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The Clinton News Record, 1942-04-02, Page 1
The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 With Which ws-Record. is Incorporated The Clinton New Era NO. 6086 -63rd YEAR The New Era Est. 1867 CLINTON ONTARIO. THURSDAY. APRIL 2, 1942 a h m in Good Re a ....._. Yr Keept e 1 YOU CAN HAVE YOUR. WATCH PUT IN DEPENDABLE CONDITION Bring it in and we will tell you what is needed, and give it the needed attention. 1 l ! a.11 f4J Should it be past repairing, we can give you a worth while watch at a reasonable ariee.- HFLLYAR THE JEWELER For over Thirty-nine years at your service. W. H. 1II3LLYAR Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j WE PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD Engagements Announced Mrs„ L. Snyder of'C triton annaun- ces the engagement of her eldest dlaughtee, Lurena Eizabeth, to Eric L. Bowes, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Howes of. Galt. The marriage will take place the middle of April: Spring Coats For Sportswear. Smartly Tailored Casuals. Dressy Styles for Misses' and Women. In English Tweeds, Crepe and fine Wool Tricotine. Swing into Spring .in pure Silk Hosiery. Sheer and Service Weight Orient.--- Butterfly Holeproof ---• Nordic IRWIV FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE fl REGISTERED ,�` $375 . Exq"isite]y fu.,ioned with ',three diamonds! Smart "crown" 'setting! REGISTERED alotapid $5© Mod.rn in design .. rich' in beauty it's as illustrated. She'll 4d0ee Tide BLUEBIRD lllObiFd Styled to Match the strik- ing Beauty of Spring Flowers There is a perfect Bluebird Diamond Ring to meet every choice There is. a Bluebifd• Wedding Ring: designed t o perfectly match every Bluebird Diamond Ring. 'Registered and Insured free of charge for your protection. .Aoo.t, _ stamdtng ft; re . n $ 5 f . hem our diom. � and collection!, poi,t4 3 diamonds.i • Wcetdy. Guaranteed Perfect NORMAN'S V. RED CROSS NOTES The Red Cross Society will meet oa Monday, April fitly, at three o'clock in the Council Chamber. Donations: We are most grateful to the Clinton Lodge Independent Order of Oddfellows for a donation of $97.45, the proceeds from their Red Cross Dance. The proceeds from the sale of lunch, the same evening, amounted to $22.31, maldng a total for the evening of $119.76. Most recent shipment made by sewing corm. Local group: Clinton Branch of Red Moss: For British Civilian Population: 18 womens nightgowns, of Oct, quota; 2 pr. boys pyjamas. size 8 complet- ingunito 15 Oct.' t quota;. N. ing c . 2 sets size 40 'completing Oet. quota, co nsis- ting of 2 shirts; 2 cotton blouses; '2 wool blouses,; 1 set unit No. 5 size 8, completing Oct. quota, consisting of 1 blazer, 1 shorts, 1 shirt, 1 sweater', 1 pr. socks; 1 set unit No. 6 size 14, completing Octa. quota, consisting of 1 knee length lined r'oat; 1 pinafore dress; 1 blouse; 1 pr. bloomers; 1 pullover. Fordefense workers: 3 skirts size- 40; ize40; 1 bluose size 40; 1 blouse size 14; 1 ehilds slip size 10; 7 .child's bloom- ers size 6; 1 boys set size 2;econsis- ting of 1 pr, stropped shorts, 1 sweater; 2 brother and sister suits size 2 consisting. of 1 pr.• stropped shorbe; 1 stropped skirt, 2 blouses,'2 pullovers; November quota, Donations 1 hand -hooked wool rug by Mrs. Jas. McNeil; 2 doz. buttons, Miss Cochrane; 1 chil'ds slip 2 yrs., 1 Childs slip 10 yrs., 1 blouse 14 yrs. by S. S. No. 4. v Summerhill Red Cross The Sunifnehill Red Cross group held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Wes..Hoggarbh with the vice- president in the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of 0. Canada followed by the Red Cross prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Twenty members and nine visitors were present. A quilt was d'onatecl by Mrs. Wm. Law- son and it was decided- to raffle it off at the next meeting at twenty- five cents per ticket. A Iinitig and batt were donated by Mrs•. G. Smith and it was moved by Mrs. E. Snell, seconded by• Mrs. J. Gibbings, that the person that doesn't answer the roll call pay one cent fee. In the af- ternoon a' quilt was quilted and one tied. A. box of Oxydol donated by Mrs. Ray Townsend brought ninety- five cents. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Warren and John Gibbing% on Wednesday after- noon, April 8th. The roll call to be am_lwered by a housecleaning hint. Hostesses are: Mrs, W. Lovett, Mrs. Wnt. Mains, Mrs. Glen Cornish, and Mrs, Fred Vodden. The meeting closed with the National Anthem after which lunch' was served . Accepts Position with CDs., Toronto Harry J. Boyle, faniil'arly known to many in Clinton and district, will take .over his new jab next week as farm commentator over GEL, Tor - .onto. He is the son' of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Boyle of St. Augustine and at- tended. Weigh= High School, after gradhration. there he attended StJer- ome College in Kitchener. He has been connected with the London Free Press, the Goderich Star, and alLeu hearth over GHNX Wingham for four anda half years, and for the past year has been on the staff of the Beacon -Herald. Price' Board Official to Speak at Clinton George Wilson,- Toronto, adiminns trator of fruits and vegetables of the Wartime Prices and Trade Boards. will adlres's the Clinton Lion's Club farmers' night meeting, to be held in to Anglican. Parish Hall on Tuesday. evening, April 7. "Price Control Legislation"' will be thio 'subje'ct of Mr. Wilson's:' address. He will n outlie the policy of the board and will tell the rural residents of Clinton district how they can play their pert in the fight against infla- tion . ' _ HIVE The Clinton Lion's Club has prepare ed an interesting ores ung programand sever- al hundred guests are expected to hear the important message Mr. Wit - son will give. THE HOME PAPE g.!:4asterJ`�'leJjage ,fit the `dress Vhere'eom } The verses here given have' never been traced to their author. The composition is said td he the best-shapedpoem ever written within its compass. THE CROSS Blest they who seek While in their youth, With spirit m e e k, The way . of . truth; TO. them the sacred. Scriptures now display. Christ as the only true and living way. His precious blood on Calvary was given To make them heirs of endless bliss in heaven; And E'en en earth the child of God can trace The glorious blessings of His Saviatir's grace. F o r then He bore His Father's frown; For them He wore The thorny Crown; Nailed to the Cross, Endured its pain, That His life's loss' Might be their gain, Then haste to 'choose That better part, Nor dare refuse The Lord thy heart, Lest He declare, "I know you not," And deep despair Should be your lot. Now look to Jesus; who on Calvary died, And trust on Him alone who there whs crucified Rural Hydro Employee Promoted Mr. J. E. Morgan has received not. ice from the Headoffiee of the Hydro. Electric Pow& Commission of his appointment to foreman of the El- mira Rural Power District and takes over his new duties on April the first. Mr. Morgan has been connected with the i ydueo since 1928, being a member of the keel staff since 1936 and his many friends in Huron. Coun- ty wish him continued success in his new position. Before leaving Clin- ton he was presented with a watch by the local staff. v Highway t Provides Thad, (8) Whenever On .a highway after dusk and before dawn, every bicycle or tricyle, shall carry on the front, thereof a white or aniber lighted lamp, o' a reflector approved by the Department, as well as a white sur- fape; not less then ten inches in length and two inches in width, all of which shall be so placed as to be clearly visible to the drivers of other vehic- les. (12) No person while riding on a bicyele,shall attachthe bicycle to or take held:.of any other vehicle for the purpose 'of being drawn along a Highway. (13) No. person riding on a bicycle designed Zoe carrying one . person only shall carry any other person thereon. The town, by-law also provides a penaltyfor anyone who rides e bec- yeile on any side-tyal1e in the town of Clinton. Firstoffenders in either case will receive a warning, a second offense will incur a penalty. V ONTAR4Os STREET W.A. The Wontenrs, Association of Ontai- i:a St, Church held their regular meet- ing on Wednesday afternoon with a- good attendance. Mee. Holmes presi- ded and Mrs. Wiltse oondncting the devotional periech During the after - open the ladiee were working on a quilt for the Rrell. Grose. Mis. Fearnhi favoured us with two solos acoom - aned by Miss Wiltse. Mrs. Beaton dosed the meeting with. peeves The ladies, of St. John's were hostesses. I Gas Ration Now in Force Beef for boys its Blue AMONG THE CHURCHES Presbyterian Church Wednesday, April 8th, The Girls Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Thos: Morgan, Picnic lunch. Please bring your needle and thimble to quilt. Beginning, yesterday, nq gasoline will • be sold to motorists who have not secured ration cards and there , are many in this district who have not to date. The forty - mile speed limit is also. in force.. nisi is a war' measure Melded so as to Conserve gasoline and tires. This law will be strictly enforced we are informed. - 11 Clinton Mission In the Olcl Dance Hall. Serviese: Sunday School, 2 pm.; Evangelistic service, 3 p.m.; Cottage prayer meet- ing eeting Friday 8 pen. at Mr, Joseph Wheatley's. All are welcome. For with the heart man believetli unto righteousness; and with the month confession is made unto salvation. Jno. 10-10. WESLEY WIL. The Easter Thanlsottering-meeting of the Women's. 'Missionary Society The Women's Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mise 1. Brigham on Thursday evening, April 9th, at eight o'clock. Mi..,e Brighein's group will be in eharge. All ladies .of the congregation aid be wecomed. Ontario Street Church The W.M.S. will hold their Easter Than'koffering meeting on Tuesday, at eight o'clock hi the schoolroom of the church. Miss McGowan of Blyti will be the guest speaker. All ladies are invited, v. MILITARY NEWS Mr. and Mrs James M.eGill reeeie- ed word that their -son LAC. Glen McGill of the R.C.A.F, at Rockeliffe, has been transferred to Vancouver, B.C. Harry. McEwan, youngest son, 'of Mr. and 'Mrs. Murray McEwan' has been accepted' in the Royal Ganadiae, Navy and will report sometime next week. Harry is a fifth, foam student at the -Clinton Collegiate Institute. and will he greatly missed in. the athletic and literary societies, where he took an active part. - Harry was also: a member of the Lions, famous juvenile hockey team of .1941, Ontar- io champions, and this. year took his piece with, his two older brothers on the Intermedh'ate, team. He bete en- listed as an `Ordinary Coder. Sgt. Stewart Schoenhals of the C. S.A.T.G'. at Longhranch :spent the weekend in town renewing old ac- quaintance,e. A,C. Dick Dixon of the "R,C.A,1".:vt Toronto is spending, a short leave at his home in town. LITTLE LOCALS Tuesday evening Mr. find Min. W. 3. Nediger were honored at a dinner. pasty at the home of their daughter in Gode'rheh, it being the occasion of. their 45 wedding anniversary. They were made the recipients of a floor lamp. Mr. George H. Jeffeiuon, prineipal of the Clinton Public School, was the -guest speaker at the Mitchell Lions Club meeting last Friday ev- ening; his talk was en the world sit - nation atthe present time. Arrangements have been made to have a salvage collection this Satur- day, April 4th, for rubber, paper, rags, etc. Be ready for the. collector. Miss Nora; Stewart, N., re- cently e- enty ofthe war, Re • g. c 1 graduate staff of the e g Ontario Hospital in Loudon, is holi- daying at the home of her parents, Mr. and: Mrs. Adam. Stewart, of Stanley township; prior to her de- parture for New York, where she has accepted a position on the staff •of the Columbia -Presbyterian Medical - Cen- tre. v Extra Delivery Granted Retailers on April 4th James Stewart, administrator of services, Wartime Prices and Trade Board announced in Toronto on Sat- urday that special permission has been granted for all retailers to make one additonal delivery Saturday, April 4. The permission applies only to April 4, and has been granted ire cause the previous day; Good Friday,. is a publie holiday. Ordinarily de- liveries are limited to one a day. V Salvage Collection Saturday April 4th The Salvage Committee of the Clinton War Services Association have niade arrangements for a collec- tion this Saturday, April 4th, begin- ning at nine o'clock in the morning. Ali householders- are again askew to• co-operate in helping to put this over, by placing their salvage, papers, rags, rubber, etc., outside on their verandah, securely tied or boxed, Salvage like these articles are essen- tial The paper situation still rein:sine acute, Demands is running ahead of available supplies and no early .easing of the paper making fibro Shortage, seems imminent. This all adds up to. the fact that we must ail practici conservation aHyl: salvage wherev<r possible to stretch the available fibre over our business: needs. PAPER FACTS: Da you realize that if every home in Canada saved for salvage one newspaper every week for a year, those papers would pro- vide enough fibre board for packing five million two -pounder shells fee tanks? It is all a simple matter of arithmetic. Paper—like rubber and rags—can be used over and over again. Salvage of it must be regar- ded as essential, —V -- Showers for Bride -elect If, the farmers, of this district had. Battle that produce offspring as prof-• ifically' as those belonging to Sir..: Bert Finley Of the 9th can., Gode- rich township. ',set October one cow peodueed1. twixis, and in January another Pair of twins -arrived and also in Mardi; another pair arrived at the farm: Alt six are thriving and in excellent. health. On two previous :occasions, there were twin calves born, ,but its • each_ case one died. , Mr. Finley is a prosperous young: farmer, who goes in: for general far ming, but has about twenty head of cattle at the present time. v Women's Institute The Women's Institute met lash: Tuesday afternoon with an attea.• dance of 40 women, including rnang visitors. Mrs. E. Adams pr+esid'ed and. Mrs. Hearn was pianist. The minuted.. were read by the..secretary, Mrs. M.. B tki a n and approved'. A eoxnanittee was appointed composed of Mrs, W. S. It. Holmes, Mrs. A. Et Silver and Miss Lavinia Brigham ,ta prepare a. slate of officers and to report at the. ' annual meeting. , It was decided to sponsor a series of "travelling teas"' as as a means of raising Institute funds.. Five dollars' worth of maple sugar cakes will be sent to "our men of the navy" as. a treat from the institute,. A. suggestion that theInstituteser- ve dinner in the agricultural board. room for the Huron young women on Achievement Day was favorably re- ceived and will be given further cone sideration. An informative paper on legisle, tion, women's legal rights, and dem- ocracy was reads by Mrs, James Liv- ermore. An address by the district. president MTs'. W. J. Henderson. Wingham, .official guest speaker, was also informative along lines of I'n,- stitute work, She explained the work being done by means of the central fund of the Federated W.I. a war fund organized to aid in the: purchase of war supplies. She ansa announced, that the..drtrict annual. will be held in Kintail on May 27, Mrs, H. G. Lawson sang a solo anvil Mrs. E. Epps gave a reading. M•fs. E. Ward and committee were hostes- ses n serving afternoon tea. V. Wesley -Willis W.A. Regular meeting of the W.A. teas: held in the ahuroh Wednesday after- noon with Mrs. Paterson in the chair. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper at the piano:. Mrs, Reese Jenkins read the scripture lesson and the secretary, Mrs. Gorden Miller, read the minutes~ The treass- peer's report was given by Mrat, Oakes. For the program, Mrs. Sper- ling gave a reading; Mrs. John Rtes, sang a solo., "There is a green hill far ;:way," accompanied• by Mrs. Morgan, Agnew. Mss. Pearce contributed a: leading-, A twenty-five cent tea was served - served by Mrs Frank Andrew's group. The tables were pretty with pretty with purple and gold decora. tons and daffodils. V WEDDINGS GREEN—McMICHAEL The marriage of Orpha Grace Mc.- Miahael, second daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Percival McMichael, Clhitote,, and Aircraftman Robert Edward: Green, son of Mrs. Frances Green, of Aberdaa+e, South Wales and the late' Mr. William Green of Aberdare The Members of the choir of Wes- S. Wales, was solemnized at 2.30 pan..- Wes- ley -Willis United church held a. social half hour after regular choir mete - G. W. Moore officiated, The b -ride the on Friday evening, March 27th. wore a street -length dress of navy The occasion was the reading of an blue crepe. Miss Malearie Guidon address by Benson Sutter and pees- Clintons was bridesmaid.; and Air entatron of -a wall mirror by Mie, 1 craftsman Thomas Wigmore, South Merritt Nedhger to Miss, Roberta Wales, wasbest man. After th.e cer Laicllaw, who. voiced her thanks foe emony a buffet lunch was served at the thoughtful reiiicinbranee, Ithe home of the bride's parents, Over thirty-five members :of the. James street. Mr. and Mrs. Gre.-m Y.P.U. of Wesley -Willis United left for a' short honeymoon trip to church gathered at the lioane of Mins London and points seutli, They wil Lillian Garrett on Monday, March reside in Clinton. 23rd, During the evening program Margaret Sparling read an address, V previous to the presentation by Shir- ley Sutter hir-leySatter of a Carey Coffee -maker; to Roberta .Laidlaw, who has taken an active interest in the work of the Young People for deveral years. On Wednesday, March 18th, the inenibers of the executive -'of Huron Presbyterial-Y.P.U,, were enteetained at dinner at the home of Mr. and. Mis. 3. A. Sutter. Miss Verna Bar- bour of Goclerich read an acidness to Miss Roberta Laidlaw, Presbyterial Saturday afternoon; March 21st, at. St. Paul's Anglican church hore. Rev. ' STANLEY Mr, Chester N'eilans spent. the' weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ldcl. 0.. Glen and family. Mr. Glen! Howe of -Toronto called. on friend's and relatives in the neigh- borhood on-Semclay.. Miss: Nora Stewart,: Reg;N„ recent,' ly of the graduate staff of the Ontare. io Hospital in London, is holidaying treasurer. The address wassigned' at the home of her parents: Mr. and by. the President, 13ensoi' Sutter and Mrs, Adam Stewart prior to her de- > . rture for Na York where she hen. the •secrtar Ruth alloam of a s Ira New i. Y W L n.l_ borer- Presbyterial Missions Convenor, aricepted a position, on the staff of. made the presentation .;of a `pyrex the Columbia -Presbyterian Medical baking set. Centre,