HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-07-23, Page 2PAGE 2
in a mono asked a out the h helmet S
CIIAPTF,It XXXVI men grew hysterie`al.
GVhen the lights had been turned
All ''right Seyfert," Loring acid on and some semblance of order re -
quietly. "You're finished. You'd bet -'stoned, Jack was carried into a room
Suddenly, the ax in Jacli's hand but mortally wounded. The doctor
flashed upward hut', before he could, who had bean summoned said' he
burl it; a• gun roared -Lorin 's un
Jack staggered, then keeled over. � Loring, however, had, no pity for
In the minutes that followed, con• the dying man. "I want to get a con -
;cushion reigned. The dark corridor fession before he goes," he said grim -
filled with people, Men shouted, o iy.
ter hand over that weapon I arid. laid • on a bed I -Ie rias Co'Atscious
He had brought Joel and Janet into
1'he Clinton .INew s JZecorfl the room, arid' now drew Joel aside,
"Show Seyfert that telegram and
with which is Incorporated 'tell him what you told Inc." •
Joel approached the ,bed, held . a
TERMS, OF SUBSCRIPTION telegram before J'ack's eyes,
$1.50 per year in advance, to Can- "Yon handled, the financial end of
- adian. addresses; $2.00 to the U.S, or Danny MoLeod's flight," he said. 1
• -other foreign ,countries. No paper "You were Nina's go-between in furn-
discontinued mail all.; arrears are ishing the fonds. That is, the'little.
paid unless at theoption of the pub -oil company which you controlled wa,,
Usher. The date to which every sub- supposed backer of the fright.
lubscreioru is paid is denoted •an the But instead of turning over to Mc-
Leod all the funds advanced by Nina,
advertising 12e per count line for you held out most of them, didn't'
first insertion. Sc for each.subse- you?"
quent insertion. . Heading counts -2 l
lines. Small advertisements not. to Jack didn't answer.
exceed : one inch, such as ."Wanted," , "When you tallied to Janet and me •
"Lost", "Strayed", etc., inserted once on the terrace this morning you ti•i d
for .35c, each subsequetnb insezytion to put over the idea that McLeod lost
15c. Rates for display
advertising' his nerve on the eve of the flight.
Coknmunieationis intended for pub..; That didn't agree' with what old Mac
tone. "She toolt me with Loringske d b flier's 1 et of War aving§ Stamps and War
her, When She had seen Arkwrigh , and -learned that Jack had planted it Certificates at' the present time, and
we drove up the coast a way, `and after hearing from. Mae of the police a continuance of :purchase for the
parked on a hill overlooking the ocean. theory that Danny. McLeod might duration is the ,object of the cam -
Then, suddenly, she took out the bank- still be alive" paign•
roll -she'd. just :got' and ruffled it un- ' As his eyes began to glaze and his Tho Clinton organization is: F.
der nay nose. ' She asked me what I'd breath to come in gasps, Joel took 'Pingland, K. C., chairman; . A. M
do for it. I thought she meant buss- Janet's arm and led her from the Knight. co-ordinator of sales staff;
nese, 'andI said I'd do anything, I room. salesmen, G, S. Elliott, IL E. Rorke,
was so blasted broke. Would you? "Let's get g'some air,"'he '' T. G. Scribbins.
she said. 'Would you murder Dannygested,
McLeod' again' Outside ,the night was star -stud- c
did. T'hci' was a fresh breeze and U' Lights From
'That gave me a shock. I'd had the sweet smell of flowers.
no idea she suspected anything. I
tried to bluff it out, but it was no
use: She'd lured a detective,' and
he'd finally got the dope. She taunt-
ed' me with what I'd done -told, me
she was going "to expose me. I ivas
frantic, I knew what exposure would
"The idea ,•earrre to me that, if I
had that $100,000, I could `bake a
getaway -disappear. I niacie a grab
for the pulse iu her lap, struggle)
with her, but. she fought back like a
tigress, and finally succeeded in shov-
ing Inc out of the car. ,After she
drove off, I thumbed a ride back to
the hotel,
"I stayed awake all night, trying
to think of a way out. In desperae
tion, I decided: my only chance was
to get her out of the way, and I be-
gan laying plans. I sneaked out to
the pool that night and took away
one. of the fire axes to establish an
alibi, Maybe you know about that
by now. It was the other one I used,
"I knew she was in the habit of
Heaton must, as a guarantee of good "said. He complained of his son's in- going to the pool every morning
faith, be accompanied by the name 1 adequate preparation - complained ahead of every one else, and so, X.
of the writer, that the plane wasn't all it should went down there early and hid in
G. E. HALL - Proprietor have been. That seemed queer in the women's locker building. I saw
view of Nina's wealth and her inter- a her come in, heard, her o out cin
, ; to talk to Arkwright, and then, after
H: T.RANCE- • g g
est in the flier.
NOTARY PUBLIC : , ' she came back . , well, I guess I
Fire Insurance Agent I ` I couldn't remember the name of needn't tell you about it.
Representing 14 Eire Insurance the firm that had fronted for her but
Companies T went into town, looked up the old!
"Afterwards, while I was cleaning
Division Court Office, Clinton files and found that it was a little oil ; the ax, I saw that flowerpot. I was
company. I knew that you were in puzzled by it at first ,then wondered
Frank Fingland, B.A.,' LL.B.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
Successor to W. Brydone, K.C.
Sloan Block , , , - , , , , Clinton, Ont,
the oil business and had been a friend al had she had hidden the money
of Nina's for several years. On a in it. I thought luck was with me
hunch, I wired a broker friend of mine but, when I broke the thing, I found
in New York to get me some dope on nothing but dirt. I carried the ax
that company, Tonight, I got this over to the men's building and 'had
ianswer that you ebiitsolled it, that just hung it in place when I heard.
the company has since gone into Mac outside --the clatter of his pail.
DR. G. S. ELLIOTT bankruptcy, and, that it was in a tight I hid and waited until he came into
spot et the time of McLeod's' flight. the building. While. he 'was cleaning
Veterinary Surgeon 1It added, up. When Nina asked you to one of the rooms, I slipped outside,
.Joel's at -in encircled Jatict as they.
Address' ,To A.R.P.
walked slowly and silently through
the garden. There was no need for
words between them. Both were
thinking ihow close one of them had
come to a'Iorrible death that night,
but they .didn't want to speak of it
now. They wanted' to pub the fearful
nightmare behind them to forge't
everything except that they were to-
gether, alive and' in love.
When they reached the end of the
'gardens path, Joel stopped and drew
Janet close.
I "I love you, you know," he whis-
i It was easy, after ,that, to forget
the fearful part,
(The characters in this serial are
Huron Salesmen Get
Instructions On
Savings Flan
Publicity Men And Organizer Address
Large Gathering of County
About 100 Victory Loan salesmen
and others, representative of all ur-
ban and many rural sections of the
County of Huron, attended a War
Savings Stamp sales campaign meet-
ing held in the •council chamber here
Thursday night ,and heard the sales
plan outlined and explained by Or-
ganizer J. H. Vandewater, and Pub-
licity Men J. L. Graham and J. H.
Morton. from Dominion headquar-
Phone 203 • - 'Clinton, Ont. handle McLeod's finances, you were then came in again whistling ,to ters.
in desperate need of money; and so create the impression I had just ar-
Barrister -at -Law
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of
Proetor:in Admiralty,
Notary Public and Commissioner
Offices in Bank of Montreal Building
Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays
and Fridays. •
, your pulled a fast one on the flier. rived. You know the rest."
Isn't that right?" 1 "Yes," said Loring. " I know the
Still Jh did '
ac s t answer.
Nina must have suspectedyou
earned, but what about Miss Kram-
front the first," -Joel continued. er,n
"That would explain her questions to "I didn't want to kill Adele. I only
Mac about the plane " after McLeod wanted the money so that I could.
was lost. Then, recently, she must go away somewhere - maybe to
!have learned something to support her South America - and make a new
I rest as far as Mrs. Arkwright is con-
Suspicion. That would explain her start. Last night, I happened to see
questioning Mac about the financial her poking into those flowerpots on
D. H. McINNES i accounts for the flight, and would ex- the brick wall and, when I saw her
plain the clippings she had with her take one, I suddenly realized why. 1
when she died"
Electro Therapist, Massage
Office: Huron Street. (lr
e, Doors
west of Royal Bank)
Hours -Wed and Sat., and by
by Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment
Phone 207
Licensed Auctioneer
Specialist in Farm and Household
Licensed in Huron and Perth
Counties, Prices reasonable; satis-
faction guaranteed.
For information etc. write or phone
Harold Jackson, RR. No. 4 Seaforth,
phone 14-661. 06-01`21
• hadn't found the money in: Nina's
'floweriest Sh •
Loring stepped forward. "Seyfert, b ] e had hiddedn it in one;
you learned that she had found you
but tail somehow made some mss
cul and was going to expose you. take. Now, I guessed, Adele had
found the pot that did have the mon-
You killed her to prevent that! Why
not confess? It can't hurt you now. ey in t, I followed her to Miss Coop -
You're dying!, er s room and was getting ready to
A stricken look 'came into Jack's ambush her and snatch the flowerpot.
eyes. Apparently he had not been away from h'er there in the dark,
aware of the closeness• of death. His when Miss Cooper interrupted.
face seemed to become whiter t
I Clinton is headquarters for the
county, and office accommodation is
being furnished by the Department of
Agriculture for Huron. Mayor A. J.
McMurray. ,of Clinton, county organ-
izer for this campaign, was chairman.
Addresses on the subject of war fin-
ancing in general and the present
campaign in particular were given by
the chairman and the Dominion re-
Chairmen Outline Plan
The following key men and sales
organization chairmen also outlined•
their plan' of campaign; J. D. Thomas,
G. L. Parsons, W.A. Sutherland,
Godorioh; F. Fingland, K.O., 3. C.
Shearer, B.S.A., Clinton; R. Bowman,
Brussels; R N. Creech, Exeter; J. H.
Kinkead, Goderich; W. L. Whyte, R.
G Mullen ,Seafortlt; R. McLean, Rev.
Beecroft, Wingham. -
A general stepping up of purchase
t, more 'This morning, I was waiting in
haggard. Adele's room, hidden under the bed,
Finally, he stuttered, "All right-- when she came in. I meant to wait
you win. I11 talk."
"When did you find out that Mrs.
Axkwright planned to expose you?"
Loring asked,
"Tetem •gl t h Went i s e
o get the
money from Arkwright' Jack spoke
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. •
Officers: President A. W. McEwing,
iilyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archi-
bald, Seaforth° Manager and See.
Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
Directors: Wni. Knox, Londesboro;
Alex, Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris.
Leonhardt, Dublin; E. J, Trewartha,
Clinton; Thos Moylan, Seaforth; W.
R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex Melsw-
ing,.Blyth ; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexairder, Walton.
List of Agents:
J. Watt, Blyth; J .E. Pepper, Bruce-
fi ld, R.R. No. 1; 15.'F. MclCercher,
I}ublin, R.R. No. 1; ,J. F. Preuter,'
Any money to be paid may be paid
to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of
Commence, Seaforbh, or at Calvin
Cubt's Grocery, Goderich,
Parties desiring to effect insur-
ance or transact other business' will
be promptly attended to on applica-
tion to any of the above officers ad-
,. dressed to their respective post offi-'
ces. Losses, inspected by the director,
Trains will arrive at and, depart from
le, Clinton as follows:
° Buffalo and Goderich Div.1
Going East, depart 6.43 a.m.
Going East depart 3.00 ,p.m.
Going West, depart 1,1 45 a,m,
Going West, depart 9.50 p.m.
London --Clinton
Going south ar. 2.60, ;leave 3.06 p.m.
until she left the roam again, and
then make Jiff with the flowerpot.
Butshe'was nervous and looked under
the bed. After she saw me, X had' to
1c31 her
There was little more to be told.
British and 13.5, aimcraft-carrier
strength, already formidable, is
steadily growing and will prove a de-
cisive factor in weighting the balance
of naval power on the side of the
Allies. H.M.S. "Victorious", 013,00
tons and carrying an unspecified
'number -of aircraft) seen .from the
geek of another British warship while
protecting Allied ''shipping on the
high seas; is one of Britain's 'most.
Modern aircraft -carriers. Completed
early in- 1941, she took part in ,the
sinkingof the "Bismarck " h"r `o -
pedo aircraft being the first to ds-.
able the giant German battleship.,
She is a sister ship of the "Illlust-:
=rious" of Taranto fame, carries ' a
a crew of 1,600 and is armed. with
sixteen 4.5" dual-purpose, g u n s.
Length: 753 ft., beats .95ft.
"Tomany air-raid casualties are
caused by p'aanic.-The coal head, meets
and solves the emergency problem."
"Our tests have been quite satin-'
factory, but we knew they were com-
ing. All were madewithout the reali-
ties of noise and .bombing,"
"In an 'emergency, A.R.P. workers,
must have complete control of the
people in their charge. The A.R.P.
directions must be obeyed!"
"Place yourself in someone's care
if you have fears for yourself. Many
men who feel they're brave -and not
because they're cowards -fold -up un-
der the'awfuiness of bomrbing."
"If tomorrow an 'alert' 'come, are
we prepared? If there's some doubt
in any mind ;devote more thought
and more time to your preparedness.
If Nye can help you further,, ask for
"I appreciate the time -you have
devoted, the interest you have shown
and the way in which you have con-
onducted yourselves in. the trials, You
have indicated a splendid knowledge
of what is needed -and you may need
it tomorrow!"
`v b
920,kcs, WINGHAM 326 meters
8.30 a.m. The Early Birds
11 a.nt, "At Home with the Ladies"
5.46 pen, Lawrence Welk Orck,
7.26 p.m Laura at the Keyboard
8.46 aan. "hymn Time"
11 a,m. Saturday Morning Frolic
7.30 pant. Nelson Eddy, songs
8 p.m. OKNX Bann Dance
12.46 p.m. Richard Leibert
2 p.m. Cranston Hour
6.30 p.m. Joe Reichman, piano
THURS., JULY 23', 1942 '
Farm. fires destroy food vital
to our armies and our allies.
Every pound of feed - - every
head of stock and every imple-
ment burned helps the
enemy. Fight by ,preventingi
Prohibit smoking, in or near
your barns. Avoid carrying loose matches. Keep your
lightning rods in proper repair. Don'ttamper with
electric wiring.
Threshing multiplies the danger. Use a water spray
at the base of the blower. Allow no matches, loose
or in boxes, to be carried by any engaged in the job.
Set the engine or tractor well away from straw or
other readily combustible material. Keep a barrel
of water handy to both the engine and blower.
Remember that your farm buildings are today next
to impossible to .replace. Safeguard your home,
your barns and other buildings with every possible
safety measure, and-
FIGHPtevent i9 •tae!
OKi fiG
7.30 pm.. Church Service
7.80 a.m„ OKNX Breakfast Olub,,
12 noon Farm & Hosie Hour
7 p.m.- Mart Kenney Orch.
8.30 CKNX Ranch Boys
9.15 amt. Gene Autry, songs
10.30 Church of the Air
8,30 p;m. Jean, Harold and: Jack
.9.30 p.m. Cheers from the Camp
10 aan,. Almanac News
1.30 p.m. Kay Kyser Orch.
5 pan. Organ Moods, H, V, Pym
8.30 p.m. The Troubadors
9.30 a.m. Freddie Martin Orch-.
6.30 a.m. Port Elgin Review
9 aan, Hawaiian Fantasies
Are You boasting?
Business is good in most Iines today and for this reason there is a
natural tendency to "let down" on aggressiveness - to
spend less time on trying to win new customers and
to keep old ones from straying to some other
• Business can easily be compared be a motor ear. As long as
there is gasoline in the tank and you keep ".stepping on" the aocel-
erator,'the car keeps gaining speed or at least travels along at the
speed you desire. So it is with business --as long as you keep adver-
tising you gain new customers to replace those who for some reason
or other are lost.
-When you "throw out" the clutch on a car it doesn't Stop -ib
coasts. So it is with your bu' ines's; when you slow down or stop
advertising you cannot see an immediate difference in the tempo of
your business -it "coasts" on the speed' which you have gained
But once again, let us compare. the motor car to a business.
When the car "coasts" for a time it slows down to regain the
former speed you must feed it extra gasoline to regain the lost
momentum. This is exactly what happens to a business. When the
pulling power of advertising has been taken away for a time you
must use more of it to regain the lost momentum.
There are a great many kinds, of advertising available to the
man who wishes to dispose of his merchandise. He can tell his eust-
tomers and prospective customers in Many different ways of the
service he has to offer -Birt for a
use the advertising columns of
Clinton News -Record