The Clinton News Record, 1942-08-20, Page 2PAGE 2 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD LACK DAWN by VictorRous ea CHAPTER IV SYNOPSI'S Dave Bruce, out of a job, arrives at Wilber Ferris' Cross -Bar ranch, Cur- ran, the foreman, promises him a job if he can break a horse called, Black ' Dawn. Dave succeeds, only to, dis- cover that Curran expected the horse TIie elllltorn News-ktecortl with which 11 Incorporated THE NEW ERA TERMS! OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 per year in advance, to Can- adian addresses; $2.00 to the T3,S, or other foreign countries.No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the pub- lisher, The date to which every sub seription is paid; ,is denoted on the label• 1 eelbtf ADVERTISING RATES — Transient advertising 12e per count line for first insertion, 8c for each subse- quent insertion. Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Wanted," "Lost", "Strayed", etc., inserted once for 35c,e.�c11 subsequent insertion 15c. Rates for display advertising made known on application. Communications intended for pub- lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. G. E. HALL - Proprietor H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton Frank Fingland, B.A., LLB. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Brydone, 111.0. Sloan Block ,... ,... Clinton, Ont. DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon Phone 203 — Clinton, Ont. H. C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ontario • Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Public and Commissioner Offiees in flank of Montreal Building Hours: 2.00 to 5,00 Tuesdays and Fridays. D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors west of Royal Bank) Hours --Wed. and Sat., and by appointment FOOT CORRECTION by Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 • HAROLD JACKSON 'Licensed Auctioneer • Specialist in Farm and Household Sales. • It' I Licensed in Fitton and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; satis- faction guaranteed. For information ete, write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No, 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661, 06.012 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. • Officers: President A. W. Mchwing, Blyth; Viee-President„ W. R. Archi- bald, Seaforth; Manager and Sec. Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors: Wm. Iinox; Londesboro; Alex, Broadfoot, Seaforth; Christ. It Leonhardt, Dublin; E. J. Trewartha, d Clinton; Thos Moylan, Seaforth; W. co R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEw- I ing, Blyth; Frank ]VIGGr'egor, Clinton; s Hugh Alexander, Walton. • List of Agents: J. Watt, Blyth; J .E. Pepper, Bruce L field R.R. No. 1; R .F. Melereher, Dublin, R.R. No. 1; J. F. Preuter, Erodhagen. Any money to' be paid may be paid to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of Commerce, 'Seaforth, or at Calvin Cult's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effect incur- anise or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applica- tion to any of the above officers ad- dressed to their respective post offi- ces. Losses inspected by the director. to kill hair. -A gid named Lois rides up just as Dave has hit Curran. She is angry with Dave for ;breal ing "her" horse. S'he.rides off son Black. Dawn and Dave follows, but she refuses to speak to hien. Later,' in a bar, Dave pays 'eft a mortgage for an old man named Hooker, who offers hien . a partnership, ,They'go to Hooker's, ranicli where Dave finds that Lois is. Hooker's daughter. Lois, still angry, leaves and has not, returned when Hooker awakes several' hours later, "I dreamed ray „wife came to age and said my troubles would soon be Over, Hooker muttered "I tell you, Dave, there conies a tithe' in every man's life when he doesn't want to go on living' any more, A pest, that's what Longeran called me. I reokon he was right. Yes, I re- member taking you. in. as partner, and I'm sorry for it. But if anything happens, to me, T want you to take care of Leis. She never had a chance, poor kid." "You. can trust ane to do that," lin- swered Dave, looking steadily' into Hooker's eyes. • I know 1 can. 1 knowit, boy. I'nn an old, drunken pest, but I can see when a man's to be trusted and when he's not. Get her away from here. But there's something I've got to tell you, Dave. Pve got'tlne feeling' that my time's short—" "Steady, old-timer," Dave interrup- ted. "You're just remembering that dream of yores. Dreams don't mean 1 nothing. Of course you can trust pie, but don't tell ane nothing now that you might be sorry for later." "It's not that, Dave. No. I've been slowly putting two and twe together since Lonergan offered ane and any wife this mesa—ranch, he called it -- on condition we'd bring up Loin as our daughter and never let her know. I thought site was a natural child •of • But she's not, "She found out I wasn't her dad al- most at once ,and that my wife wasn't her mother, You see, she's got a locket with her mother's photograph in it, which we didn't know about. Lois was just old enough to remember her when we took her from the or plumage. "Why don't you go to sleep ,row and. take one snore drink when you wake up. 'That will set ' you plumb to rights," "Must have one more," ;pleaded Hooker. Then I'll have a good sleep, and wake up feeling fine. I won't want another drink 'after that. I'm through with liquor for life. ht's just the—the loneliness, Dave." .Tie drained the bottle and handed, it to Dave. "Well, that's the last .o1 it." he leered, "so you won't need to worry partner. Throw that bottle away soniewliere where Lois won't find it, or she'll give me the devil; You've promised me you'll look out for her if,anithing happens to me. And noy I'm going to tell you some - !thing that's going to solve the aye- tery—" The sentence was cut off abruptly by the roar of a six-gun. Smoke and theacid stench of powder filled the room. ;Backer slipped back upon pillow, the sentence uncompleted, a lay still. Dave saw a little blue s on" bis left temple, _ from which stream of blood was trickling. Dave whirled, his hand, upon gun butt. Por just an instant he s a face at the window, the face of masked man. The pane was open, the shot had been fired! at a distal Lais' expreseiog hardly changed, only that set, bitted look ,came into hen eyes again, and her mouth hard- ened, "So you killed him, did you?" she said. "For what?' Did you think he had ngeney? You've found out .your mistake by now, I guess. Well, why don't yon shoot, me too." "You're talkin' nonsense, Miss Lois, which ain't to be wondered, at under the circumstances," answered Dave. "I'm ridin' for the sheriff` You'd best go back and wait in the cabin. There wasn't nothing 1 could do for him. • He was killed instantly. The gil'l's expression didn't change. She sat Black Dawn, wet -617111g, Dave intently. Suddenly she swung round on the horse's back arid gave a shrill whistle. Instantly the broncs clisap-' „peered, th�reughthe sos'nb. And iii another instant Lois had, kicked the• outlaw horse in the flanks. and was galloping wildly in the direction of Mescal. Dave tried to follow her, but the black had the speed of the wind, He galloped at full speed downhill, over declivities. down which the bay could only pick his way cautiously, to avoid plunging headlong. By the time his Dave reached the lower slopes, Lois and was a mere speck in the distance. pot Before he reached the neck of•the a valley, Dave saw Lois riding badc,'ac- companied' by two men, one •of whom his he recognized as Sheriff Coggswell, asv The other, from the badge he wore, a wasevidently a- deputy. As Dave incl rode up, the two drew swiftly and ee covered him. of about ten' feet. • Dave drew and fined back al upon the , instant, but still too la The face had already disappear and the slug merely whined across the mesa, over Vetch the faintest ight of dawn was just beginning to appear. Simult•aneousiy Dave heard the sound of Ja body scrambling through the dense brush at the r of the cabin. Dave thrust his gun back into holster and leaped toward the do Stopped for an instant ,turned bac and looked at Hooker. --The lain upon the shelf cast only a faint r flection, but it was light enough fo who had seen death oft enough, to realize that the old, man days were ended, Hooker's dre: had come true, In another instant Dave w through the entrance of the cabi and running across the mesa i the direction that the assassin ha token. He could still hear hin crashing through the undergrowth Dave, without raising his hands, most' reined' in grimly beside the sheriff, te, who nodded to the deputy. The lat- ed, ter leaned forward and extracted Dave's gun from his holster, at the same time running his hands over. his sides in search of a, concealed weep - "So you think. I killed Mr. Hook - ear er?" Dave inquired, "I was on my way to tell you." its "You can tell em now, Bruce," ars- or, I wered Coggswell. "If Hooker's dead, k as You told Miss Lois there's no par - p tie'lar hurry, Y' reckon," e_ Dave briefly recounted his story or of the killing, while Coggswell and en .the deputy listened in stony silence. ,s Lois, seated on Black Dawis. watched tm 'hint with hate in her eyes, but no it sound came from her lips either. Iva "So pule claim Hooker woke up be- ll fore dawn and started talkin'," grun- ted the sheriff, "And while you two was talkin', this'unasked feller shot hint through the winder? How'about ' that gun, Sims?" "One ca'tx'klge fired," said the deputy, who' had been examining R. "A forty-five." "How about that,.Brtt'ce?" asked Coggswell. "I told you I fired, a shot at the murderer. I couldn't get 'further sight of him in that scrub and it be- ing almost dark." "Well, now .I'll tell yuh, Bruce," said Ooggswell.. "Yore story sounds kindler queer to me. And yore pay - in' that two hundred yesterday, and talcin' advantage of Hooker to go pardiners when he was drunk—whish don't hold good in lanv vas queerer. t And yestidday yids rode ftp to the t Cross -Bar ands picked a quarrel with Curran . and beat hien up. All of which puts yuh under suspicion for the murder of Hooker, Melee, "So I'm arrestin' yuh, and if yore innocent, as yuh claim, yuii'd best put out yore hands and come along quiet. And if you don't I'll' drill yuhl" (TO' BE CONTINUED) e "Well, I've been trying to piece b things together, why Lonergan want- ed, me and any wife to bring Lois fi )fere, and wiry Wilbur Ferris is afraid d of him, It all goes back to the time when Ferris and Blanc Rowland' went �r into partnership in the valley, Sonne fifteen or sixteen years ago, + "Those were prosperous tinges, and a the Cross -Bar was doing well, Row- m land and Feeris were both steady, quiet fellows, and Ferris had brought : t an Rowland West to invest his capital in the Cross -Bar. Then Rowland forged be Ferris' name' te a joint cheek for about twenty thousand dollars, on the n1 bank in Hampton, which was to be I ie used for buying stook in. Mexico, and skipped the country. ut in the faint light of dawn Dave asted halt a minute before be could nd the trail. By the time he bad one sb, the murderer had mounted s horse and was galloping away own the mesa. By the tine Dave could get -back id mount his' bay there would be' not att, who was now disappearing in the. an, whowas now disappearing in the angled growth of jackpine that sep- ated the upper mesa from the one neath it. Nevertheless, Dave ran back and minting his horse bareback, forced along the trail through the scrub and galloped to the mesa's edge. I was beginning to grow fairly ligh but nothing was to be seen. The only ing thing was the buzzard, herb - ger of. death, .still floating in the per currents of the air. .Wherever the nmedcrer had .gone, had certainly not ridden down into e valley, Be must have struck some ail in the almost impenetrable scrub at roselike a low wall along the esa's edge. Relttotantly Dave turned the bay and rode back. It was half light in the cabin now, and Dave blew out the lamp. He looked once more at Hook - 1 er. The blood had ceased to flow, mid ' the old man was lying white and stark l upon the bed, Death must have 'been iinstantaneous. I Dave saddled ;his bay and' rode I 'off down the trail in the direction of • 'Mescal. There was little that he could db now, except inform Sherrif Coggs- well and join a poses to take up, the • trail of - Hooker's murderer. As he rode, he revolved in his mind all pos- sible reasons for the dastardly deed. Had the assassin supposed old Hook- er to be in possession of a hoard of gold', and fired before he had seen I Dave in the room? Or was Lonergan invoolved, and had old Hooker talked too much in the Wayside Rest? The shrill neighing of brones re- called Dave to his surroundings. Emerging' upon the lower mesa, he saw Lois seated ,on. Black Dawn 'with the rest of the herd massed near the scrub and looking' at him, Dave rode up'to the girl. • "ll got some bad news for, you," he said. "May as• well tell you right away. Your dad's been shot dead Killed less than half an hour ago, by a meerderin' skunk who fired through...the window, while we was talkin' together. I went after him, but 'he got away from pec." "I duan how Lonergan carie into the picture. Maybe there was some he crooked work all around, but he's got Wilber Ferris where Ise wants ,tint up now. Hes got a mortgage on the I Cross=$ar, and he put Curran in to tl� run things the way he wants thein." "How ol.'you conic to meet up with f tr Lonergan, if it ain't an impertinent th question?" asked Dave, (m "Why, I—well, I'd done something I shouldn't have done, and T'd come West. Lonergan was acting -sheriff in Mescal at the time, and he recog- nized ane from the description ' and photograph when I hit Mescal, sup °sing that it had all been forgotten. was something I did when I'd been Tinking and got desperate. But uldn't have been all Lonergan says am because my wife stuck to me till he died, • "Well, Dave, I hadto do' what onergan said, or face a term in the penitentiary. You're the first man I've told; that to. So there was I, with my wanderings rant short, and anchor- ed to this place, with my wife and' the girl," "Just what was Longergan's idea, d'you s'pose t" asked Dave. "That's what I'm slowly figuring out, Dave," Hooker answered. "And I don't knew either wiry he tried to put me off this mesa, when I'•d never paid a cent to him all these twelve years, unless it was because I threat- ened him when I'd been . drinking. Maybe I'm just an old pelt, like- Lon- organ says, but I'm on the trail of something ,and I've got my own sus- pinions.'' That cunning look was in old Hook- er's eyes again. He reached out for the battle. Dave intervened. "I guess you've had enough to so- ber up on, pardner," he suggested. TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. Going East, depart 6,43 .a.m. Going East depart 3.00 p.m. Going West, depart 11.45 a,m.. Going West, depart 9.50 p.m. London -Clinton • Going south ar. 2.50, leave 3.08 p.m. • USE THIS CHECK LIST FOR RUBBER SALVAGE Almost every home lin Canada con- tains scrap rubber articles that can be salvaged and used over again in Canada's armed forces and essential industries. The following list 'pro- vides a goodcheck against any ruby her articles you may have in your. home:— Auto tires and tubes Bicycle tires and tubed,. Garden hose Rubber -soled footwear Kneeling pads .Rubber gloves • Tennis' and golfballs Tractor tiresand tubes Rubber aprons Hot water bottles Rubbers, galoshes Rubber heels! and soles Rubber sponges Rubber tobacco pouches Bathing caps Syringes THURS., AUG, 20, 19 2 •ss'Es TvidA4. • QH� WHAT ``BITS AND PIECES" MEANS in scores of Ontario plants "bits and pieces" are being manufactured for war weapons, some parts very minute others weighing many tons are being cut, moulded machined and finished. These are finally assembled into fighting units at central points.That's"bitsand pieces" production. Hydro powers -these plants. As a further con- tribution to the war Hydro's own maintenance equipment when not required for its own use is pro- ducing "bits and pieces." Hydro makes men, minutes and materials count for more—provides power to help Ontario prdduce about half of Canada's total of war weapons. , 1. Working on Paris for anti-tank gun 2. Gear curter at work 3. Turning out Veerio Cartridges cs Men and materials, machines and power—all on a tireless,. almost timeless schedule. These are the factors that have turned Ontario's wonderful "bits and pieces"• production into a well co-ordinated, steady flow of war materials. Hydro-Efectric energy is the driving force that is enabling hundreds of Ontario plants, from little village machine shops to huge industries, to be dedicated to the great crusade for Victory. In excess of 2,000,000 horsepower of electrical ener- gy is being supplied in Ontario by Hydro—approxi- mately one half is now harnessed to war production. More is demanded. New plants are being projected. NOW—let us all conserve Hydro by "bits and pieces"in our own homes and offices, to keep Ontario's wartime "bits and pieces" program going full blasf, Every man and every machine must be kept working every minute. HOW TO SAVE ELECTRICITY Turn off electric lights when not needed. Use the electric range sparingly. Everyone must resolve to save some electricity in some way every day. Every unit of electrical energy that can be saved for wartime purposes will help. i i,WER ',:COMMISSION OFK ,ON7`/. RIO l Are You Coasting Business Is good, in most lines today and for this reason there is a natural tendency to "let down" on aggressiveness •— to speed less time on trying to win new customers and to keep old ones from straying to some other merchant. Business can easily be compared toit motor car. As long as there is gasoline in the tank and you keep '"stepping en" the accel- erator, the car keeps gaining speed or at least travels along at the speed you desire. So it is with business --as long as you keep adver- tising you gain new eustonners to replace those who for some reason or other are lost. When you "throw out" the clutch on a car it doesn't stop—it coasts. So it is with your business, when you slow down or stop advertising you cannot see an immediate difference in the tempo of your business—it "coasts" on the speed which you have gained advertising. But once again, let us compare the motor ear to a business. When the ear "coasts" for a time it slows down to regain the former speed you must feed it extra gasoline to regain the lost momentum. This is exactly what happens to a business. When the pulling power of advertising` has been taken away for a time you must use more of it to regain the lost momentum. There are a great many kinds of advertising available to the man who wishes to dispose of his merchandise. He can tell his cue - tamers and prospective customers in many different ways of the service he has to offer—But for a STEADYPtfISL, a LONG PULL and a SUCCESSFUL PULL use the advertising columns of Clinton News -Record •