HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-04-30, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 N eyvs With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New NO. 6090 -63rd YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 11 Quality Silverware Moderately Pried We have just received a large consignment of SILVERWARE — YIP TO DATE — NEWEST PATTERNS Suitable for a present for any occasion. CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK W. H. HELLYAR Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j, WE PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD IINAVY CREPE REDINGOTES • For Late Spring and ren Summer Wear Designed with Pleats .Artistically D►esig • and Appliqued Pockets, Sizes. 36 to 42, And Priced at $9.75 Pure Silk Fullfashioned Hosiery In The New Summer Shades, Sheer and Service Weights. Every Pair Guaranteed as pre- viously against inherent defects. Sheer and Service Weight, All First Quality. Sizes 8'/2 to 101/2 Priced at 79c to $1.25. R.. v-zRW�N FOR QUALITY MERCI1M PISE 0 d RED• E CROSS N01 li The Recl Cross Society will .. meet on Monday, May 4th, at three o'clock in h the Presbyterian C arch Hall. Tea will be served by the ladies of the church. As this is the first tea of the season, let us have a good atten-' dance. It is a privilege to serve the Red Gross and it is a pleasure to visit with your friends over the tea- cups, at the conclusion of the business meeting, Needs $9,000,000 The Red Cross Society needs now $9,000.000. With its campaign starting on May 11, it will pursue an intensive canvass in which it hopes to reach every Canadian and to afford every citizen a patriotic opportunity to give to a noble cause. Convincing 'Margin Record, ed On Ballots 954 Vote "Yes" While 30 Vote "No" In Clinton Huron North electoral district piled up a 'convincing margin of 7,949 in the plebiscite vote Monday, with a total of 8,999 marking their ballots "Yes", while 1,500 voted "No." This made a total number of votes east in North Huron of 10,049, as comp pared to 11,902 east in the Federal election in 1940. Approximately 17,000 person were eligible to vote itr 1940 as against about 16,000 in the plebiscite, or in other words approx- imately 75 percent cast their ballots in 1940 and about 65 per cent on Monday. The ratio throughout the district was over eight to one voting tryee The following is a tabulated result of •Clinton: Sit. Andrew's Ward St. James' Ward St. John's Ward St. George's Ward Making a total of 964 voting "Yes" and 30 voting "No". There were 7 ballots spoiled! Yes No 224 7 288 9 247 2 197 12 v Lodges Attend Worship At St. Paul's Clinton Lodge I.O.O.F. No 83, along with visiting brethern from Brueefield and Seaforth, and officers and members of aurorae Rebekah Lodge, Clinton, attended St. Paul's Church of England for the Sunday evening service and heard an inspir- ing address given by the rector, Rev. George W. Moore. The choir con- tributed special music for the ac'oas- 11 ion. WSTPROOF SHOCKPROOF ANTI -MAGNETIC Specially made for active service, there is no better Watch value. Can be serviced in any country. Remember Watch Repair is a Job, for Experts. Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction. W. N. COUNTER ounters.for Finer Jewellery Y for Over Half a Century in ; Huron Country., Womeres Institute Elects Officers The regular April meeting was op- ened with the singing of the ode, re- peating the Lord's Prayer and sing- ing a patriatic song. The report of the nominating comrmittee,composed of Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes, Miss L. Brigham and Mrs. (Rev.) A. E. Sil- ver, was it-ver,-was adopted as given. By the adoption of the report, Mrs. Ernest Adams is returned to the of- fice of president. Other officers nominated and approved are vice- presidents, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha., Mss. J. B .Lavis, Mrs. C. H. Verner; secretary, Mrs. George Wheatley; district secretary, Mrs. Lydda McKim• ley; committee conveners, finanlse, Mrs. C. Sturdy; social, Mrs. .Fred Han- ley; flower%, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes, Mrs. F. Lobb; pianists, Mrs. Hearn,. Mrs. Silver; auditors, Mrs. George VanHorne, Mrs. W. McCiinchey; membership, Mrs. E. H. Epps; work, Mrs. Hayden. Mrs. Adams conducted the meeting and Mrs. Bernice C. Hearn was pian- ist. There were forty-five present. All enjoyed the following musical pregranr: solo, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, with Mrs. Agnew at the piano; chor- us, Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Pfister, Mrs. Adams, and Mrs. Holmes; solo, Jack- ie Cook. The guest speakers were then heard. Miss C. Grainger, supervisor of the Clinton Public Hospital, spoke on the subject of health. She stressed cleanliness as being the first essen- tial to goodt health. Proper kitchen equipment is much more ,necess'ary than - a well -furnished living -roam. Proper garbage daspoeedl was also stressed. Pasteurization of milk is a wise precautionary measure. The next speaker was Mee. Gorden Ceninghama who spoke on Iceland. Mrs. Cuninghame's talk on Iceland was from direct information gleaned from the letters from hew son, John, an offices in the Royal Air Force. The physical features of the island were described; also climate, social customs and ether interesting points. A ten -cent tea followed. Era e d The New Era Est. 1867 TIIE HOME PAPER Engagement Announced Mr, and Mrs. Harry S. Thompson, Clinton,announce the engagement of their daughter, Olive Alicia Jane, to Leading Aircraftsman Arthur Logan Thompson, of the Royal Canadian Air and son. of Di a d Mr s. A. S, Thompson of Havelock, Ontario. The marriage to take place May 23rd, in St. Paul's •• Anglican church, -Stratford, two week's furlough and reported for Ontario. V—, Will Observe June 8th As Hawkins' Family Holds ' Reunion ,A family reunion took place atthe ]tome of Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Hawkins on Sunday last. The family'being all homethefor weekend, John; a Ser- geant Observer in the Royal Cana- dian Air Force, who has been on a King's Birthday, duty Monday. Hugh, a Sergeant In- structor at the Canadian Almy Trades' School at Hamilton, and Miss Madelon, of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Women's Division et St. Thom- as. Mr. and Mis. Al. C. Smith of Monday, June 8th, will be observed Cochrane, `the latter formerly Miss as the King's birthday in Canada this Harriet .Hawkins. Mrs. Hugh Haw - year, says a proclamation printed in kins and little daughter, Joyce, and the Canada Gazette. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Hawkins' mother, The peoelamation followed the cue- made a complete family party. tom observed in recent years, of hav- V ing the celebration during the sum- mer period rather than en December 14, His Majesty's actual birthday. v CLINTON BOY WITH FLIERS Hockey fans in Clinton had a -spec- ial interest in the oubcbme of the Ot- tawa Fliers, 1941 Senior Champions of Canada, and winners of the Allan Cup, as Pilot Officer Ellwood Campbell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell of town, was one of their most valued players. The Fliers defeated, the Port Arthur Bearcats last Saturday night in the Maple Leaf Gardens, 7 to 1, making them winners of the Allan Cup series. Ellwood has been the Fliers most con sistent scorer and to use a hackneyed expression, has been going to town this season. He is well known in the hockey world of Ontario having first ,started playing in Clinton while still in Collegiate, then later at Stratford, Oakville, and Kirkland' Lake. He was also coach of the Kirkland Lake Blue Devils for the two years previous to. joining the R.C.A.F.. P.O. Campbell is en the permanent staff of the Rockclif£e Air School. Gunners George and Robert Camp- bell with the Royal Clinadiae. Artil- lery at Camp Borden are his two younger brothers. Bob, as he is bet- ter known, joined the Highland Light Infantry but got transferred to the Artillery after George joined. This is the second family from Clinton to have three of its members morning, "God's Pledge" and in the lain the Service of the Empire. The evening, "Bataan." other is Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hawkins' , Remember that Sunday, May 10th family. is Mother's Day. v LITTLE LOCALS in a Spitfire Monday's Free Press show- ed ho -ed a photo of a local boy, Sergeant The News -R cord mailings Rite Pilot Charles Match, warming up his were corrected up to Saturday, April Spitfire at an • •operational training 25th, and all payments en subscrip- t tion "Somewhere m Britain." Sgt. tion amounts made on or before that d to a should beshownonthe label Match is the youngest son of Mr. and I Mrs. Fred Mutch of Clinton, arid is of this week's paper. Loots at year a graduate of the British Common- wealth label now and see if you have :been wealth Air Training Plan, having given the proper eredit. This is the trained at St. John, N.B. and Grum- season of the year when an unusual lin and received•his wings at Camp ly large number ofour subscribers pay their sus'cription and therefore We had many changes to snake. While every effort is made to guard against mistakes, we would like the HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ? Barden, in September. V. Summer Library Hours co-operation of our subscribers to The shorter summer hours will now be sure that no errors have been be observed at the Clinton Public made; Look at your label now and Library. Mtern'oons from 2 to 5.30 if there is any mistake please .notify o'cllook. Evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock, us as soon as possible. and Saturday evening from} 7 to 9.30 o'cldek. • Also the usual Wednesday holiday, Rev. A. 81..SSilver along with other will be observed. representatives, of the Clinton Bap- V fist church will broadcast devotional service, over CKNX Win'gham, from To Form Ladies Rifle Club 10 to 10.30 Tuesday morning, May 5th. A meeting to organize a ladies rifle club will The Ministerial Assoc. will sneer be held (tonight) Thursday et the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. evening, April 30th, at eight o'clock Hawke, Townsend street, for their at Epp's Rifle Rouge. All interested regular monthly meeting at 9.45 a.m. are invited. on Monday, May 4th. Similar club for ladies have been formed in Goderioh., Wingham, etc., Mise Helen Miller, elder daughter for several years past and are gain - of County Clerk N. W. Miller and' ing wide recognition for their marks - Mrs. Miller of town, has accepted a manship. Women who are joining position in the office at Sky Harbour the Women's Army Corps to serve Air School, Goderich. their country, are finding their train- Kenneth rainKenneth Cooke, son of Mr. and ing and knowledge of great value. Mrs. Charles V. Cooke, and on the staff of the Royal Bank in Stratford, is in the General Hospital there with MILITARY NEWS scarlet fever. Pte. Ted McCreath of the R.N.O.G. The Post Office staff will observe stationed at Canip Borden was the Wednesday half -holidays beginning guest of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Dixon Wednesday, May 6th, closing at 1 last weekend. O'clock. The wicket will be open from Pte. Harold Fremlin of the R.C.E, 2 to 2.30 in the afternoon to receive at Kitchener spent last weekend in mail for the afternoon train. town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. y_,-_ Theo. Fremlin. AMONG THE CHURCHES Cpl. Everett Lobb of the Dental Corps attached to the R.C.A.F. at Wesley -Willis Church Toronto spent the weekend at his The Women's Association will hold home in town. their regular monthly meeting on Among the recent enlistments at Thursday, afternoon, May 7th, at the No. 9 Recruiting Centre, R.C.A.F., usual hour. Note change of date. London, is Ekrnest Hugh Pollock et The minister's sermon subject for Varna, Ontario, 'Sunday, May 4th, will be, in the Staff -Sgt. George Knights, of the Presbyterian Church Y.P.U. President Speaks The Women's Association will meet The Sunday evening service in Wesley Willis United' church was under auspices of the Young People's Union, and the guest speaker was Clarence McClanaghan, of White- Services: Sunday School 2 p.m.; phurch, president, •cif the ILondon Con- . vangelistie and worship. 3 p.m. Get. fri'ence Young People's Union, London Military Hospital, spent last weekend in town with Mrs. Knights and small son, Kenneth. Cpl. Frank Heard of the Dental Corps attached to the R:C.A.F. at Port Albert spent last weekend. in V Results Of Salvage Collection Last Saturday volunteer helpers and trucks collected 16,140 pounds of mixed and waste paper; 9,466 pounds of scrap iron and 200 lbs. of rags, at their local salvage collection. This was one of their most successful col- lections and it lasted almost the fall day. All the salvage was shipped to headquarters the first part of the week and a cheque for Sixty-three dollars was received for the scrap iron and rage. ;the cheque for the paper has not yet been received. The Salvage Committee wish to take this opportunity to thank all who helped to collect and load the salvage, and the householders who had their salvage out and securely bundled and tied. The success of this collection depended upon the co-operation of everyone. V Address By Mrs. Coleriek A large group of women , foam Clinton and vicinity met in the Town Hall, Clinton, on Thursday afternoon, April 16th, to hear an address en the work of the Y.W.C.A. by Mrs. Coleriek; Liaison Officer for Ontario. Mrs, Coleriek was introduced by Mrs. F. Fingland, President of the local branch of Red Cross. Mrs, Coleriek began her remarks by thanking the women of Clinton and vicinity for their splendid co- operation in the various branches of war work on behalf of the Y.W.C.A. ce,pecially in the work connected with the Hostess House at the nearby , P.A.F. School, which was the first one to serve the R.A.F. in Canada. The second one was established at Piston, Ontario. in the Sunday School roam on Thurs. • town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Continuing, Mrs. Coleriek enlarg- J, L. Heard • ed in detail, on the work of the Y.W. note the change of date. and Grade kII teacher in the Clinton ! C.A.; their contacts with all young Clinton Mission Public School has received her call to people; the services rendered by this report to the R.C.A.F. We mens' Di- Association. The Y;.W.C,A. aslsis!ts in finding vis6an on May 3911& suitable homes' for young girls, who, LAC. A V. Corless accompanied by have left home to work in munitions• his friend, LAC. Bill Douglas, of the or who are engaged in other war R.C.A,F. at Fingal, spent last week- work; they also supervise the girls end with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Carless. Among the recent enlistments' at Military District No. 1 for the Can- rooms, suites and apartments in adian Active Army are Grant R. ,communities where women can I>,e Turner and. Borden Clark of Bayfield taken care of, while their husbands and James P. Murray of Varna. are in nearby camps. (2) Hostess. Pte. Roy F. Leppington of the• 4th Houses are established in Large camps armoured division, Sussex, N.B., re -I where the wives and mothers and turned to his unit .Friday, after vis- r sweethearts may meet their menfolk, iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.This is a problem, realized by nnili- Thomas Leppington and other rela- I tart' authorities, which has been Lives and friends. Edward W. Elliott, local auctiorn- eer, and son of Mrs..George H. E1 - day, May 7th, at 2.30 p.m. Please Miss Norma Habkirk of Seaforth tage prager service Priddy evening, The service WWI Lthly conducted by 8.30 p.m. at the home of Mr. Joe Miss Ruth .Potter, president of the Wheatley. All are invited to help local Y.P.U., and associated with her cheer this afflicted brother. were Benson Sutter, president of the Wherefore lay apart all filthiness Huron Presbytery 'Y.P.U., and Stan- and superfluity of naughtiness and ley Graham of Mildmay, convener of receive with meekness the engrafted the leadership training committee of word, which is able to save your the London Conference Y.P.U., each souls. James 1. 21 of whom took an active part in the $apdtist Church service. Please remember the Sunday school Mr.'MnCianaghan based his ire- meets this Sunday and each Sunday ofthe nion actwu word's from the fishes.stors. throughout the summer months at 11 of the miraculous' draught of He was heard with interest by a a.m. larger than usual Sunday evening Mothers are asked to meet at the congregation, including many R. A. church at eight oelock this Friday F. members from the nearby school, evening for "Mother's Day" choir A special musical number was ren: practice. dered by a quartette composed of At the evening worship service Misses Eileen Sutter, Kathleen Mc- this coming Sunday evening the min - Gill, Dorothy Corless and Lillian Gar- ister will give another illustrated ser- rett mon message bearing out the subject, V "Life's Greatest Tragedy". Mrs, Newcombe will, again sing. Youth Hold Joint Meeting You will find a warm welcome who volunteer for farm service. The Y.W.C,A. has three real re•• sponsibilitiest (1) the registery of overcome by the use of the Hostess. House. (3) The Y.W.C.A. is also called won to furnish approved lists of girls for dances and concerts. liott and the late Mr. Elliott, left The Hostess House provides a e1tib Sunday for Ottawa where he has for the wives of men in the service. joined the Canadian Civilian Fire .It realizes that men and women in Fighters, for service in the United uniform need something more than Kingdom. entertainment; they need personal Harold Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. tier with people out of uniform. Albert Seeley, recently graduated as Mrs. Coleriek illustrated her lec- ture with many true stories of the• awaiting you at these Sunday evening a Sergeant Pilot at Moncton, New - Here services. Come and join heartily in Brunswick and is.now spendinga few the singing of he good Gospel various phases of the work atom, The Empire Youth Movement in days at his home in town. He will be piished by the Y.W.C.A'. in Canada. commemoration of St. George, was brinks' stationed at McDonald Air School, t At the conclusion of the lecture, observed here Monday evening by a St, Paul's Church Manitoba, as an instructor. Mrs. H. M. Monteith and Mrs. Gordon. union service of the young people's societies of the Steal churchesand a number from nearby churches. The meeting was held . in the Ontario Street United church and was con- ducted by Miss Edna Ford. Rev. G. G. Burton, pastor ofthe church, Mrs. Envoy Wright of the Salvation Army Corps, and Miss' Phyllis Berman of St. Paul's church tookpart in the opening service. Miss Florence Aitken was pianist. The program included: a solo by Miss Jean Morgan with piano accom- paniment by Mrs. Bert' Boyes; 'a piano solo by Miss Aiken; vocal solos by Jackie Cook and Lloyds Butler. The guest speaker was Rev. Gordon R. Naalewooi of Benmiller who spoke on the subject of "Christian, Patriotism." After the program and! add'ess the c,om!bined groups repaired to the base- ment of the chmioh for a social half- hour. Aircraftsman 'Gilbert Foster of the Royal Air Force, enteetained' The Women's Association will hold $t to show to her son when he returns. with electric guitar selections. A their monthly meeting- at three ii'rank Moynes is well remembered in half-hour at games was .followed by o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, May Clinton, having spent his school days lunch served by the Y.P.U. of the 6th. Please bring your needle and here. If paper could talk, what a hoar church.. 'thread for the Red Cross quilt. Mary this wrapper would tell, Sunday, May 3rd, 1942: 10.30 a.m. Clarence Helium.,, who last week Miller expressed thanks and appre- Sunday School; 11 a.m. Holy Com- munion; was accepted into the Royal Canadian ciation for the interesting and instrue- muniion; 7 p.m. Evensong. Navy is stationed at H.M.C.S', Pro- ti„ve lecture, on behalf of those press. Tuesday, 3 p.m., Ladies• Guild. Tuesday, May 5: 8 p.m, Confirma- tion Service, the Bishop of Huron, Rt. Rev. C. E. Seeger. Corning Events Sunday, May 10, 11 a.m. Negation Sunday, when we pray God's Bless- ings en the Seed Sower. 7 p.m. Guest Preacher, Wing Cindr, the Rev. Gerald W. Giregson, .Sr. C: of F!. R.A.F. Chaplain in Canada. OntarioStreetCburch 11 a.m, "Halting between . Two Opinions." 12 noon. Sunday School, 2 p.m. Turner's church, service. 7 p.m. "The Pioneer of Life." Wednesday, 8 pan. Midweek Ser- vice. Detroit. A. few woks ago Mis. Bon-. Tuesday, 9,30 a.m., Huron. Presby -'tell sent the wrapper'back to Mrs, tery wilt meet in Ontario. St. churchly McCulloch at London, who is keeping vast, London, spent the weekend in town. Mrs. Neilans, the fotmek I . Ethel (Bud) Cooke, who is with this Canadian Women's Army Corps at I ►j+UCgFiRnS ill' i The Y.P.S. of Turner's church en- Kitchener, also spent the weekend in tertained the Ontario Street Y.P.S., town. 5 Clinton, at their social evening on Mrs, Archie McCulloch of London, Monday. About 40 were present and sent a Christmas parcel to her son, a good time was reported. Pte. Robert McCulloch, of the Cana- Seeding is the order of the day' in diem Dental Corps overseas, who after this vicinity and by the hum of the receiving it turitecd the wrapping over .tractors on alt sides every available to Sergeant Cecil R. Holmes, of the acre will be sowed'. same Corps, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Mi. and Mrs. Luff of Hamilton W, S. R. Holmes of Clinton. Sgt, were last weekend visitors with the Holmes used the wrapper to send alady's sisters, Mrs.. L. Trivett and parcel to Frank W. Moynes of De- I Mrs. Hugh McLaughlin of Tgsnonde trait, son of • Mrs, George Boutell of vine, who are under the doctor's care. STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. William Scotehntor ;end Miss Anna spent • Snnday with friends at Porter's Hill. Cpl. William Dunealf of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Penhale.