HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-04-09, Page 54078,
To those contemplating build -
'ling a Monument , , Get my
prices before buying. Cemetery
Lettering a specialty.
All work guaranteed.
Clinton — Ontario
Successor to Ball & Zapfe
59 ti
ThURS , APRIL`9,1 42
Mrs. Effie' Chopin of Toronto spent
the weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs: J. C. Stolta.
Miss, Norman Daer has returned
home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Rohe Hayman, of St. Catherines,
Robert Craig of the R.O.A,.F'.,
Trenton, spent the weekend with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graig.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Foreman and
twe 'ohildren of Flint, Mich., were
weekend visitors of Mrs, Ii'oreman's
father Mr. Edward Jones.
Miss Frances Houston of Kitchen-
er General Hospital and Jim Houston,
2t•.Ct,A,F., Montreal, spent the week.
end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs,
-John Houston.
Miss Helen Marsh of Brampton, is
holidaying with her ,parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Beat Marsh,
Miss Christine Roberton of Whitby
spent the Easter weekend with Dr.
B. C. Weir and Miss Josephine Weir.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas, McNeil of To-
ronto, spent the holiday weekend with
Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Asquith,
Misses Mary Houston, •of South
Porcupine and Jean Houston, of
Bowrnanville arc holidaying with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs John
Mrs, A. J. Ferguson is visiting her
daughter Mrs. Ray O'Neil and Mr.
O'Neil of Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby, Bill
and. Marie, Donis McKnight, Viola
Leatherland and Mrs. R. J. Phillips
attended a B.Y:P.U. in Goderich
Baptist church Friday night,
Miss Jean Scott, of Parkhill 'spent
the weekend with her parents, Mr.
•and Mrs. Robert Scott.
Mr. John Cowan held a very sue -1
cesseul sale on Monday. Mr. Cowan
has had to give up extensive farm-
ing owing to ill health,
Mrs. R. D. Munro and Zeta visited
last Wednesday with Miss Mary
Munro nutse-in-training at 'Wood,
•atock hospital.
The Baptist Ladies' Aid met atr
home of Mrs. W. C. Robertson ton d
' Thursday, Mrs, Annie •Wainer pre-
eided. Mrs. John Raithby led in the
repetition of the Lord's Prayer. The s
scripture was read by Mrs. Frantic
•Lansing; and Mrs. Robertson offered
Mervyn Keys .of Timmins, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Keys, Babylon
Line, reported at North Bay, April
2nd to comnc
eme his training inthe
ReC.A,F. Mervyn is the second son
of M2 .and Mrs. Keys to enter the
service; Gordon who enlisted last fall
in the R•C.A.F: has been stationed at
Bala Bala, of the B.O. Coast since
early January.
The many friends and neighbors of
Mr. and Mrs. George Reid; Parr. Line,
made a surprise visit at their Koine
Saturday night to da honour to their
son Bill who will have finished his
course at Galt Aircraft School soon,
and sent to Manning Depot at
Lachine. During the evening Bill
was presented with a well filled mon-
ey belt, and a military set in the Air-
force blue. The following address
was read by Gordon Johnston and the
presentation made by II'arolci Connell.
Dear Bi11:—
We your friends and neighbors
have met here tonight to offer our
good -will 'and fellowship to you as
you enter a new phase -of your life.
It is with a feeling of sadness and
pride that we are here. You have
heard the call •of king and +eountay
and have freely offered yourself to
fight if needs be .for freedom and de-
mocracy. Now that your school
training is about over and you may
be called to other districts or land's
we would like you to carry kind mem-
ories of this "Parr Line" community
with you, so we ask you to accept
this gift -with our kindest regards
and .best wishes for your welfare
where ever you may go
May Gott bless you and also the
Empire and the United forces.
Signed on behalf of your Parr Line
friends: Gordon Johnston, Harold
Connell, Mervyn Johnston,
Bill made a fitting reply, afterwhich a social hour was. spent .and a
dainty lunch served.
Miss Kate McGregor of Wingham
and Miss Margaret McGregor• of To -
onto, are spending the Easter hon-
eys at the home of Mr. John Mc-
Miss Shirley Wa1ff of Hensall is
spending Easter week visiting her
ister Mrs. Norman Baird.
Misses Tena Baird; and Authey
prayer. The next meeting is to take
the form of a Mother's Dayrneeting, '
with a th'ankoffering donation.
Readings were given by Mrs. Earl
Raithey, Mrs. Cliff. Brown and Mrs.
T. McNall Mrs Glenn RaitI b
Misses Mary and Esther Jamieson
,of 'Toronto are spending the Easter
holidays with their parents Mr. 'and
Mrs. A. Jamieson.
Mas. A. Kerslake and Dorothy sof
Centralia are visiting with the form-
er'e mother, Mrs. H. Lyon.
A very impressive taster service
on Sunday morning was held at the
Unitech church with tate Sunday
School and church service combined.
The choir rendered special 'music,
the boys of the S.S, sang a number,
as also did the girls. Mrs. L. McNall
gave the story. Grant Snell read
Scripture lesson. A large number of
young people were received into the
church, at the reception service. Rev.
Menzies' preached an excellent serm-
on "A Grave in a Garden." Four
young boys took up the offering.
Several potted, plants at the alter ad-
ded to the beauty of the service.
A cablegram has been received by
Mr. Ed. Youngblutt from his son, Sgt.
Ob -server Stanley Youngblutt of his
safe arrival in England with the
Mr, Carl Radford and Edwin Foth-
ergill •of Niagara Falls. were house
over the Easter holidays.
Miss Thelma Scott of Toronto
spent the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs.' John Scatt.
Mr's. Wm, Lyon and Miss B. Kirk
attended the funeral of their aunt,
Mrs. fanny McMath, who. died in To -
onto and was- brought to Clinton for
bttriel on Tuesday.
Mr. W. Pipe of Brussels has hired
with Mr. W. E. Manning for the
summer months.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Br'undson on Easter Sunday were
Mr. Howard Brun'dson, Clintn, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Mason and Mrs. Bruns -
don's two sisters Clara and Emma
of London, and, Mr. Fred Mason, De-
Miss Dorothy Little of Swansea,
Toronto, with her mother Mrs. Town-
send over the weekend holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jahr- Fingland• re-
turned home last week having spent
the winter with friends in Toronto.
and Niagara Falls.
Mrs.• Herman Sundercocic has mov-
Batrd spent Tuesday in Seaforth visi-led to her home recently bought from
ting, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ross and Mr. Albeit S'haddiek,
daughter Gretta. J Mr. and Mrs. T. Fairservice had.
Miss Irene Scotebiner of Toronto' nearly all of their family with the
as at the home of her parents; Mr. I for Easter. m
and Mrs. William S'cotchmer for l Little Audrey and Barbara a Oliver.
of Clinton ane holidaying at the Monte
Cpl. William Dunealf, who has been of Miss E. Maine.
overseas for ,some oninths has re -,1 Miss Margaret Morrison of 'Pa-
unned as an instructor. yenta is spending the Easter holidays
Cpl. William Dnncalf spent the at the home of Mr. and Mrs', Lloyd
aster weekend with Mr, Harold Pen- Medd.
tale en the Bronson, Line, I Miss Lillie Garrett is quite ill an
Mr .Joe Wild of Hamilton e is, in the Clinton Rospitai;, we wishpent
aster with - his mother, Mrs, v, her a speedy recovery
' ty
cureh' with a •solo, and Mrs, Robertson
brought the topic en Easter. MT
Earl Raithby closed) the meeting wi
prayer, and a dainty lunch was s
Knox United church W.M.S. rn
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. J•a♦s
Woods presiding, Mrs, Wood's •op,e
ed the meeting• with prayer afte
which a" duet was sun • b
g y Misses Ila
th t
et h
n- E
1' V
Craig and Vivian Straughan. Mrs;
Wools reads the scripture lesson, and
this was followed by prayer by Mrs.
Jas•. Roberton. Rev, H. C. Wilson
brought an impressive Easter mess't
sage, and Mrs. Fred'P'laetzer render- i
ed a solo., Mrs, Chas. Straughan of- P
fered prayer, and Miss Margaret gal
/-ring dedicated the offering in prayer.
Phe', singing of the'National -Anthem At
ind prayer by Mrs. Woods closed the R
noting with prayer. be
1 Mrs, Alex. Wells has returned from
Clinton Irav`
rng spent several days at
EBENEZER the home of Will Wells who has been
quite ill but is now . on the way to
Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Lobb enter- recovery.
aired the Y,F,U, on Monday even-' Miss Dorothy Griffiths of Clinton
ng to a pot luclt'suPPet'. After sup- spent Sunday at her home.
Pe the evening was spent in social Miss Olive Moon of the Wartime
nes and :music..' Prices and. Trades Board staff, Ot.,
The church service next Sunday, tam' spent a few days with. her par-'
it 12 is to be conducted by Rev, ernes, Mi.•••and Mrs.` George 1;11)0..
v at
Ivat'ril ,Staghenson of Westervelt gel- Ir
ege and Bod Reid) of Beck sllegiate, t
.,ondonf, silent the holidays- at their s
espedtive. hon`igs'i . - h
Bola Peek, Barry Reid' and Bill Reid
:f Galt Lfrxn•aft ,School .spent •; the. los
ioliday with, their parents, ent
Herm, of Varna. Service will -V
at 3.30 .in., with Sunday” School GODER ,
2.45 pen. Note change of time, - •I('H TQWNSt?IP
Miss Violet Phillips of Toronto vis- Mrs. James Johnston has mune to•
d' at the home of.'her eister Mrs. Goderich to apend,a week with
Merrill . on Saturday.:;;-. e ,
G�eotge +Stewart and -other friends,
Mr ;a'llonaltl .Ileb4bi ;of:�. St. Marys Miss •
e •Margaret Middleton n .' �-1
pont the Baster weeleen, , at, the trainin •,.:in , urxse• to
, g Guelph
of his uncle, Mtil: ;a1:: He h pay'Gfter o n the.
`lien'-' aper}t::lryst Thµrsday afternoon• at bha!;
Mr. Alvin 'Lobb, R.C;N.V.R. :of ltome••raf her
n..:spents last aM1+itle hire ,.+•slrr: P,arentsy aft. and. Mrid
par ed Middleton. di s.
ACI. Ted Middleton; who is now
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 66j
A Good Poultry Market
Whenever your Poultry Flock needs
culling we are at your iservice. Prices
of poultry are •expected to be in line
with other higher prices of meat.
Good service given in grading your
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
`Batkins Locker' Storage
Will observe Wednesday half holi-
days during April to November. We
sell salmon, white fish, herring,
flounders, smelts, fresh fillets;
Haddock filletts, boneless salmon;
also farmers style sausages, green
peas and strawberries•,
Custom Killing and Buy Hides
Now is the time to store your fish.
"Frozen Foods are Better Foods"
stationed at Brantford spent the Eas-
ter weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Middleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dodge of
Detroit spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. McGuire,;
Miss Grace Stirling of'Toronto
spent the Easter holidays with her
parents Mr .and Mrs. Jas. Stirling.
Mr .and Mrs, Garland Betties of
Toronto spent the weekend with his
brother Mr, Allen Betties .
Seeding is in full swing, the earl-
iest in history.
Mr. and; Mrs. Ed. Williams of
Fordwich and Miss Kate iltrilliams
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'.
John Torrance.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Osborne of Til-
bury are spending their Easter holi-
days at the hone of Mr. and Mrs,
Milton Steep.
The social evening which was to be
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John
Middleton this Friday evening hr's
been cancelled due• to the death of a
former resident, Mr. John T. Beacom,
S.S. No, 11 Red Cross group will
meet on Thursday, April 16th, at the
home of Mrs. Francis, Powell,
The S.S. No. 4 Unit of the Red
Cross Society met at the home of
Mrs. Leslie Pearson, The president,
presided at the -meeting which was
opened by singing a verse of + "0
Canada," followed by the Lord's
Prayer in unison. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and
adopted. The roll call was responded
to by nineteen members and there
were four visitors, present. A gift
of tating donated by Mrs, W. Forbes,
was sold by tickets with Mrs. A.
Gamble holding the lucky ticket.
It was decided to donate $50 to the
Clinton Red Cross. Materials for
sewing were distributed. A quilt was
guilted. Mrs. Hebden brought in
four quilt tops which she li'ad pieced
from patches, belonging to the Soe-
iety. The meeting was closed by
singing the National Anthem. Lunch
Ives served by Mrs, Pearson, and Miss,
M. Jones,
Miss Evelyn Wise -of London spent
Easter at the hone of her parents,
and Mrs. W. Wise.
Mrs, Williamson spent the Baste'):
Holiday at the hone of her father,
Mr. W. Lobb.
Mrs. Lloyd Millar.; who Inas, been
'visiting, in Clinton at the home of her
mother, Mrs, Rogerson has returned
Council Meeting
Council islet in Hohnesville' on
Monday last, Department of High-
ways aoount due us an' 1941 expend-
iture amounting to 3,000,00 read and
filed. Department of Highways that
a'•subsidy will only be paid on expen-
riture of $3,000 instead of $6,000 for
this year. Dept. of Welfare that' the
cast -of direct relief will be borne by
Muniepality '
tmepaht and The he Province on the
50-50 ba'sisl, •
Mr, J. C. Shearer acknowledge with
thanks the grant from the Tawnsh+ip
to the Provincial Piowing'Maiteh.
The Township flag was burned,
when e the hail was destroyed, 'the
Clerk was instructed to order a new
The building of a hall, was again
discussed' and, the clerk was instructed
tis get information whether. the war
tied; prices and trade Board will al
,L',w that much, material to be used
Council renewed the Treasurer's
bond with Mrs, 11. C. Lawson of Clin-
Accounts, .paid • s s
Premium+ on++
,Treasurer bo'nd::`.'24.p
Cqukt'. , 6
Y o,f•rl�ttrone,I;aspttal"�':;'.::'
•. account,, i .,�,r, 24:80
Miss Aeheson,aisecef+;lieu
se ,. 6.06
S4pt:.•pay roll :No; 1 a. t —lee t
'Cann'L•,il:;a ^ 1123.30
diaottrned„,to nfeet'•tiit Mon-
de May 4 at 2 p.m.
NOW PLAYING: Edgar Bergen
and Charlie McCarthy in "Look
Who's Laughing"
Mon., Tues, & Wed. Two Features
Adventure in the teeming heart of
Asia, along the Burma Road, twis-
ting, turning to certain death
Charles Bickford, 'Evelyn Aukers
and Frank Albertson
Also: Gracie Fields in
"Queen of Hearts"
Fredric March, Marta Scott and
Beulah Bondi
You'll ;see no finer picture this year
then this outstanding ,story of a
sirmple man who toiled.to matte the
world better
1934 International Panel half -ton
Pick-up truck. New tires and in pink
of condition.
1941 Pontiac Sedan with 6,700
miles. New car guarantee.
Phone 34-616
sponsored by Varna Junior/Farmers
Wednesday, April '15th
Gents 35c and Ladies Provide Lunch
Dancing 9 till 2
Contract Barley
We still have a quantity. of Con-
tract Barely to put out among the
Farmers. Get in touch with us as
soon as possible.
Hensall, Ontario.
Joseph Frederick Rogerson, a nat-
ive of Hullett township and: for the
past 22 years a resident of Clinton,
d'iesi suddenly Monday, March 30th in
Itis 80th year. He had been in poor
health for the past few years but had
been able to he up and about, On,
the Monday morning he walked out to
where a barn at the rear of his home
was being dismantled and was sod
denly stricken with a heart attack.
He was supported to the house but
succumbed almost immediately. He
was a Son of the late Solomon Roger-
son and Elizabeth; Bowe Rogerson,
pioneer farmers of ,fXullett, 13th con.
cession and was born on the 28th of
January, 1863. He attended the pub-
lic school of hs home section and as
a young man engaged in farming. 1
Porty-two years ago he married Jane , I
Porterfield of Clifford, Ontario, who.
survives. They fawned the home-
stead farm until 1920, when they re- n
tired and took up. residence in Clinton:dj
NOW: 'There's Magic in Music' &
"Blondie Plays Cupid"
Melvyn Douglas, Ruth Hussey and
Ellen Drew
head a grand comedy east in the
nib -tickling marital farce
Thur., Fri., Sat.—Double Feature
Anita Louise and Bruce Bennett
in a thrilling; adventurous, sub -sea
story -
The. Phantom Submarine j
John Howard, Ernie Barnes and
Brod Crawford
will tinkle your funnybone with
the fun -fest
"Tight Shoes"
Conning: "Weekend in Havana" ..
NOW: "Parachute Battalion" and
"Scattergood Pulls the Strings"
"How Green Was My
The greatest philosophical drama
of the year, An epic of Wales and
its miners
Walter Pidgeon, Maureen O'Hara
Donald Crisp
T'13UItS., FRI.& SAT.
Abbott and Costello
Clown princes of screen comedy,
present their dizziest laugh riot
"Hold That Ghost"
Coning Sonja Henie in "Sun
Valley Serenade"
Mat.: Wed, Sat, & Holidays 3 p.m.) Mat,: Sat. and Holidays at 3 pan..1
Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra
ADMISSION: 35e and 25e
Cliff, Watson, Manager
of Kincardine Presents
And His Western
Art Hallman
Judy Richards
"3 of a Bind"
The Quartet
Kincardine Pavilion
Dancing from 9.30
Proceeds for Service Work
or remit to J. W. MacLeod, Box
226, Kincardine, enclosing stamp-
ed, self-addressed envelope.
Mrs. Rogerson and family wish to
express their thanks and apprecia-
tion to Rev. Burton and friends and
neighbors for kindness shown in their
-sudden bereavement including floral
tributes and nardsa of sympathy; they
also wish to thank those who offered
or loaned their cars.
Mil, John Jacob wishes to extend
her thanks and appreciation to all
those who sold tickets and is any
way helped to make the patriotic
draw such a great success.
Pasture for Rent
100 acres of good pasture for rent
with spring creek and plenty of shade.
Apply at News -Record, 87-2
A formerresident of Clinton, Fan-
nie Cathoritte Polley, widow of the late
James C, McMathpassed away at
her home in Toronto after a lengthy
illness on Easter Sunday morning.
She was the daughter of Captain
and Mrs. Thomas Polley of Stella,,
Ontario. She resided inClinton from
the time of her marriage until she
moved to Toronto almost eight years,
ago. She is, survived by one sister
Mrs. Ilerbert Field, Strathroy and
three daughters, Marjorie., Ruthand'
Winnifred of Toronto. Mrs,
MeMath was a former memberof Wesley -Willis United Church and.
later of Bloor St. United church, To
Funeral serivees were held in Wes,
ey-Willis United •Oltureh at 2.30 pan,Tuesday, conducted by Rev. A. Lan
and Dr. J. E: Hogg, a former pastor
nternent was, made in Clinton cele'
tery. The pallbearers were Wilme
Wallis, Gordon Ohninglam, John In-
es, John Turner, Douglas Ball and
ohn Nediger Jr.
1842 Radios are here on display in-
cluding, Rogers, Deforest, Phileos,
Westinghouse, Spartons.
I carry a full line of radio tubes,
up to date tube tester, General and
Everready Batteries Dominion Wa-
shing Machines, all electrical applies
ances and roofing supplies,
A. W. Groves, Princess Ste.
Farm for Sale
I0ighty acres of good clay loam ort
the 9th concession of Goderieh town-
ship with for
P forty acres partly seeded.
Spring water, Banked barn. Farm to
I be sold to settle the estate. of the
late John A. Cox, Albert B. Cox,
and Mrs. J. A Cox exeoutore. 86-2
For Sale
Quantity of early Alaska Oats and
Irish White Oats, Both good yield,
ing varieties. Apply to J. Leslie Cox,
phone Clinton 903.2, 85.3
For Sale
1936 lie Luxe Plymouth Coach.
Apply to G. Hanly at the "White
Rose" garage. 84tf.
For Sale
Good clean Erban Oats for seed.
70c per bushel., Two miles west of
Varna on the Bayfield Road, J. E.
Pollock. 84.E
For Sale
Raspberry and Strawberry Plants
should be set now. We have some
high-class preserving kinds; also
Rsome No. 1 Timothy seed and a few
oads of choice Alfalfa and Timothy
bay. Phone 34-616 for particulars or
see J. E. H•trgiil & Sons, 87-2
Plants for Sale
Raspberry from Downham Nursery
Stock 1940. Early Big Chief. Ripens
after strawberry season. Latham
1st prize preserving berries. 50G per
dozen .or $1 for 50 plants, William
Collins, Seaferth, Phone 61r 642.
>i* 87-1
For Rent
Two rooms for rent, unfurnished
or will furnish if wanted. Apply to
Mas. C. L. Stanley, Clinton, phone
205. 87.1
For Rent
Comfortable house on Wellington
street, Clinton,. with lights and. water.
Apply to John Howard, Bayfield,
phone Clinton central 624r31. 87-1
Paper puneh on oorner of Mill and
Albert Streets, Clinton, Owner may
call for property at Richmond Hos-
iery Mill, Clinton, A. Canon. 87-1
Of House and Contents
on the corner of Outlet and James
Street, on
at 2 o'clock sharp, consisting of:
r 2 bedroom suites; iron bed,
springs and mattress; day bed; leath-
er' davenport; oval 'oak leaf extension •
table; 6'oak dining room chairs; oak
china cabinet; Wilton rug 18' by 9';
linaleuim 15' by 12'; linoleum 15' by
112'; linoleum 12' by 12'; linoleum 12'
by 9'; cane chair; cane rocker; 2 oak
In a quiet way ,Mr. Rogerson took
an interest in sports of the less stren-
uous kind, such as bowling and horse-
shoe h e dteh�
m andwas
pitching,member of
a checker club of past years. In re-
ligion he was Methodist and later Un-
ited church. In politics he was a s
Liberal. He was the fourth member 17
of a family of eight to die within one
year. Besides his widow there ear -
VIVO two daughters, Mrs. Lloyd M I'1- M
en, Goderich township, and Mrs. Wil-
bur Nott, Tuckersmith; two grand-
children; two brothers, Robert Rog- Mo
erson, Hullett; and Walter, Seaforth;
and one sister, Mrs. Mack Armstrong,
Hullett. The funeral was private and:
was held from the residence, William
street, last Wedhresday.. Services at
the home and graveside in Clinton..
cemetery were eoriducted• by Rev.• ,G.
G.Burton pasta± if Ontario Street,
United: a rch
Mrs. PIetcher aLondon was a
guests at the' home of Mr, and Mrs, rockers; electric radio; electric lamps;
A. Ings during the past week. bridge lamps; oil lamps; electric lights
Mrs, J. W ,Reid' has returned after & fixtures stove; heated stove; large
ponding the Easter holidays in
Mr. and Mrs. R. Latham, and familyof London spent Good Friday with
rs. L: Beatty.
Mrs. H. Elliott of Detroit spent the
weekend with her mother Mrs. J.
esap and Mrs. Ball of Clinton. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Olark and, family
Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs, Will
ark and family spent Easter Shut -
y with Mr, Geo. Clark of the vil-
Mrs.,Andhew Foote and Olive spent
he weekend in Toronto. with Mr," and-
rs..Robe Elgie •and, ort Saturday :ate
nded theewedding •in• Kinburn• Pik
nited church of 'Mrs., Foote's';trime
s Pnuothy PT8dei to Mr. . Russell-
eeer, ekberlrigten,, T1rA.. also orf To-
ronto. 874
r ate
The,palllyea,rersm Were Mesrsedl
:Leonard;:' Robert ,Trick,'';Whn, VCdti+ariltr
Wm. ' Vodden, ivi'•an.:. Sheppard• azisie E.
oak ice box; kitchen cabinet; kitchen
chairs; Williams sewing machine;
washing machine; copper boiler;
cherry drop leaf table; folding card
table; clothes cupboard; 8 day clock;
2 .toilet sets,; curtains and blind's;
kitchen utensils; tools, and numerous
other articles,. ,'
At the satrap time,,and, place there ,
will be offered for sale the two storey
frame house, with cella,-, electric
lights and;: town water. , iThip. is a
desirable, property, ; and, in . a e good,. ; . ,,,
location and. will be sold subiect, :to,„r•..
areserve bid.
TBe R?►fS,
�O,n household geode coal;
property ;Wade kneven oceidaty;Ed'Seske ,; ,
1$R,,MA PAXMAN, Pr?priaoreee ; .
E WMARD W. ELLIOTj' ,[lZrjo'n
i,•teE T RCH
1 '.65, N\Helping To Keep Prices Reasonable
High taxes help to guard the country against unreasonable
rises in the cost of living: They divert money from un-
necessary spending for peace -time goods to. Government. ,
spending for essential war -time • material, 1
Saving money, practised by thousands of thrifty depositors
has a similar effect: It helps to keep prices from soaring
by decreasing the demand for note -essential, peace -time
Thus, when you save money in a savings account, you bene-
fit yourself and the country. You will need to save, not only
for family and personal emergencies, but to pay taxes and
to buy war securities. Saving today is a patriotic service.
MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING -SERVICE..: the Outcome ofta3Year,'SaaenfelOperative
Clinton Branch:
H. M. MONTEITH, Manager
Londesboro (Sub-Agency):
Open Monday and Thursday
Mrs. Effie' Chopin of Toronto spent
the weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs: J. C. Stolta.
Miss, Norman Daer has returned
home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Rohe Hayman, of St. Catherines,
Robert Craig of the R.O.A,.F'.,
Trenton, spent the weekend with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graig.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Foreman and
twe 'ohildren of Flint, Mich., were
weekend visitors of Mrs, Ii'oreman's
father Mr. Edward Jones.
Miss Frances Houston of Kitchen-
er General Hospital and Jim Houston,
2t•.Ct,A,F., Montreal, spent the week.
end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs,
-John Houston.
Miss Helen Marsh of Brampton, is
holidaying with her ,parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Beat Marsh,
Miss Christine Roberton of Whitby
spent the Easter weekend with Dr.
B. C. Weir and Miss Josephine Weir.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas, McNeil of To-
ronto, spent the holiday weekend with
Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Asquith,
Misses Mary Houston, •of South
Porcupine and Jean Houston, of
Bowrnanville arc holidaying with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs John
Mrs, A. J. Ferguson is visiting her
daughter Mrs. Ray O'Neil and Mr.
O'Neil of Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby, Bill
and. Marie, Donis McKnight, Viola
Leatherland and Mrs. R. J. Phillips
attended a B.Y:P.U. in Goderich
Baptist church Friday night,
Miss Jean Scott, of Parkhill 'spent
the weekend with her parents, Mr.
•and Mrs. Robert Scott.
Mr. John Cowan held a very sue -1
cesseul sale on Monday. Mr. Cowan
has had to give up extensive farm-
ing owing to ill health,
Mrs. R. D. Munro and Zeta visited
last Wednesday with Miss Mary
Munro nutse-in-training at 'Wood,
•atock hospital.
The Baptist Ladies' Aid met atr
home of Mrs. W. C. Robertson ton d
' Thursday, Mrs, Annie •Wainer pre-
eided. Mrs. John Raithby led in the
repetition of the Lord's Prayer. The s
scripture was read by Mrs. Frantic
•Lansing; and Mrs. Robertson offered
Mervyn Keys .of Timmins, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Keys, Babylon
Line, reported at North Bay, April
2nd to comnc
eme his training inthe
ReC.A,F. Mervyn is the second son
of M2 .and Mrs. Keys to enter the
service; Gordon who enlisted last fall
in the R•C.A.F: has been stationed at
Bala Bala, of the B.O. Coast since
early January.
The many friends and neighbors of
Mr. and Mrs. George Reid; Parr. Line,
made a surprise visit at their Koine
Saturday night to da honour to their
son Bill who will have finished his
course at Galt Aircraft School soon,
and sent to Manning Depot at
Lachine. During the evening Bill
was presented with a well filled mon-
ey belt, and a military set in the Air-
force blue. The following address
was read by Gordon Johnston and the
presentation made by II'arolci Connell.
Dear Bi11:—
We your friends and neighbors
have met here tonight to offer our
good -will 'and fellowship to you as
you enter a new phase -of your life.
It is with a feeling of sadness and
pride that we are here. You have
heard the call •of king and +eountay
and have freely offered yourself to
fight if needs be .for freedom and de-
mocracy. Now that your school
training is about over and you may
be called to other districts or land's
we would like you to carry kind mem-
ories of this "Parr Line" community
with you, so we ask you to accept
this gift -with our kindest regards
and .best wishes for your welfare
where ever you may go
May Gott bless you and also the
Empire and the United forces.
Signed on behalf of your Parr Line
friends: Gordon Johnston, Harold
Connell, Mervyn Johnston,
Bill made a fitting reply, afterwhich a social hour was. spent .and a
dainty lunch served.
Miss Kate McGregor of Wingham
and Miss Margaret McGregor• of To -
onto, are spending the Easter hon-
eys at the home of Mr. John Mc-
Miss Shirley Wa1ff of Hensall is
spending Easter week visiting her
ister Mrs. Norman Baird.
Misses Tena Baird; and Authey
prayer. The next meeting is to take
the form of a Mother's Dayrneeting, '
with a th'ankoffering donation.
Readings were given by Mrs. Earl
Raithey, Mrs. Cliff. Brown and Mrs.
T. McNall Mrs Glenn RaitI b
Misses Mary and Esther Jamieson
,of 'Toronto are spending the Easter
holidays with their parents Mr. 'and
Mrs. A. Jamieson.
Mas. A. Kerslake and Dorothy sof
Centralia are visiting with the form-
er'e mother, Mrs. H. Lyon.
A very impressive taster service
on Sunday morning was held at the
Unitech church with tate Sunday
School and church service combined.
The choir rendered special 'music,
the boys of the S.S, sang a number,
as also did the girls. Mrs. L. McNall
gave the story. Grant Snell read
Scripture lesson. A large number of
young people were received into the
church, at the reception service. Rev.
Menzies' preached an excellent serm-
on "A Grave in a Garden." Four
young boys took up the offering.
Several potted, plants at the alter ad-
ded to the beauty of the service.
A cablegram has been received by
Mr. Ed. Youngblutt from his son, Sgt.
Ob -server Stanley Youngblutt of his
safe arrival in England with the
Mr, Carl Radford and Edwin Foth-
ergill •of Niagara Falls. were house
over the Easter holidays.
Miss Thelma Scott of Toronto
spent the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs.' John Scatt.
Mr's. Wm, Lyon and Miss B. Kirk
attended the funeral of their aunt,
Mrs. fanny McMath, who. died in To -
onto and was- brought to Clinton for
bttriel on Tuesday.
Mr. W. Pipe of Brussels has hired
with Mr. W. E. Manning for the
summer months.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Br'undson on Easter Sunday were
Mr. Howard Brun'dson, Clintn, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Mason and Mrs. Bruns -
don's two sisters Clara and Emma
of London, and, Mr. Fred Mason, De-
Miss Dorothy Little of Swansea,
Toronto, with her mother Mrs. Town-
send over the weekend holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jahr- Fingland• re-
turned home last week having spent
the winter with friends in Toronto.
and Niagara Falls.
Mrs.• Herman Sundercocic has mov-
Batrd spent Tuesday in Seaforth visi-led to her home recently bought from
ting, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ross and Mr. Albeit S'haddiek,
daughter Gretta. J Mr. and Mrs. T. Fairservice had.
Miss Irene Scotebiner of Toronto' nearly all of their family with the
as at the home of her parents; Mr. I for Easter. m
and Mrs. William S'cotchmer for l Little Audrey and Barbara a Oliver.
of Clinton ane holidaying at the Monte
Cpl. William Dunealf, who has been of Miss E. Maine.
overseas for ,some oninths has re -,1 Miss Margaret Morrison of 'Pa-
unned as an instructor. yenta is spending the Easter holidays
Cpl. William Dnncalf spent the at the home of Mr. and Mrs', Lloyd
aster weekend with Mr, Harold Pen- Medd.
tale en the Bronson, Line, I Miss Lillie Garrett is quite ill an
Mr .Joe Wild of Hamilton e is, in the Clinton Rospitai;, we wishpent
aster with - his mother, Mrs, v, her a speedy recovery
' ty
cureh' with a •solo, and Mrs, Robertson
brought the topic en Easter. MT
Earl Raithby closed) the meeting wi
prayer, and a dainty lunch was s
Knox United church W.M.S. rn
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. J•a♦s
Woods presiding, Mrs, Wood's •op,e
ed the meeting• with prayer afte
which a" duet was sun • b
g y Misses Ila
th t
et h
n- E
1' V
Craig and Vivian Straughan. Mrs;
Wools reads the scripture lesson, and
this was followed by prayer by Mrs.
Jas•. Roberton. Rev, H. C. Wilson
brought an impressive Easter mess't
sage, and Mrs. Fred'P'laetzer render- i
ed a solo., Mrs, Chas. Straughan of- P
fered prayer, and Miss Margaret gal
/-ring dedicated the offering in prayer.
Phe', singing of the'National -Anthem At
ind prayer by Mrs. Woods closed the R
noting with prayer. be
1 Mrs, Alex. Wells has returned from
Clinton Irav`
rng spent several days at
EBENEZER the home of Will Wells who has been
quite ill but is now . on the way to
Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Lobb enter- recovery.
aired the Y,F,U, on Monday even-' Miss Dorothy Griffiths of Clinton
ng to a pot luclt'suPPet'. After sup- spent Sunday at her home.
Pe the evening was spent in social Miss Olive Moon of the Wartime
nes and :music..' Prices and. Trades Board staff, Ot.,
The church service next Sunday, tam' spent a few days with. her par-'
it 12 is to be conducted by Rev, ernes, Mi.•••and Mrs.` George 1;11)0..
v at
Ivat'ril ,Staghenson of Westervelt gel- Ir
ege and Bod Reid) of Beck sllegiate, t
.,ondonf, silent the holidays- at their s
espedtive. hon`igs'i . - h
Bola Peek, Barry Reid' and Bill Reid
:f Galt Lfrxn•aft ,School .spent •; the. los
ioliday with, their parents, ent
Herm, of Varna. Service will -V
at 3.30 .in., with Sunday” School GODER ,
2.45 pen. Note change of time, - •I('H TQWNSt?IP
Miss Violet Phillips of Toronto vis- Mrs. James Johnston has mune to•
d' at the home of.'her eister Mrs. Goderich to apend,a week with
Merrill . on Saturday.:;;-. e ,
G�eotge +Stewart and -other friends,
Mr ;a'llonaltl .Ileb4bi ;of:�. St. Marys Miss •
e •Margaret Middleton n .' �-1
pont the Baster weeleen, , at, the trainin •,.:in , urxse• to
, g Guelph
of his uncle, Mtil: ;a1:: He h pay'Gfter o n the.
`lien'-' aper}t::lryst Thµrsday afternoon• at bha!;
Mr. Alvin 'Lobb, R.C;N.V.R. :of ltome••raf her
n..:spents last aM1+itle hire ,.+•slrr: P,arentsy aft. and. Mrid
par ed Middleton. di s.
ACI. Ted Middleton; who is now
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 66j
A Good Poultry Market
Whenever your Poultry Flock needs
culling we are at your iservice. Prices
of poultry are •expected to be in line
with other higher prices of meat.
Good service given in grading your
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
`Batkins Locker' Storage
Will observe Wednesday half holi-
days during April to November. We
sell salmon, white fish, herring,
flounders, smelts, fresh fillets;
Haddock filletts, boneless salmon;
also farmers style sausages, green
peas and strawberries•,
Custom Killing and Buy Hides
Now is the time to store your fish.
"Frozen Foods are Better Foods"
stationed at Brantford spent the Eas-
ter weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Middleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dodge of
Detroit spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. McGuire,;
Miss Grace Stirling of'Toronto
spent the Easter holidays with her
parents Mr .and Mrs. Jas. Stirling.
Mr .and Mrs, Garland Betties of
Toronto spent the weekend with his
brother Mr, Allen Betties .
Seeding is in full swing, the earl-
iest in history.
Mr. and; Mrs. Ed. Williams of
Fordwich and Miss Kate iltrilliams
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'.
John Torrance.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Osborne of Til-
bury are spending their Easter holi-
days at the hone of Mr. and Mrs,
Milton Steep.
The social evening which was to be
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John
Middleton this Friday evening hr's
been cancelled due• to the death of a
former resident, Mr. John T. Beacom,
S.S. No, 11 Red Cross group will
meet on Thursday, April 16th, at the
home of Mrs. Francis, Powell,
The S.S. No. 4 Unit of the Red
Cross Society met at the home of
Mrs. Leslie Pearson, The president,
presided at the -meeting which was
opened by singing a verse of + "0
Canada," followed by the Lord's
Prayer in unison. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and
adopted. The roll call was responded
to by nineteen members and there
were four visitors, present. A gift
of tating donated by Mrs, W. Forbes,
was sold by tickets with Mrs. A.
Gamble holding the lucky ticket.
It was decided to donate $50 to the
Clinton Red Cross. Materials for
sewing were distributed. A quilt was
guilted. Mrs. Hebden brought in
four quilt tops which she li'ad pieced
from patches, belonging to the Soe-
iety. The meeting was closed by
singing the National Anthem. Lunch
Ives served by Mrs, Pearson, and Miss,
M. Jones,
Miss Evelyn Wise -of London spent
Easter at the hone of her parents,
and Mrs. W. Wise.
Mrs, Williamson spent the Baste'):
Holiday at the hone of her father,
Mr. W. Lobb.
Mrs. Lloyd Millar.; who Inas, been
'visiting, in Clinton at the home of her
mother, Mrs, Rogerson has returned
Council Meeting
Council islet in Hohnesville' on
Monday last, Department of High-
ways aoount due us an' 1941 expend-
iture amounting to 3,000,00 read and
filed. Department of Highways that
a'•subsidy will only be paid on expen-
riture of $3,000 instead of $6,000 for
this year. Dept. of Welfare that' the
cast -of direct relief will be borne by
Muniepality '
tmepaht and The he Province on the
50-50 ba'sisl, •
Mr, J. C. Shearer acknowledge with
thanks the grant from the Tawnsh+ip
to the Provincial Piowing'Maiteh.
The Township flag was burned,
when e the hail was destroyed, 'the
Clerk was instructed to order a new
The building of a hall, was again
discussed' and, the clerk was instructed
tis get information whether. the war
tied; prices and trade Board will al
,L',w that much, material to be used
Council renewed the Treasurer's
bond with Mrs, 11. C. Lawson of Clin-
Accounts, .paid • s s
Premium+ on++
,Treasurer bo'nd::`.'24.p
Cqukt'. , 6
Y o,f•rl�ttrone,I;aspttal"�':;'.::'
•. account,, i .,�,r, 24:80
Miss Aeheson,aisecef+;lieu
se ,. 6.06
S4pt:.•pay roll :No; 1 a. t —lee t
'Cann'L•,il:;a ^ 1123.30
diaottrned„,to nfeet'•tiit Mon-
de May 4 at 2 p.m.
NOW PLAYING: Edgar Bergen
and Charlie McCarthy in "Look
Who's Laughing"
Mon., Tues, & Wed. Two Features
Adventure in the teeming heart of
Asia, along the Burma Road, twis-
ting, turning to certain death
Charles Bickford, 'Evelyn Aukers
and Frank Albertson
Also: Gracie Fields in
"Queen of Hearts"
Fredric March, Marta Scott and
Beulah Bondi
You'll ;see no finer picture this year
then this outstanding ,story of a
sirmple man who toiled.to matte the
world better
1934 International Panel half -ton
Pick-up truck. New tires and in pink
of condition.
1941 Pontiac Sedan with 6,700
miles. New car guarantee.
Phone 34-616
sponsored by Varna Junior/Farmers
Wednesday, April '15th
Gents 35c and Ladies Provide Lunch
Dancing 9 till 2
Contract Barley
We still have a quantity. of Con-
tract Barely to put out among the
Farmers. Get in touch with us as
soon as possible.
Hensall, Ontario.
Joseph Frederick Rogerson, a nat-
ive of Hullett township and: for the
past 22 years a resident of Clinton,
d'iesi suddenly Monday, March 30th in
Itis 80th year. He had been in poor
health for the past few years but had
been able to he up and about, On,
the Monday morning he walked out to
where a barn at the rear of his home
was being dismantled and was sod
denly stricken with a heart attack.
He was supported to the house but
succumbed almost immediately. He
was a Son of the late Solomon Roger-
son and Elizabeth; Bowe Rogerson,
pioneer farmers of ,fXullett, 13th con.
cession and was born on the 28th of
January, 1863. He attended the pub-
lic school of hs home section and as
a young man engaged in farming. 1
Porty-two years ago he married Jane , I
Porterfield of Clifford, Ontario, who.
survives. They fawned the home-
stead farm until 1920, when they re- n
tired and took up. residence in Clinton:dj
NOW: 'There's Magic in Music' &
"Blondie Plays Cupid"
Melvyn Douglas, Ruth Hussey and
Ellen Drew
head a grand comedy east in the
nib -tickling marital farce
Thur., Fri., Sat.—Double Feature
Anita Louise and Bruce Bennett
in a thrilling; adventurous, sub -sea
story -
The. Phantom Submarine j
John Howard, Ernie Barnes and
Brod Crawford
will tinkle your funnybone with
the fun -fest
"Tight Shoes"
Conning: "Weekend in Havana" ..
NOW: "Parachute Battalion" and
"Scattergood Pulls the Strings"
"How Green Was My
The greatest philosophical drama
of the year, An epic of Wales and
its miners
Walter Pidgeon, Maureen O'Hara
Donald Crisp
T'13UItS., FRI.& SAT.
Abbott and Costello
Clown princes of screen comedy,
present their dizziest laugh riot
"Hold That Ghost"
Coning Sonja Henie in "Sun
Valley Serenade"
Mat.: Wed, Sat, & Holidays 3 p.m.) Mat,: Sat. and Holidays at 3 pan..1
Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra
ADMISSION: 35e and 25e
Cliff, Watson, Manager
of Kincardine Presents
And His Western
Art Hallman
Judy Richards
"3 of a Bind"
The Quartet
Kincardine Pavilion
Dancing from 9.30
Proceeds for Service Work
or remit to J. W. MacLeod, Box
226, Kincardine, enclosing stamp-
ed, self-addressed envelope.
Mrs. Rogerson and family wish to
express their thanks and apprecia-
tion to Rev. Burton and friends and
neighbors for kindness shown in their
-sudden bereavement including floral
tributes and nardsa of sympathy; they
also wish to thank those who offered
or loaned their cars.
Mil, John Jacob wishes to extend
her thanks and appreciation to all
those who sold tickets and is any
way helped to make the patriotic
draw such a great success.
Pasture for Rent
100 acres of good pasture for rent
with spring creek and plenty of shade.
Apply at News -Record, 87-2
A formerresident of Clinton, Fan-
nie Cathoritte Polley, widow of the late
James C, McMathpassed away at
her home in Toronto after a lengthy
illness on Easter Sunday morning.
She was the daughter of Captain
and Mrs. Thomas Polley of Stella,,
Ontario. She resided inClinton from
the time of her marriage until she
moved to Toronto almost eight years,
ago. She is, survived by one sister
Mrs. Ilerbert Field, Strathroy and
three daughters, Marjorie., Ruthand'
Winnifred of Toronto. Mrs,
MeMath was a former memberof Wesley -Willis United Church and.
later of Bloor St. United church, To
Funeral serivees were held in Wes,
ey-Willis United •Oltureh at 2.30 pan,Tuesday, conducted by Rev. A. Lan
and Dr. J. E: Hogg, a former pastor
nternent was, made in Clinton cele'
tery. The pallbearers were Wilme
Wallis, Gordon Ohninglam, John In-
es, John Turner, Douglas Ball and
ohn Nediger Jr.
1842 Radios are here on display in-
cluding, Rogers, Deforest, Phileos,
Westinghouse, Spartons.
I carry a full line of radio tubes,
up to date tube tester, General and
Everready Batteries Dominion Wa-
shing Machines, all electrical applies
ances and roofing supplies,
A. W. Groves, Princess Ste.
Farm for Sale
I0ighty acres of good clay loam ort
the 9th concession of Goderieh town-
ship with for
P forty acres partly seeded.
Spring water, Banked barn. Farm to
I be sold to settle the estate. of the
late John A. Cox, Albert B. Cox,
and Mrs. J. A Cox exeoutore. 86-2
For Sale
Quantity of early Alaska Oats and
Irish White Oats, Both good yield,
ing varieties. Apply to J. Leslie Cox,
phone Clinton 903.2, 85.3
For Sale
1936 lie Luxe Plymouth Coach.
Apply to G. Hanly at the "White
Rose" garage. 84tf.
For Sale
Good clean Erban Oats for seed.
70c per bushel., Two miles west of
Varna on the Bayfield Road, J. E.
Pollock. 84.E
For Sale
Raspberry and Strawberry Plants
should be set now. We have some
high-class preserving kinds; also
Rsome No. 1 Timothy seed and a few
oads of choice Alfalfa and Timothy
bay. Phone 34-616 for particulars or
see J. E. H•trgiil & Sons, 87-2
Plants for Sale
Raspberry from Downham Nursery
Stock 1940. Early Big Chief. Ripens
after strawberry season. Latham
1st prize preserving berries. 50G per
dozen .or $1 for 50 plants, William
Collins, Seaferth, Phone 61r 642.
>i* 87-1
For Rent
Two rooms for rent, unfurnished
or will furnish if wanted. Apply to
Mas. C. L. Stanley, Clinton, phone
205. 87.1
For Rent
Comfortable house on Wellington
street, Clinton,. with lights and. water.
Apply to John Howard, Bayfield,
phone Clinton central 624r31. 87-1
Paper puneh on oorner of Mill and
Albert Streets, Clinton, Owner may
call for property at Richmond Hos-
iery Mill, Clinton, A. Canon. 87-1
Of House and Contents
on the corner of Outlet and James
Street, on
at 2 o'clock sharp, consisting of:
r 2 bedroom suites; iron bed,
springs and mattress; day bed; leath-
er' davenport; oval 'oak leaf extension •
table; 6'oak dining room chairs; oak
china cabinet; Wilton rug 18' by 9';
linaleuim 15' by 12'; linoleum 15' by
112'; linoleum 12' by 12'; linoleum 12'
by 9'; cane chair; cane rocker; 2 oak
In a quiet way ,Mr. Rogerson took
an interest in sports of the less stren-
uous kind, such as bowling and horse-
shoe h e dteh�
m andwas
pitching,member of
a checker club of past years. In re-
ligion he was Methodist and later Un-
ited church. In politics he was a s
Liberal. He was the fourth member 17
of a family of eight to die within one
year. Besides his widow there ear -
VIVO two daughters, Mrs. Lloyd M I'1- M
en, Goderich township, and Mrs. Wil-
bur Nott, Tuckersmith; two grand-
children; two brothers, Robert Rog- Mo
erson, Hullett; and Walter, Seaforth;
and one sister, Mrs. Mack Armstrong,
Hullett. The funeral was private and:
was held from the residence, William
street, last Wedhresday.. Services at
the home and graveside in Clinton..
cemetery were eoriducted• by Rev.• ,G.
G.Burton pasta± if Ontario Street,
United: a rch
Mrs. PIetcher aLondon was a
guests at the' home of Mr, and Mrs, rockers; electric radio; electric lamps;
A. Ings during the past week. bridge lamps; oil lamps; electric lights
Mrs, J. W ,Reid' has returned after & fixtures stove; heated stove; large
ponding the Easter holidays in
Mr. and Mrs. R. Latham, and familyof London spent Good Friday with
rs. L: Beatty.
Mrs. H. Elliott of Detroit spent the
weekend with her mother Mrs. J.
esap and Mrs. Ball of Clinton. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Olark and, family
Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs, Will
ark and family spent Easter Shut -
y with Mr, Geo. Clark of the vil-
Mrs.,Andhew Foote and Olive spent
he weekend in Toronto. with Mr," and-
rs..Robe Elgie •and, ort Saturday :ate
nded theewedding •in• Kinburn• Pik
nited church of 'Mrs., Foote's';trime
s Pnuothy PT8dei to Mr. . Russell-
eeer, ekberlrigten,, T1rA.. also orf To-
ronto. 874
r ate
The,palllyea,rersm Were Mesrsedl
:Leonard;:' Robert ,Trick,'';Whn, VCdti+ariltr
Wm. ' Vodden, ivi'•an.:. Sheppard• azisie E.
oak ice box; kitchen cabinet; kitchen
chairs; Williams sewing machine;
washing machine; copper boiler;
cherry drop leaf table; folding card
table; clothes cupboard; 8 day clock;
2 .toilet sets,; curtains and blind's;
kitchen utensils; tools, and numerous
other articles,. ,'
At the satrap time,,and, place there ,
will be offered for sale the two storey
frame house, with cella,-, electric
lights and;: town water. , iThip. is a
desirable, property, ; and, in . a e good,. ; . ,,,
location and. will be sold subiect, :to,„r•..
areserve bid.
TBe R?►fS,
�O,n household geode coal;
property ;Wade kneven oceidaty;Ed'Seske ,; ,
1$R,,MA PAXMAN, Pr?priaoreee ; .
E WMARD W. ELLIOTj' ,[lZrjo'n