HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-08-20, Page 3TTHURS.,'AUG. 20, .1942 TILE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD home. Lieut. Wm, McQueen, who has been r I invalided home and who ,is now hold- ing a government job was in town on Tuesday. Mr. C. B. Boeck, who has been teaching at the Summer Model School at Braeebridge, arrived home last Saturday, and is now preparing for the Model term here which opens on Monday next. Mr. Will Harland of Guelph was in town on Wednesday. IIe reports that Russell, his eldest son, Who has been. ill for sometiane is now on orderly duty in England, while Harvey is still in the fight. Both boys'went through: the VimyRidge fight. Miss Katie MacGregor a student of : the Clinton Collegiate Institute has Mrs. T. A. Greig left last week to been successful Sr wuming the Ed- spend remainder of the time with ward Blake Scholarship in -Modern the C.C.I. girls, who are at Beams- Languages and Mathematics in To- ville on the fruit farm. rondo University. The record o'f Mr. and Mrs. Aikenhead of London 'Mists MacGregor'. scholastic IIAferErSIN��S IN CLINTON EARLY IN THEU1�%NT-URY Some Notes'of 'Tice News in 1917 FROM THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD AUGUST 16T}1, 1917 Mr. 11. Pollock of Montreal suc- ceeds s12r. Willis as. office mianager • achieve- `Vere visitors with Mr. and Mrs. the Doherty Pianos, Limited and meets is one of exceptional brilliancy. is now a eiitzen of town:., Mr. T. J. Monaghan received word from Ottawa the ether day that his son, Pte. W. E. Managhan, had been she entered Clinton Collegiate Insti- admitted• to an hospital suffering tate and at•once showed her ability from a gunshot wound in the left and leadership in both study and shoulder.hoNott+chop dparticularsware sports• She was always an active to hand but it is hoped the: wound I leader among her companions and May not be a serious one, I was one of the best players in the Four rinks went down to . Seeforth basketball team which upheld the hon- on Monday to compete in a series of. Scotch doubles,: W. Grant and' .T. Mil ler, who won first prize in the second event; H. Shaw and H. Rance; J. Wiseman and W. Jackson, and F. Pennebaker, and B. Hovey. Four rink from Seafoxth and one from London played in Clinton yesterday afternoon She passetl her Entrance " exam., a • eleven years of age . ;then stayed at home studying domestic science under herd mother's tutelage. In Sept. 1912 our of the C.C.I. in many hard fought games. .She passed her Lower School exam. with honours in 1914, her Mid- dle School Entrance to Normal with honours, as well as Junior Matrioula- tion,.in 1915. In the summer of 1916 she took part 1 of the Faculty Ens trance exam. with honours and this and, evening London being two year wrote on the Scholarship wan. Charles Bartliff on Monday. Little Vera Cook returned with Miss Wellworth to Melbourne to spend a couple of weeks. • Mrs. A .J. Grigg and Miss Helen left Tuesday morning for Winnipeg on a two month's trip. Mrs. L. Cres and, daughter visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rich; and Murphy of .Exeter. points up at the end of the day and for entrance to Toronto University. Clinton ten. The final results of this Icer success will entitle her to Part morning are not available. - 111 'Faculty Entrance, besides winning A sad drowning accident occurred for her a cash pvize and free tuition in Hullett township en Saturday at the University of the total valuet}oif afternoon, when Dorcas Churchill, $160. She also qualify for -e wife of Mr. Herbert Govier, lost her*first Carter scholarship lstudent in the County for. the b, t life in attempting to save that of the additional ptize'of $100. little daughter of Mr. Matthew Lock- hart of near Auburn, who was visi- ting her: Mrs. Gooier took the visi- ting children and her own to the creek Margaret MacKenzie, widow of the late Roderick MacLennan, died at her home on Kirk street on Friday moan - Master Lee Reynolds visited his grandmother in Beechwood for a week. Misses E, Chidley and D. O'Neil were visitors with Mrs. Constantine at Teeswater last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brydone left on Monday•to sepnd a few weeks at Huntsville and in among the Muskoka lakes. Mrs. Alf: Torrance and daughter returned to Toronto on Sunday after spending their vacation here. to .swim and when the little Lockhart 1 ing last after a short illness, aged child ventured too near a deep place seventy-seven years. ' The deceased which they had been avoiding, was lady had been a resident of Clinton soon beyend her depth. Mrs. Govier, for: about fifty years, her husband seeing the child, in difficulty: spranglhaving been a leading business• man in to assist her but being unable to in town up to his death several years i On Friday last the Messrs. Rairs- save either herself or the child. Little (ago, conducting the grocery business ford sltriday to VanceMes B.C., ne- Carl Gooier ran home ot, his grand- now carried on by his son. Mrs. Mac- forst carload of salt ee , .C., the Mother and; gave the' alarnt and the I Lerman is survived by a son and =from Hurott to the. Pacific province. husband, --of the 'dead woman and a daughter by a former marriage: Dr. It m necessarily retail at a ovin e. neighbor were quickly on the scene Gibson, Surgeon of the 65th C•il•F• erably higher price than doesae salt of the accident but it was- some time' and Mrs. Maleney, both of Sault Ste here as the freight on the consignment before the beciies were brought to I liarie ,and two daughters, Margaret here as amounted to ight the onsignnt 14 daughter the surface. The deceased was a and Ida, and one son, George of Min- one of the first results of Mr. Rans- daughter• of Mr. Benjamin Churchill ton, ford's trip toi the Coast a fewMr. Rens- of Denton, e surviving relatives _ ago.. It was only two• or three years IncClinton are one sister,rot Mrs.- D.r, ago• that the energetic head of the Livermore,Tomasand one brother, Mr. FROM THE CLINTON, NEW ERA Salt .Assorciation succeeded in placing Thomas Churchill. its product on the market in . the Mr, Arthur Clarkson was collect to AUGUST 16TH, 1917 Maritime province. - Orillia last week owing to the illness 1 Last -week word was received from Mr. • George Robb has gone to of his father, who died Friday i the Field Comfort's Commission, last. Funeral services were conduc- Sho>ndiffe, England, that the box ted from his late residence in Toronto• containing the "Sock Shower for the on Tuesday afternoon. 1161st", had arrived there in good con- Prof. on Prof. F. C. Bristowe, who has so ' dation July 4th. Theonce itt ission tlie wast ably filled the position of organist of forwarding. them et Willis church for the past five years,' Word has been received in town has resigned to accept a similar post- this week of the death at Bi fo im, tion in Knox church, ICincardhne. Man., of Mrs. George Chidley, was citizen of town. The deceased a brother of the' late Joseph Chidley and for a number of years conducted a drug business here. Mr. C. J. Wallis left Monday for Nova Scotia with a can of horses. Mr. A. Hewitt, bookeeper at the Doherty Pianos, Ltd., leaves shortly for England to fetch his wife and family, who have been :spending sev- eral months past with Mrs. Hewitt's parents. When The Present century Was Young • FROM THE CLINTON NEWS RECORD AUGUST 14TH, 1902 CHURCH DIRECTORY THE SALVATION ARMY Mrs. Envoy Wright 11 a.m•. Morning Worship 2.30 p.m. — Sunday School 7 p.nr. — Salvation Meeting THE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev.,' A. E. Silver, Pastor 11 a,m. Sunday School. 7 pars—Evening Worship The Young•People meet each Monday evening at 8 p.m. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Rev. G. W. Moore, LTh. 11 a.m. Mornmg Prayer. 10.30 a.m. Sunday School 7 p.m. --Evening Prayer. ONTARIO STREET UNITED Rev. G. G. Burton. M.A., B.D. 10 a.m. Sunday School. ' 11 a.m.—Divine Worship 2:00 pan. Turner's Church o1 Ser - Vs. PAGE 3 You can now buy War Savings Certificates .. o as investment guaranteed by the Dominion of Canada . at ;�1II Post Offices, Banks, Trust Companies d $5 FOR $4 • $10 FOR $8 $25 FOR $20 INTEREST AT 3% TAX FREE REDEEMABLE REGISTERED ClC3W Via. _. .._ "Fighter Sweeps Aid Second Fro a 1 �o i •llnndred 'Warship in by Peter Masefield Great Britain fighter strength ade- er encs All along the white cliffs of the quite to cope with any em g Defense of the main base is the Silts south coast of 'England can be heard considerat• ion of warfare an Chicago. d the Brit- ' _ and.Mrs, .Itis of Attica, the deep drone of airplane engines. ish Isles is the first responsibility of ti is already known to the enemy. I Dr. Kayr' Now .and again a flash in the sun, the R.A.F. As long as -we have air i by H. C. Ferraby Mich, are guests at the latter's poi- am not helping Fife to unravel any Mr. and Mrs. John Gib- .high in the sky, shows where an air - mastery over Great Britain the Uri- Most naval commentators have to secret. I am not going to simply ental home,craft is wheeling ,too high for normal ted Nations tan bond up, offensive binge. sight, do a good deal of jigsaw work' for with any missing bits in his jigsaw strength for an all -nut ground assault their own purposes, in order to piece puzzle - Mr. 0, 1I. Wallis returned on Fri- Two years ago this done would against Germany, together the scattered information day from the Territories whither he mean another Nazi raid sweeping in, The enemy still has inner lines of about naval aetions and ship 'con- "Many Little Items Added Up went a few weeks• ago with a carload I t bet by the IOW squadrons • forces tr ct' They are not spoon-fed Y d disposed of them so A F Fighter Command •which stood t th 't' though some of my But I trunk g Months o me d of b o£ horses an r communication and can switchs 'u ion, I am going to surprise nt �R,, xg er quickly from the east to ' the west, the au ori fes, • well that he starts back on Friday between Hitler and victory. Today q Yg correspondents seem, to think so. Inc all those who do not make a special means something different. It 'w'here as we have lou tortuous lines. with heetvls load. The farthest O bow ; it To rob Fighter Command to reinforce the course of this' war we have grad- study of naval information, by West visited this time was Oxbow means that another sweep• of Fighter. E t 'even if the ground organiza- calls been able to build' up for our- closing to them what I know to be where the following from Clinton or Command, nmv hundreds strong, is tionpeouid look after much.: greater selves, just as the enemy Intelligence the minimum number of new war - vicinity have located: Morttish Gor- going but to Y fere r push British forces there, would mean exposing:departments have been able to, an ships added to the' British Navy since s reached Nesbitt and, Sheppard. air su eriority forward from the withou£ hope of outline sketch of the British Navy's the, war began. Thewhich roll, P England to attack s o f daughter„ coast t of ifi fighter .warship building activity. only' by considering inforamtion w Mrs. H. Cole Evans British. fi hter sweeps have naw quick reiiidorcement. A.strong Fight-iiesks of Miss Cole i g - er Command is the greatest deterrent Let me just make one point quite has been ,passed for publication. by who had been the g than eighteen mon I ani going to say the censor, and all those little items , for Huron street for a few weeks, ]eft for Toronto,onTuesday, and gone on for more to a Nazi invasion, The fighters roan clear. Everything g eared from time the. The very firs{—the turning of of news that have app the tide -was on February 10,1941. be used for attack and defense. I _ to time since September 1939. These ,' minion a after a few days there will proceed to then than What does the allied cause gam the show us that British and Do i ti Yonkers,. New York. Mr. The R.A.F. has shot down moreei od a us7 Are they • With ix S itfhre formation. Then sbi yards must have delivered more Miss g' afo tnibhtngs me a Tomato ihome x • d, far the 2,000 enemy airplanes in this p , from ,the fighter: sweeps? A P therEvans took a trip to Englan less than 1,500 of its all the effort expended' and the enemy doesn't know whether ,to at- than 600 .new fighting. ships in the spending a fortnight's vacation atworth ore that of Mr: and Mrs. benefit of his health and is expected, fora loss ofi losses incurred? The best answer is tack or not. If not, the Hurricanes first months • of the War. parental h home about the este. ire that Mrs. John Gibbing.. there. t. "yes quite remotely More than 500 dive low and: bomb parked Hurricanes on I If you stop to think for a minute, Axon is visiting her Evans reaches "More Fighters" Is the Cry • of the enemy's best fighters and tens the ground, and beat up hangars and .you will see•what that means, as the Mrs. F. A. d MTS this week. Another fashionable wedding tools • of thousands of defense crews musrt ' dispersal, points with cannon fire. minimum total represents an average home at. y Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowland are on a place in town this week, said the Sometimes only fighters go out, as be kept in France to meet the raids. delivery of one new warship every a tripto Buffalo and will also iskowel Standard, when Miss Molle many as 1,000 -daily. Often they es- Germany desperately needs fighters Nazi Air - orce Morale Sapped two days. And that is only a mini - holiday Y own the St. Lawrence. L eldest of Mr.'t Boston day -bombers to attach in Russia and Atfrica. That 500 would • Fighter sweeps have other aims.' mum. There are some classes of•war- take strip d MacDonalJ, daughter orce leased to see Mr. George and Mrs. J. H. Macdonald, was united with deadly precision German instal - make all the d fference on either of They set out to destroy enemy ship- ships ,including minesweepers, motor nWe P after his runaway wedlock to Mr. R. F. Ishions along the coast, or German- those fronts. A steady drain of : pig, slinking up• the Channel :close to torpedo boats and motor gunboats, Humble out again ago. George ixx the bonds of Pew weeks B.A.., a classical master in controlled power stations and factor- fighter losses in the west means that the French shore, and they also cover about which there is no published in_ accident aClintonStoddard,mayInc great shaking up.ClCollegiate Institute, and les' miles inland. To meet them: the the losses of three new means that allied convoys sorting over the Chan-' foimatoin to guide us. 'They 'got a . the forinerl . of the Listowel High school enemy must maintain there thirty I monthly.has to be sent from Germany eel to the port of .London•. These numbered by the score, or by the An o]&, resident in the person of y first-line ' ' p,iSits, which can ill be to France. shipping Hill passed away on Mon- staff. Russia and Africa* fighter attacks on enemy PP g hundred. We don't know. But the Mr Byard p spared) *ma a First, by :have been remarkably successful 1 ships of . which we have formation this week after a longi Mr.d M James Connell task whether I owThis nt acus fighting an the I vice and•• Sunday 7 p.m. Worship ire know this? , . we s of dode-0 '1 es 11 hese 1• � total 60 In t I Mrs. � iii. sa Ls an critics e me of o as sf Y enemy�re o at the age of 73 years. Deceased was Goderlch township' and Mn Thsdall fighter's could be used more profit- the number of machines the in life shed the g Burin end's upto intercept 'our daylight fensive tends to •sup` German air force A certain number of these were, survived by his aged partnerwith his automobile approached ably elsewhere. What about s Mrs. F. W .crossingfromat theEgypt? "More fight- bombers, whether they pierce the de- .' morale. To the French people, the course 'building or entered before tin he and a grown-up family, M Bayfield time railway g or to : constant appearance of Britsh: mach- l war .began. They were all recordedBut os�ite India or even - direTuesday the s„ is the cry from every moor the win at east at.,WeDunkirk, fees keeps alive their knowledge that the. 1939 books of reference. directions. Neither saw the other unr er truth is that the air force is ',the west Le Havre, know it, fight for freedom still gees tat they only aeourit/or about 100 out of dx set The t the the g til just about - oh the track and its as strong as its ground oxganiz- too, from"airreconmaissance; Erre I d. in strength colic day. ' our total. The ether 400 are wartime Jonly sudden glimpse of the auto caused the d crews r Evening ors Andrews, being the only member re- , siding in town now. - The body was Y -W ILLIS UNITED' j taken, on Thursday morning to Glen WESLEY-WILLIS Williams for interment. Word was received here this week Rev. Andrew Lane, $.A., B.D. 11 a.m. Divine Worship - I'of the death ef. Mr. John Joslin, at 7 pan. --Evening Worship. I h f BG cl et d was for many years s.. morning' service.areClinton, and conducted d 11 be repair . squads, numbers shat dawn, from the 'evil_ i and er American bomber erews� have al-' construction. Let ns take one class of to wheel and turn Mr, an iitenance equipment spare parts, encs P ready' been in action over its war 'p h Connell tom the rot am d lYIrs: ation—grovn: arse mai rl I of risoteers and from the rax this area 1 she s alone destroyers of which we d Both were,munition and mal intelligence system. a one h ou refuelling apparatus-, and seen, American fighters' will join are always told we cannot have en - Mani sed at. the age o l shaken up. To. attempt to operate more ' We know eisa how hard the enemy • in these attacks• on the enemy' over sough. The published names ,of ships Virden, badly bombs. front than the ground is tryilig to conserve its strength., fax This is the.beginning of al of this type shows e that British and wohool at conclusion yherC Decease h has bought the aircraftgaiz on any �Sunday a ' Mm. – Spaulding ha g .- resident of ' Clinton I organization can main�taitr it to lose if we send fighters over by•'them- � at clay-and�niglit �bambdng offers- 'Dominion shipyands� between them, • • side hotel,an de creamery lc ttingifa and! will convert• it organ nl . as if they' were selves the Germans often refuse to great • .: the Commercial . machin- them as ce Y "softening p I ' • `fewer than 160 in' t as all se ng be installed The where I engage them in combat; so bombers ive, a part. of the ' softeni g buildings' the red Months. tatnl 1replie- sC ;. reinembtred by the older resider mto N CH1Jit H i will soon installed and it is burnetll an. leaving' the vtrorlcs arsent to make th:e entry fight—•i whieh ls..the first .stage p oraIlip S TER•1A a mal and .M lien o f Hami t n, ' cryair mastery aver the Nazis, tents atbout ten s. Th the out o . f 8auday Bchool 10 e.m. J and f ected, li b t rein cut 'or s ry to they were bkh a Mr. Eddie •Miller of Hamilton, � turning out hosiery'to Let us look at it from, another s�.de. ar'take the consequences. Olftem Hur- uP SoPvioe 11 a.m.1 y, p ge 6) Worsittp former employee of Tht New Erse, is wctory wild be p.o. gamma) Service at Hayfield which it will be confined. ending 'a few days at the parental Firskl. the R.A.F.R.,. must maintain in rreame fighter. bombers are mlxedin is the foundation of 'victor contra on a t pm.–�S t;t�ool )�Q1e14 sP r ,