HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-08-06, Page 22 i y Victor Zona e u CIlAP'1'L1c 1:1 job if he can break a horse called Ylack Dawn ,a notorious killer. fle succeeds, but realizes that Curren ex - SYNOPSIS I pettedthe horsey to kill hint. He tells Curran he can keep his job. Curran, !' in turn, strikes out at Dave, but miss Dave Bruce ,out of a job, arrives at es, I I ;LA161 Wilbur Ferris' Gross -Bar ranch. Cu- — ran, the foreman ;promises hien `a But that blow didn't land. It passed. harmlessly by Dave's head, and next The Clinton .1dewS-,record instant Dave had let Gurran have one THE : LANTON NEWS -RECORD. snarled the ianclrnan, "You ride hard and fast and keep a goin'. It won't be healthy- for you to show your face in these parts. again." '",Don't worry, Ferris. I'ni leavin' you. Where I'm goin' is , m.y bnsi• - i.ecs,' Dave answered. He place, foot in stirrup, threw his leg across the back of the bay, 'and started along the valley in the direction that' the herd had. taken, He Quickened his bay to a gallop. that caught the big foreman on the The herd was about a quarter of a with which is Incorporated month and; sent him rocking back- mile ahead, Dave Gould see the. THE NEW ERA ward. Roans of delight broke from girl on the black, leading it, and TERMS i OF SUBSGRIPTION. the throats of the onlookers. noticed that every movement of the . Dave turned from rhe yelling animals was perfectly co-ordinated. 31.50 per year in advance, to Can- Mexicans to Wilbur Ferris, "Yeah, It teas as .if the mind of the girl adian addresses; $2.00 to the U.S, or you got a swell way with strange en ,.,,1 ect and directed the mass other foreign Ieountries. No paper: ere," lie said. He stooped, retrieved mind of the horses. discontinued- until all arrears are his belt and buckled it on. He , He: rode the bay harder. He was paid unless at the option of the ppb- glances] at Curran, who was jest be- ' ,overtaking the herd now, keeping lisher. The date to which every sub-' P 'g sci•iption is paid is denoted on the gmnig to come back to consciousness, well outside the clustered mass •of label 1"I ain't askin' you- how' -or why, but -horses. ' Now he was abreast of it, ADVERTISING RATES. Transient ; you, ,mew that horse was a killer and , and now he was almost level with advertising 12c per countline for you wanted sport, Well, I reckon 'Black ' Dawn in the lead. , first e- quentinsertion. . 8c for � insertion. en Heading eoth ss 2 you'vehad it., I'm i'id'in :" j girl, she seemed If the saw him lines. Small advertisements not to ! Ignoring Ferris' apologetic mumble, unaware of his pt•esenoe. She was exceed one inch, such as "Wanted," he moved toward his bay. He bad loping steadily on, and the horses, "Lost", "Strayed", etc., inserted once reached its side when a renewed out- kept their unbroken formation be - for 311, each subsequent insertion I burst of excitement among' the Mex- bind her. The neck 01- the valley 15c. Rates for .display advertising' leans caused him to turn. was in plain sight, with the roofs made .known on application. 1, Communications intended far pub-, A sides- was galloping toward the of Mescal not far'_away. A wagon lieation must, as a..guarantee of goodcorral, the horse traveling at racing . trail came into view, with a branch - faith, be accompanied by the name speed, The, horse conte on like a •ing trail running. across the valley of the writer. and winding up toward the heights. G. E. HALL - Proprietor whirlwind,, and slim young rider drew rein outside the corral, leaped . above. to the gground, and left the renis trail - ledthe branch, -'Lois suddenly pul- led in though she had no reins in her ing• "Lois! Lois!" shouted the NIexi hands. The herd came to a stop Fire Insurance Agentcans. without a word of command. Lois Representing 14 Fire Insurance Curran was rising to his feetloop sat the black, waiting for Dave to• Companies, look - ride up. Division Court Office, Clinton ing about him in a dazed way. The newcomer ignored him.. I He reined in beside her and, raised '1She looked like a boy with her his hat. He looked into her face. Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. short crop of fair hair, her stained The hard -set eyes of gray like his Barrister, `Solicitor, Notary Public denim overalls, .and the worm chaps own, flashed like stormy pools as Successor to W. Brydone, LC. with shoes that were mere strips' of they met his. Sloan Block ..... -- .... Clinton, Ont. leather partly covering the feet. Dave "I wanted you to understand how , wasn't sure until she spoke, and her it came about," said Dave. "Lid just voice was vibrant with indignation: rode up to Ferris' Ranch, hopin' to DR. G. S. ELLIOTT' . 1 "Black Dawn! What have you clone strike a job. • Curran 'told me I to Black Dawn?" could haev -one if I could break Black 'Veterinary Surgeon I. She was looking et the' horse, I -awn. I didn't know the horse was I. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Phone 203 -- Clinton. Ont. which stood with down -hanging ]read yours. I thought they was all Fer- ansi made no move toward her. The ris' broncs, rest of tho remuda, as. recognizing "After I got -on his back I saw he • lleer, came moving toward' her in a was 'a killer. It was his life against I body, :kering, and attempting to mine, I broke: hint, and be pretty Barrister -at -Law l nuzale • her through the fence. She near broke me. That's all I got to Solicitor of the Supreme Court of turned indignantly to Wilbur Ferris. say except I hope you understand." Ontario "What have you done with Black "That's all you've got to say?" A. C. MEIR proctor rn Adimra]ty. Dawn?" she asked. - ! asked the : girl. Notary Public and ,Commissioner ',why, you sae, Lois,this here ' "I'm ,skin'you to accept m p Offices in Bank of Montreal Building 'p Y a ol- Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays feller has broke Black' Dawn," an- ogles for what I done. 'Don't seem and Fridays. I steered the . ranchmmn, indicating to me there 'ought to be hard feel- Dave. . ings between us." • "Broke him? Nobody could break i "Your feelings don't interest me Black Dawn!" criedthe girl. "He's one mite, t stinger," the girl answer- • mine! You asked me to come down ed. "There's Mescal, over there," and ride him for you and help with She pointed. "I reckon that's ' your Cirotherhorses." way. My way lies over yonder." She "That horse is a killer," Dave spoke pointed up the branching trail. "You up. "Tat feller Curran told me I'd ride on and don't cross my path e - get a job here if I broke him. I gain, Good morning. reckrn I've broke him But I ain't ` Dave couldn't see the touch of her workin' here." knees -upon the flanks of the black, "You beast! 'You coward! He's ',but instantly it had wheeled and my horse!" cried the girl. ,was loping along the trail that ran HAROLD JACKSON In an instant she had scrambled up toward the mountains. And in- ' D. IL McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors • west of Royal Bahl() Hours—Wed. and Sat,, and by appointment FOOT CORRECTION by Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 Licensed Auctioneer ,over the fence and was standing be- stantI the whole rernud Y a had wheel Specialist in Fara yand Household side the black, fondling his head and 'd ar l foilowe 1 in its tracks. Before Sales. rubbing the sweat -stained nose. Dave quite realized it, he was sit- Licensed in Huron and ' Perth And Dave noticed a strange thing,' ling 'en his bay alone, watching the Counties. Prices reasonable; setts- For the other horses had gathered rapidly disappearing herd thudding faction guaranteed. about the girl, and were stretching across the ass. For information etc, write or phone g + g gr' ' Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth, out their heads to be stroked anti He sat there with his ` eyes 00 it phone 14-661, 05-012 nipping gently at her. But she tool: S" not the Yeast notice of them, only of until it vanished• from sight behind Black Dawn.a long hogback. He saw it appear THE McKILLOP MUTUAL again, toy hoe- os running in the y>, - What 'was it all about? Dave wake of the black, and rapidly ap- 4'a Insurance Company couldn't understand: But • he saw preaching the sage patches and the Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. two •of the Mexicans move forward' scrub that clothed the base of the Officers President A. W. MeEwing, And begin to let down the bars of the foothills. Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archi-corral gate, while neither. F-erris nor It was barely two hours stew he bald, Seaforth; Manager and Sec. Curran uttered another word. " had. ridden tip to Ferris' ranch. The Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. The bars were down -now, Butnot sun was still high in the sky. The Directors: Wen, Knox, Londesboro; one of the unbroken herd made a things that had . happened in those Alex. Broadifoot, Seaforth; Chris. move for freedom. instead the re two hours secured now in.com r• ehen- Leonhardt, Dublin; E. J. Trewartlia, mained, clustered about the girl as sibl•o and almost like a dream. He Clinton; Thos Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth Alex Meme she stood with her arm aobut Black was aware that he was aching from ing, Blyth; Prank McGregor, Clinton; Dawn's_ neck. head to foot after his tussle with the Hugh Alexander, Walton. The girl leaped upon Black Dawn's black. And his knuckles were bleed - List of Agents` 1 back. Without bridle :or even halter, . ing from their contact with Curran's J. Watt, Blyth; J g .E. Pepper Bruce- Bruce- she guided, him toward' the entrance teeth. field, R.R. No, 1; R .>". Mc by pressure of her knees. As the The valley narrowed; tyle track as- ho•rse passed through, the rest of the cended. Once over the neck. Dave remuda followed, one by .. one, the saw the little cowtown huddled on Aiexicans scattered before them. either bank of a muddy stream, with Only Curran tirade a. movement to the arid, sage -covered lands on eithe intercept the herd: And the girl, or side of it, stretching away end- ows; leaned forward and whispered lessly toward the mountains. in Black Dawn's ear,. Instantly the Mescal was not much different i ors° was once a demon of fury. He front the other oowtowns Dave had wheeled, neck outstretched, teeth ridden through on his journey „south - gleaming. Curran staggered back- I ward. Rather smaller, uglier, dirt - war,' andcollapsed' in a heap beside 'ler, but the same half-dozen stores the corral, and ]text moment the lastwith their false fronts, a ' saloon of the herd was through. I masquerading as a hotel and a few With the girl leading on Black frame or adobe houses set drown on Dawn the whole herd started at a lots of . all sorts of angles to one • quick lope across the valley, Yeav, another. ing Dave standing, astounded, beside- A ,swinging sign that creaked dis- his bay. He saw that the Mexicans malty' in the wind, proclaimed, the were crossing themselves as they hotel to be the WAYSIDE REST. looked after the horses..Ferris came mous horses were tethered to the up to him. rack in front of it. 'They were the "Ride; Yeah ,youldh best ride!" , only Living things visible in the Dublin, B.R. No. 1; J. F. Preuter, Brodhagen. Any money to be paid may be paid to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank ore Commerce, Seaforth,' or at Galvin Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. Partiesdesiring to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applica- tion to any of the above officers ad - .dressed to. their respective post offs- ' eces, Losses inspected by the director. CANADIAN j ATIONAL ,r ALWAYS TIME TABLE :Trains will arrive at and; depart from • Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. loing East, depart. 6.43 a.ni., Going East' depart3.00 ppm. Going West, depart 11.45 a.m. Ccing West, depart 9.50 pmt. London --.Clinton Going south or. 2.60, leave; 8.08• *pin, short, dusty street, Dave rode 'round and Sound the inevitable rusty, galvanized iron tank, fed with 'a trickle of water from a pipe. He gave his, bay a drink placed' him alongside the oth- o o at the rack, Then pushing open. the swinging doors of the saloon, ho went , n tnsido. Two men were soared at a table. One wasan individual of middle age, wearing striped trousers and a faded cutaway- coat, with a ring' -on his little ;ringer and a pearl pin- 'in his, tie. The other was an'elder'ly . non with a shock of gray hair his - dilapidated hat, an unkempt beard, and *lathes 'that might have been exohanged with any average scarecrow without either getting ,the better of the bargain. Upon a wall was a notice, ap- parently steteck off from a hand - press, the ink smeared all -over the paper. It announced the sale, at an early date, of a valualbe ranch property of two thousand acres, un- der foreclosure, Dame poured himself a small drink from the, bottle that the barkeep handed him and filled. rip with gin-• ger ale. The barkeeper and the Mexi- cans watched him drink in silence. Dave lead just set down his glass when there carne an -explosive out- berst from the old man at the-table."`You can't do that to me, Loner- gan!" he shouted. "It's twelve,years since you brought me here, and you can't put the out this way, with the girt you—" "One word more,. you old fool, and you'll be sorry you opened your mouth," snapped the other. "Twelve years? Yes, it's twelve years, and the ranch has gone to rack and rub You haven't begun to pay off the principal, and now you're a ,year be- hind with the interest. I'm tired of you, Hooker. You're just a drunken pest, giving a bad name to the dis- trict. Hooker, you're through," Both men had risen to their feet. Old Hooker, blind with rage, swayed across the table. "So, that's. what you think, Loner- gan, is it?" he sneered. "Well, it may be that you're wrong," Dave noticed that'in spite of the •old man's condition his accents were those oh a man of education. "I haven't liv- ed in Mescal twelve years for noth- ing, Lonergan. It may be you'll change your mind when you look in-' to it," "You doddering old fool!" shout- ed the other, drawing his hand sntiirtly'aeross Hooker's face. The blow was not a severe one, but old 110 oker, reeling back, lost his footing and fell, bringing down his chair' in the crash. Next moment Dave was'at Lonergan's side, hand gripping his shoulder. He swung him around. "You ain't partic'lar about pickle' somebody your own age for fightin', are you, Lonergan?" he asked. Longeran whitened, backed. "Who are you, and what are you betting in- to this business for?" he shouted. "No business of mine at all," ad- mitted Dave. "I thought you was lookin' for a fight. But I guess you're- the -kind, that likes to play sure and safe." "He owes me two hundred dollars back interest on his mortgage and he hasn't got a cent to his name," shouted Lonergan. "Drinks up every cent he makes in this saloon. I'm. tired of him -if it's any business of yours. And we don't like strangers interfering with our affairs in Mes- cal" (TO BE CONTINUED) -v Two Near -Drownings At The Bend On Sunday There were two near -drowning ac- cidents at Grand Bend on Sunday afternoon. The hot weather load induced many to seek relief at the lakeside and in the cool waters of Lake Huron. Orville Kahle, 18 -year- old son ,of Mr. and Mrs. R. Khalo, of Mitchell, got beyond his depth and being unable to swim',was- seen to be in difficulty. Fred Glass, an accomp- lished swimmer from, Kitchener, now of Statford, went to the rescue and succeeded 'in bringing young Kahle to shore. The latter was unconscious, but was aeon brought around by anti - £idol respiration. Dr. Reid, of . Lon- don, and Chief of Police George West- lake; of Grand Bend, assisted. The lake was oalm at the time. A second rescue was made about two hours later, when Miss Beatrice Doear, of Stratford, aged 16, got into difficulties. Her companion',' Walter' Pintas, of Stratford, went t o her aid but was unable to get the girl to safety. Victor Cas-yn, of Ti11- sonburg, rendered assistance, and suc- ceeded in dragging Miss Doerr to shallow water,—Exeter A�l�vocate. COT COARSE FOR 7111 PIPE COT•P/NE'P0R` CIGARETTES THURS., AUG. d, 1942 Are u Coasting? Busitiess is good in most lines today and for this reason there is a natural tendency to "let down" on aggressiveness — to spend less time on trying to win new customers and to keep old ones from straying to some other merchant. • Business can easily be compared to a motor car. As long as there is gasoline in the tank and you keep "stepping on" the accel- erator, the car keeps gaining speed or at least travel's along at the speed you desire., So it is with business -as long as you keep adver- tising you gain new eustomers to replace those who for some reason or other are lost. When you, "throw out" the clutch ona car it doesn't stop—it coasts, So it is with your business, when you slaw down or stop advertising you cannot see an immediate difference in the tempo of your business—it "coasts" on the ,speed which you have gained advertising. But onee again, let us compare the motor car to a business, When the car "coasts" for a time it slows down to regain the former' speed you 'must feed it ektra, gasoline to regain the lost momentum. This is exactly what happens to a business. When the pulling power of advertising has been taken away for a time you must use more of it to regain the lost momentum. There are a great many kinds of advertising available to the man who wishes to dispose of his merchandise. He can tell his cus- tomers and prospective customers in many different ways of the service, he has to offer—But for a STEADY PULL, a LONG. PULL and a SUCCESSFUL PULL use the advertising columns of Clinton News -Record # -t'n. xi i. il'miv: .al. CO -OPER MORE is RODUCINGor civil ation of of North reveals an forthright (North American Canada United' States Total You can see a target for be produced The Ontario in this province. 110,000 ewe present flock he obtained. the Department will absorb to put you purchase them. In establishing counties in expansion CATEGORY 3 More Flock, Township Required Bruce Carleton Dulferin Durham Grey Hastings HuronElgin Lambton Lanark Manitoulin Middlesex Ontario Rainy River Any farmer two years For complete can play in sentative or HON. P. MINISTER ONTARIO yyy{i{$..� ,�£fA. 51� �I!x' pi's. Fi 6 TE IN WOOL. NUMBER m population is every Ontario America and alarming speaking. Wool Production 19,200,000 455,000,000 /y P jvW '` A'� P{�• oCr ; M ONTARIO'S EFFORT HELP INCREASE OF ONT:x;RIO SHEEP e wool to clothe Canada's a vital task which deserves farmer. A brief study of world conditions situation that calls 1941 North lbs. Canada lbs. United G }}r THE fighting the of the occasioned for straight American States and with critical. to help to effect must be kept, kept on most accommodate 1,000 Representative for sale that expansion in the lists "C" Flock per Required - or more or rams, your county Agriculture, •fA M 3fi �r �'�.'�`i TO SIZE FL;.,CKS earnest wool Wool 1,086,000,000 lbs. every produce an the of the any new or men You below. may or Agricultural' Toronto. DEPUTY tI PRO forces thinking Consumption 109,000,000 977,000,000 . AND consider- production by: and the F -+f OOE her war and 1941 lbs. lbs. 474,200,000 DEFICIT that with shipping eneneysubmarines, at home and Department To do lambs from owner kept But since many is asking all surplus ewe in touch with 1,000 new proportion to must be accomplished "A" Renfrew per Simcoe Victoria Wellington' York CATEGORY 2 More Township. Frontenac Hatdimand Hatton reel .Perth Petarboro starting a new on loan from the CONSULT information about helping Canada W. P. Watson, Live M. DEWAN DEPART lbs. • Total - - - - 611,800,000 space ata premium the situation is indeed it's up to Ontario farmers of Agriculture is working this, all present flocks the 1942 crop must be three ewes from this crop, sheep owners cannot Ontario farmers to establish lambs. Your Agricultural men who have lambs Socks, it is intended the present sheep population. in your county Waterloo Wentworth CATEGORY I More Township "B" Algoma Flocks .per Brant Required Dundee Essex Glengerry - Grenville Haliburton Kent Leeds THE RAM POLICY flock ofy15 ewe lambs Dominion Government. YOUR AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE secuting ewes, ewe lambs, produce more wool, consult Stock Branch, Dept. of bj --_4 , lbs. merchantman More wool must it. increase of 25% and in addition, farm. If every increase would more animals, flocks which will be able who wish to take place by will see what Lennox & Addington. Lincoln Muskoka Nipissing Norfolk Northumberland Oxford Parry Sound Prescott Prince Edward t2ussoll Stormont Sutlbu rY Temiskaming Thunder Bay Welland w secure a ram for about any part you Repre- W. R. REEK MINISTER f, '. /4,1� 'ENT Are u Coasting? Busitiess is good in most lines today and for this reason there is a natural tendency to "let down" on aggressiveness — to spend less time on trying to win new customers and to keep old ones from straying to some other merchant. • Business can easily be compared to a motor car. As long as there is gasoline in the tank and you keep "stepping on" the accel- erator, the car keeps gaining speed or at least travel's along at the speed you desire., So it is with business -as long as you keep adver- tising you gain new eustomers to replace those who for some reason or other are lost. When you, "throw out" the clutch ona car it doesn't stop—it coasts, So it is with your business, when you slaw down or stop advertising you cannot see an immediate difference in the tempo of your business—it "coasts" on the ,speed which you have gained advertising. But onee again, let us compare the motor car to a business, When the car "coasts" for a time it slows down to regain the former' speed you 'must feed it ektra, gasoline to regain the lost momentum. This is exactly what happens to a business. When the pulling power of advertising has been taken away for a time you must use more of it to regain the lost momentum. There are a great many kinds of advertising available to the man who wishes to dispose of his merchandise. He can tell his cus- tomers and prospective customers in many different ways of the service, he has to offer—But for a STEADY PULL, a LONG. PULL and a SUCCESSFUL PULL use the advertising columns of Clinton News -Record