HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-10-15, Page 5llfU S., OCT. 15, 1942 TIIE, CLINTON NEWS -RECORD BUSY WAR -WORKERS Avitk ilave time, gasoline, tires, general wear- -and -tear by using the mail to transact your banking business. Once you have established a simple routine, you will enjoy using your mail -box as your bank 'window. Have the necessary stationery and post- age handy, keep the fountain pen filled (or the typewriter in running order) -and, with the simple instructions we will send on request, you can easily carry on your savings or chequing account with- out visiting the Bank. Determined, systematic saving by every citizen is a part of the national price of VICTORY. Don't postpone saving by mail; write today for our folder "How to Bank by Mail". BANK or MONTREAL "A BANK WERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" Modern, Experienced Banking Service the Outcome of 125 Years' Successful Operation Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager. Londesborough (Sub -Agency) : Open Monday and Thursaay. AUBURN Anse Francis Huston, nurse in -train- ing at Kitchener -Waterloo hospital -spent the week end at the home of -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hu- ston. uston Miss Jean Scott of Parkhill was a week end visitor with her parents, -Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Plunkett and •son Murray Plunkett of Toronto spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer. Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Nicholson and daughter Karen of Galt were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thompson and Bobby of Brampton spent week end .with Mr, and Mrs. Herb Mog- ridge, Miss Marjorie Arthur of Teeswater -and Harry Arthur of Woodstock ,spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. M. Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Kruse and Wm. Kruse of Galt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Mrs. Fred. Ross, Donald Ross and HT. W. Medd spent Thanksgiving with I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MeNain, Amber - I ley,• The October meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held in the Forrester's Hall on Tuesday October 20th, The subject, "Which is more iimportant the House or the Home." 'will he taken by Mrs. S. H: Johnston. Roll Call "My Definition of Home" 'Current Events by Mrs. A, J. Fer- , guson, Hostesses Mrs. Mogridge, Mrs. Fred Seers, Mrs. Earl Raithby. Visitors at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. R. D. Munro over the week end were Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Brown and Miss Proctor all of Tor- onto. The Women's Missionary Society of Knox United Church net in the Sun- day School room. The president, Mrs. Jas. Woods, was in charge of the op- ening exercises, Mrs. Herb Mogriilge was in the chair for the program. The scripture /vas read by various members. The topic "Christian Homes." was taken by Mrs. Earl Wightman. A. duet was rendered by Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. Fred Pledger. Mrs. Charles Straughan closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Oliver Anderson gave her home for the October meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church. The president, Mrs. John Huston, presided and open- ed; the meeting with prayer. The 23rd psalm was read and Mrs, Lawson of- fered prayer, The secretary announ- ced that Miss Ada Adams a returned missionary from Formosa would speak in the church on Sunday Oct. 18. Mrs. Fred Ross gave a short review of Miss Adams life, A duet was ren- dered by Mrs, Wm, Anderson and Mrs. Gordon Mtolinchey. Mrs. W. T. Robinson gave a paper on "The Origin and Meaning' of Thanksgiving." Mrs. Huston gave a talk on "Gratitude." A duet was rendered by Misses Jos- ephine Weir, and Sadie Carter. Mrs. Jas. Woods 'closed the meeting with prayer. A. dainty lunch was served and a' social half hour enjoyed. Anniversary serivees were held in Knox United . Chult•eh Sunday with Bev. Geo, Dorrie Toronto as guest speaker. In the morning he spoke on "Fuss Makers",, and in the evening took as his subject "Our Neighbors" In .the morning the choir rendered two anthems. Mr. Murray Plunkett, of To- ronto sang a solo, and M1..Plunkett and Miss Zeta Munro sang a duet At the evening service the choir was assisted by the Westfield Maid Quar- tette, composed of Messrs Alva,J. L. and Wm. McDowell and Albert Walsh. who sang two numbers. Mr. Plunkett again favoured with a solo. V ' BRIJ CEFIELD A Thanksgiving service was held in the United' Church on Sunday,morn- ing Rcv. Atkinson., preached a. wonder- ful sermon, the ehe]r sang an anthem and iris ably assited by Miss Thelma Band of Terente, who also sang.'a solo.. Miss Margaret Aikenhead of Lon- don spent the Mliday`at her home here. Mr. Allan Hill and Miss Freda Hill of St. Catharines spent the week" end at their Home here. Mr. and Mrs, C. Halstead and Floyd 192 MARRIAGES SPARLING -- NICHOLS - Iu Ali Saints Church, London," on Satur- day; October tenth, when Margar- et Elaine, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols, became the bride oi" L.A.C. Philip H. Sparring, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. It. M, Spading, Clinton, Canon Bice offie. iated. spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Mr. Glen Swan has enlisted in His iilajesty's Army and, left on Tuesday for London. Mr. Wes. Ham of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunlop of Chat-- worth spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and ]VIrs. R. Scott. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Hill and family of Stratford visited Mr, a,nd Mrs. J. IC. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson and' Billy of Detroit visted Mr. G. D. Simp- son on Saturday.• Mrs. Jamieson is visiting friends in Goderich, Mrs. Mary McKenzie , spent last week hi London with Mrs. IL Collins and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. McKay of Walker- ton visited friends on Monday. Mr. Andrew McKenzie formerly of this vicinity, spoke in the United Church on Sunday morning. Mr, and Mrs. John McIntosh and family Mrs. Hazel Haugh of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh. Red Cross Shipment June to Sept- ember.. 15 turtle neck sweaters; 10 helmets; 10 turtle neck sweaters; 15 pair whole mitts; 37, pair plain socks; 20 sleeveless sweaters; 27 pair long ribbed socks; 10 alternative caps; 20 pair gloves; 14 pair seaman's boot seeks; 7 quilts, 2 baby's layettes; children's clothes, 20 dresses, and panties; 5 coats and hats, 2 pair socks with each; 15 skirts 30 blouses. Mr. J. X. Cornish has just put in it new feed mixer in his chopping mill which he,hopes will be of benefit to his customers. Miss Grace Dalrymple of. Hensall spent the week end at her home here. ,mann luno! o���un,or�..m. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion O V., COOKE FLORIST • Phones: 66w and 661" Poultry Culling Now that the big harvest rush is over it will no doubt be culling time fur a good many flocks of laying hens Some will want to get their early pul- lets into their laying pens to obtain the better egg prices. Culling done by an experienced pouitan. N. W. TREWARTHR Day Phone 214, Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Storage We Have Many Kinds of Fish For Sale Salmon by the piece 18c lb. v -v -v stave xou mat tfrozen Peas and Strawberries Custom Killing and Buying Hides v -v -v FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS Anniversary Services Of Brucefield 'United" Church Sunday, October 25th, at 11.00 a.m. and 7,30 p.m. Rev. W. A. Beecroft, B. A., B.D.,. of Wingham will be the guest speaker. Special music will be furnished by the choir, assisted by Miss Weir, of Au- burn. 14-2 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Peter Mc- Dougall wish to express• their appre- ciation and thanks for the many ex- pressions of sympathy, numerous kindnesses, and beautiful floral tri- butes, extended to then by their many friends and neighbors, during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. J. Lane, who con- ducted the service. For Sale 10 little pigs; just weaned. Apply Mrs. Pred McCool, Londesboro, phone Blyth 28r14. 14-1 For Sale Two cows, five years old to freshen in February, Durham and Polled An- gus. Five spring calves. Two one- year old cattle. One white Durham bull. Apply James East, R.R. 4, 21 miles north east of Clinton. 14-1. For Sale 80 White Leghorn pullets, laying. Apply John Keys, Varna, Phone 96r13 Hensall. 14-1 AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements Mr. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction, on Lot 15, Con. 1, Stanley Twp., adjoining the village of Brucefield, Wednesday, October 21, at 1 o'clock sharp. HORSES -3 Work Horses. CATTLE -1 Holstein Cow, spring- ing,• 1 black cow, calved in August; 1 white Durham cow`, supposed in calf; 1 red Durham cow, due in Dec; 1 white Durham cow, supposed! in calf; 1 black cow, calved a month; 1 red Durham cow due in Jan.; 1 fat cow; 1 Durham cow supposed in calf; 1 Durham, cow, calved a month; 1 Dur- ham cow calved a month; 2 Jersey eows calved a month; 1 pure bred Angus bull; 1 Hereford bull, 16 months old; 4 Angus calves;8 year- ling Hereford heifers around 600 pounds. PIGS -1 sow bred 2 months, 1 sow and 12 pigs 3 weeks old, 10 chunks weighing around 60 pounds. HEN -50, Year olds Leglienii hens. IMPLEMENTS -1 'model B, Allis Chalmers Tractor; 1 Internationa1 plow, 2 furrow; 1 combine, Allis Chal- mers; 1 wagonand rack; 1 gang plow; 1 Massey -Harris bean seuffler an puller. HARNESS -1 breeching set; 1 plow set; 6 horse collars. A numbef ofiother articles too numerous to mention. TERMS- CAST Drew Swan, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 1 ROXYYTHEATRE marrow Now Playing - Tyrone Power and Joan Fontaine in "THIS ABOVE ALL" Mon., Tues.,. Wed. Bob Hope, Madeleine Carrell, Gale Sondergaard, and Victor Varconi. Bob block's the Nazis but he can't escape Madeleine Carroll's, web. "My Favorite Blonde" Thurs., Fra„ Sat. Jack Benny, Kay Francis, James Ellison and Laird ,Cregar. Many aunts in pants have played "Char- lie's Aunt." but Jack Benny tops ahem all. "Charlie's Aunt" Coming - "49th PARALLEL"' BUY VICTORY BONDS CAPITAL THE'Gousurcu Now Playing -Laurence Olivier i "49th PARALLEL" Mon., Tues., Wed. Dorothy Lamour, Richard Denning and Pat Morrison. A Technicolor presentation of Life and Love in a Jungle setting. `Beyond the Blue Horizon' Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Rosalind Russell and Fred Mac Murray. Show what goes on when a female boss• hires a male secre- tary. "Take a Letter Darling", Coming - Paulette Goddard in "REAP THE WILD WIND." BUY VICTORY BONDS PAGE. 5. REGENT. THEATR3 SHAllr IMI Now Playing Madeleine Carroll • as "MY FAVORITE BLONDE"' Mon., Tues., We& Rosalind Russell ' and Fred Mac. Murray. Co-starred in an amusing ((( story of topsy-turvy office man- agement. r( "Take a Letter Darling" Thurs.,Fri Sat. -Two Features - William Tracy, Jimmy ;Geason and. Noah Beery Jr. In a .streamlined draftee comedy, "Tanks a Million" Charlie Chaplin speaks in an old favorite. "The Gold Rush" Coming --'"THIS' ABOVE .ALL BUY VICTORY BONDS BARTLIF•F'S The Home of Good Eats SARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 WE DELIVER DANCE "In" Aid of Smokes for Soldiers" Sponsored by the "Happy War Work- ers; Club," of the Huron Road, Town Hall, Clinton. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23rd Music by "The Melody Mixers" Admission 35 cents each Dancing 9 to 1 14-2 'Ii Ai'.LNTWN DO YOU NEED MORE MONEY? We have a zeal opportunity for neat appearing pian or woman. Pro- fits of $2.00 and up per hour from part time work in your own locality. Full instructions and sales equipment furnished free. For particulars write age, etc., Fuller Brush Co., Ltd., 6 Krug St., Kitchener, Ont. 14-1 WANTED TO PURCHASE PULLE7TS OF ALL AGES Get our paying prices before sell- ing. AIso wanted flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for 1943 season. Flocks culled and blood tested free. Good Prices Paid, Write for full de- tails. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited; Fergus, Ontario. 14-8 FARRI FOR RENT Improved' --137 acres productive land, cheerful neighborhood - weir fenced and underdrained••-good barns -new seven roomed cottage -hard- wood bush -apple orchard -water un- derpressure-electricity, 1 1-4 miles east of Varna on paved highway. Ow- ner reserves main residence and for personal use. Apply to Dr. Lloyd' Moffat, London, Ontario. 14.3 AUCTION SALE Cows, tonne Cattle and Pigs, at Lot. 25, Cut Line, Porter's Hill on Tuesday, October 20th, commencing at 1.30 p.m. COWS: 25 Milk and beef type eows; 3 fresh and 8 to freshen in December the balance in February and March. CATTLE; 5 heifers in ealf; 45 calves and yearlings. PIGS: 2 sows with litters; 6 sows bred; a number of chunks and suckers, If bad weather Sale will be held in- side. TERMS ---CASH Win, Nairn, Auctioneer. A. E, Townsend; Proprietor.. 'NOTICE Clerks' Notice of First Posting of Voters' List. • Voters' Lists, 1942, Township of Hui- ' lett,. 'Huron County Notice is hereby given that I have compliedcompliedwith Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my Office at Londesboro, "'on the 12, day of October, 1942, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipal ,Elections, . and 'that., such,list remains there for inspection. d AND 1 HISREBY CALL upon. all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions • cor- rected according to law; and that the last day for appeal being the 12, Day of November, 1942. Dated' this 12, Day of October, 1942. JAS. W. McCOOL Clerk of Hullett Township. NOTICE We, the undersigned Butchers find that owing t: shortage of gas and tires, and scarcity of meats, we are forced to discontinue all deliveries after October 17th. CONNELL & TYNDAI.L ROSS FITZSIMONS 13-2 FOR SALE Girls tailored winter coat, size 14, New last year. Apply at the News - Record office. 14-1 FOR SALE- STOCK FARM 175 acres, 2 miles from Dashwood. Good livestock district. Good seven- room Brick house with basement. Two barns 80'x40' (banked) and 60'x40'. Water inside buildings, Two concrete silos. Tool shed, etc. Good road's. Land part light and clay loam, all under crop, with abundant natural water. Full line farm implements if desired will be sold reasonable to close estate. Immediate possession $8,000 half cash. Apply to W. E. Reid, Box 103 Chath- am, Ontario. ' 14-2 For Sale One Quebec type range in good condition, Apply to Joe McClully & Company, Brucefield, phone 618x31, 14-1 rr For Sale A good used electric Beatty Wash- ing machine. Apply to Mrs. Donald J. Smith, phone 4r802 Clinton. ... 14-1 For Salo A seven roomed house on Shipley street in good repair. Write to Box 292, Clinton or phone 91r16, 13-2 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and House - Hold Effects, Frank Taylor Auctioneer, has been instructed by Edward Stephen- son to sellby public auction on Friday, October 16, 1942 at 1-30 p.m. on- North half of Lot 17, Con, 9 Babylon Line, Stanley, 1 mile west and 1 mile south of Varna. The residence of the late John Stephenson Horses -1 driving mare 7 years old, Cattle -6 hereford heifers 11 years, Implements-deering binder in A-1 shape; deering mower; deeming horse rake; deering drill; 2 spring cultiv- ators; three drum roller; three sect- ion diamond harrows; two section harrow; riding plough; cockshutt gang plough; good walking plough out -throw disc; stuffier; wagon; set. of sleighs; steel tiro top buggyi. cutter; fanning mill with complete set of sives; set of renfrew scales wheel barrow; extension ladder; 40 rd. roll of woven wire; round wooden water tank; galvanized water tank; buggy pole; anvil; set of slings; set of sling ropes; hay -fork rope and ear Harness -set of team show harness set of collar tops;: set of fancy spread rings; (4 horse collars) 2 sets of work harness; 2 sets of single har- ness; set of single harness almost new; Saskatchewan robe; car rug; 2 dozen good grain bags; 50 bushels of mixed grain; 20 bushels of wheat; (10 tons of hay) whipple-trees; neck - yokes; 2 logging chains; shovels; spades; forks; and many other small articles. Household Effects -cook stove; 2 heating stoves; tables; chairs; etc.; boiler new; 8 cord of hardwood; about 2 ton df chestnut coal; At the same time and place there will be offered for sale 50 acres of land on the north half of Lot 17. There is a two storey brick house and and ,1 barn 56' by 36 also a shed. On this place there is plenty of. water: There also is about,"5 acres' of bush on the farm The nest of the land is rich clay loam and in a good state of cultivation. Everything has to be sold to wind up the estate. Terms of sale of chattels- Cash ' Terms of the farm 10% Cash balance in 30 days. Edward Stephenson Frank Taylor Administrator. Auctioneer. -weweegvaeglorzewarimeworer • MONUMENTS To those contemplating build- , ing a Monument prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed: JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE• & GRANITE WORKS , Clinton - Ontario Successor to Bail & Zapfe „ , 5913! Electrical Equipment Shur Shock Eleetrio Fences, cone. pieta with Battery and Insulators $16.00 guaranteed. I carry a full Line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General, bat- teries and Dominion Washing Manhe ines ,all electrical appliances and roofing supplies. A. W. Groves, Princess St.. Princess Street Clinton WESTERN ONTARIO MOTOR- WAYS LTD. BUS SERVICE Change of Schedule June 27, .1942.. LEAVE CLINTON Southbound: DLY. ex. Sun, & Hol. Sun. & Hob 8.15 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 1.25 p.m, 4.50 p.m. 4.60 p.m. 8.30 p.m. Northbound: DLY. ex. Sun. & Hol. Sun. & Hol. 10.308 2.20 2.20 9.55 8.45 13. Indicates to Wingham only. For furter information call Bartliff's Confectionery Phone 1. SOMETHING NEW ADAM BROCK and His Orchestra CLINTON TOWN HALL This SATURDAY NIGHT You' will want to be there to enjoy this change of bands. Admission 35 cents each. 12-tf AUCTION SALE of Cattle and Hogs Lot. 29, Con. 13, Hullett, town- ship 3 miles north west of Londes- boro and 3 miles east of Auburn, on Friday Oct. 16, at 1 p.m, the follow- ing: 1 Driving horse, 6 years old; 10 :cows, milking and supposed to be in calf. 40 yearling heifers and steers Hereford! and Durham, 60 steers weighing from 700 to 1,000 lbs. Here, ford Arad Durham,. 10 calves, 40 hogs '70 to 100 lbs; 150 white Leghorn pul- lets. These are all Ontario Cattle and have been on our own grass all sum mer. Terms' Cash- and positively no re- serve. Wilmer. Howatt, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. • Lost Strayed from Lot 18, 'concession 6 of Stanley township, one red heifer, part Hereford and part Durham, weight from 800 to 900 pounds. Fin- der please get in touch with Watt Webster, Varna, phone 11r622 Clin- ton. 13-tf SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Fall Apples: Also orders taken for Spy, Snow, King, Sweets, Russets, Baldwins, etc. Phone Clinton 622-24. Fred McOlymont, Varna. 10-tf. House For SaIe White stucco house on Mary Street, In good condition, Modern convenien, ces. Apply Miss Rudd, Mary St. 11-tf Sheep For Sale Leicester sheep for sale, present of- fering consists of sliearling.ewes, a -we arnbs, ram lambs. Apply to J. H. Quig- ley, 3 miles south of Clinton on No. 4 Highway, phone 3x619. • 12-tf Wanted 61d horses and ensue for mink feed. I1 dead phone at once.' Will pay an. -, cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5, or Lloyd Batkin e19r1t.