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The Clinton News Record, 1942-06-11, Page 5
'HUBS., JUNE 11, 1942 Be: British Be Caretul! TO OUR POLICY=HOLDERS: The Mutual Tire Underwriters Association for , On ta loss r; due io at therm Annual Convention instituted a Campaign fora26 tion" for 1942. At the last meeting 'of our Boards of Directors, resolutions were passed in support of this Campaign. • Do Are Asked To _ You Your Part THISIS HOW: - Do not smoke in or around your Outbuildings. Do not handle gasoline near a flame or spark. Do not allow oily waste to accumulate. Clean up all Rubbish and Litter around Buildings. See that your Chimneys are all in good condition. See that your' Electric wiring is properly done. Fire is a demon of destruction and causes the grek total) l our wastes, both in property and'. life. We therefore app policy -holders as loyal citizens to make a determined effort to see that no ire doing thfis you will cont'ilor buteis ado doubly to llowed to the wwar tart on efforttour rby saving a loss in the first instance and saving the material and effort neces- sary for replacement, THE USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. B. W. F. Beavers, Sec.-Treas., Exeter. THE HAY TOWNSHIP FARMER'S K. E lber,Seea Tr sIRE ., S. CO. ILMUTUAL Crediton HURON ROAD Happy War Workers Club The Club held their meeting at the :home of Mrs. George Glazier on ..June 4th. The meeting opened by singing, work for the night is coming, which was fol'olwed by the club creed. in unisno. Mrs. Wright, S.A. Envoy, led in prayer, .she also read the 15th chapter of John. Attendance, fifteen • members and three visitors. Mrs. epa -Noble Holland of sock; scarf; bonnet; 1 $1.50. Therewere 6 p .boy's shirt; pyjama suit; girl's dyes; :lady's night gown and quilt to be de- livered to Red Shield. Collection ' $1.80. Next meeting on July 2nd at the hone of Mrs. Ebner Dale. AUBURN THE CLINTON 1ionouring Canada's Army Jun 29—July 5 Deserved tribute will be paid to the fig'hthng men of Canada's Army dur- ing Army Week, June 29th to July 5tlti' This week has been set aside; in response to widespread public demand" for the purpose.of honouring the men in khaki who have offered to sacre- fiee their lives if need be in the strug- gle to defeat the aggressors and'to preserve democratic freedom.been .It is true. that the Army has somewhat overshadowed to the pres- ent time by sterling performance of Canada's Air Force and Navy, which have seen action on many fronts, while the Army has remained inactive so far as actual combat is concerned. But it should not be forgotten that in the end it will require an invasion of the European continent to ensure the defeat of H,itlerism.. Then the Army will be called upon to play its part. Meanwhile Canadian troops' both in England and in the Domin- NEWS-RECORD' CUT FLOWERS, FLORAL ..DESIGNS For Every Occasion V COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 A Good Poultry Market Whenever your Poultry Flock needs culling we are at Aur service. Prices of poultry are expected to be in line ion are training tirelessly to fit them-wrth other• higher :prices of meat. • selves for the supreme struggle which lies ahead. In training centres',( Good service given in grading your schools and camps from one end of Canada to the other they are under- eggs. going strenuousphysical training and instruction in modern weapons of N. W. TREWARTH"A war So that they will not be found) Day Phone 214. wanting when the zero hour comes. The lads of Canada's army ave sacrificed all the comforts of civilian life and the •association with their loved ones in order to serve their country. During Army Week civil- ians i ilians generally will have the oppor- tunity of showing their appreciation of this sacrifice. They will have a chance to visit training camps to witness parades of the troops, as well as to entertain the soldier in their homes and at dances and concerts. They are asked, too, to write letters and send parcels to the boys overseas during this week. This is a citizens' show and every Mrs. Silver gave the topic and Mee. Robertson closed the meeting with prayer. Mr. Jas. Jackson, visiting with Mrs. Johntson was presented with a beaut- iful cake, it beingdainty lunch wasf 81st birthday. ser- ved by the hostess. Knox United W.M.S. met on Thurs- day with Mrs. Woods in charge. Mrs'• James Roberton led in prayer and Mrs. H. C Wilson gave highlights of a meeting held recently in St. Marys. A duet was sung by Mrs. Harry Wag- ner and Miss Sadie Carter. Mrs. Earl Wiglrttnan gave the topic. Miss Jean Houston, of Bowmanville 'spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Houston and on Saturday attended the marriage .of Ruby Errington, Carlow, to' Alban"rt • McClinchey. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Asquith and Betty attend convocation exercises at Toronto University, when Miss Mary Asquith graduated with the degree of . Phm.B. Gibson of Edmonton, Alta., Rev, W. G. Rose of Beachville has i Ma's. E. :been appointed by London Conference who is est aft ng relatives he home of is this her, to succeed Rev. H. C. Wilson at Knox I G W Elliott. United church here. Reid Sheppard was called to the Miss Betty Gairdner of Toronto was R.C.N.V.R. last week and is at pres F.eGairdnerf her over the )er weekend. R H. Pte, Grant Turner of Kitchener spent the weekend at his home in the village. Mrs. N. W. Woods was the guest of Me. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton of Hensall over the weekend. . Misses Catherine and Julia Rankin of Mount Pleasant, Mich., arrived. last week to spend' the season at their • V No Caledonian Games at ci' (vow to a high pitch and to give thea Stanley, Goderich and Colborne Units Embro This Year of the Federation of Agriculture people of Canada a real opportunity Owing to the Gasoline, Tire and to demonstrate their true apprecia- Labor situation the Zorra Caledonian tion of the men who are making the I Pack a basket and tea; hot water provided Society have decided not to hold the greatest sacrifice in the battle to' annual July 1st Highland Gathering preserve world freedom. Guest Speaker:— this year. When conditions are nor- V mal again the Gathering will be held' Night Phone 328. PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE l CAPITAL THEATRE I REGENT THEATRE i1 James Craig lin ''Valleylle of the Sun MON., TUES. & WED. Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney Frances Farmer, George Sanders Ben Blake is a bear for .absorbing punishment in a fight and he's taps in the romantic ring " SON OF FURY" THURS.,: FRI. & SAT. "ROXIE HART" The low-down, story of a high- class gal who could do no wrong,.. but Oh, brother! how she tried! Ginger Rogers, Adolphe' Menjou, George Montgomery, Lynne Overman Coming: Ann Sheridan and Ronald Regan in "King's Row" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. Gpp$RaC>3 SEAF©RFR NOW FLAYING:, Humphrey Bo- gart as "The Maltese Falcon"� Mon., Tues. & Wed. Two Fgatures Betty Grable, Victor Mature and Carole' Landis Tell the' tale of a psycopathic sleuth who tangled with show people "I Wake Up Screaming" James Ellison & Maureen O'Hara in a South American musical com- edy "They Met In Argentina' TRUES., FRI. & SAT. ,Edward Arnold, Walter Huston. Anne Shirley A dramatic presentation of "The Devil and Daniel Webster" lay Stephen V. Benet. All That Money Can Buy Coming: "Roxie Hart", Ginger'I Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. Rogers NOW PLAYING:Jimmie Durante in "You're in the Army Now" MAN., TUES. & WED. Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor Co-starred in a top-flight; mystery yarn frown the pen of Dashiell Hammett ' "The Maltese Falcon" THURS., FRL & LAT. Lucille Ball, Dean Jagger and James Craig An interesting story of the Red Indian and his losing struggle against white civilization "Valley of the Sun" Coming: Bette Davis in "The 1VIan Who Came to Dinner" Batkins Locker Storage Now is the time to store your rhubarb. Have you tried our fresh frozen green peas and strawberries;) also our farmer's style sausages. • We have been unable to get fresh. lake trout lately but 'expect to have them again soon. We have smelts lake herring, .sea herring, salmon, sal- mon chilletts, white fish, smoked fil- letts, fresh filletts, Haddock. Custom Killing and Buy Hides "Frozen Foods are Better Foods" s conununity in Canada will want to Day have part in honouring the country's• Farm Fieldfighting men on this occasion. Not only will it prove to the soldiers' that I JOWETT'S GROVE, • HAYFIELD they have not been forgotten by the citizens generally, but it will a M enlightening the public more inti— mately about the role of Canada's Army and the manner in which the troops are cared for and trained. It should serve to arouse patriotic fer-. satUwoar SPECIALS SUEYS DATE LOAF FRIED CAKES TRY OUR:— CHOCOLATE CAKES THEY ARE SWELL. June 20, 1942 under auspices of TEACHER WANTED Far School Section No. 9, Goderich Township. Duties to commence September 1st, 1942. Applications will be received until June 13th. R. E. R,OWDEN, Sec.-Treas., Clinton, R.R. No. 3 Band Concert SATURDAY EVENING June 27th awe• w� .MONUMENTS To those contemplating build- 0 ing a Monument Get my prices before buying. Cemetery i Lettering a specialty. tilf All. work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE • & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapf5e t3 by Stratford Salvation Army Band Street services and services at SA Barracks all day Sunday,' BARTI-aIFF'S• I June 28th -PHONE 1 annually on July 1st, 4 in the past, President Canadian Federation of V Agriculture Vu unu Full line of sports — Prizes $AYI'IELD of Mrs, M. G. Beatty and Miss E, Mos- TUG OF WAR sop. This small shrub stands 3 ft. high and has produced 22 perfect Sports commence 2 p.m. sharp blooms, the largest measuring 6 in. All Farmers and their friends welcome in diameter. Mr. and Mrs. A. McEwan called on friends in the village one day last ings in May. The society wish to Lodge ,and all my neighbors and week. thank Mrs, Charles Stephenson and friends who called on me; special Miss L. Welsh •of Ripley spent Sat- Mrs. Pere Johnston for finished quilts thanks to Dr. W. A. Oakes and the urday with her sister Mrs. G. 11. which they have both kindly donated• members of the Clinton Hospital Beatty. I It was decided by vote that $25 be staff.—Charles Stewart. Mr ,and Mrs. J. Coultice of Lon- I forwarded to Headquarters for Jam. don' are spending their vacation at the , The treasurer report showed that $600 home of Mr. and MTs. O. Pilgrim. of a grant had been gratefully re - Mrs. A. Sellery and Mrs. E. Epps ceived from the ocunty council, and of Clinton, called on Mrs. M. G. Beat- , the sum of $630 subscribed for the 9b-1 ty and Miss Mosso') one evening last campaign and some still coning in. Emma a Lavis, Clinton, week. l At a finance corn. meeting a vote was Mr, S. Carnochan of Seaforth was I taken resulting that $1000 be for - renewing acquaintances in the vil'lage,warded to Red Cross headquarters in last weep, Toronto. We are sorry to report Mr. and Mrs. The Society wish to extend their Ralph Stephenson are 'both confined warmest thanks ted rananyappreciationy w ththe August ta Waste to oro nt six moan to beck through illness, their many ; all who ass friends still hope to see them about salvage collection, and especially to house Box. apartment,or B,unfurnished. nfur i h by d. again. I Mr, G. H. Beatty and to the Stanley I Apply p council who generously assisted with June 13. Mrs. a here. ; their trucks, to those who subscribed • gusan. Mas. V. B a '1 London There will be no service in St. Varna Red Cross Notes to the Red Cross Campaign, and also to the VARN A b nt (snowball) shrub worthy of mention is growing in the garden H. H. HANNAM ent stationed at the Barracks at Lan - ••don. Miss Ruth Arthur, nurse -in -train- ing at Victoria hospital, London, is holidaying with her mother, Mrs'. John . Arthur. Born—At Goderich hospital on June 4 to Mr ,and Mrs. Thos. Jardin (Ruth ghan), a son •Strau Mr: Russell King, patient at Byron ' Sanitorium, '.spent the weekend with ho eMro RivLawrer Terrace. e rawlie of .London his wife and family here, • was the guest of his sisters, Misses The resignation of Miss Violet Sharp as teacher of the Continuation 'school last week was accepted. Miss Sharp has been here nine years. Mr. and Mrs. Roy O'Neil of 04- • tawasent the weekend with the lat- • ter, s parents Mr. and E. ,and F. Fowlie over the weekend. Lance Corporal Borden Clarke 'of Kitchener spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Clark. Mr. and Mrs, J,' Stewart of Hamil- ton, spent the'weekend at their home Hurt and family y ofon on Were the guests of Mr and Mrs, Fred WE DELIVER I •Garden Party at Taylor's Corner School on few days with her sister, Mrs. Janes Black, Mr, and Mrs, M. Butler and son Al- fred spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Scotohtner. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dougall, Phillip and Dorothy of Hensall spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed;. C. Glen and family. Mr .and Mrs. Francis Daymond, boys, of Chatham returned home on Monday. Mrs. Daymond and children having spent the past Week with her parents, Mr, and Nits. Adam Stewart. Corporal R. Lee and Corporal H. Gibbons of the Radio School, Clinton', spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. C. Glen and' family, Friday, June 19th Electrical Equipment Shur Shock Electric Fences, com- plete with Battery and Insulators $15.00 guaranteed. • I carry a full line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General bat- teries and Dominion Washing Mach- ines ,all electrical appliances and roofing supplies. A. W. Groves, Princess tSt.. Princess Street — Maple Grove School will present the play, "Simple Simon Simple. Admission: Adults 40c; Children 20c CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Rev. Menzies and members of the Lotdesbere Sunday School for the lovely flowers and fruit sent me while I was in the hos- pital; also Rev. G. W. Moore, and members of the Clinton Orange Car for Sale: 1928 Chevrolet Coach; Good tires and new Battery. Apply to Miss TEACHER WANTED For School Section No. 7, Stanley Township (Parr Line) Protestant with 1st class certificate, ' ' Personal application preferred'. GEO. L. REID; Varna, Ont. Bricks for Sale Several thousand used bricks for sale. Apply to Peter Young, 11.R, No. 1 Goderich, phone 933r41. 96-2 canvassers namely: Messrs Mark's Anglican church next Sunday Baker over the weekend. June 3rd 17 ladies Robert Robinson, W. J. Clark, R. M. •-owing to anniversary in Trinity The Dashwood Red Cross Society On wednesd'ay, • church, 'Blyth. I pretented the play "The Deacon" in met in the Varna Red Cross Work-Hayter,W. R. Stephenson, At the United church on Sunday, the Town Hall •on Friday evening, un- rooms for a busy afternon of quilting ` peck, W. S. Coleman, L. Keyes, A. Johnston, 'the infant children of Mr.. and Mrs. der auspices of the Hayfield and Coin-, and on the quota of men's George Clarke,: J, McAsh, A. McCon- • Hallam, M2. and Mrs. Les. ' munity, Active Service Fund. The I pyjamas. Mrs, Lee McConnell presi- nell, H. Aldwinkle and A. Foote, tin business per- arenur .'Hallam,Mr rand MTS. Ross Harrison play was ably presented under the Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry direction of Mrs, Hobbs. Taylor. Musi- - were baptized. Mr. Eldon. Stoltz, of Toronto was a recent visitor with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Eldon Stoltz. Miss Fern Watson ,teacher at S.S. No. 9 Hullett has resigned. Miss and Messrs. Bill, Jack and Charlie Edith Beacom has been rehired at • Balkwill of London were the guests of SS. Na. 5 Hulled (Auburn) at a sal-,' ' ary of $1,000. Miss Nora Ferguson over, the week - Mrs. Joe Mitch of Goderich spent end. cal numbers were contributed be- tween acts by members of the least, Ma. and Mrs. G. Chm•chward of London are spending this week at their summer home here. Misses Peggy and Jean Balkwell, Dr and Mrs, Norman Alexander of London spent the weekend at their River Terrace, Miss Alice Druin and Miss e' ded ever an interes r g iod which is held on first Wednes-1 day of each month. The convenors' deports were received as follows: cut- ting coin.: 13 pr. men's pyjamas and Batavia ,New 1 ladies nightgown. Sewing coin.: 25 Miss Tena 'of ladies' gowns finished and 4' in the York, visited n forat ha few e home of Mrs. 1 6 pt men's pyjamas in the JohnBaird d. ugh v --- STANLEY For Sale Second hand kitchen stove. Apply to Roy C'antelon, R.R. 5, Clinton 96 1 Strawberries Luscious berries by the box or urate. Wm. W. Wise, phone 905r22, Clinton central. AUCTION SALE 'Of Farm, Farm Stock, and Implements at Lot 11, Hayfield Line Goderich township on THURSDAY, JUNE 18 HOBSON'S CHOICE Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season STRAWBERRIES Grown Right—Picked Right Packed Right Make your sugar go farther by buying fruit that is ripened on vine or trees. Orders may be left at Connell & Tyndall's Butcher Shop DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT To Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra TOWN HALL CLINTON ADMISSION: 35c and 25c Cliff. Watson, Manager AUS SERVIQF Change.•of-time table May 1, 1042. Leave Clinton for London, South Bound.: Daily: 8.15 a.m., 4,50 p.ni. _4 Sat.: 8.15 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 4.50 p.m. §tin.; 8.15 am.; 4,50 p.m.; 9.10 p.m. Leave Clinton for Wingham and Owen Sound, North Bound: !'' Daily: 2.20 pm., 8,45 p.m.X Sun. and Ho1.: 2.20 p.m., 9.55 pan. X indicates to Wingham only on Mon. to Thursday, Fri. and Sat. p.m. to Kincardine. For further information call your local agent, Bartliff's, Phone 1, Clin- ton. WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS LIMITED AUCTION SALE Of Residence Property and House Furnishings far Mr. N. 0, Lanaway at the prem- ises, Trafalgar St. Goderich WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17TH at 1,30 p.m. This is one of the best houses in Goderich and the furnishings are in keeping. T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers9. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock. At Lot 41, Con. 1, H.R.S., Tuckersmith; (No. 8 High- way) first farm east of Clinton. On Tuesday, June 16th. at 1 p.m.: Cattle -5 Durham and Hereford cows, freshened in March and April; 3 Durham cows due to freshen in July and August; 1 Guernsey heifer rising 2 years old; 2 Durham steers rising 2 years old; 4 Durham spring making, calves. making. •Knitting corn,: working on Mr. and Mrs: Wm. an Pigs -1 Tamworth sow due July 1; quota. A very large new . quota has ter Thelma' of Toronto. spent a fewcommencing at 1 York sow bred two weeks; 1 York been received iduring n over 200 aro days a the home of his brother,: Mr. STOCK—,team of mares band 8� yrs, (low with 11 pigsre5 weeks old; 1 York titles to The knit venthe next 4 George Baird. '1year, The local Federation of Agriculture old; mase, 12 years old;milky, hog; 9 York pigs, ee lbs.- 10 pigs her sister, Mrs., Beaty ro mMiss attention weaned 2 kei. • the weekend with Beatty calls for immediate- attention has been. fortunatee in scouring the old; 12 fresh and springer cows; Sheep -3 Leicester ewes and 2 Geri Dawson en of all knitters to urgently consider services CanadianiFede Federation of sAgri- FARMidont young eniMACH VERY — DeLaval lambs, t Thies cottage Adele what they could offer to knit an this Stanley her as soon pos- culture as guest speaker at the field cream separator; 25 acres hay and -Hens-60 Sussex hens. kitchen chairs, "day n Me home o£ Mrs.Hens-60 Furniture-6 . fernette of Bible. day to be held in Bayfield on June nearly new; Johnston with Mrs. Annie . Walpsn' end at their Dcottatge,spent the week- quota and report to in May to 20th. See advertisement in this is- 100 cards of hardwood! 1 kitchen table; 1 McClary range; 1 l the: rope Mrs. Frank Lansing led sent ! • o TERMS—CASH CASH Mrs. R. Cope -Arnold of Saskatoon, packing 26 in- sue. Quebec heater, 2 bedsteads, and other the repetition of the Lotvls Prayer,acres a consisting of 119' household effects. Sark is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. headquarters: 15 ladies gown's; 30 Cpl William Dunealf of Kitchener The farms, lot 11, consisting of 1 h Wool Wanted According to Government Regulations. ' Fred Mulholland LICENSED COLLECTOR CLINTON Phone, Clinton 901r12 NOTICE All owners of Dogs must get a ,1942 Tag without delay or be in Court for same. NORMAN KENNEDY The Baptist LadiesAidme d Mrs John Raithby• read the d fonts gowns, 16 g rl s dresses h weekend with Mr. Harold nd lot 10 d after the business period', I t h leave at his quilts beautiful )aye I, tten Miss! Mary Litten cosy terms. : Woo s. • scripture. Mrs. Wolper offered pray- , Pte. James Sturgeon of. the R:C.R., sanitary napkins; 7 large- quilts; 3 crib spent the ee a ptii°I acres including crop will be sold on Mrs. layette which Was Penhale. er, an Borden seen is ea .e , W, C. Robertson took chargee the , Campamade and donated by the Junior . In- ' Mr. A. u von by home her khaki handkerchiefs Miss Leta Penhale, and Mrs. Donald CANON W. A. TOWNSEND, Pro- program. Readings were given, M Robert Heard and Major and: stitute and. 160 Be pent the weekend visiting re- "prietor. ct, Terms' cash. Everything will has sod his farm. W. M. Aiken Proprietor. Harold' Jackson, Auctioneer. be sold as' prop. ebster Mrs • r• e1 nstitute thanks work- Begg s HAROLD JACKSON, Au router. 96 , Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. W Mrs. Gailbraith and Nancy ;of Hamel- also from the I it latives to thus community. Wright and' Mrs. Johnston, M Heard' ion. girls. 'The quilting corn. 3 quilts et is spending a 96.1 I .John dered by Mrs: Glenn ton spent the weekend at the 1 gr :• b quilted at Red, Cross meet- Miss Anna Scotehm P • R-„tl"h r and Miss 'Amelia Mckl'wain. l cottage en Sunset Ponrt. ' o os were have ee 95-2 House for Rent or Sale A cottage on, Albert street, for sale or rent, with garage attached. Also an apartment in the Sloan Block.' Apply to A. J. Cooper, Gode- rich. . 95-4 Private Property for Sale House' with hydro, town water, bathroom and cistern. Good large hen house, also barn and garage combined. All in good repair. Situ- ated on two acres of ground with a number of fruit trees. For full in- formation apply to Mrs. Gordon: Pear- son, James Street, Clinton. 94_3 W anted Old horses and cattle for mink feed. If dead phone at once. Will pay w carding to value, Elsner 'hick, phone"' 907r5, or Lloyd Batkln 619rr114t.