HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-07-30, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Este 1878
With Which
is Incorporated The -Clinton New Era
NO. 6103 -63rd YEAR
The New Era Est. 1867
BritiSh and Bea,ut)tui
Select from, our stook of English China, by famous English
Potters: -
A piece of fine China is a pleasant memento . of your visit
to Clinton,
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
Among them you will find, -
Slack Suits, Short Suits, Beach
Capes, Farmerettes, Cotton -
Aril Clearing at One Half
Original Prices.
loria Watch
is insured
upon request
.Berner m 1 1
rrskof loss
or &tto for
Ono veer,
Men's 'Epitome' Lathes' 'Louise'
$24.75 $27.50
Smart timepiece 17
jewels, charm of
natural colour,.
Newest design; 17
charm. of
lural colour,
Many Other Models. To
Choose From
Invest Every Spare Quarter and make the War shorter. Buy
more 'War Savings :Stamps., You will find ourstore a convenient,.
place to get them, .
Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction.`
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
1 Century in Huron County
Owing .to Monday, August 3rd
being a civic holiday, we must
ask our .advertisers to have their
ads. in the office' not later than
'1'hesdayno, and ca n our ogres=
pondents to have all news items
in the office by Tuesday evening,
Farmers Receiving Help In
Men, Women and Airmen have ans-
wered the tali far help in harvesting
the crops for farmers. Last week we
reported the names of the men who
helped needy farmers. This week we
have a much bigger . number of help-
ers to report. They are: E. A. Fines,
D. M .Maltby, John C. Reid, Jim Mc-
Laren, Ken Johnson, Cree Cook, J. S.
Shearer, Rev. G. W. Moore, Jim
Chowen, V. D. Falconer, Roy Fitz-
simons, Dr. Geo. S. Elliott, A. Garen,
Mat. Hodge, Bill Watkins, Chas.
Shanahan, Ken. Waters, Rev. A.
Lane, W. Burton. Chas. Pearce,
Gordon Shortreed, A. J. MeMurray,
George Jefferson, and sixteen airmen
from No, 31 R.D.P. School, Clinton, 6
of which refused any pay. The
farmerettes are Catherine Jefferson,"
Phyllis Herman, Helen. Herman,
Marjorie Henderson, Several of the
men mentioned above have been help-
ing two and three times.
The farmers who have been served
were: Howard Trewartha, Wm. J.
Dale, Fred Nott, Bill McGuire, Tom
Flynn, Norman Bali, Wellington
Johnson, Melvin Sturdy, Lee McCon-
nell, Mel. Webster, Les. Cox, Fred
Mulholland and Wilbur Keyes.
Now We Need The Tools
Now -to -day we need those arms
and munitions, Not ',temoydow=,or
next year. Tomorrow may be too
late. The scales of victory or defeat
are at a trembling balance. If we
throw on every last possible gun and
plant antitank w hieh.all.our energies
and money .can provide, we "will win.
If we do not we will lose. No half
meastues can beat the fanatical ef-
fieienoy and huge resources of the
Nazis. Canada's fighting men cannot
save Canada if we begrudge them the
weapons. Buy those weapons for our
soldiers, by buying War . Savings
:Stamps: and Certificates from the fol-
lowing Clinton merchants who, for
your convenience, are stocking War
Savings Stamps. Ask them for all
you can afford, NOW, and keep on
buying them while the clanger lasts.
Morgan J. Agnew
W. M. Aiken
Ball and Zapfe
Bank of Montreal
Harry Bartliff
Bell Telephone Co.
Canadian National Express
11. W ,Charieswoi.'th
Miss Eva Cluff
Clinton. Creamery
W. G. Cook
Connell and Tyndall
A. T. Cooper
N. W .Counter
Davis and Herman
Epps Sport Shop
W. D. Fair and Co.
Finch Service Station
Frank Fingland, K.C.
Ross Fitzsimons
V. D. Falconer
Fred Ford
Bert Glidden
3. L. Heard
W. H. Hellyar
J. E. Hovey
Hustie's Shoe Repair
Miss R. V. Irwin
George T. Jenkins
W. L. Johnson
Kozy Grill
Frank Layton
James Lovett
Miss Annie McDonald
Mutch Bros.
J. W. Nediger
The News -Record
Edgar Pattison
Plulnsteel Bros.
John Plumtree
Cliff Proctor
Post Office
'Public Utilities
Royal Bank of Canada
Rural. Hydro Office
Charles Shanahan
0. M. Shearing
Miss Freda Schoenhais
Sutter and Perdue
T. R. Thompson
Toggery Shop
Harry Watkins
K. G. Waters
Wells Auto Electric
Williams Bakery
Winter's Bowling Alley.
Evening Auxiliary
The regular Monday night meeting
of the Evening+ Auxiliary will be can-
celled on Mondey, August 3rd, owing
kto:'it being dew. holiday: Meetings
will be resumect the following week.
' v
Souvenirs ` Sent From
0 erseas
Mrs, George Carter is in possession
of some very .interesting souvenirs
sent by . hex , husband, ' -Signaller
George Cartel with the 8th Army
Field Regimentein' England. Among
them are three, bullets from .a Ger-
man machine ;gun that landed in a
wall near him,,end!which he dug out;
another is e piece off the White Cliffs
of Dover which looke like the white
chalk we use in# our schools; a scotch
plaid woollen scarf and a scotch. plaid
tea Cosy; also acme Ehtglish money,
regimental badges and a few . small,
This parcel of unusual gifts was
Mrs. Carter's birthday present.
Women's Institute
The annual'` Women's Institute'
Plante was held; on the spacious lawn
at the home of',Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes
last Thursday afternoon, July 23rd.
About 50 ladies were present and
after a short ?business discussion,
sport events took place. Sport com-
mittee consistedeof Mrs. E. Epps, Mrs,.
W. Shobrook and Mrs, C. V. Cooke.
Sports events: bean race, Miss
C. Harrison; time race, Mrs, F. Glew;
fishing game, all suckers got an all -
day sucker; throwing pins in bottle,
Mrs, E. Ward;' kicking slipper, Mrs.
0. V. Cooke; guessing contest con
tests, Mrs. E. Epps, Mrs. W. S. R,
Holmes; dinner call, Mrs, Ie. Glew.
Bingo was played while supper was
being prepared, iby Social Committee.
with Mrs. F'. Manley as convenor,
Business': Mm's. W. S. R. Holmes
committee activities convenor repor-
ted the quilting of 2 quilts since last
matting, It was':arranged to hold. next
meeting , "Gram mother's Day" at
home of Mrs. H. Jenkins, Huron
Conservation Of Trees and
Water Supply Necessary
For Peak Production
At a meeting sponsored by the
Huron Fish and Game Club held last
Thursday evening in the Town Hail
here, Dr. Norman K. Douglas of
Owen . Sound and Mr. J. D. Thomas
of Goderich were speakers, and 2 reels
of moving pictures were shown by the
local club, "Wings over James. Buy"
and "The Call of the Keewatin."
Judge T. M .Costello, Goderich, pre-
Dr. Douglas, who is president of
the Ontario Federation of Anglers
enol i-Iunteis, spoke an urgent plea
for reforestation in southern Ontario,
in order to remedy the present un-
satisfactory position of agriculture.
ante related industries, and to bring
the land up to the peak of production,
Conservation of forests and water
supply was the key thought in Dr.
Douglas' address but his remarks.
covered a wide range 10 economics
and the democratic way of life.
Nature, he saki ,planned- that a
certain percentage of any area
should be in forest and swamp so
that the whole area should provide
its peak production. "Since agricul-
tore is the specialty of production
for Southern Ontario, it' is our 'busi-
ness to develop it to a point of peak.
production ,and that is for ' us our
highest standard of living," he de-
"Present conditions are not satis-
factory," he 'continued, "and as a re-
sult many Southern Ontario town.
ships new have only half of the popu-
lation that they had 50 years ago.
Do you want proof that trees and
forest will. preserve an adequate, con-
trolled, efficient water supply? A
double row of thick -growing trees,
such as spruce, planted along a fence
at the side of a field where the pre-
vailing wind blows- will make a wind-
break fox twice its height and a
shelter -belt to its lee for 10 times
itg height. Such a shelter has been
known, to keep 70 per cent of the
moisture in the land through a dry
season. It has saved a fair orop from
being a complete failure." •
The speaker advised tree planting
by individual land owners as well as
through the organized method of
township onto county reforestation
methods. What is most needed in
the matter of reforestation, he said
is education. "Ontario people are
not dumb. They will listen to facts
and act accordingly.e
Memorial Service
A memorial service will be held, at
Ontario Street United church August
2nd, at '7 p,m. for the late Sgt Obser-
ver Ernest E. Mittell, who was Billed
in action while serving with the lea
Ernestt was the only child 02) Mr.
and Mrs• E. L. Mittel), and the first
citizen of Clinton to make the "sup-
reme sacrifice" in this second World.
Citizens are. invited,individually,
to join with the family, relatives and
friends, in this act of remembrance
for the brave and courageous youn,g.
man who served his Country's Call
with the resolute determination to, do
his duty.
Civic. Holiday
The Mayor of Clinton is as usual
following the long time custom, of
observing the first Monday of Aug-
ust as a civic holiday. Therefore
Monday the 3rd day. of August
is hereby set apart as the Civic Hall-
almday for the enrent year. All places
of business will be closed but es is
the custom in a week when a public
holiday is observed, the stores will re-
main open Wednesday. afternoon,
August 5th.
Our town council usually meets on
the first Monday of each month, but
owing to Monday-, August 3rd, being
Civic Holiday, the council will meet
on Tuesday night, August 4th, at 7,30
Dentist Joins Army
Clinton is to lose another of its
young doctors to His Majesty's Per-
ces. This time Dr. D. C. Geddes, who
leaves August first to enlist in the
Dental Corps attaches. to the Royal
Canadian Air Force,
Since coating to Clinton about six
year's ago Dr. Geddes has become well
and favourably known in his work,
and outside interests, the Pres-
terianchurch of which he is a mem-
ber ,and the Clinton Dramatic Society
where he gave his time and ability
willingly. He will be greatly missed
but we wish hint luck in his new work.
About two months ago Dr. J. 1.1.
Beattie joined the Canadian Army
Medical Corps ,flow in the Military
Hospital in London, which leaves only,
two practising physicians and' one
practising dentist in Clinton.
Receives Congratulations
On Eightieth Birthday
On Monday, July 20, a surprise re-
ception was held at the home of Mrs,
J. A. Sutter. for, her mother, Mrs. H.
B. Chant, who was observing her
eightieth birthday.
Mrs. J. A. Sutter and Mrs. W.
E, Floody of Toronto daughters of
Mts. Chant, assisted their mother in
receiving the guests. For the occas-
ion, Mrs. Chant wore a pale orchid
crepe dress and orchid corsage, Two
granddaughters Misses Shirley and
Eileen Sutter received the guests at
the door during the afternoon and
During the afternoon' Mrs. William
Higgins presided at the tea table.
which was tastefully decorated in a
ecru eoloured"lace table cloth and
bouquet of sweet peas, cornflowers
and baby's breath, Assisting in the
dining room were Mrs. Geo. McLay,
Miss Aneice Bartliff and Miss Grace
Hellyar. In the evening Mrs. IL M.
Monteith )loured tea ,assisted by Mrs.
Fergus VanEgmondy Mrs. M. Nediger
ands Miss Ferrell Higgins.
Mrs. Chant has two daughters,
Mrs, Sutter and Mrs. 'Floody, who
were present with heron the occasion
and'ene son, Mr. Fred Chant, of
Pittsfield, Mass., who was unable to
be present. A pleasant and unexpec-
ted incident was a long 'distance tele-
phone call in the early evening, to
his mother, when he and his wife
called.' to offer their best wishes.
Mr. Chant had wired a'dozen Talis-
man rose -buds to his mother. There
are five grandohildmen, Benson,
Shirley and Eileen Sutter, who were
present and F. -O. Wallace Floody and
Miss Katharine Floody who were un-
able to be present, Miss Floody is
a nurse -in -training in Toronto and
iF.-0, Floody is a prisoner of war in
Germany. He was made a : prisoner.
when his plane eves shot down over
enemy territory. Recently he receiv-
ed his promotion to the rank.:of
ing Officer., ,
A large number of friends and ac-,
gnainteneee *ailed during the after,
noon and evening to offer congratula-
tions and, felicitations to Mrs. Chan`
on this• happy,oecasion.
Miss Eleanor Plumsteel, who has
been marking papers in Toronto, has
returned home.
Messes Joan and, Lizbeth Seeman
have been assisting on the farm 'af
Mr ,Robert Thompson. ,
Monday, August 3rd ,has been pro-
claimed civic holiday for the current
In the News -Record office window
are four stalks, of oats all grown from
the one root. The longest stalk has
234 oat heads an it, They' were
grown on the farm of William, Hog-
gart, Hullett township.
Miss, Mildred Heard, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J; L. Heard has taker}
a position on the staff of the News -
- --Y
From The Huron County
Plowing Match
The,Huron County Plowing Meteh
committee met in Clinton on July
28th. The cancellation of the 1942
International Plowing Match by the
Ontario Plowmen's Association was
discussed`and regret voiced.
Resolutions of appreciation to W.
L. Whyte ands his neighbours in Hut-
lett Township for their co-operation
in preparing for the Match were un-
animously adopted,
A resolution was also passed that
the Treasurer's books -•e audited im-
mediately andthat alr money in the
treasury be returned to the munici-
palities or to private individuals from
which it ' as received,
The committee will meet again in
the near future to receive the audi-'
tor's report and will then disband.
No plans for future PIowing Matches
are being made at the present time.
v ----
LAC Lloyd Adams of the R.C.A.F,
at Toronto is spending his leave in
town with his parents, Mr, and Mrs,
E. Adams.
Cpl. Clayton. Cooper of the Brock-
ville Training Centre and Cpl. Cecil
Cooper of the Basic Training Centre
at Chatham have returned to their
stations after spending their leaven
in town with 'their'' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Cooler.
Lieut. Leonard McKnight of the
Woodstock Training Centre spent the
weekend in town with his wife and
Aircraftsman Harold McPherson,
R.C.A.F., Toronto, spent the wceken_
in town with Mrs. McPherson.
Maurice Maguire, H.M.C.S. Prevost,
London, spent the weekend at his
hone in town.
Airwoman Pearl McPhee of the
Women's Division of the R.C.A.F.
at Centralia, spent the weekend with
Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Silver.
Flight Lieutenant Charles Murray,
popular padre et a Huron county R,A.'
F. school has been transferred to
Toronto, and has been promoted to
the rank of Squadron Leader, Al-
though residing in Seaforth, Mr. ani
Mrs. Mtu:ray made many friends, in
Clinton and on occasion spoke in th
different churches here. His sucees-
ser is Squadron Leader William Scott
Torn Steep, H.M.C,S, Prevost, Lon-
don; spent the weekend at his hem:
in town.
LAC. Bruce Bartliff of St, Thomas
is spending a two week's leave at hi:
home in town.
LAC. Marvin McKim of St. Thomas,
spent the weekend with his grand-
parents, Mr. and, Mrs. 0, W. Potter.
Last 'seek a number in this com-
munity received notice to report for
medical " examination from heat)
quarters of Military District No. 1
at London. Among those receiving
notice were some married men. At
the rate that men are receiving notice
at present there will be few young
men left here that are not of low
Children Aid Red Cross
A neighborhood show for the lien-
fit ,of the Red C4•oss was held on Sat
urday ,July 25th on Isaac Street, un-
der the direction of Audrey Jervis,
Children taking part *ere as follows:,
June and Wihna Walters, Marjorie
and Douglas Cartwright, Mary Sil-
coclos, Jean *Kinky, Fern and
Janet Read, Audrey and Kelvin .Jer-
vis. The costumes were made by
the mothers out of crepe paper dona-
ted by one of the neighbors, During
the morning the children also sold
pop -corm. Proceeds were e2.50 which
will be, given to the local Red Cross.
Softball Game
On Friday evening',, July 31, at 6.15•
p.m. a softball game will be played,
in the recreation Park, Clinton he
tweets le,C:A.F; Tech. and the Seen:-
sty Guard teams: from the Radio.
As these two teams are, on top of
the league the game shouldbe an in-
teresting one. All local ball fans are
invited to attend.
Girls Win Dominion
• Awards •
Joan ansi Lizbth Sloanan, daugle-
ters of Mr :and Mrs, Fred Siontatt of
The School Car Capitol ,have been
awarded the Dominion Honours in re-
cent examinations connected with the
"Sunday School; by Post." Joan was
highest in the Junior Bible Class and
Lizbeth highest in Senior Bible
Class of the regular grades. Liz-,
beth will be the recipient of the
Bishop's Medal, given for competition
in Huron Diocese by Bishop Seeger,.
Mrs. Sam Ronnie and children of
Hensall are visiting Mr. and Mrs..
A. E. Rum'ball.
Mrs. .A. .le .Collyer of Loltdon is the
guest this week of Mr. and Mrs..
W. S. R. Holmes.
Mr, and Mrs. F, W. Johnston and
Mrs. W. Johnston visited friends in
Ashfield on Monday.
Miss Mary R. Stewart of ICenora, has
been the guest the past week ,of
Miss E'illeen Atkinson.
Master John Hall, who has been visi-
ting his grandfather, Mr. G. E.
Hall, has returned to his home ire
Mrs. W. E. Floody of Toronto• is the
guest this weak ofher mother, and
sister Mrs. H. B. Chant and Mrs. J.
A, Sutter.
Mrs, Robert Carnegie and baby
daughter of London are guests. this
week of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs.
W. S. R. Holmes.
St. Paul's Church
Sunday, August 2nd, 10.15 a.m.,.
Sunday School; 11 a.m. HIoly Com-
munion, Sermon, "The Holy Catho-
Ile Church and the Communion of
No evening services in August.
Ontario Street Church
The executive of W.A. and W.M.S.
have planned for a joint meeting on
the lawn of Mrs, B. J, Gibbing's, on
Tuesday, August llth. A picnic:,
lunch will be served.
Baptist Church
Is God on vacation? No Ile Awaits'
to bless you. The church doors are
open and the word of invitation is.,
conte to the worship service.
At the service commencing at sev-
en o'clock the Gospel message ie
sounded in song and sermon.
The minister's sermon subject will:
be, "Christ's Forgiveness"
"To the worst, to the work, We are
servants of God,
Let us foli'ow the path that our Mas-•
ter has trace',
With the balm. of His counsel our
strength to renew,
Letus do with our might what, our
hands find to do".
Presbyterian Church
The choir from No. 31 R.D.le:
School, Clinton, 25 or 30 strong tut
der the direction of LAC. Ronald Gib-
son, ,organist, will lead the praise at
the Presbyterian church next Sun' -
day morning, August 2nd, at 11.15,
The station Padre, Squadron
Leader Scott Morton will bo with the.
choir and willconduct the service.. ,
Flt. Lieut. D. J. Lane will be with the.
A cordial invitation is extended 'to
the whole community to hear this
group of singers and the new padre:
at our morning worship.
' Old Time Dance Hall. Sunday
School 2 p.m.; Evangelistic -3 Pah.
Prayer Service 8.30. p,m., Friday,
July 31st at lvfission. All are wel-
The United 'Churches
Wesley -Willis and Ontario Street..
will worship in Ontari Street United
1 p e
church for the month of August. Rev..
G. G. Bruton will be in charge. Ser -
Vies at 11 a.m. and '7 p.m.
'7 p.tn, memorial service in memory-
emoryof the late • Sergt.-Observer lig; Mit--
it-tell. . A11,are welcome.