNINGHAM ember, of Florists Tel. Del As. ersoaal care given every order and specialatttntion given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 VICTORY BUY THE NSW VICTORY. BOLDS Space Donated By W. L JOHNSON Superior Stores PHONE Ill—CLINTON. INVEST IN Victory TODAY ENJOY— Security TOMORROW! When you buy a Victory bond you do two things at once! 1.. You help to speed Victory for our country and her allies. 2. You buy a share in the glorious future of Canada. NOT#/NBMATTERS NOW but. Space Donated By T. R. THflMPSON NOW IT CAN BE TOLD (St, Thomas Times -Journal) In days when meat was plentiful And cheaper cuts. were all despised 1 was ashamed to have it known That I bologna greatly prized. But now I fear not to reveal The taste that was a. secret yen, Today without a ,-twinge of shame, Without a blush. I'll tell all,.men; It's no boloney.that'I own a Honest. lilting : for bologna. KEEP T DATE OPEN Annual Fowl Supper of St. Joseph's Church, Clinton MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th Supper • Bingo Dance 15-2 DANCE in Aid of War Work, Sponsored by Women's Institute, Clinton Branch, TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16th Music by the Orchestra of No. 31 R. A. F. School Clinton, with the kind permission of Wing Commander Cooks ADMISSION 35c EACH 13-2 NOTHING MATTERS NOW BU imoTgerfry BUY THE NEW VICTORY BONDS Space Donated By The Toggery Shoppe SPECIAL VALUES OCTOBER 23rd and 24th. Help Finish thej "Oh -RUT VICT:ORY'BONDS ALLEN'S SWEET APPLE CIDER 32 oz, Jar 19c CAP'ITOL' VANILLA EXTRACT 8 oz. bt 15c CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE 20 oz. tin KRAFT - DINNER pkg 9c YOUR CHOICE 19cIb. GOLDEN GLOW NWh' RAVE JUST` INSTALLED QUALITY COFFEE MILL. SAVE RY HAVING COFFEE YOUR COFFEE GROUND LB. 39c FRESH THE MODERN WAY. LB. 45C GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLEIS JUICY CALIFORNIA GRAPEFRUIT Oranges doz 3q,,, TOMA1FOES CAULIFLOWER CHOICE HEARTS OFLETTUCE Celery 2 for Z9,c CABBAGE FANCY CALIF. PARSNIPS CARROTS Grapes 21bs 35c APPLES All orders of $1.00 andover Will in the store before 2 o'clock bAUGrH CALIF Lemons 3 11 C CHOICE WAXED-- Turnips AXEIDTurnips 4 ib 10c No. 1 Choir,. Sweet Potatoes 3.11325c be delivered, free if that afternoon C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON Help ;the Defenders of Your Country on the land; on the sea, and in the air. WORK, SAVE AND LEND BUY VICTORY BONDS TO THE. LIMIT "NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT VICTORY" Space Donated By BALL & ZAPFE Hitler aid Hirohito have great Plans for Canada Yes, all Canada's great resources ... her minerals, her wheat fields, her forests, her factories ... could be put to wonderful use by the ruthless bully -boys from Germany, by the polite little savages from Japan. And Canada's boundless acres would provide plenty of jiving room ... for the Germans and the Japs. But what of the Canadians? The answer is simple when you think what happened and is still happening to the Poles, the Greeks, the Yugo-Slays—and all the others .. , in terms of slow starvation, slave labor, mass executions. Every time a hard-working Canadian man or woman buys a Victory Bond, the plans of Hitler and Hirohito receive a set- back. The more you save and lend . the more certain you help make it that our enemies shall never put their greedy claws on Canada. Nothing Matters Now But Victory Buy The New Victoru Bonds Space Donated Clifford Lobb, st son rilOPIZ 40. THE STORE 'THAT SAVES YOU MONEY.