HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-09-17, Page 8LLOYD STROLLERS. • A ;Large Assortment of Lloyd Strollers and Prams now in stock. IN COLORS OF GREY, BLUE, SAND AND MAROON LLOYD STROLLERS ARE RELIABLE and the finest money can buy, BEATTIE'S "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT" Coach, Ambulance — Furniture — Funeral Service Phone 184w, Day or Night We Carry a Full Line of COOK STOVES and HEATERS A Shipment Just Arrived CALL AND SEE THEM KADiUS ELECTRIC. HEATERS, IRONS AND TOASTERS SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS • PHONE I47w. CLINTON, CINT. Tip Top Suits . Just received—Newi,Samples of Fine English Wor- steds and Tweeds at no advance in price. Snit or Ov- ercoat, from any cloth $29.75 Styles and Qualities are Tip Top—Ask the man who Wears One New Fall Shoes. Men's, Women's and Children's. They combine style and quality and at very moderate prices. School Girls • Oxfords—Smart new styles Specially priced 0 at $2.25 • School Clothing Try us for that new pair of shoes, sweaters/ golf sox, etc. Our stock is very, complete. Bros. Plumsteel Br i Arrow Shirts — Adant Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Ants Tip Top Tailors. ••••••016110MIM••• WHEN IN NEED OF A G.00D 'RUG CLEANER Call and see the Taylor Wonderful inventions—We have them. ONE GOOD SECOND HAND STOVE FOR WOOD ONLY—A BARGAIN. When in need of Plumbing or Heating, give us a call. All work guaranteed. „ HARDWARE at td Tlath it kill PLIJMBING 9 g'91 V "UR L7 Phone 244 Sgt "Son" Hunking Now 1 In Official Missing List Son of Mrs. Lily Lavis Missing Since August First Official announcement was made by the Department trf National Defence at Ottawa Monday that Sergeant El- win Thomas Hunking of Clinton„ better known as "Son", has been rills. sing since air operations over enemy territory on August first. His moth- • er, Mrs. Lily Lavis, was informed of the casualty in a telegram from the Chief of Mr stet, Ottawa, five weeks ago, but in keeping with defence pol- icy the announcement was withheld in the hope that some definite word would be received from the missing boy. 11 His mother received a, letter from her don two weeks ago, presumably 'written just prior to the flight from Which he ,failed to return. He was always quite cheerful in his letters and said he foun,d England and espec- ially the city of London, most inter- esting. He had expressed a wish in One Of his letters to come home for a fey,' weeks but he knew that be- fore long he would-be wanting to get back in the fight again. Born in iiullett Township, 20 years ago, Sergeant Hunking received, his education at the Minton Public School and the Collegiate Institute. He en- listed in June of 1941 and after train- ing at Manning Depot, Toronto, L'- Ancienne Lorette, Que., Montreal, Que., and Fingal Ont, went over- seas in January 1942, as a wireless air gunner. He took his wireless cour- se at Montreal and his gunnery eour- se Fingal. I Sergeant Hunking was the only son of the family, but has• one sister, Pal- ma, of Clinton. Buy War Savings Certificates Regularly THE' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD T 1JRS., SEPT. 17, 1942 Keep them Flying—Sailing, —Firing to secure a• better and fuller future for us all demonstrate your •eonfi- dence by a cheerful and sin- cerely optimistic attitude by buying War Saving Stamps. School • Books AND Supplies Tile W. D Fair Co Often the Oheapost-,Alwags the .111•••.•••••••••1,,F,•ki•nown.•..n....lp...y.m••••••1.i•MI• 1,1,11,0 Miss Helen Herman left last week for her school at Pefferlaw. Miss Pearl Elliott of Goderich spent the weekend at her home in town. Mr. G. D. Gilchrist returned Satur- day from a week's visit in Detroit I Mich.. Mrs. A. L. Trick of Dorchester is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. F. Towns- "endof town. Mrsy F. I. ,Mallon, _Toronto, spent I a few days this ;Week...with her sis- ter, Mrs. J. Rands, sr. Mrs. Don Murray of Georgetown is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. W. John- ston, Rattenbury street. Mrs. W. T. Herman. and Phyllis have returned home after visiting friends in Toronto and Markham. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wise, Goderich town ship, and Mrs. A. L. 'Trick visited Auburn friends during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Whitfield of Lon- don were the weekend guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott. ,Mrs. Hugh McLeod and baby daugh- ter of Kingsville, are visiting her parents Mr. and, Mrs. Eddie Nickle `ef town. Mrs. W. J. Tough of Rattenbury st, is visiting at the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs. J. MeGillawee of Shak- espeare. Mrs. T. Venner left Saturday after- noon for Fergus where she will re- side with her daughter Miss. Grace Venner. Mrs. W. J. Dyment of Chicago, Ill., who has been visiting' Dr, and Mrs. Henry Garrett, returned to her home on 'Tuesday! 11/1r. Fred, Eagleson of Aberdeen, S. Dakota, is visiting his cousin, Mr, J. L. Heard and Mrs. Heard and family, atso friends in Payfield. Mr. James Cook accompanied by Miss E. Ranson left for Toronto on Tuesday where they will spend the winter. Weekend guests o'f Major F. G. Thompson and family were Miss Marion Thompson of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson and family of Port Hope, Mrs. R. P. Douglas, and two small sons has left for Regina Sask., where they will reside with her par- ents. Her husband, Dr. Douglas, is a Captain, hi the Canadian Army Medical C'orps. Mr. Richard Tasker, and daughter's Mrs. Ferguson, and Miss Jean, left on Monday for Brantford, where they will reside. Mr. Tasker has been working in that city' for the pastfew months. Clinton is sorry to see one of its old; residents leaving as it is nearly forty years •since. Mr. Tasker first moved here. "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" • For All Occasions • Right now we are cutting a big assortment of garden flowers. You may have them freshly cut to suit • your needs. ,We can supply you with: • DILL CHINESE CABBAGE GREEN PEPPERS • (.410:1914 BEANS We have celery for sale, direct from the celery beds. Get it fresh for Chili Sauce and pickles. 5c A BUNCH F. R. CUNINGLAME Member of Florists TeL Del Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. ?thanes 176 and 31 %Mari SEASONABLE SPECIALS 1 Wheat Nuggets (25 qt bag) ..39c 2 Large Pkg Corn Flakes, 25c 1 family size Thrift Flakes 35c 1 Family size Maple Leaf Flakes 65c I Large pkg. Princess Soap Flakes 25c 6 Cakes Assorted Toilet Soap ... 25c 1 Ib Empire Macaroni Sc 2 lb Seedless Raisins 25c 3 rolls Huron Toilet Paper 10c I Pkg Newport Fltdfs (fruit bowl) 19e 5 lb tin Crown or Beehive Syrup 59c 1 lb Cocoa 19c Nice assortment of fancy cakes, lb 23c W. L. JOHNSON GROCER FREE DELIVERY PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111-.XLINTON. SPECIALS FOR Sept. 17, 18, 19th Carnation Milk lge tin. 9c Aylmer Veg. or Tomato Soup tin Super Suds pkg. 19c Palmolive or Ode x soap... 3 bars 19c Jewel Shortening Ib 19c Classic Cleanser 2 tins 9c Clothes Pins 3 doz. 9c Libby's Mustard, Jar 9c Plum Jam 32 oz. jar 29c Kleenex 500's box 29c Aylmer Chicken tin 29c Five Roses Flour 7 lb bag Red Bird Matches 3 boxes Saniflush, tin Green Giant Peas, 2 tins 29c 29c 29c 29c Potatoes 15 lb Peck 35c Oranges, Doz. 29e Lemons, Lge size 4 for 10c Cooking Apples 6 Ib •25e T. R1 THOMPSON Skye Deliver7 TUCKERSMITH (too late for last week) Fifty ladies of the community gath- ered at the home of Mrs. G. McGregor on, Tuesday evening for a miscellan- eous Shower given in honour of Miss Kathleen Falconer, bride -elect, of this week, After the bride was seated in a prettily decorated chair under white streamers and a shower of confetti little Ruth Brown brought in a wagon decorated in pink and white containing a number of charm- in:g and useful gifts. .After opening her gifts assisted by Mrs. Clarence Whitmore, and Miss Irene Garrett 'Kathleen thanked the ladies and hi - sited them to a trousseau tea at her home on Wednesday. Mrs. Spear and Mrs. Walters each gave a Innnor our, reading and social half hoUr was spent over the dainty -lunch. CONSTANCE A. 0, Kelso Adams of $C Thomas R.C.A.F. spent the weekend with his parents, Mr ,and Mrs E. Adams Miss Olive Grimoldby of Brantford spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt GrimoldbY. Mr. and Mrs. Hoggarth and in- fant son, and, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hoggarth visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wes Hoggarth on. Sunday. Ilfrs. Wm. Britton entertained a few ladies on Tuesday to a quilting. Mr, and Mrs. Les, Lawson- spent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs. Robt Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Johnston of Clin- ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jamieson on Sun Mr. and Mrs. children visited Earl Lawson on Mr. and Mis, spent one day Bonj. Snell. day. ' Harvey Taylor and with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. C. Hoare, of Clinton, recently with -.Mrs. The Toggery Shoppe Operated by (G. Edighoffer & Son) ritish Gabardine Raincoats "Made in England" A rubberlessj rainproof garment by Chas. Macin- tosh, Makers of Waterproof coats since 1824. Choose now While we Have the stock GOOD CLOTHES REQUIRE GOOD CLEANING HAVE THEM DRY CLEANED "The New Tex Way" 1: The Toggery Shoppe B. Streets in cherge. SOAP ., 5 for 19c RAISINS.... . ,.. 2 lbs. 25c SPELEC4IFAL:ALUES SE•PTEMBER, U, 18 & 19th BEANSRED&WJIT TE K2IDtNi tins istEADL&T, w2tufTor TABLE isce • BEEHIVE CORN . FLOUR Red -8z -White -Pastry 7's 27c and 24s 790 W,ONDERFUL AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS ----l:1ApTE'"?/1 SCYLREAUDP;SE5R122571: GOLDEN SPRAY • OLD DUTCH ...,,.. CHEESE pkg. 19c, uvotroes I'. & G. SROBDAP8z..w4mTnfor 23 CAKE, 5c MAZDA! LIGHT ridnitt PUREX TOILET20, 400 ou Watt WAX TISSUE BULBS LG. PKG. 20c LB. tin 29c 3 for 25c 15c thromr GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE9 NO. 1 COOKING Onions 10 lb 29c LARGE CALIFORNIA Lemons 6 - 19c CHOICE HEARTS OF Celery 2 for 29c NO 1 PINK FIRM Tomatoes 2 lb 9c GRAPES PEACHES APPLES PLUMS CANTELOUPE PEARS GRAPEFRUIT CAULIPLOWDR BEETS PEPPERS SWEET Potatoes 3 lb 25c SUNKIST JUICY— • Orapges doz 31c CHOICE HEAD Lettuce_Zfor 19c CHOICE Cabbagb 2 - 15c CO M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON BALL & ZAPFE Old reliable dealers iti a general line of 1-1A1RDWARE and FURNITURE Prompt Attention to Ambulance Calls. Modern and Efficient Embalmers and. Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 — Phone 103 4.0.••••••••• 110001%.11:11011SMOR -Naar- -.wow- ••••••.- September, 17th to 19th 19c LB. SPECIAL Square Deal Peas 2 tins 23c GEM LYE 2 tins 19c WONDERFUL LAUNDRY SOAP 5 bars • 19c PEANUT BUTTER in glass turn bier 15c NATIONAL MATCHES 3 boxes 27c STRAWBERRY JAM 2 lb jar , 35c QUART SEALERS doz. $1.20 VAN CAMPS TOMATO JUICE 20 oz. tin, 2 for • 19c PORK & BEANS 20 oz. tins, 2 for 19c PRUNES 2 lbs for 25c and 2 lbs for 29e White Rubber Rings 4 doz 25c CIJDAY SOAP to remove dirt and stains from the hands only 5c bar 19c LB. VINEGAR gal. • 47c THRIFT FLAKES pkg 35c BRUNSWICK SARDINES 5 tins 29c FRESH VEGETABLES Carrots, Cucumbers, Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, Tomatoes and New Potatoes. IN OUR MEAT COUNTER DELICA HAM LOAF 45c lb. BOLOGNA, In the piece20c lb. DUTCH LOAF 29c lb. HAM AND TONGUE LOAF 45c lb FRESH • SAUSAGE 25c lb. FRESH WEINERS 27c Ib. HEADCHEE)9E 22c lb 0X1IES741" =mama Giant' size ...... 69c pkg Large size 20c pkg. Clifford Lobb l Son PHONE 40, THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY.