HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-05-07, Page 8PAGE 8 • 1 SMOKED. SIIANKLESS PICNIC IHA'MS..: 29c lb. BREAKFAST BACON in piece FRESH PICNIC HAMS RIB BOILING BEEF BRISKET BOIL �.4 38c lb: 23c ib. 18c1b. 13c lb. BONELESS ROLLED POT ROASTSib 2®c _ . Be patriotic and Support the Red Cross Campaign Beginning May 11. C NX01 LL & 'TYNDA►LL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET Phone 162. Albert Street Call and See Our New Gilson Electric and. GasoIine Washers Electric Stoves, Hot Plates, Irons and Toasters Hand -in-glove with war . Goes suffering and desolation. People are hurt and wounded . . . made suddenly homeless . . . Where can they turn for help? There's been an answer to that question ever since the begin- ning of The Red Cross. Think of it! The Red Cross is always there . always on time . . always on the job! BUTTER 3 PERDUE HARDWARE,' PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON', ANT.. rFScare' Goods FLANNELETTE BLANKETS—Extra large sizes 70" by 90" Specially priced $2.69 pr. ESMOND BLANKETS -Part wool— new pattern in all popular shades, each $2.49 PURE WOOL BLANKETS --Don't Miss this chance to secure a pair of these big warm blankets. They are going to be very scarce and g you like pure wool, buy now. No advance in price $10.95 and $11.95 PRINTS—New goods, new patterns, but the same" old quali- ties, priced from 19c up. BROADCLOTHS—All the Popular shades 21e yard. Shoe Specials Broken lines of womens shoes always on sale PRICED AT $1,49 and $1.95 Also sonic clearing lines in Childrens and Growing Girls shoes at ridiculously low prices. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. SHOP HERE AND SAVE iumsteel ros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & MoHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. Use Martin Senor Paints Fw .. di En mels. CALL AND GET OUR COLOR CARDS When the Iced Cross Canvasser calls HELP ALL YOU CAN Our Boys Overseas Appreciate Your Help. HARDWARE and ° k N4, . PLUMi3ING L. , Phone 244 GrMSEIVRISESSMINGSSGGIVIMIL expeateeee, 1VIitchell; James'MeGillawee, Shakes - Livestock Exhibit Planned pears, An advance in livestock exhibitions Committee chairmen for the show is being arranged to take place at arrangements are: reception, William Exeter on September 17th, one of the W tldie, Stratford; pedigree, Prof. G. Exeter fall fair dates: Four •organ1- E. Day, Guelph; management, Harold rations are jointly contributing to White, Guelph; ring preparation and 'financea special Shorthorn Day show .stabling, R. D. Hunter, Exeter; W to the amount of $450. The organize- Qestreieher; announcer, Ralph White, tions are the Canadian Shorthorn As-, Stratford, sociation, .oronto, end the Exeter Fall I V Fair Board. Entries will be limited to shorthorn breeders .of Perth, Mir- l �TC'IRSiiXZ B on, Brant and Waterloo counties, and The Tuckersmith Ladies Olub will all entries• and entry fees must be hold their May meeting at the home made to the secretary of Exeter of Mrs'. James Cernoehan'on Wednes Agricultural Society not later than day, May 130, Rollcall to he an - September llth. There will be 17 swered.by the, name of your sunshine distinct classes in the prize list and sinter. Group 4 will be in charge, the rules call 'for all entries to be Mother's Sunday will be observed registered in the name of the owner. in Turner's church .on May l0ah. Mrs. In charge of the . movement are Ray bear will have charge of the mother and daughter choir and the William Oestreicher, Crediton presi� Mother's Day program. dent; officers: Arthur Bragg, St.. Marys; Orville. Free, Dungannon; IJ, I Mr. Beacom, I.P.S., Goderieh, was C. Shearer, Clinton; R. E. White, a caller on the ratepayers, in this Stratford. Committees to promote district this week. entries are: Huron South, W. E..Oes-' Trustees of S,S. No. 6 have decided' treir'her, Cliediton; Bert Peck, znrich, to close. their school. next year as the number of pupils attending do . not Huron North, J .L. McEwan, Bluevale; :warrant keeping it open. W. A. Oulbert, 'Dungannon.. .Perth1. Mrs. F II. Whitmore is visiting South, Lincoln White, Arthur Bragg, her daughter; Mrs. G ,Elliott of Wal - SC Marys. Perth North, Ben Thiel; ton this week, THE. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Why help the Red Cross? We do not need its service here in Clinton or Canada, and most fortunate that so it is. If you did require it's help and mercies sure it would, be herr to relieve YOU. It's flag and eon- blern all 'nations revere, it knows no cause except suffering humanity. This horrible world conflict has made Litany unfortunate, dependent people, the product of the same civilization that keeps YOU in comfort and plenty, and surely you will be inter- ested in an endeavour to equalize things a bit — and' enjoy the thrills of doing it, not grudgingly and spar- ingly but generously and thankfully for the opportunity "Give the Red Cross the "tools" to carry on. It's work is indispensable and in this per- iod of more than ordinary distress must be maintained, YOUR donation need not be called charity — It might, if you are of honest opinion be termed insurance, or better still call it an investment, for the release of human suffering and the ministry of, cheer extended to many having the same emotions as YOU but so much less fortunate. For the cause that lacks assistanele 'Gainst the wrongs that need resis- tance. /For the future in. the distance. -and the good that we can do; HELP THE RED CROSS This space is donated by W. D. Fair Co. who hope you will join with them in Red Cross support. Tim . 11 Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Beet 1. rlilillllll L'�mlll llLlui mll"' n In1tl s 19!IIiIIIIIIN IITIII gill HIGlroil= Mr. Frantic Haines is spending a couple of weeks in North Bay. Mr. James Cook returned to his home in town last Saturday after spend- ing the winter in Toronto. Mrs. Thomas Clark and Mrs. Sohier of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook. Mr, G. E .Hall and Miss Evelyn spent the weekend in Cayuga: with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall and fam- ily. . Mrs. W. T. Hawkins and daughter, Mrs, Al. Smith spent the weekend in St. Thomas with Air Woman, Madeline Hawkins. Miss N. Rapson of Toronto is visiting her sister, Miss E. Ranson, Who has returned to town after spending the winter in Toronto. Mt's. C. McKinnon, who spent the winter months in Napanea with her daughter, Mrs. E. Egan, has re- turned to her horn in town. Mrs. Jack Bourne has returned to her home in Goderich after spending a few days in tOW11 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Shobbroolc and little: daughter of Toronto were the guests of Mr. Shoblirook's mother and father over the weekend. Miss Gladys Radford, Reg.N. of the Ghildren's Hospital, London, was the guest of her parents, Mi. and Mrs. J. -C. Radford, over .the week- end. Mrs. Alvin Fletcher returned home Sunday from an 'extended visit with her daughter, and sottrin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Trevena . of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Walker were guests at the home of the latter's sister, -Mrs. E. Watson and Mr. Watson of Hamilton, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cargo of St. Marys, Miss Margaret Colquhoun and Miss Dorothy Selves of Science ' Hill , spent the weeleend with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray. Mrs. J. A. Wedge of Sudbury, Mrs. F. C. Gibson of Paris and Miss Marion Mitchell of Ayr were week- end guests with their sister, Mrs. Andrew Lane and family. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin. Gat and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deer 'of Goderich and Mrs. Alfred. Radford of Londesboro visited on Sunday with the ladies' father, Mr. George Crawford, who is confined to his bol.;. BRLICEFIELD The Governmtent,is asking' for all scrap robber, please bring yours. in to Alex. Paterson's. There . isn't any- body that: hasn't something. Mrs. Ham •of Fergus is visiting, at the home of Mr. Jas. Swan. Mrs. Jamieson ,spent a couple of clays in Goderich. Now that housecleaning is in full swing yon must be gathering up a lot of scrap. Save it ;to Beat Hitler, be sure and tie up, your paper, We will let you know when to bring it in. LAC. Carlyle Cornish of Alymer spent Sunday at his .home here. - v-.. HELP' THI) RED 'CROSS In gratitude that we live in this favored land, let us help generous- ly The Redd Gross in their great work fol• suffering humanity, MOTHER'S DAY May loth Remember Mother with "The Perfect Gift" of Flowers or: her day. We will have a complete stock of plants and cut floweas for Mother's Day; gifts. If you need .to use our Tele- graph Delivery service, a letter will 'carry your order, also your personal greeting, and so we can save you the cost of telegraphing.; We supply Mother's Day Cards and envelopes. • PLEASE ORDER EARLY F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order andspecial attention given to funeral orders. ehones 176 and 81 Quality Meat Market FRESH HOMEMADE SAUSAGES .. , 20e lb. BEEF TONGUES ... , , 18c 1b. FRESH BEEF AND PORK LIVER , 25e lb. RIB BOIL OF BEEF 18c lb. FRESH SIDE PORK 25c lb. SPARE RIBS ........ , . , 20c ib. BEEF, PORK, VEAL AND LAMB FOR WEEKEND. Highest prices paid for hides We have Casings for Sale BOSS FITZSiMONS PHONE 76 410111111111Elt, "1111111112=1 WEEKEND SPECIALS REDEEM YOUR LIFEBUOY SOAP COUPONS AT OUR STORE 1 lb.'MORNING CHEER COFFEE 43c 5 1b. tin .BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP . . .............. . 59e 3 rolls HURON TOILET TISSUE 9c 1 FIVE STRING BROOM ale 1 tin B'AKINc. POWDER and kitchen utensil 25c 4 lb. NEW CARROTS (Topless) 25c 1 lb. PEANUT BUTTER 18c • PINEAPPLE 'WEEK 2 large PINEAPPLES 65c Others at 25c and 29e each SUNKIST 'JUICY ,ORANGES at 24c, 33c, 39e doz. Ny11/ CA1S1$AGL', LIlleTt1C'1: W. L. JOHNSON GROCER Delivery Hours 4 to 6 p.m, PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111--CL1NTON. GIVE TO RELIEVE HUMAN SUP= PEKING. $9,000,000 ,NEEDED NOW CANADIAN RED CROSS SPECIALS FOR May, 7, 8 and 9th CRUNCIIIE SWEET MIXED PICKLES 27 oz. jar ......... 24e KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES pkg. 1.15 AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP bottle 13c LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED BEANS 16 oz. tin 10c VAN CAMP'S TOMATO JUICE 20 oz tin 95 ;GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 oz. tin 27c ROMAN MEAL pkg. .... .. 29c NUGGET SHOE POLISH tin .. 12c RECIIjTT'S BLUE pkg. 7c COWAN'S COCOA. 1 ]b. tin ..', • 25c PINEAPPLES ]ge. size 35c Med size 25c LEMONS Ige. size 4 for . 10c GRAPEFRUIT 5 for .........: 25e THURS., MAY 7; 1942 A. T. COOPER Who -has been in bitsine'ss for 57 years: It is the one business house that has continuously run under the same management during all these years. The old! slogan is still applic- able, "The Oldest But Modern Store," V Confirmation At St. Pauls Rt, Rev. C. A. Seager, the Bishop of Huron, was present last Tuesday evening at St. Paul's church for the Rite of Confirmation. The following were presented by the rector for Con- firmation: LAC: G. H. Atkinson, Leonard Johnson, Fred Kirby, LAG. Alan MaeGiIlivray, 'Murray Roy, LAC. F. S. Shirley, Goldwin Smith, LAC. H. A. Unwin, LAC. M. A. Need- ham, Mrs. Doris Cartwright, Harriet Fremlin, Mrs. Mary J. Taylor, Mrs. Alice Watson, Geraldine White. As the.first named was too ill to attend the Bishop went to the Hospital at the Radio School and confirmed him there. After the Offertory bad been taken up LAC. Chesley Harper sang a solo. Visiting Clergy present were: Rev. E. 0. Gallagher, of Winghain and Rev. J. Gaahant, of Bayfield. LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER FOR HYBRID CORN early and avoid disappointment Hybrid No, 696 Hybrid No. 531 120 day 105 clay Hybrid. No. 606 Hybrid' No. 455 110 day . 100 day R. N. ALEXANDER General Merchant Londesboro Wool We have a licensed wool warehouse and will grade and pay for your wool according to government regulations. Take or ship your wool to us. WOOL WAREHOUSE NO. 8 Alex. M. Stewart SEED GROWER — AILSA CRAIG °et:t es"Asp°,::.' r.:�:T.:; HELP THE CANADIAN RED CROSS GIVE! TO RELIEVE HUMAN SUFFERING SPECIAL VALUES MAY 7, 8, 9TH NO. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER lb. 3'5c RED & Winn TOMATO 'JUICE 2 tins 19c RED & WFIITE RED WING APPLE MATCHES 3 for 25c JUICE' 48 oz. tin 19c CORN SYRUP "Crown" 2's ,, 25c and 5's 7f7 yrl/p Supreme Vegetable lll,4 YI Shortening 2-33c - E. gFEsI ;� Tillson's Quick Oats lg., pkg. 21c Red and White 'Cocoa y2 Ib. 15e A LONG LASTING-EGONOMIGAL CANADA'S FINEST Tiger . • .. TOILET SOAP ,8GONOMY Catsup bottle 10c 5 cakes 25c S M pkg. 5c BISCUITS Plain Social ib. iSc GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Sunkist Juicy Oranges doz. 25c New Texas Cabbage 2 lbs 13c Choice Pineapple . 25c New California Carrots 2 for 17e wooromorrompro ....1011M• ASPARAGUS . Large California TOMATOES RHUBARB CUKES RADISHES BANANAS SPINACH BEETS APPLES Lemons 6 for 17e Choice Hearts. of Celery 2 for 19e Seedless 5 for. Grapefruit ... 25c Choice 'Leaf ONIONS Lettuce 2 for 21c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON /11111 asp Help The Red Cross Clinton's Objective is $3,000 Campaign begins Monday, May 11 Modern warfare, with all its horror and desolation . . . its lengthening queue of orphan children, and tragic widows; its sor- rowing mothers, and its pitiable homeless, has caseated a need for mercy and service unparalleled in all history. This is YOUR chance to save lives. YOUR chance to help suffering humanity and bring comfort and hope to those civilian war sufferers who have already tasted the bitterness of the Blitz. "The Store With The Stock" BALL & ZA FE Hardware -- Furniture -- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Service. W, Ball, Phone 361. PHONE 195 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. hos...,.....,,s.+.....r.....b..e....r.vw........o.n...,...s..,.....s ew........v... .ene.a.:...ra.e May 7th to 9t 19c LB - Special Swans Down Cake Flour only 32c pkg' Good Prunes 2 lbs. 25c & 2 lbs. 29c Pumpkin 28 oz. tins 2 for 23c Look Corned Beef 2 tins 49c Jam apple and strawberry 01' apple and raspberry ....,..., 30c jar Walkers Sbdas 2 lb. for Catelli Noodles 2 pkgs. Spaghetti 2 tins Clark's Vegetable or Tomato .,.Soup -3 tins Irish Stew 2 tins for 25c 19c 19c 25c 27c Giant! size 69c pkg Large size 2Oc pkg. Grapefruit Juice 20 oz. tin 2 for 23c Buy White Swan Toilet Tissue Now on Display in Our Windows BUY YOUR MEAT.AT OUR REFRIGERATOR COUNTER Fresh Weiners 27r lb. Fresh Picnic Hems 21r ib. Fresh Sausages , 25r lb. Pickled Cottage Roll' 33c lb, in piece FRESH VEGETABLES Leaf Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Asparagus and Tomatoes CHOICE FRUITS Oranges, Grapefruit, Bananas, Lemons and Pineapple. 3, for 25c 19c LB. ' cc *� t� F"c a:, .a,� tca'u3 g:§'•, ';,i# �"»�'S � ,".;,r �@�, j' 'fie:^ ' 1 '' PHONE. 40; THE STORE THAT SAVESYOU,11. �. �� Free Delivery MONEY.