HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-03-19, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., MAR, 19;1942 OUR DELIVERY WILL BE AT 9 O'CLOCK HONEY 41b. pail 45c' LARD 20 ib. pail $1.10 When ordering large orders of Mock Chicken Drumsticks. Please order the day before RIB BOILING •BEEF 18c lb.' Delicated Steaks are different and better at no extra cost to you. Choice Baby Beef, Lamb, Pork,. Choice Beef and Roasting Chickens for weekend CONNELL, & 'TYNIDALJL CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Pion 162. • Albert Street WE HAVE A FEW GILSON MODEL ELECTRIC WASHERS CALL AND SEE TIiEM WHILE THEY LAST Hand washers built of the sane principal as the Electric. Don't forget we carry Frigidaire Refrigerator, the only refriger- ator built with the Meter Miser. SUTTER & PERDUE', HARDWARE, PLUMBING &. ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. NEW SHOES For: arty S:.ring Many are looking for something to replace the heavy winter footwear that will soon be laid aside. This is especially true of the Young People attending Cojlegiate. They want something strong: and servieable and yet smart and sightly. We are offering, them a large selection of just "Such Shoes" in our new Spring Oxfords. FOR THE GIRLS' we offer. a wonderful range priced from $1.95 up—They come in Black, Tan or Beige. • For the early buyer we have a limited assortment—of Crepe and Rubber Soled Oxfords. These geods are very scarce and cannot be procured later, so do not put eff seeing these shoes. FOR THE BOYS we offer Black or Tan Oxfords and a few •Crepe Soles. See our School Shoes, they are" smart and very ' reasonably priced, MEN'S.AND BOYS' CLOTHING Many restrictions are hitting the Clothing trade. "Clothes are scarce." It will pay yqu to see about that new Suit at once. Prices remain the sante. lumsteel ros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. .INCOME TAX GUIDE FOR 1942. This hookl'et has, been prepared to assist the ai+erage taxpayer to pro- perly fill ,out the necessary Dominion Income Tax forms For the sake of clearness and simplicity all deduc- tions and allowances normally en- countered are considered. To guide ypu, exact facsimiles of the authorized forms are included here, properly completed, to show how the common income tax problems should be dealt with on1 the forms themselves. PRICEI 25c. We never expect your name to go thundering down the corridor's of time in large type, but we do look far our name at this period to be associated with the giving, of as -new shapepad of good quality. correspondence paper, 40 sheets, in pads deckled one edge, 25 envelopes in package both far 39c. Further it is a clean white.' It is ex- pected soon that thes'e will , be' . a downward color variation from. prev- ious elolor stan'dardls, in. all classes of paper. This offer is: above the aver- age in value. rt 'could be termed, luxurious but not a luxury, Wartime version -A. middle aged attractive woman with a second hand fullypaid for car, desires, to aneet gentleman with four new tires—M- eet .Sunnyside. To hit the nail 4on. the head with- out hammering all 'around it buy a War Map -25e --showing where all strategic points in the•world are lo- cated. Follow news despatches and radio broadeastst to know where the War zones are. We use newspaper publicity as a means of reaching probable purchas- ers of our prodkicltst We have an opinion that if you prudently patron- ize us it will. prove profitable to you. The P's have it, 11 in above said. How do you like to look at it this way? War and all it costs is not as expensive as peace at any price. Tile W. B. Fair Co Sugar is Scarce MAKE MAPLE SYRUP AND SAVE THE SUGAR Get your order in for Pans, Buckets or Spiles ORDER AT ONCE AND BE SURE` OF YOUR SUPPLIES S HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Often the Cheapest -Always the Beet LONDESBORO +chair for the W.A.. The meeting op-' ened by singing hymn123. MrsNot Sgt. Stanley 13. Yungblut who has tingham led in prayer. The mnutes spent the past two weeks at the home (of the last reeling were readiand of. his parents, left S'undeyy. W. approved. After the business was dis- wish him all kinds of good luck, cussed, Mrs. Carter took charge for Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yungblut Group 3. Mrs. Nottingham gave a and `family and Mrs. Annie Brown mewling. Mrs. Lorne Lawson read the spent Bundle, at the home of Mr. and Scripture Lesson, Luke 2;19-24. Hyman Mrs. Knox. Williams when :a dinner 240 was. sung. The meeting closed was served in honour of Sgt. Stanleyby repeating the Lord's Prayer in E. Yungblut before his departure. • unison. Lunelr•tivas served. V CONSTANCE The regular meeting of the W.M,S. was held in the basement of the church Thursday of 'rnoon, March ..12th, with the press ent Mrs. Wm. Britton, presiding. The meeting op- ened by reading the "Apostles Creed." Mrs. Britton gave a reading on Prayer. Hymn 179 was' sung fol- lowed' with" prayer by_: Mrs! Britton. The 'minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Readings' were given by Mrs. ,Wm. Jewitt `and Mrs. Wm., Dale. Hymn 255 was ,,sang. Mrs, J. W. gave a reading on Temperance. Mrs. Nottingham gave the Studly. Back ;• • , Mrs. J. W Carter then took' the ' 'Mr, and Mrs. John Davidson and Andrew' spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Mrs: Robt. Lawson returned home with them. Rev. and Mrs. Cliff. Britton and, family and Mrs. Geo. Wheatly of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs..' •Win. 13r itton. Mrs. E. Adams, Donelda and Kelso of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. E. Adams. Mrs. John Nottingham and infant son Bert, left on Monday for V'an- couver where she isflying tothe bed- side of her aunt Mrs. King who is seriously ill,' Mrs Thos', McMicheal, is spending a few days With her' daughter Mrs. Win, Dale. s� •il 11111 pP llll@11111 IIII mm iu 911111lltIIIII lit PIII�� Mrs. Thomas Scott of Cromarty was the weekend guest of her sister, Mrs. E. W. Coiquhoun Misses Dora Moody and Lorna Plum - steel of Toronto spent the weekend in town at the latter's home. Mr. Al. G. Counter attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Bruce Arm- • strong at Tara on Saturday. Miss Kathleen Ross of Toronto spent the weekend in town with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross. Mr. W. T. E. Leppington of Galt spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Leppington. Rev. A. II -O'Neil of Huron College, London, spent Friday and Saturday in town renewing old acquaint- ances. • Mrs. J. Welch of Winnipeg, Man., who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Garrett, left for her home on Sunday. Vitaspra a non-poinsonous Plant Insecticide will keep your plants healthy and free 'from, insects. FERTABS • „;+• These plant pills are now put up' in eather 25c or 15c packets. They are ust the tonic your house plants need. CUT FLOWERS Roses Carnations, -.Spring 'Flowers tc. ''fid F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to. funeral orders. Phones 176 and' 31 Mrs, E. R. Tenant of Winnipeg spent a few days) this week visiting her aunts, Mrs. H. B. Chant and Mrs. Alice C. Govier, Miss Cathleen Cuninghame of Uni- versity College, Toronto, spent lash weekend with her parents, Mrs and ' Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin T. Middleton' rind little sons, Jack, Jimmy and: Gene of Luean were weekend visitors at the home of the lady's mother, Mrs. J. Ferguson. V IOLMESVILLE DANCE. NEW AND OLD "GIME under auspices of the Indlependent Order of Odd Fellows Music by R.A.F. Radio School Band, with kind permission of Wing Com -1 mender Cocks. Town Hall, Clinton FRIDAY, MARCH 20TH Total Net Proceeds` for Red Cross Society Lunch will be sold by the Ladies of the Red Cross Society Admission 35c Dancing 9 to 1 Quality Meat Market HOMEMADE SAUSAGE . 20c lb. BEEP RIB BOIL 18c lb.. SPARE RIBS 20c lb. FRESH PICNIC HAMS .. 23c lb. FRESH PORK, BEEF, VEAL ... .. AND LAMB FOR WEEKEND ..Please let us have your order the day before as we have just one delivery a day. Highest prices paid for hides We have Casings for Sale BOSS FITZSIMONS PHONEI76, Mrs;. E. Yea isl visiting with, friend' in Hamilton and ,Toronto these days. Mr. and Mrs. F. McC'ollough and baby Francis visited with Mrs. Mcl- Coilough's parents in Kitchener one day last week. Miss M. Proctor has returned, to the village after spending the win- ter in Clinton. On Tuesday of last week the W.M. S. held their regular 'meeting at the parsonage with Mrs. M. Elliott pre- siding. The meeting was! opened by singing hymn 32, followed: by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Mrs, W. Norman contributed a piano solo. Mrs. Bond gave an interesting reading "Christian Life in China". Miss. D. Finlay reported on temper- ance. Readings' were given by four other members. Rev. Wilding offer- ed prayer- at the close of the meeting. The W. A. meeting opened with Mrs. B. Trewartha in the chair. Dif- ferent items of business were.. discus- sed. There will be a quilting at the [lame of Miss S. Acheson' on Wed. af- ternoon of this week. 'Phe'Meeting was, closed by singing the National Anthem. The hostesses Mrs. J. Pot- ter served a dainty lunch everyone enjoyed a social half' hour. Mrs. D'. Pocock donated a mat to the Holmesville Junior Red Cross, who immediately got busy' selling tickets. They sold tickets for a week, then had the 'draw Friday afternoon. In that time they' realized the sum of $19.80. Congratulations to our Jun- ior Red Cross. ,`Mrs." .7. Potter, was the lucky winner. Mr. Sain'" Gliddmn returned) to his. home in Rosetown', ;Sask., last week, aftlr, spending, the winter - months with his father Mr. D. Glildlotu,.S'r. WEEKEND SPECIALS 1, FIVE STRING I3R,130M with order . Ole 1 pkg. SUPER SUDS and bowl28c 5 cakes LONDON SOAP 29c 3 cakes LUX, ODBX, P. OLIVE TOILET SOAPS 20c 2 tins CAMPBELL TOMATO JUICE . 19c 2 tins CAMPBELL TOMATO SOUP 190 1, 2 lb. jar RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM. . . , 35c 1, % lb. tin BLUE RIBBON COFFEE . 29c SUNKIST ORANGES ( Best :for juice) at 21c, 274 33c 39c, 49c doz. NEW CABBAGE, CARROTS, ETC. - Please TC:Please. co-operate in government order of delivery. service by ordering early. W. L: JOHNSON PROMPT SERVICE _", GROCER PHONE 286 Superior Stores PONE ill---CLINTON. , SPECIALS : FOR Mar. 19, 20,. 20,::21st VAN CAMP'S TOMATO JUICE 20 oz. tin 8c CHOICE QUALITY PUMPKIN., 28 oz. tin ilc AYLMER JUMBO PEAS 2 tins 25c, GRAPEFRUIT .JUICE 48 oz. tin 27c MAYFLOWER TOILET .SOAP 3 bars 15c MIXED SWEET BISCUITS lb19c. COWAN'S COCOA 1 lb. tin 25c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 tins 21c SNOWFLAIKE AMMONIA 2,pkgs...... .. 11c SINK -O -OPENS clogged drains tin 25c FLUSIO for toilet bowls tin 21c GOLD SOAP bar 5c CHIPSO. sired pkg. 11c, ige. pkg27c IVORY SNOW lge, pkg. 25c HAWES. FLOOR 'WAX 1 ib.. tin 45c GRAPEFRUIT 6 for LEMONS doz. ORANGES Med. size doz HEAD LETTUCE 2 for Farm Efficiency Stressed at Meeting Here Maximum of efficiency in farm op- erations, as a war service, was the aim of a meeting of the Huston Conn-, ty War Time Agricultural Committee held in the agriculture board rooms Friday afternoon, when representa- tives of all parts of the county were in attendance. The committee is com- posed of the executive of 'the Huron - County Federation of Agriculture, the agriofilturnl committee of county council and the county agricultural representative, J. C. Shearer. ' W. J. Dale was appointed, secretary, and A. W. Morgan, Usborne township, chair- man of the meeting. The first speak- er was Roland Grain, chairman of the agricultural committee of county council, who gave a report of the On- tario Agricultural convention held in Toronto in February. W. L. Whyte 'spoke on the cost -of - production farm survey being con- ducted in each township �f Huron and now completed in Hullett, Grey, Col- borne, McKillop, . East Wawanosh, Stanley, Tuekersmith, and Usborne. On motion of Wesley Joynt and Alex. Alexander, the meeting endorsed the efforts of Mr. Whyte in the cost -of - production movement, and requested him to continue his investigations. County Warden George Armstrong also addressed the sheeting. W. P. Watson, of the Livestock branch of the Ontario Department pa •trent of Agriculture, the guest speaker, held the undivided attention of his audi- ence for more than an hour as he gave a resume of world conditions' of today as they affect the economic situation of the Empire, especially the British isles and emphasized the importance of production offood- stuffs by Canadian farmers as a nee- essary war measure. In discussing farm labor problems, ,he made the statement that more in- tensive methods of fanning might be adopted ,and he advocated more thor- ough cultivation and more extensive fertilization. Four days late in seed - *kg, he said, might mean twelve days late in harvesting. He also urged ex- change of farm work, particularly in the matter of tractor use, i Free Delivery 25c 27c 27c 195 N SPECIAL VALUES MARCH 19, 20, 21ST SOLID PACK Apples 28 oz. tin... 15c READY CUT Macaroni lb. 5c VAN CAMP'S CHOICE Tomatoes 31 tins.. 25c RED & WHITE TOMATO +Soup 3 tins YOUR CHOICE 19c ib 25c' OLD SALT RED & WHITE COOKED Sardines 3 tins 25c, Spaghetti 2 tins .. 19c GLEN GROVE GOLD MEDAL DICED Cheese x lb. pkg. 19'c, Beets 2 tins 17c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Sunkist Navel 'Oranges doz. 29c 9 New Texas Cabbage lb. 6c Choice Hearts of Celery 2 for 29c LEMONS APPLES RHUBARB BEETS TURNIPS CARROTS PARSNIPS IiADIS'HES TOMATOES Texas Seedless Grapefruit 6-25c New Texas's ;spinach lbs 21c Choice Large Head Lettuce 2 for 27c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON WEDDINGS GARWOOD—CHAPMAN The marriage was solemnized very quietly Friday, Mar. 13, Rev. Charlee G. Stone, of Park Road Baptist church Toronto officiating of Mrs." M;. Chapman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Unwin, to Flight. Lieut. A. E. Garwood, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Garwood), of Stratford. The bride wore a powder blue wool dress, with matching hat and beige shoes. She wore sweet peas, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Duck attended the couple. Flight. Lieut. Garwood is the Can- adian Liaison ()Vice; at No. 31. Radio School, R.A.F., Clinton. was 'opened by singing 0 Canada fol- lowed" by the Lord's prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The roll. call was re- sponded to by "suggestions for mak.- Ing nigpey for the Red Cross." Trio quilts were finished and items, of bus- iness were discussed. The meeting NMS closed with the national anthem nod' lunch was served by Mrs. Gamble and, Mrs. Hebden. The next meeting; will be held at the home of Mrs. Len - lie Pearson on March 25th, and Mr. and Mrs. Hebden are holding a bingo a this and bona socr 1 th s Fridayevening. enin v g Each lady is requested to bring a box of luneh, for, tete- persons. The art, isles brought in for February eonsis- ted of: 1 turtle -neck sweater; $ to, tle-neek tuck -ins; 1 pr. seaman's' V long stockings; 1 pr. gloves; 5 .pr. GODERICH TOWNSHIP scarves • socks; 1 pr. navy mitts; 2 scarves and 7 quilts., Alvin Lobb of the R.C.N.V.R. at V London spent Sunday with his par - Huron Official For Plebiscite Vote • Announcement has been made that ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hebden will entertain at a bingo party and box social at their name en Friday even ing, March 20th, The proceeds will for the Federal Government's Pleb - be given for Red Cross work. iseite to be taken on Monday, April The S.S. No. 4 Unit of the Rel 27th, ,Horace J. Fisher of Goderich Cross held their meeting last week at will be the returning officer for the home of Mrs. A. Gamble with a North Huron; and, K. M. McLean of good attendance. The persident, Mrs. { Seaforth has the same office in Hur.- F. Jones presided and the meeting •on -Perth. S ecials from March 19 to 21 NEW' MAPLE. LEAF,.,,, 6c bar 2 for 11 c Club House Coffee 1 lb. tins .,. 53c Snap Hand Cleaner 17c or 2 for 33 c Castle Floor Wax 27 c tin Odex Soap 2 bars 11 c_ ' Soyomalt for a delicious chocolate drink 24 oz. tin reg price 75c drink 24 ':oz. tin reg. price 75c 6 oz. tin reg. price 24c sale price ' 17c Peanut. Butter... in a Winston Chi chi11 tumbler 19c or 2 for 35c Blue Ribbon Baking Powder 1 lb. tin 22'c Mrs. Beeten's Peas 2 tins 17c Libby's Vegetable Soup 2 tins 1 7c Ideal Catsup 13c bottle 2 for , 25c g▪ amma. Large size 29c 1 Giant size 69c FRESH VEGETABLES Cabbage, Carrots,, Head Lettuce Celery, Turnips and Tomatoes. Oranges .. 19c, 29c and; 39c Grapefruit 6 for Fresh Sausage 2c lb.. Fresh Picnic Hants 4 23C lb. Fresh Wieners 27cilb. Fresh Headcheese 22c Ib. Fresh Pressed Ham 40c. lb. Fresh Macaroni and Cheese Loaf ... i 29c ib. Fresh Bologna 20c lb. in piece T.. 25c 19c LB. 19c LB. PHONE 4Q. THE STORE 'THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. r}rRi? 1'er�'ti 4l �' •1�'�