HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-08-20, Page 8PAGE EATTIE'S FUNERAL HOME PRIVATE -- CONVENIENT Phone 184w. �es sir/ /fs t �It111111i11// LIGHT - --OtF A1000 USES" 1 Nee you use a Coleman 'Lantern, you'm never go back to the old-fashioned wie . burning kind. You can use a Coleman whasii ,you can't use anything else- bigh candlepower light in will, rain or storm. Turns night into day. For every night-time chore i - for hunting, fishing, camping. Let ue chow you what fine light theygiive. �v Coleman _ Stoves and Irons. Electric Plates, Hot Plates, Toasters and irons. UTTER PERDUE �'HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PITONS i47w. CLINTON, ONT. S!.MMER SALE MEN'S FINE ENGLISH WORSTED SUITS Choice of Many Lines at 22.95 These come in a Nice Assortment of Blues, Browns and Greens, and in Sizes from 35 to 42. Don't Miss This Chance to Save Several Dollars on a Smart New ;Slit for Fall. FINAL . CLEARANCE' OF ALL WHITE AND SUMMER SPORT SHOES AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES. NEW FALL SHOES-- Many New Lines are Now Being Put Into Stock. GROWING GIRLS' OXFORDS-- Sizes 3 to 8. Black or Brown- • Very Special $2.25 OTHER LINES AT $1.95, $2.50 and $3.50 MEN'S TAN OXFORDS Special at $2.49 See Our Better Lines at' $3.95 to $6.50 P1.rnstee1 giros. Anetw Shirts - Adam Hats -•- Scott Si ?deflate Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. A NEW STOCK OF Studio Couches Ila Variou's Colorr,, have arrived in Combination Velours, also a shipment of COLLAPSIBLE WARDROBES and a fine assortment of 'FABLE LAMPS IN TETE HARDWARE `DWARE DEPARTMENT We have secured a large shipmelit of COPPER BOILERS, WASH TUBtp AND GRANITE PAILS In order to conserve on our deliveries of small orders we would appreciate if customers would get orders in early so we will not be obliged to over- lap ver-laic on our deliveries. "The Store ,'With The Stock" BALL " ZAPFE Hardwire -- Furniture--'Funer,,1 Directors -- Ambulance Servtce. W. Ball, Phone 361. P11ONE 196 • .1. J. Zapfe, Plane' 1031 THE CLINTON ` NEWS -RECORD THURS., AUG. 20, 1942 Trap the 'Jap Paste the Paperhanger Mussie Mussolini War Saving Stamps will help you do it, Lich the Stamps and paste them in your folder liege while you enjoy your freedom,' to lick and paste the enemy over there, Invest in Victory for, your future security, your home, yolil` religion, your coun- try, To -day a good fountain pen is an essential hr the equipment •of every one; it's a time saver,' a personal convendentle, an instrument of effic- iency, Pen and Ink in compact for- mation for your purse or pocket. It's the wise bird who feathers the nest with War Savings Statnps,. The Iiteral meaning of the word; bargain is an engagement by which the wishes of both parties are fully satisfied. . We seldom ,use the word in our advertising, when we do it is in this sense.'' If you watch your pennies and dimes, you will soon buy for 25e a War Savings Stamp, and advance a victory that much. For past . months the. sales on "Happy Gang War Songs" has been active, It pleases many. You might have use for it at 75e. Then in sheet music we mention, "He Wears a pair of silver Wings," at 40e. Kate Smith sings it. T110 W. Q. Fair Co Often the Cheapest-Alwaye the Bent (11111I110114lill411tni oe, melte tet 1� ,,aill�u�... � _..,a � Miss Alice Morvan of Stratford spent. last week -end in town.. Mr, ' and Mrs. A. T. Cooper spent the week -end in Kincardine. Mrs. E, Adams and Miss L. Brigham spent a few days in Toronto this week. Miss Edith Paterson of Goderich spent the week -end at her home in town. • Miss Vera Hutcheons of Winnipeg spent a few weeks -with Kippen friends. Mrs. T. Venner of Caledonia is spend- ing a few weeks in town visiting' friends. Miss Hattie Turner of Toronto was the guest of her sister, Miss Mary Turner, last week. Miss Jean Fisher, of Toronto, spent last week with her parents AIr. and Mrs. R. J. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kay and two sons are holidaying this week at Paradise -Vista, Bayfield.. Mrs. Lorne McBride of Windsor spent, last week in town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dave Kay. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrick and two children, Dehia`Marie and Hel- en spent the week -end in Midland. Miss Eleanor Fisher returned home after spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Mabel Workman of Hensall. Mrs .J. Jervis and Mrs. Snider have returned . from •Cromarty where they visited with Mr, and Mrs: Gordon Dow. Misses L. and 0. Brigham left' on Monday' for Star City, Sask., where they will visit their brother,' Dr. L. Brigham. Mr. and Mss. William Bezzo have re- turned home front a visit with the letter's brother, Mr. L. E. Ma:thene and family of Sarnia. Mrs. H. W. Purkis and her daughter Miss. Winnifred Purkis of Toronto spent a few days at Spruce Villa the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carter are spend- in:g a few_ weeks, at the home of the form'er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Man 1, Carter on their retain from a holiday in Haliburton. Miss, Evelyn Spencer of Toronto and Cpl. Alex. Whiter, R.Q,A.F., at Bala Bale, B.C.; were guests last weak with the latter's brother, Mr, I. G. Winter and Mrs. Winter. Miss Frankibelle Speneeley of Strat- ford spent the week -ends in town, the j guest of Corporal Ronald MacDon- ald, R.C.A.F., and Mrs. MacDon- ald. The latter's brother, Sergeant Percy M. Brown, R.C,A..F., Toron- to, Wireless Air Gunner, was also there_' nest. It is pickleDtiLand you will need ,D111. We hare a.partieularly fine crop. Coupe to the green- houses and;. get yotm+ supply fresh- ly cut. /0c A BUNCH SAGE We have a limited supply. 10c A BUNCH Also Chinese cabbages for sale. It will taste twice as good freshly cut, CUT FLOWERS From a fine assortment of gar- den flowers, we will make up boquets of any, sizeto suit your need. Help the War Effort by "Say- ing it with Flowers" instead of too many "Sweets". ' F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del Aa. ersonal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 SEASONABLE SPECIALS 1 BROOM (5 string) 39e 2 cans PILCHARD 35c 1, 7 Ib. bag PASTRY FLOUR 29c 1 doz. ZINC JAR RINGS 25c 4 doz. JAR RINGS (white or red) 25c 1 gal. VINEGAR 490 1 pkg. PICKLING SPICES AND POWDERS . 5e 1 lb. COCOA 19c Ye' lb. NEILSON'S COCOA 19e 2 large pkg. CORN FLAKES . 25c 1 bag (25 qt.) PUFFED WHEAT 39e 4 cakes TOILET SOAP and comb 25e 1 pk. NEW POTATOES 45c New Pack of Raspberry, Straw- berry, Peach„ - Cherry JAM 2 lb. jar 35c W. L. JOHNSON GROCER FREE DELIVERY PHONE 286 Superior Stores PRONE 121--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR Aug. 20, 21, and 22 ST, WILLIAMS ORANTGE. and GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE 32 oz. jar 25e, ICELLO0G'S RICE KRISPIES per pkg .. .. , ile SUPERIOR BRAND BAKING POWDER 16 oz. tin and, 20 oz.bottle VANILLA ..... , 23c ROYAL YORK CHEESE ' r/ ib pkg. SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA pkg... 5e VAN CAMP'S TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. tin 23e WOODBURY'S SOAP 4 cakes 25e PRINCESS FLAKES. pkg....:: 15e GIANT pkg. , ... .25e XXX VINEGAR 1 gal. ....49e CROWN MED. JARS doz. , • $1.15 CERT() BOTTLE . 25e PAROWAX 1 lb. Pkg. ........ . 15c POTATOES 15 M. Peck --Sec GRAPEFRUIT 5 for .. , , , , 25e PEACHES FRESH DAILY THflWPSON GODERI4;I-I -TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs, Randall Pepper, Who have been spending their holidays visiting friends and relatives in Stan- ley and Goderieh townships left Sat for their home in Sudbury. Mr, D. L. Stephenson, who recently sold his farm On the Bayfield Line to Mr. Gordon Turner, has, bought the McFarlane property: on, Albert Street, Clinton, and expects to move to Clint - On early` in the fall; Ontario Street S.and W.A.olds Joint'served by the social committee with vote>.ef thanks was tendered Mie, Meeting of W.M.Mrs. C. Veneer convenor, A ;hearty Gibbings.fpr tkie •Pleasant afternoon. ; A joint meeting of the Women's Missionary Society and Women's As- sociatiou was held, on. Tuesday after- noon, August llth, on the spacious. lawn.. of Mrs. B. J. Gibbings with a large attendance among whom were several visitors. Mrs. Aiken, presi- dent, 'presided and opened the first part of the meeting with a hymn, Mrs Burton had charge of the devotional period and- took as her thence, "The Bible, the Word of God". This was followed by prayer by Mrs. Hawke and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The business was left over for an -execu- tive meeting to be held at a later date. Mrs. Holmes presided' far the W.- A. and after the business was taken care of a program followed un- der the leadership of Mrs. Wes. Shob- broolt, Mrs. Russel Holmes and Mrs. Frank Lobb. Readings were contri- buted by Mrs. Reg, Ball and Mrs. Maltby, Several contests were en- joyed by all, A bountiful lunch was The T oggery Shoppe Operated by (G. Edighoffer di 'Son) Ladies' full-fashioned Silk Stockings 10 DOZ. SUBSTANDARDS OF PAIR REG. $L00 QUALITY ',nal ALL . SIZES- VA1tiOUS SHADES. 8 Doz. Bemberg and Rayon Silk Full -Fashioned Hose in shades of Encore, Amber Spice &. Blushblonde SIZES, 9 to 10 1-2 , , .. PAIR $1.90 I;UY SEVERAL PAIR AT THESE ,PRICES. GOOD CLOTHES REQUIRE GOOD CLEANING HAVE YOURS DRY-CLEANED THE NEWTEX WAY. The Toggery Shoppe B. Streets in charge: SPECIAL VALUES AUGUST 20, 21, 22nd VANCAMPS TOMATO COUNTRY KIST' JUICE 48oz. tin 19c PEAS ,:,,.-, ,.,,.,2 tins 19c LADY-GODIVA TOILET ICED & WHITE KIDNEY SOAP, 4 cakes 19c BEANS 2 tins 23c PUFFED WHEAT Quaker Peter Pan, 8 qt, pk.17e c.kilEgfc" Certo......,,. bottle 25c ...:MAP W^,;;qt LE'kCE I� JOOMY Want Pkg. 69c Plum Jam Dundurn 32 oz. Jar 0LAt K'S P'ancy 'Tomato Juice, 2 tins 19c t'SPices, asst. pk5c CLARK'S. Tom: or Veg. Soups, .:....2 tins 15c A LONG LASTING -ECONOMICAL MILT SOAP CANADA'S, FINEST Memba Seals pk 10c 2 Cakes... 11 C xARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Juicy S UNJUST Oranges, dz 316 No. 1 ONTARIO Potatoes 5 Ib 14e. SEEDLESS Grapefruit 5- 25c CHOICE GREEN. Peppers, 3 - 10e PEACHES CANTELOUPE APPLES PLUMS CORN BEETS clARROTS LETTUCE CAULIFLOWER CABBAGE CALIFORNIA LGE. Lemons 6 for 19c Choice HEARTS of Celery, 2 for 25c NO. 1 ONTARIO Onions, 10 Ib. 33c Choice NO. 1 PINK Tomatoes 2 lb 15c C. M. SHEARING PRONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON MOW \VITEN IN NEED. OF A GOOD RUG CLEANER Call and see the Taylor Wonderful inventions -We have theta. ONE 0000 SECOND HAND STOVE FOR WOOD ONLY -A BARGAIN. `'!'hen in need of Plumbing or Heating, give us a call All work guaranteed. HARDWARE and PLUMBING . Phone 244 FOOTWEAR AND CLOTHING DON'T LEAVE IT UNTIL WALKER BRAND OVERALLS Ages 6 and 8 $1.39 Ages 10 to 16 $1.55. BOYS' Sanforized Shrunk PANTS Color, Blue, Pickett Brand, Price $L69 BOYS' BICYCLE PANTS, made with Cuffs, Pleats, and i) tnlhrlle, Seats, ages 14 and 16. 'Price $3.39 BOYS' Black or Tan OXFORDS Sizes 11 to 5. Price $L98 to $2.59 CHILDREN'S Black, :lusher Style OXFORDS. A good school. oxford' Sizes 6 to 71/2 $1.85 Sizes 8 to 11 t $1,98 MISSES ::lack or Tan OXFORDS 111/2 to 3 , 'Prices. $1.89 to $2.19 GIRLS' {.,lack or Tan OXFORDS Sizes 3 to 8. Prices $2.25 and $2.35 WOMEN'S Osteo-Pedie HEALTH SHOES. Colors, Black or White. Price $4.49• FOR SCHOOL OPENING. THE LAST DAY. WOMEN'S CANVAS OXFORDS • With Leather Soles Price $1.45 We have an Assortment of Summer Footwear, White Brown and Tan C alours. Some with Crepe, Rubber, or Leather Soles. Choose a pair that fit, and theprice will be made right. MEN'S WORK BOOTS with Panco Soles and Good Uppers. Sizes 7, • 3 and 9 $2.59 MEN'S WORK BOOTS, all leather. Colors, Black. Prices 2.98, 3.49, 4.25, 4.75 MEN'S POLICE SHOES Sizes 6%2 to 10. Price per pair 5.50 an d 6.15 MEN'S DRESS 'OXFORDS, Brack or Tan. Prices 2.85, 3.98, 4.75, 5.95 OYS' WORK BOOTS with good uppers and Panco Soles. Pair 2.29 BOYS' WORK BOOTS. All Leather Extra Good Quality. Per Pair $2.98 We Sell Men's. Dress Pants, Work Pants, Overalls, Smocks, Underwear Dress or Work Shirts, Pyjamas and Socks. IC PHONE 40 TETE STORE' i'HAT SAVES YOU MONEY: