HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-09-10, Page 4PAGE 4
With New
Remember we
This Store Will Retrain Open
to SCh001
Togs and Supplies
are Headquarters
All Day Wed. Commencing this week
Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j Second Floor
You start now to build up your resistance to
Provide the necessary A and D vitamins to ward off
these distressing colds
• BOXES of 100 at $1.25
Use Them and be Healthy
Made to Measure Suits and Overcoats for Fall
Our full range of iShmples are now in:
Worsted, Cheviots and Tweeds, Browns, Blues,
Greens, and Greys
From $23.50 to $55.00
For The Well Dressed Man
$2.25 to $7.50
CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by a Tailor.
Gun Licenses Sold Here
Duck Season Opens September 15th. Get Your Hunting Supplies now
Don't Forget Your -Gun License
MEN'S SPORT SHOES $3.75 and $4.25
MEN'S HI -CUTS $11,.50
A FEW SUGGESTIONS: Bicycles, Fishing, Tennis, Golf, Boating,
and Shooting. All at Reasonable Prices.
Now is the time to have your bicycle checked over for Trouble -
Free Cycling. Complete grease and check Over $L25. Repairs extra.
Headquarters For All Sporting Goods
returning home had taken her right
Wesley -Willis W.A.
The September meeting of the. Wo-
men's Association of Wesley Willis
church was held on Thursday last with
Mrs. McKinley presiding and Mrs. E
hand off the wheel of the car to
ease the baby's head.
The ear went momentarily out of
control and in bringing • it back into
Adams at the piano. The minutes of line it careened tothe opposite, side
the last meeting were read by Mrs. of the road and into the lits h; where
Miller the secretary, also a number, it crashed healon into a hydropole
of thank -you motet:' were ' read'' for snapping it off. The ear turned oyer,
flowers sent. All the different con tmmprisoning the mother and child in-
venors gave splendid reports of thea side. A passing motorist, whose name
work. It was 'decided to dispense with Mrs' 'Grindon did not learn, succeed-
the Country- Fair and in place will 1 ed in- releasing her and the baby, •and
ask for donations. A reading was giv- a few minutes later Harold Pickett
en' by Mrs. F Fingland; duet by cane along and brought the injured
Phyllis Manning and Kathleen McGill. , woman to Clinton where Dr. W. A.
Oakes treated her injuries which con -
Waisted of lacerations and bruises to
After this lunch was 'served. Lunch
will be dispensed with for the time
being. the left leg and left atm,' and "shock'
• •,' v.- from the 'severe shaking up. The baby
4•eeived onlyslight -
s] grit scratches to hemi'
Clinton Lady -Injured in .Carr and fin'.'
The :car body and fenders were
Mrs. John;V. Grindq ,P14:/#011.•• sus;-;; smashed •and -the. radiator, -
Pr .crushed.
rained painful injuries- inan auttcomo-; Provncial Traffic OfficerGul
bile accident'.' hich:,oecurre , t,,� , ' h d H of
;.;n', d=a .� God
o'clock Tuesday afternoon, oak,
No. 8 highway, five miles east .'of.
Clinton. Mrs..Grind'tes sad take1 hep,
baby girl, Carol, r V, Ae. fAlth' d4Ct 0
Red Shield
The members of the Red Shield
Auxiliary met ; at the home of. Mrs,
G. Carter, 19 members being. pre-
sent. The meeting opened with -Mrs.
Wright leading the devotional e :ex-
cises: Then the Secretary and Trea-
surer''s reports were read and adopt-
ed. Articles brought in were: 4
quilts, 2 scarves. 3 pair socks, 1 pair
seaman's socks. Talent money turned
in amounted to $11.60. The ladies de-
cided to buy a bolt of flannelette to
make pyjamas and to let the Rullett
ladies make half of them.
Tea collection was $5.60. The next
'meeting • will
be held at the Salva-
tion Army Hall, where three quilts
are to be quilted. The meeting closed
with, God Save the King.
1VIr. and Mrs. G. Knight and Mary
wore guests of Ml's. F. C. Gemein-
hardt over the week end. Ronald
Knight who ;has spent the sunnier
with his grandmother returned home
with thein on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, of De-
troit spent the week end with the lat-
ters parents Fir. and Mrs. Henry
Mrs. Clayton Guest,, Moira and
Donald Guest of Toron%o are visit-
ing 1VIr, and Mrs. M. Toins this week.
Miss Margaret Ferguson, of Guelph
spent the week end with her parents
Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Ferguson.
Mrs. Lulu Crane of Detroit was the
guest of her sister Miss Elizabeth
Weston over the week end, she was
accompanied home by Miss Dorothy
Rapids and Gerald Crane who spent
the past week with Miss Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pease and fam-
ily of London spent the week end
at their home in the village.
Pte. Keith Gemeinhardt of Camp
Borden was home over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren, and
daughter Christine of Port Elgin are
the guests of Misses M. and J. Stir-
ling this . week.
Mr. Arnold Makins is spending this
week with friends in Kitchener.
' Mr. •and Mrs. Jim Ferguson of
London sepnt the weekend with the
former's mother Mrs. J. Ferguson.
Mt', William Sanderson who spent.
his boyhood in Bayfield with his
•grandparents the late Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Sanderson, renewed acquaint-
ances in the village on Sunday. Mr.
Sanderson who • went west twenty
eight years ago is now living in
Brantford. He was accompanied by
his wife and sister Edna. Mn. W. I
Madter of Hamilton,
Miss C. P. and J. B. Rankin return-
ed this week to their home in Mount
Pleasant, Mich. after spending the
season at their 'cottage.
Mrs. F. G: Neelin, of Seaforth has
moved to her home in the village
this week.
Miss E. Logan of HensaIl was the '
guest of Miss E. Cameron over the
week end.
An accident occurred on the River
road just outside the village near the .
dumping ground on Monday afternoon
when a car driven by Neil McDonald,
of Detroit (grand nephew of Mrs. J.
Toms) accompanied by Misses Donna
Toms, Moira Guest and Donald Guest
met a car driven by Sonny Bauer of
Waterloo. The road was narrow arid,
the first Car had come to a halt when
the Bauer 'car crashed into it. Miss
Donna Tons received injuries to her
knee and head. The accident occurred
at a turn where the growth Conies to
the edge of the road.
Misses Rubie Fisher and Barbara
Pollock of Kitchener were the guests
of Mrs, F. A. Edwards over the week-
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Manes of Lon-
don are spending their honeymoon at
the family•cottage in the village.
Rev. J. Graham, Pat and Monica
returned• on Tuesday after spending.)
a few days in Owen Sound, Mr. Il'.
G, Meir of Seafoath conducted the
service in, Trinity Church in the Rec-
tor's absence.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Buchan and
Mr. and Mrs. Ewing Buchan and babe
of Dunnville were the guests of the
fortner's sister. Mrs. "N, W. Woodsy
over the holiday- '
Mrs. Douglas Gemeinhardt 'and'
shall son Philip left last Monday' to
visit relatives M. Orillia.,
Messrs. Donald and Will Cameron
and ' Miss Ethel Cameron of Detroit
were the guests of Miss Elizabeth
Cameron over the week end •'''
Miss Janet Callahan, returned'' to
'Buffalo' after having spent a 'few'
days With Miss Betty Gairdner.r' `'
•Mr. Neil MacDonald of Detroit is
the guest of 'his aunt Mrs'. E. Toms.
Mr. and Mrs. "Jack Atkinson;'Ste-
wart : and: Marion '• i•etuiined 'to. Detroit
exio was: ra vis. y .•telephone: on Tuesday -after spending the season
Mxs ,G1�indbn ,was.: -able to ga•rto�;heT at.th�&il+''lidme here. '='r � '"
apartment after, er, ...0 .., ',M , ; I' d','r ' , •, �,,
h .,1n7 Y'tes•`ivere�,a't•• 1, Georgb Ghesney� and daugli��r
tended to, .Dermal ;,I. V. Grindon;•the Miss Winnifred of• Cal` a' w
� d; ry :Were the.
isusband,,is an inatruotor• at the' iilA; guests :of Mrs A ISr. ltkinsiin.' .
n `E. W *Dupius o£ Toivrnto wr'
for a periodic treatment ;and; ;when, h'1: •radio school M
r • !!.•,41,!:r.$„„ .4.!:be. rt• ti..•
: M
.1 ,,. ', r f:,••l,K'I4 . 1'hr srl liar , v.W. ,:..i. :f„ q*;,n "Fr ..`y" G:e ;,!c.. .,,i,f, ��, r.
1, Ad6f ` ,�I�I, rha'0 ti.l is1 MAI.,r.jli.
the guest of 'her sister Mrs. F.
Gemeinhardt the past -week. Pt
Keith Gemeinhardt of Camp Borde
spent the week end with his inothe
Miss Jean and Master Jack Mat
ews have returned hone, to Port' Do
ver after spending 'the summer wit
their 'aunt Mrs. Jack Sturgeon.
Mrs. George Castle.: and family le
en Monday to irate their home
Goderich where Mr. C'as`tle has bee
employed since early summer. The
will be greatly missed: in the villag
Mrs. Hodgins. Miss Mabel, and, Pro
fessor Lloyd Hodgins returned to
their home in Toronto on Wednesda
after havinghavingspent the season at thei
,cottage on the terrace.
Mr. James Cameron and Miss Isa
bel Cameron have returned to the'
home in Toronto after spending th
summer at their cottage on the Blu
Water Highway.
Miss Elva Dewar has resumed he
teaching duties on the Toronto Pub"
lie School staff after a three weeks
visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs
David Dewar.
The old school bell rang on Tues
day horning to' summon the childr
back to their studies. Mr. J. H. Bate
of Brussels is again, principal an
Mrs. William Parker has charge o
the junior 'room.
The sudden death .ofFrank Watson,
which occurred in Wingham Monday
while he was in attendance at a ball
game removes a former well known
resident and business man of Clinton.
Mr. Watson will be remembered by
many here as a grocery salesman in
the corner grocery now the Red and
White. Later he and his father, now
deceased, were in the grocery busi-
nes here and still later in Moorefield.
Be was a Past Grand of Clinton
Lodge I.0.0.F. No 83 and retained
his membership in the lodge up to the
tiine of his sudden passing. He is sur-
vived by his wife the former Gert-
rude O'Neil, He had been in business
in Wingham for the past' 1.5 years.
Burial will take place Thursday, •
The September meeting of the
Women's Missionary.S'ociety was held
on Tuesday afternoon. The president
in charge end Mrs. L. Kennedy con-
ducting devotional period, taking, as
her thence, 'The church in my com-
munity". Reports were given and
business dealt with. The program
committee reported plans for a
church concert to be presented by
the Radio School Choir. on Thursday,.
evening, Selzt. 17th. Delegates were
appointed to attend the Sectional
meeting at Brucefield on October 8, A
chapter of the study book "A report
of a Szechuan Synod Meeting" was
given by Mrs. Farnham and Miss
Maude Wiltse, The meeting closed by
prayer rind benediction by Mrs. Mil-
ton Wiltse.
Public School Re -Opens
Public School opened here Tues-
day with only one change in the teach-
ing staff. Miss Norma I•Tabkirk,
whose home is in Seaforth and who
was a member of the staff here for
the past two yearn is now- in the R.
C.A.F. Women's Division and Miss
Luella Johnson of Auburn has been
engaged by the Board in her place.
The Collegiate will not open• for
classes until September 22nd. •There
will be a 'number of changes in the
teaching staff. E. A. Finns, who had
leave of absence during, last term, re-
sumes his position of principal. E.
Mason has accepted a position on the
staff of the Port Rope High School
and his place will be taken by W.
Brock Olde. Miss Irene Stephen has
taken a position on the staff of the
collegiate .at Kapuskasing and will be
succeeded here by Miss Barbara
The School of Commerce also open-
ed Tuesday under the same manage-
ment, that : of Miss B. F, Ward and
Miss M. A. Stone. The large class is
composed of students, `from, Clinton
and, neighboring.. towns in Huron and
adjoining counties Exeter, , Parkhill,
Zurich, Kincardine, Blyth. and Sea. -
On Wednesday of Ieet week the tat":
alot Club met at the home of 'Mrs. Ro-`
bent Freeman with a goodattendance:
As, usual the ladies quilted •two quilts
and they deserve credit for their fine
work: After; the quiltinge'ten cent tea
was served by the 'hostess and then
the bushes part was dealt'WVith. Tic
kets were given out to each member
to be' sold on a quilt. Ahticl45'seiit in-
to the Red' Shield fori5`Abgust; 3`
quilts', 5 suits of pyjereasl and„ 3 hair
of stoolcings.
e ' meetin clo ,C.
�sed. hy,�ingrjyg trod
Satre the King." ,
The next meeting t',
l g wi. be field at,
home of Mro Johan b'reernan ,olyr0et;.
7th l i 3 r
str li.'c�
;i e 11
E. S. Livermore, K.C„ well known
St: Thomas lawyer, and son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Livermore of town.
who is crown counsel at the Guelph
assizes, where Clarence Dickinson, 'a
soldier from Guelph, is facing a
charge of murdering his mother and
sister last. spring.
Rett dross Frolic
The annual Red Cross frolic spon-
sored by the Clinton Lions Club was
held on the main street last•Friday
evening and was well patronized by
residents of Clinton and. vicinity and
hundreds of airmen soldiers and U. S.
service -inert from the surrounding
schools. The booths were crowded,'
particularly the bingo game. The
draw for prizes for which tickets
had been on sale for the past month; •
took place at 11.30 p.m. Mayor Mc-
Murray drew the tickets while F.
Fingland, K. C., announced the win-
The first prize was a richly up-
holstered chair and the winner was
little Gail Shearing, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Shearing of town. The
second prize, a quilted silk comfort-
er, went to Corporal O'Dell of the R.
C.A.F. Clinton. The thirteen other
prizes in following order went to
Margaret Freeman. Aircraftsman
Berkett, Leading Aircraftsman Rose,
Mrs. W. Elliott, Aircraftsman Cor-
iette, H. F. Potter O. L. Paisley, Jack
Marks, Mrs. R. E. Manning, Lucile
Grant, Helen Cook, William Chanter
and Helen M. Welsh,
Burglars Steal $114.
Local and county police are investi-
gating the theft of a sum of money
from the home of Mrs. Jean Warniek,
Vigil Street, Clinton. The money, $114
in bank notes, had been placed in a
bureau drawer in an upstairs room.
Mrs. Warnick discovered her loss
about noon Saturday and at once noti-
fied Constable Dave Elliott, of 'Clin-
ton, who called Provincial Police R.
Spafford of Goderich.
No clue to the identity of the thief
has as yet been uncovered.
The Horticultural Society are hold-
ing their Flower Show on Friday af-
ternoon and evening of this week. Tea
will be served.
Misses Ina Scott and Margaret
Aikenhead of London spent the week-
end at their hone here.
Mr. and Mrs, B. McKenzie and fam-
ily of Detroit spent last week with
relatives here and in London,
Miss Ellen Scott is visiting at he
hone here. •
Mr, and Mrs. B. Kaiser of Detroit
spent the holiday here.
Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Wheeler were: Mr, and Mrs..
Austin Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Wheeler, of Detroit, Mr. and
Mrs C. Halstead and Floyd of Strat-
Miss Anna Cornish and friends of
Toronto, Carlyle Cornish R. C. A. F.
Belleville spent the week end at their
home here.
Mist Doris Dutot of London visited
at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Swan' spent last
week in .Chatham. - •
Mr. D. Swan, Miss• -E. Bowe, and
Mrs, Grainger spent Sunday in Lon-
Miss Norma Collins of London is,
visitingher grandmother, Mrs. 'Mary,
Miss Elizabeth Scott is visiting in
Mr. Ross Smith of Wingham is vis'-
iting, Mr. and Mrs: H. F. Berry.
Summerhill Red Cross
The Summerhill Red Cross; Group
held their meeting. at, the: home: of
Mrs,'Russell,l cal,, With tine president.
in 'the Chair the meeting opened by;:
singing "0 Canada", followed, by, the
Red Cross Prayer. The'minntes of ,the'
lastMe'eting were read„ and..wda1V ted.:
22, mernbere and 7 vistors were pre.
e. flilr teea surei!"reporte'd 309194 on
handa>,7iitglyasn cTommittadp'slil)iliadl
August Leavy scarf; 5` khaki'ietirtyos;
air.,-rarhy :.P
mitts; ,4
.,par-+ se'iklmodekni
socks, -,I of$ 21(pa7rs LrnYy
The Dies e;
at0 quilt w`as.'won lad
{.•..d: ddl1 ip; �.
THURS., SEPT. 10, 1942
is is now ILILEGRL
to Ho.�, R D 'scrap steel.
or UNUSABLE machinery
The Steel Controller has ordered that, after September 15, 1942, no
person may retain in his possession scrap iron' or steel weighing a
total of 500 pounds or more unless he has permit.
(For the purposes of the new regulations, scrap metal includes machin-
ery, structural steel, or any other article or commodity containing
iron or steel, which is not serving an immediate vital -purpose.)
The order also provides:
That anyone, coming into possession after September 15 of scrap
iron or steel we+ghing 500 pounds or more, must dispose of it within
20 days.
That any person having a valid' reason for not disposing of scrap
metal as scrap metal or who believes that it can serve some essential
purpose, must send in a report by September 15 to the Used Goods
Administrator of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, Lumsden
Building, Toronto. His report must reveal the exact description,
quantity, and location of his scrap metal.
Tice provisions of the order do not apply to scrap, dealers who are
already subject to previous orders; nor do they affect 'metal feri-
cators and processors who are in legal possession of metal Win
used in manufacturing.
A copy of the order, S.C. 16, may be obtained from the Steel
Controller, Department of Munitions and Supply, Ottawa.
Infractions of the new regulations are subject to
a fine of up to $5,000, or imprisonment of up
to five years, or both fine and imprisonment.
Department of Munitions and Supply
Miss E. Beacom, it brought $47.55. A
quilt top, lining and spools were do-
nated by Mrs. W. Vodden. A. basket
of Peaches donated : by Mrs. E. Bali
brought $1.15 and a basket of pears
donated' by Mrs. G. Cornish, brought
30c. A quilt was quiltedand patches
sewn in the afternoon. The next meet-
ing is at the home of Mre W. Pen-
found on Sept.. 16. The roll•cali to be
answered by an Ontario industry and
its headquarters,
• ,►
Mr. Gordon Marks of Toronto spent
the week -end with Mrs. George Con-
nail, ' Mrs. Marks and two children,
Ross and Carolyn, who have been
spending some time hese returned with
Mr:: Marks. 'While in Varna Mrs.
Marks, visited 'for several days with
her, ^brother, Mr. Roy Connell of 'reek -
Mrs, Charles 'Whitinen and daugh-,
ter Gertrude and granddaughter, Patty
of`IJaYi`gg'ing, Mich., spelrt the,wee-end`
'I rr r; r:; g ,. e r u::
with the former s sister' Ati;s. Gieorgq
11ir'aid Mr's. Geo. Connell .and r
aid and Gloria et Owen SQu `fl'andir•
and litre C'laf+y Co itiel4'andi aria and
, 314. PF' 9i9'l., .real �t¢,d Pl 1, .tr iojel 1 1; A: ! r,
1,' ' r.:;,cls, ^ ,,, ,rc.t t ti
' Lois of Clinton spent Sunday with
their aunt Mrs. George Connell.'
Mr,' and Mrs. Roy Connell . spent
' Sunday with his mother Mrs.' George
1Connell. .
I Holiday and week end visitors were
Mrs. Ferguson and family of Sudo
I bury; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott 'off
Kitchenerwith their parents Mr. and
Mrs, M. Elliott and family.
IMir, and Mrs. Ross Latheni and
family of London with Mn. L. Beatty
and Edith;
Mr. and Mrs. T, Chute) . and fain- ,
ily and Mrs.. Walper of London with,.
Mr. and Mrs, .E.Chilton
Ml•. Geo. Clarke spent a few days ,
last week in Seaforth with.Mp. and ..
Mrs. Melvin_ Clarke and family.
Mr. Russel; . ustin• in company with .,
iris' mother and_,, sister nyotored; to r, .
Londes oro and Seaforth;on ,Sunday,; :,
Rev. Reba„ilern, pastoxrof„Varna,
'United felturch is having a week's ya- ..
..,V, PS
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.)l1"r7.1.��11 a d ba,/of nn
the;. weeli end with her, pother
Mrs J..Mos s .;, '
Mrs.fWelsh,of !Ripley a
>nil s ,T.+;,
F1s ,,,�+ i /9• M tsar,
l} ..fe da
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waitr.. C B .M
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