HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-10-15, Page 8PAGE 8 For Prompt and; Courteous !Service Call lE,AT`TIE'i Funeral Director, Ambulance Service, Furniture Phone 184w Day or Night GEO. B. BEATTIE 'HE CLINTOT Invest toy=day for'to this war must be won or else 7 7, ? and the' winning of `it hasn't commenced yet Your pocket book will help Buy War, Saving Stamps andi advance victory. We have a fold over writing pad and. package of envelopes to match offered you at 17c for the two, This is out of the usual value and should be shop- ped for 'soon: "Our Hats off to Canada" is the song selected to be featuredi'everywhere in connection with forthcoming financial campaign. It's a stirring tune, strikes a note that is throbbing with pros- pective victory. It is the theme song of the victory loan drive. PRICE 40c 1NEWS-LECOI 1 Watch your World in .the daily news- paper. You sure must be particularly interested in our National Defence operations, production, bottlenecks, conscription industrial .progress, arm- aments, information on what's behind the news and what's ahead, all the important news .pips what the news really means. All in the daily papers. We're in it, Let's win it. Ydur part, if unable to fight, is to lend your pocket book to your government. Buy War Tip Top Suits Just received—New Samples of Fine English Wor- steds and Tweeds at no advance in price. Suit or Ov- ercoat, from any cloth $29.75 Styles and Qualities are Tip Top—Ask the man who Wears One New. Fallhoes Men's, Women's and Children's. They combine style and quality and at very moderate prices. School Girls Oxfords—Smart new styles Specially priced at $2.25 School Clot � ;e g Try us for that new pair of shoes, sweaters, golf sox, etc. Our stock is very complete. Plumsteel /Am., Shirts — Adam Hats -- Scott & McHale Shoes for My Azents Tip Top Tailors. i Stove Pipes, Glass and Paints When in Need of Stove or Furance Pipes Give us a Call. WE MAKE OUR OWN Glass of All Kinds at Best Prices, MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS, USE THE BEST • HARDWARE and ��IIIS� Phone 244 C LITTLE LOCALS EBENEZER Mrs. L. Snyder of town had. a mes- sage from Dashwood saying that her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wein passed Away. The funeral was held last Sat- urday October 10th. Mr. Charles Clifton of ICippen has purchased Mrs. J. M. Chowen's resi- dence on Townsend street, and ex- pects to take possession about the first of March. Ontario Street W.A. The W. A. of Ontario Street Un- ited Chruch held their regular meet- ing on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes presided. Mrs. Hawke conducted the devotional period with Mrs. Pearson leacling in prayer and Mrs. C. Elliott reading the scripture. Plans were made to send Christmas boxes to the soldiers overseas, ,and the serving of a dinner to the Victory Loan Committee. The program con- sisted' of two whistling songs by Miss. Harrison accompanied by Miss Wilt - se and a reading by Mrs. M. Batkin. 'The ladies of No. 4 highway.and 2nd of Hullett were' hostesses. Savings Stamps or Bonds, The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Bert Lobb for the' October meeting. The president, Mrs, C. Tebbutt took charge of the meeting which was opened by a hymn followed by the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopt- ed. The devotional period' was taken by Mrs. Cannan Tebbutt. The roll call was responded to by "something for which we have to be thankful." Readings were given by Joy Lobb and Mrs. C, Tebbutt. The meeting was closed with a hymn followed by the Mizpah benediction. A quilt was quilted during the 'afternoon. Lunch was served by Misses Joy Lobb, Mar- garet Lobb and Marianne Merrill¢ Mes..11. Lyon, of.Londesboro is visiting this Week at the home of her daughter Mrs. Bert Lobb. - Mrs. J. Tebbutt and Mr. and Mrs. I. Tebbutt and, family visited with re- latives in London on Sunday. V BIRTHS MEERILL--In Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Thursday, October 8th, to Mr.• and Mrs. Charles Merrill, Goderieh Township, a daughter. . The W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Bast 1 3Wllllimsume 1W!!oi 6111111 ammadiciiremarr n Cal.• at Capreol, and it was left to"tlfe Columbine Seedlings buying committee to decide about buy- ing flannelette blanlcets: The presi- dt d FOR FALL PLANTING If you saw oilr Columbine in Iblooni last Spring and would like to have similar lovely flowers an- other season, let us supply you with seedlings ready now for Fall platt- ing 50c PER DOZ. Bittersweet for..�Your Winter Bo- quet.- It is particularly •good this Fall. 25c a BUNCH. PREPARED SOIL 15caPAIL ° SAGE 10c A BUNCH FLOWERS FOR ALL' OCCASIONS F. R. 'CUNINGHAME Member of- Florists Tel. Del Ae. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 . SEASONABLE SPECIALS ens,: secretary an reasurer were appointed to bring in a slate of off- icexrs for the following year to. the November meeting. Miss Viola Pep- per favoured ,•with a solo and 1VIrs. Garrett a humorous;r^eading. Group four have charge of the next meeting Mrs. Earl Whitmore is to take Mrs. F. Townsend's place on the group. The roll call to be answered by your gift for the north car. The meeting closed Eby singing a hymn and God Save the King. The 'afternoon was spent by sewing children's garments. Lunch wasserved by group three. Thrift Soap Flakes pkg. 35c Tillson`s Quick Rolled Oats pkg 17c 5 lb Fine. or Coarse Oatmeal'25c 1 lb Rex Bulk Cocoa 19c 2 pkgs. Habitant Chicken Noodle 2 Cans Libby's Kidney Beans .. 25c 1 Bottle Vanilla 2 oz. Sc 3 cakes Lux, Camay Toilet Soap 20c 1.Bottle (14 oz.) Smith's Tomato Catsup 19c 4 lbs Waxed Turnips 10c b 105 Roasting Apples '25e 6 lbs Cooking Apples 25c 1 pkg Super Suds 19c GUESS WEIGHT OF CABBAGE IN OUR WINDOW. PRIZE FOR NEAR EST OR CORRECT GUESS _Iiss Eva Cluff spent Thanksgiving with Hensall friends. Miss Barbara Thompson of Kitchen- er spent the week end .at her home 111 town. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns• were the week enol guests . of friends in Guelph. Miss Jean Hearn, of Kitchener, spent the week end and holiday at her home in town. Miss Margaret Rozell spent the week end in Kitchener, the guest of Miss Marilyn Rozell. Mrs. M. Snyder, has returned to town after visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Snyder, of Colborne. Mrs. Ralph riewson of Toronto visit- ed with Clinton friends during the Thanksgiving week end. Mrs. Willis Cooper and three children were holiday week end guests with Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Cooper. Mrs. Walter Osbaldeston of Strat- ford spent the week end and holi- day with Mrs. T. Caldwell Mrs. Florence. Pickett and Miss Jean- nie Pickett, of Detroit Mich., visit- ed Mrs. A. Farnham last week end. Miss E'lna Jamieson spent the week end and holiday in Toronto the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Car- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leonard of Milton spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Leon- ard. Miss Helen Herman of Pefferlaw spent the holiday weelc end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman. Mr. and! Mrs. Ray Carter and family of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with the former's father, Mr. T. T. Carter. Miss Faye Lindsay, Reg. N., of Ham- ilton is holidaying at her home on the Huron Road and also with friends in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane were pleasantly surprised last Sunday when their nephew, Private Clare Buck of Victoria B. C., stationed at Kingston, Ont., called on theta. Pte. Buck's mother is the -former Miss Annie Cochrane of Clinton, and this is the first time Mr. and Mrs. Coch- rane have seen their nephew. He also visited with his uncle Mr. T. T. ,Carter. Holiday visitors at the home of A. T. Hebden, over the week end were: Miss M. E. Muir, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Muir, Miss Erma and Alex, of Lakeside, Miss Wilma , Gough, Mrs. W. Doan, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hebden and Gordon of London , Mrs. Nemchock, Barbara, Jean and Jackie of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Williaey of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs Howard, Muriel and Mary of Blow's Corners and A. C. Ronald! Hebden, R.C.A.F at Belleville. W. L. JOHNSON GROCER • DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR October, 15,16,17, Arctic Pastry Flour 7's 24 lb bag Hillcrest Lard 1 Ib Vanilla Extract 8 oz. bottle 23 65 13 15 DANCE r In Aid of War Work, Sponsored by Women's Institute Clinton Branch, TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16th Music by the Orchestra of No. 31 R. A. F. School Clinton,, with the kind permission of Wing Command'er Cocks ADMISSION 35c EACH 13-2 The Toggery Shoppe Operated by (G. Edighoffer & Son) LADIES' AND MISSES' WOOL SWEATERS Pullovers and Button Styles in fancy Knits. See These Smart Numbers. THURS., OCT. 15, 1942 SPECIAL VALUES FOR OCTOBER 16th and 17th RED & WHITE CHOICE -NO. 4 LADY GODIVA BEAUTY,, PEAS 2 tins....,.. ...... .• 23 SOAP 4 cakes 19c LYNN VALLEY WAX CLARK'S TOM, OR VEG. BEANS 2 tins 23c SOUP 2 tins 15c FLOUR, Red & White Pastry 7's .27c and 24's .79c WOOL JACKETS In Donegal Tweeds, and Fancy Plaids in Harmony Colors, All sizes at Pro- tected Prices Salt Plain or Iodized 1'/ lb carton 7c Carnation Milk, Igo tin • 10c Oxydol, large pkg. 25c Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkgs ..21c Jewel Shortening, 1 db 19e Cox Gelatine Pkg 19c Toddy %} lb tin 25c Puffed, Wheat Sparlcies pkg 8c Puffed Rice, pkg IOe Royal York Cheese %y lb'pkcg Sunlight Soap, 3 bars 19c Mazda light bulbs 25, 40 and 60 watt each 15c Carrots,'Washed 3 lbs Celery Hearts, 2 for 10e 27c T. R. TBDMPSON Free Delivery TUCKERSMITB The October meeting of the Tucker - smith Ladies'Club was held at the home. of Mrs. William Rogerson on Wedhlesday •afternoon last with fifteen ladies present. 'The meeting opened with the ode and the Lord's Prayer The roll, call followed, which was ans- wered, by "a method of grandmother's still in. Use". The treasurer's report was read also a letter .from Fletcher Townsend R.C.A.F. stationed •at Dunnville thank- ing the club for a sweater which he had received. Slt was decided to bring second hand clothing ora,small gift to the November meeting to be sent in the box to the Sioman'School GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE LET NEWTEX DO IT The Toggery Shoppe Phone 324 B. Streets in charge, YOUR CHOICE 19c Ib. 11 LIGHT BULBS, Mazda 25, 40, 60 watt 15c Each; OLD DUTCH OXYDOL. BLUE & WHITI CLEANSER BLEACH 2 tins 21c LG. PKG. 25c: 2 bottles 15c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES JUICY CALIFORNIA CAULIFLOWER Oranges doz 37c LL'1"1`UCL CABBAGE NO. 1 SWEET MARROWS Potatoes 31b 25C CARROTS CHOICE WAXED ONIONS Turnips 4 lb10C CRANBERRIES R'GRAPEFUIT CALIFORNIA FANCY APPLES Grapes 2 lbs 35c PEPPERS JUICY CALIFORNIA LeT1iorts 6 19c CHOICE HEARTS OF Celery 2 for 29c CHOICE Parsnips 2 lb 11 c PEPPER Squash 3 for 10c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 for Quality Foods CLINTON BALL ee ZAPFE Old reliable dealers in a general line of HARDWARE and FURNITURE Prompt Attention to Ambulance Calls Modern and Efficient Embalmers and Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 — Phone 103 ve y When you carry your groceries, we save delivery expenses and leave a man free for war work. The money saved by us of delivery expenses will C'Tying ing be returned to you in the form of lower priced goods. Buy from the store giving the best service and low- er prices. October, 15 to 17th YORK CREAM STYLE CORN 20 oz. tins 2 for 27; Regular price 15c tin. KLEENEX 200's box 2 pk. 23c Regular price 2 for 25c ALYMER ASPARAGUS cuts 2 tins 25c, Regular price 14c a tin. CATELLI EGG NOODLES, 2 pk. 19c Regular Price 15c pk. LYNN VALLEY PEAS 2 tins 19c Regular Price 2'for 25c CLARK'S SOUPS 3 tins 25c PICAKE SHORTENING lb 18c YORK CHICKEN & RICE so>:.ip 2 for 19c. Regular 2 for 25c ROSE BAKING POWDER, 17c. Regular 19c KLENZINE AMMONIA 2 pk 9c IVORY SOAP, large cake 10c ALYMER ORANGE & GRAPE- FRUIT Marmalade 30c Regular 32c WOODBURY SOAP 4 for 25c Regular 3 for 25c JERGEN'S SOAP, 4 for 19c Regular 7c bar CUDOY SOAP, 3 bars 12c Reg. 5c bar HONEY, 4 lb pail, 59c MUFFETS , 10c pk QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT 8 qt. size 17c pk. Reg 19c We Handle Fresh Vegetables & Fruit BUY AT OUR MEAT COUNTER FRESH SAUSAGE 25c LE FRESH WIENERS ' 27c LB. BREAKFAST BACON 42c LB. MACARONI & CHEESE Loaf 29c ib HEAD CHEESE 22c LB. BOLOGNA In the piece 20c LB BR. BACON 4 42c LE. Orval PHONE 4(a. L' THE STORE 'THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. ,c• �' ce , Gilson • Snow . Bird Washer /. HERE ISAN ATTRACTIVE MODEL—Built for Year hi ,and Year out SERVICE with no concessions. , MADE TO MECHANICAL EXCELLENCE, Offered at such a low price that it is within the reach of practically every family. FURANCES, STOVES AND STOVE PIPES SUTTER 8 PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING .& ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. S ONT. 'HE CLINTOT Invest toy=day for'to this war must be won or else 7 7, ? and the' winning of `it hasn't commenced yet Your pocket book will help Buy War, Saving Stamps andi advance victory. We have a fold over writing pad and. package of envelopes to match offered you at 17c for the two, This is out of the usual value and should be shop- ped for 'soon: "Our Hats off to Canada" is the song selected to be featuredi'everywhere in connection with forthcoming financial campaign. It's a stirring tune, strikes a note that is throbbing with pros- pective victory. It is the theme song of the victory loan drive. PRICE 40c 1NEWS-LECOI 1 Watch your World in .the daily news- paper. You sure must be particularly interested in our National Defence operations, production, bottlenecks, conscription industrial .progress, arm- aments, information on what's behind the news and what's ahead, all the important news .pips what the news really means. All in the daily papers. We're in it, Let's win it. Ydur part, if unable to fight, is to lend your pocket book to your government. Buy War Tip Top Suits Just received—New Samples of Fine English Wor- steds and Tweeds at no advance in price. Suit or Ov- ercoat, from any cloth $29.75 Styles and Qualities are Tip Top—Ask the man who Wears One New. Fallhoes Men's, Women's and Children's. They combine style and quality and at very moderate prices. School Girls Oxfords—Smart new styles Specially priced at $2.25 School Clot � ;e g Try us for that new pair of shoes, sweaters, golf sox, etc. Our stock is very complete. Plumsteel /Am., Shirts — Adam Hats -- Scott & McHale Shoes for My Azents Tip Top Tailors. i Stove Pipes, Glass and Paints When in Need of Stove or Furance Pipes Give us a Call. WE MAKE OUR OWN Glass of All Kinds at Best Prices, MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS, USE THE BEST • HARDWARE and ��IIIS� Phone 244 C LITTLE LOCALS EBENEZER Mrs. L. Snyder of town had. a mes- sage from Dashwood saying that her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wein passed Away. The funeral was held last Sat- urday October 10th. Mr. Charles Clifton of ICippen has purchased Mrs. J. M. Chowen's resi- dence on Townsend street, and ex- pects to take possession about the first of March. Ontario Street W.A. The W. A. of Ontario Street Un- ited Chruch held their regular meet- ing on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes presided. Mrs. Hawke conducted the devotional period with Mrs. Pearson leacling in prayer and Mrs. C. Elliott reading the scripture. Plans were made to send Christmas boxes to the soldiers overseas, ,and the serving of a dinner to the Victory Loan Committee. The program con- sisted' of two whistling songs by Miss. Harrison accompanied by Miss Wilt - se and a reading by Mrs. M. Batkin. 'The ladies of No. 4 highway.and 2nd of Hullett were' hostesses. Savings Stamps or Bonds, The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Bert Lobb for the' October meeting. The president, Mrs, C. Tebbutt took charge of the meeting which was opened by a hymn followed by the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopt- ed. The devotional period' was taken by Mrs. Cannan Tebbutt. The roll call was responded to by "something for which we have to be thankful." Readings were given by Joy Lobb and Mrs. C, Tebbutt. The meeting was closed with a hymn followed by the Mizpah benediction. A quilt was quilted during the 'afternoon. Lunch was served by Misses Joy Lobb, Mar- garet Lobb and Marianne Merrill¢ Mes..11. Lyon, of.Londesboro is visiting this Week at the home of her daughter Mrs. Bert Lobb. - Mrs. J. Tebbutt and Mr. and Mrs. I. Tebbutt and, family visited with re- latives in London on Sunday. V BIRTHS MEERILL--In Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Thursday, October 8th, to Mr.• and Mrs. Charles Merrill, Goderieh Township, a daughter. . The W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Bast 1 3Wllllimsume 1W!!oi 6111111 ammadiciiremarr n Cal.• at Capreol, and it was left to"tlfe Columbine Seedlings buying committee to decide about buy- ing flannelette blanlcets: The presi- dt d FOR FALL PLANTING If you saw oilr Columbine in Iblooni last Spring and would like to have similar lovely flowers an- other season, let us supply you with seedlings ready now for Fall platt- ing 50c PER DOZ. Bittersweet for..�Your Winter Bo- quet.- It is particularly •good this Fall. 25c a BUNCH. PREPARED SOIL 15caPAIL ° SAGE 10c A BUNCH FLOWERS FOR ALL' OCCASIONS F. R. 'CUNINGHAME Member of- Florists Tel. Del Ae. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 . SEASONABLE SPECIALS ens,: secretary an reasurer were appointed to bring in a slate of off- icexrs for the following year to. the November meeting. Miss Viola Pep- per favoured ,•with a solo and 1VIrs. Garrett a humorous;r^eading. Group four have charge of the next meeting Mrs. Earl Whitmore is to take Mrs. F. Townsend's place on the group. The roll call to be answered by your gift for the north car. The meeting closed Eby singing a hymn and God Save the King. The 'afternoon was spent by sewing children's garments. Lunch wasserved by group three. Thrift Soap Flakes pkg. 35c Tillson`s Quick Rolled Oats pkg 17c 5 lb Fine. or Coarse Oatmeal'25c 1 lb Rex Bulk Cocoa 19c 2 pkgs. Habitant Chicken Noodle 2 Cans Libby's Kidney Beans .. 25c 1 Bottle Vanilla 2 oz. Sc 3 cakes Lux, Camay Toilet Soap 20c 1.Bottle (14 oz.) Smith's Tomato Catsup 19c 4 lbs Waxed Turnips 10c b 105 Roasting Apples '25e 6 lbs Cooking Apples 25c 1 pkg Super Suds 19c GUESS WEIGHT OF CABBAGE IN OUR WINDOW. PRIZE FOR NEAR EST OR CORRECT GUESS _Iiss Eva Cluff spent Thanksgiving with Hensall friends. Miss Barbara Thompson of Kitchen- er spent the week end .at her home 111 town. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns• were the week enol guests . of friends in Guelph. Miss Jean Hearn, of Kitchener, spent the week end and holiday at her home in town. Miss Margaret Rozell spent the week end in Kitchener, the guest of Miss Marilyn Rozell. Mrs. M. Snyder, has returned to town after visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Snyder, of Colborne. Mrs. Ralph riewson of Toronto visit- ed with Clinton friends during the Thanksgiving week end. Mrs. Willis Cooper and three children were holiday week end guests with Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Cooper. Mrs. Walter Osbaldeston of Strat- ford spent the week end and holi- day with Mrs. T. Caldwell Mrs. Florence. Pickett and Miss Jean- nie Pickett, of Detroit Mich., visit- ed Mrs. A. Farnham last week end. Miss E'lna Jamieson spent the week end and holiday in Toronto the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Car- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leonard of Milton spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Leon- ard. Miss Helen Herman of Pefferlaw spent the holiday weelc end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman. Mr. and! Mrs. Ray Carter and family of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with the former's father, Mr. T. T. Carter. Miss Faye Lindsay, Reg. N., of Ham- ilton is holidaying at her home on the Huron Road and also with friends in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane were pleasantly surprised last Sunday when their nephew, Private Clare Buck of Victoria B. C., stationed at Kingston, Ont., called on theta. Pte. Buck's mother is the -former Miss Annie Cochrane of Clinton, and this is the first time Mr. and Mrs. Coch- rane have seen their nephew. He also visited with his uncle Mr. T. T. ,Carter. Holiday visitors at the home of A. T. Hebden, over the week end were: Miss M. E. Muir, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Muir, Miss Erma and Alex, of Lakeside, Miss Wilma , Gough, Mrs. W. Doan, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hebden and Gordon of London , Mrs. Nemchock, Barbara, Jean and Jackie of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Williaey of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs Howard, Muriel and Mary of Blow's Corners and A. C. Ronald! Hebden, R.C.A.F at Belleville. W. L. JOHNSON GROCER • DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR October, 15,16,17, Arctic Pastry Flour 7's 24 lb bag Hillcrest Lard 1 Ib Vanilla Extract 8 oz. bottle 23 65 13 15 DANCE r In Aid of War Work, Sponsored by Women's Institute Clinton Branch, TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16th Music by the Orchestra of No. 31 R. A. F. School Clinton,, with the kind permission of Wing Command'er Cocks ADMISSION 35c EACH 13-2 The Toggery Shoppe Operated by (G. Edighoffer & Son) LADIES' AND MISSES' WOOL SWEATERS Pullovers and Button Styles in fancy Knits. See These Smart Numbers. THURS., OCT. 15, 1942 SPECIAL VALUES FOR OCTOBER 16th and 17th RED & WHITE CHOICE -NO. 4 LADY GODIVA BEAUTY,, PEAS 2 tins....,.. ...... .• 23 SOAP 4 cakes 19c LYNN VALLEY WAX CLARK'S TOM, OR VEG. BEANS 2 tins 23c SOUP 2 tins 15c FLOUR, Red & White Pastry 7's .27c and 24's .79c WOOL JACKETS In Donegal Tweeds, and Fancy Plaids in Harmony Colors, All sizes at Pro- tected Prices Salt Plain or Iodized 1'/ lb carton 7c Carnation Milk, Igo tin • 10c Oxydol, large pkg. 25c Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkgs ..21c Jewel Shortening, 1 db 19e Cox Gelatine Pkg 19c Toddy %} lb tin 25c Puffed, Wheat Sparlcies pkg 8c Puffed Rice, pkg IOe Royal York Cheese %y lb'pkcg Sunlight Soap, 3 bars 19c Mazda light bulbs 25, 40 and 60 watt each 15c Carrots,'Washed 3 lbs Celery Hearts, 2 for 10e 27c T. R. TBDMPSON Free Delivery TUCKERSMITB The October meeting of the Tucker - smith Ladies'Club was held at the home. of Mrs. William Rogerson on Wedhlesday •afternoon last with fifteen ladies present. 'The meeting opened with the ode and the Lord's Prayer The roll, call followed, which was ans- wered, by "a method of grandmother's still in. Use". The treasurer's report was read also a letter .from Fletcher Townsend R.C.A.F. stationed •at Dunnville thank- ing the club for a sweater which he had received. Slt was decided to bring second hand clothing ora,small gift to the November meeting to be sent in the box to the Sioman'School GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE LET NEWTEX DO IT The Toggery Shoppe Phone 324 B. Streets in charge, YOUR CHOICE 19c Ib. 11 LIGHT BULBS, Mazda 25, 40, 60 watt 15c Each; OLD DUTCH OXYDOL. BLUE & WHITI CLEANSER BLEACH 2 tins 21c LG. PKG. 25c: 2 bottles 15c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES JUICY CALIFORNIA CAULIFLOWER Oranges doz 37c LL'1"1`UCL CABBAGE NO. 1 SWEET MARROWS Potatoes 31b 25C CARROTS CHOICE WAXED ONIONS Turnips 4 lb10C CRANBERRIES R'GRAPEFUIT CALIFORNIA FANCY APPLES Grapes 2 lbs 35c PEPPERS JUICY CALIFORNIA LeT1iorts 6 19c CHOICE HEARTS OF Celery 2 for 29c CHOICE Parsnips 2 lb 11 c PEPPER Squash 3 for 10c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 for Quality Foods CLINTON BALL ee ZAPFE Old reliable dealers in a general line of HARDWARE and FURNITURE Prompt Attention to Ambulance Calls Modern and Efficient Embalmers and Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 — Phone 103 ve y When you carry your groceries, we save delivery expenses and leave a man free for war work. The money saved by us of delivery expenses will C'Tying ing be returned to you in the form of lower priced goods. Buy from the store giving the best service and low- er prices. October, 15 to 17th YORK CREAM STYLE CORN 20 oz. tins 2 for 27; Regular price 15c tin. KLEENEX 200's box 2 pk. 23c Regular price 2 for 25c ALYMER ASPARAGUS cuts 2 tins 25c, Regular price 14c a tin. CATELLI EGG NOODLES, 2 pk. 19c Regular Price 15c pk. LYNN VALLEY PEAS 2 tins 19c Regular Price 2'for 25c CLARK'S SOUPS 3 tins 25c PICAKE SHORTENING lb 18c YORK CHICKEN & RICE so>:.ip 2 for 19c. Regular 2 for 25c ROSE BAKING POWDER, 17c. Regular 19c KLENZINE AMMONIA 2 pk 9c IVORY SOAP, large cake 10c ALYMER ORANGE & GRAPE- FRUIT Marmalade 30c Regular 32c WOODBURY SOAP 4 for 25c Regular 3 for 25c JERGEN'S SOAP, 4 for 19c Regular 7c bar CUDOY SOAP, 3 bars 12c Reg. 5c bar HONEY, 4 lb pail, 59c MUFFETS , 10c pk QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT 8 qt. size 17c pk. Reg 19c We Handle Fresh Vegetables & Fruit BUY AT OUR MEAT COUNTER FRESH SAUSAGE 25c LE FRESH WIENERS ' 27c LB. BREAKFAST BACON 42c LB. MACARONI & CHEESE Loaf 29c ib HEAD CHEESE 22c LB. BOLOGNA In the piece 20c LB BR. BACON 4 42c LE. Orval PHONE 4(a. L' THE STORE 'THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. ,c•