HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-10-08, Page 8p ZWIttOMY Giant size_ 69c pkg Large size 20c pkg. FRESH WEINERS BREAKFAST BACON 27c lb. 42c LB. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS. OT.8,. 1942 ATTIE'S •FUNERAL ROW RAT'PENlEffiRY ST. • CONYEIIENT -- PRIVATE -- ADEQUATE • NO ADDITIONAL CHAItGE FOR. USE DE CHAPEL IN TIME OF NEED p olvE 184W DAY OR NIGHT Gilson Snow Bird Washer HERE IS AN ATTRACTIVE MODEL—I3uilt for Year in and Year out SERVICE with no concessions, MADE TO MECHANICAL EXCELLENOE, Offered at such a low price that it is within the reach of practically every'family. FURANOES, STOVES AND STOVE PIPES SUTTER 6 PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Tip Top Suits Just received—NewlSamples of Fine English Wor- steds and Tweeds at no advahce in price. Suit or Ov- ercoat, from any cloth $29.75 Styles and Qualities are Tip Top—Ask the man who Wears Ode New Fall Shoes Men's, Women's and Children's. They combine style and quality and at very moderate prices. School Girls Oxfords—Smart new styles Specially priced at $2.25 School Clothing Try us for that new pair of shoes, sweaters, golf sox, etc. Our stock is very complete. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats -- Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. 4.0.11•010114•MONIMMINam, Stove Pipes, Glass and Paints When in Need of Stove or Furanee Pipes Give us a Gall. WE MAKE OUR OWN Glass of .All Kinds at Best Prices MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS, USE THE BEST IT • HARDWARE and T inQ PLUMBING 11 Phone 244 HURON ROAD, The Happy War Workers' Club held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Cliff Glazier, on October 1st. The meeting opened by repeating the Club Creed. Followed by singing The Maple Leaf Forever. The president read the first Psalm. The Lord's Prayer was then repeated in uniton. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap- proved. There were fourteen members and seven visitors present, The collec- tion amounted to $2.40. Mrs. Jack Noble, donated $1.00. There were: 1 guilt; 9 pairs boy's overalls, 1 cotton dress size 10 years; 1 wool dress size 6 years; 1 lady's dress size 16; 2 slips; 1 afghan; and 2 pairs socks, turned in to be delivered to the Red Shield. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Arnold Jamieson on November 5th. The meeting closed by sinigng the National Anthem, There was a mistake mode in the re- port of the last 'meeting, Mrs. •Bert Gibbing's donated $2.00. It had been • pr,eviously reported that Mrs. Shipley • made the $2.00 donation. Mrs. Ship- , ley donated $L00 VARN A Several of the members of the W. A. of St John's Anglican Church at- tended: the Deanery Meeting at Bay- field on Tuesday last. In the afternoon a joint conference was held in the Church which was filled and all en- joyed a very interesting talk delivered. by Rev. C, C. Robinson of Geraldton, Ont. and Archdeacon, Doherty of Lon- don. Meals were provided by the lad- ies of the congregations of Bayfield, Middleton and Varna. The sympathy of the Community is extended, to Mr. Lee McConnell who had, the misfortune to have his right hand badly cut in the threshing, ma- chine. Anniversary Services, will be obser- ved in the United Church, Varna on Sunday next. Oct. 11. Rev. Wilbur Rogers, of Holmesville will. be the guest speaker. Services at 11 o'clock a.m. and 7.30 o'clock p.m. everyone is cordially invited, to attend. Rev. G. G. Hawse, of Ashfield will also be in charge of a special ser- vice which will be held on Monday evening. Oct. 19th in Varna United • Church., BUY VICTORY BONDS • BUY VICTORY BONDS Invest to -day for to -morrow, this war must be Won or else 9 ? ? and tho winning of it hasn't conunenced yet. Your pocicet book will het Buy War Saving Stamps and advance victory. We have fold over writing pad and package of envelopes to match offered you at 17c for the two. This is out of the usual value and should be shop- ped for Z0011, "Our Hats off to Canada;' is thesong selected to be featurecl. everywhere in connection with forthcoming financial campaign. It's a stirring tune, strikes a note that is throbbing with pros- pective victory. It is the theme song of the victory loan drive. •PRICE 40c Watch your World in the daily news- paper. You sure must be particularly interested in our National Defence operations, , production, bottlenecks, conscription industrial progress, arm- aments, information on what's behind the news and , what's ahead., all the important news plus what the news really means. All in the daily papers. We're in it, Let's win it. Your part, if unable to fight, is to lend your pocket book to your.government. Buy War Savings Stamps or Bonds. Tlie W. D. Fair co Often the Cheapost--Always the got Mr. Beecher Streets spent the week end with friends in Mitchell. Miss Jean Swan of Toronto spent the week end at her home in town. Migs Irene Brunsdon of London spent the week enci at her home in town. Miss Doris Torrance of Toronto was a recent visitor with Mrs, John Tor- rance. Miss Joyce Kearns was the week end guest of Miss Ida Belle Watson of Centralia. Miss Anna Arthur Of Paris was the guest last week end of the Misses Walkinshaw. Mrs. 0. W. Potter is visiting her sis- ters, Mrs. E. Smith and Miss Sarah Start of Curries. Miss Margaret Morrison of Toronto spent the week end with friends in town and vicinity. Mr. Thomas Shaddick of Hensall spent the week end at the home of his son IVIr. Albert Shaddick. Misses Florence Aiken and Jean Hearn of Kitchener spent the week end at their homes in town. Misses Erma Pasel, Grace Hellyar and Helen Welsh spent the week end in Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy is visiting at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. Bin-, ford Colquhuon of Staffa. Miss Jean Colquhoun of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs4 E. W. Colquhoun. • Mrs. IL B. Fife of Toronto, was a re- cent visitor with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Herman. and Mr. Herman, Mrs. Emma Rorke, Rorketon, Manito- .ba, and Mrs. Gertrude Rorke of Hamilton were recent visitors with relatives in town. Miss Shirley Sutter; nurse-in.training at the Stratford General Hospital was the week end guest of her par- • ints, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Sutter. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Colquhoun and Mr., and Mrs. Binford Colquhoun and daughter, Ruth Helen, all of Staffa were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons, Miss Jean Morrison and Mies Jean McDonald of Kitchener and Mr. Da- vid Johnston of Port Albert Navi- gation" School were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless on Sun- day. Mr. A. E. Douglas, accountant at the Royal Bank here, was at his home in Durham over Sunday. He will move his family andi household ef- feetS here and will reside on Mill street, , Mrs. Robert Dalrymple has returned frinn a trip West where she has • been visiting her daughter, .1ilre, Jack Horton of Gliddon, Sask. Mils Helen Horton, her granddaughter returned to spend the winter months with her. Columbine Seedlings FOR FALL PLANTING • IT you saw our Columbine in bloom last Spring and would like , torthleliayseeaSsionind .,:t, Ill osysty fllow:ruswail • teedlings ready TIQW for Fall 1'111 plant- , 50e PER DOZ. Bittersweet for Your Winter Bo- quet. It is particularly good this. Fall. 25c a BUNCH • PREPARED SOIL • 15c a PAIL • SAGE 10c A BUNCH , FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del A& ersonal care given • every order and special attention given to funeral orders. . Phones 176 and 31 SEASONABLE • SPECIALS 1 Pkg. THRIFT Soap Flakes 35c 1 Pkg. TILLSON'S Quick Cooking Oats 17c 2 Pkgs Lge CORN FLAKES 25c 2 firs SEEDLESS RAISINS 25c 1 lb COCOA, 19c 2 Pkgs, HABITANT CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 25c 5 lb tin BEEHIVE or CROWN syrup 59c 2 lb READICUT MACARONI 9c I lb Fancy COOKIES (plain or Filled) 23c 2 pkgs PURE GOLD Puddings 15c 3 Boxes Red Bird MATCHES 29c 1 lb med Canadian CHEESE 30c GUESS WEIGHT OF CABBAGE IN OUR WINDOW. PRIZE FOR NEAR- EST OR CORRECT GUESS W. L. JOHNSON GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR October, 8, 9, 10, Aylmer Pumpkin, Ige tin ..2 for 21c Aylmer tomato or vegetable soup 10 os. tin •- 2 for 15e Domestic Shortening, lb 19e Aunt Jemima Pancake flour pkg 15c Muffets pkg 10c Niblets Corn 14 oz. 2 tins • 25e McCormick's Sodas.... 1 Ib bag 15e Green Giant Peas.... 16 oz 2 tins 29c Aylmer Asparagus Tips .... tin 19c Royal York Cheese.. 1-2 ib pkg 210 Old Dutch Cleanser. ... 2 tins 21c Hawes Floor Wax 1 Ib tin 45e Ivory Soap Lge cake Nugget Shoe Polish tin Gold Soap, cake 10c 12c • 5c Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes 19c Aylmer Ch. Peaches tin 15c Neilson's Cocoa 1.2 lb tin 19e T. R. iliflIVIPSON • TO SPEAK ON THIRD VICTORY LOAN Mayor A. J. McMurray, of Clinton, and H. Vandewater of Kitchener, un- it oragnizer for this district for the Victory Loan Campaign, will speak over CKNX Wingham, Saturday, Oc- tober 10th, from 12.45 a.m. till 1 o'clock. The third Victory Loan Campaign will open on Monday, October 19th, and Mr. McMurray, the County Chair- man and Mr. Vandewater, the organ- izer with offices in town, will discuss the Loan and how it affects ;this dis trict, also the amount needed in town and comity, which they hope to, over- subseribe in the first ten, days. In Aid of War Work, Sponsored by 'Wornen'S Institute, Clinton Branch, TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDA.y, OCTOBER 16th Music by the Orchestra of No. 31 R. A. F. School Clinton, with the kind permission of Wing Commander • Cocks ADMISSION 35c EACH is -z RED CROSS DANCE Spongared by L.O.L. No. 710 Clinton Town Hall, Clinton 1Thursday, Uctotter 8th Music by the R.A.F. Orchestra of No. 31 R.A.F. School, Clinton, with the kind permission of Wing Comman- der Cocks. • Old and New Time Dancing ADMISSION 40 CENTS 11-2 The Toggery Shoppe Operated by (G. Edighoffer & Son) Now, More than Ever You Want "Quality" In Cloth so it'll do Double Duty WE RECOMMEND: Kenwood GUARANTEED PURE WOOL Overcoats AT $50.00 Still the greatest value torr your money and sold by an tne better stores in Canada GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE LET NEWTEX DO IT The. Toggery Shoppe Phone 324 B. Streets in charge. SPECIAL VALUES OCTOBER 9th and 10th .1=-5-171.tatail WHITERED AND WHITE PIE BEANS lbs gc PUMPKIN 3 tins 25c RED AND WHITE TOMATO GOLDEN SP JUICE 2 tins 19c CHEESE PICKLES LIBBY'S, bill Flavoured, RAY • pkg 19c 32 oz. Jar 29c cAjtear Aunt lemima Pancake Flour pkg..., 17c • RIDEAU MAPLE Syrup bottle 29c RED AND WHITE Cocoa lb tin 25c LB. • • ;wow CAMAY CHIPSO • SOAP lg pkg. 20c 4 cakes 25c lg pkg. 25c PKG. 19c BIG FIVE CLEANSER Tin 5c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND :VEGETABLES TOKAY RED Grapes 2 lb 43r CHOICE LO Lemons 6 - 19c CAPE COD LB Cranberries 29c NO. I SWEET 3 lbs Potatoes 25c PEARS CAULIFLOWER APPLES CARROTS ONIONS CABBAGE SQUASH HEAD LETTUCE EGG PLANT GRAPEFRUIT P. E. ISLAND Potatoes 10 lb 27o JUICY CALIF. Oranges doz 3,7c - CHOICE HEARTS ot. Celery 2 for 29c WAXED Turnips 4 lb 10c C. M.,SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON BALL & ZAPFE Old reliable dealers in a general line of HARDWARE and F URNITUR.E Prompt Attention to Ambulance Calls Modern and Efficient Embalmers and Funeral Directors ; • Store Pho ne 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 — Phone 103 PLE SE TAKE NOTICE Owing to the serious shortage of Man Delivery of Goods from Our Store tion of the War. Power, caused by War Conditions, will be discontinued for the dura- Octo er, 8 to 10th 19c LB, • Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 tins 17c Crown Brand Corn Syrup 5 Ib tin 57c Carnation Milk, large tin 10c Ivory Snow, large pkg. Chipso, Large pkg. Big Five Cleanser, 2 tins Areoxon Fly Coils, 2 rolls Corn Niblets, 2 tins Lipton Noodle Soup, 2 pkg. Choice Quality Pumpkin, tin Super Suds, large pkg. • 25c 25c 9c 5c 25c 25c 11c 22c Odex or Maple Leaf Soap, 3 bars 19c Alymer Veg or Tom. Soup, tin 9c Purity Flour 7 ib bag just 27c Kleenex 500's box 29c BUY AT OUR MEAT COUNTER FRESH SAUSAGE 25c lb. 19c' HEAD CHEESE 22c LB. I PICKLED BACK BACON 45c LB RING BOLOGNA • 22c LB HAM and TONGUE LOAF 45c LB MACARONI & CHEESE- Loaf 29c Ib 1 •4, 17c lb • Orval Lobb, Grocer PH• ONE O. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY.