HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-08-06, Page 8PAGE 8 "AUGUST SPECIAL" LANE AND HEIRLOOM NATIONALLY ADVERITSED CEDAR CHESTS NOW ON DISPLAY With Savings of $5.00 to $10.00 per Chest GEORGE B. BEATTIE. Coach Ambulance — Furniture — Funeral Service Phone 184w, Day or Night WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF 2111.„ CIL Paints P4dectioatt44l4:. Enamels and Varnishes 'VD BARN PAINT LASTS LONGER ' . Hot Plates, Toasters, Irons and Heating Pads 1 Used Heavy Duty Electric Range 4 Burners • with Oven 1 Used Electric Washer — Call and See it SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. SUMMER SALE WOOL AND FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Plaid Flannelette Blankets 70 by 80 each $1.10 Ibex Flannelette Blankets "large size" pair $2.69 The last call for pure Wool Blankets and Satin Bound Pure Wool Throws. All future lines will be part cotton, so huy while present stock lasts Beautiful Rainbow bordered "Pure Wool" Blankets, Large Size $11.95 and $12.95 Floe Wool Throws, satin bound, each $6.50' FINE WORSTED SUITS $24.95 Single or double breasted styles and made from fine English Worsted S and Tweeds. Specially pric- ed $24.95. Clearance Sale of All White and Sport Shoes White Shoes from $1.00 pair up. f' • lu steel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. A NEW STOCK OF Stu C uches In Various Colors, have arrived, in Combination Velours; also a shipment of COLLAPSIBLE WARDROBES and a fine assortment of TABLE LAMPS IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have secured a large shipment of COPPER BOILERS, WASH TUBS AND GRANITE PAILS • In order to conserve on our deliveries of small orders we would appreciate if customers would get orders in early so we will not be obliged to over- lap on our. deliveries. "The Store With The Stock" BALL Fe'' ZAPPE A Hardware -- Furniture -- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Service. W. Ball. Phone 361. , PHONE 195 .T. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. First Students Report To Centralia Monday , .A. student pilot class completed' its elementarytraining at Sky Harbor Friday, leaving on weekend leave. It is reported that at least some of the class is to report to the new service flying Ischool at Cenralia, No 9, 30 miles south of here, which is to re-: wive its firtt class of students on Monday next. It will be the first oc- casion on which students will have 'undertaken a complete flying train- ing com^se within the boundaries of Huron County. Nickel To Be Replaced By I 12 -Sided Coin • Canada is to say goodbye to the old round five -cent piece and: have in- stead a twelve -sided coin, Finance Minister ' Ilsley announced in the House of Commons Saturday. 1 The Minister said the new coin will be minted "from, a different metal," the purpose being to saveinekel. The new tea& will not interfere with telephone pay stations, the Min-. ister told H. R. Jackman (Con., To- ronto Rosedale). THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD It has been said, md truly, that this war can only be won by sacrifice and in no other way. This war is an open challenge to the world. If our enemies should win it would mean not only a ie -drawing boundaries and a shift in sovereignty but the destruetion of free sPirit of man. I3uy War Savings Stamps and help protect your self, your fellows, your country. There must be a reason why we sell sixty copies of the Readeo's Digest a month, 25,000 are sent gratis to the U.S. Army. It is read by the ae'my 24 hours a day for when one is coin- ing on duty he hands it to the one going off. It is the only magazine published in an edition for the biind, it gives you an article a day—of sig- nificance in condensed, permanent booklet form. . Buy War Savings stamps to help send him over there, fully equipped, and bring him back again. Philip Gibbs has always given a masterful interpretation of great events in personal and individual terms. His latest achievment is found in "The Long Alert." It is a readable addition to his series of novelabout England in wartime. PRICE $2.75. Fountain Pen dearness is not in the price it je in the Pen. Users of a good pen declare them to be a con- venience and time saver and you al- ways have with yen a point you're used to which surely means much. Don't forget about your War Sav- ing Stamps. ' Tli W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapest—AlwaY• the Nei - • -. 111110,MW1 .Ato mum Mr. and 1V1rs. John Vincent have re- turned home from their honeymoon trip. Miss Lorna Plumsteel of Toronto is holidaying this week in Clinton and Hayfield. Miss Mary R. Stewart of Kenora is the guest this week of Miss Elean- or. Plumsteel. Mies Aphrew Steep returned to Lon- don with Mrs. Carter for a few days holidays. Miss Marjory 1VLeiMath of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, N. Turner. Mises Jessie Campbell and Colquhoun are holidaying at the Karwartha Lakes. Miss R. V. Irwin left Tuesday by boat for Port Arthur, where she will visit friends for a few days. • Miss Eva Douglas of Strasbourg, Sask., was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin °rich last week. Mr and Mrs.• Chas. Gibson and two children of Toronto are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Vanliorne. Mise t4 Joyce Kearns and Betty Steep are visiting with the former's ,grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kearns at Kincardine. Mrs. Jack Partridge and her sister-in- law, Mrs. W. Partridge of Toronto spent the weekend with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webster. Mrs. and Mr. Clifford Tyndall and son Clifford' of Toronto, have been spending their holidayswith the former's father and other members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Jenkins and Miss Edna Jamieson of Clinton and, Mrs. Effie Jamieson of Seaforth were in Toronto last Saturday attending the Carter--Purkis wedding. Mrs. W. E. O'Neil and daughter Peg- gey, of Halifax, N.S., who have been visiting' relatives in Clinton, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs, M. Cook of Sarnia. 11,.. and Mrs. Gordon Ouningliame ve returned from a short motor trip up north and for the rest of the month will reside with their family at their summer cottage in Bayfield. /VIT. and -Mrs. Melvin, Crich and Har- old, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. , Ogle Miller of Goderich spent the weekend and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller of Hamilton at their summer home on lake Erie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hogg and son, Doug- las, and M. and Mrs. Ernest Hall and sons-, Ted and Sohn of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. G. E. Hall and Miss 'Evelyn. Ted will re- main with his Grandfather for the month of August. SPRAY with VITASPRA and have healthy clean plants 40c a bottle "FERTABS" are just the tonic your plants require. Sold in isc& 25c Packets FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. DILL FOR SALE F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. ?hones 176 and 31 • 1 bag FLUFFS, 25 qt 39c 2 lbs. PURE LARD 29c 4 pkg. JAR RINGS 25c 1 doz. ZINC RINGS . . ... 25c 7 Ib. bag PASTRY FLOUR 29c 7 lb. bag FIVE ROSES. FLOUR 29e IA lb. BLACK PEPPER 10c Ib. RE BULK COCOA 19c 2 cans PILCHARDS " 35c 1 can BAKING POWDER with Kitchen utensils 25c 6 cakes LONDON SOAP 29c 1 lb. pkg. DOMESTIC SHORTEN- ING 19c 1 doz. CROWN JARS 1 peck NEW POTATOES 45c 2 pkgs. REDI-COOKED BEANS . 9c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES WEEKEND SPECIALS W. L. JOHNSON GR,OCER FREE DELIVERY PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR Aug. 6, 7, and 8th CHOICE PUMPKIN 2 Ige. tins . 21c SUPER SUDS pkg. 19c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER tin .. 10c DOMESTIC SHORTENING 1 lb. 19c NEILSON'S COCOA th lb. tin .. 190 CARNATION MILK Ige. tin .... 100 BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP 5 Ib. tin 57c KEEN'S MUSTARD 4 oz. 27c GILLET'S LYE tin 12c HAWES FLOOR WAX lb .tin 45c IVORY SNOW Ige. pkg. 25c KEEN'S BLUE pkg. 7c POTATOES 15 Ib. peck , 45c TOIVIATORS 5 lbs 25c 11 FF. basket b5c HONEY No. 1 4 Ib. tin ..... , . GOc HEINZ VINEGAR gal. 65c ORANGES doz. ......... ..... 27e GRAPEFRUIT 5 for .......... 25c LEMONS large size 3 for 10e STANLEY Mr .and Mrs. Goldie Graham at- tended the funeral of the lady's. uncle, the late Mr. Hector Amor of Hamil- ton last Thursday, Mr. and MIs. Randall H. Pepper of Sudbury are spending. their holi- days, visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Pen- ner and other friends. Misses Lyla and Betty Mdir and Ger- ald of Tiensall are this week, visiting their aunt Mr Nor 13 ird s. man a . THURS., AUG. 6, 1942 PERSONALS Miss M. McLaughlin of London spent Civic holiday with Miss A. Bartliff. Miss Helen Greens is in Windsor, the guest of Mr.• and Mrs, Howard Greens. ' Mrs. V)Tni. Balfour of Mitchell spent Civic holiday with her cousin, Mrs. F. Axon. Mrs. Hamlyn Jackson Of Toronto was a weekend. guest of Dr. J. S. and 1V1r0. Evans. .• Mrs. 3, 11. Jackson of North Battle - ford,' Sask. visited .over the -week- end at the home of her cousin, Dr. J. S. Evans. Mr. Mac. Falconer of Windsor spent the weekend with his, wife, and fam- ily in town. Mr. A. J. McMurray is in Guelph visi- ting his 'brother Mr. Thomas Mc- 1VIurraY. Miss Phyllis Shaw of Harriston sent the weekend, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. IVIalurray., Mr: and Mrs: E. S. Livermore and son, who have spent the month of July in Bayfield, have- returned to their home in Aylmer. Miss Gladys Beatty of London and Miss Edith Beatty of Varna, Mrs. Andrew Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tandy of Detroit were visi- tors during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray. AWARDED BRONZE PINS Two months ago a ladies rifle club was formed in Clinton, to meet every Friday evening. at Epps' Rifle Range, and since then- the ladies have become affiliated, with. the Dominion Marks- man Competition Club in Montreal. The following have been awarded bronze pins for target shooting- at twenty yards: Mrs. Jean Griffith, Mrs. Frankie Ball, Mrs. Kennena Epps, Mrs., Ruth Gordon, and Mrs. Jean Hunter and Misses Marie Plum - steel, Janet McTaggart, Jessie Camp- bell, Isabel Colquhoun and Agnes Combe. Miss .Campbell is now work- ing on the "Expert" shield, which calls for twenty targets each of every position for shooting, standing, sit- ting, kneeling and prone etc. There is only one other holder -of this shield in Clinton, that is, Mr. Ellwood. Epps, and, it is an , emblem of the highest achievement in sporting rifle shoot- ing. Many of the above mentioned have enough targets for their silver pins and are working on the gold pin targets. The club meets every Friday night at 7.30 o'clock at the range and is growing steadily in members. There is always a welcome for new mein - hers, come if you are interested. have challenged a team from town,. There are similar clubs' in the the. shoot Will be held in the near rounding towns and .Winghard -deb Akar. ' tfl• .MIZZCZEZMT , SPECIAL VALUES AUGUST 6,7, 8T11, KELLOGG'S Cornflakes 2 pkgs 15c MEPHISTO 'SARDINES 2 tins 25c SOUP Catapbell's Tomato 3 tins c-kNifir Waterloo Creamed MUShrOOMS tin 23c LARGE AND MEATY PRUNES 2 lbs 25c AYLMER DICED BEETS tin 10c 25c orCOIVOMY Canada Pride Peathes tin 15c Sunerest Evaporated Milk 2 tins 19e A LONG LZIENTG-5;ELONOMIGAL Red & white Tomato Juice 2 tins 19c 2 cakes, 1 1 CANADA'S FINEST P. & G. SOAP 4 for... 23c -37BinrANii7Sk–tezin---... 10es pkg. 20.c '1ARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Sunkist Juicy PEACHES . Seedless 5 for Oranges doz. 33cGrapefruit ... 25c APPLES PLUMS No. 1 Ontario Stake Tomatoes lb. 6c Large Juicy Lemons 6 for 19c Choice New Carrots 2 for 15c H. LETTUCE RADISHES GR. PEPPERS CUKES GR. ONIONS CABBAGE MELONS Choice New Beets bunch ... 5e No. 1 Local Potatoes 5 lb 17c Choice Hearts of Celery bunch 15c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON AIMIA NILOOOSIONIIIMIL ,010.0000000050mmt007.000E0ameretkumzr WHY NOT HAVE YOUR Plumbing or Furnace Overhauled DURING THE SUMMER Help will be scarce so get your order in and be ready for the coil weather. PRICES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON PLUMBING: AND HEATING 0 HARDWARE and S •L•PLUMBING Phone 244 IrmEMI2neiiieemelmotoorzog4=`,.. „0tco0A",8*, 0144:14WON '4144 August- 8tn 2 Bars Uc CASTLE FLOOR WAX ... lb. tin 29c DUNDURN MARMALADE, jar 29e TOMATOES 28 oz. size 2 tins 25c NUT CRUSH jar 27c YORK PUMPKIN tin 12c ZINC RINGS doz. 25c RUBBER RINGS 4 doz. 25c VAN CAMP'S PORK AND BEANS 2 tins 19c TOMATO JUICE 201oz. ti50,- 2 for 19c SNAP HAND CLEANER tin 15e. LAUNDRY SOAP 5 bars 19c CLARK'S TOMATO or VEGE- TABLE SOUP 3 for 25c OLD ,ENGLISH, NO -RUBBING WAX tin 49c 19c LB. 19c LB. ROSE DALE CATSUP, 2 bottles 29c FRESH VEGETABLES Carrots, Cucumbers, Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, Tomatoes, and NEW NO. 1 POTATOES OUR MEAT COUNTER, CONTAINS FRESH PICNIC HAM 24c ib. DELICA HAM LOAF 45c Ib. BOLOGNA 20c lb. in piece DUTCH LOAF 29c lb. VARIETY LOAF 39c lb. FRESH SAUSAGE 25c Ib. FRESH WEINERS 27c lb. HEADCHEESE 22c lb. citiNEW" MAPit 11,4 ILEAL SCONOMY Giant size 69c pkg Large size 20c pkg. PHONE 40, THE STORE 'CHAT SAVES YOU MONEY. 0160111.10Valaltigki.