HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-09-17, Page 5SEPT. 10, 1942'` AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogr•idge spent the weekend with Mr. and`: Mrs. Gor- mley Thompson of` Brampton. Mrs. F. O; McIllveene has, returned to Bowmanville after visiting her par- .eats, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred' Asquith, Mr and Mrs. W. T. Robison were London visitors on Friday Miss 'Norma Dale has returned home froma visit with friends in To - 2.021t0. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson and ',daughter Karan of Galt spent the weekend with Mr. •and Mrs. J. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs, Roy O'Neil have_i'e- turned to Ottawa after "visiting the lady's' parents Mr and Mrs.: A. 3. Ferguson. BORN: On Friday Sept 11th to Mr.and Mrs.Carlcureof G r East 'Wawanosh, a son. Miss Mae Ferguson and Royce ;Phillips are visiting' Mr. and Mrs, Guy Durham, at St. George. '.W,'M. S. Miss Josephine Weir gave her home • for. the September meeting of the W. M.S. of Knox Presbyterian. Church Miss Weir presided. The scripture was -read responsively and the Tidings prayer repeated in unison. It was de= -aided to donate a quilt to to the -Red Cross for the next quilting Mrs. Robinson and Mrs, Ross to see after sante. The chapter from the study 'book was given by Mrs. Robison. .Mrs..`Wes. Brachia& favored with a solo. The roll call was responded by -a verse of scripture containing the word "Mercy". The meeting closed by repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. .A. dainty •lunch was served by the hostess and .Mrs. Robison, Mrs. Oliver Anderson invited the society to her home for the Oetober meeting. Bible Society Meeting The annual meeting of the Upper 'Canada Bible Society was held in the Baptist church, with Rev, A. E. Sil- ver in charge. Frank Raithby offered , prayer. A duet was rendered by Marie Raithby and Doris McKnight. During the business period the following of- =ficers were elected president Glandes E. Asquith. .vice presidents the local clergy, . secretary treasurer Mrs. R. J. Philips, Collector's, Auburn, Doris Me - Knight, and Maxie Raithby, East gravel road, Viola .Thompson and Ev- elyn Plaetzer, ]case Line Hulett Min- nie Wagner, and Vivian Stranghan, West Wawanosh, Lillian and Marion Stewart, East Wawanosh, Amy .Toll, and Margaret Nesbit, Westfield Dor- othy McVittie, Donnybrook, Jean and Irene Robison, 13th concession Hullett Elsie Patterson' and .Edna Ardent "bault, , Mr, H. Saunders Toronto a repres- entative of the Bible Society address - .sed the meeting and congratulated them :all on the splendid effort made during -the past year. The sum of 246 was collected from this community. The Iocal Women's Institute spon- sored. ,a'- tag day for the blind of *•f•Iuron County, Lilliam Nevins, Jean Lawler, Lucille Keller, Betty Craig, Marie Raithby, June Beadle and Dor- is McKnight were the taggera and 'collected $21.10. The Baptist church was beautifully 'decorated with II • baslcets of autumn flowers for their anniversaryon Sun- -clay. u -•day. In the afternoon the pastor Rev, A. E. Silver had charge of the first part of the service and welcomed •eU the visitors. The guest speaker Rev. john `ucas of Wingham took the text from Gen. '7-12. "And there he build- ed an altar unto the Lord." and 'spoke on "The Altars of Abraham" some of the altars were the altar of Salvation, the altar of Conversion, the .altar of Consecration and the altar of ,Sanctification. A Ladies Choir sang an anthem and Rev, and Mrs. Lucas favored with two duets. In the evening Rew, Ludas ;gave an inspiring message from St. John Chapter 7: 37-39 "Jif any man thirst' let him come unto me and 'drink." He spoke of the thirsts of the :mind, thirsts of the heart and. soul thirsts, also the thirst for alcohol and 'drugs. In concluding' his remarks Mr. Lucas pleaded with his hearers to take Jesus as their Saviour. A. quar- tette from, Wingham favored with a number Rev. and Mi•s. Lucas' sang a duet and the choir rendered a num- ber. On Monday evening an ilhis- tt'atedd lantern lecture on Re'. Wm. 'Carey pioneer missionary was given. by the paster Rev. A. E. Silver. Greet- ings were given Rev. A. M. Boyle •of Knox Presbyterian Church and Mr. ChasStraughan' of the United Church Solos were rendered by Miss Joseph- ine Weir, . Mrs, Gordon Taylor and. Mr, Harvey McGee, Miss Sadie Carter` and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer• favored with a duet.. Mrs. R. 3. Philips was the •accobnpaeist. A tag day will be held on Saturday' for the boys' overseas boxes. BA 'F1.ELD Mrs. 3. J. MacIntosh o,Hamilton is the guest of ,Me. and Mrs. 'Percy Weston this week. Lance Corporal Borden Clark of Kitchener spent the week end at his home here: Mr. 0. W, McTague of Toronto, is the guest of his aunt Mrs. Vincent Quarry this week. Mrs. ,Patterson of Sarnia was the guest of her brother, Mr. J. Leslie and Mrs. Leslie last week. Mrs. R. IL F. Gairdner;, Miss Betty Gairdner were in London 7on Saturday when they attended the Lawson -Mc- Naughton nuptials in Metropolitan' United Church. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jim Day and small daughter, Gloria Jean, of Detroit are spending this week at the Day cot- tage. Dr. Wm. Tillmann and' his sister, Miss M. Tillman, of London spent the past week at the cottage. "Longa Vue". Mr. and Mrs. Thee. Orr, Jr., and family of Stratford are 'vacationing at the Orr cottage this week. Miss Doris Featherston of Toront is the guest of her mother Mrs, Er nest Featherston. Dr. and Mrs. 'Nor'man Alexande returned to their home in Londe on Monday having spent the 'pa three months at their cottage here. Pte. -Thomas Castle, of Winds spent the weekend with his, parent Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Castle. Mrs. J. 0. Goldthorpe and daughte Sandra of Hamilton are the guests Mrs H. A. Scott this week. THE spent the weekend' with him. Mrs. Ahrens sang' her own 'oeinpositio`n: "Good-bye Boys . I'm. going over" which on this occasion:was dedicated to Stuart.: Music for the dancing was provided by George Weston (violin), Antilop, oRau (violin), Andrew Rau (guitar) "while Mrs. Ahrens and, Mrs. J. Parker accompanied them an the piano. Lindsay Smith was floor man- ager. Mr. and Mrs. Quenting Hallman. and family: of New Dundee were the guest of Miss Margaret Reid on Sun- day. Mrs. Sherlock Keys and Miss Maud Keys of Varna visited the formers mother for a few days this week. LONDESBOUO The " Londesbor° United Ch'ureh Sunday school will hold their annual Rally Day service next Sunday morn- ing at ten o'clock. A special address will be. given by the Pastor , Rev. 1Glenzies, also spec- ial music by the Sunday School Choir and other • numbers by members of e the Sunday School. A splendid, ser- _ vice is expected, "Everyone welcome. ' Mr. and. Mrs, Chas Stewart, Lloyd, Miss Isabel Forbes, Miss Marion Ste - r yvart and Miss Ina Reed of Clinton n hospital Staff spent Tuesday with st friends in London and Ilderton Miss Laura M, Snell, -.has returned ar to Welland after spending the Will- s days with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. William Snell.. ✓ ' of The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the school room Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makins and Miss Jeanne Dunn left on Sunday on a motor trip to Muskoka, Miss Dunn will go to Toronto on Thursday where she has taken a position at the L 0.D.E. Preventorium for Children. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Maxwell moved to Clinton on Tuesday where they willl live for the winter, 'Mrs. R. H. Middleton of Hensall, is visiting her mother Mrs. N. W. Woods this week. A farewell party was held in the town hall on Saturday evening, for Stuart Sturgeon, se'tond son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon, who was home for the weekend on his last leave. During the evening Stuart was call- ed to attention when Mrs, Gairdner read the following address: To Private Stuart Brown Sturgeon, Scottish Fus fliers. Dear Stuart: We have gathered together in the town hall this even- ing because as Citizens of Bayfield we would like to pay you some real honor as a soldier of the King, As you will realize many of us have to stay at home for one reason and another. The opportunity to go for- ward and take an •active part in the great struggle will- not be ours, but, nevertheless perhaps indeed all the more, we admire the boys who are going forward and our hearts are with them. We realize that in a very real sense they are ,.,going forward on our behalf, and consequently we feel very indebted to them. Our part will be to keep the home fires burn- ing and to think of you while you are away. Soldier's do not talk mach about themselves or why they joined the forges, but we know that in so fat as our Canadian boys are concerned, they are going' forward' because they realize the seriousness of the issues at stake. They are going forward to fight for the great cause of human )jberty, 'in facts for the salvation of the world. They see clearly that were the forces ofaggression and paganism to be victoriogs, that life would hardly be worth living in all the various countries of the world. They are going forward not only to protect our own land and. our own people but to free the peoples of oth- er lands from the tyranny that has. overrun them. The boys who are go- ing forward today are truly the sa- viours of. mankind.. We shall think of you while you are away. We shall follow your ca- reer with the keenest interest. We 'shall pray for your welfare and safe- ty. And we shall look forward' to the hay when you will be free to return ' aving fought a good fight, •having. played ,your part in the great str•ug. gde, having made a splendid ,contri- bution to the welfare of mankind'. On behalf of. the citizens of Bay- field and the surrounding district, we" would ask you to accept the accom- panying gifts as a small token of our admiration and interest in your wel- fare. — Signed for the Bayfielcl and Com- munity Soldier's' 'Gift Fund. Gertrude G. Gairdner., Pres,, Maud. Stirling 1st vice president. Red OToss Bayfield, Socks, sweater, a fountain pen and. a farewell box of eats' and smokes' - were then presented by Mrs. D. Pren- tice " ren•-tice' and Mrs, Westlake. Stuart ex- pressed his thanks for the gilts in his usual cheerful manner:" A gift of a pair of socks was also given to a friend of Stuart's' from Eitohener•,' who is in the same' company and wire Church, Elyth will be the guest of the church en Friday last, with th President Mrs. Wm. Lyon presiding Meeting opened with singing a hymn and the daily prayer for peace. Min- utes and a card of thanks was read. The roll call was responded to by a verse with "Remember", CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. OOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 06,1 PouliryCulling. Now that the big harvest` rush is over it will no doubt be culling' time few a good many flocks of laying hens Some will want to get their- early pul- lets into their laying pens to obtain the better egg prices. Calling done by an experienced Poultryman, N. W. TREWARTir Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Storage We are Asked to Use less Pork so Why not use more Fish. Now is the time to Store Corn e Have you tried our Farmers' Style ▪ Sausage and Ground Steak at 25c lb. We do custom Killing and Buy Hides FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS The next meeting will be on Tues- day, October. 6th as the 'sectional meet- ing at Brueefield falls on Thursday Oct 8th Mrs. Menzies and Mrs. Fan- grad were appointed as delegates to attend the sectional meeting. Mrs Webster gave a very impressive 'read- ing on Temperance and Mrs, Frank Tamblyn a reading on Christian Ste- wardship Mrs. Townsend took the chair for Group No. 2. The Hytrin "Across the crowded ways of life" was sung followed by prayer from the mis- sionary monthly by Mrs, Townsend. Miss Kirk gave a very interesting talk on the school for leaders held in Al- BIRTIHS TURNER --In Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Friday, September 11th 1942 to Pte and Mrs. Grant Turner, (nee • Edith Merrier), of Bayfield, a son. GOVILbR — On Friday, September 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Govier of East Wawanosh, a son. BARTLIFF -- Pte. and Mrs. Elliott Bartliff, (nee (Kathleen. Merner) are happy to anneance the arrival of their son, Charles Elliott, on Thursday, Sept. 10th, 1942 in Clin- ton Public Hospital. DEATHS ma College St. Thomas recently. Mrs, J. McCool gave the bible, lesson and Mrs. 3." Scott contributed a lovely solo "Sunrise Tomorrow." Miss L. Young presented the chapter in the study book in a very able manner. "The Ohurch in my Community". Mrs F. Shobrook took up. the offering. Our Autumn thank offering meeting will be on Sunday morning Ott. 11th. Meeting closed by singing a hymn and prayer ey Mrs. T. Fairserviee and tate National Anthem. Next Sunday Sept. 20 will be "Rally Day" The Sunday School to occupy the centre Boats of the church. The choir will be. of Sunday School boys, and girls. Mr, and Mrs. J, P. Manning and Phyllis of Clinton visited at the home of Mrs. F. Tamblyn on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Addison, has been visit- ing with Mrs. Bean of Auburn. Mrs. Wm. Radford, Blyth spent a few days recently with Miss L. Young and other friends here. Mi. Sidney Lansing has taken a trip to the Western Provinces. Misses Marjory and Ruth McMath of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Wm. Lyon. My. and Mrs. Harry Todd, of De- tirot spent a few days last week with Mrs. Todd's sister, Miss Jennie Aus- em. v HURON ROAD The Happy War Workers Club held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Dick Noble on September 3rd. • The meeting opened by singing 0 Canada, followed by the club creed in unison. The president read the 97th psalm.. The Lord's peayer was then repeat- ed' in unison. Tlie minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. there were eleven members and three visitors present. The collection amoun ted to $1.35, Mrs, Bert Gibbings de- rated 51.00 Mrs Shipley, $2. Mrs. Landesbor.•ougir $1. The following ar- ticles were turned in for delivery — 4 slips, 8 girls dresses, 1 lady's dress, 1 pair Socks. The afternoon was spent in quilting. The top of which was made and donated by 1Helen Da e , daughter• of Mr: and Mrs. Ernie Dale. who is "just twelve years old.` The next meeting will be held at the }tome" of Mrs Cliff Glazier on October' 1st, An enjoyable afternoon 'wee brought to a close by singing the National v VARNA Rev. 'P. H.. Streeter of Trinity ALLEN —In Clinton, on Saturday, September 12th, Thomas George Allen, in hie 75th year. COX -• In Goderich Township, on Tuesday, September 16th, Florence Trewartha, beloved wife of Albert B, Cox. ALLISON—In Clinton, on Tuesday September 15th, Sophia Bezeau, wife of the late John Allison, aged '78 years. Y CARD OF THANKS We wish to give our deepest thanks to the many kind friends, who have expressed their sympathy and- com- fort to us, in the loss of our son and. brother, Sergeant Robert Douglas McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mc- Kenzie, and Helen McKenzie. PAGE a ROXY THEATRE c w (wolf ' Now Playing "CALL OUT •1•&1E MARLIN ES" with Victor McLaglen and Edmund Lowe. MON. TUES. WED Two Features George Murphy, Anne Shirley, William Gargan and Freddy Martin. He stopped bullets with ballads, this. light-footed, toe- tapping ganster who was trying to go straight. THE MAYOR OF 44th STREET: .. Also --"SALOON BAR" with Gordon Harker. THURS. FRI., SAT. —Technicolor— "BAHAMA PASSAGE" Ai dramatic thunderbolt, this story of a bewildered man and a sophisticated girl on a lonely island in th e Caribbean. Sea. Madeleine Carroll, tirling.Hay- den, Flora Robson and Leo. G. Carroll° CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICII Now Playing' —Bob Hope ie. "LOUISIANA PURCHASE" MON. TUES., WED. Charles Laughton, Jon Hall and Peggy Drake„ A genteel family takes its fray- ed cuffs and poses in the South Seas, "THE TUTTLES OF TAHITI" THURS. FRI., :SAT. Two Features Penny' Singleton Arthur Lake, and Larry Simms. The Bum - stead family increases by one daughter. "BLONDIE'S BLESSED EVENT" Rochelle Hudson, Roger Pryor and Bruce Bennett. Present a police -and -gangster adventure, "THE OFFICER AND • TH ' Coming E LADY" Com -- Charlie he 'Chaplin in "THIe GOLD RUSH" Matinees— Wed. Sat. and .Holi- days at 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE SBAFow'r$ i'tow Playing — Abbott and Cos- tello in "Ride 'em Cowboy" MON. TUES., WED. Two Features Jeffrey Lynn, Edward E. Hor- ton and Jane Wyman, Dally with spirits in a roaring comedy. THE BODY DISAPPEARS". Lloyd Nolan, Alexis 'Smith: and Graig Stevens. Offer a thrilling tale of the bridge builders, "STEEL AGAINST THE SKY" THURS., FRI., SAT, Bob Hope, Vera Zorina and Vic- tor Moore, in a Technicolor tried - ley of music and uproarious fun. • LlfU1S2AINA NU tcLALASIJ" Coming— "The Wife Takes a Flyer" and "Confessions of Bos- ton Blackie," matinees—;,atute ays and heli: days 3 p.m. BARTLIFF'S The Nome of Good Eats BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 WE DELIVER ' BOYS AGE 16 to 19 'required immediately as Apprentice Aircraft Mechanics. Apply in person, Or write to, Box 1, NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE Goderich, Ontario 10-2 SOMETHING NEW ADAM BROCK and His Orchestra CLINTON TOWN HALL This SATURDAY NIGHT You will want to, be there to enjoy this change of bands. Gents 35c Ladies 25 10-1! WANTED Caretaker for Clinton Public Lib- rary. Duties to begin October 1st. Ap- plioations to be in to B, J. Gibbings CARD OF THANKS Mrs. T. G. Allen :and family wish w to thank the kind friends and neigh- burs for their many, acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy, and condo, lance and for their beautiful floral t:emembrances at the time of their re- cent bereavement. HOUSE FOR SALE Brick house, all convenience's, ideal location. Apply Frank Fingland, Clin- ton', 00-2 WANTED Good, second hand treadle sewing machine in good working order want- ed by the Evening Auxiliary. .Any person wanting to sell same please get in touch with Mrs. George Elliott, King Street Clinton. 10-1 speaker at the Harvest Thanksgiving service which will be observed in St. John's Anglican Church .on Sunday evening Sept. 27th at 7 o'clock. Miss Ethel Watson of the Bronson line is spending a few days with her aunt Mrs. J. Mossop. Mrs. C. Stelck left on Monday for Detroit where she intends" spending a few months at the home of her neph- ew, Dr. Bruce Foster. Mrs. Carnocha e or n of Sof th is the guest of I1r. and, Mrs. W. Hart and; is renewing acquaintances in the vill- age. Service in St. John's• Anglican Church will be withdrawn on Sunday Sept. 20th owing to the Harvest Thanksgiving service at Middleton's and the celebration of the 70th An nivereary of the building of St. James Church Middleton's. Mrs. M. G. Beatty ,and ,Missr E.. Mossop visiteds with Hensel friends 1 one day last week not late)` than Saturday, September 26th. 10-1 • 5000 HANGERS WANTED 5,000 wire suit hangars wanted within the next iveek. A War Sav- ings Stamp for 15 hangers. GLIDDEN'S Press Shop Clinton, Phone 115 10-2 WANTED IMMEDIATELY Cook for Clinton General Hospital. Apply stating qualifications, to the Superintendent. 10-2 TOMATOES FOR SALE Fine quality Bonny Best Tomatoes and John Baer tomatoes, canning var- iety. Frank Andrews, Clinton, phone 33. 1d-2 SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Fall Apples: Also orders, tarsen for Spy, Snow, Ring, Sweets, Russets, Baldwins, ete, Phone Clinton2 - 6 224. Fred McClyntont, Varna. 10-tf. FOR SALE 20 pigs about 2% months old. Ap- ply' •to Roy Tyndall, R.R. No 3, Clin- ton, phone 907x3. 10-1 FOR SALE The D. Foss; 2 storey' brick house. on Hensall main street. Dr good, re. pair. Extra lots if 'desired. W. C, Pearce,' Eyyxeter.. 10-l1: HOBSON'S CHOICE Tomatoes Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season Grown Right—Picked }tight Packed Right Make your sugar go farther by buying fruit that is ripened on vine or trees. • Phone Your Orders to 903r23 BONNY BEST TOMATOES for Table or Canning E. L. Mittel} CLINTON PHONE 213 • eetereilieveleWeeleieleiaiellevereieiellelere MONUMENTS To those contemplating build- ing a Monument Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf Electrical Equipment Shur Shock Electric Fences, com- plete. with Battery and Insulators $15.00 guaranteed: I carry a full line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General bat- teries and Dominion' Washing black ines ,all 'electrical appliances and roofing supplies. A. W. Groves, Princess St.. Princess Street Clinton FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL Concert under the auspices of the W.M.S. of Ontario Street United Church. ., Thursday, Sept.,s17th Program by the RADIO SCHOOL CHOIR To be held in the auditorium of the church Tickets Adults 25e Children 15e 09-1 Garage Mechanics EXPERIENCED Licensed Preferred Required immediately for aiedraft maintenance work. Apply in person or write to, Bois 1. NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE Goderich, Ontario 10.2 AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has received instructions from T. J. Mc- Michael to sell by public auction on Thursday, October 1, at 1 pmt. on Lot 3, Con. 3, HulIett Township: Horses -1 Regd. Clyde Stallion, 6 years old; 1 regd. Oly(de mare, 4 years old, in foal; 1 regd. CIyde filly, 2 years old; 1e]t eligible filly y 3 months old; 1 general purpose mare 4 years old, in foal; 1 general purpose geld- ing 3 years old:; 1 general purpose filly, 2 years old; 2 Clyde fillies', 1 yr old; 4 Clyde geldings 1 year old. 1 general purpose foal 5 months old. Cattle' -Guernsey cow due time of sale; Guernsey cow due Dec. 13; Guer- nsey cow due Feb. 25, .Guernsey cow, due Mar. 7; Guernsey cow due Apra 10; Guernsey cow due Mag 26; Hol- stein cow' due Ott. 17; Holstein cow flue Dec. 17; Holstein 'cow due Jan. 20; Holstein cow due Apr. 26; Dur- ham cow due Jan 4; Durham cow due Apr. 1. Pigs -1 pure bred Yorkshire hog; J. York sow clue Dec. lst; 1 pure bred York sow with 9 pigs; 15 chunks, 80 Ibs. Sheep -4 ewe lambs; 6 pure bred Shropshire ewes. Implements -1 151.11. binder 7 ft; '1 deering mower; 1 M.H. hay loader; 1 sulky rake; Deering fertilizer drill; 1 M.H. bean seuffier and puller;. 1 M.H. spring tooth cultivator; 1 'four - section harrow; harrow cart; 1 Bissell disc harrow; 1 1-2 furrow rid- ing plow; 1 1 -furrow walking• plow; 1 farm wagon -2-16 ft hay rack; 1 rubber tired wagon; 1 set sleighs; 2 , set log bunks; gravel box; fanning; mill; 1 set of scales 2000 lbs; Me- Cormick Deering cream separator No. 3 (like new). . Harness — 1 set of breeching harp. ess; 1 set hack band harness; 6 horse collars; 150 ft of hay fork rope 1 year olt1!; hay fork; sling chain; pule leys, sling rope, forks, shovels, whip- pletrees,-neckyokes. Terms cash:. Everything will be sold Without reserve. Harold Jackson, Auot eneer. 10-2 !Sitting in rows at tiny desks, Some of the tots are awkward, shy, 1 not -daring • yet to lift their gaze l and meet are maunOcTpkpgGWoaa f and meet the unfamiliar eye of "Teacher" Others rigidly fix her with gaze both sharp and glum, quaintly droll their, focused glare; suspicious of what is to. come. (Somewhat tense is yeemg "teach- { er" new—this is her first day at school tool) A chubby boy comes bouncing in, greets all and sundry with "Hello!"—A a cheery atmospher shines 'round. all bask in the friendly afterglow. WESTERN ONTARIO MOTOR- WAYS LTD. BUS SERVICE Change of Schedule June 27, 1942. LEAVE CLINTON Southbound: DLY. ex. Sun. & Hol. Sun. & HoL 8,.15 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 1,25 p.m. 4.50 pen. 4.50 p.m, 8.30 p.m. Northbound: DLY. ex. Sun. & Hol. Sun. & Hoe 10.50B 2.20 2,20 9.55 8.45 B.Indieates to Wingham only. For furter information call Bartliff's Confectionery Phone 1., FOR SALE Seven room cottage, with barn and garage on attractive lot 'with garden • and fruit trees; one player piano with one hundred records; 1r/, acre pasture lot. Apply Mrs. A. McLeod, North St. Clinton. 09-2 e. FOR SALE 100 or more Barred Rock Pullets, laying.. Phone 621-22, Clinton, W. C. Sinclair.. 09-1 FOR SALE Three horses, all in first class con- dition and sound. One rising 3 yrs, 1 rising 5 yrs, and one 7 years olds Apply Fred Gilbert, 7 concession of Goderich township, Phone 22-908. 10-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 05' Martha Jane: Dinsley, late of the Township of Tuck- erbmith in the County of Huron, Spin- ster, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with, the undersigned Solicitor for the said Es- tate, on or before the 30th day of Sep- tember, A, D.. 1942, afterwhich date theets sswill a s be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of whichno. tice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of September, A.D. 1942. F. Fingland, K.C,, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. Wanted Old horses and cattle for mink feed. If dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5, or Lloyd Bailin 619r14. lett e-o-er