HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-09-03, Page 3THURS., SEPT. 3,1942
gk@N� ii1AYF-E.l�lllv,Ea`I.s IN', CLINTON EARLY IN
Some Notes a f The News
in 1917
AUGUST 30, 1917.
Miss Helen Bell of London is the
guest of Misses' Ward and Stone.
She will remain over for the opening girls 12 to 11. For the first two
of the School of C'ainmeree of which innings luck seemed to be against the
rhe is a director. home team but towards the end of the
Mies Viola Hearn, leaves an a short game the Clinton girls began to show
visit with friends in Paris and Brant- their mettle and the odds were de-
' forth. Prom there she goes to Dunn- cidedly in their favor. Daisy Copp
ville where she will take charge of a was the pitcher for the Clinton team,
vehool for the coming year, the other players being, Mary Tay
Mise Mary' J. Holmes, daughter lir, Eulala Flynn, Irene Cole, Edith
of Mr. ands Mrs. Robt. Holmes of Janes, Dora S'ohoenbals, Margaret
Toronto, formerly of . Clinton, has Schoenhals, Kathleen McConnell and
gone to Pont Arthur where she has Shirley Bawden.
been engaged to take charge of the On :Sunday Mr. John Brown receiv-
Household Science department in the ,ed word that his son, Pte, Samuel H.
Collegiate.. Brown had died. of wounds in France,
Miss Edna Lavis returned to Mr. Brown pad learned only the den
Toronto last week after spending her
vacation with her parents, Mr. and
gra. George Lavis,
Mr. Will Moffatt has bought from
Mr .Win•. Hardy hie fine farm' on the
liondon Road and will take prosses-
sion in the nearfuture.
An exeiiting game of baseball was
played in the park last' evening when
the Clinton girls defeated the Mitehell
before that his son was wounded.
The message received then stated
he was in a French hospital seriously
Miss Rena Piekett of the Post- ill, with gun -shot wounds in the face
Mice staff_ is having a two weeks' Pte Brown is survived by one broth-
er, Ernest Brown of Pe -trona and two
sisters, Mrs. Oabaldeston of Gode-
,.After ef seyeral months rieb township and Mrs. Jones of Brit-
• !Mrs. Robert Miller passed awayon Fish Columbia.
Tuesday at the home of hey daught-' Mrs. Lucy Howard .of Exeter an'
er Mrs. Harvey of Hullett. The late nounees the engagement of her dau-
Mrs. Miller, whose maiden name was letter Florence Winona, to Mr. Via:
Mary Ann •fluff, was born near ttor Coleman 'French of Wetaskiwin,
tRoxborough in the year. 1840. When Alta. son of Mrs, D:"F'reneh, Clinton.
only eighteen years of agg she was the marriage will take place early in
married to Mr. Robert " Miller, who Septemben
formany years, a well known
wa's 7 fteRev. J. 1l and Mrs. Ford of Gods -
Afteron the Base Line, Mikarich announce" the engagement of
Afton her husbands death fourteen
years ago gra, Miller moved to their daughter, Helen, to Mr. W. D.
Slott of Beaverton, Ont. The mar -
Clinton where she made many warm 1
riage will take place quietly the last
friends. Mrs. Miller leaves to mourn,
their loss a family of three sons and of August.
three daughters; James and Roberti Miss Eva Oluff was in Hamilton
J, of Clinton, William B. of Detroit for a few days last week. On her re-
wire. McBrien and Mrs: John turn • she was accompanied by sister
Harvey of Iluilett, and Mrs. A. R, Mrs, Phoenix and Master Bob.
McBrien ef London.. I Eugene. Sheeley has enlisted as a
i draftsman in the American Artny and
The sad news was brought to is engaged in an aeroplane plant at
Clinton on Monday of the death of San Diego, Texas.
Plight Lieutenant Frank roster, C Miss Edna Pennebaker leaves on
son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam roster of Saturday to spend: a month with
Goderich, formerly of town. Frank Toronto friends.
was about twenty-six years of age
was born in, Clinton and. attended --�--
both public and high school here.
;After the family moved to Godet'ich THE CLINTON NEW ERA
he became a student at Goder4ch August 3001; 1917.
Miss Winnie O'Neil returned home
from her holiday trip on Saturday and
is once more "on the job" at the Hub
Miss ,Amy Hellyar is holidaying at
School Impede,: Dr. Field of Gode-
rich was in town on Saturday.
Miss Violet Argent has accepted a
position ,at Hensail during the fall
millinery season. '
Miss Eva Stephenson has returnee!
to Port Arthur where she will teach
this hall.
Word was received on Tuesday
morning by Mr. W. Doherty that Pte.
G. Victor Doherty, who went over-
seas with the 46th 'Battalion of Cal-
gary, had been wounded at the Battle
of Lame. The young soldier got into
the trenches about July 15th. Al Doh-
erty who was wounded some time
ago, is now in the Canadian, Hospital
Collegiate. He attended Tomato
University for three years and then
went to Regina to study law. He was
a brilliant student and took a very
!ugh standing at his examinations
there. He was in his last year in l'an'
when he felt his: country's call and
enlisted last August in the Royal Air
Mrs. Envoy Wright
11 a.m. -- Morning Worship
2.30 p.m. — Sunday School'•
7 pan. =- Salvation Meeting
Rev. A. E. Silver, Pastor
11 a.m. Sunday School.
7"p.m.—Evening Worship
The Young People meet each
Monday evening .at 8 p.m.
Rev; G. W. Moore, LTh.
11 a.m. 'Morning Prayer.
10.80 a.m. Sunday Sohool..
7 pen.—Evening Prayer.
[}ev. G.• G. Borten. id.A., B:D.
10 a.tn, Sunday School.
11 a•xn.—Divine Worship
2.00 pan. Turner's Church Se
vice and Sunday School
7 p.m. Evening Worship
Rev. Andrew Lane, •.B.A., B.D.
11 a.m.--Divine • Worship
7 .,p.m. -•=Evening Worsiup.
Sunday School at eonelasion
morning service. •
Bartliff. - points, the young couple will take up
Mr. Charlie Cantelon was in Tor-. their residence in Clinton on Albert
onto :over the week -end. He is leaving; street. Mrs. Ball is a native of Olin-
the Molsan's Bank in a week or so ; ten and among a wide eircle of friends
for another position• l is held in the .very highest esteem,
i while Dr. Ball is one of the most pope
Mrs, %,en Anderson of Dungannon ,Tar men about town and a rising man
spent the week with Mrs, Argent and in his profession,
also friends in Helmesville, Mr, J. T. Bremerton ,who has con -
Mr. Thomas Jackson made a busi- dnoted a barber shop More successfully
mese trip to Toronto this week. for several years, disposed of his busi-
\ ness yesterday and leaves today for
Goderieh Township News: Miss Bruce county on a prospecting trip.
Violet Laithewaite has returned from His successor is Mr. Ed. Mutsu, who
Toronto where she 'spent two weeks has conducted a barber shop. in Gode-
at the millinery_ openings. She goes rich for several years. Mr. Munro
next week to Mitchell to take charge liked the county town much., but hits
of the millinery department of a store better half, who is a daughter of Mr.
there.- Misses Jean Hudie, Nina Driv- g Fitzsimmons likes Clinton still
er and Maud, Thompson Left this week more, hence they will locate hese.
for Toronto en a: month's visit to the Rumball and McMath turned out
of M B W'llings They first cushioned t' d buggy last
1.1•11•10.. 04,11
War• is hard on the old. It very he
Women In Wartime i o ten kips them because, I thixtk, of the
iii ' al s enk
isolation. Yet, psychoiogte y p
I ing, older women do not feel this
war as acutely as the young. They
by Phyllis Bottome here) are in modern warfare have cannot be mach changed by it.
never been, and are not now, beit g ' .They grumble at rations and gtte-
Any impression of the war psycho! -1 ,
o of women is predoomed to fail -
trainer.. for aggressive war action. nes; fill in forms, shut up homes or
g5 They get neither the hammer -and- keep them together as absences ani$
oro if it deals 'with waren in the tongs stimulus, nor the hammer -and- financial exigencies demand; and do
tongs onslaught on their nerves. to not have to change any of their basis
whieh war exposes their brothers. !values.
The mental image of war is, as it But the young girl has not yet eea-
lump. There are as many way6 of
taking war as there are women t:t
tak e it.
What a woman thinks and: feels were a less personal matter, and foa.
about the war will affect her physi-. ed them, has not consolidated then
this reason perhaps women are more
dally just as it affects her psycho e , with. the years. In this particular way,
at the mercy of its, flat horrors. They
gically. And it is incontrovertibly true ; that .she has to make a new world
cannot escape into skill and excite-,
that there ass certain main differ- at the Very take
rthat she goes out
meat from grief, anxiety and the per-
ences between haw War affects we- into it to take her part in this war,
peens! tmnatuiahress of human be -
men and how it affects men. I believept that' it is harder far her
ings setting'out to kill each other than perhaps for her eider sisters;
Women, though exposed to danger professionally. ; although she nmy have. lower eme-
Oa the ether hand women are far ttiopal stakes,
nearer skill, and excitement in this f Women not the Worse for Work
0n any other, and far closer I " She is. at the -age when it is natur-
died these values or, if .she has reach -
horse Mrs. Benson t • drain n st sus gone ere
week. it was bought by Mr. J. W. Hill as all noncombatants (especially` ever.
will also visit Niagara, Hamilton seed
other points. Mi. Les Cox of the 7th' who is very much pleased with his --
eoneession, had hard luck last week purchase. Medicine Hat for the past year and' a war than,
to England and is having electrical a 3year old filly got tangled,
hand ,whish when of the music shore has: half returned home on Tuesday. His to their brothers. The three women's al to her to pin, consciously or unoon-
treatment for his left up in a barb wire fence and was cut C. Hoare
h ttered recently. snit! sold Pine cabinet grand pian- � residence, in the ranching country has services talk the same lingo, are in• ' sciouxty; her hopes en a new lifelong
was s �z Y up. pretty ,hardly. Blood -poisoning set lee lr %rel p
es to R. Graham and A. Wilkes of much impressed him with its posh valved often m the sinus c
Mrs. Edda', formerly Miss Isabel in and the animal died after a day town, and Miss Ella M. Patterson of ilaties.
Foote. of Beaver Mines', Alta., is vis-- or so. " -Auburn, and organs to W. H. Jenkins Mr. John Caninghame, our popular
sting her sister, Mrs. C, B. Hale. d res ected derzoh town need of
. roam: the house Another of the old an p and John Rothwell of Go express agent. having felt themental horizons are pushed basil to to ea -operate with a hfepar
Improvements in residents of Flnlleti township passed
ship and) William Cimingheme fol
1 costae
actions, and ationshis . She has had no time ye
skirt the fringes, if they do not pats- to make a long and understanding ex-
tieipate in the actual battlefields up perience out of a rnan�s companionship
on which their brothers fight, Their and just when she should be learning
°f recruiting his health, took aaWan-
include airplanes; tanks, ships. is forced . into a series of short and
of Mis? A J. Holloway is being re- his reward in. the person of James borne. • J ' Elliott is having Cage of the farmers' ea.curston to the often tnolent emottona is that
hi hisnhied; Mr. sok after aro llness eaten ni.3 over sera! train consisting of 23 car- - While there he will be Nevertheiless many women, above '
home shingled;; the double house Reid' I Asp , nortluwest, sho well knows may, havo no per -
some months,., during which tiro ho loads of expert cattle was sent out the guest of his nephew,' Mr., Thee. all the older women in the generation miscue issue. .She knows that she.
Taylorred as be G. newly shingled.
Mr. A. w s f Callender near Hartne . Miss Flom- of mothers, ' feel very isolated. They
has been shTebbdt • t whose y i may never either keep her new friend
lairs. Richard Sanderson and at anti M kr
Mr and Mas Wallgate Tebbutt of office to and struggle with death that is
Sask. attended the Plenty ntovm to Cleveland Oivio, when a are rn charge h P t ew k1e i I doubt very much if either women
Druid, g th d 1 task of h ey
Fair, and out of 12 entries took 11 - f yin -
peizes. Mee. Tebbutt got 3rd•. prize
for 10 lbs mock of butter; and 2nd
prize of 5 one lb prints, Mr. Tebbutt
got three firsts and one second' foe
grain; three firsts, one second •and.
one third for horses. Mr. Tebbwtt is
a brother of 14Irs. A. Wilkin of town.
Mr. H B• Chant superintendent of
I the Public Utilities, iv in Toronto' this
o! ' week attending the big Hydro mpet-
a tinder• the care of his daughter, ` o Dunton on Monday.
•f Mrs. H. Andrews is thinking of
home he passed away.. h, r
son Rmrhus holds a lucratice position
When 'l'he Present ('etti;ttry' Wirth a large hardr'are firm. '
Mr. and Mrs. S. 'J. Andretws return-
Was Young ed home oro Thursday night last from;
a fortnighttis visit among friends in
CORA- the states of Miohigan aid, Ohio. In
August 28th 1902 Ohio there,exists a surpassing tgnor-
ed i tools anoe of 'Canada eo we take for grant-
A. quiett and pretty' w ting ed.that: Mr. Andrews, who is n tthor-
pude at the Dowzer residetiee en. the ongh Britisher,:• enlightened: the em-'
cornier himss a ange
of Pr nd Or simei s 'hives somewhat en the extent and`re-
at high noon on Tuesday when Miss
i e McKinnon, who is a` Nellie Dowzer became the bride of
nurse in -training at the Toronto Gen- Di.•Nelson- Ball. ' The ceremou iVas
.Mess Louts
' . t'K 55uus rJIfesRiv max W eeuu l era! Hosp ..- . ---- - -- -- - - -
`Scicooi 1d •iron.' her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc1Kin- tthe happy event Was witnessed- by
nom at the Rattenbury '.Howse. only the itnmedilrte' relatives ams!
l�7orshiF Saralee 11 a.tii.
3 p.m. Worship Servide at Bayfield Miss Lizzie Cardiff of Brussels' friend's, After spending their honeys-
2 t,,m,-.- Sniaday School. Ba fl td. is the guest of hen.• sister, Mxs. Hetta^y' moan in Toronto, Buffalo ansl other
with nerionned, by RSV. SteVAtirt end
sources off the land of 'the maple
Mrs •Tames I ttcih, Master ,.arms
acid Miss Della slsent the lattter part
of last week with Mes. Pinch is sis-
ter, Mrs. _Chas Lowery of Mullett.
Mr. Frank Fair, who iiaa .been at
is G rden Ouninghame cannot share the hand-to-hand, mind- -or understand pini.
of t e ex gess o ice in -m' er en ser
has absence, e dal y • of giou are.much the wotse or g0
�e1Lt eff frtne this nenv speed and skill - in inane ties or oeoupatione
Mr. Jaeab Sheppard left as Tuesday pian and cannot enter the charmed.g ' work on the lands or in mond
for his home near Oil Springs after circle of its hourly hopes and fears.
tion factories. They are well fed,.
order to
having lived for nearly two years with.
members of his family in this distxittb.
Misses Sterrrh and McKown of New-
combe'e millinery department return- fate. Man has lost his helpmate • whenearly to bed ilii! gotierul' discipline
,ed last evening' from Lindero where lire takes up the sword.; and Inc help- l may be a shock .at first far the"par
they inti been attending the millinery male: is forever Ede -Mese wvthout her peed gni, but if she wants to help
pastries' man.. I she will• final the
openings.' p n the war effort,
mars,Iowa,Albont the last •War women, could • dsudgary of training no worse than
mt. Joie, Bogen on Le `be intelligent elli ent ev n though they did any ether career-aegnirindrudgery;
not p'artiopate, but now only those" and, indeed, in many ways far, eagle—
e—wer—ten who . actually participate in because rf'•the wear sv organized, the.
finor priming the weapons. of leisure Pentode are eonnpi'etely fsbe.
orgg p g
One of the Worst brutalities sof physically drilled, and live in ietean, if
war is that men and women are not harder, conditions than, 'some of them
equally. exposed to the blows of are 'accustomed to enjoy. Early rising
who with his daughter Lillian hos
been the guest for it tixrie of his brio'-
thets-in,law,dVlessrs G
end Hugh
where a f vier" cit s tivitrea, can intelligently
Ohio, Rev, Q, Bogen, far a few y try share it, (continued on page 6).
Rorke left en Monday far heSandusky,
will . it his bretthee war or carrying en its workshop ao- Here again, we must call .on the
r _
QT'S be brutally frank: The man or woman who buys a —the tilt of a ship's deck under your feet as it slides to
•1-d Victory Bond or Certificate to save face, then sells it— Davey Jones. No one is asking you to leave your favorite
except in case of dire necessity—is a welsher. chair tonight and fly over. Germany. None of these things
is asked of you.
True, there is no law which says you cannot sell your
All you are asked to do is to lend to your Country*
Victory Bonds or Certificates. It is nota legal obligation
Canada—lend at interest all the money you can possibly
that you keep them for the duration. But there is a moral
spare to provide the tools for those men who are fighting your
promise to make a loan to your Country for the War period:
To evade that undertaking through sale, at this time of fight. You are not expected to deprive yourself to the extent
great need, is to welsh—it is the denial of an obligation that you must live below the level of ordinary decency.
which you admitted and accepted by your act of purchase: But if you think you ace doing your part by buying Victory
-. ^art,
•i K,t+ia Bonds only to sell them—then, you had better take yourself
i`""0.-,.. Your Countrydoes not ask you to deny yourself those into a dark room and ask yourself some soul-searching
"•z necessarythings which make for decent living,thatyou may questions..Ask yourself what you ate doing to protect your
.,t :; ; buy Victory Bonds and Certificates. But the voice of Public loved ones, your Country, and your way of .life.
Opinion does say that those persons who now insist on the ,
unnecessary luxuries of life are not themselves decent, If you do this we know what the answer will be. We
know bedause the men and women of Canada are inherently
ig,r, `'•s Of course—you have no immediate cause for worry No decent people. They value the good opinion and respect
.."' one will ask you to cross the beach and climb the cliffs of of friends and neighbors. But most important is the fact
Dieppe. You are not in a slit trench with Stake Dive -Bombers that we Canadians value out own self-respect. We ask
showering death about you. The blazing sun of Africa—. charity from none—we assume out obligation to work and
the wind -driven sands—will never cut and blister your skin lend. So there can1only be one answer—you will hold your
until every exposed part of your body becomes a festering Victory Bonds and Certificates for the duration except in
sore. No—you will never feel the vibrant crash of a torpedo cases of extreme necessity.
-- --- .6031.BOVV.9.1.1141.1905ISLIETIMINSOIMINIMS
Bartliff. - points, the young couple will take up
Mr. Charlie Cantelon was in Tor-. their residence in Clinton on Albert
onto :over the week -end. He is leaving; street. Mrs. Ball is a native of Olin-
the Molsan's Bank in a week or so ; ten and among a wide eircle of friends
for another position• l is held in the .very highest esteem,
i while Dr. Ball is one of the most pope
Mrs, %,en Anderson of Dungannon ,Tar men about town and a rising man
spent the week with Mrs, Argent and in his profession,
also friends in Helmesville, Mr, J. T. Bremerton ,who has con -
Mr. Thomas Jackson made a busi- dnoted a barber shop More successfully
mese trip to Toronto this week. for several years, disposed of his busi-
\ ness yesterday and leaves today for
Goderieh Township News: Miss Bruce county on a prospecting trip.
Violet Laithewaite has returned from His successor is Mr. Ed. Mutsu, who
Toronto where she 'spent two weeks has conducted a barber shop. in Gode-
at the millinery_ openings. She goes rich for several years. Mr. Munro
next week to Mitchell to take charge liked the county town much., but hits
of the millinery department of a store better half, who is a daughter of Mr.
there.- Misses Jean Hudie, Nina Driv- g Fitzsimmons likes Clinton still
er and Maud, Thompson Left this week more, hence they will locate hese.
for Toronto en a: month's visit to the Rumball and McMath turned out
of M B W'llings They first cushioned t' d buggy last
1.1•11•10.. 04,11
War• is hard on the old. It very he
Women In Wartime i o ten kips them because, I thixtk, of the
iii ' al s enk
isolation. Yet, psychoiogte y p
I ing, older women do not feel this
war as acutely as the young. They
by Phyllis Bottome here) are in modern warfare have cannot be mach changed by it.
never been, and are not now, beit g ' .They grumble at rations and gtte-
Any impression of the war psycho! -1 ,
o of women is predoomed to fail -
trainer.. for aggressive war action. nes; fill in forms, shut up homes or
g5 They get neither the hammer -and- keep them together as absences ani$
oro if it deals 'with waren in the tongs stimulus, nor the hammer -and- financial exigencies demand; and do
tongs onslaught on their nerves. to not have to change any of their basis
whieh war exposes their brothers. !values.
The mental image of war is, as it But the young girl has not yet eea-
lump. There are as many way6 of
taking war as there are women t:t
tak e it.
What a woman thinks and: feels were a less personal matter, and foa.
about the war will affect her physi-. ed them, has not consolidated then
this reason perhaps women are more
dally just as it affects her psycho e , with. the years. In this particular way,
at the mercy of its, flat horrors. They
gically. And it is incontrovertibly true ; that .she has to make a new world
cannot escape into skill and excite-,
that there ass certain main differ- at the Very take
rthat she goes out
meat from grief, anxiety and the per-
ences between haw War affects we- into it to take her part in this war,
peens! tmnatuiahress of human be -
men and how it affects men. I believept that' it is harder far her
ings setting'out to kill each other than perhaps for her eider sisters;
Women, though exposed to danger professionally. ; although she nmy have. lower eme-
Oa the ether hand women are far ttiopal stakes,
nearer skill, and excitement in this f Women not the Worse for Work
0n any other, and far closer I " She is. at the -age when it is natur-
died these values or, if .she has reach -
horse Mrs. Benson t • drain n st sus gone ere
week. it was bought by Mr. J. W. Hill as all noncombatants (especially` ever.
will also visit Niagara, Hamilton seed
other points. Mi. Les Cox of the 7th' who is very much pleased with his --
eoneession, had hard luck last week purchase. Medicine Hat for the past year and' a war than,
to England and is having electrical a 3year old filly got tangled,
hand ,whish when of the music shore has: half returned home on Tuesday. His to their brothers. The three women's al to her to pin, consciously or unoon-
treatment for his left up in a barb wire fence and was cut C. Hoare
h ttered recently. snit! sold Pine cabinet grand pian- � residence, in the ranching country has services talk the same lingo, are in• ' sciouxty; her hopes en a new lifelong
was s �z Y up. pretty ,hardly. Blood -poisoning set lee lr %rel p
es to R. Graham and A. Wilkes of much impressed him with its posh valved often m the sinus c
Mrs. Edda', formerly Miss Isabel in and the animal died after a day town, and Miss Ella M. Patterson of ilaties.
Foote. of Beaver Mines', Alta., is vis-- or so. " -Auburn, and organs to W. H. Jenkins Mr. John Caninghame, our popular
sting her sister, Mrs. C, B. Hale. d res ected derzoh town need of
. roam: the house Another of the old an p and John Rothwell of Go express agent. having felt themental horizons are pushed basil to to ea -operate with a hfepar
Improvements in residents of Flnlleti township passed
ship and) William Cimingheme fol
1 costae
actions, and ationshis . She has had no time ye
skirt the fringes, if they do not pats- to make a long and understanding ex-
tieipate in the actual battlefields up perience out of a rnan�s companionship
on which their brothers fight, Their and just when she should be learning
°f recruiting his health, took aaWan-
include airplanes; tanks, ships. is forced . into a series of short and
of Mis? A J. Holloway is being re- his reward in. the person of James borne. • J ' Elliott is having Cage of the farmers' ea.curston to the often tnolent emottona is that
hi hisnhied; Mr. sok after aro llness eaten ni.3 over sera! train consisting of 23 car- - While there he will be Nevertheiless many women, above '
home shingled;; the double house Reid' I Asp , nortluwest, sho well knows may, havo no per -
some months,., during which tiro ho loads of expert cattle was sent out the guest of his nephew,' Mr., Thee. all the older women in the generation miscue issue. .She knows that she.
Taylorred as be G. newly shingled.
Mr. A. w s f Callender near Hartne . Miss Flom- of mothers, ' feel very isolated. They
has been shTebbdt • t whose y i may never either keep her new friend
lairs. Richard Sanderson and at anti M kr
Mr and Mas Wallgate Tebbutt of office to and struggle with death that is
Sask. attended the Plenty ntovm to Cleveland Oivio, when a are rn charge h P t ew k1e i I doubt very much if either women
Druid, g th d 1 task of h ey
Fair, and out of 12 entries took 11 - f yin -
peizes. Mee. Tebbutt got 3rd•. prize
for 10 lbs mock of butter; and 2nd
prize of 5 one lb prints, Mr. Tebbutt
got three firsts and one second' foe
grain; three firsts, one second •and.
one third for horses. Mr. Tebbwtt is
a brother of 14Irs. A. Wilkin of town.
Mr. H B• Chant superintendent of
I the Public Utilities, iv in Toronto' this
o! ' week attending the big Hydro mpet-
a tinder• the care of his daughter, ` o Dunton on Monday.
•f Mrs. H. Andrews is thinking of
home he passed away.. h, r
son Rmrhus holds a lucratice position
When 'l'he Present ('etti;ttry' Wirth a large hardr'are firm. '
Mr. and Mrs. S. 'J. Andretws return-
Was Young ed home oro Thursday night last from;
a fortnighttis visit among friends in
CORA- the states of Miohigan aid, Ohio. In
August 28th 1902 Ohio there,exists a surpassing tgnor-
ed i tools anoe of 'Canada eo we take for grant-
A. quiett and pretty' w ting ed.that: Mr. Andrews, who is n tthor-
pude at the Dowzer residetiee en. the ongh Britisher,:• enlightened: the em-'
cornier himss a ange
of Pr nd Or simei s 'hives somewhat en the extent and`re-
at high noon on Tuesday when Miss
i e McKinnon, who is a` Nellie Dowzer became the bride of
nurse in -training at the Toronto Gen- Di.•Nelson- Ball. ' The ceremou iVas
.Mess Louts
' . t'K 55uus rJIfesRiv max W eeuu l era! Hosp ..- . ---- - -- -- - - -
`Scicooi 1d •iron.' her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc1Kin- tthe happy event Was witnessed- by
nom at the Rattenbury '.Howse. only the itnmedilrte' relatives ams!
l�7orshiF Saralee 11 a.tii.
3 p.m. Worship Servide at Bayfield Miss Lizzie Cardiff of Brussels' friend's, After spending their honeys-
2 t,,m,-.- Sniaday School. Ba fl td. is the guest of hen.• sister, Mxs. Hetta^y' moan in Toronto, Buffalo ansl other
with nerionned, by RSV. SteVAtirt end
sources off the land of 'the maple
Mrs •Tames I ttcih, Master ,.arms
acid Miss Della slsent the lattter part
of last week with Mes. Pinch is sis-
ter, Mrs. _Chas Lowery of Mullett.
Mr. Frank Fair, who iiaa .been at
is G rden Ouninghame cannot share the hand-to-hand, mind- -or understand pini.
of t e ex gess o ice in -m' er en ser
has absence, e dal y • of giou are.much the wotse or g0
�e1Lt eff frtne this nenv speed and skill - in inane ties or oeoupatione
Mr. Jaeab Sheppard left as Tuesday pian and cannot enter the charmed.g ' work on the lands or in mond
for his home near Oil Springs after circle of its hourly hopes and fears.
tion factories. They are well fed,.
order to
having lived for nearly two years with.
members of his family in this distxittb.
Misses Sterrrh and McKown of New-
combe'e millinery department return- fate. Man has lost his helpmate • whenearly to bed ilii! gotierul' discipline
,ed last evening' from Lindero where lire takes up the sword.; and Inc help- l may be a shock .at first far the"par
they inti been attending the millinery male: is forever Ede -Mese wvthout her peed gni, but if she wants to help
pastries' man.. I she will• final the
openings.' p n the war effort,
mars,Iowa,Albont the last •War women, could • dsudgary of training no worse than
mt. Joie, Bogen on Le `be intelligent elli ent ev n though they did any ether career-aegnirindrudgery;
not p'artiopate, but now only those" and, indeed, in many ways far, eagle—
e—wer—ten who . actually participate in because rf'•the wear sv organized, the.
finor priming the weapons. of leisure Pentode are eonnpi'etely fsbe.
orgg p g
One of the Worst brutalities sof physically drilled, and live in ietean, if
war is that men and women are not harder, conditions than, 'some of them
equally. exposed to the blows of are 'accustomed to enjoy. Early rising
who with his daughter Lillian hos
been the guest for it tixrie of his brio'-
thets-in,law,dVlessrs G
end Hugh
where a f vier" cit s tivitrea, can intelligently
Ohio, Rev, Q, Bogen, far a few y try share it, (continued on page 6).
Rorke left en Monday far heSandusky,
will . it his bretthee war or carrying en its workshop ao- Here again, we must call .on the