HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-04-30, Page 5MONUMENTS 5 . To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Canton — Ontario Successor to Bali & Zapfe 59 tI THURS, APRIL 30, 1942 THE CLINTON "NEWS -RECORD PAGE ` 5 AUBURN 14I'r. and Mrs. T. S. Johnston, Mr. 'arid Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips and Miss Laura Phillipa ,were London 'visitors on Friday Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Robison spent the weeelard with Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Nett, of Stratford. Commencing next Sunday, May 3rd, and continuing till the end of October, services in Knox Presbyterian church Miloirommemonow ."Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Nerodotus. REMEMBER -les -Mg • VDREO eve Wart errea 511,1 1T. . .nava COMI ONIrr prnttan= OS... N... WI.,r'srayac' PICTURE AT RIGHT SHOWS A HYDRO CONTROL ROOM Where the doors never close. Every hour of the day and night, every day in the year, watchful attendants are on the alert studying meters, keeping records and regulating the flow of Hydro current to consuming areas. When there's a storm, most people seek shelter, but that is when Hydro is busiest. Between darkness and dawn come hours of rest and sleep, but, with Hydro, every hour begins a new day. Light for homes, hospitals and factories—heat for blast furnaces—or to cook meals in your home— energy to turn thousands of motors in factories, mines, shipyards—this is the work of your Hydro. Hydro is helping to shorten the war. Over 1,000,000 Hydro -electric horsepower is at work on war materials. Let us all be thrifty in our use of Hydro. New war plants must be energized and existing plants are con- stantly being harnessed to the war effort. Let war needs come first. AN APPEAL TO THE HOUSEWIFE You can do so much to save electricity. Don't let the kettle over -boil, Watch the switches on your electric range—turn out sit lights when net needeei, Resolve to soma some current every day to help Ontario's war Industries. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO YOUR ATTENTION Can It appen Here? If the worst comes to the worst would you know hoW to use weapons, say a Bren gun, or would you he a helpless civilian? LEARN TO FIGHT FOR YOUR HOME IN THE RESERVE ARMY In order not to 'interfere with the requirements of the Active Army volunteers must be found from the following groups: (1) Aged 35-50 and capable of shooting a rifle. (2) Aged 30-35, married, and anxious to learn—"just in case." (3) Aged 19-35 and physically unfit for Active Service. (4) Aged 17 or 18 and ambitious to learn a man-sized job. (5) All men who would be exempt from compulsory training under the new N.R.M.A. regulations. Examine your personal situation with a view to service in the Reserve Army. Learning the fundamentals of the .army need not interfere seriously with your civilian life. THE AUTHORIZED TRAINING PERIODS FOR 1942 ARE: 15 days in Camp. One night per week at your Local Headquarters. 10 Sundays on out -door schemes. -,, Spend the time you can spare from your civilian occupation learn- ing to defend yourself and your Thome. Remember the nations that have been over run? Can it happen here? Do your bit to see that it won't! Enlist now! THE MIDDLESEX and HURON REGIMENT APPLY THE TOWN HALL, CLINTON Monday and Wednesday Evenings AM Intl CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every. Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 08w and 68J A Good Poultry Market Whenever+ your Poultry Flock needs culling we are at your service. Prices' of poultry are ,expected to be in line with other higher prices of meant. Good service given in grading your eggs. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. ROXY THEATRE. CLINTON NOW PLAYING: Jack Oalcie in "RISE AND SHINE" MON., TUES. & WED. Kay Kyser, John Barrymore, Lu„2' Velez, Patsy Kelly & May Robson When Kay Kyser and John Barry snore get together prepare your- self for a laugh barrage; "PLAYMATES” Thur., Fri., Sat.—Double Feature -John Howard, Binnie Barnes, Brod Crawford and Leo Carrillo When, Sway puts on a pair of tight shoes it's like an old-fash- ioned clambake "TIGHT SHOES" , Added attraction:- "SAILORS 'THREE" . A nautical comedy CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH NOW: "Back in the Saddle" and "The Gay Falcon" MON„ TUES. & WED. Irene Dunne, Robert Montgomery Preston Foster A small town nvouse penetrates the uop,es' crust and finds it amus- ingly cheesy in "Unfinished Business" THURS.. FRI. & SAT. Ann Sheridan, Jack Oakie and. Martha Raye A navy frolic at historic Pearl. Harbor in happier: pre -Jap days. "NAVY FLUES" Coming: "They Died With Their Boots On" Coming: Melvin Douglas and Ruth Hussey in "OUR WIPE" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW: "C'onie" On George" and "Queen of Hearts" THURS., FRI. & SAT. ORSON 'WELLES brings his Mercury Theatree. Play- ers to the screen for a dramatic. epic - "CITIZEN KANE" THURS., FRL & SAT. Errol Flynn & Olivia de Havilland fast action and high adventures' in a swashbuckling outdoor yarn "They Died With Their Boots' On" Corning: Alice Faye in "Weekend in Havana" Mat,: Wed. Sat. & Holidays 3 p;m:Mat.: Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. Batkins Locker Storage We will carry a new like of Fresh Lake Fish this season: Lake Trout, Herring and Perch; besides our other frozen fish. Remember there is notle: ing better for your health than fish. Try Our Special Sausages. We do custom killing and by hides. "Frozen Foods' are Better. Foods" will commence at 10.30 arm. , John E. Yungblut has been able to return home from Clinton Hospital where he was a patient. Mr. Hang Arthur. of Woodstock spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. M. Arthur. A splendid crowd attended the play "Bolts and Nuts" which was repeated in the Foresters Hall Fridby night. Between acts Miss Josephine Weir ac- companied by Mrs. R. J. PhilIips fav- ored with a solo and Miss Ila Craig. played a piano instrumental. Mrs. Edgar ,Lawson, Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs. Fred Ross, Mrs. Alfred Rollinson, Mrs, 3. C. Stoltz, Mrs. Jas. Woods, Miss Josephine Weir and Miss Norma Daer attended a Women's Missionary Satiety meeting at Blyth on Tuesday, when Miss Laura Pelton, Toronto promotion secretary for the Dominion gave a splendid address' on her work. Women's Institute Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided for the Women's Institute which was held in the Foresters Hall, Wednes- day afternoon. The secretary read a card of thanks from Mrs Gordon Taylor. A. letter was also read from Mrs, Fraser, District Secretary re- garding a executive meeting ; to be held in Wingham, on May 4th. The following delegates were appointed to the Institute convention to be held M Kintail, on May 27th, Mrs, Edgar Lawson, Mrs. Fred Ross, Mrs. W. H. Sheppard, Miss Margaret King and Miss Josephine Weir. A reading was given by Mrs, Herb. Mogridge. Mrs. Eimer Robertson gave a splendid paper on "Canadianization." Misses Sadie Carter and Josephine Weir favored with a duet. Miss Josephine Weir presented the following slate of officers, which were accepted: Hlon, Pres., Mrs. Jas. Woods; presi- dent, Mrs,. Edgar Lawson; let vice pies., Mrs, Herb, Mogridge; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. J. J. Wilson; secretary - treasurer, Miss Margaret King; dis- trict director, Mrs. Fred Ross; war work secretary, Mrs. Chas Straughan;, press secretary, Mrs. F. Ross; pian- ists, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Miss Sadie Carter, Mrs, Wm, Craig; visiting committee, Mrs. Jas. Woods, Mrs. El. Phillips; program committee, Mrs, 0. E, Ezratt, Mrs. Chas. Howson, Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Miss Josephine Web; directors, Mrs. Geo. Sturdy, Mrs'. Earl Reithby, Mrs, A. J. Ferguson, Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Mrs. Geo. Bean, Mrs. J. C. Stoltz, Mrs Jas. Howitt; auditors, Mrs. John Thdinpson, •Miss Viola Thompson. The singing of the National Anthem brought the meeting to a erose. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Mrs. Wm. Anderson and Mrs. Lawson. Mrs. Herb Mogridge, Mrs. Fred. Rocs, Mrs, Jas. Woods and Dr. B. 0.1 Weir attended the Red Cross meeting at Blyth to hear Major Watson, Field Secretary for. Ontario, . speak in the interests of the coming canvass for funds. Another interesting feature was slides showing "Britain at War." Mrs. Harry Govier, celebrated her 82nd birthday on Friday. Mrs, Gov ler before her marriage was Alice Jessie Sheppard, daughter of the late John and Margaret Sheppard. She was marired, Dee. 23rd, 1881 to Harry Govier. They resided for 22 years on thefarm in Bast Wawanosbr, now owned by Lewis' Ruddy, then moved to the farm now occupied by their son Herbert, on the Base Line, Wil- lett, and 22 years ago retired to Auburn, where Mr. Govier was mail courier for R.R. 1. Ten years ago Mr, Govier passed away. Mrs. Govier is a member of the Presbyterian church and the W.M.S. She has two sons, William, East. Wawanosh and Herbert, Base Line, also two brothers, William, Clinton, and Andrew, Mul- lett. saiuflogr SPECIALS SUEYS DATE LOAF FRIED CAKES TRY OUR CHOCOLATE CAKES THEY ARE SWELL BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 WE DELIVER For Sale or Rent ... House and Lot in Brueefield Newly decorated. 'Immediate pos- session. Located on the highway. Apply to BRUCE BERRY Brucefield. MARRIAGES COOK--LANDON— In Metropolitan United church, London, on Satur- day, A-osi1 25th, when Mary Flor- ence Landon of London, became the bride of Frederick Stewart Cook of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Janes Croe Gook of Clinton. Rev. Gordon Gauld •officiated. BAGLh1R—SWEET—In Danforth 'Un- ited church Toronto, on Sat., April 18th, when CIaire Isabel Sweet, be- came the bride of William Harvey Bagler of the Royal Canadian Air. Force, Toronto, Rev. C. W. Watch, officiated. The groom is the grand- son of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. Hagler of Clinton. HARRIS—WOODS—.At the home of the bride's parents, in Goder'idlt township, on Saturday, April 25th, when Mary Isobel Woods became the bride of Donald George Harris, both of Goderich township. Rev. Harold Currie officiated. HALE--PINGL M Te onto, on Saturday, April 18th, when Rosa- nne Louisa Dingle became the bride of Trooper Lawrence A. Hall of the Canadian Armoured Corps, To - ea church, Toronto, on Sat., April oronto. The bride is the grand- daughter of the late Mrs. Sam Wobdnian of Clinton and Londes- boro. Rev. R. G. Carruthers offic- iated. BIRTHS WEBSTER—•At Clinton Public Hos- pital, on April 24th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs, Watson R, Webster of Varna a son,(M1ck Robert). • DEATHS 1VntGLL- do Wingham, on Thursday, April 23rd, David McGill, brother of Mr, James McGill of Clinton. SIMPSON—In Hamilton on Tuesday, April 21st, Edna Mae Miller, wife' of James: Simpson, in her 42nd, year, and daughter of Mrs. Eliza- beth Miller of Clinton. PLLTMSTEEL--In' Clinton, on Thurs- day, April 23rd, Margaret Mary Clete, wife of the late Henry Plum - steel, in her 92nd year. IN MEMORIAM GRJOH--In loving memory of my clear mother, Cora M Mich, who passed away one year ago, May 3rd, 1941. Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. —Ever remembered by daughter ands, family. CARD OF THANKS . William J. Elliott and sisters wish to express' their sincere thanks' to their friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy and many, acts of kindness in their recent double bereavement, in the death of their! sister, Caroline ,and William J. El-. liatt's wife, Charlotte Fletcher El- liott; also to those who loaned cars; and special thanks to Rev. John Gra- ham. For Sale Little pigsfor sale. 'Apply to Will- iam Collins, Seaforth, or phone Min- ton. 616r42; 90.1 Wool Wanted According to Government Regulations. Fred Mulholland LICENSED COLLECTOR CLINTON Phone, Clinton 901r12 Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Full settlement (maximtun prices) paid grower immediately on receipt and grading of clip. Obtain sacks and twine from LOCAL AGRICULTURAL OFFICE or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Streef, Toronto, Canada For Sale Small kitchen range • and Beach heater. Also large piece of inlaid linoleum, 24 yards square. All in ex- cellent condition. Apply to Mrs. James Reynolds, Clinton, phone 52. 90-1 Wanted Girl or middle aged woman for house work. Two adults, Phone 340J, Clinton. 90-1 For Sale Small farm mortgage for sale. Apply at the News -Record. 90-1 Salvation Army Cottage prayer meetings every Thursday evening. Watch the paper for announcements, For Sale Little pigs for sale, six weeks old. Apply to Oliver Welsh one anile west of Clinton, on Bayfield Road, R,R. No. 5, Clinton. Phone 907r22. Pasture Wanted Pasture wanted for six head of yearlings. Apply W. Henry, R.R, 5, Clinton, or phone 629r5, Clinton central. 90-1 Plants for Sale Raspberry—Early Big Chief, and Latham. 50e per dozen; $1.50 for 50 plants. Strawberry—Dunlop, Kellogg and Late Wealthy, 750 per 100 plants. Apply to William Collins, Seatrorth, Phone, Clinton 616.42, 90-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of George Duncan Me - Taggart, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired. Banker, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased, are required to file the same with The Canadian Trust Company, London, Ontario ,or the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 18th day of May, A.D. 1942, after which date the ,assets will be distrib- uted amongst the patties entitled thereto, having regard: to the claims of which notice shell have been given. DATED, this. 29th day..* April, A.D. 1942. F. FINGLAND, K.C. Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 90-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Joseph Frederick Rogerson All persons having claims against the Estate of Joseph Frederick Rag- erson, late of the Town of Clinton, deceased, .who died on or about the 30th day of. March, 1942, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of May, 1942, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estates will be •distributed amonglst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of whichthe undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the under- signed„ shall not then, have ,notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this 27th day of April, 1942. JANE ROGERSON, Administra- trix. By her Solicitor: 11. G. MEIR, Seaforth and Clinton. 90-3 RADIO SERVICE 1942 Radios are here on display in- cluding, Rogers, Deforest, Philcos, Westinghouse, Spartons. 1 carry a full line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General and Everready Batteries Dominion Wa- shing Machines, all electrical appli- ances and roofing supplies. A. W. Groves, Princess St., CLINTON DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT To Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra TOWN HALL CLINTON ADMISSION: 35c and 25c Cliff. Watson, Manager For Rent Three front rooms with the use of a summer kitchen. Apply to William Steep, North Street, Clinton. 90-1 For Sale 1 sow and six young pigs and 3 chunks. Also would take in 6 or 7 head of cattle to pasture. Apply to James East, Clinton, R.R. No. 4. 89-1 For Sale Running gear of oar with tires suitable for trailer or trailers, good battery and generator with pulls- suitable ullysuitable for charging battery. W. A. McAllister, King St., Clinton. 89-2 For Sale Comfortable house in town, good location. Apply to Frank Glew, Clin- ton. 89-2 For Sale or Rent One hunderd and sixty acres of choice farming land, consisting of lot 33 and 34, 14th concession of Code - rich township, composed of crop, hay, and pasture, with spring; also good Well with windmill. Large bank barn with good stabling. Large brick house, also garage. Will rent pasture separately if desired, Three and a half miles from Clinton. Handy to school. Apply at the News -Record office. 89-2 TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings — Province of Ontario SEALED Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal," will be received until 3 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, May 7, 1942, for the supply .of coal and coke fpr the Dominion Bniidings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa; and the supervising Architect, 30 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specidications and conditions attached thereto. Coal dealers' licence num- bers most be given when tenderittg. The Department reserves the right to demand any successful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque ,on a chartered bank in Can- ada, masse payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the i amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent compan- ies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and.interest by the Domin- ion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds: and. a certified cheque, if re- quired to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guar- antee for the proper fulfilment of the contract,. By order, 3. M, SOMERVILLE , Secretary, Department of Public' Works, Ottawa, April 20, 1942.