The Clinton News Record, 1942-08-27, Page 1The .Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 NO. 6107 -63rd YEAR With Which is Incorporated ` The Clinton New Era ( LINTON ONTARIO. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27, 1942 English China British and Beautitui MEI MI ON SENN! Select from our stock of English China, by famous English Potters. CUPS AND. SAUCERS, SERVICE PLATES, TEAPOTS AND DINNER SETS: A piece of .fine China is a pleasant memento of your visit to Clinton. 'W. H. HELL'YAR Jeweler and Optometrist Residence. Phone 174j WE PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD Sale of Remnants of 1 Summer Dress Materials Prepare now for School Days Just Ahead Dozens of ends of Goods suitable for children's wear, Prints and Rayons at most attractive prices to Clear. 0 0 {qq{'R WIN FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE 1 IOU WANT NE BAST When choosing a Diamond Ring, be sure to see our new selection of Bluebirds.: -The ring for Happiness and Everlasting Pride. Our stock is quite complete and consists of settings with one, three or five diamonds. All are perfect in every detail, and they are priced from $20,00 up. Call and we will be pleased to show them to you. A Guarantee and Free Insurance with every Bluebird. Have just received another supply of Writing Cases and Utility Cases. The Utility Case is a fine gift for the Man in uniform, as he can keep all his toilet articles to-gether in a small space. MISS WAR WORKER A stunning New Watch produced by Bulova, 17 Jewel movement in charming cushion -shape case, with bracelet to match. Priced at only $29.75 Rings and Watches subject to Purchase Tax. Buy War Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly. Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts. Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction. .N.COUNTER Counters for Finer Jewellery.for Over Half a Century in Huron County IN ENGLAND 'I. Sergeant Everett M. Lobb, who cabled his parents this week telling of his safe arrival overseas. Sgt. Lobb is the younger son Mr.•and Mrs. Clifford Lobb •of. Clinton and on June 21st, 1940 joined the Dental Corps, attached to the Royal Canadain Apr Force at Toronto. In 1941 he was made a Corporal: and transferred to St. Thomas and in 1942 was transferred- to Fingal when he was made a Sergeant. After his school days Sgt. Lobb was engaged in the retail business in Clinton, known as Clifford Lobb and Sons. His interests remain in the busi- ness and are being taken care of by his father and older brother, Orval.. Best wishes go with all our young menin the King's Uniform and a speedy return to their homeland is our greatest wish, RED- CROSS NOTES The Clinton Red Cross Society will meet on Monday, Aug. 31st at three o'clock in the Council Chamber. Let us have a good attendance, as; there is much work to be accomplished before the cold weather sets in. Our fight- ing forces and our bombed civilians must be kept warm. Donations—Aurdey Jervis— $2.00 proceeds from a garden party. v The Nevi [.' 'i st. 1867 TJ4E' HOME IxAP1 R Naoaten's -institute Holds SticcessfOl Dance On Friday evening last a very suc- cessful dance,, was held in the Town Hall by the .local branch of the Wo- men's Institute. With the kind per- mission of WingCommander Cocks the Radio School Orrhestra provided the music. Tlie dance was ander the direction of the finance committee with Mrs. C. Sturdy being in charge. Over fifty dollars was cleared and will be used to send boxes overseas to 'the .eye from Clinton. After the dance the sooial committee served lunch to the members of the orchestra at the home of Mrs. Fred,Iianley, Huron st. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Wiilinni.Pickett, Gode- rich Township, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Dolma, to Leading Aircraftsman Thomas Booth, R_3F at No. 31 Radio School, Clinton, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Booth, of Bury, Lancashire, England. The marriage will take place this month. —v v Hears From Niece Mrs. E. L. Mittell recently received a letter from her niece, Miss Beryl Salter, who was interned in Italy in company with some friends from Switzerland en June 10, 1940. Miss , Macerate Italy. is now in She writes that she is in good health and is receiving fairly regularly the food parcels sent by the Red Cross. She. says there is plenty in these parcels and she is able to put by some for emergency. In June of this year she received a parcel of clothing and oth- er articles sent by her sister, Mrs. Charles Stevens, of Timmins, who has also heard from• her. She speaks of receiving the letters her family have sent her, but mail is very slow and seems to take considerable time to reach her. She is allowed to write two letters of twelve lines per week. A parcel of food from friends in Boston teachecl her in three months ietact, end it seems likely that elle will con- tinue to receive the letters and par- cels which are being sent to her. AMONG THE CHURCHES WESLEY WILLIS Tie Sunday. School will meet as us- ual after the morning service. The Women's Association will meet for their September meeting on Thurs day next in the church at 3.00 p.m. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Sunday. August 30th 10.15 a.m. Sunday School 11.00 a,m. Matins, sermon, "The First Commandment," No evening service' Tuesday, 3 p.m. Ladies Guild. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Women's Association will meet in the Sunday School room of the church on Wednesday September 2nd, at 2.30 pm. An members are request- ed to he present. ONTARIO STEET UNITED P. U. C. Begins Operating New Pump Conclude Union Church Ser.- vices er-vices in Clinton The last of the slimmer union ser vices of Ontario Street and Wesley Willis. United congregations were eel: in the former church on Sunday. For the morning service the pastor, Rev: G: G. Burton, chose for his subject, ")lie Word Was Made Flesh," The choir was assisted by Flight Sergeant Holland of- the R.A.F. For the even ing service Mr. Burton spoke on the subject of "Sitnon's Boat". Miss' Pearl Elliott was soloist, Next . Sun- day_the pulpit of Wesley Willis will be occupied :by Rev. R. H. Turnbull of North Street United church, Gode- rich for the morning service, while Rev: A. Lane supplies `for him at Goderieh. A fireside hour. for service men in particular was held at the Ontario Street United parsonage on Sunday evening following the church service. The men were welcomed by Mr, and: Mrs. Burton and the hour was spent in singing favorite hymns. Mayor A. J. McMurray briefly addressed the group,. a number .of whom are new arrivals, extending a welcome to town t:nd church. v Special Salvation Army Speaker Here Saturday Lieut -Col. Frank Ham, Field Secre- tary of the Salvation Army' in Cane-. da, and Colonel and Mrs. Richies of London, will visit Clinton on Satur- day, August 29th. and conduct a street service in the evening. Don't miss this treat. This trio will be in Seafoith Sunday morning and in Goderich Sun- day evening. Lieut. -Colonel Frank Hahn, the Field Secretary for the Salvation Army in Canada, has had a long and varied career in Salvation Army work. His Field appointments include many of the most important Corps corm' mands in the Dominion, amongst them being Moncton, Saint john, N. Dates of Schools Opening We have been informed' that the Clinton Public School will •open for the fall term on Tuesday, September 8t -h, and that the Clinton Collegiate Insti- tute will open on September 22nd this year. The postponement is made to enable students to spend more time assisting the Earners with their har- vesting. v` II. M. Monteith Feted By Clinton Business Men • Nearly One Hundred Honor Bank manager Transferred to Goderich The honorary banquet tendered Tuesday evening' to H. M. Monteith manager of the Bank .of"•Montreal, who is being transferred to the larger SUPERINTENDENT' RUMBA.% branch at Goderich, as manager there, was attended by nearly 100 then, re- Who is satisfied with the water presentative of business and indus- supply in Clinton. Having had the trial interests the Lions Club, the pumps working .at full eap;acity for a Canadian Legion, the Masonic Order long time to supply the town and hop- the Hospital Board, the Town and ing everything would stand the strain County Councils, and the Lawn Bow- till the new pump was installed. lers Club. The banquet was served in St. Paul's parish hall by the Ladies' Guild of the church. At the head table with Pte Williant West of the Scptb the guest .of honor were Mayor A. J.' Fusiliers at Niagara -on -the -lake spent McMuisay toast master; Reeve V. Fal- this weekend leave at his home in toner, M. J. Agnew Dr: J. W. Shaw, , town. J. IC. Cornish, and K. G. Waters. Piper ' Pte Arthur Aiken of the Soots Fusi- Fred Kutch in full Highland costume, liers at Niagara -on -the -Lake is spend - favored with a number of selections. ing his leave with his parents, Mr. A. C. I. Stevenson of the R.A.F. was and Mrs, W. M. Aiken. pianist and A, Garen was song leader. Word has been received in town of Each of those at the head table the safe arrival overseas of Private spoke on behalf of the organization re- Jimmie Morrison, with the Elgin Regi - presented Among others who spokement, Tank Corps. was E, E. Paterson, manager of the I Mrs. K. Axon has received a cable Royal Bank, -who told of the pleasant from her son L.A.C. Fred Axon, tell - relations between Mr. Monteith and ing of his safe arrival overseas with himself during the past eight years.the R.O.A.F. He also gave an interesting resume � Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leppingto•n of banking practice through the past received a cable August 19th, from half century. N. W. Trewartha. a foe- 'their son, Pte Roy F. Leppington, of mer county warden, spoke in place of the 4th. Canadian Armoured Division Warden Armstrong, who could not at-' R.C.A.S:C„ informing thein of his safe A.. E. Runtball ,superintendent of B,, „Windsor, London, Peterborough tent. Mr. Trewartha smiened up the ' arrival in Great Britain, the Clinton Public Utilities, reports and the Toronto Temple. characteristics of the guest of honor' L.A.C. Lloyd Adams of the R,C,A.F. Shat the new pump, Seeeentiy installed. His Staff appointments include a in referring to hint: as an /flail round at Sky Harbour, Goderieh spent last was put in operation on August 25th. 'term en the Staff of the College for man'. "Perhaps no other citizen," he weekend at his home in town. The new pump, produces five hull- the Training of. Officers, also Divis-. said has been so actively interest- Lieut, Kenneth W. Rorke Niagara died gallons per minute. The cap- Tonal Commands. His last appoint- adity of.the old pump is 175; ment as Divisional Commander be - gallons pr minute. Now that both ing the Toronto West Division . in which the Colonel served for six years with marked distinction. At present the Colonel is a fernt- analized and reported good. ber of the Dominion Joint Committee It requires a seventy-five horse- for the Evangelization of Canada power motor built in Oakland, Cal., to Life, a Vice-president of the Christian wive the new pump: The pump is a Social Service Council of Cana•la, and —v MILITARY NEWS are in operation, Clinton will be well supplied with good water. The water from the new well has been ed in connnmtity, fraternal and wel- Falls, is spending a few days' leave fare work. with Mrs. Rorke and friends at Lake Huron, J. G. IXeLay ,spoke on behalf of. the : L. A..C. Reg Cudmore of the R.C.A., bowling club, of which bit, Monteith F. et Trenton is spending his leave was also an actio member•. An ad- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. dress, beautifully lettered in black peamm.e.. and red script and signed by the,, L.A.C.,Bruce Btartliff of the R.C. heads of the organizations represented A. F. at St. Thomas spent last week - Mayor A. J. Maine ay. K. t Wat_ia home end at his Boe in town. P. Finylanl K. C. . K. Cornish and Maurice Maguire, ILM.C.S. Prevost `itinthr•oaf" from Alhambra, Cal. The also represents the Salvation Armylin A J M. J. new, was read by Gordon A. Committee of tln. Weal. r London• spent the weekend at Inc eine total weight of pump and motor the Canadian Council of Chruelies in the Dominion, Miller, and an upholster:+ci chair 1c.t here. amounts to twelve tom The total cost i presenter) by ills, Freeland. on behalf L. A. C. Laurie Colquhoun u�f'tiie for drilling well and installing purity the Dominion Lords Day Al-ian .r an.I of the sts,-nihieJ groups. 1 will amount to approximately $13,000; the Canadian Temperance reel, ratloir, 1t.C,A.T . itt Centralia spent last week, Mr. Monteith made a :fitting ac.- end at his homet Clinton was in need of an extra . V in own. eowledgment end said that he and M. t. Schuenhals, H.M.C.S. Prevost; pump, to insure .adequate water. sup Mas. Monteith have so mach enjoyed London, spent last vveelceitci at his ply at all limos, but the crisis did not Gialidmotbeis Day at Wo- their eight years of residence Isere home in town, that they will always think of Clinton L.A.C. Carlyle Cornish, of R.C.A. , as their home town. F. at Belleville spent -the weekend at V ' his home in Brucefield'and in town. Mr. Abe Orpen of Hamilton, but LITTLE LOCALS formerly of Clinton, received word this week that his brother, Norman,. The name of Miss Isabella Robin- • of the Royal Regiment of Canada had son, gracluate of the Toronto Bib]t ; been ]tilled while on active service, he College was omitted from the write- i having enlisted in Toronto at the out - up of the Huron County Girls' !break of the war, Norman ]tad four Church Camp. at Goderielt last week. I brothers, serve in the Great War alt 9.45 am. Turner's Church. (Tuck- ersmith), 10.00 a.m. Clinton Sunday School. 11.00 a.m. Divine Worship, Clinton. "Knocking at God's Door." 7.00 pm. Minister's Topic will be "Blinder and Neglect—Whose Fault was it? Rev. G. G. Button will preach at both services. Wednesday, 8 p.m. — W. A. St. George's Ward to serve. Wednesday 8,00 p.m., (2nd Sept.-) Fellowship ' and prayers and instrue,- tionfor all. Hymns of the Evangel arrive until the R.A.F. built their. Radio School near Clinton and requir- eda regular supply of water. The work on the new well was begun on August 8th, 1041, by E. F. Roberts fund Company of Brantford. Ontario, v Sale of War Savings Certificates Statistics of sale of War Savings Certificates in Huron County by Post Offices for `the month of June 1942. Blyth h 404 Brussels ............ ...... 464 Ethel 112 Bluevale ... ....,.. Walton Clinton Bayfield Lond'esboro Varna Exeter Dashwood Grand Bend Kirkton Crediton Goderieh Dungannon Port Albert.. Alubuen, Kintail Hensall Kippen Seaforth Brucefield Egmondville Wingham Belgrave Fordwich Gerrie Wroxeter 96 92 men's Institute The annual grandmother's day at the Women's' Institute was held Tues- day at the home ..of Mrs. `IL Jenkins on the Huron Road, with forty grand- mothers others andtwo great-grandmother; present. Altogether there were seven- ty present. The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode and repeat- ing' the Lord's prayer in unison, The minutes of the previous meeting were. react and approved. The War Work convenor Mi•s.' Hayden gave a splen- did report of war work done during the past month. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs Jenkins for the use of her lawn, also to the finenoe commit- tee for the splendid success made the dance. Games followed, with Mrs. Ba.tkin: 1300 and Mrs. McGill giving out the prizes 116 for each event. First -singing contest 36 of five groups, group No. 1 singing, 84 .."God Save the King" won the prize 1248 Judges were Mrs. Paisley. Mrs. Nay 96 and Mrs. Pearson. Seconds—quiz con - 68 test won by Mrs. E. Adams. Throw 172 ing clothes pins into bottle, Mrs. E. Ward with Mrs. Shaddoek anti Mrs. R. Jervis tied. Tickets were sold on a towel and face' cloth and Mrs. A. Cardwell held. 228 4476. 76 "" 300_ the lu kyone Tete oldest grandnnoth- er, was Mrs. J. Manning, shortest 942 grandmother, Mrs. R. Walton, Mrs W. 260 Jaskson. Tallest .grandmother Mrs. E. 1248 Ward: One with most grandchildren, 196 Mrs David Steep. 24. A reading was given by, Mrs. E. Epps, "Miss Edith Helps Things 1804 Along," A time race was won by 72 Mrs. Cudanore. A. contest, guessing the 141 number of peppermints in a jar was 300 won by Mrs. T. Turner. 128 The social committee; served dainty 258 refreshments on the lawn which com 52088pleted• a pleasant afternoon: Belmai'e Zurieh • A meeting was held Mondofaythe evTowne titvg''retutiving, na in the couneilchantber Mrs, Tltamassafely VentoaterCareceadived a les tel Saturday telling. • of her son':e safe. Hall to organize for the Red Shield Home Service Drive, A goodly number 1 arrival in India, Gordon, with a group of interested citizens were in atter- .0iC Canadian boys left England ,j.rc dunce• but no plans were completed, March. They spend; several weeks in Major Flannigan of London will he i,� Cairo, Fig'ypt, and were quite sur. Clinton next wee): to 'eomplete ar prised when they learned that Cal- rangenients, Gutta, India. was their destination, , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Henry and They eve attached to the 216th Squad - daughter, Barbara Ann of Exeter mov- xon of the Royal Air Force. V ed to town last week. Mr. Henry has been appointed supervisor of account- ants for Canada Packers Limited. Mis: Margaret Melville a former student of the School .of ,Commerce has been appointed accountant at the Exeter branch. Summerhill Red Cross The Summerhill Red Cross group held their meeting at the home of Mrs, Graydon Neal with the presi- dent in the ehair. The meeting opened V by singing "God Save the King." fol- lowed by the Red Cross prayer. The Successful. Music Student Minutes of the last meeting• were read and adopted'. There were 17 members and 8 visitors present. All .the tickets Oat the Dresden Plate Quilt are to be handed in at' the neat meeting. It was decided tohold theemeetings every two weeks after September 2nd: The treasurers' repoait was given showing a balance of $306.71 on hand. An ap- ron donated by Mrs. Lovett brought one dollar. In the afternoon a quilt was quilted and patches were sewn together. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Russell Neal on weptember 2nd. Tea was served alt the close. Mr. Allan Chapple of Luelmow, a piano ;student of Professor A. W. An- derton, formerly of Clinton, was sue- cesteful this year in obtaining the highest marks in Ontario for Grade IX examinations of the Toronto Cone servatory of Music, and has been awarded the silver medal given to the candidate who is successful in doing this. This is the .second time in the past five years that one of Mr. Anderton's students has come out on top for On- tario.