HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-03-19, Page 5OVVERMIglateMOMMERERVENeteltetfflarr,
To those contemplating build-
ing a Monument Get my
prices before buying. Cemetery
Lettering a specialty.
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TTI'IiTRS , MAIL. 19,19'2
Rove Ton The C sh
'To Pay Tour a''•1. come Tax
Due March 31st?
`This very month your income tax is due.
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the required payment?, :
No doubt you have saved to perform your
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Whether the amount you are short be large
or small, see today the manager of our
nearest branch who Will be glad to, discuss
your requirements. •
In our Personal Loan Service, loans are made
on the basis of repayment in twelve monthly
;instalments at a cost of $3.65 per POO. Other
arrangements may be. made according to
individual requirements.
Clinton Branch: H. M, MONTEITH, Manager
Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thu way.
, tris
News From International
"A. J." is in charge of tractors
at they international Plowing Match.
If you' are, a resident of Huron county -
that sentence would be 'sufficient to
tell you exactly, who eve are referring
to. The man is A. J .1VLeMurray, at
present Mayor of the Town of Clinton
a joh which he has held inciden-
tally quite often in thepast number'
A. J. McMurray is •a man who has
arrived at a point where he can Look
back over a long period of life, a ma-
jority of it spent working around)
machinery. He has been selling talk-
ing, living the "machinery" game for
years. He has followed, the progress
eif power farming in the•, county with
keen interets. It has been his life,
Voile . . and he has one setifaction
that of knowing: that he has
never sold a man a "white elephant"
"My catdulation always has been
that when you seIi a Dian something
you should make a friend of him," he
says; in his soft, school-teaoherish
voice, "I like to be able to dropin and
see a man and see how the -machine
ery is working, and not be afraid to
ktop in front of hie farm"
That very fact is helping him a
'great deal these days) as7 he::gets: ready
for his share of the work in con-
notion with the 1942 International
Plowing Match in Huron county. His
friends are offering them help on
every side and it makes the task
which is not an easy one : . 'a
'great deal lighter.
They use,a lot of tractors nowadays
at the International Plowing Match.
rust stand around, early in the morn-
ing and listen to the marine motors
as the powerful machines speed away
off to •the competitions. ''Youwould
actually wonder how it would be pos-
sible to secure so many of them at
one time.
There are other headaches this year
to be encountered, One is the •mat-
ter of fuel. Another one will be a
.shortage of .laboron many of the
farms and possibly a reluctance on
Me part of some to give up their
machines. The fact that the farm
machinery companies are busy On war
' projects will also make a certain
amount of difference.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Henry of Galt
sent the weekend with, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Scott.
'Coeporal Jack Weir has returned to
Ottawa after a weeks visit with his
father Dr. B. C. Weir.
Mr. Keith Arthur •of the R.G.A.F.
Aylmer is on eighteen day's leave at
hi'e home here. '
Mrs. Maud Fremlin has returned to
• Clinton after spending several weeks
with. her sisters.
Chas. Nevins of Sky Harbor spent
the weekend at his home here
However as "Al. J," observes,
;pressing the appreciation of the "There is no need! to be gloomy about
church for the fine service so faith- the matter._ When the thousande elf
fully rendered'. Mrs. Howson has people from alt parts of the province
benz the leader of the choir since the make the trip to Huron county to see
opening of the church in 1908, the .greatest plowing match in the
history of the Ontario Plowmen' As-
sociation you can bet your bottom
dollar they will not be disappointed.
We'll have the tractors and the fuel
and the necessary material to help
the match along and hang up another
record for the Banner County of Ont
Women's Institute
Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided for
the March meeting of the Women's
Institute which was held in the For-
ester's Hall on Tuesdey.' The meeting
was opened by singing' the "Ode" and
tepe'ating the Lords, prayer in unison.
The secretary's repoit was read and
adopted. A. letter was read from the
Department regarding foranin'g a
Robert Craig of the R,C.A.F. Girl's Club, also a letter from the
Trenton, spent the weekend at the government re price ceiling. Mrs.
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Bradnook read a letter on reges-
Wn. Craig. tration of school girls for farm work.
The following program was then en=
W-M,S• joyed. Reading 'St. Patrick" by Mrs,
Mrs. Wes. Bradnock gave leer' home H• S'. Wilson. The topic Canadian
for the March meeting of the W.M.S. Industries was taken by Mrs. Geo.
of Knox Presbyterian Church. The Benetton; solo, Miss: Betty Graig.
president Mrs. John Huston presided Miss Josephine Weir gave a talk on
and opened the meeting with prayer. war work, Mrs. R. J. Phillips cond'ue-
The scripture was read responsively ted an Irish Contest, Mrs. Wes. Brad-
: and prayer was offered by Mrs. Jas. nock wining first prize. The roll call
Hewitt. The roll call was answered Was answered by an Irish joke or
with a verse of scripture .containing story. Mrs, 0. EL Erratt, Mrs. G.
the word "Love." The chapter of Taylor, Mrs. C. A. Howson and Miss
the Study Book was taken by Mrs. J. Weir were appointed a nominating
It. J. Scott Miss Norma Door fav-
ored' with a solo, Mrs. John Cowan tonal Anthem brought the: meeting to
.gave a paper on the Study Book. Ar- a close. A dainty lunch in keeping
retgements were made for a . supper with St. Patrick's Day was served by
and bazaar to be held in the church Mrs. W H. Sheppard, Mrs. W. H.
'on' March 28th. Mrs. Jas, Woods
Wilson and Mrs. Fred Rase
elosed the meeting with. prayer. A y
dainty lunch was served by the hos-
•tess and a social half hour was en- Name Graham 'spry
The following is an extract from a
-recent Mount Sorest paper regarding Former Toronto Resident Was Prom-
. the departure of,.Mr, Stewart Fergus inent in Activities of C.C.F.
on from the Royal Bank, Mount For-
est to the branch in Hamilton. Mr.
J. S. Ferguson teller-acountant of the A fernier newspaper man and a
local branch of the Royat Bank has once-prereinent figure in the Ontario
been accepted for enlistment with the C.C.F. party, St.. Thomas -born Gra-
Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer• Re- 'tam Spry has been appointed person:
• serve. In the meantime be has been al assistant to Sir Stafford C'iippe,
.'transferred to Hamilton, where he is leader in the British House of,C'om-
taking p nightmonsa special course in' wire- Mons. He is well-known in Toronto
less , telegraphy. Prior to his depar- where he lived for many years and
ture he was presented with a travel contested the ridings Of Tenonto East
ling set by members -of the Royal and Broadview in federal, and previa -
Bank staff. He hap since been, called cial elections between 1934 and 1939.
for active service end is. at. present
,training at Hamilton. ) He formerly wor•keh en the, editor-
ial staff of the Winnipeg.Free Preen
I3.Y.P.U. ' and the Calgary Albertan, rend in
The B.Y.P.U. held their monthly 1925 and 1926 he was wititthe re -
•meeting M. the Sunday School morn, search division of the International
Sunday evening, The meeting was r• office at Geneva, . Later,' he
served on the London Daily Express..
in charge of George 'Raithbe. A stag He was at one time the national
song Was led by Earl Raithb`y. The secretor of the, Association
scripture lesson• was read by Stanley y a on of Can-
adian Clubs and, in 1933 he 'became
McN'all. Miss Betty Craig favored'
with' a solo:,; Prayer was ,offs' ed b president and editor of. the Partners
Frank Raithby. The to ion."The. ` y, -Sun. He; was also natlonat•se'cretarg,
of Jonah" was given b Mr..Geos. of the League for Sobial Reconstruct-
Raithby. A solo was rendered by El-
met Robertson. Mrs., R. J. Phillips Is War Veteran
gave' a piano `instrumental. The Mr. Spry has long
,, � p y g been an admirer
meeting was closed by' repeating the of Sir Stafford and was an .exponent
Lord's Prayer in ulzison. The April; of similar views on soci l:r
r , a eform. He
meeting.will 6e• tri charge of ..:r..; d
c;n „r, A31 was barn in 1900: and,camo fiam.•St:'
Mils. 14rank Raithb. ;
T m ..to To �o
14, 1,17 ,r>•t,•� .:,�...a:i tr,p as r r nto'three,years'sloter,
At rWheaetose{"� the regul�
arrsetiiEe ��ith higParert5:,H
e gradu_ a
ted front
in the i2ptSat` churesh sast".hrrda+:the':,IJni osity af^.Mauitoba,'With
the•';rirenrttefsi't*oir; eieeeekeireeereeareeetegeld med'al;nupohsstene had reompletedt;
tlieia,e.. : ';, e1. his, educations ah;aa,Ox a ditu wtte.:
.�aki�' Mtsw�CI�d• $otiwson with
arbeitutrfut' tt ek,, } tV zt being the Rhodes, schol,xsbip,niHb ;aiao�l'stddiei,
Z� ri .. aB'
gelc+{Imasi of. henbrrtltdt4ti;*Iltt aitiltl" at,,Yef SOrt>t+nne;:un •Pa>ra.gacr ',.,1,.
'woe read by Mrs.Glen Raithbr ex-'
Assistant To Cripps
he served es a gunner with the C.F.
A. and later with the 10th Battalion,
Canadian Scottish, Calgary, and the
38th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders,'
Ottawa. Later, he was placed on the
reserve of officers.
Until a dispute in 1937, r'hen he
resigned all offices, Mr. Sp
been moat active with the C.C.F., and
Eng -
served' as vi'ce'-president of t
vincial• council, chairman of
tario executive, as well as
aided in drafting the origin
program. In 1939, he went
land as a •0.8.0, observer and was
Char -
heard in broadcasts• from ov
Wife in Ottawa
Mr.Spry- is a Fellow of tri
tered Institute of Secretaries, London,
Eng,, and the Canadian ,, t'
International Affairs. .gin
sportsman he was particularI
ested in tennis, rowing and, swimuing'.
He was fdrmerly vice -press
the Ottawa'Rowing Club, a
rowed at the Univeys'ity. of Manitoba,
Oxford, and the Ottawa and Win-
Rowing clubs..
While in• Eng1'and he macrie
Mary Bliss, a daughter of Mr; anctt
Mrs. - Evan E. Bliss, of Kenya Col-
ony. At present, Mrs. Spry isserv-
ing as, an economist with the
Prices and Trade bohrcl, at Ottawa;
She was delighted with her husband"s
appointment but added that she was
disappointed he -could not return to
Canada. for a •considerable tnr •
The above mentioned • Mr,
Spry, is a • brother -in -:law of •
A. East a former Clinton boy, now
residing in Toronto, brother
Gordon Cuninghatne of town;
Summerhill Red CrOSS
For` Every Occasion
Phones: 66w 'and s61,
500 Fat' Hens Wanted
For Jewish Holidays Next Week"
If you have a few 'large fat hens
to your flock: it might pay you; to dis-
pose of them at the good prices pre-
vailing for the next few days. We
are always in the-nmrket ,for good
ry had
he pro -
the 0n -
al party
to Eng-
e Char-
ttute of
y inter -
dent of
nd had
d Irene
Mr.` Roy
The Summerhill Red, Cross Group
held their meeting at, the home of
Mrs. Wm. Mairs+, With the vie-presi-
dent in the chair, the meeting opened
by !singing- "Abide with me," follow-
ed by the Red Cross prayer. The
minutes of the last meeting were
read and adopted, 23 members and 4
visitors present. Mrs. Ball, gave the
Tress,. report and there is $47:78 on
hand. Mrs. Won. Lawson and 'Ari -
drew donated $2.50 to the Red' Cross
Groupe {Donatithe at' this•, meeting.
were:, Miss, W. Penfound, lining'" and°
batt; Mrs. Wes. Vodden a print top;
Mrs. W eeleBrien a flannelette Iining.'
In the 'afternoon 's quilt was quilted
apd-a; top; worked en.- The !next Meet=
ing••will beeltel'da.at'Mrs. ^Wes. Hog-
garMr,on -Wednesday Marcha25. The
roll calleaviltibe: `FIo•:r1. economize en
isugar.`lar , The : • hostess; are Mie: O.
:Rapson;.Mrs. R.: Neat and'. Mlle Wm.
hell.' ,The='meetings .closedewith 'the
a i • :•:A ' ,e :" :