The Clinton News Record, 1942-07-09, Page 5'`-IHURS, JULY 9, 194 THE CLINTON , .NEWS -RECORD hips `OUR CHALLENGE TO THE "u„ BOAT Canada started this war with virtually no active shipbuilding industry. Today there are 17 major and 58 smaller yards which, with subsidiary industries, employ 40,000 men. Canada's first 10,000 tonner, launched in. October last year, completed its first -Atlantic voyage in February!Since then =many others have been launched and the present programme calls for 172 new cargo ;ships costing $325,000,000. Keels for over 50 have already Leen laid. Before the year is out we will be launching a new ship 'every few days. Over 500 Canadian industries are making •components for these ships. About 95% of 'the material used in their production is now "made in Canada." a Not included in these figures are some 200 •naval ships already launched, the large ma- lority of them corvettes and minesweepers: This advertisement is published as a contribution to the general knowledge of our country's war effort and as an inspiration through the days ahead. For reasons of security complete figures ,ate not available. The facts presented, however, are impressive. 'evidence of the growing might. of Canada's war machine. 'THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATERSON, Manager AUBURN Mrs. Alex Shaw of Toronto is visi- '-ling Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Mr, and Mrs. Steve Medd and fam- ily of Ilderton and Mrs. John Medd of <Goderich visited on Sunday with Mr. -Jas. Medd. Mr and Mrs. Frank Washington of Kirkland Lake are visiting the foznn 't:r's parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wash- :ing-ton. The following teachers are holiday- ing at home: Miss Mary Huston, of Timmins; Miss Jean Huston, Bow- Manville; Miss Marjorie Arthur. Tees - 'water; and Warren Bamford Capreol, Rev. and Mrs', Wm. Mains and fam- ily of Tilbury visited Mrs, C. A. How - icon and Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Phillips on Sunday. Miss Ruth Arthur nurse -in -training at Victoria Hospital, London, has re- turned to her duties fallowing a three 'Weeks holiday with her mother, Mrs. M. Arthur. There will be no service in Knox United church next Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Gravison of 'Tavistock visited with friends here on .Sunday. A large crowd attended the play '"Damsels in Distress" which was• put on in the Foresters Hall on Friday bight by the Londesboro United Nancy and Ina, and lits .son Hugh, to Church. The proceed's were in aid the congregation. Westfield, Donny - of the local Red Gross. brook and Auburn congregations were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard• and all well represented. v EBENEZER Mrs, Eric Howes. of London, - is cosmetics and stationery. An address visiting this week at the home of her 'was read by Lucille Keller and Vivian cousin, : Mr. Irvine Tebbutt. =Straughan made the presentation. The Y.P.U. held their final meeting 'Jackie McKnight read an address to for the term last _week. It took the 'Tommy Sheppard and John Seers pre- form of a social gathering. All eta tented hint with a pen and pencil set, joyed a awim at the river followed by flashlight and stationery. Lunch was games and contests at the home ce served by Mrs. Earl MelCnight and Mr. and Mrs. L Merrill. Lunch was ,Miss Madeline Yungblutt. I served. The Y.P.U. will resume their meetings in September. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Fred Ross I Hann,, Little, Billy Lobb, Frank 'entertained the Bridge Ladies in hon- Little and Jack Tebbutt are spending or of Mrs. Sheppard. During the even- I ibis week at Hiawatha Boys' Camp .ing Mrs. Sheppard was presentedinear Goderich, 'with a beautiful vase. An address 'was read by Miss Josephine Weir and The W.A. of the United church held Mrs. W. T. Robison made- the presen- their meeting at the home of Mrs. ;tatiom Mrs. Sheppard' made a fitting Roy Easom, with a good attendance, reply. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Carman Tebbutt presided and 'the hostess. • Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard the meeting was opened with a• hymn have a son Reid who is in the R.C.N. followed by the Lord's Prayer. Minn- V.R. London. Mr. Sheppard' will con- tes of the previous meeting were read tinate as managear of the Bank of Cavi- and adopted; The roll -call was re - enema at Auburn and Dungannon.' sponded to by the snembers: giving, Ai large crowd attended the meurr.�or- 1"a way of saving sugar." .. The de - 5a1 service at Ball's .cemetery on Sun- votional part was taken by Rev. H. ;day afternoon. The service wee in Wilding. An address to Rev Wilding 'charge of the Baptist church. Mrs. was them read and he was presented R..3. Phillips presided at the organ, with 'a bedroom, lamp, before his de - The :scripture ,reeding Hebrews 12, 1- parture to his new field of labour at 15 was taken by Rev. Maine of Til- Osborne. Mr. Wilding very gracious- bury. Rev. A. E. Silver gave the ad- ly' thanked' the members for their .dress and spoke on "Life's Anchor.;" gift. A program was given, consist :Rev. Maines pronounced. the Benedie- ing of; a duet by Marion and Loi:. 'tion, Visitors were present from, To. Jones; recitation • by Marion Jones: route, Ilderton, Tavistock, Kineardine,• duet by Shirley Jones and Grace 'Belrnore and, Seafortb and the sur- Lobb; a recitation •by ;Lois Jones. :rounding district. Themeeting closed with ,a hymn and Mr. and Mrs. :Maitland, Allen spent the benediction. Lunch was eerv::1 the 'weeeknd:, with relatives in, Flint„ by Mrs. R. E'asom and Mrs. S. Far - Mich. .quhar. Mise Mae 'Ferguson is; visiting herr -, Rev. W. A. ,of Seaforth gn g' ,, sista Detroit, were recent visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. C. M. Straughan. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ament have re, calved word; of the safe arrival in England :of their son, Stewart Ament, Baptist Ladies Aid The July meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Baptist church was held at the home of Mrs. Glen Raithby. The president, Mrs, "Annie Walper, pre- sided and the devotional period was taken by Mrs. W. C. Robertson and Mrs. Lansing. Mrs. Chas. Howson of- fered prayer. Readings were given by Mrs. Earl McKnight, Mts, Earl Raithby and Mrs. Glen Raithby. The topic was taken by Mrs. Walper. A pot luck supper was served. The August meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Frank Raithby. The Presbytery of Huron,' of the United Church and members of a commission, consisting of Rev, Robt. Copeland', of Gerrie, and Rev. James Foster, of Wroxeter, met at the Au - Celebrates Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary The Fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Eider of Hensall was. celebrated on'Sattu'day, 4th Slily, at their former `home on the farm in Hay Township' where the first twen- ty-five years of their' •married life was spent. Mrs. Elder was the fann- er Mary Ann' Smillie, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Smillie of north of Hensall. Twenty-seven members of the fam- ily to the fourth generation were, present; fear from a distance being unable to attend. A delicious chic)cen dinner was served on the lawn. Table decorations and flowers in gold col- ourings, symbolic of the occasion were used. At the conclusion of the dinner a presentation was made and suitably replied to by Mr. Elder. Later in the evening tlue only mem - 4ber of the fourth generation, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs.. H. G. Elder of London, was christened by Rev.. R. A. Brook of Hensall and given the name of "Sherot Marie." Membere of the family present were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. 'Elder; Mn, and Mrs. R. N. Peck (Grace); Lieut. Howe, RR.C.N.V.R. and Mrs: Howe (Helen), of Ottawa; Mrs, Lyle Stat. ham (Jean), Kingsville; Mr. and rebs. D. L. Geiger- (Pearl)', Mrs. Lorne Elder, Hamilton. The grandchildren present were Mr. and Mrs. IL G. Elder; 'Kenneth and Audrey balder; Miss Dorothy Peck of Goderich; Jack ,Harold and Marion Peck; Billy and )3etty Howe, Macy Geiger. Those unable to attend were Mr, and Mrs. J. 0. Elder of Oshawa; Mr. H. L. Statham of Kingsville and Mr. Robert K. Peck, R.C'.A.F., nevi` stationed at Toronto. v AMONG THE CHURCHES Salvation Army Captain Pheobe Bolton, of Toronto, originally of Clinton, will conduct the Sunday evening service at 7 o'clock. Ontario Street Church The W.M.S'. will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 14, at 3 pan. in the Auditorium of the church. Mee. Bishop will be guest speaker. All ladies are invited. St. Paul's Church 10.15 a.m. Sundey School. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer: Sermon: lst in series on the Apostles' Creed: "God, the Father." 7 p.m. Eivening Prayer. L.O.L. 710 and the L.O.B.A., both of Clinton, will worship God with us burn United Church on Friday even- tl ing, and inducted Rev. William G. Rose, formerly of Beachville, in the Oxford Presbytery, his evening. Presbyterian Church 1 The W.M.S. will meet next Wednes'-' Rev. Mr. Foster addressed the min - day afternoon, July 16th, at the home' ister and Rev. Copeland inducted and of Mrs. E Ward, Huron street .at 2.301 ` CUT FLOWERS FLORAL` DESIGNS For Every Occasilon C. V. COKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66i We Have One Since we -have been in business it has. been our ahn to keep' up, to date in every line. Quite recently we have purchased a new Electric Egg Grad- ing Machine, which adds to the speed and accuracy in grading eggs, We can therefore. give stilt 'better service and satisfaction to aur many custom- ers. - We handle Iive poultry every day top prices. _ N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker 'Storage Now, is the time to store Peas and Raspberries. We expect 'to have wax- ed containers for same shortly. Special Lake Trout on ice; also many other kinds of fish; eat mord fish for your health.- Try Our Farmers Style Sausages WE DO CUSTOM KYLLING AND BUY HIDES "Frozen Foods are Better Foods" TEACHER WANTED For Union School Section No. 2, Hullett Township. Duties to com- mence September 1st, 1942. State qualifications and salary. Apply to:.— F. J. TYNDALL Secretary, R.R. No. 4, Clinton Phone 800r33. NOTICE The Middlesex and Huron Regiment wish to announce that WILLIAM E. JERVIS will be in training' at London from July 12th to July 26th, and trust that his customers will not be incon- venienoed during this period. addressed the . congregation. At the o'clock. close of the service Albert Campbell Baptist Church ay wish to express- their sincere introduced Rev. Rose , his daughters "Rememberthe sabbath day to , thanks to their neighbours and keep it holy"—not as a public holiday. friends for the kindness and sympathy Came to Church. shown thein during their recent sad The evening worship service begins bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. at seven -o'clock with a helpful Gospel G. G. Burton, the pallbearers and to song -service. The minister's sermon, those who loaned• their cars. sub1ect will be, "Christ's Interview with the Woman of Samaria. ,AUCTION SALE Teachers and scholars please be in Ma Harold Jackson has been instrue- your place at the Sunday school on ted to sell by public auction on lot 26, Sunday' morning at eleven o'clock. ; H.R.S. Tuckersinitb at 1 o'clock on THURSDAY, JULY 23RD, 1942 United Church Service the following: Congregations, during July will CATTLE -One red Durham cow, 10 worship in Wesley -Willis church, with yrs. old, freshened June` lith; white Rev. Andrew Lane in charge. Durham heifer, 3 yrs. old, freshened 11 a.m. sermon' subject, "My Wit- May 22nd; red Durham heifer, 3 yrs. nesses; 7 p.m, sermton subject, "Aven- old, due Dec. 30 (milking); Jersey, nes to God." 1 cow, 8 yrs.' old, freshened April 25th, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parker and fam- 'family moved to Goderich oir Wednes-. day where they will reside. On Mon- day evening about 25 young people Ind on the Iawn of Mr. John Mc- Knight and presented Joan Sheppard ''with a brush and comb set, a box of r, Mrs. Guy Dniham; St. .George preached last Sunday. and -.will alsr Mrs. John Moulden who has leen ill be. supply at the Holmesville,-circui. at the home of her motherMn.rs. Johnnext .,•Sundaa Y. •, 5symington,. was 'able to,retue n,: t• 'lisr 4. Mrs. George, McVrttie of ,Londes- home last' Week. bore has been visiting Tier sister, Mrs. William Welsh and Ernest Forester, Dave East= and other, friends. LMMOMMISMIMMOIMMIN (bred); Jersey heifer, 3 yrs. old, due Oct, 12; 1 yearling heifer and 3 BIRTHS Yearling steers; 3 spring calves. SHEEP -6 sheep and 3 'spring fie Mrs. J. Vincent, Clinton, Ontario. 00-1 GIBSON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, July 2nd, to Mr, and, Mrs. Glenn Gibson of Blyth, (nee Eva Holland), a daughter, Even Marie. TASVMAN—In Clinton Public Hoepitai, en Thursday'•,, July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taman, of Blyth, a• son. - RADFORD—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Friday. July 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. George, Radford; a daugh- ter. CLIFFORD—In Clinton P•ublieos Ii pital,r on Sunday, • July 4th, to Mr. and Mra. Reg. Cl'iffard, a son. ROBERTON—Mr. and Mrs, Ken. Roberton, are happy to announce - the arrival of their daughter (Sandra Lois), on Monday, July 6th, at Victoria Hospital,- London, Ontario. FOWLER.—In Clinton Publie Hospi tal. on Ttfesday, -July 7tli,''•to ``Mr, and' Meir How. Fowler, of'U fides: ' bore 'a'"t'on. iambs.' e. PIGS ---4 chunks, 100 lbs. IMPLEMENTS -1 wagon and box; 1 cutter; -1 set scales,: 2000 lbs.; 1 seuffier; 1 pea harvester and butcher; 1 poet hole auger; 1 two furrow Plow; 1 fanning mill;_ 1 stock rack; 1 hay fork; some hay fork rope; 1 sugar kettle; about 20 grain bags; a quan- tity sacks; 1 set team harness; 1 set driving harness; 1 robe; whiffletrees;: neck yoke; chains; shovels; forks; poultry netting; Melotte 'main separ- ator and other articles. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES -1. ,kit- ehen•extension table; 1 book case; 2 wooden bedsteads; 2 .mattresses; 1 set bed springs; 1 boiler, with preser ring rack; 1 churn ' (crock); 1 box stove, (wood);.1 Quebec heater( woad or coal); 1 gas lantern; 2'mantle; 1 'Coleman • lamp and number of other articles.'• At the same time and piece will be offered a brick house ott' lot •27,'con- t,aining a quantityof good pine flo'or- ing' Joist, studding, lathe, doors, ceil- ing tlereber, sheeting and rafters, a 'quantity :of: good brick, this building `may be seen any time before' day of jsale 1 Pigs for Sale r: ; ;TSRMS—CAS t ; Ten ,pigs, 6 ,weeks ,cid. Apply tal;'•F., FLETCHER, TQW.NSEND,,Prop. John A. Quigley, phone Clinton cen- - HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. trat 801r32. 00 1 00-2 PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE CUN1i'ox NOW PLAYING: Robert Stack in, "BADLANDS OF DAKOTA" MON., TUES. & WED. Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre & Gladys George It spells death for those who own it, anddanger for those who. want "The Maltese Falcon" THURS., FEL &' SAT. Bud Abbott. Lou Costello, Martha Raye, Carol :Bruce and William • Gargan Fun for all, big and small as co- pilots, Abbott and Costello soar to new comedy heights and zoom. through the "air with greatest of eats - "Keep 'Em Flying" . Coming: Humphrey Bogart and Conrad Veldt In "All Through the Night." •„ . CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICE NOW PLAYING: "Come on George” attd "Golden ,Hoofs" MON., TUBS. & WED. George haft, Martha Scott and Pat O'Brien North America's most glamorous street provides a suave and thrill- ing story "BROADWAY" Thur., Fri., Sat.—Double. Feature George Brent, Martha Scott and Paul Lukas Tell a tale of Nazi controlled Vienna "They Dare Not Love" Joe E. Brown & Frances Robinson, break open a load of 'uproarious fun "So Yon Won't Talk" Coining: "Dangerously They Live" and "The Body Disappears" l Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. ri REGENT' THEATRE SEAPORTS NOW` PLAYING: "Sunset in Wy: oming" and "Flying Cadets" MON., TUES. & WED. Walter Huston, Edward Arnold and Anne Shirley From- the story "The Devil and Daniel Webster" conies a unique and engrossing picture "All That, Money Can Buy" THURS., FRL & SAT. Lou Costello and Bud Abbott Present another nonsensical riot, this time in a flying school; "Keep 'Ent Flying" Coming: Gary Cooper in "BALL OF FIRE" SITUFIDAY SPECIALS SUEYS DATE LOAF FRIED CAKES - TRY OUR:— CHOCOLATE CAKES THEY ARE SWELL. BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 WE DELIVER CHERRIES Nice crap of cherries. Ripe next week. Montmorency, Kentish and Black. COMES AND GET A SUPPLY C. HOARE Clinton •, HOBSON'S CHOICE RASPBERRIES Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season Grown Right --Picked Right Packed Right Make your sugar go farther by buying fruit that is ripened on vine or tree& Orders may be left at Connell & Tyndall's Butcher Shop FINAL NO 1 1 MONUMENTS - To those contemplating build- ing a .Monument . .• Get my prices before buying, Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All wore guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Ce:nton -- Ontario Successor to Bail & Zapfe 59tf 'fICE'� ' j Electrical Equipment , Shur Shock Electric Fences, com- Ali dog owners must I pieta with Battery. and Insulators have tags on ele.00 guaranteed,. their dogs on or before tate 15th, of I I carry`s full line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General bat- July, to avoid further trouble. teries and Dominion Washing Mac$. ines ,all electrical appliances and roofing supplies. TAX COLLECTOR A. W. Groves, Princess St.. Princess 'Street -_ Clinton N. KENNEDY For Sale Separator, nearly new, used last summer, small size. One "coal oil stove, 3 burner, new last summer. Apply to Mrs. 11. Cook, Clinton. 00-1 AUCTION SALE 100 Men Wanted Under and by virtue of the -powers contained, in a certain mortgage, which will eh produced' at the time of sale, there will bo offered for sale by Public auction, subject to a reserve bid, a lease for the balance of 1942 and other Conditions' of Sale, on Tues- day,' the 21st day of•July 1942, at the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon at the Office of le. Fingland, K. 0., Clinton, Ontario. by T. Gundry & Son, Auctioneers, the following property, The Best Races mYears namely, West Half of Lot Number 19, and the south Half :of Lot Number 20, in the Seventh Concession, Township of Hullett, County of Huron. The said lands are Bret class .graz- ing lands as they are all seeded to grass and there is said to be thereon a plentiful supply of running water. TERMS: 10% of the purchase price to be paid down at the time of wel races follow, Wednesday,' July sale, balance to be paid within 30 50 Carpenters. 50 Laborers. For Piggot Construction Co., one new Synthetic Rubber Company building. Apply at:— • .t --IJ CLINTOPN NEWS- RECORD At-Teeswater next Wednesday, July 22nd at 2 p.ni. the Boosters' Club will give the best day's Horse Racesin years. All the champions in 12 events. The admission. has been reduced to 50c and with Grand Stand and Autos 25c. A collection will betaken for the Overseas Tobacco Fund. 25e sends 100 Cigarettes to the soldiers over- seas: Don't missy either events. Lista- 29th. 00-2 day For Sale Second-hand Deering binder, 6 -foot cut. Apply to Frank Powell, R.R. 5, Clinton. 00-tf. For Sale One large tent. Inquire at the News -Record office. 00-1 Wanted A good second-hand sewing mach- ine wanted. See Mrs. C. M. Shearing, Clinton, phone 270. 00-1 Wanted A girl or woman to do housework. Phone 290j, :Clinton Central, or write For Sale 1937 Ford Panel Truck for sale or trade. Apply to phone 223 Clinton. 00-1 • FARM FOR SALE The following landa are offered for sale by tender, namely, West Half of Lot 23 and East Half.of;Lot 24; Gan- cession 8, Township -of Hullett, Coun- ty of. }Luton. ' . Tenderte may be submitted' for all of said lands or for each half Iot. and Must be in the hands of the: under- ' signed on or before the 27th July, 1942. ' On the said lands there is said to be about 20 acres of good. hardwood busk and two sprang wells, and; on the East Half of said Lot 24 there is said to be erected a first class brick house and frame barn and hay shed. The said, farm is el—teethe.about one-half mile from school and 1% miles from the Village. of, Londesboi'o, These lands' are offered ;for sale to close the Estate of. the late Benjamin Hunter, The highest or any tender net neoesserily;accepted., 'F.' FINGLAND, ld C Clinton Ont- Solicitor far Archibald Armstrong For further particulars and Condi- tions; of sale apply to the undersigned Solicitor. ..DATED this 27th day of June, A.D, 1942 F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. 99-3. AUCTION SALE The undersigned Auctioneers have received instruction to ;offer for sale at public auction on Monday, the 20th day of July 1942, at the hour of 1,30 o'clock in the ate/Moon at the resi- dence ofthe late Mary Foster, Bay- field, Ontario. the following: 3 bedroom sets, mattress and springs. dressers, wash stands, hall rack, 1 oot and mattress, sideboard, table and 6 chairs, 1 couch, 2 small tables, 4 rocking chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, kitchen. cupboard, 1 couch, 1 coal heater and pipes, 1 coal range and pipes, 1 'coal oil heater, 2 kitchen tables, clock and lamps, singer sewing machine, .lawn mower, grind stone, wheel barrow, barrels and boxes, coal scuttle, quantity of coal, - number of dishes and cooking utensils and other articles. At the same: time and place there will be offered, subject to a reserve bid, and other conditions of sale, the residence and appurtenant lande of the said Mary Foster in the Village of Bayfield in the County of Huron, be- ing Lot Number 215, Clan Gregor Square. TERMS: Household furniture and effects will be sold for cash and the real property 10% of the purdhase price and the balance within 30 days. For further particulars and condi-' tions of. sale Apply to the tindersigned Solicitor. F. Fingland K. C., Clinton, Ontario. aria, Solicitor for Albert Weymouth, and H ty.:1KdClincl ey; EXCCutore survivingEatecutorEstate of brat, Fester, Dece ee, of Benjamin . Hnnter'iktate 00-3 T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneer*. DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT To Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra TOWN HALL CLINTON ADMISSION: 35c and 25c Cliff. Watson, Manager WESTERN ONTARIO MOTOR- WAYS LTD. BUS SERVICE Change of Schedule June 27, 1942. LEAVE CLINTON Southbound: DLY. ex, Sun. & Hol. Sun. & Hol. 8.15 aim. 8.15 a.m, 1.25 p.m. 4.50 p.m. 4.50 pan. 8.30 pan. Northbound: DLY, ex. Sun, & Hol. Sun. & Hol. 10.50$ 2.20 2.20 9.55 8.45 B. Indicates to Wingham only. For furter information call 13artliff's Confeetionern Phone 1. For Rent Log cabin at Bayfield to rent for the season. Completely furnished with water inside and electric lights. Good heating and cooking stove, two bed- rooms, fireplace. Adults preferred. For information write to Mrs, Harry Ahrens, 20419 Stetter Avenue, De troit, Miele 99-2 Wanted to Rent Small house by reliable tenant, yearly lease, Or 3 or 4 room' nnfurn- ished lower apartment. Apply News. Record. 981f. RESIDENCE FOR SALE Exchange or Rent To close out the Estate of the late Thos. McKenzie, the Executors are of- fering the 2 -story frame, 10 room residence, with three piece bathroom, hot air heat, insulated, electric, with two lots, good large garage, with en- trance to property from both Ring and James Streets. This is a very de- sirable location and would be suitable for Duplex apartment or Tourist Home for which the demand is great, ,. in connection with R.A.F. Radio School located near Clinton., Ont. The "Executors are in a position • to consider offers for Exchange of pro- perty for this residence, preferably for property in Toronto, Hamilton, Clinton arid Regina, Sask. districts, or. anywhere, in Canada. The Executors will rent this pro-. pert,, with Option of buying, en a monthly basis and with understand- ing that residence is subject to sale or exchange to close out the Estate. Reasonable terms will be granted to• purchaser if required. Submit, offers of purchase or ex- change to G. M. 'McKenzie at 44.3' Maple Avenue, Hamilton, 'Ont., or to Mr. Norman Kennedy, at%' Clinton, Ont., with, whom'' appointment'fiir•en spection of property can be made. Executors of Thos. McKenzie E's - 99 -3. tate. 98:M.