HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-03-12, Page 5THURS.,; MAR. �, 1942
What can you do to provide the planes, to train and equip
our airmen for battle?
You can provide the money, by watching every penny you
• spend, by saving all you can. Personal thrift is vitally
necessary now. Every dollar you can spare is needed for
Canada's War effort. Buy Victory Bonds and "War Savings
Certificates. Build up your savings account. Set aside some
money each month to meetthe
war taxes which must be paid ). This book will help you save.
later. We have a job on our, • Tho Royal Bank Family Budget
hands. Let's finish it. Book shows you how tobudgot your
income, how to save by planned
spending. Ask fora fres copy et your
nearest Branch.
TheROYAL BANK^of Canada
:miss Violet Sharp spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson Carlow.
Miss Marjorie Arthur of Teeswater
• spent the weekend with her mother
- Mrs. M. Arthur.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller newly-weds
Of Windsor spent a few days last
week with the formers another, Mrs.
• Joe Miller and other relatives.
Cpl. Jack Weir of Ottawa is visit-
ing his father Dr. B. O. Weir.
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
mene Inatitue will be held in the For-
esters Hall on Tuesday, March 17th,
at 2.30. The subject, Canadian In-
dustries; to be taken by Mrs. Geo,
. Hamilton; current events by Miss Jo-
,sephine Weir. Demonstration en
bread -making by Mrs. R. J. Phillips.
Roll call: Irish joke or story. Hostel*
ses, Mrs. W. H. Sheppard, Mrs. H. C.
Wilson and. Mrs. Ross.
Teh B,Y.P.0 will hold their monthly
• Meeting next Sunday evening: The
• meeting will be in. charge of Mr.
Creorge Itaithley who will give 'a talk
on "First man to sail in a submarine."
Baptist Ladies Aid
•'Miss Annie Walpher gave her home
for the March meeting of the Ladies
Aid of the Baptist church. The scrip-
ture the 24th psalm was read by Mrs.
John McKnight and Mrs. Lansing led
in prayer. Readings were given by
Mrs. Thred Seers and Mrs. Wm. Rob -
erten. Mrs. Win, Haggitt and Mrs,
Earl McXCnight favored with a duet
"Face to Face." The topic, China's
great Christian Leaders Gen, and Mrs.
Ohiang-Kai-Sleek was given by Mrs.
Earl Raithby. Mrs. Walper closed, the
aneeting with prayer. A dainty lunch
was served and a social time 'spent.
Some twenty-five ladies attended a
Red Cross quilting in the basement 'of
Knox United Church when five quilts
were finished. Mrs. Herr Mogridge
was appointed as delegate to the Red
{ansa . Convention in Toronto en
March 12. A quantity of sewing was
given out.
Wm. Craig presided at the March
meeting of the Mission Band of Knox
United church which was held in the
Suaaday School roam, Sunday. Harold
McCiinohey read a passage of scrip -
tore and John Wilson led in prayer.
Fifteen members answered the roll
call. John Seers recited a poen en-
titled "Gods Springtime." Several of
the members, recited psalm 100. Mrs.
Hugh Wilson told the story from the
Study Book: The meeting was close
ed by repeating the Mizpah benedic-
' Miss .Josephine Weir, who has been
employed in an ammunition factory
at' Pickering has returned home ..
Mr. and Mrs, Cliff. Brown have re-
turned from a visit with friends at
Tuckeramith and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Varley and Barbara and Billie of St.
Catharines, called on Mr. and Mrs.
'Neaman Baird last Sunday.
The theme of the February meet-
'• ing of the Goshen W.M.S. was "The
Bible, Our Guide to Christian Faith
and Conduct." There were nine ladies
present. The leader of the meeting
was Mrs. Elgin McKinley who read
i Hymn 186 as call to Worship. The
members read responsively Psalm 19,
after which hymn 28 was sung. The
scripture from the fortieth chapter of
Issaiah; the first chapter of John
was read by Mrs. Brune MoClinchey.
Mrs. Russell Ekratt and Mrs. John
Armstrong led in prayer. Mrs. Rus-
sell Etratt took charge of the busi-
ness. Means of conserving sugar was
discussed by the members. Mrs. E
McKinley, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mrs. R.
IMcKinley read the chapter from the
Study Book, "The Chinese People
Rise." It was a very interesting ac-
count of the evacuatoin of the Christ-
ian Missionaries from China and their
return. The hymn "Break Thou the
Bread of Life," was sung followed by
.,the benediction.
I The last meeting of • the Stanley
Community Club was held at the
home of Mrs. Goldie Graham with the
president, Ms. Broadfoot in charge.
There were 20 members and 12 visit-
ors present and the roll call was ans-
wered by an Irish joke. The meeting
opened by singing 0 Canada and all
repeating the Lord's prayer. The
secretary and treasurer' reports were
given, also the knitting report. A
special collection was taken and it
was decided to send four boxes to
boys overseas, also to buy ten turtle-
neck sweaters fos the .navy. Sewing
and the baby's shower completed
three layettes and •other children's
clothing was donated., The knitting
for 'January and February was: 28
pair socks; 2 turtle -neck navy sweat-
ers; 1 navy sweater; 3 navy helmets;
6 pair khaki and gray mitts; 1 air-
force helmet; 3 airforce scarves; 1
pair navy gloves; .1 pair wristlets; 6
quiltsi were else brought in. Mrs.
Wm. MaEnvan furnished the music
and Miss Gilmore gave a reading. A
contest was conducted by Miss' Mar-
garet M0Eeran and• followed by lunch
brought a busy afternoon to a close.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. John H. MOEwan on
April 9th, the roll call to be on, how
I manage 'on the sugar ration.
!Pointers On The Bean
Situation In Huron
Mr. ' and Mrs. William Seatehsner
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mas.
Myron Butler at Eleter.
Mr. Jack Penhale visited relatives.
• at St. Thomas; en Friday and Satur-
• day of last week.
Miss Anna Scotcluner le •spending a
couple of weeks: with her. •sir'ter, Mrs.
• James Black, near Seaforth.;
;The last•:Bed Cross meeting of'the
.Bronson :Line. was helchattbe home ed to make thepurchase througth
of,, Mrc. y{hn ;Sliaaks and: tithe ''next normal channels arid to time them to
eneeting weel beheld at the'^home of flit in with shipping arrangements.
Me. Wfn. i$eetchenea+: :,> „ l -la :This: indtcates,.;thet at;:ie tbe,lutention
Miss+-Bal'bnei,...Graham of}:`' :;ef the«•British'
...,, _ � ,.•.. Ewm�bxrt �, ^Mv?lx x. :deal , t
apentrthaoyeeitend;at.herltaine '• kzu 'reetly,'„'through abeetteele it :thee same
• p,Iiese,•q Marion: and LoilsbltrLare4taaiil�wayretehhas,.Mesarseleree nifeerairyevious•
.di;: 1lOias Imisv:rMbffart wei�' Beare,
We have;
.,, 7g'ueae::,,cifi•r•Mtss .Bairbarlr •1�.,rahitr�r .' ; hs xcaa�► tR �beiie4e,s:'bltata,:the
iii4s, the weekend. , +• ;' k l 'Flee will be about the
'''Pp, aitmse:at► laiwt"
and Mrs. Arthur Varley of Year.
The Henan delegate, Mr. William
Alexander who recently attended the
Bean convention at Ottawa; has re-
ceived further infer.-rnrutton r,e'glard-
ing the Bean situation . With refer-
ence to canned beans, the, boat space
is too valuable and material too .hard
to •secure.
With reference to the purchase of
dry beans by the British Ministry.
of Food we have been informed that
the transportation of 10,000 toned of
beans from Canada during the ealgn;<
flair year1942 has'been fully approved
and •authorized and that it is propos-
P NE -° 45
Airgraph Service
Nearly 200,000 Messages Despatched
To Date
Service Extended to Middle East
Almost 200,000 Airgraph messages
from all parts of Canadla have been
flown across the Atlantic to our Ar-
med Forces in the United Kingdon
since the inauguration of the Airgra-
ph System a few months, ago—ac-
cording to information released by
the Hon. William P. Mulock, K.C.,
M.P., Postmaster General.
Airgraph messages come from a8
parts of the country indicating that
the service is being widely used. Ev-
ery effort is being made to improve
the service, and according to reports
it is operating smoothly at the prev-
ent time, but will continue to improve
as mere favourable Atlantic weather
conditions prevail during coming
months. With the increased number
of troops overseas, and better wea-
ther conditions, this modern facility
will be taken advantage of by friends
and relatives in Canada to send fast
messages to the Boys, oversea -s.
Delivery of an Airgraph message
to the addressee in the United King-
dom is new made on an average from
S to 10 days from the date of mailing,
Unfortunately, due to unfavourable
weather conditions and an accident
to a plane, the Airgraph Service did
not get off to a favourable start—
delays were experienced in the deli-
very of many menages • posted at
that time, Notwithstanding the de-
lays, it should be recalled, duplicates
of the messages were printed and dh-
liveredl overseas.
Every possible precaution is taken
to ensure delivery of an Airgraph
message to its proper destination—
this is being evidenced by the fact
that duplicate copies of each mes-
sage are flown acmes the Atlantic
by alternate routes.
Canada- has now been linked by
Airgraph Service with our forces in
the Middle East, and it is now pos-
sible to send Airgraphmessages from
this :canary to Canadian, British or
Allied troops ins that theatre ef war.
Such messages are sent in, original
form to London, England, whende
they are transferred by British Air -
graph. to their destination ,
For Sale
Eight little pigs, eight weeks old.
Apply to Proctor Palmer, R,R. No. 2
Clinton, Phone 31-901. 82-1
Of Household Effects on
p One mile west of Varna at
George Clark's
at 1.30 p.m',
consisting of the. following:
1 bed room suite; '2 bedstands; 1
stand; 2 rocking chairs; 1 couch;. rev..
eral small tables; 1 parlor suite;
bedding; curtains gems and dishes;
washing machine; ringer .anal boiler;
1 cook stove, :(coal or. wood); 1 heater
(eeal':et 'Wood)';;;i 'Piano- box cutter;
2 Barred-RReckaloa'sters.
rnomstifeAsil., :.
. PA ry
HAItOLD•JA( ICSON! Auctioneer.
ay it wiliatAt:
For Every Occasion
C_.e V. COV KE.
Phones: 66w and 669
Good Markets Ahead
With heavy demand for all kinds' of
meat it iso expected all lines of Poul-
try will sell well in 1942. When your
poultry flock needs culling just let us
know and we will' be pleased to re-
move the .boarders at good: prides.
This practice of citi'ling regularly will
save you dollars in your feed bill for:
the year. •
We giver quick service.angrading
your eggs.
Day 'Phone, 214. , ,Night Phone 328.
Batkins.Locler Storage
• Has a. Good.Bull• to Sell
Our fish supply is: salmon, . white
fish, herring and smelts, smoked
fillet, salh'rion fillet; Htddiodla fillet,
fillet. Halibut :prices'at 100 to
30e 1b. Change youe meat, diet by
eating fish when you can have your
choice of 'so many kinds:
You are invited to 'come in and see
our new slaughter house.
We sell Casings and Buy Hides`'
"Frozen Foods are Better Foods?'
troit; Michigan; en' August 4th,
1941, Georgia Danelda MacDonald;
elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wen. J.MacDonald of Farmington,
Michigan, to Mr- Stuart Rueile of
Detroit, Michigan.
glican church, Hamilton, when Rev.
Canon J,' F. Carson offieiatedi at
the marriage of Miss Eileen Elegah
Stanton of Hamilton . and Leading
Aircraftsman Glen Netheiy McGill,
R.C.A.F. at Rockeliffe, son of Mr.
and Mle. James McGill of Clinton,
HARdEIS--In Clinton Public Hospital,
on February 27th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Mustin Harris, R.R. No. 2, Bay-
• field, a son, (Austin Brune).
HALLAM—On Sunday, March. 8th, to
Mr. and Mrs: Jack Hallam of Hui -
lett, a daughter..
CROSSEN—In Clinton Public Hospi-
tal en Friday, Marsh 6th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Crossett of Clinton,
a son
BLOUIN-,In Clinton Public Hospi-
tal, on Friday, March 6th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Bluth; a son.
PUGH In Sarnia on Sunday, March
8th, Charles Henry Pugh, former
resident of Clinton,
TAYLOR—cin Gerrie on Thursday,
March 5th, Mats. Fred G. Taylor,
'sister of Maes. James Jackson of
GUYMER'•--In Chatham on Monday,
March 9th, T. W.' Guynrer, brother
,of Mrs. Willis J. VanEgmond of
?BAR—In Hullett Township, on Fri-
day, March 6th, William Fear, in
his 79th year.
FAIRSBRVICE —.In• loving memory of
a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Addie
Fairservlee who passed away five
years ago,' March 1lth, 1937.
With tears we watched you sinking,,
We watched you pass away,
We tended you with loving care,
But could not ,make you stay.
We watched beside your bedside,
As the lonely hours passed,
And how our hearts • were broken
When we saw you breath your last,
—Sadly missed and ever remembered
by husband and children.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our many
friends who were so kind to us during
our recent bereavement and, aka to
thank them for the beautiful Dead"
tributes, — Mrs.. William Fear and
Miss Jean Farquhar.
Electric Washer
$39.50 takes this smart bargain in
rebuilt porcelain tub washer.. Easy
terms. Guaranteed.. Last chance: War
effort rapidly cutting down washer
production. Write Manufacturer,
Box 39A, the Clinton New Record.
For Sale or Rent
The former office building of
Schoenhals Mill. Owner may alter to
suit tenant. Apply to Peter Douglas
at Douglas :Ceram, Clinton ,,, .83-2
i .•ort! e- �,:
sPnb.roexiaooms; every
cnvkrbice; ibt* sld wa i ,
phon;rTaf-users r, electrre jt"a
etc. ` Ailily'I.1'ews-tRecaitt,
of NOW: Cagney and Davis in "The
Bride Came C.O.D.
Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck,
Walter Brennan and Edward
Meet a :million John Does You
could be any one of them . . You.
are all of them.
Meet ,John Doe"
Thur., Fri:, Sat. -Double Feature
Edward G i Rubinson, Marlene
Dietrich, George Raft and
•dlarr, Hrlle,
Never before has. the screen
'brought. you • such puhgent dream:
such blazing romance .,
such breathiesn excitement.
Added attraction:,.
"She CouIdn't ;Say No"
Mat.: Sat. and. Holidays0
Orson Welles, Ruth Warrick" and
Joseph Cotton
The Mercury Theatre Players
present their 'blue-ribbon award
production—the superb story:of a
famous news -man
Thur., Fri., Sat.—Double Feature
Robert Montgomery, Claude Rains'
Rita. Johnson
offer one of the most units -seal spiri-
tualintic stories' ever screened,
"Here Comes Mr. Jordan"
Also Bob Steele in:
The Great Train Robbery
Coming: Joan Fontaine in
NOW:. Jack Oaliie in 'Rise & Shine'
Joan Fontaine with Cary Grant
in the Alfred Hitchcock presena
tion whish Won, for her, the year's
gold academy award
Thans., Fri.. Sat.—Double Feature
ICay Frauds, James Ellison and
Nigel Bruce
portray the 'shales• -down racket"
and its pitfalls•
A trip through Disney's studio 'is '
a efeature !of
"The Reluctant Dragon"
Coming "It Started with Eve"
Deanna Durbin
at 3 p.m. Mat.: Wed. Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at
3 p.m.
Order some for Saturday. They are
We will have HOT CROSS BUNS
every Saturday, during Lent.
Tenders will be received by the
Council of the Township of Hallett
up to. April Gth, a t4 pm., for crush-
ing gravel and delivering same on the
Roads of the Township where requir-
ed and as directed' by the Superinten
dant in charge.
Estimated amount to be crushed is
7000 yds. and must go through a Ve
•indh screen. Work to eminence not
later than,Tune 1st, 1942.
The work to be done under the sup-
ervision and to the satisfaction :o£
the Superintendent.' All Tenders to
be at a rate per Cu. Yd-, crushed and
delivered en the road's.
A cheque er Bond for $100.00 moat
accompany each Tender. Lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
For further information apply to the
Road Superintendent or to Jas. W.
McCool, Clerk.
Road Supt,, Londesboro
In the Estate •,of.Elizabeth Brooks,
late of the. Town of Clinton in the
County of Huron, Widow, Deceased
AR persons having claims against
the Estate of the above deceased are
required tc file the same with the un-
ndeisigned Solicitor for the said Es-
tate, on or before the 31st day of
March, A.D. 1942, after which date
the assets will be distributed amongst
the parties .entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which
notice shall have been given.
DATED at Clinton, this 9th day of
March, A.D. 1942.
F. FINGLAND, ICC., Clinton Ont.,
Solicitor for the said Estate.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements
at Lot 3, two :miles south of Bayfield
on Bluewater Highway. on
at 1 o'clock sharp consisting of
the following
HORSES — Aged team Peroherou.
mares; aged driver.
CATTLE—Herefoedt stow, 8 yrs. old,
calf at foot, clue Oct. 15th; Hereford
heifer, 3 yr. old, calf at foot 3 months
old; Hereford heifer, 2 yrs,. old, due
May 20th; Hereford heifer calf 1 yr.
old; Durham cow, 8 yrs. old, due May
20th Jersey cow, 10 yr. old, due May
PIGS -2. brood -sows due to profit
April lst; 7 pigs, 5 months old; 4
IMPLEMENTS—Port Huron grain
separator'(capaoity 3 road, per ha);
Hamilton 17 tooth spring cultivator,
Oliver bean scuffles' and bean puller
attachment (fits Allis Ohalmer trace
tar); McCormick Deering 12 plate
out -throw disc; McCorrnick Deering,
12 plate in -throw dist; Massey -Har-
ris binder, 7 ft. cut (nearly new)
C'oeksltutt 11 din drill with, fertilizer
attachments (nearly new); Biseel
land roller (spring steel axle); team
hay rake (10 ft. width); Frost and
Wood hay loader; Frost and Wood!
mower, 6 ft, cut; Oliver 2 furrow
tractor plow; Farmer's' friend 1 fuer
row riding plow; Fleury walking
plow; Massey -Harris buzz saw and
frame; Massey Harris manure spread -
r; Renfrew cream separator,, 500 Ib.
capacity; Renfrew scale, 2000 lb. ca-
pacity; 4 section drag harrows;
team wagon; 2 'sets double harness;
collars; Clinton fanning mill; nset dou-
ble bob sleighs; :'Wagon box;' cutter
galvanized water ;trpugh fcrks, tools;;
and, unteroue other` articles; • _..
T <R.MS—CASH r , 7
No. res
s as '.
Grve- ,Earn has been sold+
,..., Y' •; TRxi.,Pcgtortn,; elEDWARD W. •lliIo,Rri.IO1T Ai/etym.:
Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra
ADMISSION: 35c and 25c
Cliff. Watson, Manager
Tenders will be received up to 12
noon, March 23rd, 1942, for a hot
air furnace to be installed in the
Public School of Union School Sec-
tion No. 8, Stanley Township. Low-
est tender not necessarily accepted.
Secretary Treasurer
Bayfield, Ontario.
Man's tailor sewing machine,
(Singer) Na. 16-36. In good condi-
tion, price reasonable. Apply at the
News -Record "office. 88-2
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Feed and etc.
at Lots 39 and 40 Maitland Conces-
sion, Goderich Township, 1 mile north
of Holmesviile on
at 1 o'clock .sharp consisting of the
HORSES: Gray mare 12 year old in
foal; black mare 9 years old.
CATTLE: Registered Holstein heifer
4 yr. old, clue April 8; registered Hol-
sein heifer, 21/4 yrm old, due April 5;
registered Holstein heifer 21 yrs.
old', due April 1; registered Holstein
heifer, 21/2 yrs. old, due May 16;
registered Holstein heifer, 2,k yrs.
old, due May 29; registered Holstein
heifer, 4 yrs. old, freshened 2 months;
registered Holstein heifer, 1 yr. old;
registered Holstein calf, 5 months
bid; registered Holstein bull, 3 yrs
old; grade Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old,
due time of sale; grade Holstein cow,
6 yrs. old, due time of sale; grade
Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, due March
24; grade Holstein cow, 9 yrs. old,
due March 29; grade Holstein cow
aged, due March. 27; grade Holstein
cow, 7 yrs. old; due April 8; grade
Holstein cow. 9 yrs. old, due April 15;
grade Holstein cow, 9 yrs. old, due
June 3; grade Holstein cow, 9 yrs.
old due June 8; 7 yearling heifers; 5
' heifer calves, 4 months old.
SHEEP; 16 young erose bred' Shrop-
shire and Oxford' ewes with lambs et
PIGS: Sow due to profit April 15;
sow due to profit, May 26; sow due
to profit May 26; sow due to profit
June '6; • 8 pigs' about 60 lbs•. each.
FEED: About 100• bus. ef Alaskan
oats and '18 tons of choice Alfalfa
and Timothy . hay, (mixed) ; mow of
IMPLEMEINTS: Set of double harn-
ess and collars, 6-100 lb. milk cans,
nearly new, 500 egg capaeity brood-
er stove (coal heated), King cream
separator, 500 lb. capacity.
At the' same time and place there
will be offered :for rent 30 acres of
grass land and 40 acres of crop land,
all plowed but 5 acres.
Willis VanE.gmond, Pedigrees.
Lunch will be served by Red Cross.
LESLIE JERVIS, Proprietor.
eer. 83-2
For Sale
A quantity of mixed clover and
timothy hay; some all timothy. Also
some mixed grain and oats. James
Walker, Clinton, phone 164 Clinton.
For Sale
Three yormg turkey hens: Apply to
William Jenkins, R.R. No. 2, Clinton
phone 904-11. 82-2
For . Sale
4 0=0 small cedar post 8
feet long. Apply to Adam Steep,
R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 12-906. 82.2
Farm for Sale or Rent
Eighty acres good . pasture farm,
spring creek, good bush, frame barn;
shed and orchard. Brick house. Apply
to Mrs. Ellen J. ,Cox,":Huiori'sstreet,
ekes a Vest*grit
p t
ki. ser tidid'battld •fa-• tiYink �eed `
lfj,dead'iihdhe at 'WildeWilk` a' "'ac
co;gtlia£g�. Edi fvalne. Elmer' Trick, phone
Tilts. or•'•Lie d llatido 19rii,.
Y. 8..
pub I.
'-1 l ., M.. � r� t� rM1:,
To those contemplating build-
ing a Monument . Get my
prices before buying, Cemetery
Lettering a specialty.
All work guaranteed.
Colton — Ontario
Successor to Ball & Zapfe
59 if
1942 Radios are here on display im
eluding, Rogers, Deforest, Philcos,
Westinghouse, Spartons.
I carry a full line of radio' tubes,
up to date tube tester, General and
Everready Batteries Dominion Wa-
shing Machines, all electrical appli-
ances and roofing supplies.
A. W. Groves. Princess St..
under "auspices of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows
Music by R.A.F. Radio School Band,
with kind permission o3 Wing Com -
men'd'er Cocks.
Town Hall, Clinton
Total Net Proceeds for Red Cross
Lunch will be sold by the Ladies of
the Red Cross Society
Admission 35c Dancing 9 to 1
This is to certify that Mr. J. S. Bell
is, in no way connected with the Singer
Sewing Machine Go., Goderich,
F. McKinney
Singer Sewing Machine
Box 249 Goderich
Clearing 'Auction. Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements,
• Furniture etc.
at the farm •of Frank Glew on high-
ighway No. 8, 3 miles east of Clinton on
at 1 o'clock sheep- consisting of the
HORSES: 1 Clyde mare 5 yrs.; 1
Perehon horse 8 yrs. •
CATTLE: 5 fresh cows; 3 cows due
in April; 1 cow due in May; 1 heifer
due in March; 1 caw due in March; 1
purebred Durham bull, 2 yrs.; 5 steers
and 1 heifer 2 yrs.; 4 yearling heifers
and 2 steers; 3 calves.
HOGS: 1 sow; 50 hens.
IMPLEMENTS: 1 McCormick binder,
7 ft.; 1 Deering- mower; 1 hayloader;.
13 Deering hoe drill; 1 side delivery
rake, M.H.; '1 riding plough; 1 gang
plough; 1 set double harness; 1 set
single harness; 1 wagon; 1 cutter; 1
set scales 2400 lbs.; 1 Renfrew cream
separator; 1 root yelper; 1 set har-
rows; 1 stone boat; 1500 ft. lumber
(new); Hay and grain. t
FURNITURE: 1 velvet rug 9 by 12; 1
Aveninister rug 9 by 12; 1 oongoleunt
rug 9 by 12, nearly new; 1 player
piano, Gerhard Heintzman; 3 lounges;
1 kitchen range; 1 bedstead;.3 mat-
tresses; 1 settee and chair; 1'hallrack;
1 mantel electric radio; 1 electric
table lamp; 1 coal oil heater; 1 wein
ger; 1 churn; 1"commode; dashes and
other articles' too raunei;ous to men-.
tion, everything meet be sold as the.
farm is sold.
HAROLD JAC'.KSON, Auctioneer.
,.FRANK GLEW, Proprietor.
In the Estate of James Leiper, late of
the Township of Hullett in the
County of Huron, Yeoman,
All persons having claims against
the Estate of the above deceased, are
required to file the sante with Mrs,
Annie Leiper; `.; of ` R.R.. Londesbare,
Ontario, on or before the 28th day of
March,. A.D. 1942, after whichdate.
the assets will be distributed aniaagst
the parties entitled thereto, having ire-';
gard only to the elaimsi of w'Irrr`h
notice shall have been,giyen a, ,
' petro , !awing ail o nts ,to'� t ; e
said Estate are hereby h o died toryax ;:
n.EB,.,, ,t,;.
the same to the. sand Annie Irelperr•arD�
or before the/28th day o£'Marelt,1842,:.
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