The Clinton News Record, 1942-07-02, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
NO, 6099 -63rd YEAR
�, Watch Tl
Carries On
Every Dour -- Every Week — Week In and
Week Out
With Style, Beauty, Dependability and Value
"Salute to the Canadian Army"
Jeweler Wand I Optometrist Residence E PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD Phone 174j
II For Your Vacation
You will need
Bathing Suit,
Beach Gape,
All of which we have a large
selection from which you may
make a choice.
If you require an Oversize
Bathing Suit, we can supply them
in sizes 42, 44 and 46.
With Which is
Incorporated The Clinton New Era
The New Era Est, 1867
Army Week June. 29 o July 5•
Clinton and community delights to
pay tribute to the Canadian Army, in
Canada and Overseas — the men in
battle dress, the nursing sisters, and
the Canadian Women's Army Corps.
The public has sought an opp'ortun-
'ity to express its appreciations of the
sacrifices made by those who have
volunteered to give their lives, if nec-
essary, as their contribution to Vic-
tory, -and during this week, June 29th
to July 5th, all sections of our Topa-
unite in demonstrations of
r• e
Canadians am proud of to
day's army, youthful, keen, and well.
equipped, and are confident that the
record of the past will be bravely
Clinton and community are proud
to make known that more than 200
of its men have joined the fighting
We salute the Corner Stone of the
Nation; those who defend our homes
and the honour of our Country)
Marriage Announcement • I+
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cooper of Wall-
enstein announce the marriage of RED CROSS NOTES
their daughter, Marjorie Alma, to Mr. The Clinton Red Gross Society
Frank M. Garrett, eldest son of on Monday July 6th at three
and Mrs. Newman Garrett of Tucker -
r- o'clock in the Council Chamber.
smith, which took place in Barrie on I The Society is most grateful for a
June 27. donation of $6.6$, from the Huron
Mr. and Mrs. George Law; -announce
County Beekeepers? Association.
the marriage of their daughter, Mary y
Elizabeth, to Mr. Kenneth Manning
Pattison, on Friday, June the nine.-. Engagement Announced
teenth, nineteen hundred and forty-
two, in St. Giles, United Church, Van- Mr. and Mrs. Aaron C. Fisher of
Colborne, announce the engagement
of their daughter A. Marie Fisher, to
Joseph G. Corey, of Clinton, son of
Mr. Harry Corey, and the late Mrs.
Gorey of Goderich Township. The
marriage to tales place the latter
part of July.
To Visit Blyth Lodge
Blyth Lodge A.F. and A.M. •hav
my Stratford Lodge No. 332 on a vies'
it'to confer the third degree on the
reeve of Blyth, and are inviting a
number of county councillors and of-
ficials to be present. The meeting
will be held on Friday, July 10th,
Visitors welcome.
Bride -Elect Showered
couver. British Columbia.
High School Entrance
Clinton Centre
First class Honours (75% or
more) -Doreen Armstrong, Betty
Brunsdon, Hazel Coleman, Margaret
Colquhoun, Carman Dale, George Misses Katherine Jefferson, Helen
Durham, Jean Elliott, Elinor Glew, Herrman of town and Eleanor Goard
Audrey Grealis, Donald Haddy, Will- of Beaverton left on for Farm Service
eMonday Force for
iam Hanly, William Hearn, Ardyss Grimsby,
Inkley, Robert Irwin, James Jackson, work.
Eleanor Johns, Douglas MacDonald, Miss Barbara Scott, daughter of
Ross MacDonald, Lois Middleton, Mr .and Mrs. Ronald Scott of town
Robert Miller, Clifford Snyder. has accepted a position on the staff
Second ClassHonours (70 to 74%) of the Royal Bank here.
—Lois Fowler, Marie Holland, Joseph , • The following left Monday morning
Potter, Fred Thorndike, Geraldine for Cadet Army Camp. at Thames
White. Valley, London, Lloyd Fulford, Frank
Pass, 60 to 69%—Ross Arnold, Ani Ellwood, Bob Morita), ' Keith 'Jenks,
nie Ball, Jean Paul Denomme, Roger Charlie Thompson and John MclntYr'e•
Giron, Eldon Gliddon, Melvin Grah The entire staff of the Clinton
am, Wesley Holland, Walter Jervis, Knitting Company are holidaying this
E'na Johnston, Grace Lawson, John week.
MacDonald, Donald McNall, Donald At a meeting of the executive of
Middleton, Gordon Mustard, 'Nelda the Crich Picnic on .Wednesday even -
Pocock, Mary Ellen Prest, William ing it was decided to postpone the
Riehl, James Snell, Grace Steep, Ken-, picnic for a year. The executive is
neth Vod'den, Ray Wise. Ito meet again: next June.
Passed under the provisions of Re- Iiaying operations are in full swing
gulations 10 (6)— Clifford Cooper, lin this vicinity.
Blyth Centre Rev. A. Lane of Wesley -Willis Un -
First Class Honours (75% or more) I ited ;church, Clinton will be the
— Leonard Archambault, Roy Buchan- preacher at Turner's for the month of
an Donald Morritt, Robert Vokes. I July. Church at 9.45 a.n,
Second Class Honours (70 to 74%) V
— Kenneth Brogham, • Donald Cowan, I Organize For War jsrctvings
Ferne Pollard, Joyce Rath. Committee
Pass, (60 to 69%a)—Gordon Beadle,
Women's `institute'
The Women's Institute met Thurs-
hurs-day afternoon in the agriculture board
mom, _with ,the president, Mrs. 13.'
Adams, in the chair, and an attend-
ance of 35 members. Reports by sec-
retary Mrs. M. )3atkin and treasurer,
Mrs. Nay were adopted. Other items
of business included donation of $1.00
to the Canadian Tuberculosis Associc
ation ;resolution;'to purchase a.,100 -
pound bag of sugar for m'aldng jam
for overseas shipments, resolution to
hold the annual picnic at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes on
July 23.
Reports of the district annual held
at Kingsbridge were given by Mrs.
M. Batkin and Mrs. J. McKinley. Mrs.
N. W .Trewarths, gave a talk on the
Wartime Prices and Trade Board, and
Mrs. E. H. Epps was appointed' re-
presentative from the Institute. A re-
port of the war service work done by
members during the month was giv-
en by Mrs. Hayden. It was. decided
that the Institute will `donate a quilt
for war service needs.
Entertainment included solos by
Mrs. J. G .Chowen and Harold Gib-
bings, Mrs. P. Hearn playing piano
accompaniment for each; and read-
ings by Mrs. .1 .G. McLay. Lunch
was served by Mrs. N .Holland and
About 30 friends of Miss Margaret
Jenkins, bride -elect, assembled at the
bride's"home this Wednesday evening
to honour her prior to her marriage,
During the evening Miss Jenkins
was the recipient of a miscellaneous
shower. and received many useful and
lovely gifts.
Nurses from the Clinton and Wing -
ham hospitals presented Miss Jenkins
with a bride's book, suitably inscribed
During the evening Mrs. Ben. Taylor
rendered two much -appreciated mouth
organ selections. —Blyth Standard.
rslvLEo i�EINUTE
We are now showing our new stock of Lorie
wrist watches. Several lovely new models have
just arrived and we will be pleased to show them
to you. All have fine 17 jewel movements and the
new cases and bracelets are clue
ularly smart.
We consider them extra good v
Mantel Clocks
See Our Line Of Seth Thomas -8 day Mantel Clocks
ISTRATHROY—Diginfied design and a real value.
Hardwood case, dull walnut finish silvered dial and
polished heavy brass sash. Single rod "Cathedral"
gong, mellow tone, 1/2 hour strike $15.00
STRATFORD—Graceful lines,' polished hardwood
case walnut finish, silvered dial with "Cathedral"
gong. A lovely clock $18.50
PORTLAND—Mellow Westminster chime. Rich
butt walnut front. Brass skeleton Yqdel,of-
ished brass sash. Chimes pky quarter hour
• or can be silenced $20.05•
Buy War Savings Stamps and Certificates
Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction.
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County
Entertained At Trousseau
Mrs. Derwrn Garter, Londesboro en-
tertained last Wednesday, June 24th,
at a trousseau tea. in honour of her
daughter, Alma. Lorene, whose mar-
riage to Dr. C. W. Mewhort, will take
place in Duncan, B.C., in July.
Presiding over the tea -table in the
afternoon were: Mrs. J. Woods, Aub-
urn, and Mrs. J. Kyle, Clinton, in the
evening, Mrs. J. P. Manning, Clinton,
and Mrs. J. Knox, Wingham.
Over 100 guests from Toronto, Lon-
don, Seaforth, Wingham and Clinton
were present.
LAC. Ernest E. Andrews of Alix,
Alberta, who is attending No• 31
Radio School, R•A.F., Clinton, is a
nephew of Mrs. Fergus VanEgmond
of town.
Flt. Sgt. Dick Frenrlin of the R.O.
A.F. at Sydney, N.S,, spent three
days at his hone last week,
Fit. Sgt. James Nickle from New-
foundland and Mrs. Nickle from To-
ronto are visiting friends and rela-
tives in town.
LAC. Howard Cowan of the, R.C.A.
F. at St. Thomas spent the weekend
at bis home in town.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons
have received a cable from their son,
Pte. Normran Fitzsimons. telling of hig
safe arrival overseas with the Perth
(Motor) Regiment.
Gnr. Don. E. Perdue has returned
to Petawawa after spending his fur-
lough at the home of his parents on
the Huron Road. Don. recently pass-
ed his 'tests for se first class signaller,
and is attached to that wing of the
Royal Canadian Artillery.
LAC. Jack Perdue and Mrs. Perdue
of St, Thomas and Pt. Stanley were
recent visitors at the home of Mr. and
d. e.
Mrs. W. E .Per
LAC. Ted Middleton of the R.C.A.F,
at Brantford spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr .and Mrs. Fred Mid-
Pte. Norris B. Fitzsimons of the
Perth (Motor) Regiment cabled his
parents, Mr .and Mrs. R .B. Fitzsim-
ons, word of his safe arrival in Eng-
LAG. Alvin Corless of Fingal spent
Friday evening Ad Saturday with his
parents, in town.
Mrs. W .Managhan received a cable
message of the safe arrival in Eng-
land of her husband, Cpl. W. E. Mona-
An air snail letter has been received
from Pte, Joe Steep who has arrived
in England and is quite close to hi=
brother, William, who has been there.
one year.
M. J. Schoenhals, who for the past
few years has been customs and r•it-
ional revenue officer here has applied
and been accepted in the service
branch of the Royal Canadian Naval
Volunteer Reserve and is ordered to
report for duty. on July 18th. Mr.
Schoenhals is a First Great War vet-
eran. His. son, R .J. (Bud) Schoen,
Inds is already inothe R•C.N.V.R. at
Jack C. Shanahan, H.M.C.S. Prev-
ost, London, spent the holidays with
his parents in town.
Mrs. George H. Elliott has received
a cable from her son, Leading Fire -
Milton McCool Roberta A meeting was held in the office of
Velma Hesk, F. Fingland, K.C., last Friday nigth,
Nethery,ie, Keitheae MorSnel Al Kennethnto organize for the coming campaign
,Jeanfor the sale of Wat Savings p
Staples, Lloyd Walsh, Harvey Wight- and Certificates. Mr. Vandewater•.,
man, Roy Young,
Public School Results The executive chosen to Tread up the
campaign is composed of Mayor A. J.
McMurray, Huron county chairman;
PROMOTED TO Edith GRADE 8 F. Fingland, K.C.. and J. C. Shearer,
Forrester, Helen 1 chairmen for Clinton and .district; G.
MacDonald', Frank R (Rec.) I H. Jefferson, Dr. 3, W. Shaw, K G.
McLean,Harold (Ree.) Waters, publicity committee; A. M.
McMichael, Ross (Res.) Knight, George Elliott, J .0. Radford,
H. E. Rorke, T. G .Scribbins, sales
committee; Owen Combe, employers'
The campaign will be extensively
publicized through press, radio, pos-
ters and a demonstration in the park
when speakers will be heard and an
evening's entertainment given.
At 7 p.m. on Sunday evening,
Judy 3, there will .be :shortened even-
song. In place of the sermon, a re-
cital of • Sacred Gramophone Re-
cords will be presented by Cpl. A. M.
Lawson*, R;•Ai.F., . Cllinton, one time
Boy Singer, . affiliated with the
"School of English Church Music."
The Records were made by the
choir of the "School of English Chur-
ch. Music" directed by Dr. S. H.
Nickolson (former organist' of West
Minster,:: Abbey.
The recordings •consist of Psalms,
Anthems Hymns, Responses, Venice,
. Dominion Victory Loan organizer,
was present and outlined suggestions.
Wesley -Willis Church
The W.M.S. will meet in the church
hall on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. McGill's group will be in charge
of the program.
St. Paul's Church
11 a.m. subject "Persevering Chris-
tian." Holy Communion,
7 p.m. Musical Festival. No ser-
Andrews, Billy
Case, Lucile
Colquhoun, Ross
Cooke, Betty
Chowen, Isobel
Oruickshanks, Anita
Denomme, Clarence
Fines, Joan
Fingland, Catherine
Glazier, Doreen
Hattin, Shirley
Hoggarth, Raymond
Jervis, Audrey
Kay, Donald
Kirby, Fred
Lampman,' Jean
Marshall, Bruce
Matthews. Billy
McAdam, Eugene
Miller, Donald
Moore, Gwen
Nediger, Jean
Pickett, Irene
Proctor, Doreen (Rec.)
Rozell, Jack
Sperling, David
Stanley, Marion
Chief Petty Officer J .W. Adams,
who was killed in action off Midway
island on June 4th. Mrs. Adams is
the former Erma Hale of Clinton.
Ontario Street Church
The W.A. of Ontario Street church
have cancelled their meetings for the
month of July.
During July, Ontario Street and
Wesley -Willis congregations will wor-
ship together in Wesley -Willis church.
Rev. Andrew Lane in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David
Stephenson, Varna.
Miss Reta Beacom is spending her
holidays with her mother Mrs. J.
Beacom, Bayfield Line.
Mr. Ed. Merner had the misfortune
to fall, breaking his, arm at the elbow.
He is at present in Clinton Hospital.
Mr, Jack Stirling of St. Gatherines
and Miss Grace Stirling, of Toronto,
spent the weekend with their parents,
Mr .and Mrs. Jas. Stirling.
Mrs. Andy Sloan and son Mae of
Sheffield spent last week visiting
their friends in this neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams of
n Mrs.
with Mr .and
��• visited
John Torrance.
Miss June McDougall left this week
to take a position in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Stirling were
married forty years ago on Friday,
and were away at a church social.
but when they arrived home, about
twenty of their friends had gathered
as a surprise and after congratula-
tions the evening was spent in social
chat. Little things like these are
what makes life worth while.
Miss Margaret Middleton. nurse -in -
training at Guelph General Hospital is
spending three weeks holidays at the
home of her parents. Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Middleton:
The Emmerson home on the 16th
was the scene of a large gathering on
Friday evening, when neighbors and
friends gathered to give expression
to feelings of good will and best wish-
es to several members of the com-
munity who are making their homes
or occupations elsewhere.
Miss Laura Bell, popular teacher
of S.S. No. 11 was presented with a
matching dresser and bed lamps and
white purse. Margaret Holland read
the address and Betty Potter made
the presentation,
Jimmy Murray who is leaving soon
for overseas, was presented with a
shaving kit. The address was read by
Francis Powell and the presentation
made by Dave Deeves.
Norman Holland, read an address to.
—Edna., M. Jamieson. Teacher, Magnifica, Nuc Dinrntis arill a re -
Ward, Betty Te-D'eum.
PROMOTED FROM GRADE 6 TO , cording from the "S.E.G.M" choir
GRADE 6 festival,, held at the Crystal Palace,
Bezzo,:cWilfredi (Aux.) 1933, (4,000 voices, 216 choirs), ,sing-
ing,0 God Our Help in Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus,"
Carter, Forth
Carter, Fern ,and the Hymn> `
tContinued on page 3) Ages Past."
man Edward, Elliott, of the Canadian
Fire Fighters for Great Britain, tell-
ing of his safe arrival overseas.
Pte. Frank Redden of Toronto, is
visiting Mrs. Hedden, who is staying
with • her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Capt. IL C. Lawson has returned
from overseas and at present is
stationed at. Woodstock.
the Emmerson family. Mrs. Emmer-
son, Sr. was given a purse; Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Emmerson received a
woolen blanket and Eldred a tie and
handkerchief. .
All replied with a fitting speech of
thanks and appreciation.
The remainder of the evening was
spent in dancing.
Collegiate Results
Bayley, Verna
Clark, Doris
Connell, Lois .
Dayman, Ida
Kearns, Joyce
Lane, Mary
Lockwood. Margaret
McCartney, Jane
Middleton, June
Moore, June
Pearson, Helen
Pepper, Eleanor
Rowden, Muril
Sutter, Eileen
Tamblyn, Margaret
Thompson, Alice
Turner. Helen
Wendell, Coronna
Wiltsie, Lois
Wiltsie, Mildred
Wise, Harriett
Allan, Robert
Andrews Donald
Fingland, Frank
Gibson, Joe
Johnson, Leonard
Kay, Robert
Little, John
McBride. Stuart
Miller, Murray
Menzies, Beecher
Moffat, Gerald
Scribbens, George
Sparks, Evan
Stewart, James
Tyndall, Bruce
Watson, Paul
Wise, Alvin
Allan, Betty
Armstrong, Ken.
Bayley, Marjorie
Churchill, Lillian
Dilling, Ross
Elliott, Gerald
Ellwood, Lucy,
Frenrlin, Harriett
Glazier, Mervin
McCartney, Aileen
McGill, Helen
McIntyre, John
McKinley, Robert
Miller, Pearl -
Murdock, June
Nediger, Clara
Palmer, Donald
Rapson, Ken.
Robinson, Wm.
Roy, Murray
Shanahan, Celestine
Smith, Genevieve
Archambault, Edna
Connell: Marie
Cook, John
Crich, Helen
Guninghame, JoAnne
Daym'an, Esther
Draper, Lois
Frenrlin, Margaret
Gibson, Fred
Gingerich, Della
Harris, Ruth
Hearn, Ruth
Jackson. Keith
Lobb, Mildred
McDougall, Jean
Middleton, Elizabeth
Middleton, Ruth
Moffat, Lois
Mustard, George
Nickle, Shirley
O'Brien, Dorothy
Pepper, Edith
Reid, Ruby
Stewart. John
Webster, Lois
Williams, Betty
Wise, Edward