HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-08-27, Page 5THURS., AUG. 27, 1942 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5,..' THE CLINTON LIONS CLUB SPONSOR Clinton ,Red Cross Annual Frolic GAMES — DANCING -- TRAIN in CLINTON on FRIDAY NSept. 4th TOTAL NET PROCEEDS TO 'RED CROSS FRANK FINGLAND, ICC„ KEN. 'WATERS, Chairman of Frolic. • President Clinton Lions Club. MRS. JOHN RADFORJ), MRS. FRANK FINGLAND, MISS DOROTHY MUTCH, Presidents of Red Cross Society. -AUBTJRN M. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson, and ,daughter Karan of Galt spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. L Wil- son, .Gilbert Hay of the R.C.A.F, Mame- Mg' e Pool spent the week end with his sp nele and aunt, Mr. and Mss. J. C. toltz. :Miss Annie .MeCool has ?returned to may God be with you to guide and bouquet was red roses. Miss Gertrude Linton after a two, weeks Visit With protect you and bring yott safely. Bond. sister of the' bride, acted as er daughter Mrs. W. T, Robison ,and "home' again,• bridesmaid. The groom was attended r. Robison. Signed on behalf of your neighbors by Lloyd Bond hrother of the bride. Mr, Reginald Asquith has returned and friends. The young. couple left for an extend'- Ed. Deihl Reg. „Miller, Kenneth ed trip to the Prairie Provinces, the o Montreal after a visit with his par- Steeps, Clarence Perdue. its Mr. and Mrs'. Chas Alstjuith. Private Charles Beadle of Kitchen- • spent the weekend with friends gifts ` as a . ?mall token of the . high regard and esteem in which you are- hdld by us. May they serve, not only the purp usefor which they were e in- tended, but also as a link binding us to you, that no matter in what part of the world 'you may find yourself. theirpresence mayassure you that our thoughts and good wishes are with you. And until this cruel war is over WEDDINGS QUACK.ENBUSH- BEZZO A pretty but quiet wedding took place in Welland on August 8th' at the River road manse when Rev. F. A. -Sayles united in marriage, Myrtle Kathleen, the eldest daughter of .Mr. and Mrs, William G. Bezzo of Clin- ton and Mr. Howard Keith Quacken- bush of Belleview. The beide was gowned in white satin covered- with white net. chapel veil and carried a bouquet of mixed gladioli, They were unattended. , Immediately after the. ceremony a buffet luncheon• was•held at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. George Weikel:. Mr. and Mrs Quackenbush will reside in Welland. HOUGHTON = BOND. The marriage of Olive Bernice Bond, Reg. N„ daughter ;of Mr. and Mrs. A.. EL Bond, Goderich township, and Lawrence Nelson Houghton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Houghton. solemn - Sty f Saskatchewan, che was Ca2nduf kt an w Sty f�f ower CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Ca V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 68w and 66j , Poultry Culling Now that the big harvest rteelh is over it will no doubt be 'culling time fur agroodmany flocks of laying ized Aug. 20, at the Ontario Street. Some will want to get their early put; United Church, Clinton, with Rev, G. lets into their laying pens to obtain G. Burton officiating. The bride, given the better egg prices. e father, wore a in marriage her a i? by , ttreet length, frofdlt of j1iusty mole Culling done by an experienced crepe with white accessories and her poultrynsan, N. W. TREWARTHA e Sergeant. Jas, .Huston left on Moil ay for Halifax after a few days visit ith his parents Mr. and Mrs. John uston. At Knox 'Preebyteiian •Church on unday morning. Rev. A. N. Boyle an- ounced that he had received a call to aledon and Claude in the Presbytery Orangeville. The call will be dealt ith at a meeting of Huron Pres- ytery on Sept 8rd. During the severe electrical storm turday evening Mr. R. A. Munro's ore was struck with lightning splitt-. g the chimney and blowing out all le fuses in the store. Miss Ruth Wilson of Brussels' is siting friends here. Mr. M. Arthur is visiting friends in Linton. On Saturday evening Mrs. John aithby fell in her home, Mrs. Raith- ie 75 and llves alone. Her cries r help were heard by some neigh - ors who went to her help. She'cOvas ken by am'bulm ce to Clinton hos- ital where an Xray revealed, the leg roken in three places. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided for the ugust meeting of the Women's In- titute. A letter was read from Mrs. orlon Bissett regarding a tag day bride travelling in a grey tweed coat The S S', No 4 Unit of the Red with black accessories. On -their re. Cross met at the home of Mrs, H. M.e.. turn they will reside in Toronto. Oartney for the Aug. meeting. There e •V were 10 members and 3 visitors pre- McGUFFINr-OAUGHLIN sent. The president presided and the A former member of St. George's meeting 'opened by singing, 0 Canada, Public School teaching staff spoke her followed by the Lord's Prayer. The vows at St. Like's -in -the -Garden, By - sedately read the minutes of the pre- ron, on Saturday. afternoon, when vious meeting and the treasurer's re- Evelyn May Caughlin became the port showed a balance of $76.79. Roll bride of Thomas Wilmer McGuffin. call was answered by telling our ways B. A., Miss Caughlin retired frons St. of saving pennies --e penny saved is a1 George's staff this year. penny earned. After the business sec- ( The ceremony 'was, solemnized et tion of the meeting, work was distri 2.30 •o'clock. with Canon Quintin War- r off]ciatfn bated. A quilt was quilted. The roll I The bride wore a pretty gown et ! last week call next month, is to be answered by 1 each member bringing 25 cents. This white ombroidered sheer with long Misses Josephine and Maucl,Stirling money to be used for filling cum- bishop sleeves and a full fleeing skirt and Mrs. M. MaKenzie attended the fort bags for the navy. The meeting' failing in deep folds from e shirred marriage of their niece Miss Marion closed by singing the National An- waistline. A veil of white illusion McLaren to Lieut Walter Harley Ma - them. Lunch was served by Mrs. Mc- caught with an ostrich plume andc a son, in Port Elgin .on Saturday. Cartney and Mrso Roy Room.bouquet of red roses and baby's Mr. and Mrs: Norman Tome return breath completed the lovely ensemble. ed to Detroit on Sunday after spend - Miss Alice L. Hastings spent the I The bride's cousin, Miss Lillian ing the past week with the former's past week in Goderich visiting friends Caughlin, was is attendance and wore mother Mrs. E, Toms. • One amateur farmer is letting the blue net over taffeta with a head- Mrs. E. Featherston returned home birds of the air and the furry animals 'dress of the sante materials trimmed on Saturday after spending, a few of the woods harvest his crop. Why with .streamers: She carried pink days in Toronto. not let the Recl Cross salvage it? carnations and snapdragons. George Mr. and Mrs. Claude Robbins and A heavy rain Saturday night flood- Caughlin and Harold McGuffin were small daughter Claudia of Detroit ed several homes here. No damage ' ushers. H. Churcher played the organ. were the guests of Mrs. 3. McLeod was done, only the carpets fn the I A reception was held, 'at the home over the weekend. homes being wet. of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Miss. Inez Covert and Miss Anne There is a bountiful crop of thimble Caughlin. Later the bridal couple Loucks of Detroit are the guests of berries this -year. • left on a trip north, the bride tray.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wightman. Large flocks of crows are destroy- eying in a zinnia red two-piece dress Dr. Win, Tillman acid daughter Mrs. ing the early apples and pears. with black accessories. - J. Mahar and babe of London are An early fall is predicted:They will live in Clinton. ) spending some time at the Tillman ( The groom is the son of. Mrs. MC- Cottage. -• Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Storage Now is the Time to Store Peaches, thimble berries and corn. We Have Waxed Containers Have you tried our farmer's sausage, Also ground steak at 25c lb. We have many kinds of fish for sale. yyE DO CUSTOM KILLING AND BUY HIDES Frozen foods are better foods BA 'F1ELD Miss Joyce Walker of Wingham visited Miss Jo Anne Cuninghame Rev. George Thompson of Iientville, Gttffin and the late T, I. McGutfin; of ! Mrs. M. Touts returned home on r the blind. Mrs. 0. A. Howson Miss Nova Scotia, and Rev. John Thontp- argaret Icing and Mrs, Ted Ross son of Stratford, spent part of their • Ettrick% 1 Tuesday after spending a few days in ere appointed to see after holding a holidays with their parents Mr. and! V 1 Goderich with her sister Mrs. E. Wes- tg day. This being children's day the Mrs. Harry J. Thompson, Sprueedale Missing After Dieppe Raid ton. Bowing program was presented by Farrn. George returned to N. S.. on' Mr. and Mrs. Harter Dalrymple' of Rev. and Mrs, John Graham and: e children. ' Instrumental, M:u•ie ' ( family returned on Wednesday after Thursday in preparation to move to Brucefield received notification this aithby; recitation, Wellington Me -This new parish at Truro, N. S.,.tivhere :week that their son. Lance�Coiparal' spending a few days at the Angle- all; solo, Marion Taylor; recitation, i he will take •oharge October 6., W. R. (Bob) Dalrymple of the Royal can Cant). at Kintail, arilyn Scott; duet Jack and. Garth - Mr. end Mrs; Fred Davison of De- cKnight, recitation, Carl Beadle, The family of Mrs. A. B. Stephen-'; Canadian Engineers is missing as .a troit are visiting the former's moth- bbie Yungblut; duet John and Billy son ilei at the home of Mr. 11 L. er Nlrs. K. Davison. resordo rt of the history -making Comman- aid of Dieppe early last Wednee-! • ars; recitation Betty Yungblut; solo Stephenson on Sunday to celebrate the, day. ! Lieut. Ted Hart; R. GN,V,R., is nen Haggett. recitation' Dolly .birthday of their mother, Mrs. Doug- spending his leave with his mother elle; Instrumental Betty Craig; las Wheeler and son Douglas of Park Mrs, E. N. Hart, at their suimner et John Killough and Glen Yung- hill, remained !far a longer visit. Killed in Dieppe Fight cotage. " it, recitation . 'Douglas , Yungblut; . Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Welsh, Mr. and The following article refers to Opl. Sick Bay Attendant, James Dewar. et Emma and Shirley Robertson.; Mrs. Wilbur Welsh and family, 'and Percy East, who: was killed in the raid R,O.N.V.R., is spending his leave with itation Lloyd McOlinehey;" duet Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Rathwell and on Dieppe last Wednesday and was his parents Mr. and Mrs. David De - .ie Raithby and Elaine Johnston, I daughter were' guests on Sunday :of a grandson of the late Edward East, war, ' The singing of the National Anthem Mr and Mrs. Nixon Welsh at their. of Hulled Township. Older residents I Pte. Stewart Sturgeon of H. L. I. ought the meeting to a erase. Sand- summer bouts ' in Turnbuli's Grovel of town willremember the East fans- ',Niagara on the lake spent the week ches and cookies were served by theY ly; there were six . sisters and five end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. stases Miss Josephine Weir, Mrs. brothers ,Thomas, Edward, Henry., . Sturgeon. Bradnock, Mrs. S. H. Johnston and William and. George. In the late Ede. • Corporal Borden Clarke returned s. J. J. Washington. ward East's fancily there' are three this week fror Helena, Men., where he sons, Norman of Hulled, Charles bad been under going special training. of Auburn and' E. Percy of Stratford,' Mrs. Grant Turner spent last week The young heroe's father is' in London, • Percy East of Stratford ail i Miss Jeanne Dunne returned home inspector of engines on the. Cana- on Tuesday last after spending a few dian National Railways.'Ms, S. West days in London, of Clinton is a cousin of the :deceased. I V — A hero of Dieppe, „Corporal, Clar- ence Percy East son of Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Papineau of the t .36 Mc ab street,paid home on leave. Pte. McCullough is Strathroy are spending ?few days the supreme sacrifice overseas while Five Goderich• men who contribute driver with the Royal Can adi�an ,,;;r,, Mrs Wm-Cal;•lse serving with the Essex Scottish Regi ed a total •Of $60 to an'<advertising meat of Windsor. Word that he. died scheme: after"a tratisient lrigIi-power' CONSTANCE Miss Jean Anderson of Montreal is spending her holidays at the home of ODERICH TOWNSHIP Me, and Mrs, 'Oliver Anderson. About one hundred and fifty friends Mr. and Mrs. Ilse McGaviny Miss d neighbors gathered at the home ]elle McCully, Mrs. Mary Clarke, had, Mr. and Mrs. Benson McCullough dinner with, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lind- Monday ind t Monday evening to present their say on Sunday and then spent Sunday , n'Private Howard McCullough with afternoon with Mr: and Mrs. EPh Goderich Businessmen Clarke and Mrs. Win. Clarke mal token of remembrance while he I ' •'RO,XY THEATRE (-terror( CAPITAL THEATRE GODE'RICH ; REGENT THEATRE STiAFOR'I•H hv Lit14Ai'Oi'- NEW1'UYY1Nu—"ti19 PIN"'— With Olsen and Johnson NOW,PLAYING— Jack Bein "CHARLIE'S AUNT" NOW PLAYING—Bruce Cabot in "WIi,'O BILL HICKOK RIDES' MON. TUES. WEB. Dorothy Lamour, William Holden and Jimany Dorsey's Or ch. Present a masicai tale of nautical shenani- ban's with the gobs and leather- necks. "The Fleets Ill" MON. TUES., WEP. Two Features Lupe Velez, Leon Errol, "Buddy" Rogers and, Za Su Pitts. A comedy guaranteed to ohase away the blues "•ritJt MEXICAN ss' EIKE'b BABY" Graeme Field's in "THE SHOW GOES ON" Mon., Tues., Wed.— Two Features Gloria Warren, Kay Francis and Walter Huston. A now suer: talented singing star debuts in a net sical romance. "Always In My Heart" ALSO—Gordon Harker in "Saloon Bar" THURS., FRI., SAT. Marlene Dietrich, Randolph Scott . and John Wayne. goxtray the hot-blooded characters in Rex Beach's most adventurous yarn: "The . Spoilers" THURS. FRI. SAT. Here Comes the greatest western hero :of them all izt the` thrill special of the Year. "Wild Bill Hickok Rides" Bruce Cabot, Constance Bennett, Warren William and Betty Brewer. TIMIS•, FRI,, SAT. Frances Farmer, Richard Dix and E,rod' Crawford, Action! Adventure! Thrills aplenty in this story of the old roaring West . "Badlands of Dakota" COMING—Henry Fonda and Olivia de Havilland in "The Male Animal' Col ING—"THIS ABOVE ALL" A Zanuck hit— 4VJUiit — Ann bnetauan in "JUKE GIRL" E. P. East, N ng ' SATURDAY SPECIALS SUEYS DATE LOAF FRIED CAKES TRY OUR;- CHOCOLATE CASES THEY ARE' SWELL. BARTLYFF'S PHONE 1 ' WE DELIVER WANTED .A. small house or apartment down- stairs with modern conveniences. Wanted about October lst. Apply to Box 39E, The News -Record, 07-1 HOBSON'S CHOICE \ C I Tomatoes andPeaches Fresh Fruits and Vegetables s in Season Grown Right—Picked Right Packed Right Make your sugar go farther by, buying fruit that is ripened on vine or trees. Phone Your Orders to 903r23 Notice to Farmers Owing to the gasoline and tire re- strictions I will be unable to call on my fertilizer customers this fall. So phone your orders in early and avoid disappointment as there will be no fer- tilizer in the warehouses this fall. B. 3. RATHWELL Phone 906r18 , , . R.R.No. 3, Clinton 07-1 Cars Damaged in Weekend Provinnial Traffic Officer Norman Lever was called out at 4 a.m. Sunday' to investigate an accident in which a car, driven by Ronald Treleaven, Dun- gannan, was damaged to the extent of about $150 Treleaven was:rettir'ning home from Kincardine and it is believed had fal- len asleep et the wheel at Glens Hill, where the car appears to have gone out of control. It left the road and continued for 150 feet,along the shoul- der and into the .ditch and ended up against a hydro pole, which was splin- tered by the impact. The driver escap- ed injury. On Saturday evening a truck driven by Elgin Fowler, R. R. 4, Goderich cawing grain to the mill at Benmil- lor ,backed into and damaged a car owned and driven by William Wat- son; R. R. 5 Goderich, causing con- i siderable damage to the latter veh- icle. Fowler was waiting to unload his truck when it seemed tho'brakes fail- I ed to hold. No personal injury result- ed. Officer Norman Lever warns that the observance of reasonable care in driving and avoidance of unneceisar- file late hours will prevent many acei- dents. V ny Service Corps in Nova Scotia, d returns there today for further)'' Ma •and Mrs. John Ferguson of Birder called, on Mr. and Mrs. Epli sting. After the address and presen- Clarice on Monday, tion Howard, in a few well chosen ode, expressed his thanks add ap- :; Miss Olive Grrimaldby spent the reciaton for the many gifts. Follow:weekettd at the home of her parents, g is the address. Mi. and Mrs. Robt Griinaldby. ^, ear Howard: ciwo Ado Force boys from.,Sky ,Har We, your friends and neighbors,' boar Airport made aforced landing in ave gathered here td niglit;t'ospend Mr; Walter.. Scott's' .grass, farm near few social hours with you. eW'e)the.village.on Sunday and caused uld, not let the o'peetunity. •;pass, quite a bit of exeltement • a Mout, in some. taagilde witya ex-; .. Mry` Eldest 'Adams; IS ' spending rosins our esteem for you. •• . • :"a 'few days'in Lond'oiu with relatives. }Imre nobl , nded!'•to the 'a'nd friendls.' You,Y responded �: • � King and Ceantr 'in their' Mi Mid Mrs W )ter -Sqt tt and 11 of your K g � their' >ia #. ,. ,„a our of need. This .wh`all 'kno}v re ,, an Mrs, :Lorne t.iaswson,;:were "in uires a good deal of 10 rai`tyrand` eeurr;:Loi}donuein;,Mondaty •.:, i • i ` rt i S. May this loyalty •and er�l}ragc,bg, Ma you along the .read waaeli.you., owe must travel. Wee would ssk,you to lacier `Chea)►. front gunshot wounds was received salesman• had called, en. thein have by his' parents Saturday. His wife, the now' asked authorities to' being back former•' Miss Verna.Morenz of Born- the alleged slicker on a charge of holm, received a cablegram from the fraud. ' Canadian' Casualties Officer Friday The;advertisin'g medium involved' is, night. a thermometer' on the sbu'th l� 'of Corporal East did not go everseas° the square. The thermometer heady with the main. battalion of:',the Es-' broken is',serrounded by',adventismg sex Scottish Regiment but' proceeded`• spaces tiite5whelc encased,in.a' metal to Britain last fall.. Iri thea' in`teriin fianm oi„ tude',4onstruction and crude lie had .be n servin on the instr ;tor- `] +ere ted. lit is not at all• satisfac- g ..: � „ � «, � y , ,. o • .- , • daughter 'el staff at,the battalldiis” ;.treareingr•tory and•cerbainly not the' eame;'sey ds liar' .. _ pi BRAY— iii {lin on : PublicH p , base.,at Camn.Bbide ,a d: fol arttme'the victims,-as''the glowing word -pad:, a r n . !ear -lie -Aga Sunday', A;u�ust 23rd, • to Mr. and n.gaged in regimenteleprevosti and re ; t�re r.ainted 14,,• the g1i;,b eale,sMan ' r; rd ra "ee Brussels, a ,, oea]' a s -who iitte4 + Mrs,.f C1tff $ y cr mt�ng 'duties: Even ']the 1 rtiL �t�> s #Ma :.so ,tsr+hdvi ,13G1ti'idsit i aStratfo oa Deceihb`et •Tri t e ; lveeiisr tarp' Born n rd 1i ,,� , ne• ;;�r�� ,sl�inlli , ; s• '> �' 1 • q h CALL, ii "O'a1 East has h ' h s `2 iii .s,., :,, rid 1. ,__,'a:`' 191- C i.i, h� rlotr�l� .� � , .Sa e- • t t 18 d r san a Miss Doris Lawson'rotiurii�id to"'Lib:=' year '<fe�a� received'hts e�ueaf{tolnlut ,,.,Tlus,tthermiiia+:eteds , kis . LEY—In Clinton mit Monday, ' `-'' "' '"` Shakespeare walla! ami at the Hees' above zera 'ni t and day, coat .DINS don•oQtrSvnday. after spendhng a week Shako pe ., p b g &� . . M rtita Jane Dtnsle st 24th,a n Sig- 'A t'-`skine.' — Goderich A.ugust it � Mrs,- Fail Stratford Colle'at,�-Vocational 'Inst of• h rain or With her- parents, AI a d g'i hot, MARRIAGES QUAC'ICIONBUSH-EEZZO--In Wel- land•, on Saturday August Sth, when the Revak", A. Sayles united in mar- riage, Myrtle Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bezzo, of Clinton, to Mr. Howard Keith Quak- enliush of Bell'eview. HOUGHTON—BOND—At the Ontar- io n'te - io Street United Church Clinton, on Saturday', August 20th. when Olive Bernice Bond, Reg. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bondy •of Gode- rich township, became the bride of •Lawrence Nelson Houghton, son of Mr.: 'and Mrs; C. N. Houghton of C'arnduff, Sask. Rev. G. G. Burton ' officiated: BIRTHS BAJRD: In Scott Memorial Hospital, •'Seafonbh: on.Monday, -August 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Baird of Brucefield, a son. POLLARD -3n Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Friday, August 14th, to Mr. and Mrk. George Pollard of Brus- sels, a daughter, . GOWIN•G --Iii,:'Q.linton Public Hospital on,Friday,•:August 21st, to Mi.' and y1:rsl,Car1, Goveing, of Brussels, a PEACHES FOR SALE a� -� �tcee tiwetgs MONUMENTS To those contemplating build- ing a 1Vlonument . . Get my prices ea before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton Ontario ' Successor to Bail & Zapfe 59 tf Order peaches ripened on the trees and get the best. Visitors to our or- chard welcomed. DELBERT GEIGER Phone 97x8 Zurich, Ont. 07-2 Lawson tate., teal Star. • in her 88th year. BONNY BEST TOMATOES for Table or Canning E. L. Mittel) CLINTON PHONE 213 Farm for Sale The faun of the late William Fear On Highway No. 4, is offered to sale to close his Estate: Well located near school ,and near Londesboro. Good buildings, bush !and good water. Ap- ply F. Fingland, IC.C., Clinton, Ontario 06-2 Auction Sale Of House and Furniture in Bay- field, on Saturday, August 29th,at 1.30 p.iu. sharp at the premises of Miss Mary Jane Taylor. .Complete line of furnishings, kitchen utensils, dishes. etc. , Terms: chattels— cash. Property will be sold, subject to e -reserve bid, with terns made known on day of sale. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Miss M.'3. Taylor, Proprietress 07-1 PHOTOGRAPHY I expect to leave shortly, for a few weeks trip to the western provinces, Any one thinking of passport pictures or other pictures', kindly aot promptly. J. B. LOBE 07-1 FOR SALE 1 two-year old Leicester ram or would exchange for an Oxford or a Dorest horn. Apply to Ken.' Stewart, Londesboro Phone 28-10 Blyth.' 07-1 FOR SALE One hundred' Rock -Hampshire Hy- brid Pullets. Ready to lay. Also one pure-bred Jersey cow, . - fresh August 14th. Phone 625r23. Mrs. Lyle Hill, Brucefield. 07-2 Electrical Equipment Shur Shock Eleotric Fences, cam. plete with Battery and Insulators $15.00 guaranteed. I carry a full line of radio tubes, ` • up to date tube tester, General bat- teries and Dominion Washing Mach, ines ,all electrical appliances and roofing supplies. A. Groves, Princ �i ntSt.. FOR SALE Good young Durham cow, with calf at foot. Apply to George. , C'olclovgh, R. R. 1 Clinton. , • 07-1 Make a Note of This Roy MacKenzie and his orchestra will be in CLINTON this SATURDAY NITE for sure — So for a swell time tell your pals "It's Town Hall Tonight"—Kids[ WESTERN ONTARIO MOTOR- WAYS LTD. BUS SERVICE Change of Schedule June 27, 1942, LEAVE CLINTON Southbound: DLY. ex. Sun. & Hol. Sun. & Hol, 8.15 a.m. 8.15 a.ni, 1,25 pan. 4.50 p.m. 4,50 p.ni. 8.30 p.m. Northbound:- DLY. orthbound:DLY. ex. Sun. & Hol. Sun. & Hol. 10.501 2.20 2.20 9.55 8.45 B. Indicates to Wingham only. Por furter information call Bartliff's Confectionery Phone 1. PRUNE. PLUMS Leave your orders with Mrs. M. Nediger, London Road, if you are wanting plums. Order before Septem- ber lst. 06-2 For Sale or Rent. A fifty acre farm, south half, kt 31, con. 6 of Huller township;; banked barn and comfortable home. It is ideally suited as a grass. farm or for light farming being well watered with a never failing spring and also has 15 acres of bush. Apply at the News -Record office. 07-2 • PROPERTY FOR SALE 'Property t or• !sale; ' one-half mi'fe: North of,•Clintene :on* the Ease Line, Consisting+ of, twtl5l c hens 6f" 'Woad land, witheeigbt rained house, barn and hen house and never failing well. Apply to F. Fingland, K. C. Clinton, Ont. Dorothy Marquis, Proprietress 07-2 NOTICE Voters' List 1942, Municipality of The Township: of Goderich, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that. I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Aet and that I have pasted up at my 'offiee in Goderich' : Township on the 24th. day of August, 1942, the list of all persons entitled to vote, in .the . said, - Municipal elections and such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters' to take immediate proceedings•to have any more' or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated' at nay ' office this twenty fourth day of-Angust' 1942. ` • it:C.Thompson,'••Oierk• 67-3 131411Mrsis std astute for mink flit It dead whale air ?else. Will po" ick. eoedbif ib *All* *IMO 'Trliit) ph *w 007ri, or t.kterc bidet Irina. M Is+ae