HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-07-23, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era NO. 6102 -63rd YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1942 ecord. The New Era Est. 1867 TIIE HOME PAPER English China British and Beautiful Select from our stock of English China, by famous• English Potters, CUPS AND SAUCERS, SERVICE PLATES, TEAPOTS AN1 DINNER SETS. A piece of fine China is a pleasant memento of your visit' to Clinton.' 11 W. H. HHLLYAR Jeweler and Optometrist ' Residence Phone 1743 WE PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD 1 IIALF' PRICE SALE OF SPORT TOGS 1 Among' them you will find, - Slack Suits, Short Suits, Beach Capes, Farinerettes, Cotton Pullovers. And Clearing at One Half Original Prices. R... -IRWIN FOR QUALITY MERCHANDLSE I, SIFTS Of LSTIN6 B.EAUTY We have just received a large new stock .of beautiful Rings of all kinds for Ladies and Gentlemen. Birthstones and signets in thevery latest designs. Stones in ex- quisite settings and all strongly made by expert craftsmen with thought given for long serviceable wear. Be sure to drop in and see this collection if you are "ring minded". We always have a good supply of Diamond Rings on hand also, and invite you to see our stock:; Also lovely hand - engraved Wedding Rings to match every Diamond Ring perfectly. All rings sized, engraved, and smartly boxed to suit customer. Special orders are given quick, exacting attention. We invite your inspec- tion and guarantee perfect satisfaction. Buy War Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly. Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts. Our Work Assures, Your Satisfaction: .N.COUNTE Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County RED CROSS NOTES Donations: Junior Red Gross (Miss Habkirk's Class) .$1.60; M. G. Rene - ford $5.00. A. recent visitor to one of the large blued donor clinics in the Dominion was much impressed with the atmos- phere of friendly, informality which pervades the place. You have no doubts about the efficiency of the way things are run; you feel assured about the required amount of steriliz- ation and care taken in 'every phase of the operation, but nevertheless you cannot help being 'conscious of the lack' of "waiting xoom" atmos- phere. , It is a little like looking in on a miracle first hand, too. It all takes each a Iittle time out of the donor's day. He comes in matte his turn, climbs up en` the cat, lies back and relaxes, while a smiling personable nurse takes charge of Isis "ease.". Less than a pint of his blood, goes painlessly into the bottle "piped" to Iris arm by a little tube; and his gift "from the heart" has been given. On into another room for coffee and biscuits or a refreshing drink of ginger ale, and that is all that is re- quired of the donor. The accomplishing of the miracle is not yet. When the whole blood has been processed at the laboratory,and is ready for shipment Overseas it is as amazing as any ancient alchy. A little accumulation of creamy col- oured powder is what remains and yet that little drift of dried serum is beyond price, when a man, woman or child is suffering from shock under bombing raids; when a soldier badly weaunded hes begun to die • from wounds; when a flyer is burned, and must have a transfusion to keep him alive, Just a little sterlized water is all that has to be added to this dried serum to keep a human heart going. It is not difficult to see that tem and more donors' will be needed as the war goes on. Any man between the ages of 21 to 50, who is in good health can become a donor. It is a personal contribution to humanity, and a vitally important one. LITTLE LOCALS There is no improvement in Mr, George Crawford's health, we regret to report. Mrs. P. A. Axon of Toronto is return - Mg to Clinton to take up her resi- dence again. The late Thomas MacKenzie estate on, King street has been purchased by Mr. A. C. Brandon of town. Staff -Sgt. and Mrs. George Knights, and son have moved into one the new apartments on King street, recently built y George Elliott. Little Sherry Vivien Cochrane, daughter of Mr, and Mrs: Harry Cochrane, celebrated her first .birth day Monday when she entertained' a few of her small friends. `` Thee following girls from Clinton are at the Presbyterian Church Camp at Kintail for ten days, Helen Shad - deck, Helen Edith Forrester, Mildred Farquhar, Ardess Inkley, Margaret Celquhoun, Evelyn MacDonald. HOW- DOES YOUR LABEL READ? The mailing list has been cor- rected) up to and including Sat- urday; July 16tH, Will you kindly examine your label and notify this office if there have been any emotes or omissions. If you find that your label reads, in arrears an early settlement would be greatly appreciated. Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. William Clement, Shakespeare, forirterly of Clinton, an- nounce the engagement of their se- cond eldest daughter, Blanche Myrtle, -to Lawrence Earl Banks of the Royal Canadian Naval ..Volunteer Reserve, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ediward Banks, Sr., Stratford. The wedding will take place in the near future. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Innes, "Clinton, announce the 'engaglemeet of their only daughter, Doirothy, to Jahn Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gould, Toronto. The -marriage" will take place quietly in Clinton, late in July,. The engagement is announced of Frances Elizabeth Carter. youngest daughter of Mr. Isaac Carter and tha late Mrs. Carter, of Clinton, to Stewart Alymer Freeman, only son of Mr. and Mrs, John Freeman, Hui - lett Township, The marriage will take place in the early part of Aug- • r: MILITARY NEWS Pte, Arthur Aiken of the Scotch Fusiliers at Ellenburg spent the weekend' with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken. ust. v Exciting Serial Begins Next Week In News -Record We have been wanting to give our readers a real live treat in the way of serials; that is why we have chosen "Black Dawn" one of the most excit- ing and thrilling Western serial stor- ies ever written by Victor Rousseau, "Black Dawn" was a black devil of a horse, in factthe horse was a killer,: one of those occasional" animals that kill, not in rage or panic, but,out of sheer joy and hatred of men. • Dave Bruce, arrived at the Wilbur - Ferris Gress -Bar ranch looking for work, and was offered a job provided he was successful in breaking "Black Dawn". The horse ,however proved to be by' no means the .end of . his worries, Miss Lois, the charming young ranch Queen ',who' peeves her metal by etanding firm behind the man she loved. Based on the complexities of real life and its underlying drama,. this serial is at the same'thee a delight- fur tale of you'rig love; subtly flavor- ed with •comp'lieations and suspense. 'Starting There., July 30th, in The Clinton News. -Record. • • Signaller Don Perdue of Petawawa spent last weekend" in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Perdue. Staff -Sgt. George Knights• of the Military Hospital, London, is spend- ing the week in town with Mrs. Knights and sen;,.Ketuteth. Sgt. Instructor Hugh Hawkins'. of the Canadian Army Trades, School at Hamilton, and Airwoman Madeleine Hawkins, of the R.C.A.F (W.D.) at Toronto, spent last weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Hawkins. Sapper William Williams of the Royal Canadian Engineers has arriv= ed safely overseas, according to word` received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams of town.. Flt, Sgt. Dick Fremlin of the R.G. A.F. at Sydney, N.S. is home on fur- lough, and his younger brother. Ger- ald, who has joined the R.C.A.F, left Friday for Lachine, Quebec, where he will train, as a pilot. Fire At Varna. Destroys Barn, Stock, Etc. Fire of unknown origin early Thurso: day mourning destroyed the fine bank balm on the farm of Mr. and Airy: Witmer McClinohey, southwest of Varna. Ari, estimate of the damage could not be obtained immediately, but M¢. •McCdinchey said the ,follow- ing were destroyed: three horses, 100 hens, 16 pigs, one sow, the season's trop of hay, a binder, fertilizer drill and • cultivator, fanning milds and. scales, and a wagon and rack. The McClinchey's recently lost their home by fire. Y Merchants Line Up For War Stamps Sale .., Committee Finds Businessmen of Clinton Anxious To Co-operate ., Merchants of Clinton are respond-. ing splendidly to the appeal for. their eo-operation in the sale of war sav- ing stamps and certificates: The sales canvassers commenced their selling campaign last Thursday and met with almost 100 per cent. ready co-operation. Ft is anticipated that stamp selling sign's will be displayed in all shop windows along the busi- ness streets. usi-ness.streets. Attend International At Toronto Lions Pipe Band Leads- District Mr. Frank Pennebaker and Mr. W. L. 'Whyte as delegates from the local club are- attending the International. Lions Club Convention in Toronto this week. Other members attending the convention on Tuesday were Dick Jacdb, A.. "Red" Garen, Mel. Schoen- hals, Geo. Jenkins, Ken. G. Waters, Caryl Draper, Bill Mutch. Taking part in the large parade en Tuesday was the Clinton Pipe Band leading the delegates from this dis- trict, zones two and three. Their drum -major, Miss Wanda Elliott, from. Michigan, and geandd'aughter of Mrs. 3. Jacob, matron at the Huron, County Home, proved to be a sensa- tion. In the parade were represeuta- tives from every province in the Do- minion and every state in the U.S.A.; also in the parade were an elephant and a cannel and one of the most beautiful floats ever seen, from Ten- nesee. Many Volunteer to Help With Harvest In response to several requests from farmers in this district .several from Clinton have volunteered to help with the harvest. In response to a Kelso Streets of Termite eldest request front George Flewitt on the son of Mrs: C. Streets of town repor l.lth concession of Goderich township, ted fon service Halifax, N.S.,We d- for belpdnst okingwheat the fol- lowingnien , volunteered, Jas, G. Shearer, V. D. Falconer, A. J. Mc - Murree, George Finlay, John Read, O. L. Paisley, Wm. Walker, Jae. Ohowen and Jim McLaren. They worked for two Imams Saturday even- ing and Molted fifteen acres of wheat. On Monday night in a response to a request front Clifford Keys, of Varna, five men from here volunteer- ed. John Radford, George Beattie, RuseeIl Hohnes,John Nediger, Jr., and Matt. Hodge. With the asses, - twice of Mr. Keys and his hired man they also Awaked about fifteen acres. A request has, been received from Milton Wiltse of the London Road for some one to help hoe turnips. Those willing to help the farmers in harvesting their abundant euops are asked to leavetheir names and preference of work with the Town Clerk, M,, T. Corless at the Tan Hall_ Child Dies On Way To esday, in the- `C.A S.F. Ordnance Corps. Kelso and: Mrs. Streets spent the weekend: at his home in town, A.O. Rgg. C'udmore of the B.C.A. . at Trenton spent last weekend in town with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Alex. Cudanore. • Troopers Charles McMichael Car- toon. Glidden and Clarence Gliddon, all members of the Elgin Regiment stat- ioned in Nova Scotia spent a short leave at their homes in town this week. Constable Bob Biggart, Royal Can- adian Mounted Police at Roekeliffe is visiting hiss parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Biggart. L -Cpl. Gordon Hoy of Thames Valley Camp, London; spent the weekend with. Mrs. Hoy and Virginia. Pte. Jack Nickle of the Kent Regiment returned to Vancouver, B.C., on Wednesday, ,after a ten days leave at his home in town. ° Pte. J C. Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henderson is home on two weeks furlough from Camp BOP. den. The following refers to a relative of Mrs. Fannie Oliver and Miss: L. Rands, of town: "Sapper Frank E. Bishop, on of Mr. and Mrs. William Bishop, 149 Home street, hasarrived safely in Britain, but as long as he lives be probably never will forget hie ex- perience. A. member of the Royal Canadian Engineers, Sapper Bishop on Thursday morning, July 16. The little fellow was taken ill,,on, Tuesday with pneumonia, and later spinal meningitis set in. Early Thursday morning he was being taken to Land- on fortreatment by a specialist when be suddenly paesed away in the car between Herman and Exeter. He is survived by his parents and one sister, Maxine. • Memorial Service A memorial service will ,be held at Ontario Street United clench, August 2nd, at 7 A.m. for the late 'S'g•t.Obser- ver Eeriest E. Mittell, who was killed in action while serving with the R.C. A.F. Ernest was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mittell, and the first citizen of Clinton to snake the "sup- reme saerifice"'in this, second World War. Citizens ire • invited, individually,. to join with,,the family, relatives and friends, in this act of remembrance for the brave and courageous young man who served his Country's- Call with the resolute deternlinatior) to do hie duty,. V AMONG THE CHURCHES United Church Services Ontario Street United and Wesley - Willis United, church will wols'hip to- gether in Wesley -Willis &leech . on Sunday, July 26tH, both morning and evening. Hospital St ,Paul's Church Sunday, July 26th: 10.15 Sunday School; 11, Matins,. sermon subject, "God the Song the Redeemer." 7 Evensong ,Sermon subject, "God the Holy Ghost, the Sanctifier." Clinton Mission Sunday School at 2 p.nh.; Elvange. listic Service, 3 pen. Cottage Prayer Service 8.30 p.m. Friday, July 24th, fit Mr. Joseph Wheatley's home. Watch therefore; for yd know not What hour your Lord doth come. Matt. 24, 42 spinal meningitis rrovea S'atat To Three -Year -Old The sympathy of the 'oohnmunity- is extended to Mr .and Mrs: Seoord etc - Brien, of Hullett, in the sad and sud- den death of their little three-year-old son, , David, Sheldon ,which-..oeeurred was taken i11 with appendicitis and the ship's surgeon performed an ibrnergerrey operation at sea; "Other wise," he says, "the trips was swell." Sapper Bishop is, a patient in a hos- pital in Scotland and is making good' progress. His letter reminded Mr. and Mrs: Bishop not to forger the chocolate bars and cigarettes." Baptist Church Sunday School begins on Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. Plan to attend the Bible School, The evening worship service at. seven o'clock, when the Gospel story is proclaimed in song and exposition, The minister's semen subject for this Sunday's service will be:— "Christ's Compassion." Bylaw No 440, setting the tax rate "Conte, ye disconsolate, wher'ere You (at a net of 41 mills, was passed at the languish, regular meeting of the town council Come to the mercy -seat, fejrvently , held in the town hall. This was done kneel, , despite objections raised by the fin - Here bring your wounded hearts, here ance committee that the reduction tell your anguish, was too great'in view of the fact that Earth has no sorrow that heaven can- I expenditures had increased since the not heal". 'nate was struck. Councilor M. A. The Ladies Aid will meet in the 'Reid, chairman of tate committee, Vestry of the church, Tuesday even- 'pointed out that the increase its the ing, July 28th, at 7.30 ,o'clock, The key -word is "woe". All ladies. of the church are cordially invited, PERSONALS FLIGHT -LIEUTENANT JOHN E. CUNINGHAME Flight -Lieutenant John E. Geeing- hame, son of Mr. and Mrs: Gordon W. Cuninghame; has returned from over- seas service, and, before taking on further duties is enjoying his disem- barkation leave at hie home here: Since 1940 John has served with the American Mercantile Martine, oper- ating between Montreal and South America; received a commission as Flying Officer with The Royal Can- adian Air Forte in 1941, during the same year; immediately upon arriv- ing in the 'United Kingdom he became attached to The Royal Air Force, and later was promoted to the rank • of Flight -Lieutenant and posted as Commanding Officer of a Royal Air Force station in Iceland, where he served for eight months. John's many Mende in Clinton and vicinity gladly welcome hint back. Seaforth Town Council Adopts Lower Tax Rate county rate alone would absorb al- most half a mill. LONDON ROAD Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston return- The London Road picnic was held ed home last weekend from a two at the Harbour Park, Goderich, last week's visit at Fenwick and f Thursday with seventy attending, Georgetown. Supper was served at 7.30 pan. after Litre June and Wiline Walters, of which games were played and races London are visiting tsng their aunt and uncle, Mr. and' Mrs. Will Pinning. Miss Cora Streets .has returned to her work in Toronto after a holiday at beer lime in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mutch of Detroit, Mich., me visiting relatives in town. ler, and Mrs. E. S. Evans and family have returned to St. Marys after a few weeks' visit with Dr. and Mrs; J. S. Miens. Mr. and Mrs. George McLay and daughter Katharine are visiting in St. Marys this week. Miss. Carol Evane, Reg.N. of Dunn- ville has returned, to her work after a few weeks visit with her parents,' Dr. and Mrs. J. 3, Evans, Miss Isobel Biggart and Mr. Fred Porter ane son John of Toronto, and Mr. Bruce Biggart of Mount Forest, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wee Biggart. Miss Pearl Elliott was the guest of Miss Eunice Hoist at Dasb wood last weekend Mise Phyllis Middleton of Goderich Township. was the weekend guest of Miss Phyllis Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Thompson and fam- ily of .Wyoming 'spent Wednesday in town. Mrs. Alex. Cudmore' left on Tuesday for Toronto where she attended the funeral oe the late Mesi AIex. Gos- leigh. Miss Florence Aiken . of. Kitchener spent "the weekend with her par- ents, Mr.. and Mrs. W M. Aiken:' Mr. and Mrs. Bert White and .family spent last week - in London. run, the results of which were as follows: girls andboys under 6 Ye ars Nora Sharpe, Donald Sharpe, Douglas Batkin, Lois Falconer and Elaine Eck - line; girls from 6 to. 10, Dorothy Man- aghan, Gloria Nott, Katherine Fal- coner, Helen Anderson; young ladies race, Mrs, Hann; young men's race, Jack Clegg, George Falconer; kicking slipper, Mrs. Harry P'lursteel. Miss Vera Montgomery of Wing - ham visited at the home of her cam.- in, aul-in, Miss Ruth .Manning, and Ruth visited in Blyth and Winglham over the weekend. —V - PIPER MUTCII Bandmaster, Piper Fred Murch' 'who took the Pipe Band to Toronto for the LiPnp~International Conven- tion Parade on Tuesday.