HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-09-03, Page 5THURS., SEPT. 3,'1942 TIIE CLINTON ,NEWS -RECORD '.AGE 3 THE CLINTON LIONS CLUB SPONSOR Clinton Reil Cross Annual Frolic GAMES DANCING — DRAW Y ` in CLINTON on FRIDAY Night, Sept. 4th TOTAL NET PROCEEDS TO RED CROSS FRANK FINGLAND; K.C„ KEN. WATERS, Chairman of Frolic: President. Clinton Lions Club. MRS. JOHN RADFORD, MRS. FRANK' FINGLAND, MISS DOROTHY: MUTCII, Presidentsof Red Cross Society. AUBURN Rev. and Dire. G. W. Sherman, of arta visited friends here recently. Mrs. George Patterson has return_ to Toronto after attending the fun al of her Alexanderunele;Young Mrs. Albert King of Goderich i iting friends here. Donald Ross is visiting friends ronto this week. 111r. and Mrs. F. 0. Meiilveen. wmanville are. visiting the lady' rents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred As ith. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nott of 'Strat- rd are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. T. bison. Miss Isobel Rollinson spent the ek end with friends in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie and ro daughters Janet and June of De - Oft, Mr Roderick Ross and Miss ene Ross of Lochalsh, and Joan !est of Listowel visited on Sunday th Mr. Jas Medd and Mrs. Fred )ss. Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thompson, Brampton were visiting friends et Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wen. T. empson returned home with them, :er a week spent in Brampton. Mrs. Verne Dale, Murray and Mur- iel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Webster of Lueknow. BIRTH MaLACHLAN At Sc,ott's Meaner- Fad Hospital Seaforth on August 30th I 1942 to Mr. and Mrs. Robt McLaoh-,I Ian (nee Muriel Dolxnage) a daughter Mr Geo. Sills of Seaforth spent a! m week with Mr. and Mrs Dave Millson. Mr. John Taylor and Mrs, Geo Dale of were Sunday visitors with Mr. and s M•rss. 'JohnFerguson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hay and little daughter Esther, Mrs. Morrison of Walton and Miss Dorothy Allin pf Goderich visited with Mrs. Robt Law- son recently. Mrs. Edith Greive of London spent one day last week with Mr. and Mi's• John Ferguson.' Aircraftsmen Kelso. Adams of R. C.A.F. St.• Thomas spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. : E. Adams. Miss Ethel Dexter of Kitchener) spent the week -end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter. V TUCKERSMITII r. usse K ng a Bryon an - ium London is spending a few days th his wife and family. ilkerburn Club e Walkerburn Ladies' Club met the home •of Mrs. Archie Robinson, th. 13 members and 2 visitors pre it. The president Mrs. Ernest Pat- son presided. A quilt was cour- ted and pians were made for art- ier xtter quilting at the home of MTs. >. Jackson. The Club was invit- to the home of Mrs. Guy Cunning - n for the Sept. meeting. A. dainty ;eh was served by Mrs Robison es - ted by Mrs Robt. Turner. vfrs. Russell Thompson has receiv- e cable from her husband Pte. Rus - 1 Thompson stating he 'had arriv- safely in England. V CONSTANCE Ir. and Mrs. Oliver Clark of erich spent Thursday with Mr. Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs. R. son, also with Mr. and Mrs. Geo ' eh. to many friends of Mrs. John Not-' ham are sorry to hear that she is enjoying the best of health. They ope fol a speedy recovery. I x. .and Mrs. Reg. Carter of ph called on Mr. and Mrs. John son one day recently. . and Mrs. Archie Hoggar+th of aceburg spent the weekend with and' Mrs. Wm. Britton'. ,, w and Mrs. Earl Lawson, Reg. The September meeting of the Tuc- MILITARY NEWS Ivan floggart and Allan Neal, who have beenin the Ajrmy Service et London left last Friday for Chatham. - Mr. hatham:Mr and Mas W. E. Perduehave been advised of their son's safe ar- rival in. Britain, Signaller•, Don Per - dee . erdue. Bill Ball of the 20th Field Arnbn-+ lance of the Canadian Army Medical Corps was transferred to, Ottawa last week after a few week's basic train - ng London. - Mr. L. G. (Skip) Winter, for the past few years owner and operator of the Clinton Bowling Adley and Bil- liar centre has joined. the Royal G'an 'adian Corps of Signalers and reported at London..last Tuesday. Odinary Seaman Clarence Neilans, H.M.C,S. Prevost, London, and Pte. Ethel Neilans of the Canadian Wo- men's Mny Corps at Kitchener spent last weekend at their home in town.. Applicants are still required. for en- listment in the following Works and Buildings trades; Engineer Stationary (Chief Engineer) Engineer Station- ary,Fireman, Foremanof Works,Fit- ter Diesel, Fitter General, Operator Tractor anal Pumprnan. Vacancies 4111 exist for ,applicants' with good mechanical background for enlistment and contact training at R. C.A.F. Stations as Aero Engine and Airframe Mechanics. There is still .a continuous and ur- gent demand for Pilots, Observers, Wireless Operators (Air Gunners.) and Air Gunners. High standard women applicants are required: to fill existing vacancies in the R.C.A.F: (Women's Division), L. A. C. Edward McGill of the R. G.A.F. at Rogersville spent the' weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGilL Mrs W.S.R. Holmes received word last week that her nephew, Private Austin Hill. was missing in action. Austin transferred to the tanks Corps last''•Februrary, so was with the Cal= gary Tank Regiment in action at Dieppe. v CSs'Iiiuntrle:iue,x eetetIsese CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion �s V. COOKLE FLORIST Phones; 66w and 66i q PouliryCullin g New that the big harvest rush is Over it will'n'o doubt be culling time, fur a good many flocks of laying hens Some will want to get their early pul- lets into their laying pens to obtain the better: egg prices:. •01/Ring done by an experienced poultryman. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Storage Now is the tinie to store peaches • We have Waxed Containers Have you tried our 'ground steak at 25c per 1b also farmers style sausage We have many kinds of fish for sale at iia 11i up, tq, $Od : - Wa nave rrozen strawberries and green peas for sale. We 'do custom Killing and Buy Hides i Frozen foods are better foods BAXFIELD Recent improvements to the village kersmith Ladies club was held on include the building of new steps Wednesday Sept 2nd at the home of Listing Missing R. C. A. F. from the top of Bayfield Terrace to Mrs. Ray Fear. With the pi7esident the bridge. It is hoped that these Mrs_. L. Lawson in the chair the Wrest- ( Members Suspended have been securely fastened down and ing cried with the openingotic and won't take legs and walk , like the the Lord's Prayer. two Thirtyadies ' Government censors have request-, last steps, Also the woodwork of the ed this and other papers not to print town hall has been painted inside rix responded to roll call. The name of a a history maker of the present day, names of airmen who.may •be nnssxng. out which adds greatly to its appear - The History r's report tshe et bad..after operational flights over enemy ante. telritory for a considerable period of -1 Mrs. R, H, F. Gairdner and Miss ance of $17.26 and the Red Cross treasurer reported $64.46 on hand. ter the, next of kin have been noti- Betty Gairdner attended the Hall - Bed. ! Holland—Bxicicenden Wed • dun Mrs poinearduatind'nans. Rogerson g were nap-s Readers will readily understand the don on. Saturday. g in Lon: and Mrs, Wm. Pepper gross comers" reason fo ` the request and in the fu-; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makins, Mar pondent. ture the New -Record' will refrain ion and Mrs. Vodden spent last Sun - Mrs Walters,the quilt convenor re- from publishing such information un- day with their -aunt in Woodham. qtil the requisite period ,leas elapsed, Mrs. J. F. Parke and daughter, ported having sent a box to Mrs. Sio- even though such information may be Eric -1VIr- man in July which contained 3 quilts, g y mer Carie of radi a are at her sum - man knowledge locall Foci home "Paradise Farm:' 1 pullover sweater, 1 vest, 2 naps, 1 • suit. 4 dresses, '2.,sweaters, 1 pr trou- r Pte Thos. Castle of Windsor spent secs, 2 blouses, 6 dresses with bloom- the week end with his parents,. M ers, 1boy's sweater, and other salted- To Hold. Shorthorn Show at and Mrs. Thos. Castle. ler articles. Mrs, Sioman's' thanks' for' t Mr. and R3ars. T. W. Oates left the box were conveyed to the club. j mall lt`alr. m Exeter 'Saturday for Hamilton after spendin duet, Santa Lucia was rendered The Perth -Huron Shorthorn show the summer at their cottage. by Misses . Eleanor 'and Edithe Pep-- at the Exeter Fair, September 16 and Mrs. W .. S. es, n ey, formerly Md pent A, reading, a wedding romance, 17. H. R. White, secretary of the Margaret Groves, renewed aequai was given by Mrs. McGregor. Group Canadian Shorthorn Assoc, Guelph -ances in the .village on Tuesday. $ will have charge, of the October recently made a survey of the Short - ding Jerry Crane of Detroit is spen meeting, Roll call. will horn breeders of Perth and Huron and drug his vacation with his aunt. Mi be "A. method of our grandmothers' it is expected that more than 100 Elizabeth Weston. still in use" shorthorn cattle will. be shown at Ex -Mrs. Thornton Mustard and dough Wedding bells are ringing in this eter fair. Last year, a similar exhibit ter Mrs. Frank Burch and small son district. was held at the Stratford Fall Fair closed their cottage and returned t Mrs. J. Londe -shore is visiting and it was one of the outstanding Toronto on Monday. friends in Toronto this week. Shorthorn' shows in the province. Rev. resume M. Langford left on Mon Mr. and Mrs A. Matheson and Mr. Entries must be made • on or be- day to resume his duties in St. Mary' and Mrs, W. Pepper are weekend Sore Friday, September 11 to Clark' Parish, Walkerville. Mrs .Lang Ford wviaitors in Toronto, Hamilton,,; and Fisher, secretary of the Agricultural and her daughter Mrs. R. Bricker, Niagara Falls. Society, Exeter. A. catalogue of en- tageand Susan will close the cot- rage and join him on Thursday, Maj - tries will be printed. The fee for a or R. Bricker, Canadain Fusiliers, left single entry is 25 cents per animal. Saturday for Kingston after having There is no charge for championship spent a few days leave with his wife classes. The fees in full must acconv- parry the entries: and children. The prize list is made up of funds Mrs. McHugh of St. Marys is' the contributed by the Canadian Short- guest of Mrs. R. T. Orr this week. horn Association, the Ontario Short- Mrs. ,Harry Baker and family 'and horn club the Ontario Livestock Mrs. V. Burt and, Mary Lou of Lon- Blanch and the, Exeter Agricultural don are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Seeiety. All animals must be on the Fred Baker. grounds by Wednesday noon. Septem- Mrs. G. Pawls 'and Miss Ailsa Park ' ber 16. Showing will commence at 1 of Collingwood are the guests of Mr. • o'clock on Thursday, September 17. and Mrs. R. Scoteh Wer. Mr. Jinn Scott of Seaforth is the guest of Miss Betty Gairdner for a PORTER'S . ITLL j few days this week. ROXY THEATRE =cm( Now Playing — Bruce Cabot in "Wild Bill Hickok 'Rides." MON.,%TUES., WED Henry Fonda, Olivia de Havilland- Joan Leslie and Jack Carson. Stand] by for a riot of laughs when a couple of old grads recall their college days "THE MALE ANIMAL" THURS., FRI., SAT. The one and only George Formby in a wave of laughter. "South American George" Coming: Matinees—Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE GODER1CH. Nov Playing in Y G• —Marlene Dietrich in "The Spoilers" MON., TUES., WED. Tyrone Power Y P v i and Joan Fatitaine. With a superb supporting east in Erie Knight's great and appealing story "This Above' All" THIJRS,, FRIT, SAT. DOUBLE BILL Joan Bennett with Franebot Torte. Strictly a romantic fun show "The Wife Takes a Flyer" Charles Starrett and Russell Hay- den. Co-starred in a new style ac- tion tale "The Royal Mounted Patrol" REGENT THEATRE SI�AFORTH Now Playing Frances Farmer in "The Badlands of Dakota" MON„ TUI1S WED. Ann Sheridan and Ronald Reagan. Romance their way through a tale 0 f a gal who knew her discs... "Juke Girl' THURS., FRI., :SAT. Two Features Lupe Velez, Leon Errol and Zasu Pitts. Journey to Scotland for a rollicking Yarn. "The Mexican Spitfire's Baby" Tim Holt, Marjorie Reynolds, Ray Whitley. In a breezy action -cram- med adventure "Dude Cowboy" Conning -- henry Fonda In "The Malo Animal:' BARTLIFF'S The Home of food Eats BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 WE DELIVER PULLETS FOR SALE BARRED ROCKS, WHITE ROCKS, WHITE LEGHORNS; NEW RAMP - SHIRES & HYBRIDS 4 weeks old and up to 28 wks old and older. Also yearling hens and breed- ing cockerels for sale. II. CHARLESWOIiTH and Mrs. David Dewar. Mrs Adam Boyd' and little Miss Margaret Simooe left on Thursday ' for Waterloo where they spent a few days before proceeding to Gray enhurst. Miss Doris Featherston of Toronto r• spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. E. Featherston. on Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bossenberry ng of Sarnia were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Weston over the weekend. s5' Mrs'. Ernest Vodden left this week nt- far Alberta after spending the last three weeks with her parents, Mr. and n- Mrs. W. H. Talbot, as Mr. James Atwood returned to De- troit on Tuesday after spending the - week and with . his sister Mrs, Alvin i Dutot, He has entered the U.S. Army. o Pte Grant Turner of Windsor spent theweekend at his home here, - Mr. Harold Pollock of Toronto is s visiting friends in the village. Mr. Rheney Larson left last week foe. the West. on the Harvest Excur-. -cion. Mr, Willard Sturgeon has purchas- ed the house and two acres where he has been living from Richard MoDool. Mrs. Charles Butler and two dau- ghters of St. Catharines were the guests of her sister, Mrs Wm. Fergus- on and Mr. Ferguson last week. V • Sere. Prank Burch of the R.G.A. Rev. and Mrs. Wooland will be ab- F left for New Brunswick on Friday sent during September ' while on vasa -'after spending his furlough with his tion. During his absence the. services wife and child at the Mustard Cot- will be taken Sept 6th by Rev. Brenn-' tage. ner of Birucefdeld who will ,speak for Masters Miiohael, Peter, and Ghat- the Ontario Tennperannoe; Sept. 13 and ton McKeon of Guelph are visiting 20 by Colin Campbell, who kindly con-.' their aunt Mrs, V. C. Quarry. sented to help. The last Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. Canneron McNeil and. Sept. there will be no •service. Master Hugh of Cleveland.', are the Muriel and Lois Bowden spent the l guests of her mother,: Mrs J,. W. Hod- past week with their grandparents, grins. Mr. 'mid' Mrs. J. S. LockhartMr. and Mrs.." -Thos,. `Castle receiv- rs.Stevensonand Phyllis, London ed t cig the ZITISH HURRICANE FIGHTERS AT MALTAMS , y �tc , _able last week, announam .and Miss Newton. Toronto were call- marriage, which took place in. Edin- "THE PIN 0 THE MIDDLE SEA" sirs on old friends on Satinrday. burgle of their• son Kenneth to Miss cArgyle Lockhart underwent an op- Nancy Anderson of Edinburgh,- Ken - a, eration in Seaforth hospital Satinuda noth'has with the B • a, which ]las been raided more tempts to;subdue, the historic island_y servedwi, t le British Mer - 800 times, was the first place in 'have failed, with crippling leases" on: for ie/novel of appendix. ' i chant M rine for thepast two years. British Einpire to be attacked the invading aircraft. The 'instill- tthe ' g NIi•s, Bert Cox is improving slowly, Miss �eryl 'Castle who spent the., the air and assaulted by sea. the anent responsible for inflicting this friends hope to soon see her "about 'summer with herrandmoth " • ' g er m God- ' ins were sure of taking it, but, signal defeat on the .Axis is the. R. again krich' is spendin this weekh ;, •..p which r. ,aln is: Betides and Home here. a loss of 60 machines and 250 is here seen being serviced after Bobby spent Sunday with Bus and Mrs. Mrs. E. Rehn ]las returned to De en. Likewise, all German at- landing. P. Young. Leah after visiting her parents Mr. is at her 25 att eks'gave up the attempt 11. F hurricane fighter, one f 1 ' h MIS d M Theron MARRIAGES BOOTH--PIOKETT--At the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Pickett, Code - rich Township, on Monday August , 31st when their daughter, Donna became the bride of L.A.C. Thomas Booth, of No. 31 Radio School. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Booth of Bury, Lancashire, Eng- land. Rev. J. H. Colclough'• of Thornhill officiated. BIRTHS ROBS N'S O CHOICE Tomatoes and Peaches Fresh Fruits -and tall an Vegetables es in Season Grown Right—Picked Right Packed Right Make your sugar go farther by buying fruit that is ripened on vine or trees. • Phone Your Orders' to 903123' PEACHES FOR .SALE Order peaches ripened on the trees and get the best. Visitors to our or- chard welcomed. DELBERT GEIGER Phone 97r8 Zurich, Ont. 07-2 BONNY BEST TOMATOES for Table or Canning E. L. Mittell CLINTON PHONE 2i3 Lundy Portable Silos ..If you are needing a portable silo this fall please order while material is available H, CHA11LESWORTH Agent for Lundy Portable Silos WAISTED Girl or woman wantedto do gener- al housework. Sleep in. Two children Write: MRS. HENDERS'ON 224 Base Line Road; London, Ontario. FOR SALE Seed wheat 0. A. C. No. 61, free of weeds, and pure of variety; also two young mares rising 8 years and 4 years and one pure-bred York hog, Apply to. James Johnston, R. R. 4 Clinton,- phone 12x800. 08-1 FOR, SALE Two glass show cases for sale. Ap- ply at The Kozy Grill, Clinton 08-1 BOARDERS WANTED Boarders Wanted. All modern ,con- veniences. Apply at the News -Record office. 08-1 WANTED A'stnall house or apartment down- stairs with modern conveniences. Wanted about :October 14. Apply to Box 89E, The News -Record. 07-1' FOR SALE One black mare 7 years old, sound and will wont single or double; also one aged grey horse, work single or double. 'Apply to Arthur Fulford, Clinton, phone 73. 08-2. RAPSOIN—In Clinton Public I%ospi- ' FOR RENT tal on Wednesday, September 2nd, Unfurnished apartment on ground to. Mr and MTs. Ira Rapson, of floor to let. Apply at. the News-Re- Hullett, a baby girl. cord office. 08-1 CLEAVE` — In Clinton Publis'c Has- pital on Friday, Angusit 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Logan Cleave of Bay- field, a son, (Glenn Logan). • Kippen East Turns Eyes to Old Days Mr. William Kyle, of Kippein, lent her home for a meeting. of Kippen East W. I. at which' the Junior In- stitute members of Varna were !guests. Mrs. Glenn MacLean, presi- dent, was in the; chair. The motto. "Study the past, work in the present, and, plan for the fu- ture," was given by Mrs. Glenn Mac- Lean, Mrs, Paul. Doig, presented an address on the early origin of Eg- mondville. Members ,of Varna Institute pre- sented sented demonstrations of short cour- ses, Mrs. Robert 'Simpson gave read- ings, and Mrs. J'ranic•Kling, of Sea - forth, was guest soloist. Refreshments Were served by. Mrs. Norman Long, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. M. Traquair, Mrs. George Glenn, Mrs. G. MacLean' Miss Laura Tremeer, 1 1 MONUMENTS To those contemplating build- inga Monument merit Get prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Bail & Zapfe 59 tf Electrical Equipment Shur Shock Electric Fences, corms plete with Battery and Insulators 815.00 guaranteed. I carry a full line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General bat- teries and Dominion Washing Mach. ines ,all electrical appliances and roofing supplies. A. W. Groves.' Princess St.. Princess 'Street Clinton Make' e a ' Note of This Roy MacKenzie and his orchestra will ' be in CLINTON this SATURDAY NITE for sure — So for a sweII time tell your pals "It's Town Hall Tonight"-ICids1 WESTERN ONTARIO MOTOR- WAYS LTD. BUS SERVICE Change of Schedule Tune 27, 1942. LEAVE CLIIJTON , Southbound: DLY. ex. Sun. & ]:Fol. Sun, & Hol. .8.15 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 1.25 p.m. 4.50 p.m. 4.50 p.m. 8.30 p.m. Northbound: DLY, ex. Sun. & Hol. Sun. & Hol, 10.50B •2.20 2.20 9,55 8.45 B. Indicates to Wingham only. For furter information call Bartliff's Confectionery Phone 1., PROPERTY FOR SALE Property ffor (sale, one-half mile North of Clinton on the Base Line, consisting of twelve acres of good land, with eight roomed house, barn and hen house and never failing well. Apply to P. Fingland, K. C. Clinton, rO�nt. Dorothy Marquis, Proprietress Ilii Le: ' ' 07.2 For Sale or Rent. A fifty acre farm, south half, lot 31, con, 6 of Mallet township; banked barn and comfortable home. It 18 ideally suited as a grass farm or for dight farming being well watered with a never failing spring and also has 15 acnes of bush, Apply- at the News -Record office, 07-2 NOTICE Voters' List 1942, Municipality of The Township of Goderich, County of Huron Notice is hereby' given that I. have complied with : Section 7 of the Voters' List . Act and that I have posted up at my office in. Goderich Township on the 24th, day of August, 1942, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said, Municipal elections and such list remains .there for inspection, " And I hereby call upon all voters: to take immediate proceedings' to have any errors or .omissions correct- ` ed' according to law. Dated at my office this twenty fourth day of August 1942. R.C.Thonvpson, C'Ierk 07-3 Wanted 01d horses and cattle for; mink food. 1f dead phone at once. Will pay as- cording to value, Ebner Tricky phoria 907r5, or. Lloyd 13aticin 619x14. Stitt 9-0At