HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-03-19, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
NO. 6084 --63rd YEAR
With Which
is Incorporated The Clinton. New Era
The New Era Est. 1867
Keep them iii Good Repair
Bring, it in and we will tell you what is needed, and give it the
needed attention.
Should it be hast repairing, we can give you a worth: while
watch at a reasonable price: ...:,-1
For over Thirty-nine yearsrat Your service.
Jeweler and, Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
Conforming with New
Government Regulations.
Priced at 79c, 1.00 1.15 and L25
New Spring Shades.
Miami Tan
Amigo Mio
Our Spring QuotaIs
Now Here,
May we Suggest An
Early Selection.
r Military Jewellery11
re We have just received a good shipment of R.C.
:A.F. crested pins, buttons, drops, compacts, lockets,
cigarette cases, rings, and bracelets.
Dozens of pins to choose from including Wings,
Bow Knots, with crest .suspended on chain, bars,
mapleleaves etc. All sizes from tiny button types
to large Wing size. A4-ly of these may be had with
any crest desired.
Stirling Silver or 10k gold rings for Ladies and
Gentlemen in a variety of styles, some with black
enamel tops and with any crest desired.
Stirling Silver Identification Bracelets in sev-
er a l shapesand manysizes. These may be hard
a new
in gold also. We have them for Ladies and Gentle-
men in gold or silver.
Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction.
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron. County.
We already realize the inestimable
value of Red Cross .parcels' sent to
our men'o� the
fighting forces ;who
have been captured and thrust into
prison camps. The following letter,
written by a Toronto girl, will give
us some idea of what these Red &roes
boxed mean to civilian prisoners of
From a Zara Zam Passenger
(Extracts from letters sent to her
mother' in Toronto by Doreen H.
Turner (passenger pn Zam Zam)
when interned hi German3'.
"The very day we arrived here we
received Red Cress parcels. It was a
great thrill to get all the goodfies.
How homesick it made me to see a
pound tin of `Ea:tania Butter' and
112apie Leaf cheese and Aylmer 'Mar-
malade! There was' a half -pound cake
of my longed for plain chocolate, a
huge tin of Klira, salmon, sardines,
crackers, pork patties, prunes; dried
apples, tea, sugar, salt. We had af-
ternoon tea, both yesterday and to-
day and how we gloried in this treat!
There are eight of us in our partic-
ular younger set, and we pool all our
Red Cross foodstuffs and use them
-commonly (except the chocolate
which is strictly private.)
"The clothes situation is remedied
a bit. I got •a. blouse and a pair of
used shoes out of a Danish Red Cross
shipment.' The shoes are decent
American walking shoes, and still
have some wear left in them, and the
blouse is quite smart. I have also
acquired a bath towel and am suppos-
ed to be getting a was -cloth soon. Soap many minutes. Hoare ,the Rotaries
we get each week in our Red Crests dapable right winger, scored his sec -
parcels. Thank goodness for the soap, and goal near the end of the period.
for it cannot be bought for love nor -- In the middle period, Clinton's
money. Soap even disappeared out Lione took a strangle -hold on the
of our Iuggage in transit. game accounting for five peals,. to
one lone counter by the Rotaries. Jef-
fries drew the only; penatly of the
The third stanza= saw both teams
going slower, The'honiesters having
accounted for two goals' in the early
part of the period were content to
ease up and the visitors' quick to
seize thea advantage scored twice be-
fore the bell was rung,
Orangeville: gedi,: Maaonald; de
fence, Teeters, Jeffries; centre, W.
Gillespie; wings, Hoare, Hackett;
subs, R. Gillespie, Gray, Robb, Hun-
Clinton: goal, Messenger; defence,
Bartliff, Schoenhals; centre, Miller;
wings, Carter, Ellwood; subs, Cook,
Cameron, Butler, McLean, Duck.
worth, Hanley.
Referee: Booth of Hanover.
First Period
Orangeville, Hoare, Clinton, But-
ler; Clinton, Schoenhals; Clinton,
Carter; Clinton Carter; Orangeville,
Hoare. - Penalties: Bartliff 2 ,Schoenhals,
Carter, R. Gillespie.
Second' Period
Clinton, Miller; Clinton Duckworth,
(Bartliff); Clinton Cook (McLean);
Clinton, McLean; Orangeville, W. Gil-
lespie; i
e Clinton,
AT-HOME Penalty: y, Jeffries.
Third Period
Clinton, Cook (Cameron); Clinton,
Butler (Cook); Orangeville, W. Gil-
lespie; Orangeville, R. Gillespie.
Penalty: Schoenhals.
Juveniles Outclass Visitors, Engagements Announced , Unusual Notepaper LITTLE LOCALS'
In Second Period Mre. Harry Glazier wishes to an- Mrs. George Carter is in posses- . Mr, and Mrs. George Beattie have
interestingletter £rot ath n-
pounce the engagement of her young- cion of a'vety n raved tq their: residence on R e
Lions Take Long Lead on
pThe Lion-eponsored Juveniles es co -ped a sixgoal lead, over the Orange-
ville Rotaries' in the First game of
the s and round ofowns
ec the1 - - a yd
in the Ontario Minor Hockey League,
juvenile series, here Saturday night,
defeating the Dufferin Lads 11-5 in
a fast game. ','
The ice' though Wet surfaced from
the effects of the mild weather
throughout the day, improved with
the between -period;' clean -offs. The
largest crowd of hockey fans to at-
tend their games this year were pres-
The Rotarians made a good impres-
sion as they skate:: on to the ice in
their natty green uniforms and had a
good following from their home town.
And they were a sporty aggregation
too as was evidenced throughout the
game. But it takeg.more than a nat-
ty appearance to Win a hockey game
and the Clinton Itltds in their more
sombre blueshowed, the way through,-
hroughout the game
First scoring honors went to the
Rotarian's when, after eight minutes
of hard checking, Hoare caught Mes-
senger off guard for a nide shot to
the net. Their advantage was short-
lived, however, foriin one minute af-
ter the face-off, Butler evened the
score, Sehoenhals.put the home team
in the lead when, breaking through
the visitors' defence, he outguessed'
McDonald with oneof those shots for
which Bud is famalis. Carter Menne-
ed the lead by two more goals in as
"I wish the Red Cross people could
actually realize how much their boxes
mean to each one of us. Only if you
:were here could you know the. im-
mense happiness that they bring. 'C'er
••tainly 1 shall never hear a word of
disapproval, ever, for I simply don't
know what we would, do' without
them! I have often thought of a re-
mark made last fall by a girl during
the Reid Cross canvass. As she de-
bated whether she would• contribute
her nickel or dime site said, 'You
know, I don't know whether I like
the Red Cross or not.' I toldd her a
few things then that I wish I could
see her now. I am knitting myself
some anile socks of Red Cross wool.
Some discarded Air Force mittens
were sent here, and those in need
were given these to rip. I split the
wool, which was heavy, so that it
would go further."
With reference to the Red Cross
Teas which were held on Thursday,
March 5tb, we are pleased to report
that the splendid sum of $106.90 was
realized. We take this, opportunity of
thanking all those who co-operated
and' made this venture such a suc-
cess, -
The annual At -Home and Dance of
the Clinton Collegiate Institute, which
was held' last Friday, evening, was as
usual a delightful occasion. The
auditorium was colorfully and 'charm-
ingly decorated, representing' the set-
ting sun. Back of the orchestra the
sun and its rays were shown in yel-
low, 'orange and black. The ;ceiling,
walls and lights', were draped,comple-
tely with streamers of pink, yellow
purple ;orange, red, cerise and blue
which gave a soft colorful effect. On
the walls were some interesting pic-
tures painted by students of the Col-
legiate and repesenting songs. 'The
decorations were under the s'upervis-
kin of Miss .Helen Brown of the
teaching staff, Misses. Jean Morgan,..
Council Review Last Year's
Finances At Special
' Meeting
A special meeting of council was
held in the council chambers Monday
evening at 7.30 o'clock at the call of
the Mayor, to review the Auditors
Financial Report for 1941.
All members of council, were prey
ent with Mayor McMurray presiding.
The Mayor called on Mr, Monteith,
the Auditor, who dealt in detail with
matters pertaining to the general
finances of the town, the debenture is -
est daughter, Dorothy Melinda, to her husband, Signalman ,George Car- hury :street.
Harald Louis Keller, youngest son of ter, in 'England. The factthat makes 1 -
-Mr, Charles Keller and the late. Mrs', it most interesting ie that its writ- I In renewing their subsription to the
Keller of Dashwood. The marriage ten on a pieeeof barrage balloon, News-Reeard, Kr- and Mis. John Co-"
of.Rto take place the early part of April. shot down• over Surrey, En'gland', by wan greetihey, Montana; wish to ex -
Mrs. David Laidlaw, Clinton an- German raiders. It is soft and pliable tend greetings and best,wishes to, all
nonce the engagement of her Baugh like Riddle, and one side has been their friends though our columns.
ter, Marion Roberta, to Harry Rath -
well, son of Mr. H. P. Plumsteel and
the late Mrs. Plumsteel, Clinton.
The marriage. will take piece quietly
early in April.
Mr. and, Mrs, David Elliott, Clinton,
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Sadie Margaret, to Alex.
Milton Whitfield, son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. P. F. Whitfield, of .London,
Ontario. The marriage wilt take
place early in April.
Mr. and Mass'. R. P. McMichael,
Clinton, . announce the engagement of
their second daughter, 'Orpha Grace,
to Aircraftsman Robert' E. Green, of
the Royal Mr Force, at No. 31' Rad-
io Scheel, Clinton. The marriage will bei of solos rendered by Mr. A. Law
take place this month. Wingham ham brow ht a
,. o g great ap-
plause. Our Red Shield of Clinton
was ably represented e
Wesley -Willis W.M.S. y with reading,
by Mus. Aileenhead„vi'ho kept the au -
The March meeting of the W.M.S. thence in constant merriment; also a
was held at the home of Mrs. F. Ping- solo by Sergeant Robinson from the
land on Thursday afternoon last, with Radio School was • enjoyed, The
Mrs. Chowen in the chair and Mrs. S.A. local corps rendered a tableu en -
A. T. Cooper at tits piano. ' titled, "The Wheel of Life.”
"The Lord's Supper' was the ap- Mrs. Wright would like totake this
propriate theme chosen for the wor- mean's of thanking all who gave
&hip service, prayer being offered, candy and sandwiches.
by Mrs. McKinley.
The chapter of the Study Book en-
titled "The Chinese People Rise," was
capably presented. by Mrs. Fowler, Lieutenant Leonard McKnight, who
and Miss Mary Lane contributed a for the past few months, has been
piano solo. taking an active service and' instrue-
The Mizpah benediction brought
the meeting to a close, following
which refreshments were served by
the hostess and a social half hour en-
d with almnm paint Souven
h nu
Abo t t o onths a• w h a'
u w o e o,d
irs like; this are not familiar around photo
treateof a calfin with a
glarge V" on
here• ata' forehead, in, the News -Record.
V This copy which was sent to a Clin-
Variety . Program, at Salva- ton man now overseas, was read by a.
nephew of Mrs. Thos. Lappington,
tion Army Barracks I w'ho to it out and' sent it back to
Friday, Marrh 13th, the Salvation I Clinton. After crossing the ocean
Army Hall was filled with an apprec- twice, Mrs, Leppington, thinks it
iative audience,: with the Mayr oe i worthy enough to be framed.
Clinton as' c'hairman, when i iusictul 1 Rev. A. E. Silver, along with other
items were given by Lieutenants representatives of the Baptist church
Sharp, Earle and Captain Thompson, will broadcas't devotional services'
from neighboring corps. Also a tab- next Tuesday morning ever C.K.N.iL
leau was givenby the Ladies of the Wingham, at 10.30 to 11 &clock.
Red • Shield of Goderich entitled, V
"Salvation Army Alphabet." A num- To See Cousin On Screen
Women's 'Institute
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held on Thus -
day, March 26th, when the roll call is
to be answered by a. county and, coun-
ty town. The subject will be Legisla-
tion and will be given by Mrs. Liver-
more, There will also be a visit frons
the district president, Mrs. Hender-
son of Wingham. The hostesses will
be Mrs. E. Ward, convenor, Mrs. C'.
V. Cooke, Mrs. Veneer, Mrs. M.
Crich, and Mrs. J. Ferguson.
Salvation Army
Sunday, March 22nd.
Adjt. Williams and Lieut. Davis. of
the Goderidh Corps will be in charge
of the service.
Wesley -Willis Clench
The minister's sermon snejects will
be, in the morning, "The Law of In- members' .of the same family in differ -
crease,' and in the evening. Th
Tragedy of 'Unbelief." a entstudy. uniforms made an inter'estin'g
Clinton MissionAC2. Weslea
In the Old Dance Hall: Gar 1"
Sunday School, 2 pm.; E,t•ari
service 3p.m. Cottagepra
'-•lot, who gra;i'-
ing at Mr. Jos. Wheatley, Fri ea, it Fingal two
•p.m. Everybody welcome. i weeds ago, spent his leave with his
For the Father judeth no roan, parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Yung -
but hath committed! all ' judgment blut of Londesboro,
unto the Son that all men should Applications are at present roquir-
honour the Hon even as they honour ed for enlistment in the Royal Cana-
the Father. He that honoureth not dlan Abu• Force as Pilots, Observers,
the Son, honoureth not the Father and Firefighters. Qualified' Clerks
which hath sent him. John 5.22-23. (Accounting) are urgently required
for enlistment in the R.C.A',F. (Wo-
St. Paul's Church men's. Division).
Sunday, Marsh 22, 1942. Pte, Royce Fremlin of the R.C',O.C'.
8 a,m. Holy Communion,
11 ecu Mattins sermon, "Choeked town with, Mrs. F'reanlin..
tors course at Brockville, O.T.G., and
Camp Borden, spent the weekend in movie theatre, she is making plans to
town with Mrs. McKnight and daugh- be present at the local showing sof
"One Foot in Heaven."
Wesley -Willis Girls' Club
L The Girls' Club held their regular
"One Foot in Heaven," as a book.
and as a film has been fridley ac-
claimed both in Unitedtate
s and
Canada, for its human interest ap-
peal This Min will appear at the
Boxy' Theatre, Clinton, in about two
weeks time. The story ie a biograph-
ical sketch of the Reverend William
Spence, written by his son; Hartzell
Spence, and it holds particular inter-
est for people. of Western Ontario as
both the author's parents came from
this sectoin.
• The•aiithor's father, Rev. William
Spence, was a first cousin to Mrs.
James Jackson of Clinton, and she
Will enjoy the protrayal of the events
of his interesting career. Although
Mrs. Jackson has not yet attended a
ter, Samara.;- and lift this week for
No. 12, Basic Training C'ecutre at
Squadron Leader W. J. Metcalfe of
No. 31 R.A.F. Radio School, and Mrs.
Metcalfe, have taken up residence in meeting at the manse on Tuesday
the apartment above George Beattie's evening, March 17th. The president,
store. , Mrs. G. Miller, was in charge of the
Cpl. Gordon Monteith, attached to', meeting which was of an Irish nature,
the R.C'.A.F. Dental Corps, at }lagers- .t$cripture was given by Mise I. Waik-
ville, spent the weekend in' town with inshaw, Mrs. Adams gave the history
his parents, Mr. andi Mrsl H. M. Mons ',of St. Patrick anclMiss Newman gave
teith. St. Patrick's grayer: Mrs. George-
Two members of the R,C'.AI?. are McLay gave a humorous Irish. read-
now spending their two, week's -leave ing, "Norah at the Country Club."
at their hones in town: ACI.. Re-.:,irish songs and instrumentals :wore
Cudmore o1 Trenton, A 1. Laurie Col- given by Mrs. M. Ned'iger and Mrs.
quheun of Suntmerside, P.E.I. M. Agnew. Miss Stone gave an inter-.
Among the class of air observer: esting and informative talk on Ire -
that graduated last Saturday from Pland. contestMiLane conducted, ae St.
was Sgt. John, Hawkins, son waste pi'izeof which Mrs. McLay
of Mir. and Mrs. W. T. Rawlins of joss the Prize winner, The meeting;
Clinton. Present to sec him grarl'tiate I closed, with the Mizpah benediction
were Sgt. Hugh Hawkins, a brother, i after which lunch was served by Mrs,.
with the R.C.O.0. at Hamilton, and
Mannings group.
AW2. Madeline Hawkins; a sister, at
present with the Women's Auxiliary Apply For Gasoline Cards
Air Farce at Toronto. The three Early
Gasoline Ration Books 'should be
purchased by April 1st, at the latest,
.or the R.C.A. Mr; H. D. Cameron, the distributor,
ent the weekend warns motorists. As yet he stated,
they are going out very slowly, and
persons will have e to act -
p v quickly sly if
they are to get then mtii .
Application forma may be procured):
at the Post Office.
at Kitchenerr spent a short leave in
Channels". Text: He that was dead Cpl. Douglas; Ward of the Basic
came forth, bound hand and foot. Training Centre at Chatham spent
2.30 p.nt. Sunday School the weekend at his home in town.
7 p.m., Evensong. • Sermon "open Mis. Lawson has received word
Ohennels", Text: If any man thirst from her husband; Captain H. C.
let him conte unto Me and drink; he. Lawson, telling of his safe arrival in
that believes on Me, as the Scripture Eaglrnsi
says, out of his stomach shall flow 401 Alvin Coxless, R.C.A.F. at charge of the tea tables were Mrs.
rivers of living water. Fingal, who was confined to West- G. A. Miller and Mrs. Ernest Ad -
Phyllis Herman and: Harry Mahler', sues and Sinking Fund; also the fin- Monday, AP'.P'.A. at 8 pare
students. minster Hospital, London, for the ams, and the waitresses were Mies. T••
atucial .position of the Board! of Eclu- Thursday, Prayer and Bible Ser- past two weeks with an infected Addison, Mrs, W, Jervis, Mrs. Rees
Principal E. W. Durnin assistted, by ,eation, Public Utilities Commission vice at 7.30 D. tooth, spent a few days at his borne Jenkins, Mrs. M. Nediger and Mrs..
Annual Tea Proves
Successful ,
The St. Patrick's home-made bak-
ing sale, afternoon tea and supper
sponsored by the Woinen's Associa-
tion of Wesley -Willis United .church,
iii the Sunday school rooms, on Satur-
d'ay afternoon andeve'ndng, provedsuccessful, both as to patronage and•
proceeds. The rooms were decorated
in the emblematic color of Ireland';,
patron. saint. :til1l}'
The guestts were received by 111'rs.
B. Paterson, president of the associa-
tion, and Mrs. (Rev.) A. Lane. In
Mr, and and Mrs. John Hartley; Miss' the Public Library. The Friendship Club will meet in town.
Phyllis Middleton and Mr. Cameron It wa's moved by Couciilor 'Prewar- next Wednesday evening at the home Dr:
J H. Beattie; who for the past
Proctor, received the guests,; the last .tha, seconded by Councillor Nediger of Mrs. Ronald Scott ,Albert Street, two years has. practised medicine in
two representing the ,student body that council tender a vote of appre- at eight o'clock. Clinton, is leaving the first of April
Many ex -students and elation to Mr. Monteith and that th
were present, also a goodly number be approved and CI t
townspeople a e tojoin the arm He will take a
report as rendered: Baptist- Church y
course at Canip Borden' for the first
accepted."The Christian ian church has nothing
of ourboys. es uniform. Herbie six weeks before being posted else -
Another reason for the special' at all to give the world, anywhere,
Fink's ten -piece ereshestra from or in: any nation, except by its faith- wkhere. There is a' scarcity of dtoe-
To was, to • consider the matte
Stratford provided the music for fill in preaching the word of the tors in civilian life now esti as yet
dancing, of .raising the Ther Earth Closet Tax, .
�' and after considerable diseussion it Grose. To the distiestsed kingdoms of )t has not been arranged for anyone
Seated in themen it cannot offer seeder wisdom, to talcs oyer.
gymnasium, the was.decided that the fee be :changed' LAC. Edward' McGill of the R.C.A.
guests were served a vet,' dainty to $2.60 per salvor startirug this year. 'or a new technique in government, Hagersville, spent the weekend
lunch by first form girls and, boys, ` Council adjourned. or a fresh economie insight. It: can
which was under" the supervision of V
only any, ' "Repent, for theKingd'omn in town with his parents, Mr. and'
Miss Enna Pasel of the teaching of God is here.".—William Paton. Mrs. James McGill.
staff. I.O.O.F..Notes The -minister's eelmon subject at Sapper 'Norman Fitzsimons and
Many of the guests thought the At the'reguah meeting on Tuesday the evening- service will be: "Review-
Gunner Don McClutdlteon of the
At -Homo the host ever held in. the evening• of the Independent Order of mg Calvary" Royal Canadian Engineers at Kitch
Collegiate; The beautiful costumes 011'5 Fellow's, it was decided, •owin • Visitors and niers serving in the ever spent Sunday with the former's
o: the to war co g I arents Mr. and Me s Harry f 1 e ladies mingling• with the col'- conditions to dispense with forces ,are alw.•iys` welcome: at the parents, .• Iatry Piti-
orful d,ecoi.•ations made the sight a their annual At -Home this, year. It service. siinons. '
"very beautiful • one. The only' thing Wes also decided to commemorate the The Ladies Aid will meet in the LAC. Hugh Watson 01 the R.C.A.
kft to be desired was a larger aude- founding of the orderon this side of Vestry on Wcdnesdtay, March 25tH F. at Mott Job, Quebec, recently vis- choir leader, rendered Irish rnelodles,
toriu n Much of the -success of this the Atlantic, be attendingdivine ti at 7.30' pan. Mrs. Cochrane's r p ited with his sister, Miss, Marjorie • which further emphasized the near
a sea g cup
annual event is, due to the splendid vice in St, Paul's .Church' of - England, will be in charge. The lcey word is Watson, nurse-in-traiianng: at the approach of the St. Patrick's Day. ani.
efforts' of the staff and students, , Sund'ay, April.26th, '.toreword. Clinton. Hospital. .nversary.•
G. Gould. A fish pond was presided
over by Mrs F .Fingland and Mrs.
Pearce. Mrs, M. T. Corless, presid-
ing at the hoane-baking cameo, was
assisted by Mrs. M. Moliwan, Mrs, J,
Circe Gook, Mrs. Reg'. Shipley, Mrs.
J. Mulholland, Mrs. H. Fowler, Mrs,.
(Dr.) Garrett, Mrs. Ross' Fitzsimons
and Mrs. A. T. Cooper. In the kitch-
en were Mrs. E. Saville, Mre. Sarah-
Cant'elon, Mrs. A. Seeley and Mrs, W.
Rohe -Nun], while the plate committee
included Mrs. W. A. Oakes, Mrs.. Ida.
Chowen, Mrs. D. Laidlaw, Mrs. P.
Manning and Mrs. W. Pickard.
The decorating committee, conapo,s-
cd, of Mrs. A. T. Cooper convener, and
Itirs. M. Nediger, assistant, is worths, -
of commendation for the pleasing ef-
fect in general.
Dieing the afternoon and evening;
Mrs. M. Agnew, church orgarmist and,