HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-07-23, Page 8PAGE 8 HE CIJNTON .NEWS -RECORD 1 WECARRY ARRA A FULL L NINE• OO F Bug 'Koller, Paris Green, Arsenic of Lead, Arsenic Lime Electric Hot Plates, Irons, Toasters, Grills and Warming Pads. a./ I3, �;i 1i �t�iU AttauttitI A'; W1—LUW:1i; IT OVER. SUTTER. €' PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS ONT. PHONE 147w. SUMMER SALE of Seasonable Merchandise NEW PRINTS — New Patterns suitable for Aprons and House Dresses Old Prices 19c & 25c COTTON BROADCLOTH — White or Colored 16c22c to 25c FACTORY COTTON — Yard Wide FACTORY COTTON — 40 in. wide 29c TURIKISH TOWELING — Dark Stripe for common use, Special Price 19c TURKISH TOWELS — Dark Stripes — Large Size, Best Value at Old Price 35c LIGHT FANCY PATTERNS 25c to $1.00 MEN'S FANCY COTTON HOSE ]9c — 25c — 29c MEN'S BROWN OXFORDS — New Style — A Good Oxford at a Low Price $2.49 SUMMER SHOES — Men's, Women's and Children's at Clearing Prices. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Mea Agents Tip Top Tailors. GATHER IN THE HARVEST This is the store to get your harvest tools, ' Forks, Hoes, Shovels, of All kinds; Rope and Cable, Pulleys etc. THEN FOR THE FRUITS We have a large stock of 'Preserving Kettles and Granite Ware for various, uses And after you have your harvest attended to, you will be wise to consider a paint job for your home as there is nothing brightens a place like paint, and we carry the Best in large quantities of the famous :—Sherwin-Williams Paints IN THE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT It's getting tough to get many lines of Furn- iture, but we keep t>"ying, our advice is call often and if we have what you want, Grab; It, while the Grabbing is good. We have a large stock of Chesterfield Suites and Occasional Chairs, Table Lamps with quite an assortment of tables for different uses. "The Store With The Stock" BALL & ZAPFE Hardware -- Furniture -- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Service. W. Ball, Phone 861. PHONE 195 .1. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. There's', a'war 'to, win, a Victory ;to be aehieseil,,$trength is' required to do it. Strength lies in chips, tanks, bombs, and' guns. Men are offering' themselves to use these implements and surely., it is up to us, our anxious' concern, our duty to . supply these. tools. Lets not stop at telling the man of the Canadian" Army, Navy ,and Air Force how proud we are of their courage and prowess, lets prove it by buying War Savings. Stamps and Certificates. They .need our mental, moral and physical inspira- tion. ' Every 25c Stamp you buy is your personal pledge to the soldier, that your sympathy is his and that you are supplying him with fighting equipment to protect your Canada, your home and yourself, ° PLASTIC KNIFE - Something different in knives TrY this now 8 "inch knife, made of plan tie, when you have fruits, cakes, pies, vegetbles etc, to cut. Its sanitary shatterproof, tasteless, stainless, od- orless and can't, corrodes. An anti suction grove prevents sticking. The price, only 25e each. The sending of a Birthday Card or any other Greeting Card to your friend, sister, brother, father or mother, makes for appreciation and satisfaction of self as well as, it gratifys, the party -to whom it is sent. The charm of those in our stock will please all folks — a few excepted— and their price will pei•ehanee .charm You. Announcing three favourites in new attire, L. M. Montgomerys' "Anne of Green Gables," "Anne of A.vonlea" aid "Anne of the Island." The first Canadian edition and beaut- iful enough for a.prize. Mark Twain said>Ann'e was "the most delightful child since the immortal Alice." You will think so too, if you read about her again. Price $1.49. The Canadian Armed Forces need the support .of Canadians (you are one) but ask yourself, do you not need them as urgently. The madness of tyrants must be banished from the earth. Buy War Savings Stamps and help do it. Will you not be proud to say "I helped to pay for that plan" when it returns bearing some of the bays of Canada's Armed For- ces. Buy War Savings Stamps. STANLEY Mrs. G. Elliott and Miss Margaret, of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and' Mrs. Ed. C. Glenn. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Noonan, of Wind• eor returned home after spending their vacation with Mrs. Noonan's -I parents, Mi. and Mrs. Adam Stewart, Miss Helen (Billie) Stewart repor- ted at No. 6 Manning Depot, Toronto, on Saturday in tho Motor Transport Division of the R.C.A.F. Women's Di- I vision. Miss Mary P, Stewart of Kinora, is spending part of the slimmer vac- ation with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stew- art' LONDE'SBORO Private: Eric Allen' of Camp Borden is spending a few days with Mrs. . Alien and Mrs. Fothergill, 1` Mrs. Chas. Meyers and sin Jackie Spent some days with Woodstock The W. D. Fair Co 'ltten the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss Jean Colquhoun of Toronto is visiting her parents this. week. Miss Isobel Draper of Brantford is holidaying at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of Windsor, called on Mrs. C. Streets Saturday evening. Mrs. James Dalrymple of Avonlea, • Sask., is the guest of Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCartney of Woodstock were visiting Clinton re- latives this week. Mr .and Mrs, N. N, Watson and small son' of Sarnia are visiting the lady's mother, Mrs, Agnes McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark of To- ronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wise of Goderich Township. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brown of Petrolia, are spending two weeks with the latter's sister, Mrs. W. Shaddeok. friends recently. Mr. and Mrs'. Art Brundson .fronn Saskatchewan are spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bi'dndson. Mr. Brundson is in a serious condition and is much'weak- er, at time of 'writing. Mr. and Mrs. T. F'ai service are en,- joying a visit from their daughter, Gladys, and little son Barry, of St. Catherines, who 'will remain for a couple of weeks. The storm. of Sunday evening cool- ed the atmosphere greatly. The heat wave of Saturday, Sunday being ter- rific. But the wind and rain put down the grain crop: badly which will make it very difficult to harvest. Some of the farmers are cutting oats and report a fair crop. A very impressive sermon on 'the temperance queston was delivered on Sunday morning in" the United church. The congregation was small owing to the very hot day, but those who were not. present missed many facts -worth knowing SPRAY with VITASPRA and have healthy clean plants 40c a bottle "FERTABS" are just the tonic your plants require. Sold in 15c & '25c Packets FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. DILL FOR SALE F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As Personal 'care _given every order and special attention given to I funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 WEEKEND SPECIALS 1 bag FLUFFS 25 qt. 39c 2 large pkg. CORN FLAKES 25c 7 lb. bag PASTRY FLOUR 29c 7 Ib. bag FIVE ROSES FLOUR29c 2 lb. LARD 29e 6 cakes LONDON SOAP 29c 1 pkg. THRIFT (Family size) 35c 1 doz. ZINC JAIL RINGS 25c 4 pkgs. JAR RINGS 25c 2 pkg. LARGE CORN FLAKES 25c 2 tins SNOWCAP PILCHARDS. 35c 1 tin HARRY HORNE'S CUSTARD POWDER ,16 oz. 29c 1 jar 1942 HONEY 350 6 lb. NEW POTATOES (Home grown) , 25c SWE1,T JUICY ORANGES at . 24c, 33c, 39c doz. CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY CAKES at 19c and 22c lb. W. L. JOHNSON, . GROCER FREE DELIVERY PHONE 286 Me and Mrs. Norman Lever and Mrs. Ephriam Snell attended the Lever- Nogodoski wedding in Si. Cathet•- ines on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kingston and small daughter of Seattle, Wash., are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Plumsteel. Mr, John Kirby of Oshawa, Mr. Fred Leaver of Sarnia are holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Thomp- son of Goderich Township. Mr. Doug. Kennedy and Miss Hazel Harris of Toronto spent the week- end at their homes in town. Mrs. Harris returned to Toronto with - them for a week's holiday. Miss Jean Thompson, Haveloch, is spending'a holiday with her brother and sister-in-law, LAC. Thompson and Mxs.'Thonrpson at the home of Mr. and Ma's. Harry J. Thompson, Goderich Township. Mr. and Mrs. ,Edward. Walters and daughter, Keitha of Hamilton, also Mrs-. Beadle of White Fox, Sask., who spent the past two weeks with the foianer's mother, Mrs. Robert Dalrymple have returned to Ham- ilton. The following from Clinton were the guests of Sgt• S .E. and Mrs. Castle and the lady's mother, Mrs. Mnc- lCenzie at Inverhuron on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. S. G..C'astle, . Mr. and M.S. Thos.- Churchill and Roy; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swan and Gordon, 'Mrs. Harry Waymouth and Mr. John Livermore. The family reun. ion' was in honor of Sgt. -Castle; who is home on leave from - Novia ,Scotia. Weed Control Needed Constable David 'Elliott, weed in - e e to`• p o a, for Clinton, internis us that all eitizeilsmust cut the weeds grow- ing,on their property at once. Citi- zens neglecting to comply with the law will have to pay the expenses incurred by the town in having the weeds cleared. Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR, July. 23, 24, 25th. OXYDOL large, pkg. CRUNCHIE SWEET MIXED PICKLES 27 oz. jar JEWEL SHORTENING 1 Ib. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20 oz. tin VAN CAMP'S TOMATOES 2 Igo. tins 23c BRUNSWICK SARDINES 2 tins 130 23c 25c 19c 1.2c SWIFT'S "PREM" tin SPIRIT VINEGAR gal 32c PORTER'S' E-IILL PORTER'S HILL RED CROSS Despite the busy .season, some sev- enty -odd ladder from Goderich and Hullett Township, Clinton and To- ronto attended! the Red Cross tea he'lcl at the home of Mrs. John A. Torrance, on Wednesday afternoon, July 15. The.tim:e'was p'assed in knitting, sowing, singing and discussing Red Cross problems. A bountiful' lunch was served. The collection amounted to $8.65, The next regular monthly meeting will be held at :the- home of Mrs. Alvin Cox on Monday after - Poon, August 17, The north sixth group will serve lunch and it is ex- pected that the sewing and knitting quotas will be packed. 49c KEEN'S MUSTARD, 4 oz. tin .. 27c PAROWAX 1 ib. pkg CERTO bottle ORANGES doz. LEMONS doz. GRAPEFRUIT 5 for CABBAGE lg. hda. CARROTS 2 bunches TOMATOES Home Grown Ib. .. 19c NEW POTATOES 15 Ib.. pk. .. sic COOKING ONIONS 3 lbs. 10c VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Carter of London were guests at the home of the ladies parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Chutor over the weekend. Master Jno. McConnell is at tim of writing in Clinton Hospital, w hope soon to see him around again. Mrs. A. Austin entertained her tw brothers Mr. Jno. Seeley of Londoi and Mr. Albert Seeley of Clinton, ar Sunday. This is the first time it manyyears when the last survivor of the Seeley family have been to gether. 15c 25c '25c 30c 25c 10r' 17c T. 6. THPMPSON Mr. Jno. Seeley of London is visi ting with his sister Mrs. A. Austin and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. Pilgrim spent th weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. Pilgrim and Mr. Chas. Pilgrim Sr T.HUtS.x JULY 23, 19421: Several of the ,members of St. John's Anglican church attended the at the celebration of their 93rd an- the R.C.A.F. is spending a few days morning and evening services of niversary. with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Aid-, Trinity church , Bayfield, on Sunday Pilot Officer Robert Aldwinckle of winckle. HULLETT TOWNSHIP Mrs. Kenneth Stewart has been en- gaged as teacher of S.S. No. 9 Morris for the doming .term at a salary of $1150., Prior to the closing of school for the summer vaeation Charlie .Brig- ham and John Brown on .behalf of U.S.S. No. 12 Morris and Hullett, where Mrs. Stewart has taught for two yea's , presented her with a behu,tifnit living''?'oom table. JULY 23rd to 25th 2 Bars 11 c 2 PKG. MUFFET>S and 5c tum- bler•, all for . 25c EGG NOODLES 14 oz. pkg. 2 for 25c CLARK'S CREAM OF MUSH- ROOM SOUP 3 tins 25c VAN CAMPS TOMATO JUICE 10 oz, 2 tins 11c AEROWAX No Rubbing wax 29c tin CLUB HOUSE COFFEE ... 53c lb. tin. SNOW CAP TOILET TISSSUE 4 rolls 25c AYLMER VEGETABLE SOUP 2 tins 17c HARRY HORNE CUSTARD POWDER ... 25c tin SULTANA RAISINS 2 Ib. for 23c ROSE DALE CATSUP 2 bottles for ... 290 19c LB. 19c LB. FOREST CITY B. POWDER 23c tin QUAKER CORN FLAKES • 3 pkgs. for • 23c FRESH VEGETABLES Carrots, Head Lettuce, Cabbage, Gr. Peppers, NewPotatoes, Cucumbers and Tomatoes - IN OUR MEAT COUNTER DELICA HAM LOAF 45c lb. BOLOGNA 20c lb. in piece DUTCH LOAF 29c lb. VARIETY LOAF 39c lb. FRESH SAUSAGE 25c lb. FRESH WEINERS 27c lb. HEADCHEESE 22c lb. MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF .RCIJA'OM% Giant size 69c pkg Large size 20c pkg. 29c lb. Orval L PHONE 40, THE STORE 1 -HAT SAVES YOU MONEY. A ?n " 4 eu SPECIAL VALUES JULY 23, 24, 25TH GOLD MEDAL STRAWBERRY GRAVEN STEIN` JAM 32 oz. jar , 37c (Applesauce 2 tins 17c, RED & WHITE TOMATO RED & WHITE KIDNEY JUICE 2 tins 19c BEANS 2 tins 23c C1iEESE Golden Spray 1/g lb. pkg. 199 CANADA'S FINEST' Seville Orange—rte Marmalade jr. 33e 't-' ,°g a' i �ta�Gp p Ti To HEALTHGLOi Tomatoes 2tin 25c R. & W. Shaker Cake 5c Salt 2 for...15c l5c A cows usiwa–ccoNonawL SOAP Large and Meaty Quick Quaker New 2 lbs. 2 cakes 11c Oats lg. pkg. 21c PRUNES ... 27c 'COCOA Fry's tin 19c OXYDOL lg. pkg. 25c GARDEN FRESH California Large Lemons 6 for 19c FRUITS AND GETABLES TOMATOES SeVEedless 6 for CARROTS Grapefruit ... '25c BERRIES Sunkist Juicy Oranges doz. 25c APPLES Ontario No. 1 MELONS Onions 3 lbs. 14c Ontario No 1 Potatoes 6 lb. 230 PLUMS Hearts of Celery 150 Choice YoungBEANS Beets bunch ... 5c CABBAGE CUKES Choice Head - GR. PEPPERS Lettuce -2 for 19c C. M. SHEARING , • . PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON' i 1 s WHY NOT HAV2 YOUR Plumbing or . Furnace Overhauled il Il,URTNG THE SUMMER Help will be scarce so get your order in and be ready for the cold weather. �+ PRICES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON PLUMBING AND HEATING N e HARDWARE and T sllawkins, PLUMBING Phone 244 vrssorrq Several of the ,members of St. John's Anglican church attended the at the celebration of their 93rd an- the R.C.A.F. is spending a few days morning and evening services of niversary. with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Aid-, Trinity church , Bayfield, on Sunday Pilot Officer Robert Aldwinckle of winckle. HULLETT TOWNSHIP Mrs. Kenneth Stewart has been en- gaged as teacher of S.S. No. 9 Morris for the doming .term at a salary of $1150., Prior to the closing of school for the summer vaeation Charlie .Brig- ham and John Brown on .behalf of U.S.S. No. 12 Morris and Hullett, where Mrs. Stewart has taught for two yea's , presented her with a behu,tifnit living''?'oom table. JULY 23rd to 25th 2 Bars 11 c 2 PKG. MUFFET>S and 5c tum- bler•, all for . 25c EGG NOODLES 14 oz. pkg. 2 for 25c CLARK'S CREAM OF MUSH- ROOM SOUP 3 tins 25c VAN CAMPS TOMATO JUICE 10 oz, 2 tins 11c AEROWAX No Rubbing wax 29c tin CLUB HOUSE COFFEE ... 53c lb. tin. SNOW CAP TOILET TISSSUE 4 rolls 25c AYLMER VEGETABLE SOUP 2 tins 17c HARRY HORNE CUSTARD POWDER ... 25c tin SULTANA RAISINS 2 Ib. for 23c ROSE DALE CATSUP 2 bottles for ... 290 19c LB. 19c LB. FOREST CITY B. POWDER 23c tin QUAKER CORN FLAKES • 3 pkgs. for • 23c FRESH VEGETABLES Carrots, Head Lettuce, Cabbage, Gr. Peppers, NewPotatoes, Cucumbers and Tomatoes - IN OUR MEAT COUNTER DELICA HAM LOAF 45c lb. BOLOGNA 20c lb. in piece DUTCH LOAF 29c lb. VARIETY LOAF 39c lb. FRESH SAUSAGE 25c lb. FRESH WEINERS 27c lb. HEADCHEESE 22c lb. MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF .RCIJA'OM% Giant size 69c pkg Large size 20c pkg. 29c lb. Orval L PHONE 40, THE STORE 1 -HAT SAVES YOU MONEY.