HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-06-18, Page 2PAGE 2 THE ie 1 Geranium by DOLAN BIR.KLEY Mrs. Nina Arwriglit is found mur- !beside her. Captain Loring of the affair—seemed to feel responsible for dered at a resort hotel. Beside her, police believes both women weree, hill- his death. is a broken flowerpot In her hand, : ed for $100,000 Which Nina recently RRodman paused and gazed at Janet, are some newspaper clippings about received from Rodman for a divorcee. as though expecting her to say solne- a flier, Danny McLeod; who was lost He thinks that she hid' the money in thing. When she didn't, he stared in_ ona trans -Pacific flight the spon's'or- a flowerpot but .nixed the pot with to the bowl of his pipe for a moment, ed, Those•conneetedi with the case in- another one, and that Adele later ob- then suddenly looked up again. elude Janet Codger, hotelswimming tained the right one. One strange "I'd like to know, he said casually, teacher; Joel Markham, young chem- angle of the case is that Nina had "just what you did with that place ist who was associated with Nina in planned a dinner party with all -black card you. took away from the table business; Rodman Arkwright, her es- decorations. Tenet and ,Joel learn in the little banquet room this morn - banged husband; Kay Feldman, her that she secretly arranged to have a ing." niece; and Adele Kramer, R1odman's place set for Danny McLeod. Janet Janet stared at hiin speechlessly, ex-wife. The next .morning, Athelia is tells Loring this -and _discusses the So this was what he had been lead- found killed, with a broken flowerpot case walehint. When he leaves her, ing up to! - Haw month else did he he advises her to keep her room door know about the card? The Clinton News-ilecord with which is Incorporated THE -NEW ERA TERMS OI1' SUBSCRIPTION $1,.60 per year in advance, to Can- adian addresses; $2.00 to the U.S. or other foreign countries. No paper discontinued) until all .arrears are paid unless at the option of the pub- lisher.. The date to which every sub -1 acription is paid is denoted on the label. AD•-YERTISIN2 RATES -Transient advertising 12c per count line for first insertion. 8:e for each subse- quent insertion. Hea&ag counts 2 nes. Small advert•:sements not to exceed one inch, such as "Wanted," "Lost", "Strayed", etc., inserted once for 35o, each su.bbjeequent insertion 18c. Rates for display advertising made known on application. Qommunications intended for pub- mode must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. G. Er HALL - - Proprietor IL T. RANGE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton }Deiced. 1 "From where I sat," he continued, 1 GRAFTER XXYI • name on the back of. the card in front I;eft alone, Janet sat down by ' a of You. I saw what that name was— window, and took Joel's .outline of Danny McLeod. When I went back the case from her pocket. 'later to check up, the •cards. were She read through it, then decided : there in a heap, but that one was to add the information •that Loring missing, P went to the catering de - had just given Her about the green 'Pertinent just in time to see you hat. That would partly fill in the leave. Now I want you to tell me gap that existed, between eight -thirty 'about it," •Intl midnight on the night before,' "I can't tell you, Janet said Bbl Nine's death-betweeir the time she „ had met Arkwright and bhe time she ly;, Captain' Loring wouldn't like it." had been seen by her .maid beside the Oh!" Rodman raised his brows. "St wall outside the servants' entry, the police know about it? What does Loring think it means?" I donit know—and T wouldn't tell "I could see that there was a second tuit- Janet had obtained a pencil and was s writing drown the details about you if did,"rted. ' Nina'•s purchase of the green hat I see." Rodman paused. "Well, in when there came a knock at the door. any case, it's obvious that Nina's "Who is it?" she called. dinner party eoncerned McLeod in "Rodman Arlcwright.» some way. There are various, SurTrised and puzzled, Janet went y Pos- th• d' • sibil'ities. .It could be that she was "Y�,?„ him and was giving the dinner to Rodman smiled pleasantly. "May I announce it. Or it could be that he'd come iu for a minute? There's some - ,been found' at fast and that she was thing I want to say to you."going to bring him back into the ' He sauntered into the room, palled, world with a theatrical gesture." out a pipe and took some moments ' "res." Jamb aside stiffly. "Either ightimg it and getting " it to draw of those explanations is possible." properly. Janet resumed her place ` Rodman leaned forward, fixed his y the window and waited, wondering eyes on her. "But we know, don't what had brought him, we, that neither of them is the right "I've had a talk with Kay," he said explanation?" inally. "In the course of the convex- "I — I don't understand you," ation, I discovered that she had been I "Miss Cooper, you know, don't ry rude to you. In understand she that most fliers carry good -1 told you to stop meddling in this ease. charms—especially on the kind of Well, I want to apologize for her. McLeod undertook?" toa Dor• and opened' rt. planning some sort of memorial to .b Frank Fingland. B.A.. LLB. Barrister, Solieltor, Notary Public a Successor to W. Brydone, K.C. Ve Sloan Block — Clinton, Ont. you, tick )top DR. G. S. ELLIOTT You've a perfect right to take an ing J i Janet was bewildered What on t Veterinary Surgeon t Phone 203, Clinton erest, and I, personally am very glad earth had a good -luck charm to do o have any one discover anything with the reason for Nina's dinner they 'Dan that might help to catch my party?' wife's murderer." j "Yes," she said, "but what—" Janet didn't know quite how to . Abruptly, Rodman rose, "Well, I nswer. She wouldn't have expected won't take up. any more of your time. chime Arl.-wright to go out of his Give my regards ,to Loring." ay to apologize to any one. ',She had With that, he strode to the door and zed him up as a playboy with little went put. ought for any one but himself. This dden 'conceal for her feelings seem - out .of character, and she sensed that it wasn't the real reason for hie! Fora moment, Janet sat still, IL C. MEM a Barrister -at -Law R'o Solicitor of the Supreme Court of''w Ontario si Proctor in Admiralty, ' th Notary Public and Commissioner. . i su Offices In Sauk of Montreal Building 'ea Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors• west of Royal Bank) Hours --Wed. and Sat. and br. appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation San -Ray Treatment Phone 207 HAROLD JACKSON wo Licensed Auctioneer the Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable satis- faction guaranteed. For information ete. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth, phone 14 -861. . 00-012 CHAPTER XXVII visit. dumbfounded by Rodman's abrupt de - "Another thing,l he went on. I parture. Then ,she leaped up angrily wanted to ask you about Adele Kram - j and started after him, He must be er. I understand from Loring that she spent last night with you, and I made to explain what, he meant by gather that he thinks she was killed his reference to good -luck .charms in this morning because she had got !connection with Danny Meteod's possession of the money I gave Nina.Iltghtl Dirt she say anything last night that As she hurried from her rooni,- would lead you to suppose that?" she saw that the glazed -glass door Janet hesitated, then decided that, at the end of the corridor was still since he had surmised so much, there swinging: from his passage through it. She went to it and was uld be no harm in telling him of it, about to put events of the previous night. She her hand on it, when she , heard so ,then told how Adele had slip- voices beyond it, ped forth in the morning with the She stopped, listening. The voices flowerpot under leer arm: were Rodman's and ]Lay's, didn't get much out her,' Specialist in Farm and Household did THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office. Seaforth, Ont. Officers: President A. W. McEwing, Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Manager and co "See. Trees„ M. A. Reid, Seaforth. of Directors: Wm, Knox, Londeshoro; wa Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris. kill Leonhardt, Dublin; E. J. Trewartha, or Clinton. Thos. Moylan, Seaforth; W..far R Arcclibalt$ .Seaforth; Alex McEw- ing,' Birth; Prank McGregor, Clinton; ,1150 Hugh Alexander, Wilton. mu List of Agents: thi J, Watt, Blyth; J. E Peper, Bruce- for field, R.R. No. 1; SL F McKeroher. `eha Dublin, R.R. No. f; J. F. Preuter, i „ Brodhagenn..aey` { `the to the Royal Bleak Winton; to be pigil Mr* the • Commerce, Seetiei"tlr or at Galvin Cutt's Grocery, O erieb. for Parties desiring to effect trona. Dom ante or ,transact other business will .had be promptly attended to on applies. - tion to any of the above atfloers a4,. Loi dresaed to then post ei• her tea. Losses inspected by the dreeto. "Dial she say anything to you about she heard Rodman say. the flowerpot?" he asked, , "But you did' get .something, didn't "She didn't even tell me she had you?" Kay asked tensely. it'' She'd hidden it overnight in they "A little. She said the police shower." �1 know about 1VIleLeoces name' on the Rodman frowned. "I suppose Lon- place card, but she didn't get the ing thinks she had the money in it, drift when I led up to the reason for It's amazing what people will do for I the dinner. Her face rooked genuin-, moneyl To thinly that any one would ely blank. I asked her whether ebe inmit murder.merely for the sake knew that fliers usually learried a $100,000. And to think'that Adele good -luck charm of some sort ane " s willing to run the risk of being j Kay broke in sharply, "You should - ed for it! She must have known n't have• been so definite! Now, she'll guessed the risk she was taking,' go to Loring and start him to looking she must have guessed that the' for .something like that!" ney was the motive for Nina's "Nothing definite in it," said Rod- rder. At least, that's what -Loring man, "What you gave IVIcLeod had, nks, isn't it—that Nina was killed its 'other uses." the i'coney?" Rodman shot a "Yes—that's' true," Kay agreed, in glance at Janet. "Still, it was a heck ,of a gift to I—I really don't know what he hand a man like: McLeod at the start nks," she lied. "He isn't exactly of a long flight. You might just as confiding type." well have handed him a gun)" She felt anger rising within her, "Hush!" Kay said quickly. "Some she saw now why Rodman had one might hear you! Come on—.let's e here. He had learned. that she go outside." been having private talks with There was the sound of retreating ing, and, he was trying to pump footsteps. •• 1 Janet remained where she was, That dinner Nina had planned was pressed against the corridor wall. weird affair," he continued con- What did Rodman's last remark exsationally. "Loring ,seemed to mean? You might just as well have think, the other night, that it might handed• him a gamHad Kay given have some connection with young 11/Le- Danny McLeod something that had s death. You remember, Nina caused his death? Had she done it me that some 'trouble. 'about it deliberately?' It was incredible! coming up after all these years. What 'motive could she have had ing has asked me what 1 knew I Had she feared, that, through Me- at her backing McLeod's, flight, Leod, she might lose the money she I didn't know Nina then:, All I hoped to inherit from Nina? Had she ow is that, later, she seemed to 'feared that her aunt's interest in the hay a' sense of guilt about the whole young)flier might lead to marriage, •e a CANADIAN NATIDNAI AII-WAYs TIME TALOA v Trains will arrive at and demi trona Leod WO Wool: cola: told Buffalo end Giader111a Dir. was Gouts TWA, depart '. 6.43 a.m. Lor ;Going East, depart 3.00 pm. 'abo Going Wast, depart 11.45' a.m.mbut i going Went, depart : 9.60 p. kn London—abitott tieing Ilona nr. SAS, leave 1.01 pm. ha CLINTON NEWS -RECORD and that McLeod,"unac'custome Wealth, would go wild with his wife's money, spending it feverislily Had Kay 'acted; to protect her financial outlook? It Was fent but it was possible. Could Nina, at this late date, discovered what Kay had given Leod, and had she set the stage gruesome dinner panty at which meant to expose: her niece? Had learned of her plan and, to preve had she—had she killed- Nina? • Janet shuddered, Certainly, it evident that Kay feared the polic vestigation and had enlisted Re A.rkwright's aid in ,finding.. out they knew. Anger surged tin? again'as, she thought of Rodman had come to her on :the. text of appologising to her but ually for the purpose of disoov what she knew of Loring'sthee Why was he working in; Kay's half.? • Baffled, Janet went back 'to room. Slipping ito the chair by window, she gazed out at the co yard below and at the grounds yond. She saw Kay and Rodman s on: a bench beneath a tree, with - heade close together. Nearby, Mae was sweeping a walk. Then, Mr. Jepperson came view, s1 iding along the walk. noddnodded`to Kay and Rodman, stopped to .speak to Mac. In , distance, Janet saw Jack and Bob going toward the badminton cour It Demand to her, suddenly every one involved in the .case ept Joel was in sight and, with ought, came another. While these people were out •of the h why not go to Bobbie's room, and whether rhe could find what ad taken from Joel's room? Rising quickly ,she went out t e corridor and started toward obby. First, she thought, she get hold of a master key, for Bobbi door would probably be locked,. new that Jepperson had one in - office and knew where he kept it. Reaching the lobby, she saunte est the assistant manager's offi ow- that it was empty, then casu urned back and entered it. It to tit a few minutes to locate -'the l nd to pocket it, Then, leaving the office, she nut or the stairs. She had soon climb the third floor and found her w Bobbie's door. As she entered the room, she e erienced a .moment of surprise. F girl wibh the means that Bob was supposed to have, the room seen very unpretentious. She began her search by lookin der things — under the rug, t d, the dresser, and an old-fas nod' wardrobe. Then, elle explore e bed further ,but found nothin der the mattress or the pillows., The wardrdobe, which she sate wa eessary because the room had n set, contained an assortment thing, all of. which she had se bbie wear at one time or anothe• ugh it was good .there was alter amount of it than Janet ha ected. he found herself wonderi other Bobibe was actually as ric she was supposed to be. It woul amusing if site had been baitin Jac with wealth that didn't exist would be still funnier if she wer • Jack because she thoughtthat had money, The ironic thought two fortune hunters deluding each er brought a half smile to Janet's s there seemed to be nothing at suspicion's in the wardrobe, she about to turn away , from it, en it neer/ad to her to seaech top of it. It was high but, by ding on tiptoes, she could feet g the top with her hand. t first, her fingers encountered,. smooth wood, under a coating use. Then, they came in contact 1 something cool and slick. Pull - the object to the edge, she saw it was a patent -leather bag. Why should it be on top of the drobe? Taking it down, she saw it was bulging., s 'site, began fumbling with the h, it suddenly flew open, .spill - a huge wad of paper money onto floor. Janet stared, down at the soca greenbaeks, then stooped, pawed through thein. They were of Large denominations -- dozens bills, some $500 bills ,and some of $1000! se caught her breath. The money Rodman Arkwright .had given !' This', must be it! t 'that ',instant; a ;sharp knock d n ed on the door, (TO..BE''CONTINUED)_ e characters in, this serial are fictitious) c1 to rich le own astic, have Mc - for a she Kay nt it, was e in dorm what (nigh how pre- act - zing ries. be - tier the uxt- be Dated their old into He then the bie, bs'. that ex this all otel, see Bobbie in to the must e's She his rod ce, ally ok coy de ed ay a- or bre 1 g he h- g, 0 of en r: a d ng h week c th h h lm 5 t b a f to t0 p a ed un be 10 th un ne colo ole Bo Th sm exp wh as be Ja k It, aft he of oth lips A all was who the .stan alon A only of d wit) ing that War that A tate ing the and all of even Sl that Nina A sou (Th • g e Yoia Roll Them Beffe With. OGDEN'SciN CIGARETTE TOBACCO THURS., JUNE 18, 1942 041 Ail/181 XTILE MILLS WEAVE 220,0 RDS OF: WOOL CLOTH EVE AYS TO CLOTHE OUR FORC • This is a big' war. - Every industry has to do big things. In the hundreds of textile plants in this Province, over 50,000 workers are adhering today curd night schedules once undreamedaf. Everymonth nearly .a million yards at wool cloth is rushed to clothing makers. Thousands in the armed services the Reserve Army and Women's Auxiliary units must be outfitted. "Speed up—increase your produce tlbn—enlarge your capacity"—is the order of the day. Hydro's Targe pool of over 2,000,000 electrical horsepower is being strained, Yet every war demand must be met! As fall approaches -as hours of daylight shorten—power demands Will increase substantially. The need may be greater than capacity production, it may be necessary to curtail extension for civilian use. Save power—help your Hydro fo meet this mounting war -time demand! THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Defence Of Your Fireside Can you accept your share of th responsibility Pull your full weigh —not let your fellow citizen down.— your neighbor who is now in the Re serve Army or the Active Army ex erting every effort to protect him self or your childt.'en. Can you pro tett them? Your wife—your home -- all that you've worked for. Modern defence requires modern weapons—team work --and Canada' team has to practice, prepare itsel for the big game, and the defence of Canada and of North America, will be a World's Series game for the democracies. There'll be no ,such thing as fair, play, no referees, no rules. There'll be no substitutes for the team. If you're not in practice, or fall out of the game early because you lack condition, your team, Cana. da's team will have to tarty : on, with. a man short. There'll to no specta- tors for this game—.no cheering in the grandstand -everyone will be on the playing field, Be frank with yourself. How will you measure up, when the first curve is pitched? Because you know, you're on Canada's team for .home defence, Every man from 16 to 60 is. Canada's Reserve Army deeds men today, to learn now how to play this game. This time the -call is not to youth alone, its to the pian of forty or thereabouts, also the man who a thousand times has asked: himself, "What can I do?" Now the way is clear, the Reserve Array needs you today and the train- ing syllabus has been arranged in such a way, that is will not interfere with your job ,of supporting your family, strengthening your .employ- ers business --buying War Savings stamps. On joining the Reserve Army, your Civilian status does not change. ' You, do your part with any of the rights of a citizen.. Your ser- vice obligations are ,only when your unit parades. You see it's'not a big decision to make—rather its• your im- portunity ,10 prepare yourself for the responsibilities automatically assum- ed ley virtue of being a citizen of Canada. Armed Forces Air Letter Forms. Office Department to provide the refused to leave the tracks and paced mailing pubhe with an additional eo- e onomicaI and speedy method of com- e municating with , members of our Aimed Forces abroad. -; Taking advantage of Canada's Air - mail network and air connections, this -,new method of communication being - the evening train, travelling about ten to twelve miles an hour, right to the station, much to the amazement of people gathered, en the platform. The train was forty-five minutes late. There were four horses on the tracks when the engineer first sigh- ted the animals. One was struck by the pilot of the engine and later died of its injuries. Two more took to the ditches as the train moved :slowly, but the fourth insisted on showing its heels to the iron monster, sparks flying from the steel raile when the aorses shoes struck them. On reaching Goderich the. animaa. was caught, puffing just as hard as the locomotive, but otherwise none the worse foe its strange ordeal.— Goderieh Signal Star. "YOUR 110ME STATION" CKNX 920.11es. W/NGHAM 326 meters WEEKLY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS FRIDAY, JUNE, 1.9TH:' 10 am. ,Almanac News 11 aan. "At Heine with the Ladies" 8.30 p.m. George Wade and Lee O'Daniel SATURDAY, JUNE 20TH: 11 a.m. Saturday Morning Frolic 1 pm. Walkerton and Hanover Rev. _ 5.30 titre. Glenn Orch. 8 p.m. CRNX Barn Dance sing is printed, enabling the sender to SUNDAY, JUNE 21ST: fill in the blanks with particulars of 1.80 pm. Melody Time address. NO ENCLOSURES ARE 2 p.m. Cranston Hour • TO ACCOMPANY AN ARMED al5 National Songe and Airs FORCES AIR LETTER --the teender 7 p.m. Mart Kenny ' is cautioned that if anything. is en- MONDA,Y, JUNE 22ND: dosed the letter will be sent by or- 8.30 mm. The Early Birds 'dinary mail. A space iv reserved on 12 noon Farm and Home Hour the reverse side of the form for the 5.45 p.m. Girls of the Golder: West sender's full name and address. 7 pan. "Odgen's Hoedown." TNESDAY, JUNE 23RD: 11.15 am, King Sisters' 6.30 pm. Old Time Jamboree 8.15 p.m. Freddie IVIartin Oreh. 9.30 p.mo Chem -s from the Camp WEDNEI,SDAY, JUNE 24TH: 9.30 a.m. Stars of the week , 10.30 a.m. Church' of the Air 6.45 ppm Evening News 7.30 p.m. Honor the Law THURSDAY, JUNE 25TH: 1.30 p.m. The Musette Oz•ch. 7.30 p.m. Marie King, solaitst 9 p.m, Hawaiian Fantasies. It is anticipated, that this, unique econemical thee saving system will be -widely adapted as it provides a ready means for people itt Canada to communicate with members of their family op friends in the Armed For- ces Overseast in whatever part of the World they may be serving. . To Expedite Delieery of Letters To • Fighting Services Abroad Commenoing on June 15th next. Armed Forces Air Letter forms Will t be introduced by the Canadiant Post This Hocse Had A2 Single Track Mind Caught hi the glare of the loeomo- iye's headlight, four miles, east