HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-10-08, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est.. 1878 With Which is . Incorporated The - Clinton New Era NO. 6112 -63rd YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1942 The New Era Est. 1867, THE HOME PAPER <t. Choose a "1Vf1SS WAS. WORKER" Bulova watch for Ladies. 17 JEWEL NATURAL YELLOW •CASE FOR $29,75. Price subject to Government Tax See this Watch at HELLYAR'S Also Other New Styles forMen or Women, • Now en Display at our Storer W. H. HELLYAR Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j WE PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD CHEN1LLE BEDSPREADS• Large Size for Double Beds. A Grand Range of Two Tone with Cream or `Colored - Grounds. You will be delighted with the large selection. at present on display. Ask to See Them. R..• 7-IRWIN FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE 0 m Be wise and choose your large and quite complete. We have ROGER',S! SILVER and many lovely Gifts just pieces Gifts early this year while our stock is received a shipment of HOLLOWWARE are now on our shelves again, SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CORNFLOWER CRYSTAL There are lots of new pieces on hand, and we also have several complete sets of •stemware available. All the Latest Creations in Bluebird DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS See our Complete price range from $22.50 up. Tax Extra. MILITARY GIFTS GALORE MIL ARY II If its a Gift for a Man on Active S'eivice Let us Show You Our. Wide selection of useful and appropriate gifts. - Chests of all the new patterns in Silverware. FEATURE VALUE -SERVICE FOR EIGHT $49.75. PLUS TAX. YOUR CHOICE R: : ' UNITY PLATE COMMUNITY 1847 ROGERS BROS., 01�, COM W .N C(JU Finer Counters for F Century NT R. Jewellery y for Over Half a in Huron County A MESSAGE FROM WARDEN ARMSTRONG As Warden of Huron County, I earnestly re- quest the citizens to: subscribe to the 3rd Victory Loan to the limit of their resources.. .It takes a lot of money to supply our fighting forces with the • proper equipment and supplies. War is very cost- ly but woi 1dn'tit• be costlier if the United Nations. were defeated? Huron County has an enviable record in the number of men in the armed forces, in the number of air stations, in the response to the various patriotic appeals and the sale of -War Sav- ings Certificates and Victory Bonds. 1 feel cer- tain that the objective of $1,900,000 for the 3rd Vic- tory Loan will be oversubscribed. GEORGE ARMSTRONG Warden of Huron County COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of council was held in the council chamber on Mon- day evening last at 7.30 o'clock with all members present and Mayor Mc- Murray e-Murray presiding. The minutes of the last meeting held on September 8th. were read and approved. Communica- tions were then read. A communication from the Secre- tary of the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario was read. This was relative to -the annual conven- tion to be held in Toronto Oet'ober 15 and leth. .A. letter from Mr. J. P. Bickel], Re- gistrar of Motor Vehicles for Ontario was presented. This was in response to an enquiry from the chairman of the by-law committee and had refer- ence to the parking and traffic Iaw. A communication from the chair- man of the Hospital Board was read, and it wes moved by council that the grant asked by the Board be paid. The Inspector of Weights and Mea- sures notified council by letter of his recent inspection of the municipal scales, Our town solocitor, Frank Fing- land, K. C., brought to the attention of council by letter, the .matter of War ):tisk Insurance, after some dis- cussion it was ordered filed, Councillor Walker reviewed the work of his committee, reporting street patching and preparation for storing sufficient sand for the icy period. Reeve Falconer suggested se- curing the county grader to shape the shoulders0 f our town streets, This matter was left' in his hands and the street committee's. Councilhlr Nediger (reporting for the Fire and Water Committee re- ferred to two more vacancies on the Fire Brigade, and moved that Theo Fremlin and John Radford be appoint- ed members of the Clinton Fire Bri- gade, as approved by Chief L, Cree, to fill the vacancies caused by the removal from town of William Mutch and Wiliam McClinchey, Councillor Trewartha reported for the cldme- tery committee and also spoke of the matter of different enquiries regard- ing egarding the water service in homes where more than one family is resident and a By-law was drawn up: regarding water service in houses with more than one apartment. Councillor Agnew in reporting for the property committee, made refer- ence to the small amount of revenue derived from the market- scales,' in comparison to the cost of°repairs and inspection, and moved that the use of the town scales be dispensed with for the remainder of the year. Your Finance Committee beg to re- ecmmend payment of 'the following accounts for the month of September, 1942. Street Pay Sheet A Fletcher 7 hrs. at 35c $2,45 A. Fulford, 7 1-2 hrs at 20c 1.50 8.95, J. Jackson, ctg weeds, 15 hrs 35c 5.40 J. Sherman, ctg weeds 37 hrs.85c.12.95 W. Cook, ctg weeds 17 hrs. at 60 10.20 N.• Cole, Ditching 81 hrs 35c ..10.85 J. B. Mustard Coal Co.' 1 1.2 bbl cement 4.20 Co. :Huron, _ C'alcium Chloride, 40 sacks' at $1.50 60.00 • Street Lighting S t Lig t g Lighting streets 228.00 • Property P.U.C. Lighting Rest Room 100, Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson, Eg- mondville, wish to announce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter Isabel Ruth to Andrew H. McKenzie, B. A. son of Mrs. Wm. McKenzie and the late Mr. Mckenzie, of Hensel). The wedding will take place at Eg- mondville United Church on Saturday October 17 at two -thirty in the after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook, Blyth wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Mabel Jos- ephine to Robert William Riley, son of Mrs. Riley and the late Benjamin Riley of Hullett. The marriage to take place early in October. INSTALLATION OF REBEKAH OFFICERS. At the regular meeting of Huronic Rebekah Lodge on Monoday evening, Oct. 5, the D. D. P,, Mrs. Lucy Shore and staff of Goderich, were present and installed the following officers: N.G.; Mr's. D. Miller; V, G., Mrs. V. Knights, Rec, Sec•, Mrs. G. Sutter; Fin. Sec., Mrs. M. Waters,' Treas., Miss A. Steepe, Wor., Airs. M. Me. Knight, , Con., Mrs. M. Slornan; I. G. Mrs. M. Taylor; 0. G., Mrs. M. Pros- ser; R. S., N. G., Miss M. Judd; L. S., N. G., Miss B. Smith; R. S., V, G., Mrs M. Cook; L. S., V. ., Mrs. R. Nickle, Chap., Mrs, M. Mulholland; J. P. N. G, Mrs. A. Jervis; Mus., Mrs. G. Wendorf. During the meeting the D. D. P., presented' the retiring N. G., Mrs. A. Jervis, with a P.N.G., jewel. At the conclusion of the meeting a social time was enjoyed. P.U.C. Lighting Town Hall .. 12.94 P,U.C. Lighting Stock Yard ... 1.00 P,U.C. 1-4 year Rest Room rent 15.00 P.U.C. 1-4 yr Rest Room Water 2.24 P.U.C. 1-4 yr. Fountain water 1.35 P.U.C. 1-4 yr Town Hall water 6.54 P.U.O. Electric lamps 85 Mrs. Tideswell, care of rest room 5.00 Harold Glew, 3 cafe cedar ., 6.00 Rec. Gen. Scales Inspection , . 11.00 Hydrant Rental P.U.C.' 1-4 yr. Rent. Hydrants 532.88 Cemetery M. McElwan, Salary , ... 95.83 Fred Ford. Grass seed 1.70 Dry Earth Closet, A. Fulford, salary 65.00. Salaries A. E. Fremlin, salary . .. 82.50 D. Elliott, salary . 65.50 M. T. Corless, salary 83.3$ N. Kennedy, salary ... 50.00 Frank Bawden, salary 3.25 Hospitalization Dept. of Health, Insulin .. . 6.10 Postage and Stationery News Record, Gen. Printing ... 27.00. A. T. Cooper, Post. and Envelopes 3,25 Insurance Imp. Guarantee Co. Guar. Bond 40.00 Waterloo Mutual, Renew. Prem Tool House 6.00 London & Lancashire, Prem. The Hall Bldg. ' 6.30 General Municipal Expense The Bell e Te p ho • 1 p ne Co. Gen. .. 7,81 Postal Dept. 1 yr box rental , . 5.00 W. M. Aiken, P. Rubber Coat .. 6.90. Receipts Rentals ....... .. 50.00 Stock Scales • • .. 15.90 Cemetery 125.80 $191.70' RED CROSS NOTES The following articles were com- pleted and om-pletedand shipped, by the sewing com- mittee during the month of Septem- ber by the local - groups and home- workers- 6 bed jackets off hospital quota;3 infants knitted jackets, 3 prs. booties, 1 bonnet, 1 soaker; 7 suits of boys pyjamas size 14; 3 boys shirts size 16; 14 boy's •shirts size 8; 8 pair boy's shorts •size 8; 2 pair boy's: shorts size 2, 2 sweaters size 2. By Rural Groups; Summerhill: 75 sanitary pads; 5 in fants nighties; 10 women's nighties; 4 boy's shorts 8 boy's shirts; 17 bed jackets. Holmesville: 11 boyrs shorts, 22 boy's shirts; 96 sanitary pads; 190 diapers. S. S. No. 4-3 pantie dresses size 4; 2 pantie dmesses size 2; 1 ladies blouse size 14; 1 child's nightie size 4. Total number of articles 494. We acknow- ledge with ,gratitude the following donations. 4 pair suspenders by Group No. 7, lead by Mrs. E.. Mitell and Mrs. A. Cudmore; 2 boys sweaters and two pair of socks by Mrs. Edith McTag- gait. v Evening Auxiliary Last Monday evening was the regu- lar businese meeting at which the fol- lowing knitted articles were brought in: 1. lady's sweater with sleeves;; 1 turtle neck sweater; 3 pair Seaman's long socks,; 1 pair Seamen's stockings 1 pair regular mitts; 1 tuck in. There is lots of wool on hand and articles are badly needed. There will be no meeting next Monday evening because of tite holi- day Thanksgiving Day. v MILITARY NEWS .. Leading Airwoman Madeline Haw- kins of the Women's Division of the R.C.A.F. at Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Hawkins. Ordinary Seaman Lorne`. Brown of H.M.C.S. Charlottetown, P.E.I. spent the week end with Mrs. Brown and son. L.A.C. Beg Cudenore, of the R.C.A. F. Trenton was the week end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cud- more. Leading Firemen Frank McEwan and Bob Draper of the Canadian Fire- fighters for Great Britain at Ottawa are spending their leaves with their families in town. z Ordinary Seaman George Rumball, of H.M.C.S. Charlottetown, P.E.X., spent from Thursday till Sunday in town with Mrs. Rumball and small daughter. L.A.C. Lloyd Adams of the Sky Har- bor Training School spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and s. Mr E. Ad- ams, Constable Bob Biggart of the R,C. M.P. at Rockeliffe spent the 'week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Biggart. Pte Leonard (Skip) Winter of the R.C.S.C. at Chatham spent the week- end with Mrs. Winter. Ordinary Seamen Maurice Maguire, Clarence Neilans, Melvin J. S'choen- hais aed'Jaek C. Shanahan have ;com- pleted their completed'their courses at H.M.C.S. Pro- vost, London, and after spendinga few days attheir homes in town left Sunday for their new stations, Pte. D, J. Smith of the 1140.0.0. at Kingston spent the week end• at the home of his mother, Mrs. J, Smith of. Suinnierhill. Ceder Harry leEwen of the Royal Canadian Navy, who has been sail - lug. paid a surprise visit to his home in town over the week end. Pte. Ivan B. Hoggart, of the R.C.A. S.C., of Chatham spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggart. Harry Dalrymple of Brucefield, re- ceived 'word last Saturday that his son, Lance -Corporal Robert Dalrymp- le, who was reported missing after the battle of Dieppe, is now a prisoner in Germany. He is twenty-four years of age and enlisted in June 1941, with the Royal Canadian Engineers. Among the recent enlistments in the Canadian Army at London are Ross E. Finch, son of Mr, and, Mrs. A. E. Finch, of town., John B. Levis, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3, B Levis of town; J. Alfred Crozier, who married the former Dorothy Bartliff; William W. (Izzy) Powell, a member of Clin- ton's Juveniles hockey team and later Intermediate; and Henry F. • Sloman of town. , LITTLE -LOCALS Captain Frazer Earle of St Marys, and formerly of the Salvation Army Corps in Clinton, is taking 'a theologi- cal •coarse at Huron College London. Sisters of the L.O.B.A. try and come out on Tuesday night next. This is a special meeting. Several members of St. Paul's church attended the Deanery of Huron meeting held in Trinity Chruch, Bay- field, - on Tuesday of this -week; Mr. C. G. Middleton,' Mrs. Clifford Epps, - Mrs. Morley Counter, Miss M. Holmes, Miss A. - Holmes, Mrs. Caryl Draper, Mrs. J. D. Atkinson, Mrs. W. Elliott and Mrs. C. McKinnon. A.Y.P.A ELECTS OFFICERS HERE The members of St. Paul's Angli- can Young Peoples? Association elec- ted their officers for the coning year on Monday night at the regular meet- ing. Results as [[follows: President, Murray Draper; first vice-president, Shirley Nickle; second vice-president, Jack Cook; secretary, ' Winnifred James, (second term); treasurer, Betty Williams, (second term); The following .committees were also form- ed; lunch, Lois Draper, convenor, with Mary Hudie and Phyllis Herman as- sistants; Visiting Committee June Moore convenor with Margaret Frem- lin and Geraldine White assistants; Lois Draper and Phyllis Herman will act as pianists. AMONG THE CHURCHES Presbyterian Church Joint Thanksgiving meeting of Mis- sion Band, Girls Club and W.M.S. at the church on Thursday evening, Oct. 15th at 7.30 o'clock. Miss Ade, Adams missionary kindergarten specialist will address the meeting. Ontario Street United Church Thanksgiving Service 11 a.ni. "I have Come to My Garden to Gather." Baptismal Service I 12.10 Sunday School, 2 p.m. Turner's Church Worship and Sunday School 7 pan. "A Religious Stowaway." .I Monday 8. p.m. Young People's Un- ion, Christian Fellowship department i in charge. Wednesday 8 p.m. Midweek Service of .Fellowship and Prayer -Stressing the Thanksgiving Note. Tuesdity, 3 ,p.nt, W,M.S. meeting., Salvation Army Don't forget to come to the Mid- week prayer service in the hall con- ducted each week by Lieut. French of Goderich, at 8 pan. Special services in the Salvation Array next Sunday conducted by com- rades of Wingham. If you missed last I Sunday's special services, don't miss this week. Come to the Salvation Army next Sunday and you will be ie surprised how many friends you will find there. Holinesville United Church Anniversary Services, October 11. The guest speakers will be Rev. R. E. Hern, of Varna at 11 a.m.. and Rev, W. A. Bremner of Seaforth at 7.30 p.m, Special' music is being pre- pared by the choir. St. Paul's Church of Englandli Tonight -7.30 o'clock Prayer Ser- vice.. -: Sunday October 11, 1942. 10,00 a.m. Sunday School. 11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer. Sermon "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery." (7th commandment.) 7.00, pan. Evening Prayer„ Sermon: `Thou Shalt Not Steal" (8th command ment). Monday 8 p.m. A.Y.P.A. - Tuesday 3 p.m. Sr W.A. in the. Ow en Memorial' Hall Baptist Church - Thanksgiving- Day Services. The Sunday School meets at eleven o'clock in the morning, with the lesson subject, -"Loyalty to. Christ" Worship service .at seven part. Gos- pel song -service, with the Thanksgiv- ing message. --"Did You Say Thank - you V' Wesley Willis On Sunday morning next October 11 the minister will conduct Anniversary services at Union. The Rev. A. J. Mc Kaye' of Goderich will preach in Wes- ley Willis. I • I 1 In the eveningthe will be minister in his own pulpit. The sermon subject will be. The Result of Discipleship. All our Sunday School workers are asked to remember the Inter -denom- inational nter-denom- inational. Sunday School Convention to be held in WesleyWillisChurch Wed. afternoon and evening October 14. CATHLEEN ,CUNTNGHAME, B. A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame, has returned to Univer- sity College, Toronto, to take up post- graduate work and obtain her objec- tive degree of B.P.H.E. For the second time Cathleen has enjoyed the honour of being appoint-, ed 'Head Girl" of her residence'; in Mulock House of Whitney Hall, and now at Margaret Eaton. To be elected "Head Girl" is the greatest honour to be bestowed on a girl in residence. This position involves added respon- sibility and speaks for the high es- teem in which Cathleen is held, both as a leader among girls, and for her ,. outstanding executive ability. V Fortieth Wedding - Anniversary Observed Friends and relatives called to con- gratulate - Mr. and Mrs. John Mulhol- land of Huron street, Clinton, last Thursday, when they observed their 40th. wedding , anniversary. Mrs. Mulholland was formerly Miss Maud Cantelon, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, George Cantelon, Gode- rich township, and Mr Mulholland is a son of 'the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil-, Liam Mulholland, Holmesville, Maud Cantelon and John Mulholland were married on October 1st, 1902, by Rev. R. M. Manning,, pastor of Wesley Church, Clinton. They had the distinc- tion of being the first couple to be =spied irn Ithe then new Wesley Church (since destroyed by fire and replaced by Wesley Willis United Chruch.) Miss Susan Cook, now Mrs. (Dr) Henry Garrett, Clinton, was brides- maid and was also a guest at the anniversary where she officiated in pouring tea. Mr. George McCartney, cousin of the bridegroom, now reeid- ing in Woodstock was bestman but was unable to be present for the re- union. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland resided at Holmesville. They have since resided for various . periods in Winnipeg and Detroit. Seven years ago they came to Clinton. Of their family of three girls and onere areliving. boy, th e (Donna) Mrs Birch, the eldest died six years. ago, Howard is living at Fort Erie, Misses Muriel and Jacqueline areat home. There are six grandchildren. ' For the anniversary Mrs. Mulhol- land wore black with corsage of roses, and Mrs. Garret, wore wine crepe. Many beautiful gifts and the heartiest of good wishes were bestowed upon the bride and groom of 40 years.- V- Annual Meeting of Little Helpers On Saturday afternoon, October 3rd, the Little Helpers' held their annual meeting in St. Paul's Church. A large group of the young members and their mothers, with several visitors, were - present when Rev. W. G. Moore, rec- tor, conducted a briefservice111 the - church. At the close of the service, the children presented the contentsof their mite boxes, as their names were called by the superintendent; Mrs. G. A. Walker. At the conclusion, all were invited' to the Parish Hall, where Mrs. H. M; - Monteith of Goderich, told an appro. priate missionary story to the child- ren, hildren, which was mueh appreciated. The children sang a few of their favorite hymns and Mary SiIcock contributed a solo. Then followed' a social half hour when the children enjoyed sandL wiches and milk. During the service in the church, a few moments were set aside for a short service, when Miss Mary Hahn - es read the address and presented) Mrs. Monteith with a life member- ship and badge in the Women's Auxil- iary, as an expression of esteem front the members of the congregation of St. Pauie,