The Clinton News Record, 1942-06-11, Page 3THURS., JUNE 11, 1942 p•,R PARK LOOGk� Jul O �M• CANADIAN „NOCNIES' SnowcepPped peaks and glacial lakes. rest and • healthful recreation.Golftehnnns. swimming, trail -riding, $9 per hed service and cuisine, front' $3 per day with meals. Open lune 15- CentEn 31. Come by the a+r•condition ll Continental Limited. Information and reservations from nearest agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL to everywhero in Canada ALE tiAY fJi 1N1NC,i1,� 1NV CLINTON EARLY IN fl I CENTURY Some Notes of The News in 1911 FROM THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD • JUNE 7TH, 1917 Me. R. Rowland ,who a few years no bought a' piece of property on High street and erected for himself been a handsome dwelling, has b steadily improving the place ever since until now he possesses one of the handsomest properties in town. Mr. Rowland has done a vast amount of the work himself, being at iitearly and late besides 'attending 'THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Win. Higgins 50 000Red r Collected 1 H 3 00 Mrs._,]. hreilans •, 4� Mr, and Mrs• M. Nedxgez Mrs, IT, Managilan Miss H. Livermore Mr. and Mrs. J. Allison : 1.00 Carter 0 Mr: and Mrs. J Carter 1.00 Beit Gliddon- , 1.00 G. Marshall .j0 C. Cooper . .. .50 P '.Livermore . 2.00 Richard Elwood 1.00 Mel- Crich 1.00 ......•1.00 2.00 Mrs. Salah Cooper 00 O L. Paisley 5.00 Three Airmen in Wards House Owen, Odell, Loeson . ., 3.00 Mrs. E. McTaggart 25.00 Miss J. MeTaggart 5.00 .Jamiies Vincent . .50 Ernest Elwood . 1.00 Mrs. Sadie West 1.00 Mr :and Mrs, .M. T. Corless . 5.00 Miss Dorothy Oarless • ...... 1.00 Dr. Fowler . 10.00 1.00 Bead acted as sponsors for the child- ren Mrs. 0, II. Bartliff and Miss Jewel attended the graduating exercises of the Victoria Hospital nurses at Lon- don on Wednesday, at which Nurse Annice Bartliff received her diploma. Mr. Ed. Sehoenhals accompanied by his mother, Mrs. J. Sehoenhals and three sisters, Misses Dora, Olive and Freda; motored to Goderich last Fri- day and spent the weekend with Mr. Herb'Schoenhals and other friends at Port Albert. Mrs. Thomas Jackson leaves on Friday to visit with relatives and friends at Winnipeg:' Messrs. W. Jackson and John Wise- man were at Stratford on Friday at- tending the Bowling Meeting, of the Faill' Trophy. Miss Dell O�Neil of Toronto spent the weekend at the. parental home, bidding good-bye to her parents, be- fore they left on -their trip to the West been awarded the D.C.M., a decora- tion next to the Victoria Cross. This is the first d'ecoratoin to be bestoed upon a Clinton boy and hearty con- gratulations are extended the family. Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance this week received further' word from their son, Lieut. J. E. Torrance, who wound- ed. e d wo a few weeks ago was rep ed. Lieut. Torrance reports that his left eye was so badly injured that it had to be removed. He is now in England and writes cheerfully in spite of his misfortune, which is• deeply regretted by his many friends. PAGE 3 2.00 A. It. McMichael 50 $9,000, for Cross Ferro iggins . 2.00 J. Neilans • .. ........ 50 Geo. Walker 1,00 Contributed 0 Cover Potter 6.00 Miss M. Judd 1.00 Clinton V ®�6A • li c 00 Alex enddy 1.00 1.00 Ed. V!endorl ...•....... 1.00 .50 Miss Cornish, LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Miss Gilchrist 1.00 5 Mrs. I-1. .L. Mayhew ... • • • • • 2:00 W . Miss Gilkinson .. 2.00 John Nediger 2:00 Girl's; Club Wesley Willis 5.00 Anonymous 3.00 Ube following contributors rs• 1.00 f Anony W. Burton . Mxs: John Crich • 1.00 eat campaign:1;00 Father S. J. McDonald 2'00I'Anonytiious Harrison "'"2 2.00 Mrs. Ed. Nicltle 4 U0 Anonymous 1.00 on Mr. C. C. Pearce ... 2:00, Anonymous ensu 1.25 Norman Tyndall 1.00' Andnymous ,. 15.00 10,00 Anonymous bbins Nl'ellie Schoenhals ornislx 11.00 G. E. Howes 5600 Anonymous es )..... 5..00, Norman Kennedy 2:00 Anonymous mpbell .00 Frieda Sehoenhals: .... 8.00 Anonymous j. l p )0 McCallum 11.00. Glen Cook . ................ 2.00 Thos. 1VIorgan 1.00. sex Cree Goole 2.00 Anonymous 1.00 Win Elliott ......,.... 1,00 Win. Biggam.. .:. .......... 1;00 Anonymous 2.U0 Nelson. 2 00 Mxs, G. Guninghame 1.00 John 0. Read 2.00 wn 5.00 Thos. Hawkins . 2:00 Anonymous• : .25 5:00 2.00 5.00 el J. M. Elliott James 1VIiller .. Webster 1.50 Mrs. W. Pickard 1.00 Anonymous ._ 1.00 Robert Jervis . 2.00 2.00 Mrs. Kennington ou Sus Powe11' Mrs. Sinclair Mrs McKinley 1.00 ord 1.00 , Joe Petrie . . 3.00. Rsy Cartwright . 2.00 Clifford Ashton 1.00 50 1.00 Albert Fremlin 1.00 haddick . 1.00 Mise. Pearson.. Mrs. Wan. Jackson 1.00 Shaddicic J. L. Johnson • •- . • . 2.00 Mrs. Harold Lawson 16.00 Gerald Fremlin . .50 • 2.00. Harvey McBrien . • .::. • •. .. 5.00 Adam Glazier . 1:00IJas, Livermore ••• 3.00 1:00 A E Finch 50 Anonymous 15.00 Thos. Hardy . 5'•00 15.00 Frank Layton 1.00 Geo. Cook • '25' Miss Granger . ..... 1.00 1.00 John Frazer 10.00 Geo. Rumban . 1.00 2.00 Annette Sinclair • 1.00 Wm. Rozefil Mrs. E. Crosson 1,00 ,Harold Swan : 50 6.00 25.00 ... , . 2.00 Mrs. David Steep... • . • • • • Dr. Walter Oakes Ross Fitzsimons • • • • •: 1.00 2:001.00 Wm. Tidesweli 5,00 John McKnight 1.00 Thos: Leppirlgton 2•:00 tike . Thorn dyke Friend •60 Mrs. Vivian Hale and Family ' 1.00 Mrs. D. 'N y 1,00- 6.00 50 John Medd 1.00 2.00 Jerry Elliott . 1.00 M. Batkin , 1.00) Mrs. L. Swan . Miss Rumble R. Holmes 1.00' Aavid Cornish, •2.00 ..•.•' 2.00 2.00 Bert Kearns 2.00 Wm. Williamson 1.00 I Chas. Lockwood Len Heard Wm. Murch : 1.00 I Thos. Deeves . 2.00 Mrs. Nay 10.00 S. G. Castle 1.00: 3.00 Sadie Gardner 5:0 . 5.00 d Donal 1.00 A. Mc I . Evans' i .Eva ,Hud e 4:00 I Dr 10 0000 ,Fred JohnstonJ hvston 3.00 2.00 Clinton' Unit of ,the .Clinton > J. Twyford 00 The 5 Branch af. the Red. Gross id very! School of Commerce .59 gra M ItWalton grateful to to the roe Mr E. J.R.M W R. Free T. G. Seri Cornet C Dr. Ghckl' Miss • Ca Florence Mrs. Fra Miss. W Charles Miss Bro Miss Pas Mrs. R. Miss Su Wm. Ful: Albert S Thomas 1.06 Mrs. Jas ..• 50, 1.00 6.00 2.00 Ephriam Brown of Hullett, has 1 purchased a Ford car from My. Bert Langford. Miss Hattie Turner has finished' the course at the- School of Faculty, Toronto, and has returned to- her home in Tuckersmlth. The marriage -of Miss Hattie Middleton,/ daughter of the late John Middleton and •Mrs• Middleton of "White Hall," to Mr. George Stewart, St. in of Goderich was solemnized at half James Church�an June Gth, past eleven o'clock, Rev. Moulton performing the ceremony. Mrs. John McNaughton of Varna -was organist. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart left on the afternoon train for Cleveland and other American points amid showers of confetti and the good wishes of business down town'• Word was received in town on Mrs. Leppington received word I Tuesday morning of the death, which . on Monday, of Minnie Snell,. widow of the late R�v. Horace Jackson. Interment k place in Wingham cemetery.. Lovers of =lisle were given a treat -on Monday evening when Mr. Roy Davidson, a brilliant young mus- ician from London, gave a recital at the home of Mrs. Gunn, High street. Pepper -In Tuokersmith, on May 9th, to Mr and Mrs. 'Roy Pepper a son. McQuaid -In. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, on May 24th, Thomas Mc - and Jean are this week the guests of Quaid, aged 40 years• the lady's Mother ;Mrs. Hart of Lam-, Miss Maida Cooper left Tuesday beth. for Toronto to take a positon, having Mrs. E. Walsh of Detroit, a former finished her course at the School of resident of town is spending a few 'Commerce. weeks here and in Goderich, as is her I The Misses Clxiclley of Toronto usual custom during the summer ;have taken Mrs. J. Johnston's fuin- sereets Mrs. Walsh has business- in-Cished house on Victoria street and in- terests here and then she likes to tend, spending the summer in the old ie back to the old town occasional- home town from her son, Pte. T. Leppington, occurred. in Detroit the other day, "Tommy" hasn't been having good luck at alit He was not wounded while in the trenches but be - tante ill and has been in a base hos- pital in- France for months past and doesn't seem to improve very fast. Blyth Y'� Mrs. Walter Kin was over the weekend visiting her sister, Mrs. Bennett, and her neiee, Mxs• (Capt.) Sloan, -who recently returned from England with her husband, who is recovering from severe wounds in France. Mrs, J A. Agnew and Misses Agnes Ed, Munro- • Barney Manns • Ross McEwan Thos. Bennett Frank Dixon Mr. DUrnin • Grant Gia Jahn Geo. H. Jefferson • ..• T. W. McGuffin Edgar P Mrs, Ship Chas. Morley Miss S G. V. Co Thos. 0 Mrs. Th Thos. Howard Bobt: Joseph Ebner Melvin Emma Janes Frank Robert Thos. Mrs. Mrs. Chas. attison ley Arnold . ; .. . ' 1.00 Jordon . • ... 1.00 0 Levens the guests. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Manning are at London this week. Mr. Manning is representing Wesley church Board at Conferenee. - Mr, and Mrs. Duncan B. McEwen announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Bessie M., to Mr. Will E. Tebbutt of Goderich, son of Mr. and Mrs'. G. Tebbutt of Holmes- villa. ol ville. The wedding will take place on June 19th. Mr. James Stevenson, formerly of Clinton, but who has been running a saw mill in New Ontario has disposed of the same, and has moved to To- ronto for the present. Rev. and Mrs . John Hart of Brucefield announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, ,Alice Alberta ,to Mr. Hubert L. Whiteman, of Toronto, youngest son of Mr. aand Mrs. John Whiteman of Kipp, marriage will take place in June Gunner Harold'Kilty who has been in London for the past `couple of months has been honorably ,dis- charged for any branch of the service. oke. hurchill • os. Churchill .... Carter • Currie Cree Corey . • ., 1.00 Colquhoun . 2.00 Elliott . 5.00 Levis . 1.00 Manning .50 Mutch . 2.00 McCartney, . 1.00 1.00 Oliver 2.00 2.00 1.00 .50 5.00 con ly as she has many friends here. I Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins and Mi. W. Brydone's Scotch little son George, of Toronto, were "rier, the dog' in Olin- I guests for a few days over the week- ton,ior rho best known g relatives and friends in ton, had to be chloroformed welon llforlend town With xelatr day. "Watty"hadn't. some days and it was feared that ho Miss Jennie Robertson was with had' had a doze of something which Goderich friends over the : weekend didn't agree with him, and Monday, which was a bank holi- Sergt Norman V. Levy, soli of Mr. •day. Mr, George Irving of 'Chicago, fors or- merly of town, has. been visiting' brothers, Messrs. R. and W. Irving. Miss Emily Morrison of leensall is a guest this' week at the home of Mips. R• J. Cluff• Mr. A. T. Cooper was in Burgeests so- ville on Sunday \I. the Dominion Alliance. FROM THE CLINTON NEW ERA( London where, she has ae and Mrs. James Levy of town, who -- went 'overseas with the 33rd battalion and who has been wounded twice, has CHURCH DIRECTORY THE SALVATION ARMY Mrs. Envoy Wright 11 a.m. -- Morning Worship .'2.30 p.m.•- Sunday School 7 p.m. - Salvation Meeting • THE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. A. E. Silver, Paster 11 a.m. Sunday School. • 7 p.m Evening Worship The Young People meet each Monday evening at 8 p.m. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Rev. G. W. Moore, LTh. 11 am, Morning Prayer. 10.30 a.m. Sunday. School. 7 p.m. --•Evening' Prayer. ONTARIO STREET UNITED When The Present CienturY Was Young FROM THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD JUNE 5TH, 1902. Salvation JUNE 7TH, 1917 Miss Violet Argent left on Tues- day for eepted a postion. Brigadier Green of the Army Force who accompanied Com- missioner ichards here last Fall has been seriously ill at Toronto. He has been removed to the Hospital for special treatments. ' Sir Robert A. Falconer, President of Toronto University and one of the distinguished Canadians to be knigh- ted on the King's birthday is a brother-in-law of Dr. Gaudier of town. Lady Falconer formerly being Miss . Gandier. Wilco Hattie C. 'W. Davi Misse Mary David Josh Leon Mrs. Hear Oliff Alfre N. W Mr. Mrs Mrs Jam How Mrs. Mrs. Miss Gor Fre Mrs Fred L. Miller . Nelson Trewartha • J E. 0 1 1.00 1.50 Mrs. Ales. Morris Mrs, Newcombe Margaret Sperling 1.00 Elva Praetor R. V. Irwin . • ...... • • .. 25.00 1 Maisie ' Grealis 2.00 10.00 Jabez Rands •• Mrs. E. Kennedy Watson • • T E Herman 1.00 Geo. VanHorne .. 1.00 I Thos. Herman Mrs. B. Wtsn .... 1.00I 5.00 Mr. Britton . Mrs. Dalrymple Wm. Welles 2.00 Mrs. A. Wheatley 2.00 Perry Plumsteel . . , . • . • • 5.00 Mrs. H. Wiltse 10.00 1.00 2.00 Miss F. Guninghame 1.00 Albert FinglVodden Misses Sullen . • .. • • • . , . . 50.001.00 John Mulholland • 1.00 Frank Steep nd I�.C, Chas. Hawke 1.00 Grant Rath ( Harry Steep 1.00 _ Walter isemannk . 1.00 ( John Leiper • • • • • 2.00 1.00 Mrs. Wiseman . Miss E. Stewart 2.00 I Mrs• McKinnon • ... • ....... 5.00 • son .:2.00 Iiarvey Ashton : 1.00 `Frank McEwen 1.00 Theo, Fraemlm Cnnte 3.00 Fred' Leonard1,00 5.00 James Reid 1.00 Wm. Fletcher . .. 1.00 Rev. A. Lane 2.0030.00 Harold Fremlin • 1.00 • Sam Kemp Just Another Man - • • • • 1.00 Mrs. Ida Ghowen . 10.00 ', Miss F Potter , 5.00 Wm. 2.00 T amp 2.00 Mrs. Iddo Crich 2.00 Mrs: R. E Manning .50 Wallis ....:..:.... 26 Mrs, Louis' Freeman 1.00' i Bert McKay ,, 1.00 ' Lorne Murch 2,00 er Wallis , Joseph Wheatley . ' • . Courtice 2:00 ] 1.00 Mrs Addison 1.00 Mrs, Win. Vodden Mrs. H. Fitzsimons .50 Clarke Stanley Draper Mrs. Bert Bayes. 2.00 Mrs. H. McIntyre2.00 Elliott2.00 John Vodclen 10.00 �IlusselT Jervis 2.00 d Mrs. A. Herman 25.00 H. C. Cameron s Doan Aphrew Steepr . 1.00 Fred Porti •5.00 D .0. Cameron 2.00 and Alice Holmes ...... 1.00 1.00 Anonymous1,00 1.00 Frank Fingland Jr. 1.00 1.00 F. Hanley 1.00 Kay 1.00 Mrs. Chant Miss Grace Addison 2.00 1J. H kyle. ua Sherman- 4.00 Wm. Nicicle • 2,00 1J. 3R. Chowan , .... 1.00 and Winters 5.00 Jas. Dale 1.00' gob Draper.20' Leonard Winters 1.00 Mrs. Graham 3.00 F. Cumming 3.00 2.00 Sam McDonald . 5.00 Mrs. Robt. Draper Sr, 1.00 00IF. C Busty . y Garrett . 5.00 M. Grealis .•1.00 ord Epps • .. 5.00 Ed. Hall • 1.00 Mrs. R. Lorre 1.00 John McIntosh .50 ed Lucas 1.00 Dick Parker 1.00 Wilfred Seeley 1.00 2.00 Roy Sperling 2.00 Mrs, F. Livermore 1.00 Mrs. Rev, Andrew Miller 2.00 W. J. Cook2.00 l Ai) Misses Davis and Mrs. A. T. Cooper ..' 10.00 J. Sutter 10.00 Mrs. W. J. Cook 1.00 (continued on page 6) Clara Itulnball .. , .. ..: 2.00 El oBCombe . 2.009• Sterling • , E. Spooner 2.00 Elwood Epps 2.00 _- es Lovett 1.00 ---- ----- Quebec Calls Wartime Vacationist and Williams .00 �'' 2 Chas, Lovett ;,:s<.: : •.:: , :s.. 2 A0 :; F� a Lien • •u•:g. , Armstrong :'^�.: ,. ` "`.+';. <..{.'�:, '•Z'',, .,¢ krti$, . 3•.• Edgar n • , ,+.:� ,,µ5, v,uS�:..v • •sm�..:>•.•t•�3•� \LX• a.��:. 5:.'�'.\"N..t:v>''�,�'�.:�^.;�,:Til.i. '�•ij�� .K(:.y.:.tef,:»{tt�'�`.tid•'"',' L. Kennedy 1.00 .��`�x ��:�s>e�'-0t' n Ross • 2,00 1.00 1 Miller 1.00 'Geo. Taylor . •••••2.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 s . 1.00 �' as. Ferguson J 1.00 ick bald S n W n so R Th 2.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 Mr. William Holland of Vancouver, B.C., spent a few days of the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Jeptha Holland and other members of the family in Goderich township]. Mr. Hiram Hill, has his staff of masons busy.: erecting the foundation of the barn which Mr, John Smith of the 16th concession •of Goderich Township is having built. Mr. R. J. MacDonald returned on Monday from a trip to the. Pacific Coast after an absence of about six week5'with a fat bunch of orders for the Jackson Manufacturing Company, The invitations are out for the wed- ding of Miss Lily Thrower of Toronto to a Mr.Mitchell, a member of the - poiice force of. that city. The bride- to-be " to -be is a native of Clinton and, her old friends will unite in extending good wishes. The event will take place next Wednesday. Mr. Lou Thrower of town will be present at his sister's marriage. Rev. G. G. Burton. , 4I.A., D. B 10 a.n. Sunday School. 11 a.m.-Divine Worship 2.00 p.m.Turner's Church Ser- vice vice and Sunday School 7 p.m. Evening Worship WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED Rev. An drow Lane, n e B A.'SD. 11 a.m Divine Worship 7 pan„ -Peening Worship. Sunday C.ehooi at conclusion et morning service.. pRESBYTE'RIAN CHURCH Mrs, Wm. Mair Mi Mr 1.00 Mr. McGee, teacher • • . •. V. Falconer • - Frank Gibbs • Mrs. Dorothy E. Miller R, -Simpson Co. ss Agnes' Cochrane Mrs Mary E. Ball • t of Western Un- iversity Prof. Braithwa of London, was a visitor in town last Thursday and spent a few hours with', Mr •II B. Chant. They were former boys together in Union- ville. Prof. 'Braithwaite addressed the pupils) of the C.C.I. on higher educe - Canada Packers Ltd. John, Zapfe . M. Aiken . Rev. Mr. Burton; John Sheppard Robert Trick Basil Thrower Mrs. Farnham H.. T. Rance.. 2.00 Rev. G. W. Moore ........... H. Charlesworth . 4.00 Geo. Beattie . 5.00 Dr. J. W. Shaw 20.00 H .Brundson' : 2.00 Wm. Carroll Y.M.C.A. 31 Radio 51.00 K. W. Colquhoun 5.00 Mi. Fred Watt ' 5.00. Mr. R. Tapp .00 Mr. M. Draper 1 2 Bruce Holland . 1.001.00 0 Mrs. M. C. Dale Y 1.10 Mrs. Chris Veinier 1.10 Mrs. Wm. Ross 1.00 ad. Wr D. Fair -In Clinton on June 3rd, ; to Mr. and Mis. Norman Fair, a son. Carrick -In Clinton on May 29th, to the wife of Mr. Robert Carrick of a daughter. McMillan -In Tuckersmith on May 28th, to the wife -of Mr. Daniel Mc- Millian of a daugther. Mr. R. J. Bell came home. from To - route on Wednesday last to exercise his franchise, but ,has since returned to the city. He has completed .his for al ew'tin g and whir uric Varsity Y co his parchment hart signed articles with a legal Erni inthe city and has com- menced the study ef law. Miss Tena Cooper and'neice, little Miss Phy'liss. Cooper, spent a couple of days this week ek in Kincardine. i ne. Mr, Kenneth Chown has gone to Wingham where he has taken a situ- ation in the furniture store of his un- cle Mr. Bell. Misses Besise and Nora' Kennedy of Goderich are : visiting their aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Blacken. Misses •Clara Sharman and Nellie The 'sacrament . of''. Coneirmati'on was administered, at St. Joseph's' church last Thursday afternoon: by Rt. Rev. M. F. Talton, .0.11. • Bishop of London, to twenty-two candidates. Benediction of ,the Blessed Sacrament was' •sung by ::'Rev. Fr. Corcoran 11Seaforth at the conclusion of;the 10.00 2.00 1;00 15.00 150.00. 16.00 3.00 .. 10..001 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 25.00 Sander School 10 a.m. WoxService 11 ami service. Also assisting were Rev. Fr, 3 p.n3 WOI 51OP Service, at Bayfie1 McRae of -Goderieh and Rev. Fr. Fal - 2 p.m: -Sunday School. Bayfield. lon of Winghem. Mr. and Mrs. Le • Harris of Goderich are guests ef Miss Holmes this week. of Ede H Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Andrews re- turned Monday after ,spending . a couple of days with Ailsa Craig. n Erieds. Mrs. John Pimping and Miss Maude visited • Goderich friends the latter Fart of the week, Master Gordon King, left on Thurs- day last to visit friends, in Melitta, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason were in Blyth on Monday. ' yY ' TH E perennial ia l ap peal of old Quebec City, picturesque ue countryside, and northern lakes and woodlands, is receiving add- ed impetus in the face of war- time conditions. With physical fitness a requisite for all forms doubly war enterprise, it is do b Y necessary that this year's tourist make the most of his leisure hours -a demand' that Quebec is admirably suited to satisfy. At least three important fac- tors are swinging the wartime tourist index in favor. of Quebec. First, its proximity to large cen- tres of population, many being just an overnight journelines; by Canadian Pacific Railway secondly, its wide variety of tour- ist attractions; and thirdly, ,the splendid accommodation provided by the., Chateau Frontenac, Que- bec's world -famed hostelry. eVeie In the city itself, the visitor can alternate his rambles through the • Town, Lower ' circ Lo the lust Plains of Abraham or Dufferin Terrace, with the present day diversions of golf, tennis, bowl- xng, other dancing, and ng, g " riding, ' activ- ities. sporting popular op g and social For. Quebec's uptown sec- tion is as .modern' and lively as its Lower Town is ancient and tranquil. The 300 -year-old city offers sight-seeing opportunities second to none on the North American Continen Century -old cathedrals, monuments, convents, shrines, ramparts, and huddled, rows ,of quaint dorrnered dwellings unfold in colorful array as the tourist, seated atop a Horse-drawn cale- che, rides through the narrow, winding streets of Lower Town. It is north of the old walled city, holiever, where sportsmen and nature lovers find a real xentr des paradise. Lovely Lau Park, 4,000 acres of mountain- ous woodlands,' lakes, rivers and streams provide new thrills in in wimm g, s canoeing, • t Errs ou g, trout hiking, and other joys of camp life. Attractive log . cabins, fully equipped, are available for visit- ing tourists. Other nearby points of interest e e rs slid th " for Quebec visitors inc Shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupxe , Montmorency Falls, Loretto In- .dian;Reservation, Quebec Bridge, the town of Levis; and the pic- turesque Isle of Orleans, where spinning wayeele' of sti]l hum -and life follows the "habitant" , the footsteps of his fr)thers.