HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-06-04, Page 8PAGE 8 1 Vella NOTICE We the undersigned Meat Merchants of the Town of Clinton have jointly agreed: That Owing to the one Delivery clause of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board;, That in order to get our deliveries made in reasonable time for the customer, We must have All De. livery Orders in the Day before. So commencing June 15th, this plan will go into effect, except Monday s and Day's after Holid'a ys, when we will take ordeal up to 9 o'clock in the morning. We wish to thank the customer's who will co-operate. Signed, - R,O;SS FITZSIMONS. CONNELL & TYNDALL. S. G. CASTLE. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF , C 1 L Paints Enamels Varnishes, and Waxes CAR POLISH, AND CEDAR OIL, LEMON OIL, MOPS, DRY AND TREATED. 1 USED ICE BOX AS GOOD AS NEW 1 USED HEAVY DUTY 4 BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE, WITH OVEN -CALL AND SEE IT SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING It ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147n. CLINTON, ONT. Better Specially Don't Worsted both Double quality low. Summer BROKEN WOMEN'S CHILDREN'S Grade Suits Priced For June miss this chance to get one of these fine pure wool English Suits. They come in all the latest shades and are made in Breasted and the new Single Breasted Models, The is Right. The styles are Right and the price is exceptionally PRICED AT $22.95 $2.4.95 and $25.95 Extra pants to, match some suits -$4.95 and 5.95. Shoes priced to Clear LINES AND SIZES AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES j SHOES $1.00, $1.50 and $1.05 SHOES ' $1,00 pair up ODD LINES AS LOW AS 59c PAIR Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts - Adam Hats - Scott & McHale Shoes for Mea Airents Tip Top Tailors, 'WHY NOT HAVE YOUR Plumbing or Furnace Overhauled DURING THE SUMMER Help will be scarce so get your order in and be ready for the cold weather, PRICES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON PLUMBING AND HEATING Ts • HARDWARE and acid. y . Phone 244 G Women's Institute The Women's Institute met Thurs- stages to final university graduation. Convenors Appointed Convenors ', were appointed for uay afternoon in the council room of the town hall, with Mrs. E. Adams presiding. As a war -time economy it was decided that, for the duration, lunch will be limited to sandwiches and one cup; of tea. It was also de- cided that for the summer months meetings will open at 3 .pan. instead of 2.30. Miss C, Harrison and Mrs. M. Crich were appointed to arrange a program for the June, meeting. The secretary, Mrs. M. Batkin, gave a report of the meeting of the district executive held at Wingliam. Reports were presented by all the de- partment conveners. The treasurer, Mrs. I, M. Nay, reported $169.98 re- ceipts for the past year and of this amount donations }'rad been made, to the following organizations! Red Gross Society, $10 local Red Shield Auxiliary, $10; Orphanage fund, $10; Women's Institute Central fund for seeds foo Britain, $10; Navy League ,or maple sugar for Navy tient $5: M]i 'Dumnin of Vie local Oollegiate taff gave a talk- on education, hewing the progress of a pupil from inde2garten ,thorough the .succeeding j;tanding committee as follows: agri- cultural, Mrs. I. M. Nay; home eco- nomics Mrs. F1 ,H, Epps; historical re- n search and current events, Mrs, Lydia McKinley; citizenship, Mrs. Charles E. Elliott; social Welfare, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha; publicity, Miss 0. Harris- on; war work, Mrs. Hayden, Mrs. G. iW.. Cuninghame, repre- senting the Focal Red Cross, Society, asked the 'In'stitute to undertake the making of some of the many gar- ments required in Red Oros& war. ser- vice. Mas. Cuninghasne received a sympathetic hearing and the matter will be up for consideration at the net meeting. Mrs. M. Batkin gave a report of the wan work done duaing the, past year in cooperation with; the Red Oross rand' Red Shield: Auxiliary. Mrs. N.. W. Trewarbhe, Huron 'e runty representative cooperating with the Wartime Prices and Trades Board, explained the work ofthe, board and asked that a representative be ap- pointed by titer hstitute td iverlc with her. Decisions on this request 'Was also left for the June meeting. Mrs, W. R. Lobb for 13 years 'en - THE :CLNTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., JUNE 40 1942: Ii Maik your friends Birthdaywith an appropriate card. It will give you both pleasure altogether out of pro- portion to the little time and expense involved in seleerting• and mailing the cards. Our stock has the cards abounding in novelty and value, Although you have put away child- ish things now, remember that when you were a child you thought as a child and understood, were amused and entertained as one. Our out -out painting, picture and story books will gladden the hearts of the little folk and keep • them busy, There have been a few times when an antidote to worry and concern has been so much needed as the present war years are hard years - worried years - as a blitzkreig against worry healthful recreation perhaps is most effective. The afore written suggests games, spprting goods ete Our Stock is not the largest but shows the balanced, proportion of es sentials in general use, When you are preparing the nex parcel for overseas, here are a few things we have found that meet with approval. Stationery, either stand and _weight or. light weight for ail mail" nee, Readers Digest, Razoi Blades' Pocket Books, Pocket Novel's Life Magazine, Fountain Pens, Mech anicai Pencils, Flashlights, Flashlight Lamps and Batteries, and Playing Cards. We might "also suggest our new pocket size leather photo holder. Room for two snaps or photos both pro tected by celluloid in a handy size folder at popular prices. "KEEP 'EM SMILING" Send Greeting Cards To Men In Service. Trio W. D. Fair Co Often the Gheapeat-Alwsyi the 13M1 Miss A. J. Pickett of Detroit, is the guest of Miss Rena Pickett of town. Mrs. W. J. Shobbrook was ni Toronto this week attending the funeral of her cousin, the Iate Mr. Webster of Weston. Professor Harry Shaw of Dartmoutl College, New Hampshire, is visi ting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. ,T W. Shaw. Mrs. E. Pickett and daughter Jean and Mr. Allen Farnham of De- troit, visited friends here over the weekend. Miss Evelyn McCartney of Detroit Mich„ spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. Harvey McCartney of Goderich township. Mac. W. K. Rorke and son Peter of Cobalt and Miss Florence Rorke of Toronto were with Mr. and Mrs. II E, Rorke over the weekend, Mrs.. Arthur Spindler and daughter, Florence of London spent a few days last week with her mother Mrs. Wesley Hunking of town. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harness' and Miss Barbara and Mr. Andrews, al of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cree. Mrs. Chas. Howson and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Phillips of Auburn, and Mr. and Mrs. B, Anderson of Walton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams on Sunday. Mrs, C. V. Cooke and Miss Clara Har- rison spent Sunday in London and attended the Ordination Service at St. Paul's Cathedral where Rev. A. H. O'Neil had charge. Mr. and Ma's. J. D. Leslie of Oakland', California ,have arrived to 'spend the summer in Clinton and Hay- field. Mrs. Leslie is visiting this week at the home • of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton, Goderich township. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon C'uninghame are in Toronto this week attending the graduation exercises at Convoca- tion Hall, when their daughter Miss Cathleen will receive her degree of Bachelor of Arts from Toronto University. While in the city they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. East. v TUCKERSMITB The Ladies Club will hold its- meet- ing on Friday afternoon, in the church. The meeting was postpon- ed from Wednesday. Mr. Fletcher Whitmore was a visi- tor at the parental home over, . the weekend, prior to leaving for Winni- peg with his air squadron. • Wedding Bells are ringing in the neighbourhood, this week. Mr. Flewett is repairing the Broadfoot home this week. gaged in deaconess work in the Canadian West, gave an interesting talk on the nature of the work and her personal experiences. Mrs, Nay told about the display of Red Cross garments loaned by the Clinton branch for the Kingsbridge meeting held on^May 27th, also of a mart loanted'by Mrs. R .B. Carter. A full reporthf that meeting was held over for the''June meeting. The roll -call response was made by payment of fees, 'Thirty-six`tnem- bers responded, ,spid by the secretary' to be the laagesb. ;nu ober on record at -any call for fees. Mrs' W., S. 1Z. Holmes and her committee served afternoon tea; and lunch. 1 ROSE BUSHES We were fortunate in securing a shipment ofchoice, rose bushes. They should bloom in about 6 weeks from trine of Planting'. KILLARNEY -White. BRIARCLIFF-Pink JOANNA H'I'LL -Yellow, HOLLYWOOD -Deep rose. TALISMAN -Gold and Crimson. They Are Good Value at 50c EACH The supply s limited, if inter- ested, secure yours soon. Plant a Victory Garden with Cuninghame Greenhouse Plants-, F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del Aa Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 WEEKEND SPECIALS 25 qt. bag PUFFED 'WHEAT or FLUFFS for 39e 1 Family size pail PEANUT BUTTER about 3%y lbs. 69c 5 cakes W,ONDERFULL SOAP 19c 1 lb. REX BULK COCOA 19c 1 pkg. SUPER SUDS and dish 28c 2 pkgs. MUFFETS 22c 1, 5 STRING BROOM with order 24c 3 cakes RICHARDS CARBOLIC SOAP , 15c 5 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES 25c 4 Ms. NEW CARROTS (topless) 25c NEW VAL. ORANGES At 24c, 33c 39c doz 6 GRAPEFRUIT 29c W. L. JOHNSON GROCER Delivery Hours 4 to 6 p.m. , . . PHONE 286 Superior Stores PRONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR June, 4, 5, 6th VAN CAMPS 'TOMATOES , large 28 oz. tin 11c PALMOLIVE SOAP 2 baro , .. 11 ST WILLIAM'S STRAWBERRY JAM 2 Ib. jar 29c HILLCREST SHORTENING lb18c AYLMER CATSUP 12 oz. btl. 13c AYLMER PEACHES 15 oz. 2 tins 27c AYLMER IRISH STEW 15 oz tin . 14e VAN CAMP'S TOMATO JUICE ' 48 oz. tin 23c JAVEX bottle 15c CHIPSO large pkg. 25c P. & G. SOAP 3 bars 15c KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN Ige.. , . pkg 23c ORANGES, for juice 2 doz.. , . , 43c LEMONS large size 4 for 10c GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c NEW POTATOES, 5 lbs. 25c TOMATOES lb. 19c i. 11..TitiiiillIPSON VARNA Mr. Bill Austin and little daughter, Marlene ,of S'eaforth and Mr. and Mas. Albert Seeley and, grandsons of Clinton visited at the home of Mrs. A. Austin on Sunday last. Mr. and Marc.'Ballentyne and two daughters ' in company with Mas. Blair and daughter of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Anderson and family over the weekend. The ladies Were nieces of Mrs. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wiley of De- troit spent the holiday and weeleend With Mas, W, Reid and daughter Jean. Mrs, Harold Elliott of. Detroit is holidaying at the home of her mother Mrs. J. Mossop, The W.A. of St, John's Anglican church met at 'the home of Mrs, H, Diehl on 'Thursday afternoon last, with an attendance of eight members and five 'visitors. A vett social afternoon was spent. After several business matters were discussed the meeting Was brought to a close, in the usual way. Scripture reading by the president Mfrs. Reid; Litany by Mas. Graham and members prayer in un- Mon nicon after' which all sat down to a very wholesome meal provided by the hostess. Special eaker at S.A'. Barracks The local Corps of -the Salvation Army are privileged in having this Sunday, Sergeant Major Clapp of Stratford an their guest speaker. Sgt. Major Clapp is in charge of the Red Shield Canteen Service at the Netherlands Barracks in Stratford. His work among: the soldiers was giv- en special mention by Princess Jul - lane, upon Visiting the camp some• time ago. Y Clinton Lady's 'Parents Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary ° Mr, ,and Mrs. Patrick Lynett of Glenannan celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last Saturdays at O' Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, when a_high mass+ was stung by Fath- er Paquette ,the pariah priest. The six daughters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fitzpatrick of Clin- ton, Mr. and Marc. Floyd Pardc. of De- troit, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Miller of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Al, Milne of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Forwell of St. Clements, Mr. and Mrs. John Hallahan of St. Augustine and one son, Bill,, at home, and twenty-seven grandchildren and two great grand- children assembled to congratulate Van, parents on this happy occasion, their fiftieth wedding anniversary. A delicious dinner was served at the home, and the table was decorated with gold streamers and centred by the wedding cake, decorated with: gold. The other guests: present in- cluded Father Paquette and close re- latives. An address of congratulation was read and a presentation of a gold crucifix and a purse was made, to the excited and bashful bride and groom by the children and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Lynett have resided on the farm, concession 2, in Turn,- berry, uresberry, for their entire married Iife. They had a family of eight, seven daughters and one son. The only sad part of the occasion was the memory of their daughter, Delta, Mrs. Will- iam Fitzpatrick, who passed away five years ago. The family and friends hope to celebrate many more anniversaries with Mr. and Mrs. Lynett, PATRIOTIC CONCERT by the Recl Shield Women's Auxiliary JUNE 12th ADMISSION: 25c Further particulars next week SPECIAL VALUES JUNE 4, 5, 6TH KELLOGG'S CORN AYLMER CHOICE FLAKES 2 pkgs. 15c PEACHES 2 tins 25c STEWART'S STRAWBERRY VAN CAMPS CHOICE JAM 32 oz. jar ,,,,,,,. 29'c TOMATOES 3 tins 25e MACARONI Ready Cut lb.. AltiNE Aylmer Diced Beets 2 tins 19c Crown Corn ~_ Syrup 5'lb tin 57c CANADA'S FINd6T ' 5 Red' & White Tomato A roan umyo-KoraoMaur Juice 2 tins' 19C t� e Nom 3 cakes 15c Snow Flake Large Package Lg. pkg. 2th (Ammonia pkg. 5c;Oxydol .,,. „ 25C. GARDEN FRESH FRUITS ANDD VEGETABLE Sunkist Juicy Oranges doz. 21c New Carrots 2 for 19e California, 6 for Lemons 19e New Potatoes 5 lb. 25e Choice Leaf LETTUCE 2 for 15d Choice RADISHES 2 for 9e Choice Local SPINACH Seedless 5 for. Grapefruit ... 25c Choice Firm Tomatoes lb. 21e Choice .Green Beans lb. 17c Ne 2 lbs, 2 lbs. 19c Cabbage 13e C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO GET A Chesterfield Suite, Studio Couch or Occasional Chairs We have a new stock of Baby Carriages and Cribs and many other useful lines of furniture which may be harder to get later on. IN THE HARWARE DEPT. PT. We are showing a fine new stock of Pyrex -ware- Granite -ware, and Preserving Ket- tles, also the Colpack canners in 7 and 8 quart sizes, Sprinkling cans and sprayers. We have a few Gasoline Stoves left, also a few second hand Gas Stoves. "The Store With The Stock" BALL ZA PFE Hardware -- Furniture -- Funeral Directors •- Ambulance Service. W. Ball, Phone 361. PHONE 195 J..1. Zapfe, Phone 103. NEW F OTWEA Women's Osteo-Pedic Health Shoe white or black per pair $4.49 Women's White Dress Shoes cuban heels, width E and EEE price $3.00 Women's Summer Sport Shoes with cuban or wedge heels, col- ors, blue, sand trimmed with brown, and blue trimmed white ,,. $1.75 and $1.89 Nurses White Oxford width EE, arch corrective per pair ,., ,,, $2.89 Girls White Pomps sizes 4 to 8 prices.., $2.65 and $2.75 Girls White Oxfords sizes 4 to 8, prices ,,, $2:25 and $2.75 Girls White and Tan Sport Oxfords also tan trimmed brown per pair $2.35 Girls Black .or, Brown Leather Oxfords For School or work per pair $$2.25 Childrens and Misses Canvas Ox- fords and Slippers colors brown and blue, sizes to 3, prices 59c, 65c, 75c Childrens White Leather Oxfords and Straps per pair 98c to $1.98 Misses Sport Oxfords colors all white, tan and white, or all tan, sizes 11 to 3 price per pair $1,98 ;Boys Sport Oxfords sizes 1 to 5 price $1.95 Boys White Dress Oxfords per pair $2.49 Mens White and Tan Dress Oxfords ,,, $3.50 'Mens All White Dress Oxfords from $3.1.5 to $3.95 Mens Light Colored Tan Dress. Oxfords $3.98 and $4.75. Mens Dark Colored Tan 4ort Oxfords prices $2.25, $2.98 and $3,35 Mens Military Oxfords colors black and tan, styles, tie or with buckle, prices $4.25 & $4.50 Mens Summer Work Boots light and comfortable per . • pair .., $3.25 We stock a good grade of. Men's and Boy's Work Boots. & D'ress' Oxfords. Our prices are reasonable, buy with confidence as we adjust any legiti- mate complaint. PHONE 40. THE STORE '.►,`.FIAT SAVES YOU MONE