HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-08-13, Page 1The :Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 NO. 6105 -63rd. YEAR With ,Which is Incorporated The Ch !ton New - Era: CLINTON ONTARIO. THURSDAY. AUGUST 13, 1942 English China Britishutul. and B�� ti Select from our stock of English China, by famous English Potters. ' CUPS AND SAUCERS, SERVICE PLATES, TEAPOTS AND DINNER SETS A piece of fine China is a pleasant memento of your visit to Clinton. W. H. H TELLY ADZ Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j WE PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD yloalmsmmYb SOLVE YOUR 0!1N HOSIERY PROBLEMS Keep at least two pair on the go. Wash Carefully with luke' warm water and mild soap - dry without wringing or stretching. Wash immediately after wearing. P�PerspirationPerspirationtends toweaken the rayon fibres. Allow hosiery at least - twenty four hours to dry thoroughly as the new fabrics are temporarily weakend when wet. ._ With Proper Care you will best results wearing, the "ORIENT", BUTTERFLY77 "PHANTOM. "or`` HOLE+ PRCO P i1 R... -IRWIN ILFOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE RED CROSS. NOTES Donations $3.78, proceeds of Bingo Party, held on Thursday, Aug- ust Gth, on Slrarlirrgs' lawn by Carol Sperling, Peggy Dippell, Marilyn Chesney and Marion Dippell. . Ethan. the July issue of the Ontario Women's War Work Bulletin we print the following:— Our congratulations and our grati- tude rabtude are due to the Women of Ontario for their splendid co-operation dur- ing the firstsix months' of the year. During recent menthe ever increas- ing demands have been made upon, the workers in all Red Cross! Branch- es. The following figures show the task undertaken and articles. com- pleted from January 1, 1942 to rune 30, 1942. Hospital Supplies .... 218,892 Knitted Comforts . 489,161 Civilian Clothing . 738,775 Total 1446,828- V - Asks 446,828v- Asks For Share Of Milk Checks Huron Finance Committee To Launch Appeal Fermers.of Huron County will in a few days be circularized through the i medium of the cheese factories, eas- ein plants and creameries with' a view to pledging them to use 10 per. cent of their monthly milk and anent returns for ther p urchase of War i savings Certificates. A, J. McMur- it fr Pay, 'Mayer of Clinton and chairman of the War Finance Committee of Huron, is making a strong appeal to the farmers of Huron. "This is your war and my war. It is being fought for us by men who can be kept in the field only if money is increasingly forthcoming to pay fpr their weapons' and maintenance," declared Mr. McMsuray, "Few farm- ers are burdened with defence tax; crops conditions in Huron County are excellent and fair prices are being- re- ceived for nearly all farmer's eons, modities, Can we do less than our very best in supporting with' our financial effort the wonderful men who stand between us and defeat? It is felt that every Canadian will want to play his or her part in this cam- paign ii Let .. WATCHES. IDR�E FREE Insnranc EveN Lurie Watch insured ueoq quest :Aain,t'lois! t t s, [ rear or d1!tt . for else year. Men's `Epitome' Ladies' 'Louise' $24.75 $27.50 Smarr timepiece 17 jewels, charm or natural colour. Newest design=' 17 ieWelt, charm oft oturat velour. Many Other Models To Choose From . . Invest Every Spare Quarter and make the War shorter. Buy , more War Savings Stamps.. You will find our store a convenient place to get them. Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts. Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction, '. N. COUNTER . ,.Co. _ Century in Huron County The New Era Est. 186' THE HOME PAPER Urgent Need For Women - Workers Farm Service Pt. is reported that the peach .crop. will. be fairly good this summer, but it cannot be harvested without the assistance •of • the volunteers in the Farm Service Force, ,who did' yoeman or rather yowoman' service last year, All women workers eugaged in any of these ways -will be known as Farts Service Volunteers. All workers placed by the Force must be over 16 years and not over 45 years, and must be in possession of a National llegietration card. Workers wil work up. to 9 to 10 hours a day, with overtime in emer- gencies. There may be some Sunday work to be done, depending'on the weather and conditions. Wages are 20e to 25c an hour. Camp board is $4,50 per week. Transportation is paid ane way for volunteers who re- main at Least three weeks. There were several Volunteers from Clinton and district last year and it is hoped that several' will volunteer again this year. v Seaforth Publisher Joins R.C.A.F. On Monday evening last a "repres- entative. gathering of the business' men of•• Seaforth, members of the Lions, Chamber of Commerce, Town and Township Councils and many friends gathered at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club house to honor A. Y. McLean, on the eve of his deparr Efire for Quebec to take a commission in the R.O.A.F. Mr. McLean has been business man- ager of The Huron Expositor for nearly ten years,. He is a Justice of the Peace and hoe acted as Cleric of the Magistrate's Court for several years, and was also a member of the Public Utility Commission. Besides these duties he is a past president of the Lion's Club, chairman of the Lions Park Committee secretary e • Shipping Space Reserved. For War' Needs To conserve ;Shipping Specie for vital war needs it necessary to re- duce duce the volume of cusp petsand periodicals sent' to civilians and the armed forces in the United Kingdom and other trans -atlantic destinations as well as to places in Central and South America, Bermuda and the West Indies. Complete newspapers or periodic, els cannot be nailed' to these destine. tions. Instead sof mailing the complete, newslxaper or magazine the public are requested to send only Clippings of special interest. ' LITTLE LOCALS James C. Shearer, agricultural re- presentative, was the guest speaker at the August meeting of the Wo- men's Institute at St. Helens last Thursday afternoon. He gave an in- teresting and informative talk on the part Canada is playing in the war effort. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Vodden gave a picnic in honor of Miss Bertha Web- ster of Toronto and little Misses Evelyn .and Marjorie Young of Au- burn in Goderich park Tuesday after- noon. Mrs. 'G. E. Saville entertain- ed for them Wednesday afternoon on the lawn of her home. Among those who left last Satur- day for the 0.G.I,T. Camp on the shores of Lake Huron, are; Corona Wendell, A114e Lou Thompson, Cath- erine Finglands Carol Sperling; Betty tt ld and Cook, Mary Ellen McDonald Doreen Elliott. Miss Pearl' Elliott has accepted a position on the staff of• The Fashion Shoppe en Goderich. Mr. Douglas Ball has been notified the Cellegiate Alumni and the Golf of his success in passing the final Club, and has been actively interested examinations for the Embalmer's 'n many other •organizations and coo Certificate of Qualification: Mr. iiunity activities. Ball was in Toronto during July During the evening Mr. McLean while taking the course. was presented with a beautiful geld Mr, and Mrs, Fletcher Townsend wrist watch, the address being read have sold their farm in Tucicersmith by Mr. G D. Ferguson and the pies- township to Mr ,Warren Whitmore, ,pntation made by Mr, John C. Crich. and moved into town on Rattenbuty ,• On Tuesday he was also presented street in Mrs, Mary Spaarliiig's borne, tarith a handsome leather travelling kit by the members of The Expositor Mr. Benson Sutter supplied in the ',staff, a remembrance of his work and Pulpit of St. Hele'n's United clrureh tins. associations that will always be near last Sunday, and will take charge of A cable has been vecetved from, to him. the service in Walton United Church Gunner C. M. Neilans telling of bis On Wednesday afternoon "A. Y." 'this coming Sunday. safe arrival overseas with the R.C.A. ( . 1 Engagement Announced The engagement is announced of Vera Florence, only daughter of Win. A. Davis of Hamilton and the late Helen Georgina Davis, to Malcolm George, only son of Mr. and Mrs. g Y George M. McKenzie of Hamilton. The weddprg to tate place , at St. Enoch's Presbyterian church, Hamil- ton, at 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 22nd. v Normal Schools Open September 22 _ Normal schools in Ontario'will open this year on September 22 and not Sertenthar 8th as provided in the regulations, it has been announced by the Ontario Department of Education. The postponement is made to enable students to spend as much time as possible assisting farmers with the harvest. The change in opening dates coincides with the order de- Iayntg the opening of secondary sohoole two weeks: v Girls Stage Party; Proceeds Given To Red Cross Under the direction of Peggy and Marion• Dippell, Carol Sperling and a little vistor from Seaforth, Marilyn Chesney ,a party was held en the lawn at the home of Mr, and Mrg. R. M. Sperling, on Thursday afternoon, August' 6th. A large number of friends, both old and young, came to patronize the lemonade booth, bingo games and the fish pond. At the close of an afternoon full of fun and good fellowship, the little 1. have girls counted their pennies and h $3.68 to give to the Red Cross. Y MILITA Y NEWS Lieut. W. K. Rorke and son Peter. of the Niagara Military Camp, are at the Rorlce cottage on Lake Heron. Sgt. Porcy•Brown, Wireless Air Gunner of Toronto, is spending part, of his leave with friends in town, LAO. Philip Sperling of the R.C.A. F,, St. Thomas, is spending his leave with his parents, Mr, and Mts. R. M. Sperling. Sgt. Instructor Hugb Hawkins of the Canadian Army Trades =School, Hamilton, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Haw - WELCOME TO R.A.F. WIVES Lest week a number of wives of the R.A.F. men attached to the Radio - School here, arrived from overseas,. 0n behalf of the citizens we extend a welcome to Mrs. Pain, LA0. Mrs. Foster, I.A0.; Mrs. Hasking, Ser. geant; Mrs. Morgan, Warrant Officer; Mrs. Stevenson, LAC.; Mrs: Yeoman, Sergeant; Mrs. Cooke, Corporal; Mrs. Wegg, Corporal and Mrs. Symonds, Flight; Lieutenant. With the except- ion of Mrs. Symonds who is living in London, and Mrs. Pain who is living- in iving in Seaforth ,the ladies have found suit- able lodgings in town, Huron Grants $1800 For Recreation Hall At a meeting d£ the Warclen's'com- ntittee of the Huron County Council at. Goderich on Friday evening of last week a grant of $1800 was made to No. 9 Service Flying Training• School at Centralia for the furnishing and equipment of the recreation hall. Grants of $1800 each were made to Ne. 31 Air Navigation School at Port Albert and to No, 31 Radio Training School at Clinton for the same pur- pose when they were 'opened. es Huron Level Higher Itt July Water levels of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River during July as reported by the Hydrographie and Map' Service, Department of Mines and Reseurees: Lake Huron at Goderieh 1i ineir- es higher than June; 14 inches higher r 'than u 1941; 42 inches !ewer than J lyi highest July; 26 inches higher than 'lowest July; 11% inches louver than the average level of July. Government, and will be willing to loan the I left for Lachine, Quebec, to take up Assisting in the service were LAC. Government, for the duration, 10 per Iris trees duties.Bob Carter of Montreal, who presided cent of his or her pay Checks for V 1 at the organ; LAC. Harry Titcombe milk, creast, eggs and other farts of Winnipeg who read the lesson. produce by' purchasing War Savings AMONG THE CI�[URCIJES } Misses Kathleen McGill and Dorothy Certificates to be returned with Corless sang'a duet. in- terest at maturity. Will you not now two Churchregat Services The two congregations of Wesley - make arrangements with your cream ,• Willis and:Ontario Street (United ery, cheese factory or produce deal- Churches') will worship at Ontario Crashes Occur Near er, for this voluntary deduction from Street United Chureh, corner of W'ill- your produce checks"? lam and Ontario Streets. .Rev, G. G. Clinton A letter from the creamery or Burton, minister, at eleven in the gheese factory management, a pledge,morning and seven in the evening. On Sunday night a car driven by card, and a certificate application. • Mrs. Helen Salvos of Iiemsail, return - will be offended to each circular, St. Paul's Church ing from Stratford, ran into a herd with full details of the plan. • Sunday, August loth: 8 a,m., Holy of eleven tattle grazing along the V Con±ounion; 10.15 a.m. S an d a y roadway, Two of the cattle were School 11 a.tn. Litany, sermon: "I badly injured and Mrs. Salves' car Clinton 'Woman Winner Of believe in the Resurrection of. the seriously damaged. Traffic Officer body and the Life Everlasting," War Savings Stamps (from the Apostles' Creed). . For producing the first ripe gat Clinton; Mission . den.tomato in this district, Miss ' In Old Time Dance Hall: Serviees: Heide Pocock was awarded a prize of Sunday S. 2 p.m.; worship, 3 pan.;' onedollar in war savings stamps, Evening 8.15. The ;offer originated in the agricul- - Rev. L. A. Sparks of Asbury Col- tural office with rile prize to be lege Wiltnore, Kentucky will bring awardedby J C Shearer agricultur- a message. al representative. Though Mr. Shear- And many resorted unto him, and er disclaims any recollection of the said, John did no miracle; but all offer, Heide received her was stamps things that John spoke of this man notwithstandhig. were true, and many resorted unto V him there. John 10.41-42. A cordial welcome' to you. Funeral Held 62 Years Baptist Clturbh • The Sunday School meets at eleven After Death of Miner o'clock on Sunday morning: Classes Funeral .services will be, held at for all ages, Come and reooeve a wel- S'tellarton, Nova Scotia for .Angus come and blessing. Mackay August 16-62 years after The evening worship service begins he .was killed in an explosion in the at seven o'clock. The 'minister's ser- Albion coal mine: The body was re- anon subject, will be, ".Christ's Pray - covered a few days, ago and identified' erfulness." by his soon, Angus MacKay, Jr., All who are weary in body, mind or through a watch found near the body, spirit will receive refreshment and Forty-four men were killed in the rest at the worship service, disaster. • Rest, rest to the weary, Pte. Roy Leppington of the R.C.A. Peace, peace to the soul, S:O: at New Glasgow, N.S., happen- Though life may be dreary,, ed to bo spending the weekend at Earth is not thy goal. Stellarton. He, also sent his parents :Gonne lay down thy burden, a snapshot of himself taken in front '.0 come unto Me, of the moa>;ument and burial ground I will not forsake thee, for the miners who were killed in 1 will not forsake thee, the explosion,' 0 come unto me." Urgent Appeal For Rubber Issued For Rural Campaign Within the next few weeks, all patrons of rural post -offices and all rural boxholders in the Provinces of Ontario end Quebec will receive a special printed message from the National Salvage Committee, in con- nection with the huge scrap rubber drive taking place from August 24 to September 8 in the rural sections of:, both these provinces. A foto•-page printed card has beeru. 'prepared for boxholders and resi- • dents, giving the details of the scrap tank corp), -drive. Carrying a list of questions, Signaller Don. Perdue, of Petawa- and answers on the rubber drive for ma Military Camp is spending a short the benefit of ruralites, the card also eave at his home in town, contains a 'handy list of everyday LAC. Dick Dixon of the R.C.A.F. at 'household rubber articles that can be St. Thomas is home on leave. salvaged' for collection, plus a list ofi the vital needs for which the salvaged PERSONALS ' rubber goods can be used. N. Lever has been unable to learn who owns the cattle. Mrs. Salva was uninjured except fora shaking up. t • On the" Middlesex-I-Iiuvon county line on • Saturday '.night, a truck driven. by E. Jennison crashed into a car driven by J. O'Brien of Centralia with the result that both vehicles were extensively damaged. Traffic Officer N. Lever, who investigated, states Jennison will be charged with reckless driving, as he is alleged to have driven through a "Stop" sign, Mise Betty Skinner, Mitchell, is in Clinton hospital suffering from head and face lacerations, body bruises and a fraietured pelvis, and; a. car owned by David Campbell of -De- troit, is damaged to the extent ' of $800 to $1,e00, the result of an early Saturday morning accident on the Varna-Bruoefield road three miles west of Brucefieih Mist Una Sohei- lenberg, also of Mitchell, suffered shock in the accident, but Bruce Hyde, Detroit and Campbell es-, caped with minor injuries and bride - ea. The foul' were returniing ' from Grand Bend when the ear went oat of ,control descending a hill crashed intoa fence and 'toppled over into a ravine. County Traffic Officer Lever in- vestigated. A message on the card, fnom Hon,. •-t;. A,nns Forrester and daughter, ; W. P. Mulock, Canada's Postmaster Miss Barbara are vacationing at , General ,reads in part. "This is an Bayfield. ! -urgent appeal to you. Canada's,. Miss Martie Plumstebl was the week most pressing need is rubber. Your' • end guest of Miss Eunice Hoist of have scrap rubber on your premises,' Dashwood. ! such as okl tires scrap rubber hose, Miss Wilma Radford spent last week rubber overshoes, etc., — in fact, with her aunt, Mrs. A. Webster of i many things of which rubber forms Londesboro. a part—it can be used to great ad- Mr: and Mrs. Frank Match and Miss ' vantage to Canada's war effort... : Dorothy Match ;are holidaying at , the rural couriers, stage couriers ands Bayfield. ; the Post Offices eve( giving their Miss Eleanor Pluittsteel is spending a service hem to help Canada meet this few days with Bev. J. H. and Mrs. urgent need:" Snell of Ethel. Little Misses Evelyn and' Marjorie Young of Hullett township are visas ei ting their grandparents, Mr. and + The London Road Club will hold Mrs, Joseph Webster, their regular meeting on August 204. Miss Kaye Rose of Toronto is spend- at the home of Mis. Lebeau. There ing .• her holidays with her parents, will be quilting and sewing. Anyone Mr: and Mas, W. Ross of town. with quilt blocks please bring' in. Miss. Eva Douglas of Streeboarg,'• V Sask, who has been visiting ,with 'CUG"$ERSMI'1'n her aunt Mrs. W4htier Wallis and • other relatives left last weekend i Mr, Archie Douglas of Strasbourg, far Hamilton: - Sask., now at St, Thomas R.C.A.F. Mr.' and Mrs. George Mercer of school . spent last weekend with leis Chicago, Ill., and Mrs Frank Mer- aunts, Mrs. John Turner and Mrs.. cer and Miss Maggie Perdue of St. Roy Pepper. Marys, visited with Mrs. G. E.1 LONDON ROAD Saville last 'week. Hotelman Is Stricken; Was Master Roy Crich, who was visiting his aunt, Mrs. Wilmer Wallis and other relatives left the end of the week for` his home in Toronto, Mrs. Jas. Dalrymple of Avonlea, Sask., who has been visiting her sister Mrs. 'Robert Dalrymple and. other friend's here, returned to Kitchener to visit her daughter be- 1ume leaving for her home in Sask. Mrs. R. Dalrymple will adoompany her to visit her daughter, Mrs. Jan!k Horton at Glidden, Sask. Native Of Clinton John • Blake Crawford ,partner in the Fairbank " Hotel and well known in :the hotel'business through out the province, died in Toronto,. Thursday, August 6th, of a heart at- tack he suffered while motoring to Hamilton. He was 69 on Wednesday„ A. native of Clinton, he was pro- prietor of hotels at Cobourg, Port:, Hope, Trenton and Newcastle, Ont.,. before going to Toronto in 1921,.