HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-10-22, Page 5'THURS., OCT. 221942
Stanley'"14;•oNall of the R.C.A..k':
-Dunnville j spent; the week end K i s
'Bis, parents Mr. and Kis. Thos Mc-
Na11. i
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradnock an
;anfr. J. J. Wilson spent Sunday with
•ZVfr. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson, Galt
.Mrs..Wilson returned home with them
.after a week's visit at Galt.
,14Irs. Jas. Johnston and daughte
Kathleen of Bluevale spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm,' Dobie.
11Sr, and' Mrs. C. M. S'traughan re-
neeived a gable from their' son George
:informing them of his safe arrival.
,ovkrseas, '
Mr. Alfred Rollinson chairman of
•the Salvation Army Red Shield Fund
for the, Auburn district, has:reported
'that $75.85 was collected here in this
community. He wishes to thank all
' who supported ,this worthy cause.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McLarty visit-
:•ed;friends in Wingham on Sunday.
Rev. W. G. Rose, Hugh and Ina
:Rose, visited at Beeehville and Wood-
atock on Saturday.. . • .
.Mrs. Geo. Dawson was' a Wingham
'Visitor on Sunday.
At Knox Presbyterian Church on
'Sunday Rev. Dr. F. W. Ge1mour, Lon -
.don eceupied the pulpit. He was assis-
ted' by Miss Ada Adams, returned
-missionary from Formosa, who spoke
+of her'work in that country Miss Jo-
sephine Weir rendered a solo.
bf -. and Mrs;. , Harry Anderson of
•Lueknow. spent Monday with the lat-
• er'e mother, Mrs. Annie Doyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogerson,
Streetsville and Mr. Archie Brooks
d Loring were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mclllwain.
The, Ebenezer Ladies Club met' at
the home of Mrs. Harold Webster
with, 12 members and one visitor pre-
sent. It was decided to buy $5.00 of
dress 'goods to make girls' dresses.
A quilt was completed and four dress-
. -es cut out. The material being donated
by Mrs. -John Reid.' Mrs. Robert Rut-
ledge was chosen as the new presi-
ent and Mrs. Harold Webster, secre-
tary -treasurer. Mrs. John Reid invit-
•�ed.the.elub to her. home for the Nov-
ember, meeting. •
The Mission' Band! of Knox United
Church met Sunday morning with Bill
Craig in charge,; and gave the call to
worship. The scripture was read by.
Dolly Beadle and Harvey Wightman
led in prayer. A reading was given
byBill' Seers. The story "Two 'Hun-
garian Boys" was given by the lead-
'er:Mrs, 'Earl Wightman. The offer-'
ing was received by Glenn Yungblutt,
There were'' 19 present.
The Junior Red Cross of Auburn
Public! Settee], held their meeting Fri-
day' afternoon. The program opened
by the song "Carry Om" Reading
Dolly Beadle, Jokes by Donald Plun-
kett, song Donald Plunkett, Lawrence
Plaetzer and Glenn Yungblutt, Ridd-
les, Dolly Beadle, Recitation, Carol
Beadle, Reading, Teddy; Turner, song
Marion Taylor, Bobby Yungblutt, Lau-`
ra Leatherland.
at The Home Nursing "Class under
th the spicet of:the Red Cross was or-
ganized; in the Bayfield Public
School, on Tuesday night, Organizer'
d Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, Secretary,
Mrs. -Lloyd Makins. The Class' got off
, to a goods start under the able direc-
tion of Miss Maud: Sterling who will
be assisted by 'others during course.
r Gloria Westlake took the part of the.
patient in the demonstration of bed-
side eare. The following names have
been sent in to Red Crosse headquart-
ers, es, beginning the course. Mise
Cecil McLeod, Mrs. George Elliott;
Mist Violet M'cQlylmont, Mrs. Roy
Scotchmer, Miss Berthena Stergeon,
Miss Jean Greer, Miss Marie Talbot,
Mrs. Elgin Porter, Mrs. ''. Toms,
Miss Rose Sbotchmer, Mrs. J. Scotch -
mer, Jr., Mrs. Lloyd Makins, Miss
Josephine Sterling, Mrs. Will Fergu
son, Mrs. Malcolm Toms, Miss Helen
Stergeon, Bins. R. Larson, Mrs. Char-
les Scotchmer, Mrs. W. Parker, Miss
Doris Penhale, Miss Minnie Penhale,
Mrs. D .E. Prentice, llIrs. ,Alfred West-
lake, Miss Beverly Porke, Mrs. Lloyd
Scatchmer, Mrs: Walter Westlake,
Miss Ethel Watson, Mrs. Robert
Scotohmer and Mrs. Arthur Peek.
Mrs. Lewis Thomson has left Bay-
field, to spend the winter months in
Ft. William.
Mi. and Mrs. Vincent Quarry are
closing their summer home, thisweek
returning to London, and Mrs. Mary
McKeon, mother of Mrs. Quarry who
spent the summer with them has re-
turned to her home in Windsor.
Mrs. Frank Parke, and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Eric Carre, have returned
to Toronto after spendnig several
weeks here. They have sold their pro-
perty "Paradise Farm" to Mr. Ivan
Mrs. R. L, Basset has taken a
.position on the staff of the Victory
Loan Campaign committee, in Clin-
Miss Fairburn returned to Detroit
on Tuesday after having spent the
summer season at her cottage on the
lake shore. Mrs. F. Hendricks of Bir-
mingham Mich., and Mrs. G. Milburn,
of Detroit, came on Tuesday to ac-
company her home.
Mrs. C. W. Brown has, closedher
cottage and is visiting her sister Mrs.
Arch. Armstrong, of the Bronson
Mrs. H. G. E. Crosby and Master
David of Bolton Landing N. Y., came
on Friday owing to her mother's ill-
ness to be with her sister,',Mis. John'
Miss Miller and Miss Jessie Met-
calf of Detroit spent the week end at
their home.
Misses Alice Drouin and Adele Fer-
nette of Detroit were in their cot-
tages over the week ends.
Master John Campbell of the Bron-
son line spent the week end with
his grandmother, Mrs. Donald Mac-
Miss Jean Dunn of Toronto visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. L. Makins over the
week end.
Mrs. E. A. Featherston. and Miss
Doris Featherston, left last week to
spend the winter in Hamilton.
Rev. E. C. Jennings, a former Rec-
tor of this Parish will be the special
speaker at the service arranged, by the
Laymen's Association in Trinity
Church, on Sunday morning and throu-
ghout the Parish. In announcing the
service, the Rector urged that all
members of the church make a spe-
cial effort to attend.
Mrs. F. C. Neelin left on Friday to
visit friends at Thamesville.
Miss Grace Cameron of Chicago
is visiting' her sister, Miss E. Camer-
Miss Anna Cornish and friend of
Toronto spent the week end at her
.home here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Japfe spent Mon-
'day evening with Mr. and Mrs, Morley
;Storey of Seaforth.
Mr. Robt Dawson, Mr. Jas. Aiken-
'head spent Sunday at Innwood.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns attended
tht'.^'McKenzie-Re'binson wedding at
Egmondville on Saturday.
Mr.' and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler, spent
'the week end with Mr. and 'Mrs. F.'
Kling of Seaforth,-
Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Swan spent the
week end In Toronto. '
Rev. and Mrs. Atkinson spent a cou-
'ple of days .at Wardsvile.
'Group No. 1 of the W 'S. are• spoiY-
-spring a play to be put' en by' the
A,Y,P.A. of Clinton and a prograrn
by local talent on Wed. Oct. 28. Come
',out and have a real evening of `fun:
The following is a list- of articles
• that the ladies of this community
have. .been ' asked to knit for our
soldiers, sailors and' airmen. The Red
Cross Society really!' wants to ac-.
*sept this quota which will not be pos-
sible unless they can get more knit-
ters. Will you 'offer to help: Yarn and
directions may be obtained any Tues.
or Friday from. Mrs. Cornish. The
linit.in c.:nm•niit`ee will be 'glad to
:help you. Don't you think it is nearly
time von cane forward. Remember
our boys at .Dieppe • couldn't " and
would not say they didn't have time
.,for you. • . •
Army'and Air Force: -20. pair of
:;gloves; '20 sleeveless sweaters; 20
ribbed helmets; 50 pair socks.
Seamen's, Comforts:. — 20 Turtle'
'neck sweaters; 20 sleeveless sweaters;
20 tuck ins;, 45,pair seamen's 18 inch
Don't make us mina this ordsr.
Government restricts statutory holt,
days to New Years Day, Goody .Fri-
day, the first Monday in July, La-
bor Day,' "Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day eliminating fiye gen-
'erally observed holidays.
The following Red Cross articles
were recently packed ready fo rship-
ping: 4 quilts, Al pairs boys pants,
22 boys shirt% 1 girl's coat, 1 pair
pyjamas, 22 pairs socks, 98 pads, .190
diapers, 2 sweaters.
The W.M.S. held its October meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. Wm. Finlay
with Mrs. S. Walter in charge. A.
hymn of • Praise was read by Miss
Reta Yeo.;, After singing all People
that on Earth do Dwell, Mrs. Walter
led; in prayer. Mrs. Cudmore read the
Bible lesson. Psalm 95: The roll call'
was answered by "something on
Thanksgiving" Mrs. Walter gave a
very interesting address' on Thanks-
giving after which Mrs. Rogers and
Mrs. B. •Trewartha offered prayer.
Christian Stewardship was taken by
Mrs. E. Yeo and Mrs. N. Trewartha.
The business' was conducted by the
ar.s. Mrs. B.. Trewartha, when ar-
arrangenrents were made to hold the
us,giving meeting •Sunday even-
ing Nov.,15. The singing of "All Hail
The Power of Jams Name" brought
`ha meeting to a close.
The meeting of ti:a .W. A; was held -
the saint afternoon with the Pres.
Mrs. E. Yeo in the chair.. Several it-
ems 'of balmF;..were discussed. The
meeting closed with the singing of
,the National Anthem. Al dainty lunch
was served by the hostesses, Mrs: W. 1
Yeo and Mrs. Win. Finlay and a so-
cial hour spent.
who last evening resigned as Prem-
ier of Ontario and recommended' to
His • Honor, Lieutenant -Governor
Matthews, that Attorney -General„
Gordon Conant, be called upon to'
form an administration.
The Varna Junior Institute met at
the home of Miss' Ruth McAllister on
October 12th. Owing to the resigna-
tion of Miss Mary Snowden, who has
taken a position in Windsor, Miss
Lillian Elliott was appointed presi-
dent. The navy quota was completed
and handed in at this meeting. The
next meeting will be held at the home
of Miss Julene Stephenson on Nov, 2.
Death of William Hart
The sudden death of the late Wil-
liam Hart caused a great shock to the
community.. Mr. Hart apparently was
in his usual health. and on Friday
suffered a heart attack. Doctor was
called and advised rest and quietness
On Sunday he was' up and had din-
ner at' the table with his wife 'and'
friends after which he went to bed
and in the evening 'compl'ained of
the pain in his chest. The doctor was
again called and on Monday morning
about .six o'clock passed away. Mr.
Hart was horn near Woodstock in
1863 and later moved to Stanely town-
ship where he farmed, until 1941 when
he sold his farm and moved into the
village of Varna about 1 year and
a half ago where he and his wife were
very comfortably settled. Mr. Hart
was twice married, his first wile, Ag-
nes McLinchyr, predeceased him seer
eral years ago. In 1920 he was unit.
ed in marriage to -Miss Rachel Mc-
Linchy who survives to mourn the loss
of a kind and loving husband. Also a
brother John of Edmonton. Mr. Hart
was a member of the United Church
and the funeral which was held from
the church on Tuesday Ott.' 13th was
very 'largely attended Rev. Reba
Hern conducted the service.
Those from a distance who atten-
ded the funeral were Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Hart, and Mrs. Will Hart from Wood-
stock! Mr. Cuthbentson, Mr and Mrs.
Elliott and son from Mitchell. The
pallbearers were. Ross Scott, Basil
O'Rorke, Lyle Hill, Alex McConnell,
Geo. Clark! and Alf Ings. Flower
bearers were nephews of the deceased
The sympathy of the community is
extended! to Mrs. Hart in her bereave-
The many friends of Mr. Lee Mc-
Connell will be sorry to learn that he
is still in the hospital, but getting
along as well as can be expected.
Dr. Harvey Reid, Mrs. Reid and
daughters of Toronto spent Thanks-
giving with the Dr,'s Mother Mrs. M.
Special week night services are be-
ing held in the United Church. All
are cordially invited:
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Woods and son
Bobbie of Listowel visited with rela-
tives in the village Sunday:
Mrs. E. Clatter spent the past week
in London With.. het' daughters. '
Special serivice will be held in St.
John's •Anglican Church Sunday ev-
ening, Oot. 28ith.at1 o'clock Rev. E.
C. Jennings, of London, will be the
guest speaker. '
Al cordial invitation is extended to
everyone who can attend' this ser-
vice. •
The London Road; Club held their
regular meeting on Thursday Octob-
er 15th, at the home of Mrs. Clegg.
The vice-president opened themeeting
with, singing followed by the creed.
The minutes of the last meeting were
read and adopted and the roll call was
answered by eleven members and,
four visitors. Bills and correspondence
were dealt with and the afternoon
was ',spent in quilting, sewing and
knitting. A quilt was brought in that
had been :quilted by.Mrs. Henderson
end Wannetta.•It•was' dee id'ed to'send'
boxes to our boys overseas: The' meet
ing closed by, singing the. National
Anthem,, The hostesses served a de-
icious Lunch. The next meeting will
be at home' of Mrs. George Falconer
on November 19th -
For Every Occasion
Phones: Mw and QAi
Ponitry(Wan ted
We are in the market for a good
quantity of Iive chickens and hens apt
top market prices. Culling done by,an
experienced poultryman.
Now is the time to have your flock
producing to obtain" the best price
for eggs_ in years:
Day Pksse 214. Night Phone i2Y.
Barking Locker Storage
Salmon Fish 18c Per lb. in Large piece
Or 20c lb Sliced
Boneless Salmon 30e Ib
Fresh and Smoked Fillets 25e per lb.
Haddock Fillets 30c Ib.
Custom Killing and Buying Hides
Summerhill Red Cross
The Summerhill ..Red Grose group
held their October meeting at the
home of Mrs. Oliver Jervis with the
president in the chair: The meeting
opened by singing God Save the King
followed by jhe Red Cross prayer.
The minutes of the last meeting were
read and adopted. Fifteen members
and nine'visitors were present. It was
moved that Mrs. T, Mason and Mrs,
A. Osbaldeston look after the Christ-
mas boxes to be sent*, our soldiers
overseas. Al cushion donated by Miss
Gladys Habkirk brought: •seyenty-five
cents, A. quilt was quilted and a quilt
top was worked on and our navy corn.:
fort bags were packed in the after-
noon. The next meeting will be at the
home of Mr's'. G, Slnith in the after-
noon of October 28th, Roll ,pall to be
answered by "my favorite hobby"
Lunch was served at the close of the
Church Delegates '
Meet at Clinton
That the teaching of religious know
ledge in public and high schools be
urged throughout the county was the
text of a resolution adopted at the
Huron County, Sunday School con-
vention held in Clinton, which was
under the direction of the 'United
Christian_ Education 'Advance Com-
Other resolutions endorsed were:
That a looal, survey be Made in the
villages, towns and townships in the
county under bhe direction of the'looai
ministerial associations; that where
possible teacher's training' schools,
be held and that suppoift be given to
proposed plans for Christian Family
Week,'May 3 to 9, to be the culmin-
ation of intensive effort up, to that
The convention was held tri Wesley
Willis church. Delegates were present
from every Protestant denomination
in the county. The afternoon session
was opened '5y 'a period) of Worship
conducted by Rev: J. 'A.:Milligan, of
,Goderich. Miss Ruth Lucas, represent-
ing the Ontario Religious Education
Council; challenged the gathering'with
an address entitled "A Counter Of-
fensive," Then followed around table
discussion on Christian education ad-
• Denominational Institutes followed
with the following leaders: Rev: A, J.
Milligan, Goderich,. Rev.: J. Graham,
Bayfield; Rev. W. Weir,-Hensall; Rev.
C. B. Iieckendorn, Zurioh, Rev. R. G.
Hazelwood., Walton.
Rev. W. Weir, of Herman, opened
the period of worship, in the evening.
Rev. Richard, Stewart ' of Goderich,
presented the report of the resolu-
tions committee. A demonstration of
a teachers' meeting entitled "Back
From the Convention" was presented
by Victoria street United church
'Y'oung People Goderich. Rev. W. e
'Antos, speaking on "Toe Conservation
of Youth" forcefully presented the!
claims of the present day for a `}Chri-
stian Education Advance." His ad- For Sale
drest brought the convention to a eon- Two white Saanen'milk, goats. A.p.
1 i
Mon., Tues., and Wed.
"49th Parallel"
A Story of our Own Canada, starr-
ing the Canadian actor Raymond
Raymond Massey, Lawrence Olivier
and Leslie Howard.
Thurs., Fri., Saturday.
"Take' a Letter Darling"
A Male Secretary and a Female
Boss; ' Starring Rosalind Russel and
Fred McMurray.
WIND," with Paulette Goddard.
TER DARLING",---Rosatind Rus-
Mon., Tues. and. Wed.
Ceeil B.. DeMilles :Greatest Picture
."Reap the .Wild Wind"
In Technicolor, with an all star
east: Ray Milland—John .Wayne—
Paulette Goddard, Raymond Massey
—Robert Preston and Susan Hay-
Thurs., Fri. and Sat.
You have waited for this epic! -
"Captains of the Clouds"
Filmed in Technicolor at Canada's
Air S'choola, and starring.
James Cagney with Brenda Mar-
DAY" --.Claudette Colbert.
Mon., Tues. and Wed. •
Joan Fontaine—Tyrone.; Power and;
Thomas Mitchell. Presenting a
grand romance of the war, a pic-
ture you will remember.
• "This Above All"
Thurs., Fri. and Sat.
Gene Autry :Smiley Burnebte and
Carol Hughes with song and sinew
they fail, the outlaws and win
the gal again.
"Under Fiesta Stars"
Don't Miss It!
Put your money to work for
Buy the Third
"Nothing Matters Now But
Serve by Saving
Space Donated By
LEE—.LEE — At the home of the
bride's parents in Wingham, on
Monday, Oct. 19th, when Rev. Ken-
neth MacLean united in marriage
Jennie Lee, elder daughter of. Mr,
and Mrs, Wee Lee, of Wingham,
and Mr. Howard Lee, , son of Mr,
We Lee of ;Clinton.
Trinity Church, Winnipeg, on Sat-
urday afternoon October 3rd, when
Lottie Irene' Livermore,. daughter
of Mrs. S. G. Castle, of Clinton, be-
came the bride of Mr. Arthur Ris-
Iey of Peterborough, England.
JOHNS-- At Scott Memorial Hospi
tai, Seaforth on Sunday, Oct. 815
1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns, of
Tuckersmith, a son.
SAVAUGE—In Seaforth Hospital on
Tuesday October 13, to Mr. and
Mrs. Rose Savauge, a daughter,
Lynda Jean.
COOK—In Clinton , Public Hospital,
on Monday October 19th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Cook, of Blyth,
•a soh. ,
WILLIAMS In Clinton Public Hospi-
tal on . Tuesday, October 20th to
Mr. and Mrs. Knox Williams, of
Clinton, a daughter, Carol Anne.
PICKETT—In Clinton Public Hospi-
tal . on Wednesday, October 21st,
to Pte and Mrs. Ken. Pickett, (nee
Dorothy Steep), a son.
LEBEAU In Clinton PublicHospi-
, tai, on Thursday, October 22nd, to
Mr. and Mrs.' Max LeBeau, of
Stanley Township, a son.
GRANT --4n Clinton on Tuesday, Oc-
tober 24th, John Grant, in his 58th.
McCAUGHEY: In Clinton on Tues-
day, October 20th ,Martha Boyle,
beloved wife, of the late John Mc-
Caughey in her 83rd year.
EDMESTON-In Toronto, on Friday,
October 16th, Ner .ton Bdmeston, in
his 75th year. •
ALLEN—In Boboaygeon, on Friday,'
Getober 915, Margaret Jackson, wi-
dow of ,John; James Allen of Ot-
tawe, and former resident of Clin-
MacKINNON—Art the Royal Victoria
Hospital, Montreal, on Monday, Oc-
tober 19th, John George MacKinnon
beloved husband, of Bessie Clara
May Ranee, father of Bill, Mary'
and Manny, and eldest son of the
late Reverend Neil D. and Mrs. Mac
Kinnon, Funeral at Moncton, New
Brunswick on Thursday.
Canada to ship 675,000,000 pounds'
of bacon and port products, to Britain
during the year at a price 10 per cent
higher than the price paid under. the
xpiring 600,000,000 pound e'ontract
Agricultural Minister Gardiner an-
"In Aid of Smokes for Soldiers"
Sponsored by the "Happy War Work-
ers' Club," of the Heim Road.
Town Hall, Clinton
Music by "The Melody Mixers"
Admission 35 cents each
Dancing 9 to 1
General maid to commence duties
October 30th. Sleep out. Apply Box
..39X the Clinton New Record. 15-1
Apples For Sale
A quantity of sprayed spy apples
for sale .Apply. to R. G. Smith, R.R. 1,
Clinton, Phone 804r34, 15-1
For Sale
One 2 year old Registered York-
shire Hog, Apply to W. V. Roy, Lan-
desboro, phone Blyth 28r6.• 15-1
For Sale
Girl's two-piece ski suit, size 12;
boy's three-piece suit, coat, hat and
leggings, size 2; Also one pair white
rubber galoshes. Apply at the News -
Record office. • 15-1
Farm Wanted
I want to rent 100 acres with the
option of buying. Land and: buildings
trust be in fair condition. Apply to
Box 39 R The News -Record. 15-1
To •Rent
To rent in Seaforth, heated apart-
ments. All modern; two bedrooms.
Apply Regent Theatre, Seaforth, 15-1
For Sale
Old model car with good motor,
tires and. battery.. Good, mileage aper
gallon. Apply at the News -Record of-
fice. 15-1
For Sale
Three piece green enamelled bed-
room suite with springs, 3.4 size
spindle type bed. Telephone 620r14,
Mrs. Jack Innes, R.R. 5, Clinton. 15-1
Girl wanted to do housework every
morning. No eooking. Apply at the
Commercial Inn, Clinton. 15-1
The October meeting of the Port-
c(r's. Hill Reel Cross was held on
Monday, October 19, at the hone of
Mrs, Glenn Lockhart. The afternoon
was ',spent in packing ditty bags for
soldiers at Christmas and in sewing.
The business part of the meeting. was
conducted by the preident, Mrs; Bert'
Harris, The lucky ticket was drawn
on• an afghan and was' won by Mrs.
Jack Gilbert. The'riekt meeting"will
be held at the home of Mrs. Les
Cox on the third'Monday of Novem-
Improved - 137 acres productive
land, cheerful neighborhood — well
fenced and underdrained—good barns
—new seven roomed cottage—hard-
wood bush -apple orchard—water un-
derpressure—electricity, 1 1-4 miles
east of Varna on paved highway. Ow-
ner reserves main resident and
lawns for personal use. Apply to Dr.
Lloyd Moffat, London, Ontario. 14-3
Clerks' Notice of First Posting of
Voters' List.
Voters' Lists, 1942, Township of Hul-
lett, Huron County
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with Section 8 of the Voters'
Lists Act, ,and that I have posted up
at my ;,Office at Londesboro, on the
12, day of October, 1942, the list of
all persons entitled to vote in the
said Municipal Elections, and that
such list remains there for inspection.
Voters to take immediate proceedings
to have any errors or omissions car-
rected according `to law, •and that the
last day, for appeal being the 12, Day
of November, 1942.
Dated this 12, Day of October, 1942.
Clerk of Hullett Township.
Electrical Equipment
Shur Shock Eleotrio Fenced, comb:
plote with Battery and Inaulatorat
$15.00 guaranteed.
I carry a full line of radio tubes(;.
up to date tube tester, General bat-
teries and' Dominion Washing Marl.
ines ,all electrical appliances and
roofing auppijes.
A. W. Groves. Princess St..
Princess Street — Clinton.
Change of Schedule June 27, 1942.
DLY. ex. Sun. & Hot Sun. & Hol
8.15 a.m. 8.15 a.m.
1.25 p.m. 4.50 p.m.
4.50 p.m. 8.30 p.m..
Northbound: • , '
DLY. ex. Sun. & Hol. Sun.' & Hol,
10.50B 2.20
2.20 9.55
B. Indicates to Wingham only.
For furter information call Bartliff's
Confeetionery Phone 1.
and His Orchestra
This ,•
You will want to be there to enjoy,
this change of bands. `
Admission 35 cents each.
12 -tor
Anniversary Services
Of Brucefield United Church
Sunday, 'October 25th
at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Rev. W. A. Beecrsoft, B. A., B.D., of
Wingham will be the guest speaker,
Special music will be furnished by the
choir, assisted by Miss Weir, of Au-
burnh 142
Get our paying latices before sell-
ing. Also wanted flocks to supply' us
with hatching eggs for 1943 season.
Flocks culled and blood tested free.
Good Prices Paid. Write for full de-
Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited,
Fergus, Ontario. 14-8, •
Girls tailored winter coat, size 14,
New last year. Apply at the News-
Record office. : . 14-1
'175 'acres, 2- miles from' Dashwood. •
Good livestock district. Good seven-.
room Brick house with basement. Two
barns 80'x40' (bank'ed) and 60'x40'.
Water inside buildings. Two concrete
silos. Tool shed, etc. Good roads. Land
part light and clay loam all under
crop, with abundant naturyal water.
Full line farm implements if desired
will be sold reasonable to close estate.,,
Immediate possession $8,000 half cash.
Apply to W, E. Reid, Box 103 Chath-
am,. Ontario. • 14-2
Strayed front Lot 18, concession 8
of Stanley township, one red heifer,
part Hereford . and part Durham,
weight from 800 to 900 pounds. • Fin-
der please get in touch with Watt'
Webster, Varna, phone 11r622 Clin-
ton. 13-t1. • .
Fall Apples: Also orders taken for.
Spy, Snow, King, Sweets, Russets,
Baldwins, etc. Phone Clinton 622-24.
Fred McClymont, Varna. 10-tf.
House For Sale
White stucco house on Mary Street.
In good condition; Modern convenien-
ces., Apply Mies Rudd, Mary.St. 11-t1
Sheep For Sale
Leicester sheep for sale, present of-
fering ,consists of shearling ewes, ewe
ants, ram lambs. Apply to J, H. Quig-
ley, 3 miles south of Clinton on. No. 4
Highway, phone 3r619. 1242