HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-09-10, Page 5THURS., SEPT. 10, 1942 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ... and face the .fclets /NW Sure the war costs money. Paying for it will be tough in the months ahead. Let's accept that fact --and face it. Now is the time to sharpen our pencils and figure what our taxes actually are... how we are going to paythem , ...and how we can Adjust' our living habits to get along on what's left. This is a job for every patriotic Canadian ... a job that must be done now. USE THiS BOOK, TO PLAN YOUR SPENDING A specie Wartime Issue of The Royal Bank Family Budget Book is just. off 'the press. Use it to stretch wartime dollars. Available on request, at all branches. THE ROYAL RANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - E. E, PATERSON, Manager CLERK' OF FIUION'r A least one farmer in the county thinks that Huron is the hub of Can- ada. On Wednesday; of last week County Clerk Norman Miller •received a letter.' addressed to Hon. Mr. Ilsley County Clerk of Huron. Goderich, which he turned. over to the •County Finance Minister, E. H, Erskine. The letter promising to pay taxes as soon as the hogs were sold, carried `a,Post- script which read, "Perhaps I have the name wrong, I mislaid your let- ter," v CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs: Archie Iioggarth re- , 'turned to-Wallaceburg Saturday' af. ter spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Britton, Aircraftsman Kelso Adams of St. - 'Thomas R.C,A.F. spent the week end with his enarents Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Adams.' Mr. and Mrs Earl Lawson and Reg: spent Saturday in London, Miss Danis accompanied" them home to spend the holiday. ' • • Mr. and Mrs. John E. Busby and Shirley, of Chatham spent the week- end with Mrs. Robt. Lawton. • Mr•. and Mrs. Russel Borrett, Norma and Betty Lou of Weston spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Eph Clarke. Mr.' and Mrs, John Ferguson Mrs. Geo. Dale. Mr. John Taylor spent Thursday in London. Mrs. Leo Stephenson and Donald 'and Billy spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Logan of Blyth. Miss Donelda Adams returned to Clinton Tuesday to 'resume her duties as teacher on the Clinton Public School Staff. Mies.Ethel Dexter returned to Kit- chener on Monday after a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Austin. Dex- ter. exter. a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott of Tor - AUBURN' I coin bags were brought in and .$7.00 onto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. was realized for the treasury. Mrs, John Ferguson. LONDON ROAD. Mrs. Smith and daughter Shirley Jas, Raithby donated a quilt ton to -Mr. and Mrs, Wren Eyre -and child- Miss Anita Cruiekehank of town 'have returned to North Bay after_ .via- 'the society this is to be quilted and ren of Sarnia spent Sunday with Mr. spent a few days last, week with .sting• Mr. and Mrs. Harpy Arnistroeg. given to 'the Red Cross. Readings were and Mrs John Carter, . WANTED, g Ruth Manning. Private Charles Beadle and, Oscar given by Mrs, Frank Raithby, Mrs. Mrs. Myrtle Carnahan of Eloise, ' Commercial or Collegiate students Risck of. Kitchener spent the Week, John MoKnight, Mrs, Earl Raithby The London Road Cltrb,will hold its A Michigan, is spending a few days with to share room in comfortable home MONSTER end with relatives here. Y regular meeting next Thursday Sept, and Mrs. Glenn Raithby. Mrs. Win. her sister, Mrs, Eph. Clarke. 17 at the home of Mrs.' Mana with or without board. Apply at the iYIiss Fern° LaWlor ofUFer •ns s' pentShan. A AP Y GARDEN PARTY g P Ilaggitt favored with a solo, The topic Mr: and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and quilt will be quilted. News -Record office. 09-1 `the week end with her parents Mr. and ,,Just for To -day" was given by Mrs, Mrs, Robt. Lawson spent Tuesday in Roy bIacKenxie and his orchestra will Mrs. George Lawlor'. Annie Walper, Mrs. Glenn Raithby Goderich visiting with, Mr, and Mrs. 1r i x be in Lantern Slides JAMBOREE AND Miss Jean Scott of Parkhill was a dismissed the meeting. Al lunch was Oliver Clnxk. CLINTON 'Weekend visitor with her parents:Mr.'served. UOUERI(:H TOWNSHIP Illustrated by colored lantern slid- tlirs •and Mrs. R. J. Scott, The sacrament of the Lord's Supper —^ w —~ , es, the life and work of one, who SATURDAY Miss Isobel Rollinson left on Tines- will be observed in Knox Presliyterhai I�Undesboro, Red Cross News Mr. Chester Grigg spent the boli- arose from' the humble Cobbler's DANCE NlTE day for London, to take a course in church next Sunday morning at .10.30 da at the Iloine o his parents, Mr. bench to become Teacher, Preacher, the Technical School.. Preparatory service will • be held The' Red Gross meeting was held and Mrs, Reuben Grigg, Translator and to be finally known for sure — So for a swell time tell Mr. and Mt' :Ray O;Neil of'Ott'awa Thursday eveniitg•at>8 o`clock: in Community Hall on September 3 , Mrs. Will Dobie of.I{itebener s ent g AT SPRUCE' GROVE . your pals P as the neatest missionary since the "It's Town Hall Tonight"—Bids! 'are visiting the lady's parents Mr, and Anniversary Services will be held in with President Mrs, R. Fairseiyice the week end visiting at'"tlne hams of apostle Paul, Namely WILLIAM lifts. A. J. Ferguson. the Baptist Church next Sunday Sept, .presiding with an attendance of 30; I her brother Mr; Lloyd Millar and CAREY: ' ., No. 4 luglnvay, 3 m. south of Exeter Mrs, Julia Chopin of Toronto was 13th at 3 o'clock and 7.30 o'clochc the Meeting opened by singing the other relatives in Goderich. township, In Clic Baptist Chuteh on TUESDAY, SEPTEMIi1;R 15th WESTERN ONTARIO 11IOTOK- •a`-week end visitor with her parents special speaker• for the day will be Maple Leaf" followed by Prayer for I Mr. 'and Mrs. Clarence Livermore TUESDAY EVENING at a p.m, Rev. John, Lucas of W;ngham. Special + Peacein unison,. The minutes of last; and ehildu en were visitors with Mr. Admission Adults 25c, Chiidren 0 Plan now to attend this great frolic, WAYS LTD. Mr, and Mrs. J. C Stoltz. p Mr, and Mrs, L`.nald Martis of Pct- Music will be given by Rev and Mrs, meeting woo read and approved as and Mrs. John Perdue, Don't. miss this interesting and help -a over 12 artists will take part, Tug -of- BUS SERVICE read, Committee to loot. after comfort! t S. S. No, 11 Reds Cross Gepup will w ar,bewetigivalePgTlet8 claw gni erboro have moved into Postmaster Lttcas, assisted by a Ladies choir,' On A fel evening at the Baptist Church the following Monday evening an ii- bags for sailors for Christmas Ws. B, t meet on Thursday, Sept, 17th, at the war, between Huron and Middlesex Change of Schedule June 27, 1942. ,Alfred Rollinson's home: Mr. Harris is I Brunsdon Mrs. Hall,Mrs. Fairservice home of Mrs, Oliver Welsh, 03-1 Company.LEAVE CLINTON the teacher for the Continuation lustrated Iantern lecture bearing on ' •school. the life of the ]ate Williann-Carey, ( .The quota for Infants. Garments was Master Kenny Bailey of Amliarst BI Program starts at 8 to 10.30'pan, Southbound: Privates Albert Govier and George pioneer missionary to India. setso, the read and as we have several articles on burg is spending two week's holidays BIRTHS] Y DLY+ ex. Sun, & Hol. Sun. &Hol. Straughan of Debert N. S„ are spend- founder of -Church Missions) will be hand it was decided to just ]snit tip. 'with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs: YOUNGBLUT — In Clintonnd dancing until 1,30 a.m. nton Public 8.15 a.m. 8.15 a.m. tag a few days leave it.their r'espep- .given by the pastor, Rev, A. E. Silver, what yarn we have on hand,. Jas. IL Stirling'. Hospital; on Sunday Sept. 0th to Admission: Adults 400; Children 15c. 1.26 p.m, 4,60 It was also decided to hold a Bingog p'rn five homes. there will also be several musical nasi_ , Miss Grace Stirlen and Miss Grace Maim" and Mrs, Youngblut of Au- 094. 4,60 p•m, 8.30 p.m, The.foliowingaeachers have left for bers by local talent. on Tuesday .night. Sept. 15 in Com- ' h'Iaelntosh• of Toronto spent the holi- burn. n daughter. Northbound: their ' schools: Hiss Mary Huston' to The monthly meeting of the Wcr- inanity Hall. Work Committee for day with the former's parents Mr. and T c FOR SALE DLY, ex. Sun, & Hol. Sun. & Hol. South Porcupine„Miss Jean Huston to men's Institute will be held on Tues- October:: Mrs. C. Watson, Mrs. R. , Mrs. Jas. R. Stirling, Seven room cottage, with barn and 10.60B 2.20 Bowruanvilie, Miss Betty Asguith today September 15th at two thirty. Townsend; Mrs, B. Brundson;. Tress- I • Miss June McDougall o£ Toronto Varna Red Cross Notes garage on attractive lot with garden 2.20 9'66 •Bemniller, Miss Ea Craig to Wmgham Thus is Grandmother's bay” and .all user• reported a Bal. on hand of $12.02. was home for the week -end with her and fruit trees; one player piano with 8.46 ,, Junction Donald Ross to Brucefielci the grandmother's of the community The following mimes have been ad. parents Mr, and Mrs. Murray McDou• On Wednesday, Sept 3, •16 women one hundredrecords;B decl to the sewingCommitee to: Ms- gall, of Varna Community inet in the Red lrf� acre pasture Indicates to Wingham only. and Miss Marjorie Arthur to Tees: see invited to be present, The roll-cally `water, I When and where were you married , tribute• sewing en their lines: Mrs, ' Mrs, JohnMcGuire and Dorothy Cross workrooms where they lot, Apply Mrs, A, McLeod, North Si. For furter inforintttnon call Bartlhff's Were Clinton. 09-2 Confectionery Phone 1. and by whom". hostesses Mrs. Weeds L. Shobrook. Met. J. 13, Shobrook, Mrs visited with het• brother Mr. Chris Lo- busily engaged peel{ing, catling and •. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil of Parkhill Mrs, Bean and Mis. Lawson, •V. Roy. ran of St. Augustine, sewing• on hospital gowns and hen FOR SALE t'spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. No lunch was served but at l0e col- Messrs Douglas Stirling and Jake knee. Id had been decided that der- Oliver bean eller attachment, FOR SALE A. J. Ferguson.ection was. taken proceeds $3.46. Five Cake ]eft last weep for the west. i ing' the busy season of August and P c ent, orae- guson•. T tical; now also a Mr. F. 0. McEweon has retained • of Sept. Hostesses donated 60c each—Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Weston and Mr. September the ladies meet for ,work y ' good colt rising 4 100 or more Barred Rock Pullets, Miss F..Jamieson Mrs, W. Manning, an every second Wednesday. Many pee years, Miller Adams, ILR,.2 Seaforth Iaying, Phone 021-22, Clinton, W. C. Lo- th Bownnanvitle after visiting Mr. and I LONDESBOROd Mrs. Ben Webster of Detroit.vis- hone 845-22, Seaforth. 09-1 Sinclair. i Mrs. Alfred Asquith; Mis A, Radforci, Miss M. Harvey, Mrs ibed, last. week with their' brother,- fen' to take work home where theybJ-1 School re -opened. on Tuesday, with Mrs. Chas. Watson is visiting this C, Watson, proceeds $2,50. Mrs, R. Alex Weston. have it on hand when they find a LOST Mr. Donald Harris 'in charge of the week with her cousin, Mrs. E. Guant Septt donated 5bc for August. spare hbur. During the month HOUSE FOR SALE Continuation "School, Miss Edythe of Lucknow. • August the'g ring of keys containing three keys. A card of thanks was read from Mr, gpicking committee have Finder please leave at The News -Re- Brick house, all j Beacom at the pubirc hchrbol, Quite a number of the ladies at- boxed':25 ants men'sconveniences. ideal Mrs.J. Little thanking the society for Council meeting •--Council met m l• Yjamas; an 'ex- cord office, 03-1 location. Apply Frank :Fin land' Clin- stance theWe M.S. lneeeftin n at Con- tt'a pair pants, 10 p monis. jackets g School, Mrs.. Lau' hien at Nb, 16 East The follow socks• Ochi Sept 7, The Dominio�r ton, 09-2 Hugh Bennett at No. 9 Base Line g sweater and Y ter oon, 25,.hot• water bottle covers, 30 bed WORK WANTED g ing shipping receipts were Road Machinery advised the ptsoh+ase Wawanosh Miss Ethel 'Wash$trgton at Public 'school re -opened on Tuesday read -1 'round neck sweater 5 prs. of any needed grader re airs. • pair cover's. 10 pair service socks Young lady wants work, taking care when all the Youngsters were gather- g pairPp This .arm 4 an WANante Prosperity and Mr. Duncan McKay at seamen s Ion stockings, 11 lain referred to the Road Supt.: Monteith (army) 1? ee'aman's boots, 3 pair of children' at nights. Apply at the ed up and started off for anotherseamen's. service •socks and 1 'scarf. News -Record •office 09-1 Girl or woman wanted to do genera S.S. No. 3 Colborne.• sox, 1 aero cap; 5 pair whole mitts, 4 & Monteith were engaged to audit the al housework. Sleep,in, Two it Miss Helen Marsh nurse -in -training" tenni of schooling. Turtle neck sweater.' 30 quilts, 3, pair accounts again this year. By-law No;Art Present infant's . gowns, hospital children Tat the Woodstock: hos real spent Sinn- Mrs. Geo, Cowan and Billy. have A gowns. pneumonia jackets and bee- picesN Concert Write: ri A bootees; '23. sheets; - 44 mattress ads, 5 setting the rates of taication was , under the sus 'R day at the• home of- her pofrents Mr., returned, home having spent.the; past 129 towels, 55 pneumonia jackets, 154 given third the count y -ra. knee . are m the making, The knitting of the W.M.S.W:MSof S, Base Road; reading. county -rate • convenor, Miss Edythe Beatty would Ontario Street United Church 224 Base Line Road; and Mrs. Bert Marsha •week with. -Varna friends. pillow cites, 16 •bed jackets, 117 hand- was seb at 85,10. The Township. at 26.. Y 11Srs, W. m. Lyon was hostess 'on.'kerchiefs, 19 face masks, 4 infant's 10 General .School 4 mills. 'hayfield like all knitting that is out to be Thursday, *pt., 17th London., Ontario, 'There will. be .no seidice Fin Knox Tuesday, afternoon when a number of ships, 1 afghan. , ,finished up as euhckly as possible and at 8 p.m. United. church: next Sunday as ,the friends, and nen hbois IPolice Village are local= rates - • .BOARDERS WANTED g gathered. and • Quilt` -donations fo; the month: 1•; mills,' 3 dire ; ate 30,10 Mills. •an brought in, Woollen sets each con- Program by the 'hastot Rev. W. G. hose, is a delegate „presented Miss Lily ,Garret, bride •to to from 'Mrs,, M..Me ool t d s st n of 1 sweater RADIO Boarders Wanted. .All modern .on- to a General Council zneetm bf the, —col, ,> P C ,, quilted at special rate one mill. g e, i scarf, 1 pair SCHO,Oh CHOIR Skewer. of useful recon" 1venienees. Apply at the News -Record • g, hrten.:n socks, 1 g displayd ',Mated Church at B,blletilie., , . • articles and extend their.•hearty good g' quilt from Mrs, J, Manning ' School Becton rates• as follo#vs: •Nor Pair' loves were on des la To be held( in the auditorium of the office. quilted et. meeting,- . • • 1; 52,10; No 2 3 mills 3.3. 10 for the following; Neal boys whir - church . A saered ,concert was held. at -the wishes .for her future happiness:' , Cash donations for month: Boys of 4, 35,10 No, 5, "32s10;''N G 3310•^are' in r" R'•C,A.1+. Mervin .Keyes sta..:Tickets Adults 20c' Children ,15e • home of Me'. anti, Mrs, Sidney Mealin- Donald Sprung of -Nova "S'ootia 1 ' boned at IT.S Toronto Harry Reid,, . ! NOTICE i Con, 13; Proceeds of,,.danee $12.00.,Do- NO. 8 3 mills; No: 9, 21„10.and•No. 9• ' r'S' 09-1 'they on Sunday evening, Rev. E. Rose Jack, Sprung, of Kitchener tw?}l0,"'are nations from tialWilliam .Rid r let Fed, of Aglrcul .debenture rate 27.10;,No.,-10, 3 mills; •T a and. 1Lolieit K. Peck Voters List 19,42, Municipelit o...•,• rpresided for the program,'Whieh inclu In training for the R.C,A.F., •are • Out G 6:00' Donation" h ' who e $ fr:om..Mrs, Wm. No. 11, 3 millets, Nor. .2 14.10'. &le-statioXie{t at [.T.S, St, Thom-, NOTICE TO CltEDLTORS The Township of Goderich •ded ring song of faniihar bymns"ivith ipendin ,a short time with ,thci:r par,.. Hesk 50e Donatio ' as: ' , Mrs. Y1eClinehey at the piano and:`ilai- encs; ri and' Mrs, r ns,.from Mas : TJ ,, d l p9on' Nob 73.10; Union No„ 10 el'bsed•• IN THE. ESTATE OF Martha Jane County af'Iiuron, M r Sp unF,. : •: ams $1.00; Boys of Concession 13 oto- Union No. 12,.36.10 ,: ' ' The President told of receivingin- Din le at ruck - 'Vey illeDaweli'wiulinhst, solos by 1VIi•s " 'There will be a "Bingo, in . the •..� 4 '�:'I•'• �' '•. • • . '••Y, is a of the Township of • s Fred eD weti el'i_s-Jce hhn�e "Mehr o seeds from dance 24.00, - *platten', fgom headquarters concer ersmith in the Countyof Huron i - Notice. is hereby ' bilis P , t3 mmunity Hall on Tucaday. evening; ui e Ligands, taken t r an,p airs i ,. SPhl- Y given ta the , $ � The, ' • , . • ;Two quilts ♦ve�e'quilted, before meet-, a 1)st of.,lands. take ovem.£m : , ung tle sending of, messages to atez;..I)eeeaspdf. ; complied with Seetion Band Mrs. Harvey Make, duet by -'Mrs' Sept, 15th, this:Is: for, Red Grose work 0 an air- � • P S tion 7 of the . •, • mg..and •s'even's; tdwels'aridltivitsh Cloths ,, ` . , friends on relatives who are: rison�-� > of each field:and . - P. the persons he abo claims against Voters .List„Ac ;,and that:p:• we- 'Phiatilt lips ..:, . d a plgasant way to Vend an:eYen- „�,,,. .... r ars , , Act,: ba anist. in were. hemmed.. (of each;, and::,to. 'sen .,G, same to .,the of war in , ellen-; countries.; It ns Estate of the above deceased are posted up 'atm office'.I .: •' ReJin,Phillips wa5rth.e ac omp E. Ys a g• .,. ,T ,,., dosed, - ,..,,dinging .• :;, ,,, d, c, „ _.n.yG,c�lch via • a , ,! . _. ,:, '• �...• Meetmg , b God ' advisable that these •;.cables ..be, sent'. Y Rev. Pose lave a talk on some of the Mrs. ,J. Tambl n is visiting at the Y County ,Olerk rfoi., ac�lws�tmpttt,,ab^the • . cabins • b required • to dile thee :seine With'.the Town"ship on the 24th, day of Au • st r 1e h , _;;. , ± Y h. .Sthe n '.,.;•.a,. 1. x,,, throu t Io h m g• nexse . o#'the, nt :Celine, •. sh , he cal; .I.W: Cross branch undersigned Solicitor for ttie said Es'- 1942 the list- of ail• j ' yam. _. Ti : atfeiin •$,,. �5 was Tri aid 'home of Mr. Norman Caitei,,, he e tee: ,,,, ,, nest g ..,aW,?u Yr1.persons entitled,. :a i s r, ; `ro, „. a 1 ., „ Y ; aridmust :be si d t e a ,,•.i. . . of the local Red Ci•o§s. ,. G.c? by ,he,.pt sndent•;aate � on or �beforeahe 30th d'ay of,Se - to 'vote. 'in • •the' sat •M„ h`ci bins.,, Wni Hiles ns quite ill ,;,nd o , ,,r •+•+1 . ri+.4,• r, 4.:.a 1 „Aeea i z t g A t 4 ? s .� ,, ,y„ , ., , unBs`paidl: �•--:,tY, Li'. a"iiensori , of the- sociot , Mrs. Frank Rahth �: e...! :,.., , , . •, F rl .u; ,., ' r», , .,, P i .. ., Y .;,.e,,,,. ,. , „ .tember" A. 6: .1 A::..., • , el i� ,� . , by ,gave her home flied 'to• her room, , ,• lam to ee• ry 2, alter which.date cetions anti such= list Neth'ains bhere , . , ,. P Y, ,rL r 1� ,=,I ,..yyojil s'„r� [te@t-, alte , ..nis ,: . :. 1'114 tV ,,,r •:.r r ,,,.r ,.•:°h. ,,.r. ,.,� ,, ,_c _ k,i L.+ lh i .§ P an $20.00 News v9e : . ,, „q Record �£e�..,�jlern gave an it -iterating. -the wlll,.,be,.distributed"amongst'fon':ins ectiont •""�;,"s,o-�+• � for tine Sep'eentber it -teeth -1k oi:' '1 ti'ssi "lllneara Millar h t j c en .a i inn IY, , , v'ru a i ea ', ',' „ ei` • : e . P , .ah9 llk.,,, ,,post- j.:., ,r.,, ,.,?,k, f ,.aft ., , ialr ncr; ..;3era:Q•i» sal. psnhtrrl ,s 66.00 $�blili Falk . � •. , ; , ,. ,., .c s «, r :, _., irr ii .. r g , eld, shec : ,and re orted that.. e: girls of .0 i . " Ladies Aid' oYr�the'Bap'tist c�luitie}1. 11tie tlrs�i to � e Clanton Kmtti •ar ,,.1 taut >x .. •. A 1? „ , ,...-„fib 5+;. s .auto •the parties enLitled.thereto; twangs -et, ''Afid; T�',�3�cr+eb '@iCll''d` pin 'all .vo ` ' .� ng factory , y J.,, , gni, married. , ti tann,p $7tY.00. . e , „, In y p e lam: :, '"Silo g Indy, valving Mmnehaiaa .north,. Pf...Gode ich,. ,,of artL oil .. io:. 1 : . a ti Y the warms: of Klrtoh aro to take. iioiR is re s: Wainer nresti3ed„ anti, ,Silo fil mg has commenced. Mr. W. , M ,at,., ar, cf Works: ".1 er : E•,, a procosd?ngs to cope $5i president on r.,. . , , ? n :.:µ...$ i , ,.,.,... .., Y folly. sir ?, F. Whitmore, cu rah. ren she. as din „•,.,. Mrs. Glen Raithb brkslded at iheroi� "': a , . 3 .. , ,, w eetnr, had denoted „cite shall have.beety. iven. !' have' ani .,citron 1P •d""' , y,..9 at biinrssmns cutrect- M''`it, nn )lg started est tH o,C; ,,and' ''sl.” s .can br, of 1n9'; p§S,istance o.,yo;p{. Rlte'i •ee}fis?. 1G2 i t„ ; ..ria „i , , ,„ .i l„ ., Mss Acheson, use of the sumo i;, Varna Ro , �,:, C 1,,,to _ ,„. ,c d Gross, ., DA .• . at Clinton Ontario flits ed iiecorrl'ini e s',r mn. The scrifa'tdi'e es$oh rxl' n 9 `it•ab tint it” , hV lfer alfa'e T• , a sl , p. , ) a D g ta'1a : P ' ,1 ,: n a .' i e l } r span my - r�l a.,a, .e esneirable, ;feesel hseer se ; Supt. pay roll Na b ociet a is *eat/ by Mrs, Jas Raithb slaliiif�lis: lie n •, c., ,, ++a u , . ,c,•0•, s I, a , ,: rr,,,r , Y end' d playevi two lovely 5th da of Se Y S n Gras1 iivhne is a :new venturs haps that occur to its ,employees 320a ' Y September, A.D. 1042. Dated at my ' office' this twenty" - Clerk D��, eineil adlouraed ta:nreet on knitted'go01 afhactts ands several doz F. Fing4and, K.C., Clinton, Oiitaria fourth dayof August .1942; %lpelr •oared prayer. g+110 h01i9ay in this community. when off :dot ..', ay p, s the work of the p, ' Solicitor for the said :Mate It,C,Thallells'on, Clerk p7.3 3 Mond,. • ,'(dot ' • 1.30 m, hankie, Bari • err t' �iatrnis NEM fi rw" .1,ao{anon CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE. FLORIST Pboues: 66w and raj Poultry Culling Now that the big harvest rush is over it: will no doubt be ceiling time tum a good' many flocks of laying hens, Some will want to get their early pul- lets into their laying pens to obtain the better egg prices. Culling done by an experienced poultryman. , N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. • Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Storage NOW is the TIME to STORE your CORN and PEARS We have Waxed Containers Have you Tried our Farmers' Style Sausage and Ground Steak at 25c lb. We have many kinds of Fish for Sale' We do Custom Killing and Buy Hides FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS PAGE. 5 ROSY THEATRE. CAPITA!, THEATRE GDDERICII NOW I'I AYIAT( —"SOUTH AM- NOW PLAYING` - "'FITE WIFE ERILAN .GEORGE' George:'TAKES A SLYER' and ROYAL Formby MOUNTED PATROL" MON. TURS., WED: MON ]'UES WED. Two Featnxes two Features _ MON. TUES.and WED. Kay Francis, Walter Huston.'1 oretta Young, 'I7 ur Jagger and s. HenryFonda ,Brod Crawford, A Gloria Warren and Patty hale. The Cornea Veen, A young ballerina,college professor pieseeves the haunting 'strains of a theme sur • has an amusing three-way love sanctity of his home and produces g affair- the year's humor -hit in' sereen- brought a family together again. ca Always in M Heart The men In Her Life,' REGENT THEATRE S1t tpomrn NOW PLAYING — 'THE :MEXI-' CAN SPITFIRE'S: BABY” and' "DUDE .COWBOY." My eaI Wiiliam'Gargan and Margaret "THE MALE ANIMAL” • ALSO TRAIL"m Halt in "BANDIT'Lindsay tell another her tale of a pope• Jar sleuth, ----THURS., PRL, and SAT. y clown princes of fun and non. THURS., -FRI., SAT "A Close Call for Eller Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, The „,� "Call out the Marines Queen • serodensoe join up with a travelling Victor MoLaglen and Edmund — Lowe are in the Marines again and THURS., FRI.. and–SAT.r� occupy the busy :hours by Chas- "LOIlISiana Purchase" "Ride 'Em Cowboy" ing spies, fighting and romancing. A first rate stage; hit becomes a COMING—."THE BODY DISAP- Bhnnie Barnes, Paul Kelly, Robert sensational screen success with''Bob PEARS" and "STEEL AGAINST Smith and ° Dorothy Lovett. Hope, Vera Zorhna and Victor SKY." COMING - "MAYOR OF 44TH. Moore. STREET,".and "SALOON BAR" COMING - "TBE TUFFLES OF Matinees—Sat, and Holidays at Matinees—Sat. and Holidays at 3. TAHITI." 3 p.m. • BARTLIFF'S The Home of Good Eats BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 WE DELIVER HOBSON'S CHOICE Tomatoes and Peaches fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season Grown Right—Picked Right Packed Right Make your sugar go farther by buying fruit that is ripened• on vine or trees. Phone Your Orders to 903r23 BONNY BEST TOMATOES for Table or Canning E. L. Mittel) CLINTON PHONE 213 MONUMENTS `1 To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering 'a specialty, All Work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton Ontario Successor to Ba) & Zapf. 69 tf Electrical Equipment Shur Shock Electric Fences, corm• piete with Battery and Insulators $15.00 guaranteed. - I carry a full line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General bat- teries and Dominion Washing Mach- ines ,alt electrical appliances and roofing supplies., A. W. Groves, Princess St., Princess Street Clinton Make a; Note of This :ti