The Clinton News Record, 1942-04-23, Page 2PAGE 2 TILE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD nun by DOLAN BIKKLEY One morning, the wealthy Mrs. .Rodman (Nina) `Arkwright is found murdered. in a dressing ream- of the swimming pool at a resort hotel in Oa.lifornia. Janet Cooper, swimming teaeher, fears that 'Joel Markham ;will be accused. lie operates a film lab- oratory owned by Nina, and was re- cently heard to say that she deserved killing Beside her body, when found, is a .broken 'flowerpot containing a blue geranimn, • In her hand, are some old newspaper clippings.tbout a flier Danny McLeod, who lost his life in The Clinton .LN ews-Record with which is Incorporated TIIE NEW ERA TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1,.60 per year in advance, to Can- adian addresses; $2.00 to the U.S. or other foreign countries. No paper distiontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the pub- lisher. The date to which every sub- scription is paid is denoted on the Mabel. ADVERTISING RATES — Transient advertising 12e per count line for first insertion.. 8c for each subse- .riuent insertion. Heading counts 2 hnes. Small advertisements not to ,exceed one inch, such as "Wanted,". "Lost", "Strayed", etc., inserted once for 35% each subjeequent insertion 15e. Rates for display advertising made known on application. Communications intended for,pub- .lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. iG. E. HALL - , Proprietor H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton Frank Fingland. B.A.. LL.B. Barristor, Soliktor,Notary Public Successor to W. Baydone, K.C. Sloan Block Clinton, Ont. DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon Phone 203, Clinton H. C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Sup:reuse Court od Ontario Proctor in Admiralty, Notary Public and Commissioner. Offices IA Bank of Montreal Building Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. D. IL McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors west of Royal Bank) Hours—Wed. and Sat. and ba appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation Elan -Ray Treatment Phan 207 EDWARD W. ELLIOTT' Licensed Auctioneer For Huron Correspondence promptly answered, Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Chargee Moderate and Satisfaction Guarantee& Imoiro a trans=Pacific air race promoted Nina four years ago. It developes that Danny's father is the hotel jani- tor, Mao, who reveals that Nina se- cretly put up the money`foi Danny to enter the race. Captain Loring, of the police, questions those who were at the pool when the murder was d covered. Besides Janet, Joel and Ma there are Kay Felding, Nina's nie will inherit her money; A Kramer, ex-wife of her ]tusba Bobbie iaine debutante; lack, S' 'fora whom Bobbie has been pur Niing but who has been attentive 'Nara and ilfa•. Jepperson, the hot assistant manager. by alibi.' is - c; ece, Bele nd; ey- su- to her offering' the prise and then ente ing a flier to,bry to win it. That wa all handled through seine little co pany she held some stock in, like it was advertising or something." "But she was, in a way responsible for your' sort's death, wasn't she? Loring probed. Mac 'glanced from side to side. ' never blamed Iter," he muttered. "Danny went of his own free will." Loring dropped the clippings though they were "a bait which had' failed to lure the fish. He got up, walked to the door talk -1 ed to someone in a nutter, and then said snore loudly. "Give me that flow- erpot. A moment later, he turned back, There was a broken flowerpot in his ands, its sections held together by trips of adhesive tape. In the pot NV a lump of soil and a straggling lue geranium plant. Loring set the pot on the table. "This was found in the shower oonn with Mrs. Arkwright," he said ruffly to every one in general. "It was broken. We have established facet that Mrs. Arkwright took it 'ons the wall near the - servants' itra ace at about midnightmidnightlast tght; that she walked with` it the lobby and into the ele- ator which took her upstairs; and hat piersumably she kept it in her oom with her until this morning, nce Mr. Jepperson saw her in the obby at nine with an object like is wrapped in a newspaper. Fur- hermore acoercling to the evidence, he took it with her to the pool this ming between nine and nine - .i If he expected to surprise and dis- concert her, he was disappointed,.She looked at lir as if with cur- iosity, and said, "Just what do you mean,. alibi?' "Where you were at ten o'clock, when your aunt was • .being murder- ed." "Do you expect me to admit'that I Was there killing her?" "No, but I do yant to know why you said that you were on the terrane at ten when you weren't." "What aloes it matter? It's just a el's- leeway of minutes one way or an- other." "The thing that matters," Loring said slowly, is the fact that you knew that an alibi was necessary for or_ ten, that y'ou insisted on yours until rpm you saw that it was completely in- to possible," nd From the way that Kay snapped the ash from her cigarette, Janet id- knew that Loring had at last penetra- ted that icy armor. He had put a oho little fear into her cool mind. Her ,eyes turned and settled on My Joel. in 'I think that it's time you knew certain faets,•: Captain Loring," she p- said. "It's time you quit badgering ht the rest of, us and got your teeth into his' my aunt's business relations with Mr. Markham:' ed Loring's face was contorted with a at brief look of grim satisfaction.' Janet thought; He's • waited for G I this ,he's watched for it, planned for. , it, egged Kay into it. She felt Joel's in hand press hers, under the table. le ( "Go on, Miss Feldman," Loring• k_ Said ;smoothly. vff I "Mr. Markham and my aunt had a nd serious quarrel day before yesterday. ie Nina told him that he would either have to return to the filth laboratory as and work on a new formula she'd purchased'from an Italian firm •or ss he'd jolly well get kicked out of the- ey business." i When Corcoran had departed;• L ing ran his ,eye over a sheaf:of el pings the detective had retailed him, • Suddenly he lifted them a held thorn toward' old' Mac. 1'These yours?" he asked offbai edly. Mac hesitated, as if he sensed trap under 'the casual word's, Then: "No, they aren't mine. clippings about Danny are piaster a book' Loring flipped through the of pings. "You say that Mrs. Arkwrig persuaded you son to attempt, t flight?" "Well, no. I mean, Danny want to ge bad enough. Especially first." Loring looked up. "And later didn't?" "I—I'm not sure." Mae stumbled his speech, looking at the peop about hint. "This island Mrs. Ar. Wright owned., it was a long way in the Pacific. I think, at the e Danny was a Iittle worried about tl plane." "Mrs. Arkwright knew that he w worried.? h• Mac shook his head. "I don't gue site did. She didn't put up his mon direct. It wouldn't havelooked righ t, "Your aunt had complete control of the laboratory which Mr. Markham s operates?" Loring asked. m ".That's right. She put up the money and lie put up the brains." Kay shrugged. "I'll admit she tried to work him to death. Add darn near succeeded." . Loring picked up the notebook be- fore hint and put it carefully to the left 'of the flowerpot, then •shifted the clippings to the right. He looked as like , a warrior who has: just killed twenty men to get at the one he really hated: Janet's heart thudded. Now they had got Joel and there was a perfect case against hint. 21 'I h S t g the ei t r HAROLD JACKSON 1' Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farm and Household th Sales. t Licensed in Huron and Perth s Counties. ' Prices reasonable; satis- m faction guaranteed. - For information etc. write or phone th Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth. phone 14 -661. - 06-012 g THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Lt:.... T..,... ince Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. Officers: President A. W. MeEwing, Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Manager and See. Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors: Watt. Knox, Londesboro; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris, Leonhardt, Dublin; E. J. Trewartha, ,Clinton;Thos. Moylan, Seaforth; W. - in R. Archibald; Seaforth; Alex McEtw- ing. Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; I tt 'Hugh Alexander, Walton. I; List' of Agents: bi .'J. Watt, Blyth; J. E. Pepsi, Bruce- -field, R.R. ,No. 1; X. F. McKercher, ' bublin, R.R. No. 1 J. F. Preuter, ne r - Any money to be paid may M paid I on Ito the Royal Bank, Gl]nton• Bank of 'Commerce, Seaforth, or at Calvin Cat's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effect incur- co ante or transact other' business will be promptly attended to on applica- tion to any of the above officers ad- dressed to their respective post ofli- tee. Lossee.inspected by the director He stopped and lookedat the roup around him. "I'd like to heat any theories that any of you might have. This broken flowerpot fits into the scheme of Mrs. A,rkwright'a murder. How, I don't know. Perhaps some of you do, even without realizing it. Per- haps you know of some hint she dropped, some intention she spoke of. Try to think of . anything unusual which you can remember." Hia voiqe died out and silence set No one volunteered any informa on. The only sound in the roonn Was the occasional shuffle of Mac's g feet on the floor. Then Joel leaned, toward Janet and 'Gvhtspered "Ile hasn't found the ker el in this nut yet. Wait till he starts mle " Loring 'barked, "Anything to offer, Markham?" CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS "-Sorry. Not a thing," Joel said oily. `Miss Cooper?" Janet shook her head. Loring asked each person in turn whether they had any theories, but received negative answers. He waited, then; moved the clip- pings and the notebook about on the able as though trying to fin d a per - et spot for each. If he felt the atchful eyes scrutiny of the others, gave no -sign. Sudldenly he glanced up, looked tract at. Kay. - ow, Miss Feldman, suppose,we. t dawn to business about your TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from fe Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. it' Going Hamot, depart 6.43 a.m. he Going East, depart 3.00 p.m. Going West, depart 11.45 ism. s` Going West, depart 9.60 p.ni.I London --Clinton Going Booth ar. 2.50, leave 8.08 p.m. go CHAPTER -XI Loring looked at Joel. "Suppose you give us your version of this— ali- argument which yott had with Mrs. Arkwright." "Surely," Joel said. "I have the word of a lung specialist that fur- ther.'work with chemteals during the next year would almost certainly be fatal. That's why'I'm here, loafing. About a month ago, Mrs. Arkwright bought a formula which, if it could be adapted to color photography, Would oa d be a bigadvance both inn - i econ- omy and technical perfection. The. other day, she asked ins to get to work with this new formula immedi- ately." "This would have involved, chem- ical experiments?" Loring asked. "It would have meant that within a year, at best, I'd be pushing up daisies," Joel said' bluntly. "And you refused, of course?" "That's right." Loring's eyes were bland. "What did ,she .say to that?" "She said that 'I ,could choose be- tween adapting this formula for use in. her film laboratories or be kicked out of the business." "Your business, means a. great deal to you?" Joel looked Loring in the eye. "It is everything I have in the world as far as making a living's concerned." Loring. twiddled for a minute with the stuff in. front of him. Then he turned, suddenly to Adele. "A paint I'd'like to clear up," he said to her, "is why you passed as Miss Kramer here instead of Mrs. Adele Arkwright" Adele sat up, straight in her chair. 'It, was part, of the•divorce agree- ment. ' r-1 don't believe Rodman Arkwright wanted Nina to know he and I had been married." "It wasn't a scheme on your part to enable. you to follow and get to know Mrs. Arkwright" "No, not at all." "You did not reveal' your real iden- tity to her?" "Why should I?", "You didn't go down to the pool this .morning and find out that Mrs,. Arkwright ands her husband had had a talk there and been reconciled?" Adele's lips moved, but she didn't speak. - I "You didn't trick Mrs. Arkwright into going into the shower room and there hack her to death with an ax 7" , Adele, sat perfectly still, her face white. - THURS,'APRIL 23, 1942 ells Ie>_ Fr' 8 a0 !�. V,e to- `Y� p.,9•, �� DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Issued under authority Department of the Secretary of State Ottawa. Loring leaned toward- her. "Whalocker building, she could see Loring do you, think killed Nina Arkwright?" at the edge of the pool. He and Car - he boomed, "Why, Jo—Joel Markham," she Goran were unrolling a wad of news - chocked out. paper. Evidently, they had found Janet thought numbly, Loring has played this game so many times. be- fore, he's perfect at it. He knows just whom to taunt, as he did with Kay; or whom to bully out of their senses—like Adele. "Do you?" Loring asked softly. "And why?" "Because of what he said to Miss Cooper in the garden," Adele jerked out. "Ile said Nina deserved killing." "When was this?" Two or three nights ago. "We'll hold you to that," Loring said with sudden briskness. "Mark- ham, I'm holding you on suspicion of murder." Janet pressed so hard against the back of her chairs that she felt the rungs bite into her flesh. Joel was getting up. "It's what I expected," he, told Loring, "You'll' want a lawyer, I sap- pose up- pose„ Joel shrugged. "Why? In a clay or two, you'll find, out you've made a mistake." "What makes' you so sure?" "Because you're not as sure as you're making out Loring. There are too many funny angles in this that you haven't gat answers for That change in hats, Nina' Ark- wright's black eye., the flowerpot. Most .of all; who got rid of that fire ax and how. You must think that locking Inc up will cause some ono' else to get careless." Loring could,no quite hide his discomfiture. . He covered ib by suing' moving an officer on guard at the door and ordering him to take Joel away. Joel bent toward Janet. "Good- bye, ':Harling," he whispered. She watched his lean figure van- ish through the door. In a daze,' she heard Loring dismissing the rest of them, dropping a hint that they would be watched that the arrest of ' Joel Markham hadn't completed the case. She felt frozen inside.... That evening-, it was -not quite seven when. Janet strolled out upon the terrace. She saw the stodgy figure of a policeman standing halfway between the terrace and the entrance - to the pool blazed! with light. Janet took a path that avoided the watching man, circled the pool, and let herself into the tennis courts. Standing in the shadow of the` men's her flowerpot, Even £rota where she stood, Janet could see the red stains on it. "Wiped the ax on it maybe," she the paper in which Nina had wrapper heard Corcoran say. (TO BE CONTINUED) (The characters in this serial are fictitious) Hungry For News People who have lived in Clinton but are now living elsewhere, are always interested in what is happening "back home." Your local newspaper tells them more in one is- sue than would or could be told in a dozen letters. Your local newspaper goes regularly and act- ually costs less than a letter a week, when postage, stationery and time are considered. Your local newspaper cost only $1.50 a year to any address in Canada, $2.00 to the United States. SEND YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER Minton News -Record To That Absent Friend or Relative