HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-04-30, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD; THURS., APRIL 30,1942 HOMEMADE SAUSAGE: SPECIAL SMALL SAUSAGES REGULAR PORK CHOPS SHOULDER ROAST OF PORK HAM ROAST G. LARD 20 lb. pail RIB BOILING BEEF 2'0c ib. 25c 113. 27c 1b. 25c lb. 30c lb. $3.10 18c lb. CONNELLL & TYNDA.LL. CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street "Smart Clothes" Our stock is very complete in this seasons latest styles and fabrics. Many of these lines cannot be replaced. If in need of 'an extra suit, come in and let us shone you these garments. The styles are right and the prices very moderate. Mostly fine English Worsteds. • Some are double Breasted and most lines have •two pairs o£ pants. WORK CLOTHING:— .Boots, Work Shirts, Underwear Soeks, Overalls, Pants, etc., at no advance in price. MEN'S OXFORDS AT A VERY LOW PRICE: -- Smart new shoes — Brack or Tan — and priced to clear at 52.49 :air, GROWING GIRLS' OXFORDS' $1.95, $2.25 and $2.50 TOWELS Another shipment received of our famous Huck Towels. One of the strongest towels on the market. Only a few dozen to seIl. 35e EACH OR 3 FOR $1.00 Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adana Hats —, ¢pttMclifCg Shoes ft! Men 41.4.06ts fii 8B 't'$li8F : 1`UYW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR HOUSE COVERED WITH Insul Brick Siding ALSO HAVE IT INSULATED' WITH Rock Wool with Vapor timer TO KEEP (4tY' Tka.' MOISTURE Prices Cttie@rful y Ei' en — Phone HARDWARE and 'r.iIaukilIs,Phhone 244N. G 1 BAYFIELD Me'. and Mrs. R. T. Orr of Stratford were at their cottage for the week- end, Miss Peggy Orr, nurse -in -train- ing at St.Joseph's Hospital, London, also came up to be with her parents while they were here. Mrs. Hart wick family of London came up on Saturday to open their Other summer visitors were Mr.I cottage for the summer. Vincent Quarry,, Dr. Wm. Tillman and son Mr. Peter, and Ms. and Mrs. Grainger and family, who came to open their cottages for the season. Mrs. 0. W, .Brown of Clinton, Ioway isthe guest of her sister, Mrs. Archi- bald Armstrong, and will open her cottage on the lake shore, shortly. Dr. and Mrs. David Volume, who .spent the winter months in Bayfield have purchased,ehe Ronne of the late, Mrs. John Tough, and are remodeling' 'it for .a permanent home, which means Bayfield has again a resident physi- cian. Mrs, IL Anderson of Brantford ,is the guest this,.w'eek of her daughter Mrs. M. Gellner. The young people .of the United elereh are :patting on a play in the Town Hall, on Friday evening, called "Intra+oducing• Susan." • • Mrs, Wm,. Ferguson has returned, home, after spendtdg lett week in Egmondville, owing to the serious illness of her brother. Mrs. 0. Rhynas who spent the past week in Burlington ,and Toronto re- turned to her home here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Fowlie 45 Lon- don were the guests, of the formers sisters, Misses. E. and F. Fowlie over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs,. Hugh McLaren and daughter Christine of Port Elgin spent the weekend with Misses. M. and J. Stirling. Mr. Roe McKinley of Burlington was the guest of Mrs. 0. Mynas over the weekend. Mrs. John Graham who was attend- ing the Huron Diocesan Women's Auxiliary annual meeting in London last week, also visited] Blenheim be- fore returning home the end, of the week. Another social evening was held in the village town hall last Sattixday, April 26th, for two mare of our brave boys, who have enlisted in the Army, namely Grant Turner and,, Buster Clarke. The gathering ,took the fonen of an informal dance and a• social hour followed, at whichtime apres- entation was. made to the two 'boys from the community ,and an address read by Mrs, Gairdner, president of Who San to help you when you fell. And would some pretty' story tell And kiss the spot to make it well. (Adaptedt), Yes, it was Mother and Sunday, May 10th, is the clay set apart for her. Sons and daughters depart elsewhere but M'oth'ers like tm be as- sured—even if but once a year—that they are not forgotten. A day ded- icated to making Mothers happier will be a day well spent.' It needn't be anything very great, Mother will understand ands be thankful for even a greeting card. Send one, and there will be thrills and, throbs' of joy through the manifests' of devotion tendered by their children. It stands for love recompensed and it can be a sad day, too, to Mothers who remain forgotten. Someone said "Christmas now comes twice a year" Dec. 25th is something that belongs to every- body but Mothers stake first elaim to her day, May 10th. We regard our stock as being very complete, in fa'ett.we offer a large as- sortment from 5c to 25o each from which to choose that card for Mother's. Day. A, recent frequent question' asked us was "Is May Readers, Digest in yet. Yes we now have the exeellent little 25c magazine on our stand, at time of writing 45 copies • on sale. For the humble gardner who fears his efforts may not be worth much expenditure we have for 39c, Book of Vegetable Gardening. Takes you through from spring planning to fall seed -saving, written from an expert knowledge of the subject. HAPPY GANG BOOIL OF WAR SONGS .. 75c We advertise these goods because they advertise us, Me W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest.—Always the Beet IipiIIIIIIIIiN°�°' �,uu,i�iiiuuuniinn�onnnuai,u �iuii il�llllil Mrs. Quennell of Streetsville is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shearer. Miss E. Morrison has returned to Toronto after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morrison. Mrs. J. C. Shearer spent a few days at the beginning of the week with Rev. A, H. and Mrs. O'Neil of Lon- don. Miss Violet Frenilin of Toronto was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fremlin over the week- end. Mrs. George Hunter of. Exeter 'spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins and Mrs. T. J. Mc- Neil. e-Neil Mr. Gillis Gilchrist and Miss M. Gil- christ, who have spent the winter months in Saginaw, Mich, have re- turned to their home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Me1wan and Mr. Glen Cook attended the Cook -Lan- don wedding, which took place in Metropolitan United Church, Lon don, last Saturday. Mrs. Albert 'Leiboid of Zurich return - 4d horse on Tuesaay after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T .H. Leppington and brother Pte. Roy Leppington, the Red Cross as follows: Q„ce more we meet in this happy informal way—Pq as Bayfield is al- ways proud *",1 :us to horieur her own soldiers, and tonight we have two isf them with us one? agahb It still ama2 1 lee Rosi our eff cunt bom- mittee gets word to everyb3a;• I mean the committee who looks afte'i• the boys, I marvel at how quickly they can organize a party .such eee this, eamts* the grapevine is a very neenedeetel carrier. We are indeed; interettett ie our elven boys, we are not pleb, lie money; but I know of no place where hearts go out in enite2standing and sym- pathy at, they do here. And when it collie's to Hayfield's pride, well — "Tltete's something about a Soldier" 'Something about Bayifeld's Sold - tete," you all know the old song. We are'proud of theme. They come back so full of dignified bearing, I'm sure they are not like the soldier who re- turned home, and, when asked why he was so erect, said, "Aw its nothing, its the drills, you have to be obedient that's all. For instance if you hear the 'command "Halt" given w.heri your left foot is in the air, all you have to do is to bring your right foot up to it, and stand motionless." These boys look as though they do snore than that. It is particularly fitting and with personal regard that we honour you boys tonight—it takes courage de- votions and heroism to play the part you are ,going to . play; but like all great games of life, it is How you play them that counts. We add your names to oar Roll of Honour and will follow your careers with the greatest of personal interest.. So now we present these gifts of esteem from your friends in Bayfiele, MOTHER'S DAY May 10th Remember Mother' with 'The Perfect Gift" ,of Flowers on her clay. We will have a complete stork of plants and cut flowers for Mother's Day gifts. If you need ,to nae our Tele- graph Delivery service, a letter will carry your order, also your personal greeting, and so we can (save you the cost of telegraphing. IWe supply, Mother's Day Cards and envelopes. PLEASE ORDER EARLY F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As, Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral 'orders. Phones 176 and 31 Quality Meat Market FRESH HOMEMADE SAUSAGES . . , ... 204 lb. BEEP TONGUES 18c ib. FRESH BEEF AND PORK LIVER , 25c lb. RIB BOIL OF BEEF 18e ib. FRESH SIDE PORK 25c Ib. SPARE RIBS 20c Ib. BEEF, P•ORee, VEAL AND LAMB FOR WEEKEND. Highest prices paid for hides We have Casings for Sale ROSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 WEEKEND SPECIALS 2 irg, pkgs. CORN FLAKES with Bowl., 25c 2 lbs. GINGER SNAPS 23c 4 lbs. NEW CARROTS (topless) 25c 1 tin BAKING POWDER and ..Kitchen Utensil 25c 5 lb. tin CORN SYRUP 59c 1 lb. PEANUT BUTTER 18c 1 jar PEANUT BUTTER 29c 1 pkg. KRAFT DINNER 19c 3 rolls HURON TOILET TISSUE 70 5 -STRING BROOM , 31c 1 bot. LEMON OIL 24c 6 GRAPEFRUIT 29c SUNKIST JUICY ORANGES at 24c, 33c, 39e doz. NEW CABBAGE 6c lb. PINEAPPLES at , , . , 25c -29c each W. L. JOHNSON GROCER Delivery Hours 4 to 6 p.m, .... PHONE 286 Good Luck and Happy Landings Boys. Music was supplied by Mrs. Jim, Ferguson, Mrs. Fred McElwan, at the piano, Mr. George Weston, violin and Smith flooimana er, Mr. Lindsay Sm was g Y,oimg Jerome Eeclour, favored the audience with several •s-olos., in his in- imitable way. Superior Stores PgpNl: I11� CLINTOPj. _„ SP CIAl.5 FOR April 30, May 1, 2nd VAN CAMP'S TOMATOES Ige. 28 oz. tin 2 for 21e ZEST SWEET MARMALADE Lemon, Orange and Grapefruit .. 32 oz. jar 25c ROYAL YORK CHEESE %z ib pkg. ' 18c WESTON'S SPRINGTIME BLOS- SOM BISCUITS ib. 23c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRES- SING 8 oz. Jar 21c 3Z oz. jar 49e OLD DUTCH CLEANSER tin .. 10c NABOB COFFEE Ib. bag. .... 49c FRY'S COCOA.. i/z Ib. tin .... 19e 1 Ib. tin 31c KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES pkg, 12c ODEX SOAP bar 6c PALMOLIVE SOAP bar 6c SUPER SUDS Ige. pkg. 22c SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA pkg.. 5c NONSUCH STOVE POLISH bot. 17c NONSUCH SILVER CREAM jar . ... 23c r. R. THflMPS�u LET US` HAVE YOUR ORDER FOR HYBRID CORN early and avoid disappointment Hybz'id Ne. 696 Hybrid No. 531 120 day 105 day Hybrid No. 606 , Hybrid No, 455 110 clay 100 clay R. N. ALEXANDER General Merchant Londesboro Attention Patrons Owing to Government Restrictions we have been :limited to only one pick-up on: MONDAY and one delivery on FRIDAY of each week There can also be no delivery for any order less than $1.00. Dress Smart and Save Smartly Gliddon Press Shop PHONE 115 — CLINTON A.Y.P.A. PRESENTS 2 One -act Plays "CALLING ALL CARS" "HONEST PEGGY" , in Clinton, St. Paul's Parish Hall Monday, May 4th at 8.15 pan. ADULTS 25c; CHILDREN 15e by Presbyterian Girl's Club SUPPER from 5 to 7 p.m. In Presbyterian Church Wednesday, May fith MENU:roast veal escalloped potatoes, salad, bread and butter, lemon and raisin pie and tea. ADMISSION: 35c Wool We have a licensed wool warehouse and will grade and pay for your wool according to government regulations. Take or ship your wool to us. WOOL WAREHOUSE NO. 8 Alex. M. Stewart SEED GROWER -- AILSA CRAIG jSPECIAL VALUES APRIL 30TH TO MAY 2ND SUPREME VEGETAELE Shortening lb, pkg. 17c ASCOT STRAWBERRY JAM 41b. tin 59c CHOCOLATE' MALLOW BISCUITS lb. 23c QUICK QUAKER OATS pkg. 21c` AYLMER BABY LIMA BEANS 2 tins 23c LADY GODIVA TOILET SOAP 4 for r 19c. Select Irish STE W 2 tins ... 25c Jam Sandwich BIISC UITS CAKE 5c LB. 17c Cheese `Glengrove' %Z ib pkg.19e1LB. PKG.... 19c MILK Dorothy Evaporated 3 tins 25c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Choice Leaf Lettuce 2 for 210 Sunkist Juicy Oranges doz. 25c New California Carrots 2 for 17o Seedless 5 for. Grapefruit ... 25e TOMATOES RADISHES Celery 2 for 19e GR. ,ONIONS BEETS ASPARAGUS SPINACH APPLES BANANAS H. LETTUCE PARSLEY RHUBARB Choice Hearts of Large California Lemons 4 for Ile New Texas Cabbage 2 lbs 13e Choice Pineapple 25o C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON Some New Goods Customers have been asking for, which have arrived, Axe CARD TABLES, UNFINISHED WARDROBE, B0,OK CASES CORNER CHINA CABINETS, ETC. A NEW LINE OF BABY CARRIAGE AND DOLL PRAMS. HAMMOCKS AND VERANDAH CHAIRS. Our stock of Linoleum has fairiy wilted during the last 2 weeks. So all we can say is, you had better hurry, of course we have lots of Congoleum, F'eltol rugs, and other felt base goods by the yard. Now is the time to keep flies etc. out, with Screen Doors and Windows, and Screen by the yard. A sensible door to buy is the combination screen and glass door, easy to change from cold to warmer weather or visa versa. We aim fortunate to have a good stack of: GAS RANGES AND PLATES, ALSO ELECTRIC PLATES, IRONS AND TOASTERS. "The Store With The Stock" BALL & ZAPFE Hardware -- Furniture -- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Service. W. Ball, Phone 361, PHONE 195 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. .++.fa•aw Specials, April 30 to May 2 .19c LB, SPECIAL 2 C. and B. 16 oz. tins of Vegetable, Celery, Tomato or cream of Mushroom Soup for 25c COFFEE freshly gorund from the the beans only 39'c lb. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 oz. tins ...........i 29c tin OLD ,ENGLISH NO RUBBING WAX 49c tin; AEROWAX No Rubbing Wax .., 29c tin OLD ENGLISH paste wax 49c lb. tin VAN CAMPS 28 oz. tin Tomatoes 2 for 25c AYLMER 28 oz. tin Pork and Beans 2 for 25c tars °12e 20c pkg. Giant size 69c pkg SNOW CAP TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls for -• 25c FRESH PICNIC HAMS .,.,,,,.. 23'c ib. FRESH SAUSAGE 25c ib. FRESH WEINERS , 27c lb. PRESSED HAM , 40c lb. MACARONI AND, CHEESE LOAF 29,c lb. DUTCH LOAF ,...., 29c lb. BOLOGNA,. 29c lb. in piece. In fruits; we have isananas,, 'Pine apples, Grapefruit, Orange's, Lemons and rhubarb. Fresh Vegetables, Lettuce, Aspara- gus Celery, Carrots and Cabbage. 2 Bars 11 c PHONE 40 THE STORE If HAT SAVES YOU MONEY. C -i -L Beauty D/u�rability coo t by) 41p PREPARED PAINT , Enamels, Paint for any `kind Wood of, We Carry a Full Line of:— GARDEN AND LAWN SUPPLIES Lawn Mowers, Hedge Shears, Pruners, Lacn Rakes, Garden Rakes, Hoes, Digging Forks, Spades and Shovels. WASHING MACHINES, ELECTRIC AND HAND POWER. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. "Smart Clothes" Our stock is very complete in this seasons latest styles and fabrics. Many of these lines cannot be replaced. If in need of 'an extra suit, come in and let us shone you these garments. The styles are right and the prices very moderate. Mostly fine English Worsteds. • Some are double Breasted and most lines have •two pairs o£ pants. WORK CLOTHING:— .Boots, Work Shirts, Underwear Soeks, Overalls, Pants, etc., at no advance in price. MEN'S OXFORDS AT A VERY LOW PRICE: -- Smart new shoes — Brack or Tan — and priced to clear at 52.49 :air, GROWING GIRLS' OXFORDS' $1.95, $2.25 and $2.50 TOWELS Another shipment received of our famous Huck Towels. One of the strongest towels on the market. Only a few dozen to seIl. 35e EACH OR 3 FOR $1.00 Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adana Hats —, ¢pttMclifCg Shoes ft! Men 41.4.06ts fii 8B 't'$li8F : 1`UYW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR HOUSE COVERED WITH Insul Brick Siding ALSO HAVE IT INSULATED' WITH Rock Wool with Vapor timer TO KEEP (4tY' Tka.' MOISTURE Prices Cttie@rful y Ei' en — Phone HARDWARE and 'r.iIaukilIs,Phhone 244N. G 1 BAYFIELD Me'. and Mrs. R. T. Orr of Stratford were at their cottage for the week- end, Miss Peggy Orr, nurse -in -train- ing at St.Joseph's Hospital, London, also came up to be with her parents while they were here. Mrs. Hart wick family of London came up on Saturday to open their Other summer visitors were Mr.I cottage for the summer. Vincent Quarry,, Dr. Wm. Tillman and son Mr. Peter, and Ms. and Mrs. Grainger and family, who came to open their cottages for the season. Mrs. 0. W, .Brown of Clinton, Ioway isthe guest of her sister, Mrs. Archi- bald Armstrong, and will open her cottage on the lake shore, shortly. Dr. and Mrs. David Volume, who .spent the winter months in Bayfield have purchased,ehe Ronne of the late, Mrs. John Tough, and are remodeling' 'it for .a permanent home, which means Bayfield has again a resident physi- cian. Mrs, IL Anderson of Brantford ,is the guest this,.w'eek of her daughter Mrs. M. Gellner. The young people .of the United elereh are :patting on a play in the Town Hall, on Friday evening, called "Intra+oducing• Susan." • • Mrs, Wm,. Ferguson has returned, home, after spendtdg lett week in Egmondville, owing to the serious illness of her brother. Mrs. 0. Rhynas who spent the past week in Burlington ,and Toronto re- turned to her home here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Fowlie 45 Lon- don were the guests, of the formers sisters, Misses. E. and F. Fowlie over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs,. Hugh McLaren and daughter Christine of Port Elgin spent the weekend with Misses. M. and J. Stirling. Mr. Roe McKinley of Burlington was the guest of Mrs. 0. Mynas over the weekend. Mrs. John Graham who was attend- ing the Huron Diocesan Women's Auxiliary annual meeting in London last week, also visited] Blenheim be- fore returning home the end, of the week. Another social evening was held in the village town hall last Sattixday, April 26th, for two mare of our brave boys, who have enlisted in the Army, namely Grant Turner and,, Buster Clarke. The gathering ,took the fonen of an informal dance and a• social hour followed, at whichtime apres- entation was. made to the two 'boys from the community ,and an address read by Mrs, Gairdner, president of Who San to help you when you fell. And would some pretty' story tell And kiss the spot to make it well. (Adaptedt), Yes, it was Mother and Sunday, May 10th, is the clay set apart for her. Sons and daughters depart elsewhere but M'oth'ers like tm be as- sured—even if but once a year—that they are not forgotten. A day ded- icated to making Mothers happier will be a day well spent.' It needn't be anything very great, Mother will understand ands be thankful for even a greeting card. Send one, and there will be thrills and, throbs' of joy through the manifests' of devotion tendered by their children. It stands for love recompensed and it can be a sad day, too, to Mothers who remain forgotten. Someone said "Christmas now comes twice a year" Dec. 25th is something that belongs to every- body but Mothers stake first elaim to her day, May 10th. We regard our stock as being very complete, in fa'ett.we offer a large as- sortment from 5c to 25o each from which to choose that card for Mother's. Day. A, recent frequent question' asked us was "Is May Readers, Digest in yet. Yes we now have the exeellent little 25c magazine on our stand, at time of writing 45 copies • on sale. For the humble gardner who fears his efforts may not be worth much expenditure we have for 39c, Book of Vegetable Gardening. Takes you through from spring planning to fall seed -saving, written from an expert knowledge of the subject. HAPPY GANG BOOIL OF WAR SONGS .. 75c We advertise these goods because they advertise us, Me W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest.—Always the Beet IipiIIIIIIIIiN°�°' �,uu,i�iiiuuuniinn�onnnuai,u �iuii il�llllil Mrs. Quennell of Streetsville is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shearer. Miss E. Morrison has returned to Toronto after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morrison. Mrs. J. C. Shearer spent a few days at the beginning of the week with Rev. A, H. and Mrs. O'Neil of Lon- don. Miss Violet Frenilin of Toronto was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fremlin over the week- end. Mrs. George Hunter of. Exeter 'spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins and Mrs. T. J. Mc- Neil. e-Neil Mr. Gillis Gilchrist and Miss M. Gil- christ, who have spent the winter months in Saginaw, Mich, have re- turned to their home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Me1wan and Mr. Glen Cook attended the Cook -Lan- don wedding, which took place in Metropolitan United Church, Lon don, last Saturday. Mrs. Albert 'Leiboid of Zurich return - 4d horse on Tuesaay after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T .H. Leppington and brother Pte. Roy Leppington, the Red Cross as follows: Q„ce more we meet in this happy informal way—Pq as Bayfield is al- ways proud *",1 :us to horieur her own soldiers, and tonight we have two isf them with us one? agahb It still ama2 1 lee Rosi our eff cunt bom- mittee gets word to everyb3a;• I mean the committee who looks afte'i• the boys, I marvel at how quickly they can organize a party .such eee this, eamts* the grapevine is a very neenedeetel carrier. We are indeed; interettett ie our elven boys, we are not pleb, lie money; but I know of no place where hearts go out in enite2standing and sym- pathy at, they do here. And when it collie's to Hayfield's pride, well — "Tltete's something about a Soldier" 'Something about Bayifeld's Sold - tete," you all know the old song. We are'proud of theme. They come back so full of dignified bearing, I'm sure they are not like the soldier who re- turned home, and, when asked why he was so erect, said, "Aw its nothing, its the drills, you have to be obedient that's all. For instance if you hear the 'command "Halt" given w.heri your left foot is in the air, all you have to do is to bring your right foot up to it, and stand motionless." These boys look as though they do snore than that. It is particularly fitting and with personal regard that we honour you boys tonight—it takes courage de- votions and heroism to play the part you are ,going to . play; but like all great games of life, it is How you play them that counts. We add your names to oar Roll of Honour and will follow your careers with the greatest of personal interest.. So now we present these gifts of esteem from your friends in Bayfiele, MOTHER'S DAY May 10th Remember Mother' with 'The Perfect Gift" ,of Flowers on her clay. We will have a complete stork of plants and cut flowers for Mother's Day gifts. If you need ,to nae our Tele- graph Delivery service, a letter will carry your order, also your personal greeting, and so we can (save you the cost of telegraphing. IWe supply, Mother's Day Cards and envelopes. PLEASE ORDER EARLY F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As, Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral 'orders. Phones 176 and 31 Quality Meat Market FRESH HOMEMADE SAUSAGES . . , ... 204 lb. BEEP TONGUES 18c ib. FRESH BEEF AND PORK LIVER , 25c lb. RIB BOIL OF BEEF 18e ib. FRESH SIDE PORK 25c Ib. SPARE RIBS 20c Ib. BEEF, P•ORee, VEAL AND LAMB FOR WEEKEND. Highest prices paid for hides We have Casings for Sale ROSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 WEEKEND SPECIALS 2 irg, pkgs. CORN FLAKES with Bowl., 25c 2 lbs. GINGER SNAPS 23c 4 lbs. NEW CARROTS (topless) 25c 1 tin BAKING POWDER and ..Kitchen Utensil 25c 5 lb. tin CORN SYRUP 59c 1 lb. PEANUT BUTTER 18c 1 jar PEANUT BUTTER 29c 1 pkg. KRAFT DINNER 19c 3 rolls HURON TOILET TISSUE 70 5 -STRING BROOM , 31c 1 bot. LEMON OIL 24c 6 GRAPEFRUIT 29c SUNKIST JUICY ORANGES at 24c, 33c, 39e doz. NEW CABBAGE 6c lb. PINEAPPLES at , , . , 25c -29c each W. L. JOHNSON GROCER Delivery Hours 4 to 6 p.m, .... PHONE 286 Good Luck and Happy Landings Boys. Music was supplied by Mrs. Jim, Ferguson, Mrs. Fred McElwan, at the piano, Mr. George Weston, violin and Smith flooimana er, Mr. Lindsay Sm was g Y,oimg Jerome Eeclour, favored the audience with several •s-olos., in his in- imitable way. Superior Stores PgpNl: I11� CLINTOPj. _„ SP CIAl.5 FOR April 30, May 1, 2nd VAN CAMP'S TOMATOES Ige. 28 oz. tin 2 for 21e ZEST SWEET MARMALADE Lemon, Orange and Grapefruit .. 32 oz. jar 25c ROYAL YORK CHEESE %z ib pkg. ' 18c WESTON'S SPRINGTIME BLOS- SOM BISCUITS ib. 23c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRES- SING 8 oz. Jar 21c 3Z oz. jar 49e OLD DUTCH CLEANSER tin .. 10c NABOB COFFEE Ib. bag. .... 49c FRY'S COCOA.. i/z Ib. tin .... 19e 1 Ib. tin 31c KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES pkg, 12c ODEX SOAP bar 6c PALMOLIVE SOAP bar 6c SUPER SUDS Ige. pkg. 22c SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA pkg.. 5c NONSUCH STOVE POLISH bot. 17c NONSUCH SILVER CREAM jar . ... 23c r. R. THflMPS�u LET US` HAVE YOUR ORDER FOR HYBRID CORN early and avoid disappointment Hybz'id Ne. 696 Hybrid No. 531 120 day 105 day Hybrid No. 606 , Hybrid No, 455 110 clay 100 clay R. N. ALEXANDER General Merchant Londesboro Attention Patrons Owing to Government Restrictions we have been :limited to only one pick-up on: MONDAY and one delivery on FRIDAY of each week There can also be no delivery for any order less than $1.00. Dress Smart and Save Smartly Gliddon Press Shop PHONE 115 — CLINTON A.Y.P.A. PRESENTS 2 One -act Plays "CALLING ALL CARS" "HONEST PEGGY" , in Clinton, St. Paul's Parish Hall Monday, May 4th at 8.15 pan. ADULTS 25c; CHILDREN 15e by Presbyterian Girl's Club SUPPER from 5 to 7 p.m. In Presbyterian Church Wednesday, May fith MENU:roast veal escalloped potatoes, salad, bread and butter, lemon and raisin pie and tea. ADMISSION: 35c Wool We have a licensed wool warehouse and will grade and pay for your wool according to government regulations. Take or ship your wool to us. WOOL WAREHOUSE NO. 8 Alex. M. Stewart SEED GROWER -- AILSA CRAIG jSPECIAL VALUES APRIL 30TH TO MAY 2ND SUPREME VEGETAELE Shortening lb, pkg. 17c ASCOT STRAWBERRY JAM 41b. tin 59c CHOCOLATE' MALLOW BISCUITS lb. 23c QUICK QUAKER OATS pkg. 21c` AYLMER BABY LIMA BEANS 2 tins 23c LADY GODIVA TOILET SOAP 4 for r 19c. Select Irish STE W 2 tins ... 25c Jam Sandwich BIISC UITS CAKE 5c LB. 17c Cheese `Glengrove' %Z ib pkg.19e1LB. PKG.... 19c MILK Dorothy Evaporated 3 tins 25c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Choice Leaf Lettuce 2 for 210 Sunkist Juicy Oranges doz. 25c New California Carrots 2 for 17o Seedless 5 for. Grapefruit ... 25e TOMATOES RADISHES Celery 2 for 19e GR. ,ONIONS BEETS ASPARAGUS SPINACH APPLES BANANAS H. LETTUCE PARSLEY RHUBARB Choice Hearts of Large California Lemons 4 for Ile New Texas Cabbage 2 lbs 13e Choice Pineapple 25o C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON Some New Goods Customers have been asking for, which have arrived, Axe CARD TABLES, UNFINISHED WARDROBE, B0,OK CASES CORNER CHINA CABINETS, ETC. A NEW LINE OF BABY CARRIAGE AND DOLL PRAMS. HAMMOCKS AND VERANDAH CHAIRS. Our stock of Linoleum has fairiy wilted during the last 2 weeks. So all we can say is, you had better hurry, of course we have lots of Congoleum, F'eltol rugs, and other felt base goods by the yard. Now is the time to keep flies etc. out, with Screen Doors and Windows, and Screen by the yard. A sensible door to buy is the combination screen and glass door, easy to change from cold to warmer weather or visa versa. We aim fortunate to have a good stack of: GAS RANGES AND PLATES, ALSO ELECTRIC PLATES, IRONS AND TOASTERS. "The Store With The Stock" BALL & ZAPFE Hardware -- Furniture -- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Service. W. Ball, Phone 361, PHONE 195 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. .++.fa•aw Specials, April 30 to May 2 .19c LB, SPECIAL 2 C. and B. 16 oz. tins of Vegetable, Celery, Tomato or cream of Mushroom Soup for 25c COFFEE freshly gorund from the the beans only 39'c lb. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 oz. tins ...........i 29c tin OLD ,ENGLISH NO RUBBING WAX 49c tin; AEROWAX No Rubbing Wax .., 29c tin OLD ENGLISH paste wax 49c lb. tin VAN CAMPS 28 oz. tin Tomatoes 2 for 25c AYLMER 28 oz. tin Pork and Beans 2 for 25c tars °12e 20c pkg. Giant size 69c pkg SNOW CAP TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls for -• 25c FRESH PICNIC HAMS .,.,,,,.. 23'c ib. FRESH SAUSAGE 25c ib. FRESH WEINERS , 27c lb. PRESSED HAM , 40c lb. MACARONI AND, CHEESE LOAF 29,c lb. DUTCH LOAF ,...., 29c lb. BOLOGNA,. 29c lb. in piece. In fruits; we have isananas,, 'Pine apples, Grapefruit, Orange's, Lemons and rhubarb. Fresh Vegetables, Lettuce, Aspara- gus Celery, Carrots and Cabbage. 2 Bars 11 c PHONE 40 THE STORE If HAT SAVES YOU MONEY.