HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-07-16, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD BEAT'TIE'S FUNERAL HOME - RATTENBURY STREET, CLINTON an added convenience, in time of need AT NO EXTRA COST GEORGE B. BEATTIE PHONE `184W DAY OR NIGHT WE CARRY A OM ra ,, C .**,)"4. r4, Paints FLOOR WAX, ,PLASTER HOUSEHOLD FULL. LINE OF I Lt Enamels & Varnishes WOOD and CEMENT. Electric Hot Plates — Irons — Toasters .& Grills. 1 USED ELECTRIC WASHER - BUG KILLER, King and Three -In -One SUTTER e? PERDUE HARDWARE. PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Seasonable SALE erchandi&e NEW PRINTS — New Patterns suitable for Aprons and House Dresses Old Prices .19c & 25c .COTTON BROADCLOTH White or Colored 22c FACTORY COTTON — Yard Wide 16c to 25e' FACTORY COTTON —'40 in. wide ` 29c TURKISH TOWELING — Dark Stripe for common use, Special Price • TURKISH TOWELS — Dark Stripes — Large Size, r Best Value at Old Price 35e. LIGHT FANCY PATTERNS 25c to $1.00 MEN'S FANCY COTTON HOSE 19c 25c — 29c MEN'S BROWN OXFORDS — New Style - A Good Oxford at a Low. Price 52A9 19e SUMMER SHOES - Men's, Women's and; Children's at Clearing Prices. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow 'Shirts — Adam Hata — Scott & McHale Shoes for Mea .. Agents Tip Top Tailors. Enjoy, Your Leisure•. Hours IN THE OPEN SPACES We have just received.a large new stock'of RECLINING CHAIRS AND STOOLS of various kinds. But as the season may be rather short owing to their late arrival we are marking them at very attractive prices. So here is your chance to save "money: • We 'are. pleaded to tell you• that more •. 'STUDIO COUCHES HAVE ARRIVED ;r .. and we expect more. very shortly. You will find one. of these yery comfortable and may help you out, when extra: company comes; or if your up stair rooms are pretty hot; . and we :always carry occas- ional chairs to match them. If you are looking for, Second hand Prams, Dining Suite, or Chesterfield Suite or, Davenport, „it will pay to see our stock. • • "The Store With . The Stock" BALL.'', ZAP -FE Hardware -- Furniture •- F nero1 Directors -- .Ambulance Service.' W. Ball, Phone 361. ' PHONE 195 -• J. .1. Zapfe, Phone .103. Have you bought your share of War Savings Stamps? You may think it is none of ,our concern. Our advanced justification for the question is that it is our animated concern to sell;the5n. Take hart or all of your change in War Savings Stamps and learn how easy it is;to have enough to possess a Savings Certificate costing you $4.00 in small payments and se- curing you $5.00 in return. We have been specially appointed vendors. They will keep your dollars working for you on a small investment, they will help to secure victory, they will. help to promote your personal suc- cess, maybe the foundation of a care free retirement they will "mend your fences" in anticipation of the future, they will forge the dagger Lt Gen. McNaughton talks about as pointing straight. at Berlin. Saving is a Ser- vice. Buy Stamps every week. Cheer, joy, pleasure and friendship, in fact.every emotion may be expres- sed through the mediuin of a greeting card. • Remember your friends with one and estimate the two way pleas- ure. Due to unprecedented shortages in basic materials the supply of certain goods coming to us will be limited or not procurable, but after all 'we've a war to win. Give thought to the ad- vantage it may be to you to buy Wax Savings. Stamps. Write to the point—a Fountain Pen deserving your attention is our Sky- writer or Parkette at $1.50 plus 25% sales tax making cost to you $1.88 net. Price is important only when all other points have been considered. GET THE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS HABIT! WE SELL THE STA1%iPS The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best „0111111111., ,l llpWllll 1110000innli. gll!I�III111BI � WEEKEND SPECIALS 1 BAG FLUFFS, 25 qt. PUFFED WHEAT .. .... 39c 2 LB. PURE LARD 29c 4 PKGS. JAR RINGS 25c 1 DOZ. ZINC RINGS 25c 7 LB. BAG PASTRY•FLOUR 29c 7 LB. BAG FIVE ROSES FLOUR 29c 6 •CAKES P & G SOAP 29c 6 CAKES ASSORTED TOILET SOAP 25c 1 Pkg. MORNING CHEER 1 lb. 39c 6 LB. NEW POTATOES, (Home Grown) 25e 2' CAKES ODEX' SOAP .. 11c 2 PKG. CHAMPION DOG or CAT FOOD 25c 2 LARGE Pkgs. CORN FLAKES 25e 1 LB. REX BULK COCOA 19c SWEET JUICY ORANGES at 24c, 33; 39c Doz. W. L. JOHNSON GROCER FREE DELIVERY PHONE 286 Miss Edith Hunt, of Toronto, is visi- ting friends in town. p•� ior Miss Cara Streets is holidaying in ; i r Grand Bend this week Miss Pearl Elliott spent two days visiting friends in London this week Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McBride, of Windsor, with the latter's sister, Mrs. Dave Kay. Misses Lorna Plumsteel and Kaye Ross, •of Toronto, spent the week- end eekend at their homes in town. Captain and Mrs. Harold Lawson were guests at the Elson—Redditt wed- ding in Goderich on Saturday. Mrs. Eric Howes ,of London, spent the past week with friends and re- latives in Clinton and Goderich. Rev. G. W. Sherman of Sparta, form- erly of Clinton Baptist church, call- ed on friends in town this week. Mrs, Herb. Castle is visiting in Mount Forest with her son and daughter - in law, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Castle. Mr. and Mrs. Frecl Sloman and family of the Railway School Car, at Gap- reol, are spending the summer holi- days in town. Mrs. W. Greenwood and Miss Sylvia Greenwood of Toronto were the weekend guests of Mr. G. E. Hall, and Miss Evelyn. Mts. Adam Cantelon has reihu'ned to his home in Piapot, Sask., after an eiltended visit with friends and re- latives here and in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John . Atkinson and daughter, Sheila, of Minnedosa, Man., are visiting in Clinton, Their son, L.A.C. Terry Atkinson is training at No. 31 Radio School. The following Clinton boys spent a very enjoyable week at the United Church Boy's Camp on the Goderich Summer School grounds, Frank Fingland, Don Haddy, Don Miller, Bill Ohowein and Fred Thorndike. Mrs. W. D. Eddy, who has been visi- ting her, sister, Mrs. G. B. Hale, of town for the past few months left on, Saturday for her home at Cres- ton, B.C. She will stop off in To- ronto with her brother for a few days before leaving for the coast. Mr. and Mns. Sowerby and son Billy of Detroit spent the early part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane. On Wednesday,, accomp anted by 'Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane and Sgt. Robinson of 'No. 31 Radio School, they spent the day at Georgian Bay. ing'staff. Mita' Rickerls now teach - Mr. W. T .E Leppiiigton, 'of Galt, is i, ing in a Girl's School at Pengschein spending his holidbys at his 'home' 30 miles from Chengtu, China. Last `in town; 'andi.orti.lVionclay attended the 12th of Jdly' celebrations in London; accompanied by his sister,; Edith andLloyd Johnston and Mur- ray East. They called on relatives while in the city. Stores PHONE 1U—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR July 16, 17, 18th CARNATION MILK ..:large tin 9p CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP tin 8c HILLCREST LARD ib. 15c VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS, tin 10e. AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP, 12 oz. bottle 14c ORANGES, Size 344s .... doz23c GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c LEMONS,4Large Size 4 for 10e .,NEW POTATOES, . 15 lb. peck 59c COOKING ONIONS, Small, 3 lb. los CABBAGE, Large Head . 10c each CARROTS 3 bunches 25c CELERY STALKS ......'2 for 19c TOMATOES, Home Grown .. Ib. 19c BOSTON BRAND COFFEE, . Ib. 39c I:LKil•l} bottle 25c PAROWAX .. 1 ib. pkg. 15c ZINC RINGS doz. 25c CERTO CRYSTALS , .. 2 pkgs. 25c CROWN JARS, Meddoz. $1.19 T. fl. THDMPS.ON PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. H. E: Ricker of North Bay were guests this week of Mrs. B. C. Hearn and family. Many of our citizens will remember •their daughter, Evelyn, who was former- ly on :the Collegiate Institute teach - heard if directly from her vias in Febr{iary 'last and written on De - camber 29, 1941. The letter came,. by air mail post marked and stamps worth $7.15 which shows something of the exchange values. THURS., JULY 16, 194' In The Letter Box Mrs. Erma Hale ;Adauis hasre- ceived the following, letter from Mr. Frank Knox, secretary of the United States Navy., My Dear Mrs. Adams:- I desire to offer to you my personal condolence in the tragic death of your husband, James Wilbur Adams, Aviation Chief Radioman, U.S. Navy, attached to the VP Squadron 44, on June 4th, 1942. It -is hoped that you may find com- fort in thethought that he made the supreme sacrifice upholding the high- est traditions of the Navy, in the de- fense of his country. Very sincerely yours, FRANK'KNOX. v— Wesley-Willis Y.P.U. The Wesley -Willis Young People's Union -sponsored fireside hour, organ- ized during the early part of the win - ,ter as an after -evening service• en- tertainment for members) of the var- ious service units' personnel, is being 'continued during the summer months. Instead of holding the social hour in the church hall, as in winter times they meet at the homes of members of the congregation. Last Sunday night the young people gathered at the home of Mrs. and Miss F. R. Cwn- ingharne and the meeting was held on the lawn. About 60 were present. Miss Kathleen McGill was program director and Rev. J. C. Britton, Y.M. C.A. director at Port Albert airport, and LAG Audrey Conran, of Clinton radio school song leaders. Sergeant McEwen favored the group with piano selections; Mrs. Britton with a poem reading and Miss Pearl Elliott with vocal solos with 'sister Edna, Reg.N., playing piano accompani- ment, Mrs. J. G. Crowen was pianist for the group singing. A. bountiful lunch wad served, including coffee with cream and with honey for sweet- ening. Benson Sutter ,Huron Presby- tery Y.P.U, president, who has just returned from attending the Domin- ion Young People's Union conferenea at Belleville gave a short address. The benediction and closing prayer were given by Mr. Sutter. STANLEY Mr. arid Mrs. Lorne Pepper return- ed to Niagara Falls ,after visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Pep- , 1n I7: ,y 5: SPECIAL VALUE(SI JULY 16, 17, 18TH RED AND WHITE GOLD RIBBON CHOICE . POT/PS , 3 tins 25c PEARS ,. 2 tins 231c OGILVIE'S NULANIER PRIDE CHOICE Blendies 3 pkgs. 25c PEAS, 2 tins 23c COOKIES Lemon Creams lb. , 21 l�v'p�,t lCo YOUR CHOICE 19C lb, DOG FOOD, Gro -Pup 2 lb. pkg. 25c RED & WHITE CUSTARD McCOBMXCK'S BUTTER POWDER tin 25c BIX pkg. 15c BEEHIVE CORN „N:i ii+1CT IRISH SYRUP ... 5 lb. tin 57c STEW 2'tins 27c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS. AND VEGETABLES SEEDLESS 4 for , PLUMS SUNKIST JUICY doz. Grapefruit BERRres 'ORANGES 25c 23c MELONS• CHOICE LB. APPLES WAX LB. Tomatoes ... 15c c}IERRIEs. BEANS 15c. JUICY LARGE 6 fbr PEAS New Ontario 5 Lbs. Lemons 19c CAULIFLOWER Potatoes 23c CHOICE BUNCH H. LETTUCE CHOICE2 for Beets 5c CABBAGE CARROTS 17c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON WHY NOT HAVE YOUR.Plumbing or Furnace Overhauled DURING THE SUMMER Help will be scarce so get your order in and be really, for, the cold weather. PRICES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON PLUMBING. AND HEATING. L Ha) PLUM HARDWARE and PLUMBING 9 Phone 244 per, and other friends, at St. Catharines. Mrs. Norman Baird left on Monday Miss Audrey Baird is visiting with to visit her sister, Mrs. Bob. Valley friends in Hensall this week, JULY 1 th to 1St 2 Bars llc CASTLE FLOOR WAX ... ibtin 29c DUNDURN MARMALADE, jar 29c COFFEE, fresh ground lb. 39c NUT CRUSH jar 27c YORKPUMPKINtin 12c ZINC RINGS doz. 25c RUBBER RINGS 4 doz. 25c VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS 2 tins 19c TOMATO JUICE 20 oz. tins, 2 for 19c SNAP HAND CLEANER tin 15c LAUNDRY SOAP 5 bars 19c FRESH RONEY 2 lb. jar 35c OLD ENGLISH, NO -RUBBING WAX tin 49c 19c LB - 19c LB. ROSE DALE CATSUP, 2 bottles 29c CARROTS, CABBAGE, LETTUCE, CUCUMBERS, CELERY, TOMATOES and NEW NO. 1 POTATOES FRESH PICNIC HAM 24c lb. FRESH SAUSAGE 25c lb. FRESH WEINERS 27c lb.. VARIETY LOAF 39c Ib. DUTCH LOAF , 29c lb. DELICA HAM LOAF 45c lb.. .BOLOGNA 20:c lb., in piece, HEADCHEESE22c lb. cik Giant' size 69c pkg; Large size 20c.• pkg: Orv1. L ebb, Grocer PHONE 40, • THE STORE THAT SAVES Y'OU MONEY. d:,e, ;; fa SPRAY with VITASPRA and have healthy clean plants 40c a bottle "FERTABS" are just the tonic your plants require. Sold in 15c & 25c Packets FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. ' F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and. special attention given to funeral orders. ' Phones 176 and' 31 WEEKEND SPECIALS 1 BAG FLUFFS, 25 qt. PUFFED WHEAT .. .... 39c 2 LB. PURE LARD 29c 4 PKGS. JAR RINGS 25c 1 DOZ. ZINC RINGS 25c 7 LB. BAG PASTRY•FLOUR 29c 7 LB. BAG FIVE ROSES FLOUR 29c 6 •CAKES P & G SOAP 29c 6 CAKES ASSORTED TOILET SOAP 25c 1 Pkg. MORNING CHEER 1 lb. 39c 6 LB. NEW POTATOES, (Home Grown) 25e 2' CAKES ODEX' SOAP .. 11c 2 PKG. CHAMPION DOG or CAT FOOD 25c 2 LARGE Pkgs. CORN FLAKES 25e 1 LB. REX BULK COCOA 19c SWEET JUICY ORANGES at 24c, 33; 39c Doz. W. L. JOHNSON GROCER FREE DELIVERY PHONE 286 Miss Edith Hunt, of Toronto, is visi- ting friends in town. p•� ior Miss Cara Streets is holidaying in ; i r Grand Bend this week Miss Pearl Elliott spent two days visiting friends in London this week Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McBride, of Windsor, with the latter's sister, Mrs. Dave Kay. Misses Lorna Plumsteel and Kaye Ross, •of Toronto, spent the week- end eekend at their homes in town. Captain and Mrs. Harold Lawson were guests at the Elson—Redditt wed- ding in Goderich on Saturday. Mrs. Eric Howes ,of London, spent the past week with friends and re- latives in Clinton and Goderich. Rev. G. W. Sherman of Sparta, form- erly of Clinton Baptist church, call- ed on friends in town this week. Mrs, Herb. Castle is visiting in Mount Forest with her son and daughter - in law, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Castle. Mr. and Mrs. Frecl Sloman and family of the Railway School Car, at Gap- reol, are spending the summer holi- days in town. Mrs. W. Greenwood and Miss Sylvia Greenwood of Toronto were the weekend guests of Mr. G. E. Hall, and Miss Evelyn. Mts. Adam Cantelon has reihu'ned to his home in Piapot, Sask., after an eiltended visit with friends and re- latives here and in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John . Atkinson and daughter, Sheila, of Minnedosa, Man., are visiting in Clinton, Their son, L.A.C. Terry Atkinson is training at No. 31 Radio School. The following Clinton boys spent a very enjoyable week at the United Church Boy's Camp on the Goderich Summer School grounds, Frank Fingland, Don Haddy, Don Miller, Bill Ohowein and Fred Thorndike. Mrs. W. D. Eddy, who has been visi- ting her, sister, Mrs. G. B. Hale, of town for the past few months left on, Saturday for her home at Cres- ton, B.C. She will stop off in To- ronto with her brother for a few days before leaving for the coast. Mr. and Mns. Sowerby and son Billy of Detroit spent the early part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane. On Wednesday,, accomp anted by 'Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane and Sgt. Robinson of 'No. 31 Radio School, they spent the day at Georgian Bay. ing'staff. Mita' Rickerls now teach - Mr. W. T .E Leppiiigton, 'of Galt, is i, ing in a Girl's School at Pengschein spending his holidbys at his 'home' 30 miles from Chengtu, China. Last `in town; 'andi.orti.lVionclay attended the 12th of Jdly' celebrations in London; accompanied by his sister,; Edith andLloyd Johnston and Mur- ray East. They called on relatives while in the city. Stores PHONE 1U—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR July 16, 17, 18th CARNATION MILK ..:large tin 9p CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP tin 8c HILLCREST LARD ib. 15c VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS, tin 10e. AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP, 12 oz. bottle 14c ORANGES, Size 344s .... doz23c GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c LEMONS,4Large Size 4 for 10e .,NEW POTATOES, . 15 lb. peck 59c COOKING ONIONS, Small, 3 lb. los CABBAGE, Large Head . 10c each CARROTS 3 bunches 25c CELERY STALKS ......'2 for 19c TOMATOES, Home Grown .. Ib. 19c BOSTON BRAND COFFEE, . Ib. 39c I:LKil•l} bottle 25c PAROWAX .. 1 ib. pkg. 15c ZINC RINGS doz. 25c CERTO CRYSTALS , .. 2 pkgs. 25c CROWN JARS, Meddoz. $1.19 T. fl. THDMPS.ON PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. H. E: Ricker of North Bay were guests this week of Mrs. B. C. Hearn and family. Many of our citizens will remember •their daughter, Evelyn, who was former- ly on :the Collegiate Institute teach - heard if directly from her vias in Febr{iary 'last and written on De - camber 29, 1941. The letter came,. by air mail post marked and stamps worth $7.15 which shows something of the exchange values. THURS., JULY 16, 194' In The Letter Box Mrs. Erma Hale ;Adauis hasre- ceived the following, letter from Mr. Frank Knox, secretary of the United States Navy., My Dear Mrs. Adams:- I desire to offer to you my personal condolence in the tragic death of your husband, James Wilbur Adams, Aviation Chief Radioman, U.S. Navy, attached to the VP Squadron 44, on June 4th, 1942. It -is hoped that you may find com- fort in thethought that he made the supreme sacrifice upholding the high- est traditions of the Navy, in the de- fense of his country. Very sincerely yours, FRANK'KNOX. v— Wesley-Willis Y.P.U. The Wesley -Willis Young People's Union -sponsored fireside hour, organ- ized during the early part of the win - ,ter as an after -evening service• en- tertainment for members) of the var- ious service units' personnel, is being 'continued during the summer months. Instead of holding the social hour in the church hall, as in winter times they meet at the homes of members of the congregation. Last Sunday night the young people gathered at the home of Mrs. and Miss F. R. Cwn- ingharne and the meeting was held on the lawn. About 60 were present. Miss Kathleen McGill was program director and Rev. J. C. Britton, Y.M. C.A. director at Port Albert airport, and LAG Audrey Conran, of Clinton radio school song leaders. Sergeant McEwen favored the group with piano selections; Mrs. Britton with a poem reading and Miss Pearl Elliott with vocal solos with 'sister Edna, Reg.N., playing piano accompani- ment, Mrs. J. G. Crowen was pianist for the group singing. A. bountiful lunch wad served, including coffee with cream and with honey for sweet- ening. Benson Sutter ,Huron Presby- tery Y.P.U, president, who has just returned from attending the Domin- ion Young People's Union conferenea at Belleville gave a short address. The benediction and closing prayer were given by Mr. Sutter. STANLEY Mr. arid Mrs. Lorne Pepper return- ed to Niagara Falls ,after visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Pep- , 1n I7: ,y 5: SPECIAL VALUE(SI JULY 16, 17, 18TH RED AND WHITE GOLD RIBBON CHOICE . POT/PS , 3 tins 25c PEARS ,. 2 tins 231c OGILVIE'S NULANIER PRIDE CHOICE Blendies 3 pkgs. 25c PEAS, 2 tins 23c COOKIES Lemon Creams lb. , 21 l�v'p�,t lCo YOUR CHOICE 19C lb, DOG FOOD, Gro -Pup 2 lb. pkg. 25c RED & WHITE CUSTARD McCOBMXCK'S BUTTER POWDER tin 25c BIX pkg. 15c BEEHIVE CORN „N:i ii+1CT IRISH SYRUP ... 5 lb. tin 57c STEW 2'tins 27c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS. AND VEGETABLES SEEDLESS 4 for , PLUMS SUNKIST JUICY doz. Grapefruit BERRres 'ORANGES 25c 23c MELONS• CHOICE LB. APPLES WAX LB. Tomatoes ... 15c c}IERRIEs. BEANS 15c. JUICY LARGE 6 fbr PEAS New Ontario 5 Lbs. Lemons 19c CAULIFLOWER Potatoes 23c CHOICE BUNCH H. LETTUCE CHOICE2 for Beets 5c CABBAGE CARROTS 17c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON WHY NOT HAVE YOUR.Plumbing or Furnace Overhauled DURING THE SUMMER Help will be scarce so get your order in and be really, for, the cold weather. PRICES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON PLUMBING. AND HEATING. L Ha) PLUM HARDWARE and PLUMBING 9 Phone 244 per, and other friends, at St. Catharines. Mrs. Norman Baird left on Monday Miss Audrey Baird is visiting with to visit her sister, Mrs. Bob. Valley friends in Hensall this week, JULY 1 th to 1St 2 Bars llc CASTLE FLOOR WAX ... ibtin 29c DUNDURN MARMALADE, jar 29c COFFEE, fresh ground lb. 39c NUT CRUSH jar 27c YORKPUMPKINtin 12c ZINC RINGS doz. 25c RUBBER RINGS 4 doz. 25c VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS 2 tins 19c TOMATO JUICE 20 oz. tins, 2 for 19c SNAP HAND CLEANER tin 15c LAUNDRY SOAP 5 bars 19c FRESH RONEY 2 lb. jar 35c OLD ENGLISH, NO -RUBBING WAX tin 49c 19c LB - 19c LB. ROSE DALE CATSUP, 2 bottles 29c CARROTS, CABBAGE, LETTUCE, CUCUMBERS, CELERY, TOMATOES and NEW NO. 1 POTATOES FRESH PICNIC HAM 24c lb. FRESH SAUSAGE 25c lb. FRESH WEINERS 27c lb.. VARIETY LOAF 39c Ib. DUTCH LOAF , 29c lb. DELICA HAM LOAF 45c lb.. .BOLOGNA 20:c lb., in piece, HEADCHEESE22c lb. cik Giant' size 69c pkg; Large size 20c.• pkg: Orv1. L ebb, Grocer PHONE 40, • THE STORE THAT SAVES Y'OU MONEY.