HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-09-24, Page 5'THURS., SEPT. 10, 1942 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' Jim's in it for the Duration., and so are we.. ._ DON'T SELL YOUR VICTORY BONDS to raise cash for some tempo- rary emergency.. It is your duty, as' well as good sense, to keep them. * * * If you have temporary need for money, use yotir bonds as security for a bank loan, which can be paid off by convenient instalments , if you wish. Any manager. of The Royal Bank of Canada will be glad to discuss such a loan with you. Your Victory Bonds are the finest investment you can make. Hold on to them. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATERSON, Manager AUBURN Mrs. Hector McLean of Aumberiy- is 'Visiting her sister Mrs. R. J. Scott. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Graham of De- troit visited at the weekend with Mrs. •1Pred Ross. Private Charles Beadle of Kitchen- er spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Beadle. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Robertson of 'Copper Cliffe are visiting Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Robertson and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tayioi; and daughter Marion and Mr. and Mrs. •Jeremniah Taylor were London visitors Iast week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kitchen and reading, Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor, duet, daughter Jane of Sarnia are visiting Mrs, J. J. Robertson and Mrs. S. I•I. the lady's parents Mr. and. Mrs. J. J. Johnston, solo Mrs: Barry Wagner, Robertson, reading Mrs. Geo. Hamitlon, Duet Rev. W. G Ross has returned from Mrs. Wm. Roberton and. Mrs Ii, Wag- Belleville where he had been attending net•, trio Mrs Thos Hallam, Mrs. Wal - the general council meeting' of thq per and. Mrs.. Roberton. The grand- men's Work. Mr. Boyle has proved himself an unusually forceful preach- er. Next Sunday Rev. Hugh Jack, of Seaforth interim moderator, will preach and declare the pulpit vacant. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The September meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held in the FM: - esters Hall. This was. the grandmoth- ers meeting. The president Mrs. Law- son presided for the opening period and welcomed all the grandmothers and read a poem written by the late Miss Isabel Graham of Seaforth: Mit. J. J. Robertson then presided for the following program presented by the grandmothers'. Reading, Mrs. Annie Wolper solo Mrs Wm Robertson , United Church. . mothers responded to the roll call by Mr,•=ond Mrs. Amos Ball have re- replies to the query "Where and by ceived a letter from their son Stanley whom were you married". Pour 'great 33al1, who' recently arrived overseas. grandmothers were present. Prizes He enjoyed the crossing and made were given to the two oldest grand - special mention of the trains in Mtg. mothers Mrs. Donald Patterson, who land, He said they reminded him of is 88 and Mrs.. John Symington :who the one at Spring Bank Park, London, is 83. Mrs. Thos Hallam received a `Ont. prize for the one farthest from her Dodd r. isbirthplace. In the parade of old time. Mt. Wm. Dod c s at present a costumes Mrs. George Sturdy was patient in Victoria Hospital London. awarded first prize and Mrs. J. J. Wil - His many friends wish him a speedy son second. Mrs. J. J. Robertson re-' recovery. I ceived first prize.. for her wedding Mrs. William Craig, who underwent dress and Mrs Win. Roberton for the 'an operation in the Goderich Hospital best comedian. The meeting closed by is snaking satisfactory progress. 'i singing the National Anthem, A M. J. G. Stoltz spent the weekend daintylunch was served' by the hos- 3n Toronto. 'testes, Mrs. Jas Woods, Mrs., Edgar ••Mr, George Disnay. of Detroit is vise: Lawson and Miss Sadie Carter. icing Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Beadle. V . Mrs. William H. Thom 'son r np and tdMs ,jean Johnston of Delhi are visiting VARNA Mr and Mrs. Wm.. J. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunlcing of Detroit spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs George Yungblut. ' The committee in charge of the Overseas box fund held a successful tag day on Saturday, Lillian and Vie - let Nevins, Mario Raithby, Jean Law- lor Dolly Beadle, Marion Stewart, and -.Tune Oswald, were the taggers $17.50 was realized foi flus worthy cause With more donations.to conte in. A knitting class sponsored by the Vaina Junior Institute will be held in the township hall on Sept. 26th at ten a.in. The instructor will be Miss Hopkins. She will be pleased to help with any knitting problems. Every- body interested iii knitting will be welcome. The regular Meeting of the Varna Junior Institute will be held on the evening of Oct. 5th at the home of Miss Mary Snowden, Miss Helen John ston the Home Economics convenor will be in charge of the meeting. HAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs, Hugh .McLaren and Christine returned to Port Elgin on Sunday after spending two weeks with the Misses M. and J. Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie of Elm - vale are the,;guests of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. George King. Harvest Thanksgiving service will be held in Trinity Church on Sun- day next at 11 a.m. Rev. P, IL Street- er of Blyth will be in charge of the services, Pte. Merton Merner of London spent Sunday at his home -here. Misses Doris McEwen and Marian Castle are attending Collegiate in Clinton and Miss Dawns Toms is at- tending Goderich Collegiate. Mr. Cheiles Parker and !Arthur Britt of Brantferdi"spent the week •j V,a6 • end with Mr, and Mrs, J. Parker. O��i try tilling Mrs. D. Haw and Master Donald ii l y ing returned to their home at Proton Ste; tion on Sunday after spending a week Now that the big harvest rush is with her mgther Mrs. WM. Heard, over it will no doubt be culling time far a good many flocks of laying hens spent the previous week end at Pro- Some will want to get their early put- ton Station. c CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Mi. and Mrs. Neiman TOMS of De- troit were week end guests with the former's mother, Mrs. E. Toms. Mr. Fred Eagleson ' of Aberdeen„ South Dakota, spent a few days with his aunt, Mrs. J. Davison. Mrs. C.; Guest, Morah and Donald who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Toms for the past two weeks, returned to Toronto on Sun say. Miss Doris Featherston returned to Toronto this week after spend- ing some time with her mother Mrs, E. Featherston. Pte James Gemeinhardt of Camp Borden spent 'the week end with his mother, Mrs. M. Gemeinhardt. Mr. E. Featherston 'of Hamilton spent this week end at his home here. - Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London spent the _week end with his sisters Misses E. and F. Fowlie. Mrs. J. M. Best, and three child- ren returned to London with Mr. Best on Monday after spending five months here. Funeral of William Henry Talbot The funeral of William Henry Tal- bot who passed away early Sunday morning was held Tuesday afternoon from his late residence in Bayfield. He resided in Stanley Township until thirteen years ago when he moved in- to Bayfield'. He was in his seventy eighth year. In the absence of his pas- tor, Mr.. Currie conducted the service. Mrs. Currie sang "Face to Face" a favorite hymn of the deceased. The pa11 bearers were, Herbert McGregor, William Dowson, Charles Toms, Ivan Steckle, Fred Watson and Alfred Westlake. The flower ,bearers were five grandchildren, Elmer Cameron, Ernest Talbot, Kenneth Scotclmter, Dewar Talbot and Arnold Maltins: The flower: tributes were many. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, the former Elizabeth Stevens, and four daughters, Mrs. Verde Cameron of Seaforth, Mrs. Minnie Vodden of Al- ebrta,' Mrs. Esther. Makins of Bay- field and Mrs. Freida Scotchmer of the Bronson 'Line, two sons, William and• Leonard of the Bluewater High- way; thirteen grandchildren and two great grand children. All members of the family were present except- Mrs. Voclden of Alberta who visited with her parents this summer. Also surviv- ing' are three sisters, MI's. Annie Jennison (a twin sister) of Grand Bend, MTs. Jane Thirsk of Wetaski- win, 'Alta., Mrs. Leticia Scott of Ed- monton, Alta:, and two brothers, Ro- bert of Edmonton and Alfred of Cal- gary. Friends 'were present from De- troit, Sarnia, Exeter, Woodham, Sea - forth, Shipka, and Listowel. The B.Y.P.U. held their September meeting on Sunday evening with Bill Raithby, in charge. The •scripture was read, by James Jackson and Mrs. Wal- per offered prayer. Mrs. R. J. Phil- lps and Mi•s, Earl MclCnight sang a duet. Mr, Frank Raithby gave a .read- ing and. Miss Marie :Raithby gave a pi'. ano instrumental, Mrs. Fred Seers gaSre the topic on the 93rd psalm. rank Raithby took -charge of the elec- tion of officers which resulted as fol- ows: President Bill Raithby, vice resident Mrs, Earl McKnight, secre- ary treasurer, George. Robertson, pi- nist.Mrs. R. J. Phillips. Rev. A. M. Boyle pastor of Knox resbyterian church here preached his arewelI sermon Sunday morning on he subect "The Ministry of the Cloud" r. Boyle is leaving for Caledon East fter a five year pastorate at Auburn, lyth, Belgt-ave and Smith's. Hill; Dui - g his stay here he has assisted in ey worth while organization, and rs.: Boyle has, been active in Wo - V, RECRUITS WANTED 'IN CANADIAN ARMY Information May Be Received Every Friday When Recruiting Unit Visits Here A great effort is now being made to enlarge the Canadian Army at this time. 'Lieutenant Winslow, in charge of the recruiting personnel touring this district every week, and who calls in Clinton on Friday has informed the News -Record that Major Thos, Morgan, Chitin, can.: give full particulars to anyone interested in enlisting and has the: forms and au- thority to sign up men for active service. The Town Clerk M. T. Cor less can also act • in this capacity. The recruiting unitkwill be in Clin- ton every Friday morning (starting Sept. 'r 26th,) from 10 to'r11 a:m, in the Council Chamber. SUMMERHILL Friends and neighbors gathered ,at the home of Mr. and Mr's: Wesley Hogg'art to present their son, Private Ivan B. Hoggart of the R.C.A.S.C, of Chatham, with a, small gift. The gift was a twenty-five dollar War savings, Certificate. and a Five Dollar Certificate. Mr. Clarence. Ball read the following address. Dear Ivan: • We, your friends. and neighbors, wish you to accept these ,gifts from us • as a token of our feelings toward you upon your enlistment in the army.We know when you return they will conte in handy. Wishing you the best. . of luck. Signed • by Warren Gibbings, ph. Snell, Clarence Ball 'and Earl Blake. Ivhn thanked the group in a few lets into their laying pens to obtain the better egg- prices. Culling done by an experienced poultryman. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328, Batkins Locker Storage There is a lot of talk going around about people not being able to store meat in their locker. In order to clear this up we have consulted the 'War- time Price and Trade Board at Strat- ford, -and learn that there is no re- striction whatever on storing meat. They also said the Locker was a good thing for the people. "FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS" • PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE cLorrON" Now Playing--: "BAHAIVIA PAS- SAGE" with Madeline Carroll (Technicolor) Mon. Tues. Wed Two Features Dennis' O'Keefe, Jane. Wyatt, Phil- ip Reed and Edward Everett Hor- ton. A busy business man and a neglected wife come close to'dis- aster when a perennial ,playboy steps in. "WEEKEND FOR THREE" George, Sanders and Wendy Bar- rie in a detective drama. "THE GAY FALCON" Thurs. Fri., Sat. (In Colour) "TEXAS" Two Jacks Play Their Hand for a Lone Queen and the best man wins. William Holden, Glenn Ford, Claire: Trevor and George Bancroft Coming --"The Wife Takes a Fly- er" & "Ellery Queen's Penthouse Mystery." Matinees—Sat. and Holidays at 3 1. CAPITAL THEATRE GDDERICII Now Playing -= "I5,1,•tJ'N1)1pi'S, BLESSED EVENT" with "THE OFFICER AND THE LADY" Mon. Tues. Wed: Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson, Appear In a high- flying sky ' romance with thrills and action a -plenty. "WINGS FOR THE EAGLE"' Thurs. Fri. Sat; Twe Features CHARLIE CHAPLIN -, With music and words a great old laugh provoker' returns, to, the screen, "THE GOLD RUSH" Also—William Tracy, and Jimmy Gleason in "TANKS A MILLION". Coming Madeline Carroll in "MY FAVOURITE BLONDE." Matinees -Wed. Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE SEAPORT!" Now Playing—Bob Hope in "LOU. ISIANA PURCHASE"' Mon. Tues. Wed. Two Features Allyn Joslyn, Joan Bennett " and Franehot Tone,'Present a rib -tick- ling burlesque of Shickelgruber's' goose-stepping gestinko, "THE WIFE TAKES A FLYER" Also Warren William in "Confessions of Boston Blaelcie" Thur, Fri. Sat. Two Features Victor McLaglen and Edmund Lowe.. Two old leathernecks return for an- other adventure with the devil - dogs, CALL OUT THE MARINES" Also "RIDING THE WIND" Coming ---rhe Fleet's In" with Dorothy Lamour. Matinees --Sat, and Holidays at_3_ BARTLIFF'S The Home of Good Eats 1 BARTLIFF'S MARRIAGES PHONE 1 WE DELIVER WELCH—STERLING—In St. Mark's Anglican church, Toronto, by the Rev. Henry Earle, the marriage took place of Mrs. Lillian M. Stir- ling of Bayfield and Mr. Angus Welch of, Toronto. NOBLE! GA.RRETT-In Londesboro United church manse, on Saturday Sept. 12th, when the Rev, A. E. Menzies, united in . marriage, Lily, daughter of Mr. John Garrett and the late Mrs. Garrett of Hullett township, and Ernest Noble, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Noble of Morris Township WHPTMORE — FALCONER -- On Saturday, Sept. 12th, at the Presby- terian church Manse Clinton, when Kathleen Willona, younger^ daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fal- coner, Stanley township, was united in marriage to Mr. Irwin Samuel Whitmore, son of Mi, and Mrs. Samuel Whitmore, of Tuckersmith, CARTER—STEEP— On Saturday, September 12th, in Wesley Willis United Church manse, Clinton, by the Rev, Andrew Lane, when Mar- jorie Grace Steep, daughter of Mrs. A Steep, Clinton, became 'thebride of Mr. Percy Stanley Carter, so of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carter, Hallett township. TILSTONI AWSON On Friday • evening, September 18th, in St Clair Avenue United Church, Tor onto, by the Rev. J. E. Todd, when Donna Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lawson, Pickering became the.bride of Gunner Charles George Tilston, son of Mrs. Tilston and the late William Tilston of To- ronto. REES--OUDSVIORE,—• At the United Church manse in Kincardine with Rev. George Kersey officiating BOYS AGE16to19 Required immediately as Apprentice Aircraft Mechanics. Apply in person, orwrite to, Box 1, NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE • OFFICE Goderich, Ontario 10-2 Time4Table Changes' EFFECTIVE Sun., Sept. 27,1942 Full Information from agents CANADIAN NATIONAL RLYS. ttIOU' {SICU,, I)AN(:J3 Sponsored by L.O.L. No. 710 Clinton THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 in Town Hall, Clinton Music by the R.A.F. Orchestra of n` No. 31 R.A.F. School, Clinton, with of the kind permission of Wing Comman-• -der Cocks. Old and New Time Dancing ADMISSION 40 CENTS 11-2 I CARD OF THANKS , Mrs. Talbot and family wish to ex- press their deepest thanks to their neighbors and friends for all the kind - nese and sympathy shown to thein in the loss of a loving husband and fath- er. Special thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Currie and to those who loaned their Beta Mae Cudntore, youngest dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Cud - more of Clinton, became the bride of L.A,C. Edward Glyn Rees, of the Royal Air Force at Port Al- bert. BIRTHS SMITH—In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, September 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, of Clinton, the gift of a son. LIVERM01tE--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, September 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Livermore a son, Ronald Norman. ELLIOTT—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, September 23rd to Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Elliott of Hoimesville, a daughter. 0AMPBELL• .In Niagara Falls, Ont- ario, on Saturday, September 5th, to Gunner and Mrs. George Camp- bell, the gift of a daughter. CASTLD--In Kincardine,; Hospital on Saturday, September, 19th, to Ser- geant and Mrs. Sam E: Castle, the gift of a daughter, Sybil Jean. DEATHS TALBOT- In Bayfield, on Sunday, September 20th, William Henry Talbot, in his 78th year. EE'VES—In Clinton, on Friday,,Sep- tember 18th, David Deeves, in his 70th year. PEIW,AN — In Detroit, Mich., on Monday, September 21st. Dr. Peter C. McEwan, in his 80th yeas, • Wanted A baby carriage (folding) full size, used and in good condition. Apply tb Box 39 E; the Clinton News -Record office, 11-2 `Lost Child's pgtse 'illi about three dol- lars, and, ,notes', to Mother, .pad and M Dorothy in it. Finder kindly leave at 1 the News -Record office. 1-1 cars, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. David Deeves and family gratefully acknowledge and thank the many friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement; and also for; the many kindnesses extended to thein while Mr. Deeves was i11. For Sale Nordheimer Upright Piano in Maho- gony case. Reasonable price. Apply at the News -Record office. 11-1 For Sale or Bent A fifty acre farm, south half of Lot 31, con. 6 of Hullett township; banked, barn and comfortable home. It is ideally suited as a grass farm or for Light farming' being well water- ed with a never failing spring and also has .15 acres of bush. Apply at the News -Record office 11-2 AUCTION SALE Of • LIVE STOCIC, IMPLEMENTS and FURNITURE On TUESDAY, OCVOBEII 6th. at Lot 14, Bayfield Line, Goderich township TERMS: CASH D. L. STEPHE'NSON H. JACKSON Proprietor, Auctioneer, 11-1 1 HOBSON'S CHOICE Tomatoes Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season Grown Right—Picked Right Packed. Right Make your sugar go farther by buying fruit that is ripened on vine or trees. Phone Your Orders to 903r23 BONNY BEST TOMATOES for Table or Canning E. L. Mittell CLINTON PHONE 213 Garage Mechanics EXPERIENCED Licensed Preferred Required imniecliately for aircraft 'maintenance work. Apply in person or write to, Box 1. • NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE Goderich, Ontario 10-2 TOMATOES FOR SALE .Fine quality Bonny Best Tomatoes and John Baer tomatoes, canning var- iety. Frank Andrews, Clinton, phond 33, 50 cents a bushel. 10-2 House For Sale White stucco house on Mary Street. In good condition. Modern convenien- ces. Apply Miss Rudd, Mary St. 11-tf WANTED IMIVI:EDIATELY Cook for Clinton General Hospital. Apply stating qualifications, to the 5,000 wire suit hangers wanted Superintendent. 10-2 Within the next week, A War Sav- I Ings Stamp for 15 hangers. AUCTION .SALE Farm Stock and Implements. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has Clinton, Phone 115 received instructions from T. J. Mc-' 10-2 Michael to sell by public auction on Thtusday, October 1, at 1 p.m, on Lot 3, Con. 3, Hullett. Township: Horses --1 Regd. Clyde Stallion, 5 years old; 1 regd. Clydo mare, 4' years old, in foal; .1 regd. Clyde' filly, 2 years old; 1 eligible filly 3 months old; 1 general purpose mare 4 years old, in foal; '1 general purpose geld- ing 3 years old;` 1 general purpose filly, 2 years old; 2 Clyde fillies, 1 yr old; 4 Clyde'gelding's 1 year old. 1' general purpose foal 5 months cid. Cattle—Guernsey cow due time of sale; Guernsey cow due Dec. 13; Guer- nsey cow due Feb. 25. Guernsey cow due Mar, 7; Guernsey cow due Apr. 10; Guernsey cow due May 26; Hol- stein, cow due 'Oct. 17; Holstein cow due Dec: 17; Holstein caw duo Jan. 20; Holstein cow due Apr. 26; Dur- ham cow' due Jan 4; Durham cow due Apr. 1. Pigs -1 pure bred Yorkshire. hog; `1 York sow due. Dec. lst;.1 pure bred York sow with 9 pigs; 15 chunks, 80 1bs. Sheep -74 ewe lambs; 6 pure bred Shropshire ewes. Implements -1' M.H. binder 7 ft; 1 deering mower; 1 M.H. hay leder; 1 sulky. rake; Deering fertilizer drill; 1. M.H. bean scuffler and puller; 1 M.H. spring tooth cultivator; 1 four - section harrow; harrow cart; 1' Bissell disc hammow'; 1 1-2 furrow rid- ing plow; 1 Burrow walking. plow; 1 farms wagon -2-16 ft hay rack; 1 rubber tired- wagon; 1 set sleighs; 2 set log bunks; gravel box; fanning mill; 1 set of scales 2000 lbs; Mc- Cormick Deering cream separator No. 3 (like new). • Harness — 1 set of breeching harn- ess; 1 set back band harness; 6 horse collars; 150 ft of hay fork rope 1 year oldi; hay fork; sling chain; put. leys, sling rope, forks, shovels, whip- pletrees, neckyokes. Terms cash: Everything will be sold without reserve. MONUMENTS To those contemplating build- ing a Monument Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering, . specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE ' & GRANITE WOR/CSClhtton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 69 tt Electrical Equipment Shur Shock Electric Fences, cone. plete with Battery and Insulators $15.00 guaranteed. I carry a full line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General bat- teries and Dominion Washing Mach ines ,all electrical appliances .and roofing supplies. A. W. Groves, Princess St.. Princess Street --Clinton WESTERN ONTARIO MOTOR- ' WAYS LTD, BUS SERVICE Change of Schedule June 27, 1942. CL LEAVE INTON Southbound: DLY. ex. Sun. & Hol. Sun. & Holy 8.15 a.tn. 8.15 a.m. 1.25 pan. 4.50 p.m. 4.50 p.m. 8.30 p.m. Northbound: DLY. ex. Sun. & Hol. Sun. & Holt 10.50B 2.20 2.20 9.55 8.45 B. Indicates to Wingltant only. For furter information call Barbara Confectionery Phone 1. 5000 HANGERS WANTED GLIDDEN'S Press Shop Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 10-2 Wanted Wanted by the year with room and board furnished, a competent man for general farm work, including care of stock. Write your replies to Box 39X 'the Clinton News -Record. 11-2 SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Pall Apples: Also orders taken for Spy, Snow, King, Sweets,Russets, Baldwins, etc. Phone Clinton 622-24. Fred McOlymont, Varna. 10-tf. FOR SALE The 77. Foss, 2 storey brick house on Hensall main street. In good re- pair, Extra lots if desired. W. C. Pearce, ESteter. 10-0 FOR SALE Three horses, all in first class con- dition and sound. One rising 3 yrs, 1 rising 5 yrs, and one'7 years old, Apply Fred Gilbert, 7 concession of Goderich township. Phone 22-908. 10-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0'F Martha Jane Dinsley, late of the Township of Tuck- ersmith in the County of Huron, Spin- ster, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Es- tate, on or before the 30th day of Sep- tember, A. D.. 1942, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which no. tice shall have been given. - DATED a't Clinton, Ontario, this 6th day of September, A.D. 1942. • F. Fingland, K.C., Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the siaid Estate. Wanted Old horses and cattle for mink feed, If dead phone at once.` Will pay *•- cording to value. Eimer Trick, phone 9074, or Lloyd Batkin 619r14. 1511 s -o -w