HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-05-28, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 iinton News-Recor With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era. NO. 6094 -63rd YEAR The New Era Est. 186T CLINTON ONTARIO. THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1942 For a Graduation Present GIVE A WATCH. We have a good stock of watches. New Styles, movements are from the factories of Reliable Watch Manufacturers, SEE OUR DISPLAY. W. H. HELLYAR Jeweler and. Optometrist Residence Phone 174j WE PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD N ITS TIME TQ BUY WHITE SLIPS In Satin or Crepe, Straight or Bias Cut, Tailored or Trimmed daintily with Lace or Net. Priced From 99c to $1.95. PANTIES A great Variety of Materials and Stylesfrom which to Choose, Celasuede, Crepe and Satin, Tailored and Trimmed with Embroidery or Lace. All Sizes including . Extra Large WHITE Accessories Gloves, Snoods, Purses Blouses and Dresses R... �%-IRWiN FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE Coen Fiowor Crystal We are pleased to let you know we have just; received another shipment of sparkling CORN FLOWER CRYSTAL You will want to see the many pieces, many of ;which are priced at 75 cents and $1.00 each. Other larger pieces priced proportionately from $1.25 to: $6.50. Crystal makes an ideal Wedding Gift that is both useful and beautiful and much appreciated by. everyone. Many pieces are suitable for charming Birthday Gifts and to add to your own collection. Goblets, Sherbets, Plates and Fruit glasses are also available. (SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY -- WE INVITE YOU TO SEE OUR ENTIRE STOCK Buy War. Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly. Remember Watch. Repair is a Job for Experts. Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction. W. N.COUNTE Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County, • RED CROSS NOTES The Red Cross Society will meet on Monday, June let at three'clock in Ontario Street church hall. Tea will be served at the conclusion of the business meeting, by the ladies of the church. The Olinton Branch of the Red (arose wishes to express its sincere gratitude to all who in any way, con- tributed to the .success of its cern- paign. The thanks of the Branch go out to all contributors; to the war Service Association and canvassers; to the Roxy Theatre; to the News - Record for valuable space; and to all merchants who helped so splendidly with the necessary publicity, Old cotton sheets are found useful at the Clinton Radio School Hospital. Anyone having sante kindly bring to our meeting on Monday or leave them at the Red Gross rooms. V SALVAGECOLLECTION on Saturday The Salvage Committee of the Clin- ton War Services Association will gather salvage Saturday, May 30th. Due to inclement' weather last Satur- day the salvage was unable to be gathered, hut will be gathered this Saturday. As usual your are asked to co-operate by having it out and secur- ely tied and wrapped. Boy Injured When Struck By Car Weekend motor accidents in this locality resulted in proptirty 'dam- age in one case and in another person- al injury to Kenneth Taylor, six-year old son. of Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Tay- lor of town. The ]atter accident occurred, on No. 8 highway) just east •of the main junction on No. 4, Clinton.. The young lad, when running across On- tario street apparently ran into a car driven -by Flt. -Lt. C. D. Richardson of Clinton, The boy was struck by the front fender and knocked down. Some front teeth were knocked out and' his face Mat. Provincial Officer Frank Taylor was called to, investigate laird Dr. Oakes attended the injured lad at the hospital. No charge was laid against the driver of the car. The accident involving ear damage h Shipley occurred at the S p Y street inter- section with No. 8 highway. Ai car driven by Mervyn Hanley going south on Shipley, observed the stop sign at the highway intersection, and allowed the westbound traffic to pass. Its then turned left into the highway. •A car proceeding east on No. 8 highway and driven by Mrs. W. Rozell, was about to make a left turn on to Shipley street. The result was a side swipe •of the two cars, both of which received extensive damage. e. The occupants of the cars were shak- en up but otherwise uninjured. Pro- vincial Officer Taylor investigated. v Public pchool Inspector. Going to Stratford The Department •of Education has notified E. C. Beacom, Inspector of Public Schools for South Huron of his transfer to Stratford where he will be on the staff of the Normal School in charge of the department of science and agriculture. The trans- fer will not take effect until next September, and it is understood it is for one yeas only, after which Mr. Beacom will return to his duties in this inspectorate. E. H. McKone of the London Nor- mal School staff will be in charge of the South Huron inspectorate in Mr. Beacom's absence. Lamont—McKellar Reunion Over fifty members of the Lamont McI{.ellar clan were present at their annual reunion, held this year at the home of Mr and Mrs, E. W. Colqu-. houn of Clinton. This special -holiday gathering was started many years agoas a birthday party for Mrs. Donald McKellar (the former Jane Lamont). whose birthday fell on May 24th, and since her death ten years ago 'reunionshave been held. Games and sports; were the chief amusement, after which a delic- ious supper was served. Little Jean McKellar of Staffa, dressed in kilts, gave several Scottish dances and old- er members of the clan sang. Guests were present from St. Pauls, MitchelI, Broadhagen, Seaforth, Hen- n sail, Cromarty and Staffa.,: THE HOME PAPER: Engagement Announced Mr. end Mrs. F. Smigley, Wharn- cliffe Road, north, London, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Macy Ellen to Leading Aircraftsman Thomas Henry Banks, of the Royal Air Force, at 31 Radio School, Clinton, Ontario, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banks, Cambridge street, London. The marriage will take place at St. Peter's Cathedral, London, en June 6. V Wesley -Willis Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of the W.M. S. of Wesley -Willis church met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Beattie on May 21 with an attendance of 21. Mrs. Beattie, the president, conduc- ted the business meeting. Miss Fer- rol Higgins, first vice-president, took charge of the study period and was assisted by Miss Gladys. Addison, Mrs. Britton, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs, Ship- ley and. Miss Dorothy Mitch who gave the ,chapter from the book "Life An a ge •r n en Has No Ceiling." m is were made at this meeting for the bale • to be packed. V Board of Education A special meeting of the Board, of Education was held .on May 21st last. Over a dozen applications for a posi- tion'•on the Collegiate Staff were con- sidered, but final decision was post- poned. The teachers on. the Public School staff were voted an increase of $50 each and five of the teachers on the Collegiate Institute staff were voted an increase of $100 each, A special meeting of the Board of Education was held on May 25th last at which Mr. W. Brock Olde of Both- well was engaged as a member of the C,C.I. staff. —V— AMONG THE CHURCHES St. Paul's Church Trinity Sunday, May 31st, 1942 10.30 a.m. Sunday School; .11 a.m. Morning Prayer; 7 p.m. Evening Prayer. Monday 8 ip.nt. A.Y.P.A., Roy Churchill convenor. Thursday: 7,30 pan., Prayer Ser- vice. Tuesday, 10,80 a.m„ Broadcast over Wingham "Church of the Air." Friday, Spring Deanery at Brussels beginning at 10 a.m. Tuesday, 3 p.m. Ladies Guild. Clinton Mission. a .m,;, Services: Sunday School oo 2 p preaching: 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.. Cot- tage Prayer at Mr. Joe Wheatley's home Friday, 8.30 p.m. Lorne Sparks of Arbery Seminary, Kentucky will speak at both services. All are welcome. Jesus said:— Therefore be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matt. 24.44. -Willis Church hurch The minister's sermon subjects for Sunday, May 31st, will be, in the morning, "A Great Deliverance" and in. the evening, "The Test of Deeds," Anniversary services Sunday, June 7th, Rev. Win. Fingland of Niagara Falls will be the guest speaker, The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Association will be held at Mrs, Gree Cook's cottage in Bayfield on Wednesday, June 3rd. All those wishing transportation please be at the church at 2,80 p.m. Picnic lunch will be served. , , Presbyterian Church The Women•'s Association will meet at the home of Mrs. M. D. McTaggart on Wednesday afternoon, June 3rd, at 2.30 o'clock. A picnic tea will be ser- ved; Ontario Street Church Social Service Sunday: 10 am. Sun- day School; 11 a.m. Rev. J. E. J. Millyarcll B.A., of London, guest speaker. 2 p.m. Turners church: Rev. J. E. J. Millyard will speak. 7 p.m. A. Service of Song (Triumphant Service 'Song Book);, Ministeit's dis- course: "The Christian Soldier's Daily Dozen," "All Soldiers, ' Friends and Strangers invited;. Wednesday 8 p.n.: Midweek tervice of Prayer, Instr.;uction and fellowship, (Mr. Chas. Hawke will conduct this service June 3rd.) Baptist Church "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord." "Forsake not the assembling of yourself together as the manner of some is." The Sunday School meets at 11 o'clock in the moaning. , The worship service begins• promptly at seven :p.m.: Hear the Gospel in both song, and sermon. The rninieter's'sermon sub- ject will be: "Meet's Interview With Nicodenius." LITTLE LOCALS Airmen Assist at The Sea Club will hold a tea at the Anniversary !Services home of Mrs. H. M. Monteith on Sat- urday, May 301h, from 4 to 6 pan.. Miss Fay Snyder of the School of Commerce, Clinton has accepted a position with the London Concrete Company, Rev. G. W. Moore of St. Paul's Church of England, Clinton, will broadcast over OKNX. Wingham next Tuesday morning at 10.30 o'clock on the "Church of the Air" program. Special Constable Frank Haines, Great War Veteran, is supplying for Day Constable David Elliott for a short period, while Constable Elliott is doing repair work on sidewalks and street surfacing. Misses Maxine Milder and Florence Aiken, students of the School of Com- merce, have accepted positions with the Waterloo Mutual Insurance Company at Kitchener. Miss Miller coenmen'eed her work last Tuesday and Miss Aiken leaves next Monday. Mr. James Vincent received word. last week front his home in Norwich, Ehgland, that his father, sister and two brothers had each lost their homes in a blitz that scarcely left a building in that city standing. The fire alarm caused a mild sensa- tion about 1.30 Sunday afternoon last. The fire was at the residence of J. H. Brunsdon, PrinOess street, and origin- ated in a defective chimney. The damage by smoke was estimated at about Fifty Dollars. At a recent Music Festival held in Goderich, Don Miller ,son of Mr and Mrs. Gordon Miller of town, was :suc- cessful in ,eoming second in the class' for pianoforte, obtaining a percentage of 82. This was just two points be- low the Scholarship winner. Don is a pupil of Mr. A. E. Cook of. Blyth. On .Sunday, May 24, the Y.P.U. of Brucefield United eh-ureh held very successful Anniversary services. Rev. G. P. N. Atkinson took the morning service with special music by the Y.P.U., Flt. -Lt. C. C. Mumray and the choir of No. 31 Radia School took charge of the evening service, LAC. Gibson formerly of Winnipeg played the or- gan. A pleasing solo was rendered by Flt. Sgt. Holland. The anthem and a sextet completed the musical numbers. The station adjutant, Fit. -Lt. Eber- ley read the Scripture lesson. An impressive feature of the ser- vice was the unveiling, by Flt -Lt. Murray, of a Rall of Honour, which contains the names of the men of Bruoefield and community who have enlisted in His Majesty's Forces, Mr. Lyle' Hill, president of the Brucefield Patriotic Society read the names thereon. On the honour roll are: James Burdge, Robert Dalrymple, Ross Grainer Abe Zapfe, Wilfred Aiken - head, p > head, Percy Harrison, Richard Me - Cabe, Carlyle Cornish, Melvin Snyder, Donald McDonald, William Burdge, Stewart Horton, Janes'' McCully, Will- iam Caldwell, Robert Aldwinkle and Gordon Pethick. Ms. Murray delivered a forceful ad- dress' and in his closing remarks stated that he believed the final bat- tles of this world conflict will be won in the pews of our Chrstian churches by the prayers' •of Christian people. On the following Monday evening the concert party of the Radio School put on a program in the school hall, which was packed to capacity. Chor- uses, vocal numbers, instrumental music, readings and impersonations' provided an evening of fun for all, Flt. Sgt. Holland announced the var- ious numbers and his ready wit de- lighted the'audience. The finale was a chorus, "Lords of the Air," at which time the Air Force Flag was display- ed. The National Anthem was then sung. The spontaneous applause of the audience was ample proof that the efforts of the "Blue Boys" had been appreciated, War Services Association ! Meets The Clinton War Services Associa- tion met in the council chamber Tues- day evening with four members and twenty two membersof the associa- tion and Red Cross Campaign present, Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The president reported on the near completion of the Red Cross Drive and had.present all re- ceipts for the canvassers in order that same night be delivered the donors, He stated his pleasure and thanks to all canvassers for their effort in gen- eral a job well done, and made refer- ence to the splendid response of the citizens. Receipts to date lack about Thirteen Dollars off meeting the ob- jective of $3,000 with one unit yet to report. Thepeanyx enees incur - matter of e , red in connection with the drive was discussed and it was moved by De. Shaw ,seconded by Mrs. T; .Morgan, that the sum of Fifty Dollars less ex- penses be paid to the Red, Cross from. the funds now on hand in the trews- urery of the War Services Associa- tion. Carried. The chairman of the Salvage com- mittee reported another shipment of about five tons on May 23rd, and a collection to be acct' n made on Saturday, turda Y, May 30. The matter of sports Field Day on July 1st, was discussed ,after pres- entation by Ken. G. Waters who made reference to suggested plans of spec- ial interest to the men of No. 31 Radio School. After considerable 'comment • by members present, it was moved by John Sutter, seconded. by W. L. John- son ohnson that the Recreation. Committee be responsible for plans for a sports program for the afternoon and even- ing :of July 1st. Carried, MILITARY NEWS LA.C. Phillip. Sperling of the R.C.A. F. at St. Thomas spent the weekend in town with his parents', Mr. and Mrs. Ray, Sparling. LAG. Fred Axon, son of Mrs. F. A. Axon of Toronto and formerly of Clinton i$ now stationed at the Clin- ton Radio School. , Captain R. P. Douglas of the Amy Medical Corps at Sussex, N.B., who spent his leave at his home in town, was accompanied back to his station by Mrs. Douglas. Ordinary Seamen Clarence Neilans and Jack Shannahan of H.M.C'.S. Pre- vost, London, spent the weekend at their hones in town. Pilot Officer Harold F. Avery of St. Catherines, reported missing May. 10, 15 /IOW a prisoner of war accor- ding to word received by his father. P.O. Avery is a brother of Mrs. John A, Gibbings of Stratford, Ontario. LAO. Bruce Bartliff of the R.C,A,F. at St, Thomas spent the weekend with his parent, Mr .and Mrs. H. Bartliff. Lieutenant W. K. Rorke, Brampton, was the weekend guest of his parents, Mr. anal Mrs. H. E, Rorke, . Pilot Officer Reg. Cook •of the R,C. A.F. left Wednesday for his posting hi the Maritimes. AC2 Harold McPherson of the R.C. A.F. at Trenton spent the weekend with Mrs. McPherson. v BRL CEFIELD We are sorry to report that Mary McCully s quite ill, we hope she will soon be out again, Mrs. Jas. Harrison and Miss Dora Harrison of Clinton were weekend visitors with Mr .and Mrs, F. T. Burdge, Miss EIlen Scott of London spent heroto the holiday at home here. Miss Margaret Aikenhead of Lon- don spent the weekend with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead. Pte. W. G. Burdge of Camp Borden spent the weekend at his home here. Mrs. E. Munn and Aileen of Hen- sall spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. G. Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowey of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Grainger. Mr. ad M Cn Mrs, C. Halstead and son n of Stratford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, T. Wheeler. v LONDON ROAD The London Road Club held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Cooper on May 21st. The vice-presi- dent in charge, The meeting opened by singing "Flow Gently Sweet A:E- ton," followed by the Creed. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The roll call was answer- ed by each member to bring a grand- mother as' it was to be grandmother's day. There were 16 'members and 5 visitors, and 7 grandenothers out of the 21 present. Print dresses which bad been made by Mrs. Geo. Henderson, Wanetta and Mrs. Jim Nott were brought in It was decided to make ladies.' night gowns out of some of the flannelette which bad been bought. A. special ,program. was put on for the • grandmothers which was conduc- ted by Mrs. Anderson ,head of the social committee.. The program con- sisted of a reading by Mrs. Geo. Fal- coner; a song by all the grand- mother's, "Silver Threads Among the Gold." A duet by Mrs. Honsereon and Wanetta. A. contest put on by Mies Ruth Manning and Mrs. Geo, Falconer was the winner. A reading by Mrs. Manning followed by a song in which all took part, "Long, Long, Ago." The meeting closed by singing "Gad Save the King." A 'dainty lunch was served in pot luck farm. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Fal- coner. 13611 call a good book I :have read, V Ontario Street Church The Women's Aseociaton will hold their meeting on Wednesday, June 3, at 3 p.m, in the school room of the church. BAYF1ELD The W.A. of Trinity church atten- ded the 50th Anniversary of the W.A. of St. John's church, Varna, on. Thursday last. Miss Ruble' Fisher and Miss Bar- bara Pelloek 'of Kitchener were thee guests of Mrs. F. A, Edwards over- the verthe weekend. Mr. Lawrence Fowlie •of Landon: spent the weekend at his home"in the: village. Mise -Mary Jean Moorehouse of London was the guest of her aunt: Mrs. W. Ferguson over the weekend... The regular meeting of Wo-M.S. of Knox Presbyterian church was held- Wed. May 20th. - Mrs. D. J. Lane was. the guest, speaker and gave a most. inspiring address ,with report of the - Provincial Meeting held recently at Orril'lia her theme messaage was' "A. charge to keep I have", her address will long be remembered by all pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. Len Smith and family- of London spent the weekend with' Mrs. Charles Parker, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart of Ham- ilton amilton spent the holiday weekend at their .home in the village. Miss Pauline Maxwell of Kitchener• was the guest of her parents Mr. and. Mas. A. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs; Clayton Guest, Moira:. and Donald, Guest of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Toms. Mr. Charles Parker of Brantford' was the geust •of his parents Mr. and: Mrs. J. Parker, over the weeekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wightman of De- troit arrived last week to spent the summer season at their hone oto Main street, Dr. and Mrs, C. StogdiIl and family,. Mr. 0, Irvine of Toronto and Mrs, W.• Aberhart and family of Mitchell:' spent the weekend in the village. Miss Lorna Westlake of Hespeler- and Mr. Wnt, Westlake of Toronto• were the guests of their parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Westlake over the.. weekend, Mr. and Mrs. G. Knight and family. and Mr. J. Gemeinhardt of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Mary' Gemeinhardt and family. Mr. and' Mrs. Harry* Baker and. fancily ,and Mr. and Mrs. V.. Burt and family of London were guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Baker over the week- end Pte. Grant Turner and Pte. Borden' Clark of Kitchener spent the weekend at their homes here. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Middleton of: Hensail were the guests of Mrs. N. W. Woods over the weekend.. Pte. To Castleand Pte. W m nt.. mond •of Canip Borden spent the. weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hallman and. family of New Dundee were the guests.. of Miss Reid on Sunday. Mrs. 3. W. McLeod and son Dong .. ald returned to their home here on Saturday, having- spent the winter in Port Dover they were accompanied by Mr .and Mrs. Ted Crane and babe of. Detroit. it. o Mi E. A. Featherston of Hamilton- spent the weekend, at his home here.. Mrs. J. Rowatt of London was the guest of her sister Mrs. Wm. Hall. over the holiday weekend. Miss Betty Gairdner of Torontoe spent the weekend with her mother„ Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner. Pte. Lloyd Westlake returned to. Camp Borden on Sunday after having- spent his embarkation leave with his: • parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter West- lake. Mr. and Mrs. Blythe Stevenson and' family of Toronto and Miss Ada Bingley of Detroit spent the weekend. at their home in the village. Miss Elsie Leitch of Hespler wase' the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Leitch over the weekend. -Mos. Helen Cobb, left on Tuesday, for Banff, Alta., were she will joitr' her husband ,Captain Goble, who is. stationed there. The Bed Cross Campaign ended here on Friday last ,with the village and surrounding country going well over it's quota of $500, the collections amounted to $675 05. Added to this is the donation 'of $600 from. I•Iuron County, bringing the grand total toe $1,275 05. The ofifcers wish to. thank_ Rev. John Graham who was Gam-• paign Chairman also the canvassers,.. namely, Mrs. H.. Cobb, Mss. M. Prem-• Tice, Messrs. George Castle, Allred Westlake, Wen. L. Ferguson, A. E. Eawin, Rowy Seotchmer, Wm, Seotch- ' mer, Wm.. Talbot, John Scotchnter`' Jr., Rev. Harold envie. And to all those who contributed to the success. of the campaign. V LONDESBORO ' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rosevear 'of: Mount 'Royal, Quebec, spent a few' days with their uncle and "aunt, Mr.. and Mrs. David: Ewan.